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All American
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Anybody here been on the LSU campus? Is it mostly a driving campus as opposed to a walking campus such as NCSU's?

At NCSU most students walk from building to building, as the campus is densely packed. I have been looking at google maps, and it seems at LSU there are bigger wider roads running through the campus and the buildings are not as densely populated, so perhaps those who have cars drive from building to building?

Would appreciate any personal experiences from those who have been on both campuses.

Thank you.

5/5/2014 8:18:53 PM

All American
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Probably obvious, but I meant the Baton Rouge campus.

5/5/2014 9:09:39 PM

All American
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Are you thinking of attending?

5/5/2014 9:34:27 PM

The E Man
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i was only there for a football game and the whole campus was covered in tailgates. nobody was driving around. i felt like i walked around the whole campus and it was more like unc's campus. bigger than state but definitely walkable with quads and such.

5/5/2014 10:38:51 PM

All American
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Been there once. They have a live tiger on campus.

5/5/2014 11:02:12 PM

All American
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You would be walking.

They have a spread out campus but parking is limited.

And yeah, def check out the live tiger.

PS its probably one of the most racially divided campuses in America, but the univ itself is gorgeoussss, especially the lake.

5/6/2014 1:04:57 AM

All American
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That's why I asked; OEP isn't going to have much fun at LSU.

5/6/2014 1:31:34 PM

All American
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Thanks for info guys.

Attending starting this summer, for a year.

I measured the campus width and length on google maps, and it is definitely bigger than NCSU's.

My graduate student housing is 1.8 miles from the building where my classes will be... not happy with that. That's a 25 min walk.

I also did street view and 'walked' from the housing to the building, and it was all walking along a 4 lane road (2 lanes each way), not walking among buildings as I had the pleasure of doing at NCSU.

^^ What do you mean by racially divided? Do black students tend to stay in certain dorms/areas, and whites in others? I don't understand how that is possible on a uni campus. Please explain.

Quote :
"bigger than state but definitely walkable with quads and such."

First I thought you meant thigh muscle, which was weird. Then I wondered if you meant quad bikes, which was even weirder. Then it hit me (been out of uni for 11 years, haven't used/heard that word since in that context) all of a sudden!

[Edited on May 6, 2014 at 2:35 PM. Reason : Of course, there should be buses, so I wouldn't have to walk the whole 1.8 miles.]

5/6/2014 2:34:50 PM

All American
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Yup, its very divided...almost segregated still. Racism is pretty rampant if you're in a bad area/part of campus.

You'll learn pretty quick about that though.

5/6/2014 3:04:51 PM

13089 Posts
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I think you should have researched that before you decided to go there. Race relations down there are +/-40 years behind NC State. And NC State isn't the most integrated campus (They just made fun of mexicans on cinco de mayo).

If I was you I'd stay away from campus when football season starts. Nothing gives a racist courage like alcohol.

5/6/2014 3:53:51 PM

All American
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^^ interesting... i wonder how south asians are viewed. probably not many south asians there to begin with, unlike at ncsu.

^^^^ as much as i would like to have fun, i will be buried in my books and in front of a computer the whole time... 9 hours summer, 15 hrs fall, 15 hrs spring, beginning of june till end of may! plus, i will have my family there, so we will just be hanging around other grad students families, in parks, lakes, etc. not gonna be partying or hanging with the young ones.

[Edited on May 6, 2014 at 3:57 PM. Reason : ]

5/6/2014 3:54:38 PM

13089 Posts
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Lets just say I'll give you a lot of money if you can manage to bag some white meat in the deep south.

5/6/2014 3:57:21 PM

All American
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^^ i was at state for 2 years and didn't even attend a single match, or even step inside the campus stadium... i hate football and the culture that goes along with it.

i applied to NCSU but was rejected. accepted by LSU, and ASU. people said Arizona is full of guns. but i liked LSU's program better anyway. NCSU was first choice.

my housing is the farthest student housing from the center of campus, and my academic building is the farthest academic building from the center of campus... so i should be ok in terms of safety and stupid young people drunk/high.

[Edited on May 6, 2014 at 4:00 PM. Reason : ]

5/6/2014 3:58:33 PM

13089 Posts
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Its not so much about safety as it is about actually enjoying where you are. Unless you come across some Asians, you will have 0 friends, unless they need something from you. Maybe LSU does like state and will have a Asian African American Symposium. I'd of went to ASU. Everyone there hates Mexicans.

[Edited on May 6, 2014 at 4:01 PM. Reason : atleast you didnt go to Ole Miss ]

5/6/2014 4:01:05 PM

All American
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5/6/2014 4:02:10 PM

26632 Posts
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i probably have to go to Baton Rouge in August for work, I'm not looking forward to it because I assume it's shitty and hot

5/6/2014 4:11:32 PM

All American
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I think all my friends will be in the program, as it is a cohort program, everybody starts the program in june and finishes in may, and all classes together as one group.

And other friends will be made in the grad student housing, as there will be families there with young children, so it will be good for my 5 yo daughter.

I will be so busy I won't have time to think of friends or fun much. I am just worried about my wife and daughter... hope they can weather the year and not get too bored or feel isolated. As long as they can find even just 1 or 2 compatible families in the grad student housing, they will be ok.

BTW, I don't prefer Asians over non-Asian... I actually prefer non-Asian friends, specifically, Europeans. And my wife is white people, so it will be fine, hopefully. In fact, being a mixed couple allows us to make friends easily with Asian/brown/black couples and American/European/white couples, at least that's been the experience so far in Asia and Europe.

No way I would go to Mississippi!!!

5/6/2014 4:11:45 PM

All American
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I would have gone to ASU if all things about the programs were equal. That has to be the most beautiful campus I've ever been to. (and i mean the women.)

