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Quote :
"HUGE spike in awareness and rejection of Project2025

JUNE 24, 2024: -9 points
FAV: 10%
UNFAV: 19%

JULY 14, 2024: -32 points
FAV: 11%
UNFAV: 43%"

7/23/2024 4:18:11 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"She IS a cop but Americans love cops, even swing voters. Even Black voters in surveys want more police, they just want police that are accountable and serve the community first. black people have higher rates of victimization so it makes sense they’d want safer communities. Kamala can speak to this easily"

Can she, though? Her record as AG is abysmal. Her office argued that anything less than a prosecutor beating a defendant shouldn't be considered misconduct. And some of the cops she defended were accused of doing very heinous shit, which she was more than happy to gloss over. Her complete 180 on this issue is quite damaging, and it's why she couldn't get any support in the 2020 primary.

Does this mean I'll vote for Cheeto? Hell no. He's about a million times worse than her on the issue. Does this mean that others might be persuaded to vote for him? Probably not. But, it might be enough to keep some voters at home, and that's effectively a vote for Darth Cheeto at this point.

7/23/2024 4:32:47 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Quote :
"It's a train wreck"

Quote :
"I would characterize this more like "playing a bad hand as well as possible" than "a wild success.""

I don't know exactly what you guys are looking for. On Saturday things looked pretty fucking grim for the Democratic party and the mood of Trump opponents reflected that. Within 48 hours they pulled a total 180. Excitement in the air. Money pouring in. Republicans flustered and rambling, mostly about a guy who is no longer in the race. And when Republicans did bring up the presumptive Democratic nominee, it was to say such outlandish shit that they're going to lose even more women.

This might be the first time in my life where the Democrats have actually fallen into formation and marched in step. My biggest fear about Biden dropping out was that they'd fumble the hand-off and create an open convention mess, but it certainly looks like they have it locked up. Again, within 48 hours. Manchin steamrolled over and pouting in the corner. All the supposed spoilers and would-be contenders endorsing Harris. I mean it was just like clockwork.

I'm not saying this thing is in the bag for the Dems, far from it, but how you can look at this as anything other than an impressive turnaround is beyond me.

7/23/2024 4:34:52 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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Quote :



7/23/2024 5:16:58 PM

All American
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they’re so fuckin’ shook

7/23/2024 5:26:33 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Traditionally, Donald Trump should be experiencing a post-convention and post-assassination attempt bump in the polls right now."

^Ya left out the even bigger part that should have his numbers skyrocketing from the sympathy-getting and whatnot. He got shot fucking in the face barely a week ago and that’s already fallen out of the news cycle because of his lame convention and now the news of Biden dropping out of the race.

7/23/2024 7:03:37 PM

The Coz
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He should have waited until later in the election cycle to get shit in the face. But I guess there's still time for that.

7/23/2024 7:15:30 PM

All American
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Watching the clips from her first rally and Kamala is doing really well. She doesn’t have the stiltedness she had before

I’m really optimistic she can beat trump, but we haven’t really seen the trump campaign realign to attack her yet.

7/23/2024 8:15:49 PM

All American
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We’re supposed to have a crewed moon landing in 2026, imagine the VP being mark kelly then

7/23/2024 9:16:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"how you can look at this as anything other than an impressive turnaround is beyond me."

Yeah, hell yeah it's an impressive turnaround.

I'm saying it's playing a bad hand well in the sense that they're doing surprisingly well given a really shit sandwich of a situation they found/put themselves in. A wild success, relative to the shittiness of where they were a few weeks ago.

7/23/2024 9:53:29 PM

All American
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this is the first election since right wing weirdos have become extremely emboldened publicly and it’s going to rule if/when they get repudiated on a massive scale

7/23/2024 11:21:33 PM

All American
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Didn’t that happen in France and uk?

7/24/2024 1:44:17 AM

All American
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Quote :
"how you can look at this as anything other than an impressive turnaround is beyond me"

It seems like a Coup, not a turn around.

Quote :
"Watching the clips from her first rally and Kamala is doing really well"

Easy to read off a teleprompter. Get her in a debate and we will see.

Quote :
"situation they found/put themselves in"

I think it's been planned for awhile to happen like this and they just did not tell Biden. As if they want to see if Kamala pulls any numbers, and if she does not, kick her out at the DNC and put in a new candidate.

[Edited on July 24, 2024 at 9:15 AM. Reason : g]

7/24/2024 9:14:30 AM

The Coz
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Good to have the input on the hot topics of conversation on Truth Social.

