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All American
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How they feel about peace? You mean designating Israel a Jewish country?

12/3/2014 10:50:45 AM

?? ????? ??
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Overwhelmingly the Israeli media is reporting negative responses to the "Jewish State" bill. The Israeli people do not want it.

12/3/2014 8:03:53 PM

All American
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Everybody should watch this... someone embed please?

An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel

Quote :
"Miko Peled was born in Jersusalem into a famous and influential Israeli Zionist family. His father was a famous General in the Israeli Army, of which Miko also served his time. When Miko's niece was killed by Palestinian suicide bombers, you may have expected the family to put Palestinians at fault, but surprisingly they blamed the state of Israel, and their violent torturing and persecution for driving people to such sadness that they would take their own lives.

Through his father's deep knowledge of the Israeli war of terror, together with his own research, Miko Peled ruins the myths surrounding the Israel and Palestine situation, and delivers a truth so damning that many Jews and Israel supporters will not be able to bear it. He reveals facts such as the original expelled Jews are not the ones returning, and they are not their descendants either, covers the double standards regarding the right of return, which doesn't apply to Palestinians, and dispels the myth that there has been a conflict for ages by producing proof that it was peaceful up until 1947 when Israel launched their illegal attacks.

Miko is just one of the many modern day Jews against Zionism and the state of Israel, and with the information he delivers in this astounding talk, it is not difficult to see why more and more Jews are rejecting Zionism and calling for the dismantling of Israel. It is a true eye-opener for anyone who has for too long been blinded by the fake misinformation given by the mainstream media, and the truths come straight from the heartland where he has spent many years documenting the real story. "

12/29/2014 9:11:10 AM

?? ????? ??
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I've heard that guy before. I saw a video of when he was speaking at UVA and during a comments session he got into a shouting match with a professor. He's well known for not being open to conversation.

Take a listen and LOL away at the questions he's asked towards the end of this one (starting at about 47 minutes in). They are so incredibly pointed and biased, and not a single challenge to how he feels about this. His answers are also ridiculous. For example, the questions and his answer imply that the majority of Israelis don't want a 1-state solution and the majority of Palestinians do. He swings the statistic to call Israelis unwilling to give up their "privilege" when really that statistic exists because the majority of Israelis do support a peaceful 2- state solution giving Palestinians their own country and a large number of Palestinians want a 1-state solution that doesn't include Jews.

This is also an old video, as he and the crowd he is speaking to are incredibly anti-Netenyahu (as am I), and I'm just surprised how little reaction there has been from anyone that the Israeli people ousted his government and that change is coming.

[Edited on December 29, 2014 at 9:40 PM. Reason : -]

12/29/2014 9:29:01 PM

?? ????? ??
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Egypt is increasing it's buffer zone on the Palestinian border due to increased threats from "State of Sinai," a terrorist group that has aligned itself with ISIS. Thy evacuated 820 houses already and are planning for 1200 more scheduled for demolition in order to destroy the smuggling tunnels coming out of Gaza.

This plan started in October after 30 Egyptian military personnel were killed by terrorists coming out of the tunnels (similar to sneak attacks happening in Israel all summer).

I found these statements by Abbas very interesting, as he voiced his support of the buffer zone and spoke out against Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood (from early December):
Quote :
"Abbas also took advantage of his improved standing in the Egyptian press to attack Hamas, saying it is an inseparable part of the Muslim Brotherhood and takes orders from the Brotherhood’s international leadership.

The question of Hamas’ involvement in the numerous terror attacks against Egyptian police and soldiers in Sinai, and the assault on Egyptian national security, will be decided only by the Egyptian judicial system, said Abbas.

He compared the Islamic group to the Muslim Brotherhood, saying it never stops lying, citing the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank last summer. The Hamas political leadership denied any connection, while senior Hamas leader Saleh al-Arouri accepted responsibility for the kidnapping in a speech he made in Turkey, noted Abbas."

12/30/2014 6:34:13 PM

?? ????? ??
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Last Friday night, an Israeli and a Palestinian came to my synagogue to tell their stories and how they became peace activists. I wanted to share this with all of you, I found it incredibly powerful. The first few minutes is just introductions, feel free to skip ahead to 4:45 when they start speaking.

