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All American
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Yeah it was a host. The significance of it was that before she was capable of pulling the trigger(basically seemed to point out she was programmed not to be able to) and now she can.

10/18/2016 11:26:11 AM

Ohhh Farts
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Just a few of my random thoughts/feeling on the series, they are nothing groundbreaking and some of these theories I've seen thrown around other places, forgive me for not knowing hardly any characters actual names:

I think the black scientist may be a host and doesn't know it, in this latest episode the female scientist was talking about the benefits of giving the hosts rich detailed back stories, and then we learned of his dead son

I do not think Ed Harris is Ford's old partner, but perhaps his son or something. They said they haven't had an incident at the park in over 30 years, I'm thinking that incident was Ford's partner's death, maybe as some sort of settlement they gave his son a lifetime pass to the park or something, also why the security guard said Harris could do whatever he wants (pure speculation of course since I don't even know if he had a son). The way he talked about never leaving again, maybe he thinks if he beats the maze he can transfer his consciousness into a host body and be immortal or something?

The sequel to the original movie, Futureworld, dealt with cloning and replacing people, something similar could be the boards secret plans that we've been teased with

10/18/2016 12:21:48 PM

26632 Posts
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one of the viewer theories involves cloning/replacing but i don't know if we are suppsed to avoid that kind of info here

10/18/2016 12:50:41 PM

Sink the Flagship
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^I'd say avoid stuff that can't be inferred from watching the series alone

I like the idea about the man in black maybe being Arnold's son. At least it would stop the speculation about the park being aware of him. Could also potentially give him the motive to just mercilessly kill the hosts all the time.

[Edited on October 18, 2016 at 3:32 PM. Reason : .]

10/18/2016 3:32:04 PM

All American
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If you watch the intro, it shows the guns being made by the 3D printer things.

When dolores shoots the other host, the voice that says "kill him" is the black programmer guys voice.

[Edited on October 18, 2016 at 8:51 PM. Reason : ]

10/18/2016 8:30:08 PM

All American
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How close are these robots to literal human anatomy? Clearly they are made of different things but their bodies seem to behave so similarly. With the dead and near dead guys in the last episode were those flies artificial too or were they actually attracted to something? Also clearly the guests could smell something horrible there so was that just some artificial odors or do the hosts actually rot and/or shit?

Also, they said the madam who woke up from sleep mode had MRSA. Was she literally infected with MRSA like a human would be or was she just carrying MRSA inside her? Also I thought Ford said all diseases had been cured?

Finally, is dumping them in a big room and spraying them off with what amounts to a garden hose really the best they got? I get it's effective imagery but damn it, it's the future. Isn't there some kind of automated assembly line they can put them on to clean and repair them quickly?

10/18/2016 11:14:31 PM

patent pending
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I love the show, but I am having a hard time with guests co-existing in the world. I get that they have been able to manufacture 'smart bullets'. But what about the knife? Newcomers don't necessarily know who is human and who is a host. They seem to like using a knife. And I don't see how technology can stop a person from stabbing someone else they may not know is a guest.

10/19/2016 8:37:00 AM

play so hard
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Quote :
" They seem to like using a knife. And I don't see how technology can stop a person from stabbing someone else they may not know is a guest."

I would assume that their programming prevents host on guest violence, for now. Guest on guest knifings I don't know that they've dealt with that idea yet.

Quote :
" I am having a hard time with guests co-existing in the world"

But that's the entire basis for the park, and show! I'm sure they'll explain more as they go on.

10/19/2016 9:10:25 AM

Sink the Flagship
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^he's saying how does WW stop a human guest from mistakenly stabbing another human guest?

10/19/2016 12:45:41 PM

play so hard
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Like I said, they haven't revealed that to us yet, unless I missed something.

If you really need to know though

Quote :
"How close are these robots to literal human anatomy?"

I'd guess as close as required for the guests to believe they look real. I can't imagine they would require the anatomy for survival like we do, and if not, there is some programming to make it appear like they do.

