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9/18/2023 5:16:49 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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Where do I sign up to become a human test subject?

9/21/2023 8:52:19 AM

Save TWW
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10/1/2023 10:29:54 PM

The Coz
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Is this still a topic?

10/1/2023 11:40:51 PM

All American
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worms for brains

10/2/2023 12:22:45 AM

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His posts have been rather suspicious, but I'm glad he bought twitter.

10/2/2023 7:39:16 AM

The Coz
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Why is that?

I don't use it and don't really care too much about what happens to it, but I'd be curious to hear more about what I assume is probably your minority opinion.

10/2/2023 8:29:56 AM

Pupils DiL8t
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^^ Did you just dislike Twitter and hope that he would destroy it?

There are some odd coincidences in this story:

Quote :
"On the day that public records revealed that Elon Musk had become Twitter’s biggest shareholder, an unknown sender texted the billionaire and recommended an article imploring him to acquire the social network outright...

The text messages described a series of actions Musk should take after he gained full control of the social media platform: 'Step 1: Blame the platform for its users; Step 2: Coordinated pressure campaign; Step 3: Exodus of the Bluechecks; Step 4: Deplatforming.'...

The wording of the texts matches the subtitles of the article, 'The Battle of the Century: Here’s What Happens if Elon Musk Buys Twitter,' which had been published three days earlier on the right-wing website"
Quote :
"The author said that “'Step 1' after a Musk takeover would be: 'Blame the platform for its users.' He or she predicted that 'Twitter would be blamed for every so-called act of 'racism' 'sexism' and 'transphobia' occurring on its platform.'...

The article predicted that 'Step 2' would involve a 'Coordinated pressure campaign' by the ADL and other nonprofit groups to get Musk to reinstate the banned accounts. 'A vast constellation of activists and non-profits' will lurch into action to 'put more and more pressure on the company to change its ways,' the article reads...

The next step, the article predicted, would be the 'Exodus of the bluechecks.' The term 'bluechecks' refers to a former identity verification system on Twitter that confirmed the authenticity of the accounts of celebrities, public figures and journalists...

The article predicted that a final step, 'Step 4,' would be the 'deplatforming' of Twitter itself. He said a Musk-owned Twitter would face the same fate as Parler, a platform that presented itself as a 'free speech' home for the right...

The day after Musk's official October 2022 takeover, Beattie [who runs the website,] appeared on the podcast of [Steve] Bannon, the Trump White House chief strategist, and called for Musk to make internal emails from Twitter management public.

One month later, Musk released the 'Twitter Files' — a partial release of internal emails by Twitter employees curated by Musk-friendly writers..."

[Edited on October 3, 2023 at 10:57 AM. Reason : ]

10/3/2023 10:56:40 AM

All American
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I don't use it on the regular, or for politics, but I made an account just to follow some interesting figures who give updates on industries and things I find interesting.
It's a dynamic platform, allows for customized feeds, and is rather 'electric'.
I do like it for what I'm using it for.

I could see why people following politics on it would hate it.

As to specifically why I like that Elon Musk bought it. Compared to other social media companies, the relation between the company and the users feels a lot more fluid. Regardless of his own antics or bad decisions, there is more direct engagement with the users from the company that I've seen compared to any platform. Feels more open and transparent.
And even though his "openness" can be cringe, I'm glad that there is an alternative to the more typical corporate types in the tech space. This part is the most important here.

Also, the community notes feature has been amazingly implemented. It targets the right more actually (well, probably cause they spread more misinformation). But it clarifies the context behind all kinds of posts that go viral.
It has been much better at combatting misinformation than anything I've seen before, or done by google/meta.

All in all, just feels more open/honest, even if I disagree with the guy.

[Edited on October 4, 2023 at 10:03 AM. Reason : -]

10/4/2023 10:02:36 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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So you prefer Twitter with Neo-Nazis over Twitter without Neo-Nazis, or do you just never encounter them, so it's just not a concern to you?

You must have seen Elon Musk's various antisemitic tweets to his millions of followers. You're happy that he's now open to spreading hate and misinformation because it's an alternative to the more typical corporate types in the tech space?

