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 Message Boards » » Does Wake County Own Your Children? Page [1] 2, Next  
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On the afternoon of April 9, 2014, Dawud Bey and his partner delivered their daughter in their Cary, NC home to “Isn’t She Lovely,” by Stevie Wonder. 5 days later, a relative made a threat on social media to call CPS to report the home birth. On the 6th day, Child Protective Services agent knocked at their door with 2 police officers and a scene complete with a fleet of 3 squad cars and 1 detective vehicle. The agent’s constant “I need to see the child” phrases were followed up with accusations of medical neglect. He was met with responses he had never heard in his career, for who in America knows their rights anymore? Not even the accusing agent. He was banking on receiving the usual serving of fear and compliance most being investigated by CPS deliver. 45 days of investigation without Dawud and the mothers cooperation led to the agency filing a pro se order with a judge to force them to comply with the investigation, which was not granted. The story begins and ends with two parents who faced down their fears and CPS simultaneously to tell their story of courage, self-empowerment, and knowing the law.

For months, Dawud studied the home birth process- the anatomy of a pregnancy from start to finish. Life should be introduced into the world where the living is taking place. Neither believed that labor and delivery should happen in a facility caring for the sick, hurt, and dying, so they researched the laws on home birth in North Carolina. Upon finding out that unassisted childbirth is not illegal in the state, they decided that that option was the best way for them to have their baby. The morning before the CPS visit, Larisha had called a local holistic practitioner to set up an appointment for their child to be seen. They were still looking for a pediatrician who would understand their choices to deliver at home and deny the pumping of vaccines, vitamin K, and silver nitrate in and on their baby prior to CPS’ arrival.

6/28/2014 7:49:50 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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alright, here we go

6/28/2014 8:19:32 AM

All American
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6/28/2014 9:19:06 AM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"Dawud writes;"

Quote :
"On the afternoon of April 9, 2014, Dawud Bey and his partner [...]"

talks in 3rd person about himself, do not trust

6/28/2014 9:46:14 AM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"They were still looking for a pediatrician who would understand their choices to deliver at home and deny the pumping of vaccines, vitamin K, and silver nitrate in and on their baby prior to CPS’ arrival."

Seems like this is the entire story, brushed into a corner of the text where the authors were hoping people wouldn't notice too much. So someone did a home birth with no consultation with a doctor, whatsoever. Did they even have health insurance?

I don't believe that someone should have their children taken away for giving birth without ever talking to a doctor. Nonetheless, it looks like that's the reason they got some CPS visits. I seriously don't believe that "accusations of medical neglect" aren't boilerplate practice with home births .

6/28/2014 11:43:22 AM

26632 Posts
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it really doesn't even get that involved, the reason that they got CPS visits is because someone reported them to CPS. you can argue whether or not reporting them to CPS is okay, but most people want CPS to investigate reports of child neglect when they get them.

1. someone reported this to CPS
2. CPS investigated and asked to see the child as part of that
3. the person refused
4. CPS left

that's perfectly fine, this has nothing to do with the UN Amendment 21

[Edited on June 28, 2014 at 7:28 PM. Reason : also, this dude is obviously a lizard]

6/28/2014 7:28:21 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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Phew. For a moment, I thought this thread might devolve into a bunch of college dudes contemplating the merits of home births.

6/28/2014 10:16:09 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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wat? there are no college dudes on here. and home births are stupidly risky. to do one is absolutely neglect with today's medical technology.

6/28/2014 10:39:46 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Speaking of home birth check this mug out:

Also I'm calling bullshit on this:
Quote :
" Life should be introduced into the world where the living is taking place"

I'd love to hear the reasoning on that BS.

Also this is fucking stupid too:
Quote :
"They were still looking for a pediatrician who would understand their choices to deliver at home and deny the pumping of vaccines, vitamin K, and silver nitrate in and on their baby prior to CPS’ arrival"

Lastly this is a chit chat thread, and someone should move it.