1/8/2015 7:57:16 PM

?? ????? ??
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Netenyahu and Abbas were both on the front line of the world leader's march in Paris. Apparently the French government didn't want either of them to show up but I find it sort of touching that they both did and stood so close to each other.

1/12/2015 2:33:32 PM

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What happened, did Netanyahu decide that encouraging French Jews to emigrate to Israel to escape France was not a very unifying position?

(TIL if you have a type when spelling Netanyahu, Chrome thinks you meant to type "Hootenanny")

1/12/2015 3:01:25 PM

?? ????? ??
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Two leaders of opposing governments are actually standing on the same side of something. Can't we take a moment to admire that before you start bashing one of them?

It's worth saying that France has cycles of being a really awful place to be Jewish. Modern Zionism started because of how Jews in France were being treated towards the end of the 1800's. It's been bad the last few years and it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of French Jews did start moving to Israel and America if it doesn't change soon.

1/12/2015 3:27:42 PM

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then can we criticize him for IDF's deliberate targeting of reporters?

it seems like the whole lot of those world leaders are active threats against free speech and journalists

1/12/2015 3:38:10 PM

?? ????? ??
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There are too many people like you on both sides of this. Whenever anything positive happens on either side, instead of using it as a chance to take a step forward you swoop in and take the conversation two steps back.

I'm wondering if any of you even took the time to watch any of the video I posted. It's about a man born and raised in Gaza and an Israeli soldier who have been working together to spread peace for both peoples.

We can't ignore the negative things that happen but if we don't stop to celebrate the positives then everyone will just continue to hate each other and never acknowledge that there's any hope.

1/12/2015 3:52:21 PM

All American
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1/13/2015 3:13:10 PM

?? ????? ??
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The ultra-orthodox don't represent the rest of us.

Quote :
"This definitely isn’t a unique incident but rather a matter of policy: Haredi newspapers are known to have editorial policies that prohibit the publishing of photos that show women since it considers the female body to be immodest"

It's a silly policy, but they wanted to show the picture and that's the only way they could do it.

1/13/2015 3:58:28 PM

?? ????? ??
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Quote :
"European Jewish group slams Netanyahu's call for French Jews to immigrate to Israel"

1/15/2015 4:10:15 AM

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I, for one, am looking forward to Netanyahu addressing Congress. The Muslim Obama is too biased and it will be good to hear from someone with no agenda address the middle east and terror.

1/21/2015 3:34:52 PM

All American
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If the Jewish god exists, he'll smite Netanyahoo at the podium and lead his people to the promised land of an incrementally more peaceful Middle East.

1/24/2015 10:48:19 PM

All American
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This is perfect, considering Israel's latest plan to build more settler homes in East Jerusalem.

2/8/2015 9:35:58 PM

All American
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Video of tear gas shell shot into a playground full--adjacent to the Israeli military camp--of Palestinian children playing.

Israeli military says they don't have any record of the incident.

2/11/2015 6:33:18 AM

?? ????? ??
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Based on current polling data here is a look at how the election (17 days from now) could turn out. 61 seats are needed in a coalition to gain control of the government

Right-wing Coalition
Likud 24 (Netanyahu as Prime Minister)
Jewish Home 13
Yisrael Beiteinu 6
(43 total)

Left-Center Coalition
Zionist Camp 23 (joining of Labor Party and Hatnuah as of December. Isaac Herzog and Tzipi Livni would rotate as Prime Ministers)
Yesh Atid 8
Meretz 5
(36 total)

Kulanu* 8 (Center, somewhat similar to Yesh Atid)
Shas** 8 (Right)
UTJ** 8 (Right)
Yachad** 4 (Right, Diverged from Shas in 2014)
(28 up for grabs)

No Coalition
United Arab List 13 (on the record that they will not join any coalition, no matter how left-wing the other parties may be)

*Netanyahu promised the Kulanu leader a high cabinet position if he publicly allied with Likud, but he refused. Has also turned down meeting with Herzog but openly said he trusts Herzog more than he trusts Netanyahu.

**These are the more religiously orthodox parties. Jewish Home, which is "Modern Orthodox," only joined the Likud coalition in the last election under the condition that these groups were left out. Likud didn't need them at the time to get to 61, but this time he will. Shas and UTJ are far too religious and Yachad is far too radically nationalist for any of the other parties to feel 100% comfortable aligned with any of them.