7/24/2024 9:53:35 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Quote :
"It seems like a Coup, not a turn around."

Ohhhhh I see. You don't know what words mean. Now I get it.

Quote :
"I think it's been planned for awhile to happen like this and they just did not tell Biden."

It's clear that the gears have been in motion to push Biden out for a while now, certainly at least since the debate. But this is not how the gears wanted it to go. Obama, Pelosi, and others wanted some version of mini-primaries/open convention/whatever so that they could shoehorn in their preferred candidates. But Kamala got it signed, sealed, and delivered by Joe Biden. If he were really powerless in the face of this "coup," she would not be in the virtually unassailable position she now holds.

7/24/2024 10:26:34 AM

Tom Joad
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lol still obsessed with teleprompters


what if it was written in quill and read aloud

does that change the game?

7/24/2024 10:27:06 AM

Save TWW
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Jt3 is a crank in sports talk too. Disregard and move on.

7/24/2024 10:46:43 AM

All American
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a dipshit’s dipshit

7/24/2024 11:31:24 AM

The Coz
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But he still posts, so that's something.

He just doesn't respond to pointed follow-ups.

He likes to periodically drop a turd and leave.

7/24/2024 11:40:39 AM

All American
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A turd-dropper that never wipes

7/24/2024 11:42:57 AM

All American
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The MAGA social media influencers are apparently so shook that they are forgetting to log into their “black woman Trump supporter” alias accounts before posting the fake tweets

7/24/2024 12:27:15 PM

40927 Posts
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just want to point out that in most polls (and there have been quite a few already over the last 3 days since biden dropped out) kamala is still behind. don't let the current euphoria in dem circles fool you. she has a lot of ground to make up.

[Edited on July 24, 2024 at 1:01 PM. Reason : and this is just national matchup. really need to see battleground states and polls that include RFK]

[Edited on July 24, 2024 at 1:01 PM. Reason : and her favorability numbers are still underwater.]

7/24/2024 12:58:03 PM

The Coz
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^If it's moving in the right direction, it's better than nothing. My weakness is always thinking that people will see a binary comparison and will make a RATIONAL choice. But reason and logic seems to have little to do with it. I'm still a little more hopeful than I was.

7/24/2024 1:34:21 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Quote :
"in most polls (and there have been quite a few already over the last 3 days since biden dropped out) kamala is still behind"

I know it looks like an easy crutch to reach for, but I really do think polling is completely broken in this country. Some recent polls show really improbable shit - Trump with massive gains among women, African Americans, and young people. Which is more likely, that all of these enormous shifts are happening without anybody but pollsters noticing, or only weirdos answer calls from unknown numbers?

7/24/2024 1:56:13 PM

All American
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I mean, most young men I know tend to casually be Trump supporters. And not friends, just really whoever you meet (that being said, I doubt a lot of them will turn out to vote). Not that crazy. Women, solidly Biden though. That being said, how does turnout differ between men and women? I'd guess younger women vote at higher rates than men.

[Edited on July 24, 2024 at 1:58 PM. Reason : Don't get me wrong though, I think the Democrats have a grasp on this election at the moment.]

[Edited on July 24, 2024 at 2:00 PM. Reason : 1]

7/24/2024 1:58:13 PM

All American
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Quote :
"or only weirdos answer calls from unknown numbers?"

lol, good point. Does any normal, half-way intelligent person (that's a Gen Xer or younger) answer unknown numbers?

Quote :
"I mean, most young men I know tend to casually be Trump supporters. "

Are you referring to your fellow college students? I find that hard to believe, even if you did currently attend NC State.

[Edited on July 24, 2024 at 2:13 PM. Reason : ]

7/24/2024 2:08:57 PM

All American
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I answer unknown numbers. Sometimes it is a wrong number and I let them know. I don't really get many spam calls, since I've kind of "protected" my number and been careful with where I give it out. I get more useful unknown calls (someone I know, friend of a friend, etc.) than I do others.

And no, not really people I know well, I just mean your average dude who isn't into it. But as I said, "casual social media" support... I don't think those guys are really going out to vote. My suspicion is that part of the reason the youth vote tends to be much more progressive is that, while the younger generation is naturally more progressive, the vote is more influenced by "activists" or those politically inclined due to the turnout levels being low, and that tends to be left leaning. And when "general folk" get jobs and start to participate in the world, they balance out the scales. This could be completely wrong, but just a thought.

I don't think there is much stock in a lot of polls though, both ways. Like sure, for example, a lot of 18-29 folk might say universal healthcare is good, but regardless of if it is, I doubt more than 20% could really define it since, especially in today's times, people don't have personal experience with dealing with all this stuff.

