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All American
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Not posting in the spoof thread.

So Mitt was something of a bully, or at least a douche on occasion to gay or effeminate guys, back in prep school ( at 'prep school' although completely expected). I can't image humiliating someone by hacking up their hair with scissors. It may have been long ago, but things like this speak to your character long into your life. At least Mitt has somewhat owned up to it.

5/11/2012 11:24:22 AM

All American
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Spring Break, 1965. He was 18.

Fuck that fucker for assaulting a gay kid and fuck him for claiming to not remember it.

5/11/2012 11:29:52 AM

All American
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not surprising you guys take this story at face value.

you probably didnt even read the original story from the washington post, and you probably dont care about all the revisions to it since then.

fuck you guys; youre fucking idiots.

5/11/2012 12:14:55 PM

All American
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butthurt itt.

5/11/2012 12:23:43 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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Why don't you drop some knowledge on us then?

You can call people clueless or ignorant for not knowing or being familiar with what it is to which your're referring.

However, I'm not sure you can label others as idiots until you've presented the information, and they still refuse to acknowledge it without a valid reason or explanation.

[Edited on May 11, 2012 at 12:26 PM. Reason : ]

5/11/2012 12:25:23 PM

All American
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i can call them fucking idiots if i want; i dont have to drop a half dozen links on you.

im sure youre all capable of using google.

i find it hilarious that he managed to cherrypick the absolute SHORTEST version of this story out of literally every single one ive seen.

the only one that, at this point, is lacking former classmates of mitt romney who say this is ridiculous.

even the supposed victims family says this is crap, and even if it happened, this is pretty sick even for a political ploy. i believe the guy died in 2004 from liver cancer.

who the fuck reads yahoo news?

5/11/2012 12:49:32 PM

All American
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I wasn't basing my opinion off of the link carzak applied. Presume more without providing any actual argument.

5/11/2012 12:56:31 PM

All American
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I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Obama DEFINITELY knew that this story was going to break before he came out in favor of people getting gay-married.

Well played. A good way to cast Obama as the ideological opposite of Romney, despite the two of them being the exact same candidate on just about every other issue.

5/11/2012 1:43:48 PM

All American
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Reading the Washinton Post article vs. the Yahoo one, the only difference I pick out is that the yahoo article didn't include all the "But he was really nice to his friends!" parts.

5/11/2012 2:11:12 PM

All American
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Quote :
"fuck you guys; youre fucking idiots."

haha. if you want to get childish and start name-calling, the funny thing is that i thought "what an idiot" after every post I've read of yours. you're a blatant hack.

5/11/2012 2:11:55 PM

All American
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To be fair, new developments:

Quote :
"Christine Lauber, who is a few years older than John Lauber, was at college when the alleged incident happened, and said the brother and sister were “doing our own thing” at the time.

When ABC News showed her the story, Christine Lauber’s eyes welled up with tears and she became agitated.

She described her brother as a “very unusual person.”

“He didn’t care about running with the peer group,” Christine Lauber said. “What’s wrong with that?”

Betsy Lauber, one of John Lauber’s three sisters, spoke with ABC News Tuesday night regarding the accuracy of the story.

“The family of John Lauber is releasing a statement saying the portrayal of John is factually incorrect and we are aggrieved that he would be used to further a political agenda. There will be no more comments from the family,” she said.

She did not say specifically how the Washington Post story was incorrect.

5/11/2012 2:34:30 PM

All American
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Cue the GOP going into "Stop distracting everyone with ___________ when the REAL issue is THE ECONOMY!" mode, shortly before going back into "OBAMA ATE DOG AS A TODDLER" mode again.

5/11/2012 2:57:25 PM

All American
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Rush opened today with an excerpt from Obama's book talking about how he had teased this girl way back in the day too. And ran with the "SEE! Obama was a bully AND a drug user!!!1 *foam at mouth*"

5/11/2012 3:01:58 PM

All American
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i definitely made fun of people in high school, even for being gay.

i can't say i ever got a gang of people together to hold someone down and forcibly cut their hair.

Maybe this type of assault is common amongst wealthy white males, but that seems like a pretty thing to do.

We all already knew that Mitt is an cold, uncaring politician, not sure why this revelation that he's been a jerk his whole life is really note worthy.

Does Mitt come off as an understanding, compassionate, empathetic human being to anyone here??? Between strapping his dog to the roof of his car, and the way he talks about poor and middle class people, the fact that he was a bully in school is not really the biggest indication of his douchebaggery.

5/11/2012 6:45:25 PM

The E Man
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he just lost the gay vote twice in one week

5/11/2012 8:30:58 PM

All American
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honestly who believes shit like this in an election year? especially when its timed in such a way?