I have to disagree about the community notes feature. From my experience, it's totally dependent on the replies to a tweet, as I recall seeing community notes that were flat-out wrong or, at least, very misleading.

10/4/2023 1:32:27 PM

All American
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Quote :
"You must have seen Elon Musk's various antisemitic tweets to his millions of followers. You're happy that he's now open to spreading hate and misinformation because it's an alternative to the more typical corporate types in the tech space?"

No, I didn't actually. Can you show me?

That's a whole lotta buzzwords. I don't really know what "neo-nazi" means, are they like the dudes who walk around with Nazi flags? Cause those guys are generally condemned by everyone in general, and yeah, I've never seen a nazi on twitter.

10/4/2023 1:52:31 PM

Pupils DiL8t
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Quote :
"I don't really know what 'neo-nazi' means, are they like the dudes who walk around with Nazi flags?"

This question is so absurd, it doesn't even merit a response.

However, regarding Elon Musk, feel free reference these examples:

Regarding antisemitism on Twitter in general:

[Edited on October 4, 2023 at 3:08 PM. Reason : ]

10/4/2023 3:07:41 PM

All American
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No, it does, considering how often the term is thrown around.
Who are these neo nazis you're referring to?

If you're just gonna dodge it when logically questioned, well, that says a lot in itself.

let's check google

Quote :
"Neo-Nazism comprises the post–World War II militant, social, and political movements that seek to revive and reinstate Nazi ideology.

What people who say they want to revive nazi ideology are being openly promoted on twitter?

10/4/2023 3:22:37 PM

All American
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I'm not gonna individually analyze these, but most of these are examples of Musk replying to someone about something 100% unrelated, and then quoting the views of the person he replied to.
Or they're taking him criticizing someone, and them being a jew, and calling that anti-semitism.

The article itself literally gives multiple examples of when people actually did express anti-semitism or encourage anything bad, they were banned right after.

It's actually pretty unsettling how much this article stretches half of this. Are these same arguments not used to criticize people who raise the issue of human rights in palestine?

What is worth noting, is how Musk is frequently engaging with the "intellectual dark web", which is prolly why some of the people he replies to on some issues, are suspicious with the other stuff.

So while it is fair to say that he needs to be more responsible with who is engaging with given his immense popularity/influence, most of this is basically the equivalent of a communist having a higher chance of engaging with holodomor deniers while they themselves may be super against genocide denial.

And yeah, I could also agree that people who are dog whistling about jews may be more emboldened. But then that kind of comes down to what your thoughts are on the free speech platform in general, whether people should not be banned till they express violence, or signal/encourage it in any way.

But to the point, you said:
Quote :
"You must have seen Elon Musk's various antisemitic tweets"

Can you show me a tweet by Elon Musk, where he is being antisemitic? Like, just share the tweet. I'm not trying to defend him as shown above, I agree he needs to be more responsible on who he himself engages with as you showed in what you quoted, but you haven't justified what your proper issues were. Just kinda seems like you decided that you disliked it first and then started looking for why second. And I can't blame ya if that's the case, we all do it. human nature

[Edited on October 4, 2023 at 3:44 PM. Reason : -]

10/4/2023 3:42:27 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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If you don't think that some of the tweets from that article are antisemitic, then I can't help you.

Also, if you're going to ask for evidence (the two links regarding antisemitism on Twitter in general) and not read it, I can't help you.


[Edited on October 4, 2023 at 4:02 PM. Reason : ]

10/4/2023 3:56:03 PM

All American
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I agreed that antisemitic views may be being facilitated more, so your second point is moot. Your own source pointed out how the actual ones going beyond free speech or inciting hate were getting banned.

And all of those tweets were Elon Musk replying "lol" or "interesting" to people who were possibly anti-semitic on topics which didn't relate to anti-semitism.

I asked you to show me where views supporting nazism were being supported, none of that was shown.

As I said, it just seems like you decided to hate the guy and look for evidence to support that.
But as I said before, can't blame ya, that's most people these days, and I've done that myself on the occasional day.

