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All American
6570 Posts
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If y’all need another definition for the Brooklynization of the left, try this one:

A bunch of 20-something self-described communists, socialists, and syndicalists dragging a Union that dared to advocate for its members rather than unquestionably worshipping their chosen career politician.

2/13/2020 5:46:06 PM

1331 Posts
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Advocate for its members by advocating against the rest of the working class and spreading right wing propaganda against M4A

But of course, union leadership always knows what's best for its members, and we shouldn't criticize them. Including the 9 unions that have endorsed Joe Biden.

[Edited on February 13, 2020 at 6:44 PM. Reason : .]

2/13/2020 6:43:26 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Filed under "Trump is too incompetent to implement much of what he wants"

2/13/2020 6:44:10 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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^^Union leadership that THE UNION ELECTED IN A PROCESS THAT IS MANY TIMES MORE DEMOCRATIC THAN ANY FEDERAL ELECTION. It’s not propaganda, the union critique is factual. You can make the argument that M4A would be a net benefit to the individual members (and I wouldn’t necessarily disagree), but it’s a fact that M4A would strip them of their current system. Their flyer was totally based in reality.

Just admit you think you know what is better for working people than the union they freely associate and with and participate in. That’s sure to win hearts and minds.

2/13/2020 7:22:11 PM

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Solidarity means standing up for what's best for the entire working class, not one union that has elected to sell out everyone else. Lots of the working class support Trump. Do you defer to them as well? I'm happy that Bernie has more union support than every other candidate combined (x2), and I know the culinary union will come around as well. Until then, we'll continue to fight for everyone and combat misinformation campaigns.

[Edited on February 13, 2020 at 8:05 PM. Reason : .]

2/13/2020 8:04:19 PM

2001 Posts
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All it strips away is some of the power the union had over its members as they no longer can claim that they "got you your healthcare" but they would be freed up to focus their negotiations on wages and actual employer/employee relationships.

Of course union members are pissy about this because the current system allows them to be courted by health insurance companies and get kickbacks from the one they select.

2/13/2020 8:08:43 PM

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*union leadership

Their healthcare plan is also objectively worse than M4A.

But Mr. Ferguson here will always take the opportunity to score points against the working class champion in the race, Bernard Sanders.

[Edited on February 13, 2020 at 8:13 PM. Reason : .]

2/13/2020 8:12:23 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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Quote :
"Just admit you think you know what is better for working people than the union they freely associate and with and participate in. That’s sure to win hearts and minds."

2/13/2020 9:32:41 PM

6283 Posts
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I am willing to bet almost if not half the union people don’t even care about the union and are only in because their family member was in the union before them etc

2/13/2020 10:16:12 PM

26632 Posts
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Union leadership not being on the same page as their workers happens sometimes, it's a tale as old as time. Some of our biggest gains in labor laws have been when workers took action despite the wishes of their union leadership.

29 union endorsements vs 9 union endorsements is a pretty clear sign of who best advocates for the needs of working class people

2/13/2020 10:17:01 PM

2001 Posts
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Quote :
"The primary argument used will be that defeating Trump is all that matters, even if it’s with another racist Republican plutocrat. If they succeed in sabotaging Sanders’ candidacy, he will help advance the same argument, as will a majority of his supporters. This argument will click perfectly in to a foundational assumption that establishment narrative managers have spent the last three plus years reinforcing, namely that once Trump is out of office, everything will be okay."

Quote :
"Imperialist elites dislike Trump not because he’s a uniquely dangerous president, but because he puts an ugly face on the things they were already doing before he took office and plan to continue doing once he leaves. The reason many rank-and-file Democrats dislike him is similar: he forces them to think about the evil things their nation does."

Quote :
"Wanting things to go back to how they were before Trump is wanting things to go back to the conditions which gave rise to Trump. The belief that everything will be peachy keen once Trump is out of office is therefore more dangerous than Trump himself, because it guarantees more Trumps, and it guarantees that the underlying disease of which Trump is a symptom will remain uncured."

Quote :
"I’m not interested in telling Americans whether they should have Trump or some centrist Democrat in office; the odds of four more years of Trump being more disastrous than under President Pete are a toss-up as far as I can tell. But I do wish the malignant belief that eliminating Trump will solve America’s main problems could be expunged from human consciousness forever."
Please clap

2/14/2020 1:59:30 AM

All American
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Sanders campaign starting to soften expectations regarding M4A. This is of course after they’ve made the argument that anything less than the original M4A bill meant murdering working class people.