7/24/2024 2:21:58 PM

All American
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Why does Biden get to just hop on the air and basically denigrate his party's opposition?

Also, I thought Bob Barker died. How'd he get to do a speech behind the Resolute Desk?

[Edited on July 24, 2024 at 8:12 PM. Reason : The price is WRONG bitch!]

7/24/2024 8:06:13 PM

The Coz
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Same reason that Trump got to go on TV and tell terrorists that he loved them and that they were very special.

7/24/2024 8:46:47 PM

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first amendment?

7/24/2024 9:28:46 PM

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Trump knows how to pick em

7/24/2024 11:43:14 PM

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picking his VP was about one thing and one thing only - somebody who wouldn't do what Pence did on Jan 6. by that rubric, Vance was the best choice, I'm sure.

7/25/2024 12:26:07 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Why does Biden get to just hop on the air and basically denigrate his party's opposition?"

just incredible

7/25/2024 1:10:28 AM

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^^true, but i'm sure he'd also like if they were as much about promoting trump as promoting themself

7/25/2024 2:25:15 AM

All American
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There will be no competition if she picks Kelly. Vance just looks like a turd. And he made that asinine comment about childless folks…

7/25/2024 8:52:21 AM

Save TWW
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Kelly has some union issues, hopefully Cooper

7/25/2024 9:28:20 AM

All American
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pulling hard to it to be Cooper

7/25/2024 10:20:49 AM

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how far kamala can rise in the polls will be determined by what kind of messaging and agenda she decides to put forth beyond the "i'm not trump or 80 years old" factor

that picture is starting to emerge. it's a good ad. a good message. we'll see how it resonates

7/25/2024 10:50:31 AM

All American
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Quote :
"picking his VP was about one thing and one thing only"

Winning the rust belt states.

7/25/2024 1:14:21 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Michigan and Ohio have a known love for each other.

7/25/2024 1:30:59 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18195 Posts
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Quote :
"picking his VP was about one thing and one thing only"

Well, two things. Yes, obviously, getting someone who wouldn't pull a Pence on him - but I'm sure he had plenty of options for that, including many who weren't Johnny-come-latelies with a history of calling Trump America's Hitler. My guess is Trump would have preferred someone a little more trustworthy in that regard. But Vance had the backing of some big money, including Thiel and Musk.

Quote :
"Kelly has some union issues, hopefully Cooper"

I love Roy Cooper and always have. I voted for him when I was a Republican. I voted for him when I was an independent. And I even got to vote for him once when I was a Democrat.

That said, I think it'll be Beshear, and probably with good reason (though it pains me). He's got a slightly better national profile, he's younger, he's at a nice Appalachia-South-Rustbelt place geographically and personality-wise. It avoids having a double-prosecutor ticket. Won't swing Kentucky but probably adds some juice in GA and NC.

The problem with all the main contenders is that this ticket will have little to no foreign policy experience, which of course is just about the most important thing a President does and the thing that voters care least about.

7/25/2024 1:46:54 PM

40927 Posts
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can add another poll with Kamala beating Trump (just +1 but it still counts) to the list

7/25/2024 2:44:54 PM

All American
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I just pray that it isn't Beshear tbh

7/25/2024 3:00:41 PM

All American
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Trump not committing to debating Kamala

7/25/2024 9:45:08 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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So surprising!

7/25/2024 9:53:51 PM

40927 Posts
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swing state poll

7/25/2024 11:54:49 PM

All American
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^ Az get it together

Obamas endorse

7/26/2024 8:38:50 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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How can you still have 7-9% undecided at this point, or are those third party voters in a binary poll?

7/26/2024 10:39:21 AM

All American
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Mark Kelly seems like the obvious/safe/popular pick to me, but it's funny how the Dems suddenly seem spoiled with good options for VP picks now when nobody had a clue who the POTUS nominee should be (other than Biden) just a few months ago.

7/26/2024 10:52:50 AM

All American
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Quote :
"BREAKING. Vice President Harris:

"Israel has a right to defend itself, and how it does so matters."

"The images of dead children and desperate, hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time — we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering, and I will not be silent."

"So to everyone who has been calling for a ceasefire, and to everyone who yearns for peace, I see you and I hear you. Let's get the deal done so we can get a cease fire to end the war. Let's bring the hostages home, and let's provide much needed relief to the Palestinian people, and ultimately, I remain committed to a path forward that can lead to a two-state solution.""

Probably the most she could say either way without upsetting someone

7/26/2024 12:44:35 PM

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