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All American
33759 Posts
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I would swear Bloomberg is high right now

2/25/2020 9:29:05 PM

1331 Posts
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Everyone watching this debate would like Pete to shut the fuck up I’m pretty sure.

2/25/2020 9:37:00 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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Yeah not sure why he thinks that’s a good strategy.

2/25/2020 9:44:36 PM

2001 Posts
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religious pandering in south carolina

[Edited on February 25, 2020 at 10:02 PM. Reason : fun fact pete's motto is a bible verse that was used to promote good behavior from slaves]

2/25/2020 10:01:12 PM

2001 Posts
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I don't know what to think anymore. I can't figure out if we need Biden to win to survive and prevent a coalescence around someone else,or for him to lose, drop out, and end up with a stronger bloomberg on Tuesday.

2/26/2020 12:16:22 AM

6283 Posts
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Just finished the debate. Honestly all these candidates are awful.

2/26/2020 2:00:15 AM

All American
846 Posts
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i missed it. is there any reason i should go out of my way today to watch it?

2/26/2020 6:39:46 AM

26632 Posts
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Probably the worst debate so far, just have PBS do all of then in the future

2/26/2020 6:41:02 AM

26632 Posts
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someone in his campaign thought it was good statement and wanted to tweet it

it's a real wonder why pete doesn't poll better with black voters


i love the sanders campaign pre-debate tweet troll

[Edited on February 26, 2020 at 9:07 AM. Reason : .]

2/26/2020 8:58:31 AM

All American
2157 Posts
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I agree that is a great ad and that Pete should have stepped away from that tweet a bit. There are better ways to articulate why Sanders may not be the correct choice. Probably even within the length of a tweet.

2/26/2020 9:56:54 AM

26632 Posts
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they stepped away from it enough to delete the tweet, so someone there has some awareness

2/26/2020 10:03:47 AM

50084 Posts
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Didn’t think it would be Pelosi saying this. She is a lot of things but ignorant of vote counts and what she believes will protect her majority aren’t among them.

You’d think she has built up enough capital among the moderates in the caucus that it should help put some at ease?

2/26/2020 10:18:16 AM

All American
2253 Posts
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I don't believe Biden makes it past Super Tuesday. Anything short of a win in SC and he won't even get that far. I am a Bernie supporter and hopeful he continues to pick up steam as the moderates fight over the same base. I will hold my nose and vote for anyone against Trump in the general, the one exception is Bloomberg. He is the other side of the same coin as Trump.

2/26/2020 12:51:27 PM

26632 Posts
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HCH was gonna vote Bernie until he got upset about these comments:

2/26/2020 1:08:46 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
8224 Posts
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Rep. Clyburn endorsed Biden today.

You can improve Buttigieg's tweet a bit by changing it to the 1968 Democratic Convention.

[Edited on February 26, 2020 at 2:05 PM. Reason : /]

2/26/2020 2:04:34 PM

26632 Posts
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lots of things can be improved if you just change them

2/26/2020 2:25:38 PM

1331 Posts
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Warren is now using right wing anti-M4A smears to target Sanders.

Also fails to mention her head tax which would obviously fall on workers.

Also lies about the transition period.

[Edited on February 26, 2020 at 2:39 PM. Reason : .]

2/26/2020 2:27:57 PM

26632 Posts
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but the non agression pact

2/26/2020 2:42:39 PM

1331 Posts
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What’s shitty about this is that when she loses, she’ll either have to continue standing behind these dumbass points or admit she was being dishonest.

2/26/2020 2:46:50 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4921 Posts
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This Tweet is unavailable.

2/26/2020 3:29:03 PM

1331 Posts
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Here’s the page that was referenced

2/26/2020 3:33:21 PM

2001 Posts
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Quote :
Sanders: Yes — increases payroll and income taxes on workers by as much as 26% to cover the cost."

What is this and how is she defining "middle class"

I'm guessing its people making over 250k or something like that but I don't know so I'm asking.

2/26/2020 4:05:42 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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It's like 2016 doesn't exist

2/26/2020 5:53:15 PM

26632 Posts
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Joe Biden campaign admits he did not get arrested for trying to visit Nelson Mandela in prison during apartheid

It was such a weird lie

2/26/2020 8:06:10 PM

2001 Posts
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Quote :

Didn’t think it would be Pelosi saying this. She is a lot of things but ignorant of vote counts and what she believes will protect her majority aren’t among them.

You’d think she has built up enough capital among the moderates in the caucus that it should help put some at ease?"

She has a primary that will be flooded by Bernie voters next Tuesday. She is just trying to survive. Staying in office is the primary skill of the establishment.

2/26/2020 8:27:39 PM

50084 Posts
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Lol at thinking Pelosi is worried about being primaried.

