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1331 Posts
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fair enough. i will instead refer to biden's vast history of lying, including his first presidential run where he dropped out due to that and plagiarism.

3/19/2020 6:54:51 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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Quote :
" (again, see also: the promise to make Yang his VP)"


3/19/2020 6:55:08 PM

40408 Posts
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whatever flaws Biden may have, it's gonna be 1000% better than letting Trump and the GOP have another 4 years. at least with Biden we have a chance to make some progress. that is the reality now, so we need to work with the cards we're dealt. the opportunity to make progress doesn't begin and end with any one candidate or any one election. let's keep it moving.

[Edited on March 19, 2020 at 6:59 PM. Reason : .]

3/19/2020 6:58:17 PM

1331 Posts
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depends on if you'd rather see a marginally better government under biden with not much of a left opposition, or 4 more years of trump and the collective willpower to build larger worker movements, as is happening now

maybe there could still be an opposition under biden, but seems unlikely to me.

either way, i may end up voting for him, but absolutely will not campaign for him - and it's a guarantee that will be a trend across the board, and not just with the "Bernie Bros"

3/19/2020 7:10:58 PM

40408 Posts
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who cares about "opposition" just put in the work for whatever causes you feel passionately about. whether it's biden or trump in the white house shouldn't matter one bit.

3/19/2020 7:19:14 PM

1331 Posts
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it shouldn't, but it historically does. the labor movement was muted under obama and it's growing under trump. but given how things are changing, i could see an opportunity for growth under biden as well. regardless of who wins, i agree with your point, have to try not to lose steam.

3/19/2020 7:24:31 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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A Trump win means a 7-2 split on the Supreme Court. Good luck with progressive movements with that

3/19/2020 7:40:03 PM

2001 Posts
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Merrick Garland is not a progressive.
Quote :
"who cares about "opposition" just put in the work for whatever causes you feel passionately about. whether it's biden or trump in the white house shouldn't matter one bit.


This. Trump has actually motivated people to realize they don't need the president. We have gotten more progressive change at the local level in the last 4 years than I saw under Obama. Sure we'd love to have a progressive president, but people rising up taking direct action is the way forward now.
More of this kind of stuff

[Edited on March 19, 2020 at 7:45 PM. Reason : we can do it without the government]

3/19/2020 7:41:17 PM

50084 Posts
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Merrick Garland was a boring ass centrist, though highly qualified. And would have done far more to allow for progressive change going forward than fucking Kavanaugh or Gorsuch.

Nuance does matter.

[Edited on March 19, 2020 at 8:01 PM. Reason : Is there any tangible proof accelerationist theory works aside from giving fascism more of a grip?]

3/19/2020 8:00:14 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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^ So much this.

Earl, stop taking shit out of context. I never once said Garland was a progressive, but he would be FAR more likely to side toward progressives on cases that made it up to SCOTUS.

3/19/2020 8:30:32 PM

1331 Posts
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Quote :
"Is there any tangible proof accelerationist theory works aside from giving fascism more of a grip?"

Biden would do similarly horrible things and he wouldn't receive pushback for them. Liberals would make excuses, just like they did with Obama. Trump, on the other hand, is being attacked for everything he does and allowing a consolidated left opposition to form.

Biden's presidency would be one of austerity, proxy war, and friendliness toward banks and corporations. It would offer no true alternative to Trump and would allow another horrible populist republican to rise from the depths in 2024 or 2028.

And unless they give him an IV drip of whatever designer drug he was on last debate, he's going to lose anyways.

[Edited on March 20, 2020 at 11:16 AM. Reason : .]

3/20/2020 11:09:16 AM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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I swear, everyone who is repeating talking point of 'Biden is just as bad as Trump' seems brainwashed.

3/20/2020 11:19:28 AM

1331 Posts
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I don't think he would be as bad as Trump. I think he would offer nothing substantial to working Americans, though, which is supposed to be the arena of the Democrats. If we don't offer an alternative to Trump-like right-wing populism, we're going to keep shifting to the right as a country.

3/20/2020 11:24:01 AM

50084 Posts
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^^ almost no one outside of political nihilists actually believes that, though.

3/20/2020 11:44:02 AM

1331 Posts
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Why did Hillary lose?

3/20/2020 12:20:30 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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She was extremely unlikable (her unfavorables were terrible)
She didn't campaign heavily (or at all really) in rust belt states (she lost by >80k votes in these three states combined)
The Comey memo

3/20/2020 12:30:34 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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Cambridge Analytica
Protest votes for Trump/Johnson/Stein
Abstained votes

Can't forget those...

