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All American
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whats your personal ratio of "Glasses time" to "Contacts time"


for me its been 100% glasses for about 2 years now
but last weekend i broke my glasses so its 100% contacts for another week

just wondering...

12/7/2005 11:54:00 PM

2019 Egg Champ
46681 Posts
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100% contacts, I don't own a pair of glasses. I wouldn't mind having a pair for in case my eyes get irritated or so I won't have to get up to take my contacts out when I read before bed. I hated wearing glasses so much as a kid that I just refused to wear them for the longest time. Haven't worn them since I was 14.

12/7/2005 11:55:22 PM

22518 Posts
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98% contacts

12/8/2005 12:01:58 AM

patent pending
10527 Posts
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I take my contacts out about an hour before bed time. But I find my eyes feel better with contacts in, than with them out (odd, I know)

12/8/2005 12:07:00 AM

All American
21806 Posts
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90% contacts probably

wear glasses at night, especially if i've been sitting in front of my computer and it's been bothering my eyes

wear my glasses during the day if i don't leave my apartment and just want to lounge around

12/8/2005 12:09:11 AM

All American
16965 Posts
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Quote :
"100% contacts, I don't own a pair of glasses. I wouldn't mind having a pair for in case my eyes get irritated or so I won't have to get up to take my contacts out when I read before bed. I hated wearing glasses so much as a kid that I just refused to wear them for the longest time. Haven't worn them since I was 14.


all that, except i was 15 when i finally got contacts

12/8/2005 12:09:22 AM

All American
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I only take my contacts out right before I go to bed and put them back in within an hour of waking up. I have to have my glasses though because walking from the bathroom to my bedroom after removing my contacts would be potentially lethal without them.

I definitely prefer my contacts to my glasses because I hate having blurry peripheral vision. And my glasses recently got glue on the lenses that I can't get off so that makes them even worse.

12/8/2005 12:13:18 AM

All American
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anyone with bad allergies have contacts?
how does that work out for you?

12/8/2005 12:14:38 AM

All American
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Glasses 100% of the time for the past few years because contacts dry my eyes like whoa.

12/8/2005 12:18:14 AM

All American
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since im blind in my left eye, i only use 1 contact for my right eye. I always have it in, 100% of the time, I've never owned a pair of glasses.

I also have those 2-week disposable contacts (the new acuvue advanced), but ive kept them in for over a month before. i can't even tell i have it in, and like Carzin said, it feels better with it in than out (i guess cause i can see)

12/8/2005 12:23:17 AM

All American
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100% glasses. I'm blind without them.

12/8/2005 12:27:49 AM

All American
8349 Posts
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100% glasses.

i feel with the right pair of frames, glasses look better on a person than otherwise.

12/8/2005 12:35:58 AM

All American
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I've had severe allergies in my eyes during the spring... so come april, i'm 100% glasses for 2 or so months. besides that, I only wear the glasses when I need to read in bed or just want to give my eyes a breather a few days a month

12/8/2005 12:38:43 AM

475 Posts
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I don't wear my glasses as much as I should...I know I wear my contacts too much. I usually have my contacts in 14-16 hours per day, an hour or two of glasses before bed. When my allergies are acting up or I don't get enough sleep I switch over to glasses, though. I definately wouldn't want to give either one up.

12/8/2005 12:52:41 AM

All American
15858 Posts
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80% glasses, 20% contacts.

My room is too messy for me to regularly have room to sit down and put in the contacts, it's also pretty often that I'm running late and don't have the time to pop in my contacts (or my eyes are irritated due to the dry air or some nancy boy shit like that).

I'd like to wear my contacts more, but it's just less convenient than popping on my glasses.

I should get laser eye surgery. If I can get the kind that doesn't involve the slicey slicey of the eyes...

12/8/2005 12:54:28 AM

All American
1958 Posts
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100% contacts til one falls out, then glasses until I remember to put a contact back in.

12/8/2005 12:56:33 AM

All American
2812 Posts
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i've got major allergies and wear contacts.

if my eyes flare up, i wear glasses for hte morning/day. i've got the anti-allergy eyedrop things - so I more or less take my contacts out, put those in, and wait. sucks a big fat one but i dont want to perm. damage my eye so there isn't much choice!

100% contacts, except in above said situation.

12/8/2005 1:07:09 AM

Deucefest '04
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It's transitioned over the years from about 90% contacts to about 90% glasses. I think I've found them less comfortable over the years. My uncled had the same problem. Plus I think the prescription in my contacts isn't quite right, but I don't want to pay $100 for another exam yet.

