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Quote :
"So, salisburyboy, whats your rationale for ignoring my response?

You ignored it completely so that you could reply to something else by cutting and pasting something that you have already cut and pasted dozens of times."

I don't see anything close to resembling excellent in those videos.

3/14/2007 8:00:05 AM

All American
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i can't believe this thread is still here. has salisbury finally realized that 9/11 was not a gov't plot ???

3/14/2007 11:08:14 AM

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Thanks to youtube and googlevideo, there is an ongoing explosion in the availability and dissemination of video evidence relating to the truth on 9/11, and specifically the controlled demolitions of the 3 WTC towers...

The Ultimate Con 911 Documentary Trailer 1

3/14/2007 11:17:57 AM

1694 Posts
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thanks to photobucket, you can clearly see planes flying into buildings¤t=CNNWTCBothPlanes.flv

3/14/2007 11:22:26 AM

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I'm not even discussing the issue of planes hitting the buildings. I'm talking about the cause of the collapse of the buildings, which was NOT the plane impacts and fires...but the explosives inside the buildings. The plane impacts are a diversion from the true cause of the collapses.

3/14/2007 11:28:14 AM

1694 Posts
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so youve dropped the whole missle/military jet thing?

3/14/2007 12:36:53 PM

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Funny, even in the link guth posted, someone says "the building exploded" despite being able to see the plane hit it.

I mean, I must be delusional not to think it is ok to use what random people say in moments of chaos to be usable in defense of a conspiracy theory.

3/14/2007 12:54:19 PM

All American
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this motherfucking salisburyboy is crazy !!! like institution. to be so adamant about this. @ first i thought it was cute, but COME FUCKING ON !!!!!1 (a zionist plot) ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME !!!!!1.

dude. i enjoy a good conspiracy theory just like the next man, but this is fucking ridiculous.

3/14/2007 3:43:45 PM

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so that's the best argument you have in support of the official fairy tale

anyone with 2 working brain cells knows the official 9/11 story stinks to high heaven

3/14/2007 3:45:34 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Controlled demolition

This is a video of the building collapsing over a shitty guitar riff and confused preliminary reports. Where is the evidence?

Eyewitness & Media accounts of explosives at WTC

The very first part is a man saying that there was no second plane, just a bomb. We have already established that there was a second plane. Obviously the editor of this clip is using whatever he can get, regardless of the factual content.

People on street knew WTC tower was going to fall and "explode"

People on the street knew that it was going to collapse from looking at it.

If anything, that supports the fact that people saw collapse as imminent. A large number of testimonies from firefighters showed that they held the same opinion. Geez, even I thought that it was going to collapse as I watched it on tv.

Quote :
"Thanks to youtube and googlevideo, there is an ongoing explosion in the availability and dissemination of video evidence relating to the truth on 9/11, and specifically the controlled demolitions of the 3 WTC towers..."

The "video evidence" is nothing but a series of the same videos edited together over either bad music or myopic one sided conclusions. If you actually read intelligent analysis instead of just going to internet videos you would have a better grasp of the topic.

Quote :
"so that's the best argument you have in support of the official fairy tale

anyone with 2 working brain cells knows the official 9/11 story stinks to high heaven"

You just slandered the idea that arabs carried out 9/11 as well as people who believe that idea. What ever happened to rational discussion - or defending your ideas?

I'll repost something that you blatantly ignored on the last page in the hopes that you will man up and address it:

Oh my goodness! salisburyboy blatantly ignored all of the questions that he couldn't answer!

Where have I ever lied or been dead wrong?

Here's a nice piece that should answer some of your questions:


Quote :
"The time required to strip off a floor, according to Frank Greening, is a maximum of about 110 milliseconds = 0.110 seconds. It is rather the conservation of momentum that slowed the collapse together with a small additional time for the destruction of each floor.

Below are calculations from a physics blogger...

