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1331 Posts
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The video is good and that's what will get the most attention. Calling him the Carpe Donktum of the left is pretty unfair. He made some insensitive content 10 years ago. The trend of combing through everyone's past to discount their present work is getting a little ridiculous.

1/29/2020 12:36:33 PM

Save TWW
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Maybe I'm wrong bc everyone is anonymous here but I suspect we're able to comment on these things from a white male perspective. There are still a few poc on tww but I don't see many in TSB. I think that should be considered when we say people don't care about something. I'm aware of a number of POC loud voices on Twitter, for example, that comment (perhaps wrongly??) on Sanders race blind spot or unwillingness to make racism an issue. An example is that Sanders brought up black women's higher pregnancy mortality rates but blamed economics/class/poverty, when I read that the mortality rates are higher across economic backgrounds. The people I saw seemed to think there was a large problem in the medical profession of being more likely to dismiss POC patients claims of pain/discomfort/worry.

Anyway, all this to say I think it's worth seeking out other perspectives before immediately dismissing concerns. I'm obviously not an authority either.

1/29/2020 1:01:47 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The trend of combing through everyone's past to discount their present work is getting a little ridiculous."

Self-reflect for just a second and realize that if the Bernie campaign stopped resurrecting his opponents positions from decades ago roughly 1/3 of his strategy would evaporate.

^class and economic injustice trumps all other marginalized groups in the Sanders Campaign, that trend is clear at this point. Nothing necessarily wrong with that position, unless you feel racism/homophobia are atleast as critical as economic injustice. Bernie will dismiss intersectionality to make his vanilla white base back in Vermont happy.

[Edited on January 29, 2020 at 1:14 PM. Reason : Fuck white bread Vermont ]

1/29/2020 1:07:57 PM

1331 Posts
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Quote :
"class and economic injustice trumps all other marginalized groups in the Sanders Campaign, that trend is clear at this point."

Marginalized groups are encompassed within class and economic justice, and every policy that benefits the poor will automatically benefit marginalized groups to a greater extent.

Here is an excerpt from Parenti explaining the socialist view of economic class as it relates to other sub-groups

Quote :
"Seizing upon anything but class, U.S. leftists today have developed an array of identity groups centering around ethnic, gender, cultural, and life-style issues. These groups treat their respective grievances as something apart from class struggle, and have almost nothing to say about the increasingly harsh politico-economic class injustices perpe­trated against us all. Identity groups tend to emphasize their distinc­tiveness and their separateness from each other, thus fractionalizing the protest movement. To be sure, they have important contributions to make around issues that are particularly salient to them, issues often overlooked by others. But they also should not downplay their common interests, nor overlook the common class enemy they face. The forces that impose class injustice and economic exploitation are the same ones that propagate racism, sexism, militarism, ecological devastation, homophobia, xenophobia, and the like.

People may not develop a class consciousness but they still are affected by the power, privileges, and handicaps related to the distri­bution of wealth and want. These realities are not canceled out by race, gender, or culture. The latter factors operate within an overall class society. The exigencies of class power and exploitation shape the social reality we all live in. Racism and sexism help to create superexploited categories of workers (minorities and women) and reinforce the notions of inequality that are so functional for a capi­talist system.

To embrace a class analysis is not to deny the significance of iden­tity issues but to see how these are linked both to each other and to the overall structure of politico-economic power. An awareness of class relations deepens our understanding of culture, race, gender, and other such things. "

Quote :
"Nothing necessarily wrong with that position, unless you feel racism/homophobia are atleast as critical as economic injustice. Bernie will dismiss intersectionality to make his vanilla white base back in Vermont happy."

This is a hateful smear against the candidate with the most diverse base of support in the race.

Quote :
"Self-reflect for just a second and realize that if the Bernie campaign stopped resurrecting his opponents positions from decades ago roughly 1/3 of his strategy would evaporate."

0rf isn't running for president.

[Edited on January 29, 2020 at 1:32 PM. Reason : .]

1/29/2020 1:29:47 PM

50084 Posts
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Quote :
" Maybe I'm wrong bc everyone is anonymous here but I suspect we're able to comment on these things from a white male perspective."

This. And I’d argue this is the only real flaw that the Sanders campaign has but it does, at times, seem to pop up. Again, though, you have to separate the campaign from him.