Some believe the Right could manage to take on Shas, UTJ, and Yachad without giving up Jewish Home. That would give them enough seats to keep the government. But public opinion has turned against Likud, and Netanyahu's trip to America this week is sure to polarize further. A January poll showed taht 60% of Israelis are more concerned with the economy and domestic infrastructure than with security and foreign affairs. This would be good news for Labor and Yesh Atid, bad news for Likud. Yesh Atid is leading other secular groups to convince the public not to vote for the far-right religious groups who grant special treatment to the more Jewishly observant. If that campaign succeeds, Yesh Atid and Zionist Camp could pick up steam after Netanyahu's trip which they are spinning as toying with foreign relations to gain political capitol.

[Edited on February 28, 2015 at 6:02 AM. Reason : -]

2/28/2015 5:54:55 AM

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Netanyahu loves America more than Obama.

3/2/2015 10:56:15 AM

All American
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Netanyahu is white.

3/2/2015 10:59:36 AM

All American
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Netanyahu is liar, criminal, and an oppressor, and should be thrown in the deep sea (or at least in jail for life).

3/2/2015 6:53:06 PM

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Th GOP hatred of Obama has reached a point where we invited a foreign head of state to Congress solely for the purpose of condemning our foreign policy. Shame on us for that.

3/3/2015 11:40:30 AM

All American
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Yeah, that was pretty embarrassing for all involved. Another example of why President's matter. Mittens would have been standing right next to that assclown.

3/3/2015 12:00:57 PM

All American
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"If you take out Saddam, Saddam's regime, I guarantee you that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region" - Netanyahu in 2002 .

LOL he was dead on there

Leaving Iraq aside, he has been trying to get his war with Iran for a long time. Overall I think he is full of it and we must leave behind the endless war mindset.

[Edited on March 4, 2015 at 8:51 PM. Reason : .]

3/4/2015 8:50:06 PM

All American
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3/11/2015 3:35:16 AM

All American
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3/18/2015 5:03:24 AM

All American
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This is a good read.

Quote :
"When Ghada met Steven

Published — Thursday 7 May 2015

In 1948, Ghada Karmi was a nine-year-old Palestinian girl growing up in Jerusalem when she was abruptly transplanted to London, her family having fled their home in the face of the Zionist takeover of Palestine, which led to the establishment of the state of Israel.

By an extraordinary irony, her father, Hasan Sa’id Karmi, bought a house in the north London suburb, Golders Green. A noted scholar who found work with the BBC Arabic Service, he did not realize that he was resettling his family in a neighborhood dominated by British members of the same race that had forced the Karmis, along with great numbers of other Palestinians, to leave their native land. For then, as now, Golders Green was a little London Israel.

A medical doctor by training, Ghada Karmi is famous for her book In Search of Fatima (2002). A memorable evocation of the grievous consequences of 1948 for her family and Palestinians at large, the book took its title from Karmi’s efforts to find the Palestinian village woman who had figured large in her childhood. Her new book Return: A Palestinian Memoir is a candid account of the period beginning in 2005 that she spent in Ramallah as a media consultant to the Palestinian Authority in the aftermath of the death of Yasser Arafat.

In a riveting chapter Karmi describes how, out of the blue, she was contacted by the New York Times bureau chief, Steven Erlanger, who informed her that he was staying in an apartment that belonged to what he felt certain was the West Jerusalem house she described in In Search of Fatima. Evidently intending a kindness, Erlanger wondered if she would care to see the whole house, knowing that the owners would be happy for her to do so. Karmi had been to the house before, once when she was given the chance to go inside, a second time when she met with extreme hostility from later Orthodox Jewish residents. Intrigued to be approached by journalist who worked for a US newspaper hardly known for its sympathy for the Palestinian cause, she readily accepted his invitation.

What Steven Erlanger can hardly have anticipated was that his guest would take the opportunity not just to survey her old home but to press him to explain how he felt about being, so to speak, “here” by virtue of the fact that “we” had ceased to be “here.” Did he feel nothing, Karmi inquired, about physically occupying a house, which had belonged to other people? Was he at ease about being in a country that came into being on the basis of the expulsion of its previous inhabitants? A courteous US Jewish liberal who found himself on the spot, Erlanger replied awkwardly that “history is important here,” that “these things are difficult,” that “some things aren’t either right or wrong.”

