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I may be remembering the scene incorrectly, but when Dolares is thrown on the hay pile and shows the gun, doesn't the guy reach for his own pistol and realize its missing? Wouldn't that imply she grabbed it from that individual rather than her stashing it in the hay previously?

10/28/2016 3:03:36 PM

All American
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Good episode, Delores and white hat dude might just turn out to be badasses.

Also apparently guests can have the crap kicked out of them, just not shot. Wonder what happens if they get captured? Do they just have to spend their expensive vacation in a cell? Or maybe that's an opportunity for some scripted prison break quest.

10/30/2016 11:47:42 PM

Sink the Flagship
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Man this series is good.

Don't think they're supposed to get hit although it's inconsistent- the first time homeboy just shakes it off but the next two times he seems in fear for his life

10/31/2016 12:51:27 AM

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Quote :
"Or maybe that's an opportunity for some scripted prison break quest."

I think they alluded to that being the case last episode, something about letting some dude sit overnight and have one of the prostitutes visit his cell in the morning with a key.

10/31/2016 5:35:23 AM

All American
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^yea they said they would send in prostitutes with food, with keys hidden inside.

10/31/2016 2:33:17 PM

All American
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Either that or just some way for him to escape. When Ed Harris was in the cell, they said they got a request for a small scale explosives or something, and somehow turned his cigars into dynamite.

That one guy almost got strangled by the Union soldier, the soldier being a new character that we have seen no signs of gaining sentience yet, so I think he would have loosened his grip around his neck before seriously hurting him.

11/1/2016 10:03:38 AM

All American
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Man in Black = William theory

Non linear story being presented. Watching current and 30 years in past at same time.

11/4/2016 2:04:42 PM

Starting Lineup
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^ one of the guys at work today was explaining that theory. He believes Dolares some how screws William over and makes him change as a person. From a "white" hat to a "black" hat. William ultimately leaves the world, purchases the company and is it's number one investor. Hence why he gets to do whatever he wants in the world later on.

He also believes that this would explain why the MIB didn't rape Dolores in Episode 1 but rather got something from her to point him back towards the maze, the same maze where Dolores and William ended up 30 years later.

11/4/2016 2:19:32 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Man in Black = William theory"

Yeaahhh, I really didn't want to believe this theory. But the preview for the weeks ahead deliberately shows William pulling out a knife, sooo....if he cuts one of the hosts open next episode and see's a "million little pieces" instead of 3D printed bones, flesh, and blood, I guess we'll have our reveal of the two-timeline theory.

11/5/2016 6:28:01 PM

Save TWW
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dont reference previews pls, stand entertainment section rule

[Edited on November 5, 2016 at 10:40 PM. Reason : s]

11/5/2016 10:39:48 PM

patent pending
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I've been thinking about this dual time line theory.

Isn't there a scene where they are at the control center and send out someone to pick up Delores because she is significantly off her loop? And we see her attempted pick up that gets interrupted? I don't remember who was in the CC, but I thought it was current characters. Wouldn't that mess up that theory?

11/6/2016 11:11:59 AM

All American
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I haven't read much about that theory, but it definitely seems like she gets dragged into the barn, finds the gun in the hay, remembers the encounter with the MIB in the barn, shoots the host that dragged her into the barn, and then finds William. I guess we technically don't know what happened in between leaving the barn and finding William or when those events occurred, but it appears pretty linear. I feel like if William is MIB from 30 years ago and this plotline with Delores is related to the critical failure that occurred, it just wouldn't make sense for the park to allow her to continue to deviate from her loop if there may have been a serious issue that resulted from the same thing before.

11/6/2016 1:35:31 PM

All American
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i don't know about you guys, but i'm a little burnt out on trying to "figure out" shows. a lot of that falls on LOST, every thursday and friday for years was dedicated to talking about that show.

for anyone that reads alan sepinwall, he is pretty deadset on all of the "obvious signs" that MIB and william are the same. maybe i'm not seeing it as a totally obvious thing since i'm not theorizing very much on the show, but i tend to agree that the show does seem a bit linear thus far.

i will say that it would be pretty cool if william doesn't turn into this bad guy that the MIB appears to be, but that the MIB is faking it, so to speak. his motivations in getting to the middle of the maze are to "save" delores, and they're in on it together.