^^ well Biden’s old policy positions are definitely more relevant than this, to be fair. I just don’t think it’s smart or useful for Jane to signal boost.

But, he’s right in that the normal voter probably doesn’t know or care.

Quote :
" Marginalized groups are encompassed within class and economic justice, and every policy that benefits the poor will automatically benefit marginalized groups to a greater extent."

I think this is true mostly but I also have seen too many people (again not Bernie or his supporters specifically or exclusively) discount when African Americans take exception to some of this rhetoric and think it marginalizes their very real plight of systemic racism.

[Edited on January 29, 2020 at 1:35 PM. Reason : X]

1/29/2020 1:32:12 PM

1331 Posts
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Quote :
"I think this is true mostly but I also have seen too many people (again not Bernie or his supporters specifically or exclusively) discount when African Americans take exception to some of this rhetoric and think it marginalizes their very real plight of systemic racism."

But this rhetoric has been shared by prominent black activists from MLK to Fred Hampton, to James Baldwin, to Angela Davis, and so on. Its definitely important to listen to different perspectives and be sensitive to the experiences of others, but whose perspective should I, as a white man, ultimately defer to? A focus on class/economic justice doesn't mean systemic racism is discounted (unless you're Tucker Carlson). Bernie talks about both. It's just too bad that most of the media, and many Dems, choose to weaponize identity against class.

[Edited on January 29, 2020 at 1:50 PM. Reason : .]

1/29/2020 1:47:04 PM

All American
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The danger here is tacking to somewhere close to where the “Social Democrats” in Denmark headed in 2019. They adopted the racist right’s immigration policies, after convincing themselves welfare trumps everything, and then WON BIG (PoC will be the ultimate losers, same as it ever was.)

Bernie has showed us time and again he will throw marginalized groups under the bus if he can expand his poor whites tent, whether that’s claiming that “guns in Vermont aren’t the same as guns in Chicago,” opposing reparations, or endorsing Joe Rogan while dismissing Rogan’s transphobia. If you aren’t a poor white man Bernie will abandon you when it’s convenient.

1/29/2020 2:17:18 PM

1331 Posts
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Quote :
"Bernie has showed us time and again he will throw marginalized groups under the bus if he can expand his poor whites tent, whether that’s claiming that “guns in Vermont aren’t the same as guns in Chicago,” opposing reparations, or endorsing Joe Rogan while dismissing Rogan’s transphobia. If you aren’t a poor white man Bernie will abandon you when it’s convenient."

Those are some piss poor examples of "throwing marginalized groups under the bus". Bernie has fought for for civil rights his entire life. He fought for trans people LONG before the scale tipped for Democrats. Accepting an endorsement from someone is not the same as endorsing that person or their beliefs. He compromised nothing and extended the tent to millions of disaffected, but reachable, young men. Many trans people have spoken out in support of the endorsement, what do you say about them?

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"The danger here is tacking to somewhere close to where the “Social Democrats” in Denmark headed in 2019. They adopted the racist right’s immigration policies, after convincing themselves welfare trumps everything, and then WON BIG (PoC will be the ultimate losers, same as it ever was.)"

Bernie has the most immigrant-friendly platform out of anyone running.

And again, you're saying all of this while ignoring that he has the most diverse support, before and after the Rogan endorsement.

Your candidate is losing, get over it and and unite behind the winning progressive, or continue to cement Donald Trump's victory.

[Edited on January 29, 2020 at 2:34 PM. Reason : .]

1/29/2020 2:24:29 PM

26632 Posts
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Sanders has the most diverse support and is the top candidate among POC in many states. Twitter is also filled with great supporters of color, expand your circle if you're not seeing them.

Stop invisibilizing these people by perpetuating the false manufactured talking point that danders supporters are white

[Edited on January 29, 2020 at 2:51 PM. Reason : If Peter Daou can figure this out, everyone can]

1/29/2020 2:43:58 PM

Save TWW
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Who said Sanders supporters were white (or all white, I assume you mean)

1/29/2020 2:57:33 PM

1331 Posts
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TerdFerguson is making the implication up and down this page that Bernie will support his "white base" at the expense of minorities, despite him having the most diverse base in the primary. That is who supports him and who he's accountable to, given that he doesn't accept corporate money.

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"Bernie will dismiss intersectionality to make his vanilla white base back in Vermont happy."

