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All American
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Quote :
"GoDaddy terminates hosting of Texas anti-abortion tip website"

9/4/2021 2:32:04 AM

Sup, B
52815 Posts
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I'm against abortion as birth control, and even *I* think this law is garbage. In what world is anyone allowed to sue another person for exercising a (according to the SC) Constitutionally protected right where the plaintiff is in no way affected by the action taken? Ate these gonna be ok when California passes a law banning all guns and allowing private citizens to sue anyone who sells a firearm?

9/4/2021 11:26:04 PM

All American
39141 Posts
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Quote :
" I'm against abortion as birth control"

9/5/2021 12:07:59 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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What does that even mean?

9/5/2021 2:40:38 AM

All American
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^He hates women and doesn't want them to have any control over their own bodies.

9/5/2021 7:05:40 PM

All American
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Unless it is medically needed (dead fetus, ectopic, etc) I believe abortion is the wrong choice. But I also believe that people have the right to make choices with which i dont agree.

9/5/2021 10:47:47 PM

All American
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appreciate your evolution on the issue, man

[Edited on September 6, 2021 at 12:25 AM. Reason : .]

9/6/2021 12:25:00 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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^^^ That may be, but 'abortion as birth control' makes no sense. Abortion isn't birth control; you may as well say you're against squares as color.

If you're grouping abortion in with things like abstinence, it makes wonder how much you understand about either.

9/7/2021 1:12:02 AM

6665 Posts
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That may be, but you are sticking your head in the sand if you think there aren’t at least some small percentage of women that view abortion as a form of birth control.

9/7/2021 3:01:52 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Well feel free to explain what you or aaronburro mean by 'abortion as birth control'.

9/7/2021 12:24:31 PM

Forgetful Jones
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"you don't have to pull out, i'll just get an abortion"

9/7/2021 12:57:27 PM

Save TWW
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I for one didn't quite click that the official definition of birth control is "preventing pregnancy"

But I think the slightly less exaggerated answer is for when someone did use birth control and it failed.

I assume AB means consenting partners where at least the woman doesn't want to get pregnant but does by accident and turns to abortion without any other pregnancy complication factors.

9/7/2021 1:02:47 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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I definitely agree that for most people abortion falls within a colloquial definition of birth control that's almost synonymous with women's reproductive health in general.

But there is an ambiguity there and I'd really like to know specifically what aaronburro or StTexan means.

9/7/2021 1:51:05 PM

All American
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Abortion is a very expensive means of birth control, and I doubt for most people would be their first choice. I seriously doubt people go into the bedroom thinking "Ok, you don't have to pull out, I'll just spend a few thousand dollars in a few months for an abortion."

It's obviously a last resort. So saying it is a form of birth control is just bad naming.

Now, personally, if everybody is healthy, including the fetus, I would prefer giving the child up for adoption but if you can't see why someone would be scared to go through a birth, then you need to witness one first hand.

9/8/2021 9:18:20 AM

1331 Posts
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I can't imagine anyone who says "abortion shouldn't be birth control" has ever talked to a woman who had one. Along with being expensive, they're also physically painful and traumatic. And with ultrasound laws, waiting periods, mandatory "you're killing a child" scripts, etc, they're far worse than they should be.

[Edited on September 8, 2021 at 11:01 AM. Reason : .]

9/8/2021 11:00:41 AM

All American
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I've seen couples agonize for the better part of two months about what bathroom fixtures or curtains to get.

Perplexes me that some of those same individuals believe 6 weeks is enough time to time to determine if you want an abortion, especially since your last missed period is the first signal and comes at ~ 4 weeks.

9/8/2021 12:00:51 PM

Save TWW
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They DON'T believe that, that's the whole point

9/8/2021 1:41:28 PM

All American
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9/8/2021 2:08:18 PM

All American
7678 Posts
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I am pro-abortion

9/8/2021 10:07:39 PM

oh we back
25326 Posts
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9/9/2021 6:24:08 AM

All American
39141 Posts
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the cruelty is the point

[Edited on September 9, 2021 at 10:50 AM. Reason : shoutout to Adam Serwer]

9/9/2021 10:28:52 AM

All American
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I knew someone who'd had like 6 abortions by the time she was ~23? I might have posted about it in this thread, but I'm too lazy to dig through and find it. Anyway, she's in her 30s now, doing seemingly OK, but her life would be fucked if she had six kids. Unquestionably so. FWIW, she wasn't exactly bragging/happy about it. It was more like she let it slip when she had been drinking, and it was obv she had a lot of mental health/substance abuse issues, and felt horrible that she had to go through the pain/trauma/expense again.