2/26/2020 9:09:27 PM

26632 Posts
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Monmouth poll has biden with 20 pt lead in SC, higher than the other recent SC polls

^ talked to someone today who thought pelosi might enter the presidential race, and would win!, and i'm not sure which is crazier

[Edited on February 27, 2020 at 10:14 AM. Reason : biden lying about being arrested in SA seems to have been completely ignored by the media]

2/27/2020 10:13:12 AM

Flyin Ryan
All American
8224 Posts
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Getting primaried in California is a bit different than most everywhere else. All candidates from all parties are grouped together in their primary. The top 2 are then on the ballot together in November. So it doesn't matter if Pelosi gets 90% or 40%, someone will be on the ballot with her in November. So being that this is San Francisco, 2nd place is likely another Democrat, meaning all the other parties' voters if they wanted to stick it to Pelosi could vote for her opponent in November.

That said, I'd still consider it likely Pelosi would win.

2/27/2020 10:59:26 AM

26632 Posts
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(i was just referring to the her being worried about it and trying to survive part)

2/27/2020 11:03:43 AM

Flyin Ryan
All American
8224 Posts
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Kind of summing together the 4 S.C. polls I've seen, a couple of them have been out of whack compared to the rest for Sanders and Steyer. Biden and all other candidates pretty consistent:

Biden low-to-mid 30s
Sanders low-to-mid 20s
Steyer mid-to-high teens
Warren and Buttigieg mid-to-high single digits
Everyone else lower

So Warren and Buttigieg can only hope to win delegates on a congressional district basis.

54 delegates, so South Carolina has slightly more than half the influence of Iowa/New Hampshire/Nevada combined.

Steyer at the end of the night could plausibly be in 4th place for the Democrats, ahead of Warren (8) and Klobuchar (7). Think the biggest question is whether he reaches 15% statewide, which could rob a couple delegates each from Biden and Sanders.

Biden (on 15) will pass Buttigieg (26) to be in 2nd behind Sanders heading in to Super Tuesday.

2/27/2020 11:16:00 AM

Save TWW
37144 Posts
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You could have saved time and linked to 538

2/27/2020 11:54:43 AM

2001 Posts
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Either way its not crazy to think that a bunch of pissed off bernie voters turning out for the first time to vote for him on super tuesday might coalesce around replacing Pelosi with the the progressive buttar. Especially when one of the main talking points is that most democrats in congress are against Bernie's agenda. She absolutely has to cozy up to these voters or she's gone.

I know its a rich district so the idea that a bunch of new progressives will turn out for Bernie and overwhelm the wealthy vote is probably the most far fetched part of that but even that simply requires new turnout. SF may be wealthy but its still the freaking bay area.

In what world would a Bernie voter vote for him for president and vote to keep a moderate speaker promising to resist him on all fronts? over another democratic socialist candidate? A candidate promising to fight for all the same things that the rest of the democratic party thinks is too expensive?

and maybe it is crazy to think she's worried. Joe Crowley was never worried.

Daaave, Is the Bernie campaign staying out of downballot primaries or encouraging votes for the progressives? It would be pretty dumb for them not to try and flush out all of the resistance from congress.

2/27/2020 12:24:01 PM

26632 Posts
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the biggest threat pelosi has faced has been from the right side of the party

2/27/2020 12:29:55 PM

1331 Posts
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Quote :
"Daaave, Is the Bernie campaign staying out of downballot primaries or encouraging votes for the progressives? It would be pretty dumb for them not to try and flush out all of the resistance from congress."

I don't work for the campaign just FYI for everyone - I'm only a volunteer. No idea on this one.

My personal opinion is that they aren't doing enough to promote downballot races, but I have no idea what the overarching strategy is.

Buttar might get 10-15% of the vote, no way he takes down Pelosi. California libs still love her.

[Edited on February 27, 2020 at 12:37 PM. Reason : .]

2/27/2020 12:36:54 PM

2001 Posts
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So are you subscribing to that idea that most Bernie voters will vote downballot for people who can limit Bernie's ability to achieve his agenda?

2/27/2020 12:50:28 PM

1331 Posts
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Voters don't make sense and usually aren't aware of nuance like that within the party. It's a wasted effort to create that kind of division before he's president (except for races like Cisneros vs. Cuellar). Better off waiting and using the bully pulpit.

2/27/2020 12:55:31 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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The New York Times: Democratic Leaders Willing to Risk Party Damage to Stop Bernie Sanders.

2/27/2020 1:03:20 PM

All American
22931 Posts
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2/27/2020 1:31:27 PM

26632 Posts
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Why are Warren and others pretending that Sanders wrote the party delegate rules?

2/27/2020 2:03:39 PM

1331 Posts
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Bc they’re liars

Quote :
" By Warrens logic, the platform committee (hah) wrote the rules of the primary. Neera Tanden was the head whip for the platform committee. So, isn’t it her fault that warren has no path now?"

