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All American
38979 Posts
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the line between candidates actually believing these things and simply pandering is really starting to become blurred

thanks a lot, Tea Party

12/20/2013 3:23:31 PM

26632 Posts
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to show his support, Smath74 bought a 40oz Duck Dynasty cup of Mountain Dew at the Circle K

12/20/2013 3:36:52 PM

All American
1801 Posts
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A lot of people don't understand the protections provided by the Bill of Rights; however, opinion writers on a major news website should have a basic understanding of the Constitution. I haven't seen anyone on this board arguing that A&E should be prohibited from firing Phil because of his protected speech though.

That being said, can we all at least agree that Duck Dynasty is just horribly bad television, even by reality tv standards? I would rather be friends with Two and a Half Men enthusiasts than Duck Dynasty enthusiasts and I loathe Two and a Half Men.

12/20/2013 4:19:03 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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hey i know... lets completely fabricate a ridiculous GOP position and then mock them for said position.

12/20/2013 4:20:29 PM

26632 Posts
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so the video clips of the Fox News talking heads using first amendment arguments are all faked?

12/20/2013 4:30:08 PM

All American
15485 Posts
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12/20/2013 4:31:54 PM

26632 Posts
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it's fun, and i can't go home yet

12/20/2013 4:35:10 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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^^^Admittedly I just watched the video for the first time because I was at work before... and still... not one of the people on that clip said his first amendment rights were violated. not one. (yes one did mention the right to free speech, but not in the context you people are hoping for.)


12/20/2013 4:42:46 PM

All American
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Phil Duck is just as ignorant as Kanye West.

12/20/2013 4:50:25 PM

All American
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12/20/2013 5:15:14 PM

26632 Posts
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Haha, all this time he was arguing about shit he hadn't even seen. Now he's all "oh shit, gotta stick with the party line!"

12/20/2013 6:45:08 PM

All American
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more like "another thing dtownral posted that supports what I said"

12/20/2013 6:46:44 PM

All American
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Granted I'm not on FB, but I will support Smath in that none of the Republicans I know have parroted this First Amendment violation nonsense. Considering the feelings of most people on this board towards Fox News, have you ever just considered that maybe they're the ones trolling people with this stuff?

But seriously, Duck Dynasty is really, really bad. You should reevaluate your relationship with anyone who enjoys this show non-ironically.

12/20/2013 7:08:12 PM

All American
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I've seen tons of people liking or sharing images that reference free speech, but no one arguing this.

It's either Christian persecution or "what of he had come out against heterosexuals, he wouldn't be fired".

I am not even sure what to do with the latter.

This was a good blog entry from a fan of the show and Christian.

12/20/2013 7:19:13 PM

All American
7436 Posts
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Jesus and Paul condemn homosexuality. Fundamentalists are the only ones not cherry-picking their Bible.

12/21/2013 9:12:42 AM

26632 Posts
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eh, not really. Paul kinda.

12/21/2013 11:16:49 AM

All American
7436 Posts
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Quote :
"1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
1:30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
1:31Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

I mean, if you can reconcile "kinda" with "worthy of death".

I'll admit that Jesus isn't as explicit about it but here in Matthew 15:

Quote :
"15:19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: "

That the words adulteries and fornications are iterated separately to me indicates they have different meanings. The most generous interpretation I think would be extra-marital sex by yet unmarried people. In the context of when Jesus was speaking, it seems like all homosexual acts would fall in this category. Every single time Jesus mentions marriage it's man and wife.

I mean maybe I'm reading it wrong because I'm not infused by the Holy Spirit or something.

12/21/2013 2:32:03 PM

26632 Posts
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read the chapter and the rest of Romans to understand the context that Paul is writing in, he is mad about fornication and promiscuity and just ignoring God in general. That's why I said "Paul, kinda"

For Jesus, definitely not. The passage you quoted places no special condemnation on homosexuality (and is grossly out of context in regards to his message to the Pharisees in that chapter).

[Edited on December 21, 2013 at 5:10 PM. Reason : this is why you can't just google bible verses ]

12/21/2013 5:04:57 PM

All American
22931 Posts
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smath must be another one of those partisan jokes you keep talking about.

12/21/2013 8:19:11 PM

All American
7436 Posts
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I'll retract all previous comments about Christian doctrine. However, there are millions of Christians that believe exactly as I'm reading it. I'm not just googling passages and making this up.