I'm seeing a lot of Bernie supporters trying to warn everyone that Biden is going to get destroyed in the general, while completely ignoring the fact that we're already in a recession and dealing with a well-documented botched response to a global pandemic. Trump is basically Herbert Hoover now, and things haven't even gotten bad yet, aside from the Dow.

They're acting as if them threatening to sit it out because "Biden is just as bad as Trump" is going to lead to the exact outcome as 2016. One problem with that theory: there aren't that many Sanders supporters in 2020. How do we know? Uh, look at the primary results, morons.

3/20/2020 1:41:36 PM

All American
15213 Posts
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so I guess it doesn't matter if we vote then, great

3/20/2020 4:00:08 PM

2001 Posts
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The thing is, I don't think most Sanders supporters are democrats.

[Edited on March 20, 2020 at 4:16 PM. Reason : We thought Trump would win pre-virus but yeah this virus changes everything.]

3/20/2020 4:15:01 PM

Save TWW
37141 Posts
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Bernie is holding down halls and raising money for charities. Warren is still pushing progressive legislation in response. Booker is working on payments to all Americans. Klobuchar is pushing vote by mail.

Biden is MIA. Some tweets asking for pinky promise to not do stock buybacks

3/20/2020 4:49:23 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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You mean legislators have more power to actively handle a crisis than a former vice president who isn't in office?

3/20/2020 7:23:41 PM

1331 Posts
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Quote :
"Bernie is holding town halls and raising money for charities."

3/20/2020 7:27:02 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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Quote :
"Bernie is holding town halls"


3/20/2020 7:48:42 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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Like online? Biden is trying that too

3/20/2020 7:51:05 PM

1331 Posts
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online, right now

3/20/2020 7:52:17 PM

Save TWW
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Biden desperately want to do more!!

3/20/2020 8:04:29 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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He's quarantining like most Americans and doesn't currently hold political office. I'm really not sure what else you want him to be doing besides preparing for the General. He did one speech already, set up a task force to get him informed, and is preparing for more speeches after his first virtual townhall went poorly.

3/20/2020 8:10:57 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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3/20/2020 8:14:58 PM

Save TWW
37141 Posts
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He could vocally endorse Maxine Waters bill or any number of bills in work. He could push Pelosi to be more aggressive with those bills. He could try to get on any cable news show that would have him. He could get a fucking 17 year old to set up Skype for him to do a virtual town hall. Plus any number of other things?

^why is he telling that shit to reporters? Get your face out there so people see you as a ready and able leader. And "pushing Trump" is empty messaging, push your own party! You're the presumptive nominee, so you're the presumptive leader of the party, act like it!

[Edited on March 20, 2020 at 8:19 PM. Reason : E]

Or fuck I don't know, name a VP candidate and authorize them to bully fuck up jesus

[Edited on March 20, 2020 at 8:21 PM. Reason : E]

Do like Bernie and encourage your donors to donate to charities?

Surely his advisors have these and more ideas right??

[Edited on March 20, 2020 at 8:24 PM. Reason : Act like you'd be better president then Trump ]

3/20/2020 8:17:34 PM

2001 Posts
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the campaign strategy was always to practice political distancing and limit exposure to when it is especially necessary to prevent the spread of his record.

3/20/2020 8:48:07 PM

6283 Posts
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Quote :
" The thing is, I don't think most Sanders supporters are democrats."

I mean what in the fuck

3/21/2020 1:35:46 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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lol it's fucking Earl dude I don't know why you chucklefucks even read his posts much less respond to them.

3/21/2020 11:11:41 AM

play so hard
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3/21/2020 11:13:14 AM

Save TWW
37141 Posts
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Thread about Biden needing to ball up

3/21/2020 11:56:22 AM

1331 Posts
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His grandson was busy this weekend so he can't set up the webcam until Monday. Maybe stop attacking our future president?

3/21/2020 12:16:28 PM

2001 Posts
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Did you know Bernie was an independent? Have you never heard democrats criticize him for not being a "real" democrat? Have you not noticed that he is at odds with the rest of the party on many policies? Does he not stand out to you on an ideological level?

If the answer to all of those questions is yes, then it shouldn't blow your mind if the same thing applies to his followers. Look around you. I'm not a democrat. I don't think Daaave is either.

Also, now I'm really curious what Earl did to synapse and NYM. It had to be really personal for them to still be obsessing over calling people earl years later. I used to think it was some kind of joke but NYM is for real and actually believes it. Literally the only thing synapse posts about is Earl. All of his posts are some version of the last two. If he was a student in my class, I'd be mandatory reporting for PTSD symptoms.

