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All American
38980 Posts
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Quote :
" Hes crushing it because of a coordinated campaign to all back biden right before the election gave him a bunch of mlmentum"

he’s crushing it because primaries are being held in states that aren’t lily white

it’s becoming very obvious that neither Bernie or Warren did nearly enough to make their case to non-white voters

3/3/2020 9:26:59 PM

1331 Posts
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on the plus side i get to vote for an actual socialist in colorado in november

3/3/2020 9:30:12 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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You’re saying if warren was a completely different person than she is, and if the dynamics of the party were not what they are, things would be different for Bernie. That’s a pedantic observation. Endorsements for Biden wasn’t a ploy, this is a very common part of primaries. The endorsement game is the biggest game— endorsements are the most reliable predictor of the nominee (except with trump). I don’t think the math works out either that warren supporters are numerous enough to give Bernie more victories.

3/3/2020 9:32:08 PM

26632 Posts
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Biden makes a scene in Cleveland by trying to walk to Robbens Island to free Mandela. Sensing an opportunity Tulsi leads her army of neckbeards and red pilled philosophers to takeover the convention. Obama, realizing that this is when he needs to endorse a candidate, endorses Michelle who wins on the second vote. Trump has his supreme court determine that she is actually a foreign man and not eligible. Trump wins, but the amphetamines and burgers do him in. President Pence appoints his wife to VP. Fox News rejoices Vice President Mother.

[Edited on March 3, 2020 at 9:34 PM. Reason : Endorsements for Biden were 100% coordinated for traded favors and support, dont be naive]

3/3/2020 9:33:23 PM

50084 Posts
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Quote :
" it’s becoming very obvious that neither Bernie or Warren did nearly enough to make their case to non-white voters"

I think that’s a bit harsh. I don’t think Sanders or his campaign did anything wrong wrt black voters. I simply think they really trust and like Joe Biden. They have more skin in the game in this thing then a lot of us (me included and especially) and I simply refuse to judge them for believing that.

3/3/2020 9:33:37 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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Buttigieg has more delegates than warren… we’re a crazy country

3/3/2020 9:39:16 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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Quote :
" Virginia turnout just blew past 2016 (785,041) and 2008 (986,203).

It's now at 1.138 million with 92% reporting (and half of Fairfax remaining)

It's a great sign of Democratic engagement, but it also shows how much bluer the state has become."

3/3/2020 9:40:41 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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Quote :
" and I simply refuse to judge them for believing that."

I’m definitely not judging them at all for it

3/3/2020 9:40:54 PM

6283 Posts
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Quote :
" dont be naive"

Lol thats rich

3/3/2020 9:43:10 PM

1331 Posts
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Worth noting that before SC, Bernie was polling first among black voters. Still polling first among latinos.

3/3/2020 9:43:25 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
8224 Posts
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Quote :
"If the North Carolina exit polls are any indication, Biden still has a problem with young voters. According to preliminary data, Sanders crushed him 54 percent to 21 percent among 17- to 29-year-olds, and they virtually tied among voters aged 30-44. However, voters between 45 and 64 went for Biden 47 percent to 18 percent, while Biden routed Sanders 55 percent to 8 percent among those 65 or over."

3/3/2020 9:45:04 PM

26632 Posts
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Thats actually a good performance for Biden

3/3/2020 9:47:49 PM

1331 Posts
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alright here are my predictions. bloomberg drops out tomorrow. biden sundowns during the next debate and loses all traction. bernie dies. warren wins the nomination.


3/3/2020 9:51:24 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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Bloomberg actually costing Biden a bigger victory in a few states, and helping Bernie in a few states.

3/3/2020 9:58:40 PM

50084 Posts
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^^ I mean to be fair, that’s a pretty decent outcome relative to what is actually going to happen

3/3/2020 10:03:43 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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Quote :
" Just In: Bloomberg will be reassessing his campaign tomorrow.

@NBCNews Via @Garrett_Archer"

3/3/2020 10:04:35 PM

1331 Posts
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phase 1 has begun

3/3/2020 10:05:30 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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Quote :

BIDEN has won:
- VA
- NC
- AL
- TN
- MN
- OK

And BIDEN is ahead in:
- Maine
- Arkansas
- MA

SANDERS has won:
- VT
- CO

SANDERS ahead in:
- TX

BLOOMBERG has won:
- Amer. Samoa

No results yet:
- CA (!!)
- UT"

Warren has to drop out now. Bernie still has a path but will be very hard

3/3/2020 10:07:40 PM

All American
1589 Posts
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Biden is going on an 83 NCSU Tournament style run

3/3/2020 10:21:30 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
8224 Posts
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By the end of the night Terry McAuliffe and this Sanders supporter sitting next to him on CNN will come to blows.

3/3/2020 10:21:58 PM

Forgetful Jones
147734 Posts
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Biden about to speak. Drink every time he says something stupid.