11/6/2016 2:47:01 PM

All American
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So Arnold was Ford's dad and business partner?

11/6/2016 10:56:42 PM

All American
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He wasn't Arnold. I think he thought it was Arnold but then was told it was Ford's father.

11/7/2016 9:12:29 AM

All American
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^^, ^

Ford is lying (or at least seriously omitting key information). The possibly abusive/alcoholic father in the cabin was the same guy in the photo (was wearing the same clothes 'n errythang).

He also didn't respond to Bernard calling him Arnold.

11/7/2016 12:39:04 PM

All American
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I have trouble buying into the nonlinear timeline theory, as we haven't seen a discernible difference between how the movements and appearances of the androids between the two timelines. We've only seen two occasions in the show when we've known we were looking at one of the original android models. Anthony Hopkins has one scene where he went drinking and reminiscing with an older android, and that android was very robotic in movement, with glitchy movement, limited facial expressions, and dialogue that sounded simple and preprogrammed. The second group, the family hidden in section 13 dating back to the original creaters, seemed indistinguishable from the other androids in the show. However, Hopkins indicated that he had been maintaining and upgrading them. They weren't truly preserved in a primitive state similar to what would have been in existence thirty years prior.

I could be making assumptions about the timeline theory based on incorrect assumptions about the lifespans of these futuristic individuals. If medicine in the show has advanced to where they can 3D print living tissue and have supposedly cured all diseases, then maybe aging can be slowed or stopped in the future. Hopkins may actually be 150 years old and has been working at WestWorld for 100 years or more, while the man in Black has established that he has been coming to the park for 30 years. In that scenario, I could see the nonlinear timeline story being feasible. That wouldn't really explain why William had aged normally to become the Man in Black though.

11/8/2016 12:40:48 AM

All American
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There's definitely some tricks with time going on, maybe to a deeper extent than 2 times lines. They've already shown the narrative loop restarting a few times so they've jumped around. The William storyline is 1 loop that has some particular importance.

11/8/2016 12:52:37 AM

All American
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Call me crazy, but I think the self-playing piano is some sort of indicator of the loops starting/ending. They show a closeup of it at least once an episode

11/8/2016 9:01:22 AM

Sink the Flagship
9817 Posts
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^I agree

[Edited on November 8, 2016 at 10:48 AM. Reason : fake plastic trees]

11/8/2016 10:46:29 AM

All American
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I think the whole purpose of the piano is to prevent the audience from mistaking the western era from being reality. One of the three Radiohead songs weve heard came off the "OK Computer" album. The second was "Motion Picture soundtrack" that played while Mauve watched how her world was created. The third was titled "Fake Plastic Trees", playing in a fake plastic world.

I could possibly see the string music in the show as being a signature for major changes in storyline.

11/8/2016 12:26:08 PM

All American
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Got all caught up on this the past few days, interesting show and concept but a lot of moving parts at the moment. Need a graphic organizer to keep track of where everyone is in and out of the park and their involvement. If it is the same timeline then do we assume they've made a few identical hosts as we've seen a few hosts appear to be in two places at once? Including Delores seeing herself during that parade, and the guy with the MIB who had the wife and daughter has appeared in two locations.

Also you'd figure they would be tracking the guests a lot more closely in general. I guess once in the park just let them do their thing or should we assume that the extras sitting around the map/control room are all monitoring safety and each guests and they just aren't making much note of that part? Seems like someone would have noticed Delores shooting other hosts and seeming out of her character/loop. Also don't understand yet how someone doesn't accidentally get shot or shoot someone that they think is a host but actually a person.

11/10/2016 11:45:49 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I have trouble buying into the nonlinear timeline theory, as we haven't seen a discernible difference between how the movements and appearances of the androids between the two timelines. We've only seen two occasions in the show when we've known we were looking at one of the original android models. Anthony Hopkins has one scene where he went drinking and reminiscing with an older android, and that android was very robotic in movement, with glitchy movement, limited facial expressions, and dialogue that sounded simple and preprogrammed"

i don't remember conversational details b/w ford and old bill in the first episode, but is there a chance that one may not have ever been in commission when the park opened? ford said that there was a period of a few years where they were building the robots and observing their behaviors (back when arnold was still working there) and stuff, so the old robot could have just been preserved at ford's request so he could essentially reminisce about the very early days or something since he spoke about them fondly to bernard. but i could be forgetting a line that suggests old bill was commissioned at one point.