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"Bernie has showed us time and again he will throw marginalized groups under the bus if he can expand his poor whites tent"

Quote :
"If you aren’t a poor white man Bernie will abandon you when it’s convenient."

1/29/2020 3:04:56 PM

Save TWW
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Oh well the two things are not necessarily mutually exclusive. I tend to agree with you but Biden also has a fairly diverse base and I absolutely think he would sell them out.

1/29/2020 3:12:22 PM

40408 Posts
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wow wth happened here. from early Jan to late Jan, Iowa favorability is

+8 Biden
+8 Steyer
+6 Yang
-5 Buttigieg
-4 Warren
-2 Klobuchar
-19 Bernie

1/29/2020 3:21:27 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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In the primary, if sanders can outright win more than two states with a black population greater than 11%, I will shut the fuck up forever and never post on this board again.

1/29/2020 3:22:59 PM

50084 Posts
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Monmouth has been the downside outlier for Bernie all along the way and even so, the poll itself had him trending up (one of only two along side Klobuchar). Those favorable ratings are in line with the poll, though again a downside outlier.

Bernie has to be the favorite in Iowa today but with the archaic and undemocratic caucus nonsense I can envision a scenario where Warren sneaks 15% and Steyer, Pete, Klobuchar et al don’t and a lot of those go to Biden in round two. For Bernie to lose from the position he’s in it would definitely require a threading of the needle by Biden though.

1/29/2020 3:45:18 PM

2001 Posts
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Quote :
"In the primary, if sanders can outright win more than two states with a black population greater than 11%, I will shut the fuck up forever and never post on this board again.


Do you realize the political views of black people are not monolithic? If so, why would you only qualify his support amongst POC by if he can win an ultra-conservative state in the deep south. Why not for example, look at if he can win the black vote in a more left-leaning state that has a black population significantly lower than 11%?

It makes it sound like you're just full of shit and trying to take Bernies unpopularity amongst conservatives and attribute it to race.

1/29/2020 4:37:43 PM

Save TWW
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Re mayor Pete (has anyone done mayo Pete yet, seems perfect, anyway):
Quote :
"Okay, gloves off: This is the bullshittiest quote of many bullshitty quotes from this man, whose vision was shaped by Harvard, Oxford, McKinsey & Company and a keenly honed sense of ambition. Dude, your dad was a lit professor and you went to a private prep school. Quit fronting."

1/29/2020 11:18:06 PM

All American
15213 Posts
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Not trying to start a big thing here but I thought I remembered you being a Bernie supporter back in 2016. One of your last posts in that Bernie 2016 thread...

Quote :
"Meanwhile, Bernie (and others, but Bernie was a significant factor) has a significant percentage of the Dem party signing onto Medicare for All proposals, including lots of alleged presidential candidates. Time will tell if they actually pass anything, but the parties movement on healthcare has been pretty drastic.

Which is more important: meeting the purity standards of leftist pundits/journalists or passing legislation that improves people’s lives?"

What's changed for you with regards to him? I think Bernie has done a lot to improve the critiques of himself and more specifically, his campaign, since 2016.

[Edited on January 30, 2020 at 10:35 AM. Reason : .]

1/30/2020 10:31:17 AM

All American
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Let me start by saying I'm still technically a supporter, albeit with some hesitation at times. I've already given his campaign some money and, as I've maintained repeatedly ITT, I will vote for him in the NC primary if it becomes a Bernie/Biden horse race (looking like a 99% chance that is where we are headed).

With a high risk of me writing way too much, here is my most succinct critique of what I hate:

-Leftist work to make "the good" the enemy of "perfection."
Call it purity tests or whatever, its plain in that old post that Chris Hedges was actually using this against Bernie at the time. Any positions that don't meet their group think are a massive, unthinkable betrayal. This is also how the "Brooklynization of the left" I complained about earlier ITT came about. There isn't nuance or discussion or critiques, its all just virtue signalling of the proper pre-ordained positions. The left's news/commentary ecosystem is just so surprisingly vapid and lacking. I really don't think this bodes well for moving progressive policies through our messy political system.

I just don't understand how AOC can complain about her and Biden being grouped into the same party and that very same week the Sanders campaign lectured us about how we need to grow the party tent by celebrating Joe Rogan. Which is it? They jump from BLACK AND WHITE critiques of their opponents to shades of grey whenever its convenient for them. All political movements/parties do this to some degree, but some of it has been exceptionally glaring to me.