[Edited on December 22, 2013 at 9:08 AM. Reason : less snark, too damned early for TSB]

12/22/2013 9:00:44 AM

All American
33757 Posts
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Quote :

Jesus and Paul condemn homosexuality. Fundamentalists are the only ones not cherry-picking their Bible.


Even fundamentalists cherry pick. The bible was being cherry picked since it was written.

It's a newish phenomenon that calls for logical internal consistency in religious beliefs. This is probably science's fault, but back in the days, it was just about being a good person. The way the new pope looks at it is most Christians used to try to look at it.

12/22/2013 1:00:24 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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There was a Republican mayor of some small town at this who was one of the main speakers for the rally, talking about a hospital closing down that might have stayed open if the medicaid funds hadn't been denied, and how for a 2 county area people will have to travel for hospital/emergency care now.

Quote :
""RALEIGH, N.C. — Hundreds of protesters marched on the State Capitol Monday evening in a sign that the demonstrations that marked the 2013 legislative session will continue into next year.

The march came hours after a Superior Court judge ruled that state officials improperly denied a permit for the protest.

The NAACP organized the rally to protest policies of the Republican-led General Assembly. Several left-leaning groups are trying to pressure Gov. Pat McCrory to convene a special legislative session on expanding Medicaid and reversing cuts to unemployment benefits.

A series of similar protests, called "Moral Monday," led to the arrests of more than 900 peaceful protesters at the Legislative Building during the spring and summer.

Rev. William Barber, state NAACP president, said the Moral Monday movement will now build a "public record" of people who were denied Medicaid coverage or jobless benefits because of legislative actions and will seek the opinions of legal scholars on whether lawmakers can be held legally accountable, especially if someone dies.

The NAACP and other groups plan to hold a mass march on the Capitol on Feb. 8.

"We want to send a shock wave through this state," Barber told the crowd of people, many of whom held up electric candles in the rainy weather. "If you thought we fought in 2013, you ought to see how we fight in an election year."""

12/24/2013 2:06:50 PM

All American
1801 Posts
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Neither this Republican mayor nor the hospital that closed are referenced in the WRAL link above. Can you cite to any additional information supporting these assertions? Maybe just the names of the two counties affected?

12/24/2013 4:15:16 PM

All American
11770 Posts
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12/25/2013 7:00:45 PM

26632 Posts
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There is a NC GOP thread that's probably better suited for that
Quote :
"Republicans Grab Edge in Midterm Elections
A new CNN/ORC poll finds Democrats "have lost their advantange and Republicans now have a slight edge in the battle for control of Congress."

"Two months ago, Democrats held a 50%-42% advantage among registered voters in a generic ballot, which asked respondents to choose between a Democrat or Republican in their congressional district without identifying the candidates... But the Democratic lead evaporated, and a CNN poll a month ago indicated the GOP holding a 49%-47% lead. The new survey, conducted in mid-December, indicates Republicans with a 49%-44% edge over the Democrats.""

12/26/2013 11:08:49 AM

All American
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1/9/2014 12:29:20 PM

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Koch Brothers Are Outspending Everyone for a GOP Senate Takeover
Americans for Prosperity has outspent all other Republican groups combined, including Karl Rove's American Crossroads.

1/17/2014 7:14:26 AM

All American
38979 Posts
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Quote :
"Huckabee said, adding that he believes Democrats leave women unable to "control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of government."

Quote :
"They are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing them for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of government."

1/23/2014 2:49:19 PM

All American
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I, too, can find a website that confirms my worldview and then post a link to it below:

Quote :
"Prepare for a Shock: NBC Reporter, Entire Left Distorts Mike Huckabee Quote on Women"

[Edited on January 23, 2014 at 3:40 PM. Reason : Not to be confused with a defense of Huckabee...]

1/23/2014 3:34:01 PM

All American
1657 Posts
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Despite some selective quoting in the Wire article, and from some liberal journalists, Huckabee's statement is misogynist bullshit "ventriloquized into Democrats' mouths," to paraphrase someone in your article.

1/23/2014 4:09:49 PM

26632 Posts
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what the hell is the non-misogynistic way of reading what he said?

1/23/2014 4:12:11 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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personal responsibility is a thing of the past. big government will solve everything.

1/23/2014 4:21:56 PM

All American
33757 Posts
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"personal responsibility" has become a vacuous statement thanks to the GOP.