Pretty sure she's an extreme outlier though. A lot of my female friends have had an abortion (or two); wayyyyy more have miscarried. Either experience seems to be universally undesirable/traumatic, but I'll never know-- I don't have a uterus.

9/10/2021 1:44:32 PM

All American
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Quote :
Pretty sure she's an extreme outlier though."

Pretty sure??

9/10/2021 3:08:56 PM

All American
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all of the red states are rushing to out-evil each other

Quote :
"Missouri GOP’s 10-week abortion bill also bans ectopic abortion. Ectopic pregnancies are Not viable & women w/ectopic pregnancies are at risk of death. This GOP bill is a death sentence.

Those who violate this bill will be charged with a Class A felony."

3/11/2022 11:13:34 AM

All American
28211 Posts
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but why???

3/11/2022 11:27:58 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4950 Posts
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I trust this guy with women's reproductive rights.

3/11/2022 1:39:08 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
25413 Posts
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He may or may not be Superman.

[Edited on March 11, 2022 at 3:37 PM. Reason : According to glasses and lapel pin.]

3/11/2022 3:37:14 PM

All American
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Apparently the dude has a fetish with Superman

There's also a picture of him in a superman shirt, and what I assume is his son in a superman costume, but the links are too long to post and I don't know how to shorten them.

3/11/2022 4:03:41 PM

All American
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In a suburban Fort Worth House runoff, Republicans debate killing women over abortion

3/27/2022 1:41:50 AM

All American
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Oklahoma just banned abortion

4/12/2022 3:40:34 PM

All American
28211 Posts
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The assault cotinues

Quote :
"Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed a bill that bans most abortions after 15 weeks, making Florida the latest state to restrict access to the medical procedure. Just two days ago, Oklahoma's governor signed a bill that would make performing an abortion a felony in most cases.

The new Florida law, which takes effect July 1, will replace a previous one that allowed abortions until 24 weeks of pregnancy.
Oklahoma governor signs a bill to criminalize most abortions
Oklahoma governor signs a bill to criminalize most abortions

"House Bill 5 protects babies in the womb who have beating hearts, who can move, who can taste, who can see, and who can feel pain," DeSantis said in a statement Wednesday. "Life is a sacred gift worthy of our protection, and I am proud to sign this great piece of legislation which represents the most significant protections for life in the state's modern history."

The new 15-week ban does not make exceptions for cases of incest, rape or human trafficking. It does allow an abortion if it would save the life of a pregnant person or prevent serious injury to them. "

4/14/2022 1:29:50 PM

All American
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A first draft of a Supreme Court ruling is indicating that Roe v Wade will be overturned:

5/2/2022 9:23:34 PM

All American
34002 Posts
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Didn’t realize alito was such a scumbag. He’s saying states can ban gay marriage too.

Anyone Bernie is right, dema can end the filibuster and just pass a law.

Do Dems have 50 votes? Is it better strategically to drag this out closer to election?

5/2/2022 10:10:24 PM

All American
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I don’t know how, but I know democrats are going to screw this up somehow.

5/2/2022 10:38:43 PM

Save TWW
37435 Posts
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Everything fucking sucks

5/2/2022 10:45:24 PM

Save TWW
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5/2/2022 11:28:12 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"There’s a bill to codify Roe v. Wade protections into federal law.

It has passed the House.

It tops out at 48 votes in Senate (all Dems except Manchin & Casey).

Nuking filibuster wouldn’t be enough; it lacks 50 in Senate.

in February w/ @alivitali ?? "

5/2/2022 11:35:51 PM

All American
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can’t roll my eyes hard enough over pundits guffawing over the memo being leaked

person is a hero if it causes mass demonstrations and scares any of them enough to change their vote

I highly doubt it will, but desperate times….

5/3/2022 12:23:29 AM

6665 Posts
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Nice use of duffaw

5/3/2022 3:11:56 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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5/3/2022 6:01:17 AM

All American
2188 Posts
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In case we needed a reminder of what they meant by making America great again.

5/3/2022 11:25:53 AM

balls deep
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I hope we all understand that after abortion is made illegal, the definition of abortion will slowly begin to change to include contraception, how people engage in consensual sex, and who can engage in consensual sex.