-Ends justify the means mentality-
I've been totally surprised my some folks who associate with the campaign to outright lie about other candidates, because electing Bernie is more important than integrity, an extremely Trumpian and dangerous position.

Add these up and you sum to the fact that a Sanders administration might empower people that are toxic to progress and more interested in burning things to the ground than improving people's lives. I'm pretty wary of that.

1/30/2020 1:56:47 PM

1331 Posts
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Quote :
"-Leftist work to make "the good" the enemy of "perfection."
Call it purity tests or whatever, its plain in that old post that Chris Hedges was actually using this against Bernie at the time. Any positions that don't meet their group think are a massive, unthinkable betrayal."

There's a reason why the left opposes incremental change from centrists - because those centrists ultimately don't want want we want, and inadequate centrist measures are a means to distract from broad reforms. ACA, for example, turned out to be disaster that set the possibility of single payer back another 10-15 years. Meanwhile, even though it was said to be a building block to single payer, centrists are steadfastedly opposing M4A. And with climate change, there isn't time for compromise.

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"I just don't understand how AOC can complain about her and Biden being grouped into the same party and that very same week the Sanders campaign lectured us about how we need to grow the party tent by celebrating Joe Rogan. Which is it? They jump from BLACK AND WHITE critiques of their opponents to shades of grey whenever its convenient for them. All political movements/parties do this to some degree, but some of it has been exceptionally glaring to me."

Bernie Sanders is not Joe Rogan. He didn't celebrate Joe Rogan. He didn't endorse any of Joe Rogan's views. He tweeted out an endorsement from him. Joe Biden IS Joe Biden. He IS a terrible person with terrible views and he's a Democrat. The comparison you're making is ridiculous.

Quote :
"I've been totally surprised my some folks who associate with the campaign to outright lie about other candidates, because electing Bernie is more important than integrity, an extremely Trumpian and dangerous position."

Would love to see examples of staffers or surrogates doing this. Every candidate has rabid followers on Twitter.

[Edited on January 30, 2020 at 3:55 PM. Reason : .]

1/30/2020 3:51:12 PM

All American
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-I know multiple people that credit the ACA with saving their life and/or kept them from going bankrupt. It wasn’t perfect, only a jackass would die on that hill, but it was an improvement. It’s gotten worst since the GOP has made it their duty to whittle it to nothing.

Now ask yourself how your buddies at the Bernie call center are going to react when President Sanders can’t twist enough arms to get M4A through the senate (have you checked out Sander’s laughable response to the filibuster)? Where exactly is Bernie willing to compromise in order to improve our system? He never says because that would be A MASSIVE UNFORGIVABLE BETRAYAL. Fuck that, save lives!

Guess what, that is exactly the decision a Dem president is going to HAVE to make.

In regards to climate change, the fuel economy standards updated by the Obama EPA (an executive order, still a half-measure as far as tackling climate change is concerned) was expected to reduce CO2 by 5-10%, Instead Trump froze standards and CO2 emissions have grown by 3%. Which scenario is better?

-the problem isnt the actual Joe Rogan endorsement, in fact I support growing the tent and I think Bernie should have been parading that endorsement around everywhere. The problem is literally days before that AOC was arguing about how we should be narrowing our parties’ ideological tests. The left argues whatever is convenient at whatever given time. The campaign should, at a minimum, act conflicted when it changes its tune every few days.

-how many times do I have to tell y’all to run down the @MeaganMDay twitter feed? Of course you may need to search for her deleted tweets where she went out of her way to spread known Biden deep fake videos.

1/30/2020 6:56:17 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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Quote :
" I know multiple people that credit the ACA with saving their life and/or kept them from going bankrupt. It wasn’t perfect, only a jackass would die on that hill, but it was an improvement. It’s gotten worst since the GOP has made it their duty to whittle it to nothing."

it’s saved the life of a few people in my family

1/30/2020 7:04:12 PM

1331 Posts
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Quote :
"-I know multiple people that credit the ACA with saving their life and/or kept them from going bankrupt. It wasn’t perfect, only a jackass would die on that hill, but it was an improvement. It’s gotten worst since the GOP has made it their duty to whittle it to nothing."

Quote :
"it’s saved the life of a few people in my family"

I know it's helped some people and I'm glad for that. Now imagine how many more people we could have saved had the Democrats not compromised it down to almost nothing? The point is that they don't even try. Obama could have done so much more, but he didn't, because he didn't want to. It was a facade to tamp down the left.