[Edited on October 5, 2023 at 11:32 AM. Reason : -]

10/5/2023 11:31:25 AM

Save TWW
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Seems like you just decide to think he is a positive force. Seems like the easy simple pretty neutral position is that Musk is allowing/promoting/engaging with the worst voices on Twitter and actively making it harder to trust what you see.

10/5/2023 1:54:26 PM

All American
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I think dude is alleging that he never used twitter before Elon bought it, so if that’s the case, he’d have no idea how it was before Elon took over

all of this is assuming he’s posting in earnest, which I’m pretty sure he isn’t

[Edited on October 5, 2023 at 3:52 PM. Reason : .]

10/5/2023 3:51:08 PM

Pupils DiL8t
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The Neo-Nazi question definitely made me doubt whether any of his questions or requests for information are asked in good faith.

Quote :
"I asked you to show me where views supporting nazism were being supported, none of that was shown."

You asked me to show you a tweet by Elon Musk where he is being antisemitic. If you had taken the time to individually analyze the link that I provided (I know that 18 examples is asking a lot), you might have seen that the following ones could easily be viewed as antisemitic:

The Neo-Nazi quote that was attributed to Voltaire
The tweet about George Soros hating humanity
The tweet about Alexander Vindman
The tweet about who owns the press
His overall campaign against the ADL

He should be condemning antisemites, not engaging with them; when he does, he amplifies them to his millions of followers.

Quote :
"As I said, it just seems like you decided to hate the guy and look for evidence to support that."

Given his association with Tesla and SpaceX, I actually liked Elon Musk before he exposed himself for whom he apparently truly is. I had thought that perhaps he would be the yin to Peter Thiel's yang.

My opinions of Elon Musk are directly attributed to his behavior and nothing else.

[Edited on October 5, 2023 at 7:26 PM. Reason : ]

10/5/2023 7:25:26 PM

All American
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Aside from incels and tech bros who got rich off of Tesla stock a few years ago, do people actually like Elon? Or do they just like that he's a troll (same reasons people still love Trump)?

10/6/2023 1:31:56 AM

All American
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10/6/2023 12:27:41 PM

The Coz
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He IS from South Africa, after all.

10/6/2023 3:31:26 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The Neo-Nazi quote that was attributed to Voltaire
The tweet about George Soros hating humanity
The tweet about Alexander Vindman
The tweet about who owns the press
His overall campaign against the ADL

See, the thing is that none of these are anti-semitic on their own, they require you to subjectively judge the person.

How is saying that Soros hates humanity, anti-semitic? The neo-nazi quote, by your own admission, was tweeted under the Voltaire label, and was a screenshot of such a quote. The Vinderman thing is super subjective, Musk has called tons of people puppets in government, and vindman was a govt. official. Specially protecting jewish people in cases like vindman's just makes the stereotypes worse if you can't even use normal words. Hell, Ben Shapiro did a whole segment with Elon Musk against the ADL and Ben Shapiro is super pro-israel, and a jew.

I'm guessing most of this is playing off of the "jews own and control everything" conspiracy, but that's just unfair to apply here.
I already agreed that he needs to be more vigilant of who he is engaging with and what he is retweeting given his immense influence.

My main thoughts:

You're free to say you think he is anti-semitic, he certainly could be and has been interacting with those people way more, but he definitely hasn't said anything anti-semitic. That's just up to a lot of interpretation, like you could say, if you're interpreting it that way, aren't you yourself perpetuating the stereotypes? Then again, he could be dog whistling. Which is why unless there is demonstrated evidence of him being anti-semitic, I can't assume what these subjective cases were.

Quote :
"and has been interacting with those people way more"

^what I said, hence going back to my point, that the main criticism should be that he should interact less with these circles given how dodgy these people can be, and given his responsibility with his influence. Like I said earlier, if you go into communist circles, you're 50x more likely to find a holodomor denier, but that doesn't mean you are yourself. But it also means you have a responsibility to point that out and deny it!

[Edited on October 6, 2023 at 5:04 PM. Reason : -]

10/6/2023 5:03:37 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"you're interpreting it that way, aren't you yourself perpetuating the stereotypes?"