10/19/2016 1:04:31 PM

All American
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ep 3 was super boring to me, and did not answer enough or any questions really

do we HAVE rely solely on a romantic relationship to progress? I sure hope not

10/21/2016 2:40:10 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Maeve out for repairs and after they update her aggression level, they say you'll wake up in 3,2,1... "

Also, you'll note that Maeve tells the other prostitute that whenever she's having a bad dream, that she counts backwards to herself "3,2,1..." to wake up. So her character is also "remembering" things that happen when she's back in the garage getting software updates or whatever (in addition to the memory she has of seeing Teddy in the Auschwitz gas-chamber looking thing).

The other programmer also asked the sarcastic female programmer (also bad with names, here) whether or not the hosts "dream." The female programmer dismisses the idea, but I'm pretty sure the show is going to be playing with the idea that the hosts are going to begin accessing and interpreting their "garage" interactions with their programmers as dreams, and possibly interpreting the directives they receive from programmers as the voice of gods, before breaking ranks and fully forming independent consciousness.

I'm putting my money on the female programmer having an interaction with the prostitute whom she kissed in the first episode to demonstrate this awareness, especially since the lady programmer is the only one who currently suspects that the hosts are "getting ideas."

10/23/2016 3:40:47 AM

All American
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I'm confused about the timeline, so did Delores sneak off in the middle of the night to speak with Bernard and then come back?

Also Wyatt is apparently the last piece of the puzzle about the maze, but Wyatt is a part of the new storyline right? Which seems to have just been implemented since well before the Man in Black has been looking for the maze.

10/23/2016 11:00:24 PM

All American
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Quote :
"so did Delores sneak off in the middle of the night to speak with Bernard and then come back?"

Yeah, I think they're going to have to explain this soon if they're going to keep having quick cuts to and from the garage and back into the park with the same character. Perhaps they have clone-doubles or holograms of each character? I only suggest that because when the "actual" host is in for repairs or interrogation, they are completely nude. But when they are being accessed in the middle of their narrative, they are fully dressed and in uniform. So maybe that's the difference.

Quote :
"Also Wyatt is apparently the last piece of the puzzle about the maze, but Wyatt is a part of the new storyline right?"

That may not necessarily be true. The Wyatt arc, for all we know, has been around a while, but only recently been woven into the Teddy narrative.

10/23/2016 11:48:34 PM

All American
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I suppose it could also be that Delores is remembering prior sessions with Benard every time she falls asleep. I guess that would be the "cleanest" answer.

10/24/2016 12:53:21 AM

All American
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Nah she was clearly explaining what happened right before she met up with white hat guy.

10/24/2016 1:24:13 AM

All American
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I'm still thinking that when she's clothed and in the garage, the audience is in her dream and she's processing her interactions with Bernard to fill the gaps. And when she's not clothed and in the garage, the audience is in the real world, real time...

At least for now.

10/24/2016 3:21:12 AM

Sink the Flagship
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10/24/2016 9:20:49 AM

Ohhh Farts
12435 Posts
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Quote :
"Nah she was clearly explaining what happened right before she met up with white hat guy."

No, she was clearly explaining something that can happen on her loop every day. She says her parents were attacked, then they killed them and she ran, she did not say that she killed them, which is what she did right before she met up with Billy, she said that they killed them, referring to her parents, which always happens.

I definitely think there's a few different time lines going on, perhaps the Delores that we see able to kill and use the gun had already made it to the heart of the maze,

[Edited on October 24, 2016 at 9:28 PM. Reason : $$$]

10/24/2016 9:24:44 PM

Starting Lineup
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I might be way off but I have the following theory:

Two guys went up to the man in black in Sunday's episode and said something along the lines of "hey you're the guy whose company saved my sister", the man in black quickly shut him down, saying he was on vacation and to leave him alone.

The man in black later says that Arnold made this park as a way to never die, but then he went ahead and broke his own rule by dying in the park. He explains that he is looking for the Maze because it is the only place where the stakes are real, where he could himself die within the park.