5/6/2014 5:27:35 PM

All American
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I was there a few weeks ago. Great campus. Baton Rouge seemed like a cool town too.

5/6/2014 5:28:33 PM

All American
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^ thanks.


Quote :
"Louisiana is the world's "prison capital," with 1 in 86 residents serving time — nearly double the national average. The racial skew is extreme. One in 14 black men in New Orleans is behind bars; 1 in 7 is either in prison, on parole or on probation."

5/8/2014 9:51:52 PM

All American
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maybe those people in Louisiana should stop committing so many crimes... like looting.

5/8/2014 10:55:11 PM

All American
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5/8/2014 11:39:49 PM

13089 Posts
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^^ Such a bad crime, taking some beer that was gonna be thrown away anyway. Louisiana is the same state that just a few years ago had a high school with 1 tree in the playground that only white kids were allowed to stand under.

5/9/2014 11:26:50 AM

All American
27962 Posts
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Quote :
"maybe those people in Louisiana should stop committing so many crimes... like looting. "

Sometimes you say some really stupid shit. You realize the vast majority is drug-related, right? Not stealing some beer after a hurricane devastates the city? Or maybe you're just trying to be funny?

5/9/2014 11:34:22 AM

68205 Posts
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They have the prettiest frat court I've ever seen ... Nice campus but fuck Baton Rouge

Bad times and memories

5/10/2014 6:51:57 PM

All American
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good food down there. I went to a random sports bar/college type place and had the best etouffee i've ever had.

5/10/2014 8:48:25 PM

All American
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So the program I going to has sent me this:

Quote :
"For class, site visits, and guest speakers you will be required to dress in business casual. You will only need a suit for your practicum presentation in the spring and job interviews.

Business Casual:
1 - Collared shirt, button down or polo. Shirt should be tucked in and worn with an appropriate belt. - No tie is necessary.
2 - Dress pants, such as khakis, trousers, or corduroy pants. Jeans are not acceptable.
3 - You may pair your shirt with a sweater or sweater vest.
4 - Shoes should be leather and worn with dress socks the same color as your pants.

Professional Attire:
1 - Business suit (preferably black, navy, or gray)
2 - Long-sleeved dress shirt
3 - Tie
4 - Dress shoes and dress socks (socks should match the suit color)"

I agree with and understand nearly all of it, but socks matching the trousers... really? Is that like a fashion thing, or a professional thing?

5/14/2014 4:40:09 PM

13089 Posts
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Its a personal choice. Why are you still in school?

5/14/2014 4:48:14 PM

26632 Posts
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Socks are supposed to match your trousers, that's getting dressed 101.

You can of course wear "fun" socks with appropriate styles, but if this rule is new to you then you are not on that level yet.

5/14/2014 5:28:53 PM

All American
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What if you're a vegetarian and don't believe in leather?

5/14/2014 5:37:26 PM

26632 Posts
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That's not high fashion, it's just getting dressed

5/14/2014 6:03:17 PM

All American
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BlackJesus, choose any one of these answers: a) I am not in school now, b) Learning is a life-long process, c) What do you have against middle-aged people in school?, d) Midlife crisis

dtownral, cut me some slack... I haven't worn a suit since 2007. OK, so if I am wearing a dark navy suit and black shoes and decide to wear black socks, I wouldn't get hired for a job? Black suit with dark brown shoes and dark brown socks, people will look down on me? That's crazy. Obviously, I am not going to wear white socks with black trousers, but I am no sheep either. What's wrong with wearing black socks with khakis? Or dark grey socks with black trousers.

Bullet, good question! Should I write back and say using animal products for clothing goes against my ethics, and see what they recommend for shoes?

5/14/2014 6:43:37 PM

26632 Posts
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there are exceptions, but black socks don't usually work with khakis. the key is to make the socks invisible, they should be like an extension of the trousers.

if you google you will find a lot of links that show more options like:

if you don't understand why their dress guide is normal and standard then you are not at that level and shouldn't try breaking the rules yet. understand the basics of professional dress, then develop your own style, and only then should you try to bend the rules

[Edited on May 14, 2014 at 7:47 PM. Reason : ^fake leather is fine]

5/14/2014 7:43:42 PM

All American
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^ thanks for the links, appreciate it.

5/14/2014 7:55:01 PM

All American
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the campus is fucking M A S S ! V E ! ! !

beautiful campus though, but very spread out. a big chunk of buildings have their own parking, and there are massive lawns in front of every building, unlike at NCSU, plus several big streets running through campus. and there are some unusually massive and amazing trees here, some providing shade to as much as 2,000 sqft!

first 2 weeks i walked 1.1 miles to class and same distance back. that was temporary on-campus housing. moved into grad student housing 10 days ago, slightly closer to my classes at 0.9 miles.

anyway, i love it down here. hot and humid though most of the time! (few days ago it was "95, feels like 109" at 4 pm)

i only started coding in SAS a week ago, whereas the other students have been doing it for a month, but today while working on a hw with my group, i came up with a better solution to the SAS programming problem than both of my team mates, who i might add, are very good at SAS, and one of them has taken SAS just recently at LSU! feels awesome!

7/9/2014 3:50:53 AM

All American
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fucking hell that was a crazy term...

all done... except, not really, as we have have training, workshops, and certification exams (sas) on half the remaining days till the start of fall term.

going to new orleans on friday after the SAS Base Certification Exam... hope i pass it!

anybody in Baton Rouge? or in New Orleans?

(no, i don't want to meet you, unless you are in the 10 or so twwers i want to meet... just curious if anybody is here)

8/5/2014 2:43:46 AM

 Message Boards » The Lounge » LSU Campus Page [1]  
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