Quote :
"The second group, the family hidden in section 13 dating back to the original creaters, seemed indistinguishable from the other androids in the show. However, Hopkins indicated that he had been maintaining and upgrading them. They weren't truly preserved in a primitive state similar to what would have been in existence thirty years prior."

they may not have been indistinguishable just because ford had been maintaining them. the MIB told either teddy or lawrence that when you used to open up one of the robots, you would find a million little working pieces inside and not the synthetic flesh and bone that you see in the present, which had something to do with being cheaper. i think it's fair to assume that there was a time when all of the robots looked like the little boy on the inside but still behaved in ways where you couldn't easily tell them apart from a human.

also wasn't delores the first robot? she would predate the family and old bill. i guess she could've been more robotic at one point and would've had the same inner makeup as the family before being upgraded to flesh and bone. but the MIB has known her for a long time, and if he can remember the mechanical models, then it's possible that the park never contained robots that behaved like old bill.

i'm kind of all over the place here, but i don't think not seeing a discernible difference between how the robots operate now vs how they operated in the past necessarily makes the nonlinear timeline theory untrue. i don't think william is the MIB, but i'm starting to buy into his story being in the past for a number of reasons even though everything has seemed linear. if delores' statement that she hasn't been in contact with arnold in 34 years was made in the present, and if william's story takes place a few years after arnold's death (his asshole friend alludes to it happening a few years ago), then it could mean the robots during william's time are all like the little boy inside. and in that case we may never see time periods in the park where the robots moved like chuck e cheese characters. plus lawrence has a completely different role, and unless they have twin robots i think that suggests we're looking at different times too.

tl;dr i don't fuckin know

[Edited on November 11, 2016 at 1:24 PM. Reason : .]

11/11/2016 1:23:19 PM

Sink the Flagship
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so I'm guessing the android that he's building in secret is probably a copy of the Scandinavian lady?

11/14/2016 9:38:21 AM

All American
3111 Posts
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that makes some sense, though I didn't quite understand the relationship Ford was describing between himself and the board

11/14/2016 9:46:23 AM

All American
12511 Posts
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Quote :
"Scandinavian lady"

Maybe I missed something?

11/14/2016 11:46:50 AM

26632 Posts
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The actress, Sidse Babett Knudsen, is Danish

If you like her you should really check out the TV Show Borgen, its awesome:

11/14/2016 12:09:46 PM

All American
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Anthony Hopkins is just the greatest.

11/15/2016 6:43:27 AM

All American
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Excellent fucking episode!

11/15/2016 8:50:51 AM

All American
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Hopkins really is incredible in every scene. Why isn't he out grabbing Oscars still? I guess he's just old and does what he can do. He's going to be in a Transformers movie next. Waste of talent.

11/15/2016 10:59:22 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Did anyone see the big reveal coming?

11/15/2016 11:57:34 AM

All American
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^ Sarcasm?

11/15/2016 12:09:21 PM

All American
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----------Spoiler I guess---------

So we assume he is making a replica of the girl he had killed in that lab so nobody knows she is missing?

Also when he made the comment about the "blood sacrifice" assuming that implied the employee from the board was actually a host that he was controlling the whole time? Or just that he was able to spy on their conversation?

11/15/2016 12:30:25 PM

All American
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I'm assuming he used the blood sacrifice language bc the board member had a host in the room she was using for sex when her and Theresa had that conversation.

[Edited on November 15, 2016 at 12:35 PM. Reason : ...]

11/15/2016 12:34:41 PM

Sink the Flagship
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Interesting thought that the black chick could also be a host. But my take on it was that he was using the language to basically call her out, let her know he knew (since the sacrifice was to essentially frame him or make him look like he's lost control in order to remove him).

I wish that she would have noticed herself being cloned or whatever but I guess the Bernard schematic was the focus of the reveal, although I don't see why he wouldn't have her cloned/androided now.