[Edited on March 3, 2020 at 10:22 PM. Reason : ibt alcohol poisoning]

3/3/2020 10:22:08 PM

1331 Posts
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Quote :
"Warren has to drop out now. Bernie still has a path but will be very hard"

usually candidates drop out before they take 3rd in their own state. pretty clear it's an anti-Bernie strategy at this point.

3/3/2020 10:32:24 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
8224 Posts
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Projected North Carolina delegation based on the 65% reporting number:

Biden 63, Sanders 36, Bloomberg 8, Warren 3

Those numbers have Bloomberg on 14.35%, so he'll take some away from Biden and Sanders if he gets up to 15%.

2 of Warren's projected 3 come from the 4th district of David Price.

[Edited on March 3, 2020 at 10:44 PM. Reason : .]

3/3/2020 10:40:27 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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Quote :
" Here's @BernieSanders problem, which was sorta visible in IA, NH and SC but is now in neon: he's having a hard time w the voters that powered Ds in the midterms.

Upscale suburbanites.

Look at Loudoun Co, Va, D.C. exurb, @JoeBiden is winning by better than 2-to-1"

3/3/2020 10:41:52 PM

6283 Posts
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Quote :
" he's having a hard time w the voters that powered Ds in the midterms."

But he does better with moderates!!!1

3/3/2020 10:44:06 PM

26632 Posts
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So you obviously have never heard of or been to loudoun county

[Edited on March 3, 2020 at 11:07 PM. Reason : S.]

3/3/2020 11:07:12 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
8224 Posts
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Quote :
"In another of tonight’s down-ballot races, former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville look like they will head to a runoff in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate in Alabama. Democratic Sen. Doug Jones looks like he’s in a lot of danger to lose this seat, especially since it’s now virtually certain that he won’t face former state Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore again — Moore is getting just 8 percent tonight in his attempted comeback bid."

3/3/2020 11:07:48 PM

6283 Posts
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^^don’t be so naive. I doubt you’ve seen a voter that powered dems in 18 midterms

3/3/2020 11:10:26 PM

2001 Posts
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Warren was ALWAYS anti-bernie. I blew the whistle on that years ago. She undermined Bernie in 2016 by not endorsing and undermined him by running in 2019 and now is undermining him by staying in.

It took me 3 minutes to vote last time in LA. They got rid of polling places and this time it took 4 hours. The line is now around two corners past the point where I waited 4 hours. This is not a coincidence. Its voter suppression.

[Edited on March 3, 2020 at 11:23 PM. Reason : she's full of shit]

3/3/2020 11:16:29 PM

26632 Posts
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^^ it doesnt fit your "point" at all, probaly the worst you could pick.

If you would like to try again with a better metro area just make sure you check the totals with regards to the vote being split

3/3/2020 11:30:21 PM

6283 Posts
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Ok I’ll do that. And you keep your head in the sand when it comes to Sanders support with moderates and voters that powered dems to win 40 house seats in 2018.

3/3/2020 11:33:26 PM

1331 Posts
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Decent chance Bernie will come out on top tonight after CA

3/3/2020 11:50:32 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
8224 Posts
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Biden spent a grand total of $11,772 in Massachusetts, per CNN.

Latest update to N.C. delegation based on 84% reporting numbers: Biden 64, Sanders 38, Bloomberg and Warren 4 each

One thing I'll say looking at prospective delegate counts is I'm not seeing many states where a guy is getting a clear majority. Texas is going to be a 3-way split where Bloomberg takes a significant number in 3rd.

Some quirks due to the 15% threshold: Sanders in 2nd is at 16% in Alabama, Biden presently at 14% in Utah.

3/3/2020 11:51:09 PM

2001 Posts
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Quote :
All American
874 Posts
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Quote :
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) took a shot at Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Wednesday, a sign that the fight to be the Democratic Party’s progressive standard-bearer is heating up as Warren rises in the polls.

Sanders, referencing a Politico article about how centrist Democrats are flocking to Warren’s campaign in an effort to ensure he doesn’t win the nomination, tweeted that the “corporate wing” of the Democratic Party is intent on electing anyone but him.

“The cat is out of the bag,” Sanders tweeted. “The corporate wing of the Democratic Party is publicly ‘anybody but Bernie.’ They know our progressive agenda of Medicare for All, breaking up big banks, taking on drug companies and raising wages is the real threat to the billionaire class.”"

The cat was never in the bag Bernie. How could you not have noticed this in the past 4 years? We could have built a viable 3rd party by now but you are naive that they will come around.

Improbable odds for progressives to have to defeat Warren before we can take on Biden and then have to defeat Biden before we can take on Trump. Would be so much easier to go straight to the general as independents, green, or anything else really .

6/20/2019 1:57:34 P"

my shit ages well

3/3/2020 11:55:49 PM

Forgetful Jones
147734 Posts
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Quote :
"We could have built a viable 3rd party by now"

3/4/2020 12:15:17 AM

All American
33759 Posts
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Bernie needs to work on growing his coalition

3/4/2020 12:30:10 AM

2001 Posts
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Yeah Biden's base is tiny but everyone endorse him. Bernie's base is huge but Warren won't endorse him. Its almost like other people endorsing you is how you grow a coalition.