I’d like to point out I predicted this shit in this very thread and if you couldn’t see it coming you need to reconsider how the stars in your eyes for Bernie are blinding you

Quote :
"Don’t be naive, that article is a trial balloon. It starts with an “anonymous staffer” and in two months, Bernie will have pivoted to discussing political realities and what pragmatically could be forced through congress.

The difference is that Bernie will be celebrated while Warren being pragmatic was treated like some kind of massive betrayal. No one else can kick anything through “The Left’s” goalposts because they keep moving them until their pre-selected kicker lines up. It’s a cult of personality IMO.

12/17/2019 8:53:57 Am "

2/14/2020 5:14:42 AM

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That’s pragmatic and the right thing to do to accomplish what their goals are. Really can’t criticize them at all.

:throws snake emoji around:

[Edited on February 14, 2020 at 5:55 AM. Reason : Bernie >>>>> his online supporters]

2/14/2020 5:54:37 AM

All American
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^I don’t disagree.

The problem is that no less than two months ago the campaign (Bernie and his DIRECT surrogates) were dragging anyone that dared to take THIS EXACT SAME POSITION. The hypocrisy is screaming.

Again, only affiliation with Bernie will allow you to kick a field goal through the Left’s policy uprights. It’s devolved into a cult of personality (another symptom of the brooklynization of the left).

2/14/2020 6:11:46 AM

All American
846 Posts
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if hes the nominee the average democrat isnt going to put up with bro shit

2/14/2020 6:39:11 AM

50084 Posts
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They won’t have to because the average Democrat doesn’t use twitter and doesn’t come into contact with the extreme minority who do this thing.

We are mostly all extremely online, so it seems like a much bigger deal.

2/14/2020 8:08:38 AM

All American
43383 Posts
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This thread alone is providing more entertainment in the Soapbox than all of the last few years.

Gonna be fun to follow.

2/14/2020 8:26:15 AM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"Sanders campaign starting to soften expectations regarding M4A. This is of course after they’ve made the argument that anything less than the original M4A bill meant murdering working class people."

sander's bill is unchanged, the only difference is warren supporters are now trying to equate it to her plan

[Edited on February 14, 2020 at 9:32 AM. Reason : .]

2/14/2020 9:19:12 AM

Flyin Ryan
All American
8224 Posts
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Was listening to an admittedly conservative podcast a couple weeks ago and the guest was talking about having access to private focus group data on "Medicare 4 All". The two groups most against it were white suburban mothers that voted Trump in 2016 but had turned against him, due to "you're going to take away my kids' healthcare? Screw you." The 2nd group was union members. Their healthcare plans are something they bitterly fight for in collective bargaining. And then Warren dropped mentioning her big proposal on the campaign trail.

Have to admit I don't really get Medicare 4 All. My mother has worked at public hospitals that are required to take everyone almost her entire career as an accountant: Lenoir in Kinston, Wayne in Goldsboro, Carteret in Morehead City, Vidant based out of Greenville. She's consistently told me Medicare pays 19 cents to the dollar for what it's charged. So is Medicare 4 All going to start paying more or is the entire health provider system going to have to live on receiving 81% less, and what effects will that cause?

[Edited on February 14, 2020 at 9:33 AM. Reason : .]

2/14/2020 9:32:35 AM

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having everyone insured and having only a single insurance company to deal with makes the actual healthcare less expensive to provide. also it's not an abstract idea, single payer exists in other places.

2/14/2020 9:37:33 AM

All American
846 Posts
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what has sanders said about the effects on people actually working in insurance? huge employer in NC (for example) and i imagine in mostly swing states as well.

2/14/2020 9:47:35 AM

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a portion can move to work on administrating the government plan, but not all. some will have to move to other kinds of insurance or to a different type of work; sanders and warren's bills have money for transition support for displaced workers.

2/14/2020 9:55:43 AM

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“A transformation of this scale will need a transition. That’s why, for five years after the enactment of Medicare for All, we will provide funding in the budget for transition assistance to anyone displaced due to the bill. Health insurance administration employees will not be left behind — we will provide training, wage assistance, and services to find new jobs and careers for those who lose them.”

2/14/2020 9:55:48 AM

All American
846 Posts
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thanks. i hadnt seen that particular passage. an unusually helpful couple of posts-

2/14/2020 9:58:51 AM

50084 Posts
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Helpful or harmful? I lean towards the latter. But I also think Trump desperately wants to face Bernie (I think he’s wrongs about this btw but it’s a clear strategy).

It’s obviously nonsense concern trolling that only has any effect on really weird people like Earl.