When I did the calculations, what I got for a thousand feet was about nine seconds- let's see,
d = 1/2at^2
t = (2d/a)^1/2
a is 9.8m/s^2 (acceleration of gravity at Earth's surface, according to Wikipedia), [He gives this reference so you can double check him.]
d is 417m (height of the World Trade Center towers, same source)
t = (834m/9.8m/s^2)^1/2 = 9.23s
OK, so how fast was it going? Easy enough,
v = at
v = (9.8m/s^2 x 9.23s) = 90.4m/s
So in the following second, it would have fallen about another hundred meters. That's almost a quarter of the height it already fell. And we haven't even made it to eleven seconds yet; it could have fallen more than twice its height in that additional four seconds. If the top fell freely, in 13.23 seconds it would have fallen about two and one-half times as far as it actually did fall in that time. So the collapse was at much less than free-fall rates.

Let's see:
KE = 1/2mv^2
The mass of the towers was about 450 million kg, according to this - Four sources, he has. I think that's pretty definitive. So now we can take the KE of the top floor, and divide by two- that will be the average of the top and bottom floors. Then we'll compare that to the KE of a floor in the middle, and if they're comparable, then we're good to go- take the KE of the top floor and divide by two and multiply by 110 stories. We'll also assume that the mass is evenly divided among the floors, and that they were loaded to perhaps half of their load rating of 100lbs/sqft. That would be
208ft x 208ft = 43,264sqft
50lbs/sqft * 43264sqft = 2,163,200lbs = 981,211kg
additional weight per floor. So the top floor would be
450,000,000 kg / 110 floors = 4,090,909 kg/floor
so the total mass would be
4,090,909 kg + 981,211 kg = 5,072,120 kg/floor
Now, the velocity at impact we figured above was
so our
KE = (5,072,120kg x (90.4m/s)^2)/2 = 20,725,088,521J
So, divide by 2 and we get
OK, now let's try a floor halfway up:
t = (2d/a)^1/2 = (417/9.8)^1/2 = 6.52s
v = at = 9.8*6.52 = 63.93m/s
KE = (mv^2)/2 = (5,072,120kg x (63.93m/s)^2)/2 = 10,363,863,011J
Hey, look at that! They're almost equal! That means we can just multiply that 10 billion Joules of energy by 110 floors and get the total, to a very good approximation. Let's see now, that's
110 floors * 10,362,544,260J (see, I'm being conservative, took the lower value)
= 1,139,879,868,600J
OK, now how much is 1.1 trillion joules in tons of TNT-equivalent? Let's see, now, a ton of TNT is 4,184,000,000J. So how many tons of TNT is 1,139,879,868,600J?
1,139,879,868,600J / 4,184,000,000J/t = 272t

Now, that's 272 tons of TNT, more or less; five hundred forty one-thousand-pound blockbuster bombs, more or less. That's over a quarter kiloton. We're talking about as much energy as a small nuclear weapon- and we've only calculated the kinetic energy of the falling building. We haven't added in the burning fuel, or the burning paper and cloth and wood and plastic, or the kinetic energy of impact of the plane (which, by the way, would have substantially turned to heat, and been put into the tower by the plane debris, that's another small nuclear weapon-equivalent) and we've got enough heat to melt the entire whole thing.

Remember, we haven't added the energy of four floors of burning wood, plastic, cloth and paper, at- let's be conservative, say half the weight is stuff like that and half is metal, so 25lbs/sqft? And then how about as much energy as the total collapse again, from the plane impact? And what about the energy from the burning fuel? You know, I'm betting we have a kiloton to play with here. I bet we have a twentieth of the energy that turned the entire city of Nagasaki into a flat burning plain with a hundred-foot hole surrounded by a mile of firestorm to work with. - Schneibster edited by Debunking 911

Let me make this clear, I don't assume to know what the ACTUAL fall time was. Anyone telling you they know is lying. The above calculation doesn't say that's the fall time. That was not its purpose. It's only a quick calculation which serves its purpose. To show that the buildings could have fallen within the time it did. It's absurd to suggest one can make simple calculations and know the exact fall time. You need a super computer with weeks of calculation to take into account the office debris, plumbing, ceiling tile etc.. etc... Was it 14 or was it 16? It doesn't matter to the point I'm making, which is the fall times are well within the possibility for normal collapse. Also, the collapse wasn't at free fall as conspiracy theorists suggest."