5/3/2022 12:08:53 PM

All American
853 Posts
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well, state elections just got 100x more important.

5/3/2022 1:01:50 PM

All American
2188 Posts
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All this manufactured outrage over CRT and schools I’d guess Brown vs Board of Education is next.

5/3/2022 1:15:56 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Whether it will or not, I don't know. But this decision certainly opens the door to that.

I've seen some online who suspect - and I'm inclined to agree - that the leak came from a conservative court clerk, on the theory that it being publicized would essentially lock in the majority opinion. For any of the five avowed anti-choice judges to change their mind at this point would be problematic for a variety of reasons, showing discord within the court and implying that pressure was somehow brought to bear. If, say, Roberts was close to drawing someone to the other side - or perhaps drawing up a concurrence that was less severe and might draw some of them away - this would be a way to avert that. This, to me, makes more sense than a liberal clerk leaking it now, of all times. This draft has been around for months; the time the decision is actually scheduled to come out would be more auspicious to boost Democrats' election chances.

It's also been bandied about - and here I'm more strongly inclined to agree - that the rightist bloc is being more vocal about deploring the leaks than celebrating the death of Roe because they know that Roe was worth may more to them alive than dead. Whipping up anti-abortion fervor was worth $texas (literally) in campaign contributions and votes. Post-Roe, it will have a shadow of that power. Meanwhile the Democrats - particularly the Left wing of the Democratic Party - will receive from Republicans' own hands their greatest weapon. Will receive, perhaps, an even more powerful version of that weapon. The unprecedented nature of a Supreme Court action removing Constitutional rights may prove more galvanizing, and besides, there's the simple math that most people in this country want abortion to be legal in most or all circumstances.

In short: Overturning Roe v. Wade hurts the GOP in the long term (maybe not that long, either) and they know it, which is why they're trying to get people more worked up about the leak than the "win."

5/3/2022 1:22:31 PM

All American
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Anti-Sodomy laws coming back next?

5/3/2022 1:38:58 PM

All American
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^^ it should hurt the gop but Dems should never have let it get to this point. Should have been codified after Obamacare passed.

Dems need a visible shakeup in leadership, they need a party leader younger than 80 years old. They should be empowering AOC instead of stifling her. Biden should have invited the Amazon labor union leaders to the white house after their victory. Democrats have no idea how to talk to or relate to the working class anymore. Biden kept most of trump’s tariffs, kept most of trumps immigration policies, has done probably exactly what trump would have done on Covid.

Dem leadership has been a complete embarrassment since letting a reality show clown beat their top policy wonk, and there needs to be some acknowledgment of this to their base.

5/3/2022 5:40:24 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18153 Posts
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Quote :
"it should hurt the gop but Dems should never have let it get to this point. Should have been codified after Obamacare passed."

Obviously, but Dems were playing the same game. Codify Roe, and you can't use the threat of Republicans overturning it to get out the vote. That's to say nothing of the fact that codifying it would have been a slog even when the Dems had majority control and the White House. Lots of folks would have defected, doesn't look good. So the choice was between (a) give up a powerful campaign tool, make the party look divided, and spend a lot of political capital, or (b) assume the court will stay fairly balanced and Roe will hold.

Option B is fine if you think you're going to maintain the status quo long enough for the pro-life movement to fade away, as it probably would in time. Problem is, the status quo did not hold.

As to the rest of your post...

Agreed the Democratic Party needs younger people at the fore. Agree that Biden should have been crowing about the Amazon thing (and any other union victory) from the rooftops and meeting with those leaders in person. Agree they don't know how to talk to the working class, although then you pivot to Trump's tariffs and immigration policies, both of which are prized by large swathes of the working class who view cheap imports and cheap labor as threats to their jobs.

Disagree that Hillary was a "policy wonk." She was, first and foremost, an avid politician, and clearly willing to shift on policy positions as the political winds dictated. Sure, she was more of a wonk than Trump, but so is the average housecat. Agree that stifling AOC & Co. is dumb. Disagree that she should be "empowered" from the outside, beyond her own ability to put together a power base in the House and in the country as a whole.

5/4/2022 2:04:30 PM

Save TWW
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5/5/2022 12:13:34 PM

All American
2188 Posts
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Republicans are willing to use everything to their advantage, lie and even attempt to overturn elections.
Democrats are putting their hopes on a geriatric moderate to hold on to social progress from decades ago.

5/5/2022 1:24:43 PM

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