5/11/2012 8:50:11 PM

All American
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[Edited on May 11, 2012 at 9:07 PM. Reason : w]

5/11/2012 9:06:43 PM

148814 Posts
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Romney is a dickbag, but I'm sure everybody did some things in their teenage years that they weren't proud of

5/11/2012 9:18:53 PM


18617 Posts
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I'm pretty sure I never assaulted anybody.

5/11/2012 9:52:46 PM

All American
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I must congratulate carzak on his utter lack of critical thinking. Way to just read a story, do no additional research on it, and just swallow whatever it is that some newspaper vomits out there.

Do you know how many elected federal government officials there are?

5/11/2012 9:59:53 PM

All American
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^ aside from this idiotic article

zero credibility

5/11/2012 10:47:50 PM

All American
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Mitt strapped a dog to a car as an adult. Lol...

He thinks anyone can just borrow $20k from their parents to start a business.

He fired a foreign policy staff member because some 2bit evangelical outed him.

He takes a step back from gwb and is against even civil unions.

[Edited on May 11, 2012 at 10:58 PM. Reason : ]

5/11/2012 10:54:27 PM

All American
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supports ndaa


5/11/2012 11:16:05 PM

148814 Posts
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ITT moron gives compliment to George W. Bush???

5/11/2012 11:55:00 PM

All American
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Why doesn't Romney like to talk about social issues? Does he think these aren't problems a president should think about?

5/12/2012 12:37:09 AM

The E Man
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5/12/2012 9:15:37 AM

All American
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1) i think its a well known fact that republicans are weaker on social issues so this really shouldnt be a shock to you, but keep repeating it for dramatic effect if it makes you feel better.

2) there are bigger fish to fry in this country right now and the big one is something romney actually understands. now i dont mean he can actually fix the economy, im just saying its in his comfort zone.

5/12/2012 9:20:02 AM

The E Man
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To him, fixing the economy means making it easier for rich people to make more money faster. Most people wouldn't really want the economy to be fixed if they only knew but that is the catch to this election.

Don't believe me?

We measure the health of the economy by GDP, the stock market and unemployment. The last of those three is the only one most people care about. If EXON brings in extra profits, aig makes a few extra billion, then gdp and the stock market go up. If walmart builds 500 new stores, unemployment goes down a bit and jobs have been created. None of this helps the economy for real people.

5/12/2012 9:31:50 AM

All American
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I beg to differ. Shitloads of people-though not necessarily brokeass college kids- care about the stock market.

Also, I don't get why anyone cares about the dog on the roof of the car.

[Edited on May 12, 2012 at 9:46 AM. Reason : ]

5/12/2012 9:41:18 AM

The E Man
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I didn't say anything about cares. I'm talking about needs as in making a living. You have 10 vehicles so we obviously don't need to "fix" your economy.

5/12/2012 10:35:59 AM

All American
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Looks like Romneys strategy this time around is going to be to try and side with the evangelicals.

I don't really see them coming out in droves to elect a Mormon.

5/12/2012 10:44:25 AM

All American
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Look, I don't like Mitt Romney at all. The guy is about as slimy as a politician can get and I'm surprised anybody with any sort of mental capacity would ever take him seriously. What he did way back in 1965 definitely wasn't right and it definitely wasn't cool. However, there are a few problems I have with just how much people are losing their shit over what he did.

First of all, the 1960's were a much different time than the 2010's. The attitudes towards gays were probably a lot less tolerant that what we have today; after all, the nation STILL couldn't stomach black people back then and us white folks were hosing them down in the streets. It doesn't make what he did back then right. However, the people on here who judge Mitt so harshly for something like that should at least consider that not only was it likely not very frowned upon to do such a thing back then but more importantly he was a fucking teenager.

You want to know what I was doing at 18? I was getting high, I was getting drunk, and I was getting in trouble with RPD. Today? I have been completely clean and sober for 4 and a half years. I turned my grades around at NCSU, finished the engineering program, and I've been accepted into graduate school at Columbia University in NYC. Would you judge me for the mistakes I made back then? We all did dumb shit when we were that age; what Mitt did back then was no different no matter how much you tell yourself it is.

But yeah.....fuck him for pretending not to remember it.

5/13/2012 4:27:06 AM

The E Man
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^judging him and saying he doesn't have the character to be president are two completely different things. I wouldn't trust someone who has done such a thing with the ability to take any life on the planet with the push of a button. He lacks compassion and everyone can see it. You can see it in his past, you can see it in his policy, you can see it in his remarks and even the way he treats his dog. He's a rich guy that doesn't care about real people and thats always been the theme. This story just follows the same recurring theme.

5/13/2012 4:30:45 AM

All American
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^Oh, I don't disagree with you for a second that the man doesn't have the character to be the president. His "etch a sketch" approach to campaigning is making a mockery of our electoral process and in my mind he's the perfect symbol of so many things wrong here in America. My point was simply that I feel it a little hypocritical of people to judge him so harshly for something he did nearly 50 years ago as a teenager when I feel fairly confident we all have skeletons in our closets for various reasons and I don't feel like the population as a whole is the wisest of decision makers at 18. The country doesn't even trust us to even drink or purchase alcohol at that age.