2/14/2020 10:43:00 AM

Flyin Ryan
All American
8224 Posts
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Quote :
"having everyone insured and having only a single insurance company to deal with makes the actual healthcare less expensive to provide. also it's not an abstract idea, single payer exists in other places."

So why do they only pay 19% of the bill to public not-for-profit hospitals? This is from a person I trust that's in the position of understanding accounts payable and receivable in healthcare for going on 30 years.

[Edited on February 14, 2020 at 11:02 AM. Reason : .]

2/14/2020 11:00:46 AM

1331 Posts
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How are we supposed to know that? Maybe your mom's hospital overcharged. Idk.

2/14/2020 11:09:35 AM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"Helpful or harmful? I lean towards the latter. But I also think Trump desperately wants to face Bernie (I think he’s wrongs about this btw but it’s a clear strategy).

It’s obviously nonsense concern trolling that only has any effect on really weird people like Earl."

it's not helpful, but he also tried to do it last week and no one bit so hopefully it stays that way and does nothing

2/14/2020 11:36:52 AM

All American
24527 Posts
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Quote :
"his if statement is the key point to everything the duke is saying, because he will decide that basically no matter who the dems nominate because they are all leftist commies looking to take his money and guns


All the Democratic candidates ARE leftist commies looking to take his money and guns.

2/14/2020 1:19:37 PM

1331 Posts
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Fun read on Bloomberg

2/14/2020 1:24:44 PM

26632 Posts
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chef's kiss emoji

2/14/2020 1:30:20 PM

2001 Posts
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This seductive new series of ads is sure to make millions want to come to the polls

2/14/2020 2:13:37 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Hey I'm just happy we have weirdos like eleusis and Earl to gawk at because DTR/Guth's dumb takes and inability to use proper punctuation can only entertain us for so long

[Edited on February 14, 2020 at 3:22 PM. Reason : Also I'm convinced daaave started that alias so he could really let his Bernie Bro nuts hang low for 2020]

2/14/2020 3:20:49 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4921 Posts
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These results interestingly align with the Morning Consult's second choice polling results that were referenced two pages back (Sanders being both Warren's and Biden's supporters' second choice).

2/14/2020 3:30:01 PM

26632 Posts
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and here is the next graphic showing bloomberg loosing to everyone head to head

2/14/2020 3:37:31 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4921 Posts
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^ It's also interesting that this poll favors Elizabeth Warren more than other non-head-to-head polls typically do. Did they poll head-to-head matchups for all of the various candidates?

2/14/2020 4:17:31 PM

Save TWW
37141 Posts
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2/14/2020 6:34:23 PM

26632 Posts
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Kinda surprised buttigieg can only beat Bloomberg, really thought he would have been preferred to biden

2/14/2020 6:42:35 PM

2001 Posts
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How much did Bloomberg pay this guy?

2/14/2020 11:20:20 PM

All American
22931 Posts
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Wait, does dtownral = jonhguth?

2/15/2020 7:38:50 AM

40408 Posts
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Some nonsense going around about Bloomberg tapping Hillary as VP

2/15/2020 11:52:20 AM

26632 Posts
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Trump is now attacking bloomberg on stop and frisk, nominating Bloomberg would be a giant mistake

2/16/2020 10:11:47 AM

26632 Posts
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Sanders is leading black voters under 55 in SC, Biden still leads though because of old people

2/16/2020 10:27:53 AM

All American
22931 Posts
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are you johnhguth?

2/16/2020 1:21:46 PM

6283 Posts
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No need for further doxing, synapse does that frequently enough. Early voting starts for me Tuesday, still undecided, but leaning toward bootyitch or bloomberg. Just don’t want some uber leftwing candidate. But will vote for anyone against trump in general.

2/16/2020 6:21:16 PM

All American
846 Posts
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just imagine actually considering bloomberg

2/17/2020 6:32:42 AM

Flyin Ryan
All American
8224 Posts
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Good read from my state's political writer.

2/17/2020 6:52:08 AM

All American
22931 Posts
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If you were referring to me as doxing, that's not my intent. JohnHGuth or whatever the capitalization was was a user on here many moons ago. Was just curious if that was his alias.

Bloomberg is going to position himself as the only one with the will, money and mouth to beat Trump. But it seems like he's got quite a few skeletons in his closet.

2/17/2020 8:56:58 AM

Save TWW
37141 Posts
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More like he's showing off skeletons on-stage at major conferences

2/17/2020 9:14:13 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
27342 Posts
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Bloomberg is Trump.

Laces out, Dan

2/17/2020 12:22:26 PM

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