6/28/2014 10:54:07 PM


18617 Posts
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This thread just made my morning.

6/29/2014 11:57:57 AM

All American
52661 Posts
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This motherfucker is so dumb it pains me.

6/29/2014 5:36:18 PM

All American
22931 Posts
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Neglect? I think it is a stretch to say it is neglect. Extremely stupid? Most definitely.

6/29/2014 6:27:06 PM

176 Posts
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TheDuke866 - you should come on live & enlighten us. PM me if you're interested.

6/30/2014 12:55:56 PM

26632 Posts
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can COBRA be involved in the discussion? Is his internet fast enough for skype in his underground lair?

6/30/2014 1:04:43 PM

All American
23525 Posts
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but what good does this do since the child's bath water is laced with fluoride? or does she purify herself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka?

6/30/2014 1:29:21 PM

26632 Posts
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are vaccines a conspiracy?

6/30/2014 2:34:03 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
11608 Posts
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^ only to save lives

6/30/2014 4:22:35 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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you could collect rainwater to avoid the fluoride, but for the damned chemtrails.

6/30/2014 10:18:45 PM

176 Posts
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Quote :
"are vaccines a conspiracy?"

Did I claim it was?

I'm still waiting for you to have a live discussion with us Dtownral, or perhaps you'd rather continue to sit behind 11707 anonymous postings on the wolfweb like the coward you are.

6/30/2014 10:21:47 PM

Wyld Stallyn
1087 Posts
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Wake County DOES own your children. I said so.

I am a Freemason and a Rothschild.

7/1/2014 11:08:19 AM

45908 Posts
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^^shots fired

7/1/2014 11:12:44 AM

26632 Posts
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i'm only interest in chatting if COBRA is in the chat from his lair under Bora Bora, have you set that up yet?

7/1/2014 11:13:41 AM

All American
22931 Posts
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Just keep your non-vaccinated kids away from my kids.

7/1/2014 12:08:58 PM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"can COBRA be involved in the discussion? Is his internet fast enough for skype in his underground lair?"

I swear I can remember him video chatting with world leaders before.

7/1/2014 12:49:36 PM

All American
22931 Posts
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I'm still conviced that is where the WMD's went. And they were also behind the WTC attack.

7/1/2014 12:59:53 PM

Wyld Stallyn
1087 Posts
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Ill go on your show. I know tons of secrets about the hidden menu at cook out.

7/1/2014 1:53:46 PM

All American
23525 Posts
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I know who shot Mr. Burns

7/1/2014 2:46:28 PM

Wyld Stallyn
1087 Posts
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I know who was the best British Prime Minister: Pitt The Elder

7/1/2014 3:06:18 PM

All American
31922 Posts
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The life of your child does not belong to Wake County or any government.

The life of your child also does not belong to you as a parent.

A child has a right to its own life and you as a parent are its caretaker during the time when it is unable to care for itself. But society has a responsibility to ensure that the child is being cared for properly and not neglected, and society does that through CPS.

7/1/2014 8:53:29 PM

Wyld Stallyn
1087 Posts
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Your child belongs to Weedlord Bonerhitler

7/2/2014 8:55:33 AM

All American
9877 Posts
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Actually ^ is correct

7/2/2014 9:40:31 AM

All American
27962 Posts
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Quote :
"On the afternoon of April 9, 2014, Dawud Bey and his partner delivered their daughter in their Cary, NC home to “Isn’t She Lovely,” by Stevie Wonder."

So do folks like the OP think that they "own" their children, and their actions against their children should be questioned by no one?

[Edited on July 2, 2014 at 9:44 AM. Reason : ]

7/2/2014 9:44:18 AM

176 Posts
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7/2/2014 11:40:03 AM

26632 Posts
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does she know that you think airplanes spray chemicals for mind control?

7/2/2014 11:56:58 AM

176 Posts
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Does it matter? Is it relevant to the conversation?

7/2/2014 12:04:09 PM

26632 Posts
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so that's a no?

7/2/2014 12:05:44 PM

176 Posts
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Are you 11 years old? You have the intellect of a fucking shoenice.