10/6/2023 5:33:24 PM

All American
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hai guys, Hitler wasn't that bad. He loved dogs and painted some pretty paintings!

10/6/2023 5:45:21 PM

Save TWW
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Keeps quacking

10/8/2023 10:34:49 PM

All American
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ifunny and twitter. wow!

10/9/2023 3:33:53 AM

All American
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Quote :
" As false war information spreads on X, Musk promotes unvetted accounts?

Information researchers said that the new outbreak of violence between Israel and Hamas is an early test of how the revamped X conveys accurate data during a major crisis."

10/9/2023 3:05:38 PM

All American
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Quote :
" Straight up neo-Nazi shit. Any company still buying ads on Twitter should be boycotted"

10/10/2023 4:12:08 PM

Save TWW
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Some guy complaining about the bobbie Lee statue being melted:
Quote :
"Literally my ancestor. We carry the Lee name as a first/middle in my family

While I didn't need a directly insulting gesture to tell me that my kind is hated and many seek our extinction (the implicit cues were strong enough) I appreciate this image making it absolutely clear."

Elon in response:
Quote :
"They absolutely want your extinction"

Cool white replacement theory

10/28/2023 12:04:48 AM

The Coz
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Imagine being proud of being related to a Confederate war general.

10/28/2023 8:12:24 AM

All American
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The Coz of their shame it should be

10/28/2023 1:52:06 PM

All American
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Guess musk is just a plain ol’ neo Nazi now

11/15/2023 6:04:26 PM

All American
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^ the guy Musk said was telling the truth was explaining why they thought Hitler was right

11/15/2023 8:39:29 PM

All American
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jews aren't white??? wayment...

11/16/2023 9:48:47 AM

All American
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^ can't expect white supremacists to make any sense...

jews were slowly achieving white status, now that hope is dashed for them i guess

11/17/2023 3:06:18 PM

All American
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Elon Musk trying to Make America Apartheid South Africa.

11/17/2023 8:37:32 PM

Save TWW
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A genius at work
Quote :
"With X CEO Linda Yaccarino sitting in the room, Elon Musk just told advertisers who have pulled out of X — including Disney CEO Bob Iger — to go fuck themselves."

11/29/2023 6:11:15 PM

The Coz
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11/30/2023 6:09:17 AM

The Coz
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I hope this makes a great riches to rags story one day.

11/30/2023 8:53:37 AM

Pupils DiL8t
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11/30/2023 9:38:23 AM

The Coz
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WTH is wrong with this guy? Let's see what Earth says? . . .

11/30/2023 8:16:58 PM

The Coz
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Reinstated the account of Alex Jones. This shitshow can't go bankrupt fast enough.

12/10/2023 11:14:54 AM

Pupils DiL8t
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Tesla blamed drivers for failures of parts it long knew were defective

Quote :
"Wheels falling off cars at speed. Suspensions collapsing on brand-new vehicles. Axles breaking under acceleration. Tens of thousands of customers told Tesla about a host of part failures on low-mileage cars. The automaker sought to blame drivers for vehicle 'abuse,' but Tesla documents show it had tracked the chronic 'flaws' and 'failures' for years."

12/20/2023 8:58:26 AM

All American
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Hitler was right guy is apparently doubling down on replacement theory and thinks democrats are importing conservative Christian Latinos to vote Democrat in 10+ years once they become citizens

12/22/2023 12:21:25 AM

All American
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this is why I'm generally not a fan of this route where we lose more control over belongings and stop owning our stuff
If I make a mistake, I gotta own up to it

if they do, well oops, sorry, corporation, no responsibility from anyone, here take another few million dollars and fix it
and that's assuming they get caught

12/22/2023 1:19:20 AM

Save TWW
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Responds positively to a post saying HBCU students are borderline mentally impaired

1/10/2024 10:55:36 AM

All American
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still interacting with nazis on a regular basis

3/5/2024 1:41:28 PM

All American
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[Edited on March 5, 2024 at 1:42 PM. Reason : written]

3/5/2024 1:42:36 PM

The Coz
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No longer the richest man. LULZ!

3/5/2024 6:45:57 PM

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