2/27/2020 2:31:33 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
8224 Posts
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Reforms of rules governing party delegates post-2016 was argued over and agreed upon by the Unity Reform Commission, which is one of the compromises handed to Sanders' campaign and friends at the 2016 Convention, and most of it was then implemented by the Democrats' Rules & Bylaws Committee, chaired by James Roosevelt III, FDR's grandson.

For further information on this I direct you to the wonderful Frontloading HQ website and the blog posts from 2017 and 2018 discussing the URC and the Rules & Bylaws Committee deliberations.

Short of going through everything and rereading, I never recall any discussion about changing the rules to having only a plurality of delegates versus a majority to clinch nomination. It has always required a majority, both parties. The 1924 Democratic National Convention went 103 ballots to decide on a nominee.

Do all Sanders supporters decrying way out from the prospect occurring of anyone trying to deny Sanders if he has a plurality from getting the nomination - that Sanders in such an event should by right win the nomination - agree or disagree that if Sanders is in 2nd place heading into the convention with someone else having a plurality, it'd be wrong for Sanders and his supporters to attempt to win the nomination, that whoever Sanders is behind should likewise by right win the nomination?

I reserve the right to record answers and reproduce them come Milwaukee. I asked this elsewhere and so far this is the only answer I've gotten:

Quote :
"If it's a clear plurality, yes. The nomination should go to the leader, whomever that is. If it's within 1-2% of delegates, I think that's a small enough margin, especially if a plurality of voters supported Bernie."

[Edited on February 27, 2020 at 3:05 PM. Reason : .]

2/27/2020 3:02:39 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
8224 Posts
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Frontloading HQ's take on the NY Times article. He ventures if they want to the procedural rules of the convention could be changed with the superdelegates' input to allow for win by plurality.

(Used to be a prof at State I believe.)

Quote :
"I don't know. The members of Congress -- the ones who would have to work most closely with a prospective Democratic president and govern -- seem the most sensible in this piece.

If one looks at this brewing contested convention through the lens of @EKamarck's "peer review" concept, then those -- members of Congress -- are the opinions that matter more in the pecking order of superdelegates.

And to be clear, Senate Democrats have been awfully quiet. ...whether that is a function of being torn by several colleagues running or signaling that they are mostly fine with a Sanders nomination. That seems to be an important cohort to badger about this question.

Conventions adopt the rules that govern them. I feel like folks keep missing that. Now, there are certainly political implications that undergird any notion of changing the temporary rules as they are currently constructed. 1/

However, in just the same way that the rules can by changed at the convention to, say, allow superdelegates to vote on the first ballot, rules can also be adopted to change the majority requirement for a nominee to a simple plurality. 2/

Yes, superdelegates can vote on procedural matters at the convention like the rules. And no, they may not support Sanders en masse, but may vote on a rules package that allows for a plurality winner. 3/

In that way, the procedural vote -- like the [California Winner-Take-All] fight in 1972 or the "robot rule" -- becomes the de facto nomination vote. It clears the way for a cleaner nomination vote. 4/

Why would superdelegates do that? Well, it may end up being the only alternative anyone can agree to before the convention. Sure, it would clear the path for a Sanders nomination, but it would still allow all the delegates to vote for their chosen candidates. 5/

That is a much easier concept to coordinate around than some alternative to Sanders that would involve the sort of political fallout I mentioned at the top.

Will this happen? I don't know. But is something of a path of least resistance. 6/6"

2/27/2020 3:18:53 PM

Tom Joad
72761 Posts
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Dear Facebook Right Wing Trolls: Please stop quoting George Orwell as some kind of "warning of socialism." The man was a raging democratic socialist and he's probably suggesting the opposite of what you think he is saying.

2/27/2020 3:30:57 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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Quote :
" paywalls "

don’t get mad over paying people for their work

2/27/2020 3:43:56 PM

All American
22931 Posts
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lol at all the posts after mine you pick mine out. Good job.

I'd rather deal with ads, like WRAL, than deal with yet another autopayment.

2/27/2020 4:11:22 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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I have no issue with any of the posts after yours and you’re comparing a broadcasting company’s website to a newspaper

people should be paid for their work. it’s as simple as that.

2/27/2020 4:24:38 PM

6283 Posts
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You two need to fuck and get it over with.

2/27/2020 8:59:35 PM

All American
14628 Posts
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Mayor Pete seems like the most level-headed and reasonable among all the candidates, which appeals to me, but he's also young and probably has no idea how to play the political game in DC

2/27/2020 9:58:42 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4921 Posts
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I received this text tonight:

Quote :
"Hi Travis! This is Jacob, with Team Bloomberg for North Carolina. Have you decided on who you will be supporting in the Democratic Primary?"

I have no idea how he received my contact information.

2/27/2020 10:04:21 PM

Forgetful Jones
147737 Posts
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he bought a list of phone numbers

2/27/2020 10:28:30 PM

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