1/23/2014 4:25:03 PM

All American
8383 Posts
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Tell me more about Uncle Sugar's libido controller, Mike


1/23/2014 4:32:08 PM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"personal responsibility is a thing of the past"

i'm not clear how that makes his statement not misogynistic

are you saying that women, or people in general, are supposed to not be having sex. thus, would only need birth control if they don't have personal responsibility? having personal responsibility means not having sex?

if someone is seeking birth control, that's an example of taking personal responsibility. i think maybe you are confused because you view women the same way he does.

1/23/2014 4:48:42 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I, too, can find a website that confirms my worldview and then post a link to it below"

my worldview that includes the fact that men in the Republican party have issues with women's/reproductive rights? did he not say those things?

and quote was lifted from the Washington Post, while the other from a transcript on Fox News

Quote :
"Not to be confused with a defense of Huckabee"

than why did you feel the need to post what you posted?

1/23/2014 4:48:56 PM

All American
1657 Posts
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Quote :
"than why did you feel the need to post what you posted?"

Because pointing out librul media bias is more important than what a misogynistic Bible-thumping idiot preaches to a national audience. Incidentally, this guy will probably run for president.

1/23/2014 6:31:04 PM

All American
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1/23/2014 8:40:04 PM

All American
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^^ Actually that's not the reason.

^ I saw him debate Christopher Hitchens in Charlotte a few years ago. I won't tell you whose side I was on.

1/23/2014 9:58:49 PM

All American
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such intrigue!

1/23/2014 10:32:05 PM

All American
26447 Posts
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Really hope the republicans seriously try to win the election this time rather than running joke candidates and blaming Mexicans and gays for all the country's problems.

1/24/2014 12:34:11 AM

26632 Posts
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Tea Party Republican spews vile, sexist Twitter attacks at Wendy Davis
Quote :
"- I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who was as much of a whore as Wendy Davis. And I’ve met some epic whores in my travels.
- I suspect Texas voters care that Wendy Davis was potentially going to Harvard coke parties instead of caring for her children.
- Make Wendy Davis worry that somebody will dig up a Harvard classmate that she did coke with. Torture her until she begs for it to stop.
- Wendy Davis has an abortion fetish and did in fact abandon her children.
- Make Wendy Davis wish she’d never been born. #InsertAbortionJokeHere"

Quote :
"“Lick my taint,” he angrily told one female critic."


1/26/2014 10:38:14 AM

All American
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1/28/2014 1:59:51 AM

All American
3111 Posts
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Is this where we talk about how Ted Cruz is now claiming that he did not help in shutting the government down and says he continually voted to fun the government?

1/30/2014 10:03:27 AM

All American
27962 Posts
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Quote :
" A warning this election season: If you are searching the Web for information on Democratic congressional candidates, read the fine print.

At least 15 websites that appear to be official campaign sites for Democratic candidates, are actually the handiwork of the National Republican Congressional Committee.

In an effort to improve their online efforts this election season, the NRCC’s digital team came up with what the group believes is a great idea: get out the Republican message through fake Democrat sites."

[Edited on February 7, 2014 at 10:14 AM. Reason : ]

2/7/2014 9:56:56 AM

All American
9594 Posts
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Quote :
"The case, being heard in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit next month, centers on whether people can receive tax subsidies through the federal website, More than 30 states rely on, while 14 plus Washington, D.C., set up their own websites."

This sort of shit is just despicable to me, evil even. Yeah, it has no chance of actually working, but if it did they would be forcing millions of people to cancel their insurance plans and go the rest of the year without insurance. What does that even accomplish? They are just trying to score political points and don't actually give a shit about fixing anything. They've gone from simple obstructionism to actively trying to fuck things up so Obama looks bad. How are these people elected officials?

[Edited on February 7, 2014 at 9:10 PM. Reason : :]

2/7/2014 9:08:05 PM

All American
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so Kansas is pretty awful

2/15/2014 3:43:25 PM

26632 Posts
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haha, their solution to the civil war within their party is do just do nothing until November

2/18/2014 4:15:31 PM

All American
27962 Posts
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Quote :
"Texas attorney general Greg Abbott, the likely GOP gubernatorial nominee this year, came under heavy criticism from Democrats this week for campaigning with Nugent, who's known for making outlandish comments about the President. "

2/21/2014 2:00:18 PM

All American
22931 Posts
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Barbour called a Republican a ventriloquist's dummy, nobody is harping on him. Why do you care what Ted Nugent says?

2/21/2014 2:05:34 PM

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