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Sup, B
53260 Posts
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What classes are yall taking this semester?

1/2/2025 8:48:33 PM

All American
7271 Posts
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Machine Learning and Computer Security at GATech.

1/3/2025 5:07:01 PM

40929 Posts
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for funsies or you want the credential?

1/4/2025 12:06:21 PM

All American
7271 Posts
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I am bearish on APIs based on databases for web applications (most of my career, with some operations and system work). Doubt generalist will be as lucrative as it has for the last 15 years. Trying to differentiate and level up my skills. Even if I stay in management I think given the current hype cycle it will help to be as competent as possible about the current ML world.

Personally I thought ML was just a way to overcharge people for SQL "big data". When I saw ChatGPT I realized I didn't know enough about the space so hit the books.

[Edited on January 4, 2025 at 1:34 PM. Reason : A]

1/4/2025 1:34:25 PM

148819 Posts
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Continuing Education at the School of Hard Knocks

1/5/2025 1:42:15 AM

7881 Posts
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I got my mba from the marcy projects

1/5/2025 11:37:02 PM

40929 Posts
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Quote :
"I am bearish on APIs based on databases for web applications (most of my career, with some operations and system work). Doubt generalist will be as lucrative as it has for the last 15 years. Trying to differentiate and level up my skills. Even if I stay in management I think given the current hype cycle it will help to be as competent as possible about the current ML world."

most of my career has been in the generalist webapp+api+database realm but i've gone deep into the ML side a few times. took the online stanford AI + ML courses in 2011 which turned into coursera and udacity, and I took the self-driving car classes udacity offered in 2012 (and again in 2017). when deep learning and CNN/RNNs got big I learned how to implement those from scratch, but since like 2020 I can barely keep up with the advances in the underlying research so i've mostly focused on shifting back toward webapp+api+database and looking for opportunities to integrate the latest AI capabilities. i still make time to watch stuff like karpathy or 3blue1brown videos on the underlying fundamentals, but trying to keep up with the constant stream of papers on arxiv is too much these days. so i'm still bullish on generalists (although certainly the US labor market has changed a lot in the last 2 years due to zirp ending and the continuing shift to remote work with globally distributed dev teams). and with LLMs as a coding partner, you can go a lot faster.

[Edited on January 9, 2025 at 12:16 PM. Reason : keep us posted on how you like the courses though]

1/9/2025 12:13:00 PM

All American
7271 Posts
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Quote :
" took the online stanford AI + ML courses in 2011"

I did this: I rember the ML Thrun hype back then, but don't see how it morphed. I know OMSCS is somehow related as well. I took CS221 @ Stanford for credit as part of the above and it was a lot more work than I expected. I probably put in double or so what they said to expect, but I was super rusty with school and even more so with Linear Algebra and Calculus.

Quote :
"although certainly the US labor market has changed a lot in the last 2 years due to zirp ending and the continuing shift to remote work with globally distributed dev teams"

Yeah, it looks like the apocalypse on Reddit and Twitter. It seems like PM and Product roles have gotten particuarly nuked (thanks to zirp ending and the girls at the pool on tiktok). I know PMs in LA that have been unemployed for 2 years now. The LA tech market got really brutalized as most of that industry was definitely hyped on free money.

In 2022 remote jobs, even SDM remote roles, were everywhere. I got an SDM role remote and had been offered director level positions remote. When I started looking again in 2024 I found a couple, but they all required you to be in the metro (rug pull?). Management remote was non-existent in 2024. One of my friends got in at ServiceNow and they told him he would be the last remote employee they hired. There still seem to be a few IC/Dev roles remote, but it's nothing like 2 years ago, and I don't think it will be ever again.

1/27/2025 2:49:34 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
26584 Posts
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Never say never!

2/1/2025 9:24:44 AM

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