3/21/2020 12:50:51 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
27342 Posts
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ok, earl.

3/22/2020 3:31:45 AM

All American
6570 Posts
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One thing that’s helped me step back from the ledge regarding Joe Biden:

Take a look at the recent legislative history of Virginia.

VA is hardly the pinnacle of progressivism. The past 20-30 years it’s been lurching between being a red state and purple. 10 years ago it got REALLY purple and recently has gotten pretty blue (hasn’t elected a Republican to statewide office in 10yrs or so).

Despite that strong blue tint, its basically conservadem heaven. The perfect example is the governor Ralph Northam. The VAGOP actually recruited him to switch sides when he was in the legislature. There is that whole disgusting blackface fiasco, ugh. Again, not the pinnacle of progressivism.

But check out the legislation he has signed since Dems were able to take over both houses of the VA legislator:

-toughest gun laws in the Southeast
-Ratified the ERA
-repealed multiple layers of dipshit rules regarding abortion
-$12 Minimum wage by 2023
-some of the broadest LGBTQ anti-discrimination laws in the country
-new rules that make it easier for cities to dump confederate statues, they actually dropped Jefferson Davis day as a state holiday (or whatever it was).
-repealed voter ID, made voting day a state holiday
-new green energy rules that some have suggested could put VA in the top 3 states for clean energy production in a few years
-there is a raft of justice system reform bills still in committee (including weed decriminalization) that many think still have a chance

Taking all of these together, it still doesn’t have that much “WOW” factor if you’re progressive leaning. However, when juxtaposed next to the current trajectory of the federal government, or even the direct comparison between a divided neighbor like North Carolina, it starts to look pretty good. It just takes perspective.

3/22/2020 9:19:03 AM

Save TWW
37141 Posts
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Guys I really have to tuck my tail and apologize, Biden is working hard after all!!

3/22/2020 11:34:57 AM

1331 Posts
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lol i had to make sure that was real. he definitely has coronavirus right?

3/22/2020 12:32:54 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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Nah, but Rand Paul definitely does

3/22/2020 3:01:40 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Filed under "Trump is too incompetent to implement much of what he wants"

3/24/2020 6:23:17 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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^ file it under "Snopes is garbage and should never be trusted"

3/24/2020 8:58:53 PM

Forgetful Jones
147734 Posts
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the snopes link and the politifact link say the same basic thing...

3/24/2020 9:19:07 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Your article is about Bloomberg's claims which I am not making any claims about here.

And sure, Trump/probably didn't directly fire that directorate.

But his administration did. And he clearly has a disdain for most departments and federal employees in general.
He and his administration have moved to cut department/agency budgets and cut the federal workforce at nearly every turn. This directorate was an unfortunate victim of this overall direction.

Do you dispute that the Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense was eliminated by Trump's administration? And now that you bring it up, do you dispute that he tried to cut CDC funding?

3/24/2020 9:20:05 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Here does this link suit your sensibilities better, or does it have to be linked on Drudge?

3/24/2020 9:27:41 PM

50084 Posts
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I didn’t click the links but from memory Bolton reorganized and downgraded the pandemic task force away from the NSC, right? So Trump didn’t “fire” anyone (remember he never actually fires people because he actually hates real confrontation) but his administration did weaken a key group that would have helped organize the federal response early on.

Also, it’s not like anyone can ever argue he doesn’t disdain experts.

3/25/2020 7:06:21 AM

All American
3895 Posts
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Quote :
"So Trump didn’t “fire” anyone (remember he never actually fires people because he actually hates real confrontation)"
The Federal government (led by Trump) clearly screwed this up. And I don't know if he fired an entire department or reorganized them or whatever, they clearly were not prepared for this.

But this is just a really weird take. Trump built his fame by having a reality show where he literally fired people every week. There was even a catch phrase. And his entire presidency has been defined by confrontation (with the press, Dem's, "RINOs", never-Trumpers).

Talk about completely misreading someone.

3/25/2020 8:20:05 AM

50084 Posts
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He’s a good actor and can read a good script.

Not going to argue that. But he’s also the same guy he’s been for 35+ years (longer than that obviously but I’ve only been around that long).

He loves reporters. LOVES them. Needs them like we need oxygen and is undoubtedly their biggest source. It’s who he is.

You’re right, though in that he likes to appear to be confrontational.

[Edited on March 25, 2020 at 8:35 AM. Reason : Remember, trump never chose who would be fired. Show writers did.]

3/25/2020 8:32:17 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4921 Posts
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There was even a catch phrase!!

3/25/2020 9:25:53 AM

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