Quote :
"Now ask yourself how your buddies at the Bernie call center are going to react when President Sanders can’t twist enough arms to get M4A through the senate (have you checked out Sander’s laughable response to the filibuster)? Where exactly is Bernie willing to compromise in order to improve our system? He never says because that would be A MASSIVE UNFORGIVABLE BETRAYAL. Fuck that, save lives!"

I hear you dude. The left is not against compromising, but that is a last resort. The overarching strategy of a Sanders presidency would be to attempt to transform the country into one that is willing to fight for itself. Most of his policies are all broadly popular, it's just about mobilizing the people to make demands of their representatives, or vote them out. The issue with centrist compromise is that it either starts in the center, or starts on the left and rapidly shifts to the center. There's no fight. If Bernie fought hard and we still ended up with a public option, ok, it is what it is. But if he pulled an Obama and didn't really try, I would be very upset.

Quote :
"the problem isnt the actual Joe Rogan endorsement, in fact I support growing the tent and I think Bernie should have been parading that endorsement around everywhere. The problem is literally days before that AOC was arguing about how we should be narrowing our parties’ ideological tests. The left argues whatever is convenient at whatever given time. The campaign should, at a minimum, act conflicted when it changes its tune every few days."

Joe Rogan isn't a politician! Bernie gave up nothing ideologically by accepting his endorsement. In fact, he gained an enormous opportunity to spread his message to a crowd that needs convincing.

Quote :
"how many times do I have to tell y’all to run down the @MeaganMDay twitter feed? Of course you may need to search for her deleted tweets where she went out of her way to spread known Biden deep fake videos."

She's not a campaign surrogate or staffer. I can dig up plenty of garbage from Warren supporters as well.

1/30/2020 7:50:29 PM

41738 Posts
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I think the dems are fucked.

1/30/2020 9:19:46 PM

2001 Posts
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LOL Warren and Biden have ZERO credibility.

1/31/2020 12:43:08 AM

40408 Posts
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Delaney dropped out

1/31/2020 7:57:04 AM

All American
597 Posts
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Quote :
"The trend of combing through everyone's past to discount their present work is getting a little ridiculous."

1/31/2020 8:50:44 AM

All American
846 Posts
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whats wrong with it? besides the fact some people only like it being used "selectively."

1/31/2020 9:38:13 AM

2001 Posts
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Well I get that if the person doesn't mention their past all the time and I would definitely be all for moving on if they apologized for their past or issued some kind of statement where they were like

"look, I did a lot of things in the past that I wouldn't do today. I made mistakes and learned from those mistakes and am better because of it so lets move on and focus on my current platform"

Then you have Biden who brags about his past and his experience and how he's always been able to work with republicans and get things done. When your past is your entire campaign, we're going to dissect it and throw it back in your face.

The same goes for Warren who loves telling stories about her past and exaggerating the details.

[Edited on January 31, 2020 at 12:12 PM. Reason : k]

1/31/2020 12:11:24 PM

1331 Posts
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Joe Biden is handing out talking points to reporters instead of talking to them

1/31/2020 12:30:55 PM

40408 Posts
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apparently i'm blocked by that person. have no recollection of ever interacting with them. classic.

1/31/2020 12:38:41 PM

2001 Posts
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I missed this
Quote :
"Andrew Yang said he won’t be surprised if his voters end up supporting Bernie Sanders in later rounds of the Iowa caucus voting -- a development that could strengthen Sanders’s already-surging campaign in the state."

Yang for treasury secretary!

1/31/2020 12:46:40 PM

40408 Posts
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so the final Des Moines Register poll was supposed to be released tonight and they cancelled it at the last moment.

2/2/2020 12:08:43 AM

2001 Posts
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They just didn't like the results.

2/2/2020 12:52:18 AM

40408 Posts
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there's an Iowa Emerson poll due out tomorrow night

2/2/2020 1:02:56 AM

26632 Posts
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If sanders wins Iowa, will the be the year everyone realizes how dumb it is to give the Iowa caucus so much attention?

2/3/2020 8:31:28 AM

50084 Posts
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Caucuses are stupid and undemocratic and should be outlawed. Iowa and New Hampshire should be given no more influence then Delaware or Connecticut for primary purposes. They look nothing like the rest of the country and it’s stupid.