11/15/2016 2:22:54 PM

All American
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So I'm wondering how many of the other workers are androids now too. It would be crazy if by the end of it, Anthony Hopkins has killed everyone and replaced them with androids.

11/15/2016 2:39:10 PM

All American
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^^^ That makes sense.

11/15/2016 2:55:54 PM

Sink the Flagship
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11/15/2016 3:39:13 PM

All American
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I wish I knew how to insert that mind blown gif after reading ^ that comment. Haven't seen that floated yet, but I'm sure there's a youtube fan video somewhere with that theory laid out in detail.

11/15/2016 3:51:37 PM

play so hard
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His face froze once towards the end of that episode and I was like OHHHHH SHIT!! but I think he's human.

11/15/2016 4:17:15 PM

All American
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Only thing about it though is that Anthony Hopkins has been working at the park for like 30 yrs. In all that time, he hasn't had to see a doctor about a single thing? I know they have eliminated disease and stuff, but wouldn't he wanna get his cholesterol or blood pressure or something checked every now and then (especially at his age)? Could Arnold be that good of a creator that he created an Android that A) Ages at the same rate as a human and B) Is close enough to human to fool a human doctor? At that point he'd pretty much be a replicant from Blade Runner.

11/15/2016 4:24:30 PM

All American
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maybe he is programed to reprint himself every year.

[Edited on November 15, 2016 at 6:52 PM. Reason : s]

11/15/2016 6:52:44 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"Only thing about it though is that Anthony Hopkins has been working at the park for like 30 yrs. In all that time, he hasn't had to see a doctor about a single thing? I know they have eliminated disease and stuff, but wouldn't he wanna get his cholesterol or blood pressure or something checked every now and then (especially at his age)? Could Arnold be that good of a creator that he created an Android that A) Ages at the same rate as a human and B) Is close enough to human to fool a human doctor? At that point he'd pretty much be a replicant from Blade Runner."

I think these questions are better suited for Bernard, an actual host who has been working on the park for decades, and not Ford, who is most probably a human. For a host like Bernard, the aging could be built in.

But to your larger points, these are robots who don't naturally age, or worry about disease. If he was actually a robot he wouldn't go to the doctor.

11/16/2016 12:57:57 AM

Sink the Flagship
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Who says people in this world age at all? We haven't seen a human child yet. Since they've eradicated disease, etc. I think it's entirely plausible that they've essentially frozen aging. It may be that Hopkins was just old at the time they had the ability to do that. I would assume that if such technology were available, they'd let children age until whatever the peak is - 25? 30? and then freeze aging from there. Just a thought.

11/16/2016 12:51:31 PM

All American
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^ they showed a young ford in the third episode

11/16/2016 5:36:33 PM

All American
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I forget the characters name. The Guy leading them on the train. You see a younger and older version in each time line. Not saying that he couldn't have been reprinted or upgraded to age with the park on purpose or for the role, but it suggests these things can age. So there wouldn't be a problem for androids not aging.

11/17/2016 8:58:19 AM

All American
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I just binge-watched all 7 episodes... After watching first 3, I thought this was one of the best shows in a long, long time.

But the storylines are starting to lose; especially the one with Delores and William. That's just silly.

On a side note, damn I wish I this was real. I'd spend every fucking dollar I have to go to a place like that. I'd rape and pillage so much that I'd change the bloodline.

11/20/2016 2:38:55 PM

All American
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I watched the 1973 movie today on SyFy

Gunslinger guy's stare was creepy af

11/20/2016 6:56:06 PM

All American
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Well I think the William = MIB theory was basically confirmed tonight. Didn't want it to be true, but oh well

11/20/2016 11:59:35 PM

All American
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What gave you that idea? The blond chick?

And all this shit with Maeve was getting on my nerves. What kind of dipshit employees are we dealing with here? From the start it seemed pretty obvious that she has no problem with killing anyone, then they go and make her smarter? WTF. Hopefully the more intelligent among the staff look to finally be aware of that.

[Edited on November 21, 2016 at 8:52 AM. Reason : ]

[Edited on November 21, 2016 at 8:52 AM. Reason : ]

11/21/2016 8:48:23 AM

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