7/2/2014 12:28:31 PM

All American
22931 Posts
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He can make educated arguments when he wants to. He's just trolling.

7/2/2014 12:30:21 PM

176 Posts
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I doubt that. I haven't seen an educated argument from him yet.

7/2/2014 12:31:53 PM

All American
27962 Posts
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i had no idea what a "shoenice" was until i googled it. i'm still not sure. it's a specific guy, right? that's like saying somebody is a total elmer fudd?

7/2/2014 12:32:37 PM

176 Posts
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Yeah he basically makes a living off "eating stunts" via YouTube. Vice did a documentary about him & how his family left him because of his obsession with being YouTube famous.

7/2/2014 12:43:59 PM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"First he saw the girl's eyes: dark and wide, unfocused, unblinking. She wasn't looking at him so much as through him.

She lay on a torn, moldy mattress on the floor. She was curled on her side, long legs tucked into her emaciated chest. Her ribs and collarbone jutted out; one skinny arm was slung over her face; her black hair was matted, crawling with lice. Insect bites, rashes and sores pocked her skin. Though she looked old enough to be in school, she was naked — except for a swollen diaper.

"The pile of dirty diapers in that room must have been 4 feet high," the detective said. "The glass in the window had been broken, and that child was just lying there, surrounded by her own excrement and bugs."

When he bent to lift her, she yelped like a lamb. "It felt like I was picking up a baby," Holste said. "I put her over my shoulder, and that diaper started leaking down my leg."

The girl didn't struggle. Holste asked, What's your name, honey? The girl didn't seem to hear.

He searched for clothes to dress her, but found only balled-up laundry, flecked with feces. He looked for a toy, a doll, a stuffed animal. "But the only ones I found were covered in maggots and roaches."

Choking back rage, he approached the mother. How could you let this happen?

"The mother's statement was: 'I'm doing the best I can,' " the detective said. "I told her, 'The best you can sucks!' "

He wanted to arrest the woman right then, but when he called his boss he was told to let DCF do its own investigation.

So the detective carried the girl down the dim hall, past her brothers, past her mother in the doorway, who was shrieking, "Don't take my baby!" He buckled the child into the state investigator's car. The investigator agreed: They had to get the girl out of there.

"Radio ahead to Tampa General," the detective remembers telling his partner. "If this child doesn't get to a hospital, she's not going to make it."

• • •

Her name, her mother had said, was Danielle. She was almost 7 years old.

She weighed 46 pounds. She was malnourished and anemic. In the pediatric intensive care unit they tried to feed the girl, but she couldn't chew or swallow solid food. So they put her on an IV and let her drink from a bottle."

Obama is stealing this lady's baby!! They are going to poison her with IVs and vaccines! Obama does not own this baby 7 year old child!

7/2/2014 1:50:53 PM

Wyld Stallyn
1087 Posts
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You never addressed this in your last thread.

7/3/2014 9:06:36 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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If you don't like how things are going you can always leave. It's a big planet.

7/4/2014 9:43:33 AM

All American
22931 Posts
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^Funny, that's the same argument Smath uses for Hobby Lobby, yet you disagree with him there.

7/4/2014 9:47:21 AM

26632 Posts
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that's because he is making a joke now, and Smath thinks its actually a real argument

7/4/2014 9:55:04 AM

All American
9974 Posts
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That worked out nicely.

7/4/2014 11:11:44 AM

All American
19598 Posts
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I can't believe Belle Knox didn't take up his offer to be Live On BCB.

7/4/2014 3:13:17 PM

All American
19598 Posts
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See look guis, the corporate hospital system is feeding you lies about having to have a baby in a hospital where people are sick and die. Have your kids at home. Its totally safe and free! Nobody wants to see that when they are sick anyways. Its disgusting.

7/12/2014 11:42:05 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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To be fair, that likely has a lot more to do with teen pregnancy than the perils of home birth.

7/12/2014 2:00:47 PM

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