Imagine thinking that if some asshole like Mayor Pete won Iowa then it meant anything. Same for Biden and Sanders.

2/3/2020 10:16:35 AM

40408 Posts
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so the top 4 of that DMR poll has been "confirmed"

Sanders 22%
Warren 18%
Buttigieg 16%
Biden 13%

the takeaway being that Biden is not doing great relative to his national frontrunner status.

Iowa caucus starts in 30 minutes!

2/3/2020 7:33:02 PM

50084 Posts
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Nate Cohn had thoughts on that poll that were interesting. Also, fwiw, Biden was polling fourth in the last three polls from Selzer so not a surprise.

[Edited on February 3, 2020 at 7:51 PM. Reason : Bernie improves at Pete’s expense in that one]

[Edited on February 3, 2020 at 8:00 PM. Reason : But also, Selzer is the best Iowa pollster by far so I’d ride them ]

2/3/2020 7:50:57 PM

2001 Posts
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The caucuses give a good glimpse into the mental math of democrats. Saw a precinct that came out to 38 Biden 38 Bernie and 36 Pete.

Most of the Amy folks are joining Pete.

Warren was much lower (I think 11) but was 5 away from being viable so now the Warren people are trying to talk the Yang people out of going to Bernie to make Warren viable so they can then get the Amy women who want to just vote for a woman for the sake of it but will vote Pete if Warren can't be viable.

The Pete captain literally told the Amy and Yang people they need to all come to him or stick together with Warren to make sure they don't get stuck with Bernie.

2/3/2020 9:22:41 PM

All American
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Buttigieg taking the early lead.

2/3/2020 10:02:31 PM

2001 Posts
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lmao the app that would have reported results automatically was mysteriously down. now they aren't sharing the results because they are holding them for "quality control". No ETA for release of results.

wtf is this princint bs.
-yang people cut a deal
-some yangs went to biden to give him an edge and biden kicked 1 of his delegates to yang
-some yangs went to warren and made them viable and warren split her 2 delegates with yang

yang gets 2 delegates without being viable because of some "deals"

[Edited on February 3, 2020 at 10:08 PM. Reason : lotta bullshit to a caucus ]

2/3/2020 10:02:59 PM

All American
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Results rolling in. Sanders took the lead. Warren in second

2/3/2020 11:02:13 PM

40408 Posts
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what source are you using for results? i'm seeing 2% of precincts reporting on DMR still and campaigns just got on a conference call with the IDP, who said they have data on around 25% of precincts

[Edited on February 3, 2020 at 11:24 PM. Reason : .]

2/3/2020 11:23:08 PM

2001 Posts
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^Less than 2%reporting at a time far after Iowa has always been decided is not "rolling in". There is a serious problem and now I'm hearing theres a conference call saying we may never get the results but I hope thats just twitter BS.

This damn party can't do one single thing without casting doubt on the integrity of the entire process. They are either incredibly incompetent when it comes to being transparent or incredibly competent at being corrupt.

[Edited on February 3, 2020 at 11:29 PM. Reason : the app didnt work so they went to a phone based backup system and had a "disaster"-cnn]

2/3/2020 11:28:27 PM

Save TWW
37141 Posts
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2/3/2020 11:31:40 PM

2001 Posts
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yeah im wrong they were not decided but most of the results were in by now. those that took longer were too close to call. we have 2% reporting basically a ghost election. its the kind've thing that happens in 3rd world countries where the un has to step in

[Edited on February 3, 2020 at 11:39 PM. Reason : im going to take a sleep]

2/3/2020 11:35:21 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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Quote :
" what source are you using for results? i'm seeing 2% of precincts reporting on DMR still and campaigns just got on a conference call with the IDP, who said they have data on around 25% of precincts"

It went from 1.7 to 1.9 and I thought incorrectly that they were updating.

2/3/2020 11:41:03 PM

2001 Posts
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Des moines register had the same problem with their last poll what a coincidence

LOL Biden's lawyer just wrote IDP a letter saying they need to run any results by him before they release them.

[Edited on February 4, 2020 at 12:07 AM. Reason : bernie surges then all of a sudden everyone forgets how to count]

2/3/2020 11:57:28 PM

6280 Posts
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They made sure mayor pete got all his african american supporters in that background yeesh

2/4/2020 12:30:43 AM

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