Later, Bernard and Deloras are talking and Bernard is aware that Deloras has killed another host with the gun. He then points her towards looking for the maze herself.

We know form episode two that Bernard supposedly lost an infant child, even though Anthony Hopkins has said that there is no more diseases in the world.

My theory is that Ed Harris's company failed to save Bernard's son from his disease. Bernard has been slowly working the hosts in a way to get Ed Harris to look for the maze, and Bernard has now manipulated Deloras to such a degree that she is willing to kill. Ed Harris and Deloras are on a collision course for the maze, where Deloras will remember that Ed Harris killed her family and raped her, leading to Deloras killing Ed Harris, and the first Host homicide within the park.

10/25/2016 8:20:13 AM

Ohhh Farts
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When did Ford say that there was no more disease in the world? I've seen this mentioned a couple times, so I believe he said it, I just don't ever remember hearing it.

I do kind of like that theory though that Bernard could be using Deloras to kill MIB

10/25/2016 9:24:44 AM

5975 Posts
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Ford gives this speech in the first episode:

"Mistake? It’s a word you’re embarrassed to use, yet you’re the product of a trillion of them. Evolution forged the entirety of sentient life on this planet using only one tool: mistake… Of course, we’ve managed to slip evolution’s leash now, haven’t we? We can cure any disease, keep even the weakest of us alive, and one fine day, perhaps we can even resurrect the dead, call forth Lazarus from his cave. Do you know what that means? That means that we’re done, that this is as good as we’re going to get."

10/25/2016 11:23:35 AM

All American
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I think the alternate timeline theories have been thoroughly debunked. All the guests in question have been referenced by members in the control room (who haven't aged or changed clothes) around the same time.

I'm glad about that, too. The show works better when it forces the viewer to grapple with the dilemma of how to respond to emerging consciousness and sentient life moreso than being a simple sci-fi story with distracting plot twists. Too many twisting narrative devices would take away from the "morality in an age of sentient artificial intelligence" question that is being posed, in my opinion.

10/25/2016 12:54:53 PM

All American
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Jesus is our moral compass ITT

10/25/2016 12:59:11 PM

Ohhh Farts
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^^when I was talking about differnt timelines above I did not mean the MIB and Billy being in different timelines, just the conversations with Delores and Bernard possibly being in the past

10/25/2016 1:19:34 PM

All American
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When did the man in black kill Delores's family and rape her?

10/25/2016 1:46:52 PM

Starting Lineup
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^episode one. It is why she flashes back to his image when she pulls the trigger in the barn.

10/25/2016 1:51:55 PM

All American
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Well the way he acted and spoke to her in that scene it sounded like he had done it to her many, many times.

10/25/2016 2:37:22 PM

All American
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I thought the milk bandits killed her family. In the flashback he pulls a knife out, but that's not an indication to me that he raped her.

10/25/2016 3:04:10 PM

Ohhh Farts
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It was definitely implied that he was about to rape her, but we don't know for sure.

[Edited on October 25, 2016 at 3:25 PM. Reason : $$$]

10/25/2016 3:24:27 PM

All American
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Implied in episode 1 but I think he was up to something else with the knife. Raping hosts doesn't seem to be in line with his character

10/25/2016 5:09:17 PM

patent pending
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"Later, Bernard and Deloras are talking and Bernard is aware that Deloras has killed another host with the gun. He then points her towards looking for the maze herself."

I think you are wrong, there. The meeting you are referring to, I think, is a FLASH BACK. Delores left the barn, immediately after killing the host, and rode to meet the other two guests. She has not been back in the control center since killing the host.

10/25/2016 5:17:50 PM

All American
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^ She tells Bernard she shot the guy who killed her parents, which is heavily implied to be the first time she has shot someone since she doesn't have weapons privileges. So either she snuck off and met with him or they had some kind of virtual meeting.

10/25/2016 5:48:07 PM

Ohhh Farts
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^no, see my post above where I responded to you saying the same thing, and watch that scene again. She does not say she shot the guy who killed her parents, she says "my parents, they hurt them, then they killed them and then I ran,"

10/25/2016 6:02:32 PM

All American
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I thought she said I killed them, but maybe I'd need to watch it again.