12/8/2005 1:22:34 AM

All American
12616 Posts
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99.8% contacts, .2% nothing

i have the "night and day" lenses that you can wear for up to a month straight without removing, although i have worn them for several months before. they have silicon in them, and wearing them constantly has actually made my vision improve over the past couple years.

12/8/2005 3:11:30 AM

All American
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^ What brand are they? I'm almost out of contacts and I'm about to order some more and I've been thinking about getting the kind that I can wear overnight.

12/8/2005 3:19:25 AM

All American
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focus night and day

it's not just over night, it's for a month straight

the focus dailies are ok but honestly the ones with silicone are much more comfortable

12/8/2005 3:20:52 AM

All American
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I used to wear hard contacts so all soft ones seem comfortable to me. But I'll check those out.

12/8/2005 3:25:48 AM

All American
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ive got night and day and my eyes feel crappy if i sleep in them

12/8/2005 3:29:46 AM

All American
3495 Posts
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I've never worn contacts and never will. Just too much work in my opinion. I don't feel like digging in my eyes to get those things out. Glasses are so much easier to deal with.

12/8/2005 3:30:56 AM

All American
11177 Posts
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I wear glasses when I wanna look smart

other than that, I'm too cool to look like I need to see where I'm going, so it's either contacts or quasi-blindness

12/8/2005 3:34:38 AM

All American
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your eyes must be fucked up if you had to wear hard lenses, i don't think they make the night and day in a toric style

12/8/2005 3:52:28 AM

All American
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I wore them a long time ago because my eyes were changing so fast that I got a new prescription every six months or so and they thought that would help. There's nothing really wrong with them now except that I have to wear -8.0 and -7.5.

12/8/2005 4:00:32 AM

All American
5628 Posts
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up until a few months ago, 100% glasses. now it's about 65/35 contacts/glasses.
after about 4-5 days the contacts start to really bother my eyes and I wear my glasses for a couple days.
I do sleep in them though. If I wasn't too lazy to put them in/take them out everyday I'd prolly wear them 100% of the time.
(I'm also using the 2 week acuvue advanced lens)

12/8/2005 4:07:12 AM

All American
841 Posts
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Maybe 70/30, contacts/glasses. If my eyes don't feel like it when I wake up, glasses it is. I love the overall clarity and "comfort" that comes with contacts...but sometimes glasses are just easier.

12/8/2005 5:12:04 AM

All American
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i got contacts a few years ago, maybe jr year in high school. but my astigmatism is so bad that they had to be hard lenses. i wore em for a couple months, but i never really got used to the way they felt on.

if my perscription is one day able to be done in soft lenses, i'll definitely go back for some contacts. but hard lenses just aren't worth it, IMO.

12/8/2005 5:26:31 AM

All American
554 Posts
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trying to make a year's worth of contact lenses last 2 yrs+

12/8/2005 5:50:53 AM

All American
7620 Posts
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Quote :
"focus night and day"

Those things are some of the top quality contacts from what I understand. Also costly ... but as you said, you can sleep in them with no problems.

Most of the time it depends on how my morning is going. If it takes more than 2 tries to put on a tie, I don't even bother with contacts. That being said, 80/20 contacts/glasses. Will probably be that way until laser eye surgery is (partially) covered by my insurance.

12/8/2005 6:25:21 AM

All American
2554 Posts
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95% contacts, 5% glasses (only wear them in the evenings)

The small amount of astigmatism I have in both eyes is not great enough to merit the corrective contact lenses, so I have a few moments of trippiness when I put on my glasses (which do correct the astigmatism). I got my glasses a month ago after wearing contacts near 100% for the past 5 years, and luckily the transition period is getting smaller as time goes on.

12/8/2005 9:21:28 AM

All American
39626 Posts
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95% contacts...5% walking around my house trying to see something b/c my glasses broke this summer
but when i had glasses the ratio is still about the same...

12/8/2005 9:24:24 AM

Thots and Prayers
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99.999% contacts.

I take my contacts out every two weeks to throw them away, and the evening in between i wear glasses. I'm 8 days late on taking out my current pair of contacts.


12/8/2005 9:26:36 AM

All American
15996 Posts
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I wear the focus night and day contacts. I still take them out at night, it just means they are more comfortable and can breathe better (and I throw them out at the end of the month).