The episode might be felt to epitomize the moral evasiveness of much western liberal opinion when it comes to the Israel-Palestine conflict. As Ghada Karmi observes, many people who condemn unequivocally all manner of injustices discover an extraordinary capacity for equivocation when it comes to Israel’s occupation of Palestine. Fixated on the suffering of the Jews at the hands of Nazi Germany, such persons habitually judge the Jewish state by an altogether more indulgent standard.

Even the great American literary dissident, the late Norman Mailer, could remark that Arabs might have shown greater understanding about the predicament of Jews following the Second World War. There can be little doubt that this condescending, not to say fundamentally racist, attitude has done much to sustain western public acquiescence in a Zionist enterprise that long ago evolved into systematic ethnic subjugation, the fiendish organized oppression made manifest by the occupied territories’ endless check-points and community-strangling separation wall, not to mention Israel’s repeated military onslaughts on Gaza.

In her new book, Ghada Karmi writes as a “1948 Palestinian” who fears that those who have come after her are in danger of accepting subjection as a way of life. Younger Palestinians will probably not be slow to challenge her bleak verdict, but few will dispute the moral fire and clarity of mind with which it is delivered."

5/8/2015 9:25:43 PM

All American
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Quote :
"bdmazur: Looks like change is on the way. A new election, and a new chance for the Israeli people to show the world how they really feel about peace."

That's 'change' alright... change for the worse, the most far-right government ever

I guess we see how ordinary Israelis feel about 'peace'...

Quote :
"Israeli justice minister considers all Palestinians ‘the enemy’

JERUSALEM: An 11th-hour deal led to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu forming the most right-wing government in Israel’s history.

Netanyahu's slim majority in the Knesset was secured after a pact with the Jewish Home party, led by Naftali Bennett, an ultra-nationalist who draws much of his support from Israel's settler population and rejects a two-state solution to the conflict.

One of the terms of the alliance was that Netanyahu would tap Bennett's de facto lieutenant, Ayelet Shaked, to be the next justice minister. This is a move not without controversy, reports Washington Post.

Shaked is known for her extremist views regarding Palestinians and the enfeebled Israeli left. In July, in a controversial post on Facebook, the then-member of the Knesset posted the text of an article by the late Israeli writer Uri Elitzur that referred to Palestinian children as "little snakes" and appeared to justify the mass punishment of Palestinians living under Israeli occupation. The post has since been deleted, but an archived version remains.

The leftist site Mondoweiss offers a full translation of Shaked's controversial posting, which quotes Elitzur, a former Netanyahu adviser, here. Some excerpts: “The Palestinian people has declared war on us, and we must respond with war. Not an operation, not a slow-moving one, not low-intensity, not controlled escalation, no destruction of terror infrastructure, no targeted killings. Enough with the oblique references. This is a war. Words have meanings. This is a war ... This is a war between two people. Who is the enemy? The Palestinian people. Why? Ask them, they started...""

Fuck Israel and Israelis*

(*not all, just the majority who support the status quo)

5/9/2015 2:50:45 AM

?? ????? ??
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I already talked about this in the election thread, but it's worth noting that this will be the highest number of seats ever held by Arabs, and was decline in Netanyahu's majority from 68 down to the bare minimum 61. Everyone is expecting this coalition to fall apart pretty quickly, since everything hinges on Kulanu and they won't put up with Jewish Home bullshit. It took Netanyahu until less than an hour before the deadline to convince Kulanu to sign on.

In the last election, Right wing parties combined for 46% of the vote. That coalition didn't even make it 2 full years. This one won't do any better.

5/10/2015 1:23:30 PM

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Countdown until Bibi calls the Vatican anti-semitic ?

5/13/2015 1:41:31 PM

?? ????? ??
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He'd be late by 850 years

5/13/2015 5:13:54 PM

All American
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GG Israeli Settlers

9/12/2015 4:21:21 AM

?? ????? ??
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Last week, 5 American college students went to visit the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron. The Waze app brought them through a Palestinian neighborhood where their car was pelted with stones and a firebomb. A Palestinian man came to their rescue and got them out just before the car was torched. He hid them in his home and provided water and emotional support until the police arrived to escort them back into Israel.