10/25/2016 6:56:15 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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My initial impression of the MIB pulling the knife on Delores in the barn was that he intended to scalp her. Although, since then, it's seemed like the MIB only needed the scalp from that one character.

10/25/2016 10:31:37 PM

All American
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in that first episode Delores was pleading with the MIB and said, "I'll do whatever you say". He responded with, "I didn't pay all this money 'cause I want it easy. I want you to fight"

I suppose that could mean something else, but I see that as pointing pretty clearly to raping her

10/26/2016 10:02:23 AM

All American
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Watch the next 3 episodes. This guy is not about killing and raping hosts for the hell of it. There's more to that line than what we know right now, and he probably used the knife to remove something from her in order to further his agenda.

10/26/2016 10:35:15 AM

All American
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I have watched all episodes

If you think he took something from or off of her, why would he care whether she fights or not?

10/26/2016 10:50:20 AM

Ohhh Farts
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It is pretty clear to me that the show runners in that first episode wanted people to think that he was about to rape her. Now whether or not he did, or that was just misdirection and he actually did something else is another question that we do not know the answer to yet.

Haven't heard anyone bring up what happened in Ford's conversation with the QA lady, she says the board will send someone, to which Ford replies that they already have. MIB = Board Representative?

10/26/2016 11:03:56 AM

All American
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^^ I don't think that line should be taken literally to mean "I didn't pay all this money so I could have easy sex, and I want you to fight back while I have sex with you," at this point. he's trying to find the maze and figure out the deeper game behind the park. if he acts violently, he does it to get himself one step closer to the end game. he didn't pay a lot of money to go hog wild and fulfill murder and rape fantasies. It's hard to see how raping Delores helps him achieve anything.

I think it's possible that he could've done something to interfere with her inability to kill hosts. he may want her to start doing things that throw the park into a state of chaos

[Edited on October 26, 2016 at 12:14 PM. Reason : .]

10/26/2016 11:53:41 AM

All American
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I get that you are reading differently into the scene, which requires you to read that line differently. What I'm asking is how exactly are you reading that particular line in regards to any other possible theory as to what he's doing with her

10/26/2016 12:38:17 PM

All American
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I'm not saying there are no other possible theories; I just think there's more to it than "welp, guess that means he raped her!" During the first episode, sure, but now it seems intentionally misleading as Money_Jones said since they've shown MIB has more complicated motives by this point. The park is some kind of challenge to him, not a vacation where he can fuck and be evil like the other guy who views it that way. they show him pull out that knife, which he already used to get a map from a host, so he probably did something to her physically and didnt just use it as a rape aid. and I don't think wanting her to fight meant that he wanted her to fight HIM. he can get the hosts to tell him where he needs to go next (the little girl), but he probably has bigger plans for Delores

that all just sounds more likely after episode 4 than deciding he needed to nut in a robot to me

[Edited on October 26, 2016 at 5:24 PM. Reason : .]

10/26/2016 5:23:25 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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Could the MIB somehow have used the knife to enable Delores to fire a weapon and then left the gun in the barn for her to use at a later time?

10/26/2016 5:57:49 PM

All American
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that's what I'm thinking because now she's able to cause even more problems

10/26/2016 10:15:47 PM

All American
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I thought she found the gun outside

10/27/2016 12:57:56 PM

All American
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I think she took it from the dude as he was carrying her to the shed.

10/27/2016 1:01:10 PM

All American
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so we're not necessarily talking about the one she dug up?

10/27/2016 1:03:51 PM

All American
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She found the gun in a drawer once too.

10/28/2016 9:35:10 AM

All American
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my interpretation of the gun vs location is that her character is in a daily loop, but not her world.

So she dug up the gun on Day X and put it in the drawer. Then on day X+1 she "found" the gun in the drawer because she has no recollection of putting it there. So until she starts remembering, every time she sees that gun she is "finding" it

10/28/2016 10:08:13 AM

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