12/8/2005 9:26:43 AM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"100% glasses.

i feel with the right pair of frames, glasses look better on a person than otherwise."

i wore glasses from the time i was 4 til i was six. got them again in 9th grade. i feel naked without them.

i do have contacts, and i wear those if i'm doing someting where my glasses keep falling off (i <3 the style of these, but there's almost no curve on the earpiece, so they slide really, really easily), cleaning, or am feeling adventurous.

i have the acuvue advanced with hydraclear, and i don't think mine were fitted right. they slide down and out a little bit. so between that, how sticky they make my eyes seem, the skewed field of vision, and how they feel like someone's pressing their fingernail into my eyeball for the first hour or two i'm wearing them, it's glasses.

12/8/2005 9:31:40 AM

Yankee Cowboy
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i'm 100% glasses, because frankly, i cant stand anything in my eyes. also, I feel naked without them too, to the point that I associate glasses as an integral part to my identity.

12/8/2005 9:37:50 AM

All American
37009 Posts
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Quote :
"i feel with the right pair of frames, glasses look better on a person than otherwise."

LOL emo!

12/8/2005 10:05:34 AM

All American
30098 Posts
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100% glasses, easy on and off

never had contacts, don't like the idea of having to fondle my eyeball to apply and remove

will prolly get lasik before i ever buy contacts

12/8/2005 10:28:41 AM

All American
17452 Posts
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Im 100% contacts. Take them out every night no matter what kind Ive got. I just cannot make myself sleep in them for fear of them sticking to my eyes. I see better with my contacts than I do glasses. Mainly its better for sports and whatnot.

12/8/2005 10:45:12 AM

All American
4367 Posts
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I've never had contacts.. But I lost my glasses this summer.

Even then I only wear them for driving/seeing long distances/seeing the board at school/seeing tv late at night when im tired.

If you heavily rely on contacts you most def need at least a back up pair of glasses for the reason shawna said.

if you ever get your eye irritated or an infection or anything, you're pretty much screwed. some people continue to wear their contacts just to see even though it ends up tearing up their eyes. (i saw bad things working at an optometrists office)

12/8/2005 10:50:20 AM


10384 Posts
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I wear my contacts whenver I am awake. I put my glasses on about five minutes before bed. I don't like to sleep in them because it dries out my eyes for the next day. I do sleep in them sometimes, it just takes 3 or 4 appliation of eye drops to get them moist again. Glasses are nice just in case my eyes are irritated one day. My glasses are two perscriptions old, but they work well enough for around the house.

I am -5.0 left eye, and -4.75 right eye for contacts. I have 20/15 vision with them in though.

12/8/2005 10:51:23 AM

All American
4367 Posts
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Quote :
"I also have those 2-week disposable contacts (the new acuvue advanced), but ive kept them in for over a month before."

also, that's really not good practice.

12/8/2005 10:52:25 AM

All American
2554 Posts
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^hehe, I use my 2 week Acuvue 2's going for 4 weeks, typically

12/8/2005 10:58:40 AM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"if you ever get your eye irritated or an infection or anything, you're pretty much screwed. some people continue to wear their contacts just to see even though it ends up tearing up their eyes. (i saw bad things working at an optometrists office)"

i managed to get a nasty infection in my left tear duct this spring. went from nothing a more or less constant stream of discharge in the space of three hours. i can't imagine trying to wear contacts (i had on glasses b/c i had two exams that day) with something like that, yet dr. croom said "don't wear contacts until we see you again".

12/8/2005 11:00:17 AM

All American
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^^ Yeah some people try to wear them 3-6 months at a time and don't even bother cleaning them as prescribed.

And wonder why their eyes are completely fucked later.

12/8/2005 11:11:58 AM

All American
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Quote :
"also, that's really not good practice"
says who?

my opth'mol'gist, who is a family friend, told me that aside from your top tier contacts, almost all the other types of contacts are roughly the same

this thread is much more popular than I EVER imagined

we should discuss our presciptions next...

does anyone have one eye that is more evil to the contacts than the other?
i ALWAYS run out of left lenses before i run out of right lenses
and that dates back to high school, when i first started with contacts...

12/8/2005 11:14:26 AM

All American
39626 Posts
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that was me when i was like 15. i've been wearing contacts since i was 10 and there was a period when i was 15 that i didn't take my contacts out like i was told by my doc (remove once a week and clean...throw away at the end of the month)...i got a nasty eye infection and had to wear my glasses for 3 months

and i hate the way i look in glasses

12/8/2005 11:14:41 AM


10384 Posts
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I have two week contacts like most people seem to. I clean them every night, more or less, before I put them away. I wear them until they tear or get worn out. I make my 3 month supply last all year or more. The two week contacts usually last me about two months. I have never had any problems with it and I have been doing this for 12 years.

12/8/2005 11:23:25 AM

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