3/4/2020 12:38:25 AM

All American
25799 Posts
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It’s almost as if Bernie isn’t as popular or likeable in primary races as his ardent supporters insist he is...

3/4/2020 1:16:13 AM

2001 Posts
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He's the most popular single candidate maybe ever. Who has had more donors?

3/4/2020 1:19:40 AM

6283 Posts
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I mean, I guess donors is one measure of popularity. Another is votes.

3/4/2020 1:22:06 AM

All American
25799 Posts
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Or delegates. Can’t forget those...

3/4/2020 1:23:11 AM

2001 Posts
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Well yeah, Biden has more support than Bernie ONLY after the rest of the party teams up with him and its Bernie vs all.

The question is what if the party teamed up with Bernie? Would that coalition be stronger than this Biden coalition that is barely beating solo Bernie? The answer to that is a resounding yes.

Of course thats impractical because the party cares more about blocking the progressive agenda.

[Edited on March 4, 2020 at 1:37 AM. Reason : endorsements herd people to candidates they don't even like]

3/4/2020 1:32:43 AM

6283 Posts
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You sound like the bad guy at the end of Scooby Doo episodes. Bernie would have won if not for those pesky voters!

Bernie would have won if those pesky endorsements didn’t herd voters to candidates they didn’t like!

[Edited on March 4, 2020 at 1:42 AM. Reason : Hehe ]

3/4/2020 1:38:33 AM

2001 Posts
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voters rejected biden time after time. It was the politicians that resurrected his campaign. Without Clyburn, Pete, Amy, Beto, Warren and Hillary's help, Biden was dead in the water.

[Edited on March 4, 2020 at 1:42 AM. Reason : the establishment]

3/4/2020 1:40:43 AM

2001 Posts
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LOL CNN is blaming the republican party for waiting times in Texas saying its by GOP design but its worse in California where that talking point wouldn't work. They aren't mentioning voting times in California.

3/4/2020 2:11:43 AM

All American
25799 Posts
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3/4/2020 2:15:17 AM

6283 Posts
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^^^Don’t forget Bloomberg. If he is not in the race, Bernie has delegate lead after Super Tuesday. I bet he drops out tomorrow and just wanted to help Biden.

[Edited on March 4, 2020 at 2:31 AM. Reason : Assuming bloomberg stays viable in CA]

3/4/2020 2:23:03 AM

2001 Posts
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Don't forget the 30 people being in the race and 20 person debates and deval patrick primetime townhalls that were all part of the design to keep people from being able to distinguish candidates with policies that would help them from empty candidates offering nothing new.

[Edited on March 4, 2020 at 2:30 AM. Reason : party of nothing]

3/4/2020 2:28:39 AM

All American
4458 Posts
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This was an absolute master stroke by establishment democrats, to be honest. Terrible for progressives or anyone who wants to use the apparatus of the state to help working people, but brilliant for maintaining the status quo.

Let's recap:

Lilly-white Iowa is intentionally bungled, and the progressive popular vote winner is denied the media bump for an entire week, while Pete Buttigieg, an empty suite who speaks in useless platitudes with no substance and with no chance of winning is propped up, only to later roll his endorsement to the late surge candidate in Biden.

All the while, Biden, who absolutely ate shit for the first few primaries, focused all of his energy on South Carolina and was able to use that Obama sheen with a few completely fabricated lies about getting arrested in South Africa (lolol...just big-dicked that made-up story without any pushback) and rode a positive media wave to Super Tuesday without spending any campaign money.

Additionally, a nice coordinated effort by the Obama team helped clear the moderate lane and fold the endorsements of Klob, Beto, and the propped up Iowa winner in Pete to boost Biden's numbers.

Meanwhile, the only other left alternative candidate, who can't even win her home state and has no viable path to victory remains in the race to siphon votes from upper middle class white "progressives." She'll endorse Biden as soon as Bernie is disposed of and collect her reward within the Democratic machine when the time comes.

The night of Super Tuesday ends, the largest state in California is too early to call, and the media narrative firmly declares that Biden is the big winner of the night, giving him the boost he needs going into the convention.

Absolutely brilliant political maneuvering on the part of the Democratic establishment. Just an absolute textbook example of how to manage a democracy and manufacture consent among the voting public.

Never let anyone tell you that the Democratic Part can't fight tooth and nail to win a election. They absolutely can.

They just refuse to do it to fight the right wing, which is why Trump will win re-election.


3/4/2020 3:39:19 AM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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California ALWAYS takes days or weeks to call. They allow mail in ballots provided they are post marked the day of the election. This isn't new, it isn't some vast conspiracy.

Considering that young voters had a turnout of 13% last night, the reason Sanders didn't have a great night is pretty evident

3/4/2020 7:03:09 AM

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