The Americans and the Israeli Police called the man a hero and a humanitarian. The man said:
Quote :
"I’m not a hero; this is what every person should have done. I did it because I’m a human being. With all my heart, I’m a man of peace."

Now, the man has received letters from other Palestinians vowing to burn down his house and cut off his family's heads.

9/12/2015 8:07:53 PM

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Israel plans to demolish 13,000 Arab buildings in West Bank, UN says

9/12/2015 9:00:03 PM

All American
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Fucking Nazis

They do stuff like that regularly, and then they have the fucking nerve to ask for an apology for this cartoon:

10/1/2015 12:24:10 AM

?? ????? ??
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Last night an Israeli couple was murdered at gunpoint in front of their 4 children, all under the age of 10. Hamas spokesperson Husam Badran referred to the murder of parents in front of their four children as a "heroic operation."

10/1/2015 7:11:05 PM

All American
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^ That's barbaric.

But demolishing people's homes, uprooting their trees (their livelihood), blackmailing them (by threatening to release pics of their female relatives taken surreptitiously in changing rooms) into spying on their own people, murdering children minding their own business in cold blood and then lying in the official report saying they were killed in a firefight with terrorists when there were no terrorists around and there was no firefight, not punishing settlers who murder civilians, etc, are far more barbaric.

10/1/2015 8:45:46 PM

?? ????? ??
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When missiles and rockets are fired into Israel the alarms go off in time for everyone to get into bomb shelters. So the terrorists decided to get up close and personal to ensure a body count:

August 3: Palestinians threw a firebomb at a passing car in Jerusalem injuring two people.

August 6: A Palestinian motorist rammed his car into Israeli soldiers in the West Bank, wounding three before he was shot by Israeli troops.

August 15: Two Palestinians attackers were shot after stabbings in the West Bank, one asked for a glass of water and then stabbed a soldier when he turned around to get it.

August 17: A Palestinian was shot at a West Bank checkpoint after telling police there that he felt unwell and then pulling out a knife and stabbing an officer.

September 14: An Israeli, 64-year-old Alexander Levlovitz, died and two passengers were hurt after Palestinians pelted their car with rocks as they drove home from a meal marking the Jewish new year in Jerusalem. Palestinian rock throwing and firebomb attacks spread from beyond the Old City walls to other areas of Jerusalem.

October 1: An Israeli settler couple — Eitam and Naama Henkin — were shot dead in front of their four children, including an 4-month-old infant, as they drove in the West Bank. Israel later arrested five Palestinians it said were part of a Hamas cell that carried out the attack.

October 3: A Palestinian stabbed two Israeli men to death and injured a mother and toddler before he was killed by police in Jerusalem’s Old City.

October 4: A Palestinian terrorist stabbed and wounded an Israeli teenager before he was shot by police.

October 7: Police said a 19-year-old Palestinian stabbed a soldier while taking his weapon in the southern town of Kiryat Gat. The suspect then fled into a residential building, where he followed a local woman into her apartment before police forces arrived and shot and killed him.

A Palestinian woman stabbed an Israeli man who then shot and wounded her. Another Palestinian was wounded when he was shot by police after he attempted to run over an officer at a West Bank checkpoint.

A Palestinian attacker stabbed an Israeli man outside a mall in central Israel.

October 8: A soldier shot and killed an Arab attacker after he stabbed four people with a screwdriver in Tel Aviv. Two Israelis were injured in separate Palestinian stabbing attacks elsewhere.

October 9: A Palestinian was shot and killed after attacking police with a knife in the West Bank.

October 11: An Arab-Israeli attacker drove his car into a young woman and stabbed three other victims in a terror attack north of Hadera, northern Israel.

A Palestinian detonated a gas canister in her car injuring an officer and herself near Jerusalem.

October 12: Two Palestinian teens stabbed two Israelis, including a teen riding a bicycle, injuring them seriously. One of the Palestinian attackers was killed after rushing at officers with a knife.

A Palestinian terrorist attacked a soldier on a bus in Jerusalem before being shot and killed.

October 13: Two Palestinian men boarded a bus in Jerusalem and began shooting and stabbing passengers, while another assailant rammed a car into a bus station before stabbing bystanders, in near-simultaneous attacks Tuesday. Three Israelis and two attackers were killed. Several other Israelis were injured in the bus attack.