[Edited on May 13, 2012 at 4:49 AM. Reason : .]

5/13/2012 4:48:26 AM

All American
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Your situation is completely irrelevant as you aren't a consideration to run the country.

The president should be a cut above the rest in theory. He should be smarter and better than all of us. I'm not saying any president is, but that's the idea. People who are going to be chosen to run the country don't get a free pass for what they did 45 years ago. If he was running for grad school at Columbia, sure, but they are 2 very slightly different positions

5/13/2012 10:10:15 AM

All American
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^^ the majority of people seem to agree with you from what I've seen. But Romney had already developed a reputation for being cold and out of touch and the story from high school seems to show he has not really changed too much since then.

He has a huge likability problem right now, probably the worst of any presidential contender. 30% to obamas 60%.

He really does seem to hate the diplomatic aspect of being president, which I could appreciate, but he doesnt carry himself well at all considering this. There are better ways to deal with this than just being fake about it.

5/13/2012 12:46:21 PM

All American
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^^ My situation wasn't meant to be relevant in regards to running for office. My situation was to simply highlight a personal situation in order to aid my point that, as a whole, we aren't the best decision makers at 18 and it is a little hypocritical to give him so much shit for something he did at that age.

5/13/2012 1:13:07 PM

2953 Posts
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I won't be worried too much about Romney's prospects unless he starts to shift towards center. That is the only way he has a remote chance in fall, unless Obama fails to energize the youth by Nov. Obama would be wise to focus on the youth vote once again because they are apathetic and need to be energized or else they wont make it to the polls. On the other hand the far right needs far less prodding to convince them to make it out to the polls and vote. That is why I am curious that Romney continues to stroke the evangelicals--with Santorum and Gingrich out he has no competition.

With all of that said, the nation is aging in a progressive direction and the more Romney caters to the right the less his chances of success are. I fail to see why he continues to keep up this strategy of coddling the evangelicals. He dispatched all of his more conservative foes so what does he have left to prove now? The far right have NO OTHER choice than to vote for him and I have always believed that their hatred of Obama would trump all other factors when casting their ballot.

Really sloppy politics on his part. The downward spiral of the GOP has been quite a popcorn show for me but the proverbial ring will only be cast into the depths of mordor once the progressives develop a web prescence that fully integrates with the web 2.0 generation. I'll let you guys figure out what that means.

5/13/2012 1:15:15 PM

All American
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Web 2.0

I haven't heard that term in a while

5/13/2012 2:11:00 PM

16786 Posts
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brand new Romney == Obama video. side-by-side clips speech clips

5/13/2012 2:59:25 PM

Sup, B
53253 Posts
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so, not surprising, none of the liberals on here care that the press effectively fabricated a story to smear a presidential candidate. not a huge shock

5/13/2012 4:35:59 PM

All American
4328 Posts
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^my thoughts, exactly...i guess the supposed victim's family denying it just wasn't credible enough

5/13/2012 4:50:19 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Quote :
"Christine Lauber, who is a few years older than John Lauber, was at college when the alleged incident happened, and said the brother and sister were “doing our own thing” at the time."

Quote :
"Betsy Lauber, one of John Lauber’s three sisters, spoke with ABC News Tuesday night regarding the accuracy of the story.

“The family of John Lauber is releasing a statement saying the portrayal of John is factually incorrect and we are aggrieved that he would be used to further a political agenda. There will be no more comments from the family,” she said.

She did not say specifically how the Washington Post story was incorrect."

Quote :
"“Even if it did happen, John probably wouldn’t have said anything,” Christine Lauber said."

Quote :
"The Washington Post contacted and quoted both Christine and Betsy Lauber in their original story and reported that they were not aware of the incident with Romney."

Not exactly a firm denial.

5/13/2012 4:58:16 PM

Sup, B
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not exactly a firm admission, either. it's easy to make shit up about a dead guy. liberals on here would be calling for FoxNews to have its broadcast license revoked if it did anything even remotely similar.

5/13/2012 5:39:29 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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The family said they do not know if the incident happened, which is significantly different than saying it did not happen.

The family even gave two reasons why they would not have been aware of such an incident if it did occur.

5/13/2012 5:46:44 PM

Sup, B
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yes. the family would never have noticed if their kid came home one day with a fucked up head from being shorn by his classmates. yep

5/13/2012 6:11:03 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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I guess you missed the fact that Cranbrook is a boarding school.

5/13/2012 6:16:19 PM

Sup, B
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I guess you missed the fact that a shitty-assed haircut doesn't just disappear overnight. I guess you also missed the fact that the press made up a story about a guy that was dead and thus couldn't refute it.

[Edited on May 13, 2012 at 6:27 PM. Reason : ]

5/13/2012 6:27:16 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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I welcome any evidence you have that the Washington Post story was manufactured from whole cloth.

5/13/2012 7:12:38 PM

All American
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Romney has already apologized for it.

I don't recall Obama apologizing about his gay limousine driver.

5/13/2012 7:13:15 PM

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