[Edited on October 14, 2015 at 3:35 AM. Reason : -]

10/14/2015 3:34:11 AM

All American
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When a mendacious, sadistic, genocidal, egomaniacal and evil bitch/witch is the country's Justice Minister, what else do you expect?

10 minute video that exposes her lying evil nature.

10/14/2015 7:32:05 AM

?? ????? ??
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Every time an Israeli is attacked or killed, your answers are always variations of "well, they deserved it."

10/14/2015 10:31:37 PM

All American
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Depending on what side of history you're on, you're either a terrorist or a freedom fighter.

10/14/2015 10:52:31 PM

?? ????? ??
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I'm pretty sure 99% of the world's population is neither.

10/15/2015 12:43:17 AM

All American
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And what is your answer when this happens to Palestinians:

Quote :
"* Demolishing people's homes,
* confiscating their lands to make settlements
* uprooting their olive trees (their livelihood),
* blackmailing them (by threatening to release pics of their female relatives taken surreptitiously in changing rooms) into spying on their own people,
* murdering children minding their own business in cold blood and then lying in the official report saying they were killed in a firefight with terrorists when there were no terrorists around and there was no firefight,
* not punishing settlers who murder civilians"


10/15/2015 12:57:56 AM

All American
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I've reached the conclusion that this conflict is over... the Israelis have won, and we're just waiting for them to completely wipe out the Palestinians at this point.

10/15/2015 11:29:14 AM

?? ????? ??
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If that was the goal, they would have by now. They have the capability to do so.

The PA on the other hand does not have the capability to wipe out Israel, yet continuously tries to do so.

10/15/2015 6:34:16 PM

All American
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Israel has been slowly working toward that goal, and have been successful. If they did it all at once, then there would be international uproar. Doing it slowly over decades, like they have been, keeps them out of real trouble.

But you can't seriously tell me the Palestinians haven't been decisively losing this war and the borders of Israel haven't been growing. What is this if not a military conquest of another country? Just because they are metering out the victories, we can't call it what it is?

In the grand scheme of things, this is what humans used to do fairly regularly, in another 100 years, since history is written by the victors and there's no more Palestine, Israel can say whatever it wants about what happened.

10/15/2015 9:58:04 PM

?? ????? ??
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Considering that the Palestinian population grows quite exponentially each year, the Israelis are doing a pretty bad job of killing them off.

There's a difference between losing a war and being strategically wiped out. And you can't call it a conquest either when Israel has several times offered to trade land for peace. in 2000, Ehud Barak offered a 97% pullout from West Bank and 100% from Gaza, and Arafat said no. Then Sharon did 100% disengage from Gaza in 2005, and Israel was thanked with the election of a terrorist organization into mainstream power.

10/16/2015 1:38:24 AM

All American
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Both sides have monsters, terrorists, and evil people

“Die you son of a bitch”: Israeli shouts at 13-year-old Palestinian boy struggling for last breath

Click link to watch video

Quote :
"The settler filming the video shouted “Die! Die, you mother fucker, die! Die, you faggot, die! Die, you son of a bitch!” The man shouted the slurs in both Hebrew and Arabic, to make sure Ahmad knew exactly what he was saying"

Quote :
"In one repost of the video on Facebook, some commenters show nothing but contempt for Ahmad. One commenter wrote: “Isn’t he neutralised yet? Why wasn’t he shot until he stopped moving? Stuff his mouth full of pig meat then incinerate the corpse.” That comment received two “likes.”

“Let him suffer thousand times before he enters hell!!!” wrote Facebook user David Vardi. 4 other users “liked” his comment."

10/16/2015 5:48:10 AM

?? ????? ??
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Oh good, I was hoping you would bring up this great opportunity to show how off base the media has been recently.

At the top of ^this article:
Quote :
"CORRECTION: US Uncut has learned that the boy’s name is Ahmad Manasra, and that he is alive and recovering in an Israeli hospital. We’ve included the photo of Ahmad below.We also erroneously reported that a video of a grieving mother in a hospital was Ahmad’s mother — she is actually an Israeli mother. That video has been removed. We apologize and regret the error."

This 13 year old Palestinian boy STABBED AN ISRAELI CHILD, and yet was still brought to an Israeli hospital and is being treated properly by doctors.

10/16/2015 12:37:53 PM

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