The math and science all look sound to me.

Should salisburyboy actually choose to respond to this, I would like to see a thought out response. I've posted numerous scientific examinations of his theories and he immediately dismisses them by calling the writer a shill or a hack - or he simply calls the article "a study in logical fallacies" without actually going into detail about what it got wrong.

Thats right - he dismisses things with slander.

You've already been identified as a coward and a liar, if you want to salvage the little credibility that you have left, I would suggest defending your claims.

3/14/2007 4:17:22 PM

All American
9166 Posts
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so i guess this is just an element of the Jewish controlled, Zionist media right?

Al-Qaida No. 3 says he planned 9/11, other plots

3/15/2007 11:32:14 AM

9434 Posts
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Oh, right. The so-called "confession" probably obtained via torture. WELL CASE CLOSED!! It must have happened just like the GovtMedia says! We know it must be true because the Govt & Corporate media says so. And it's not like they've blatantly lied about nearly everything else related to 9/11, the war in Iraq, etc.


CNN: "Bin Laden on tape: Attacks 'benefited Islam greatly'"

Look at the man in the tape. It's the real bin Laden!!! Really!

The government and MSM said it MUST be true.

3/15/2007 11:40:38 AM

All American
2793 Posts
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i can say conclusively that that is indeed bin ladin

3/15/2007 12:07:21 PM

Mr. Joshua
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I really wish that you could think for yourself.

3/15/2007 2:33:26 PM

19558 Posts
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Can we just delete this shit and terminate this ass clown? I get tired of seeing these threads at the top of the section.

Dead horse.

3/15/2007 3:01:57 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Can we just delete this shit and terminate this ass clown? I get tired of seeing these threads at the top of the section."

"Yayyyy for censorship!!!"

In case you missed it, the Soap Box troll brigade of JonHGuth, 30thAnz, and others already tried to get me suspended/banned over a year ago. It didn't work.

Freedom of speech. Deal with it.

3/15/2007 3:20:59 PM

Forgetful Jones
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like it or not, salisburyboy does have the freedom to speak his batshit crazy thoughts

its not legal for him to do all the cocaine he does to warp his brain into the paranoid state that its in, but thats another story

3/15/2007 3:25:28 PM

Mr. Joshua
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He can say whatever he wants. Of course, it would be nice if he could defend his ideas.

3/15/2007 3:26:36 PM

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More on that supposed "confession" from Khalid Sheik Mohammed:

Quote :
"CIA's Harsh Interrogation Techniques Described

Sources Say Agency's Tactics Lead to Questionable Confessions, Sometimes to Death


Nov. 18, 2005 — Harsh interrogation techniques authorized by top officials of the CIA have led to questionable confessions and the death of a detainee since the techniques were first authorized in mid-March 2002, ABC News has been told by former and current intelligence officers and supervisors.


According to the sources, only a handful of CIA interrogators are trained and authorized to use the techniques:

...6. Water Boarding: The prisoner is bound to an inclined board, feet raised and head slightly below the feet. Cellophane is wrapped over the prisoner's face and water is poured over him. Unavoidably, the gag reflex kicks in and a terrifying fear of drowning leads to almost instant pleas to bring the treatment to a halt.


According to the sources, CIA officers who subjected themselves to the water boarding technique lasted an average of 14 seconds before caving in. They said al Qaeda's toughest prisoner, Khalid Sheik Mohammed, won the admiration of interrogators when he was able to last between two and two-and-a-half minutes before begging to confess."

3/15/2007 3:35:46 PM

19558 Posts
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I'd be interested to see what water boarding is like.

3/15/2007 3:44:55 PM

Forgetful Jones
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your story seems to say he did why say supposed "confession" in quotation marks?

3/15/2007 3:45:18 PM

19558 Posts
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Quote :
"He can say whatever he wants. Of course, it would be nice if he could defend his ideas."

Durr, of course he can say whatever he wants. This isn't about free speech or censorship. This about this thread being 55 pages of bullshit and a waste of time. Get it the fuck out of TSB. It's a god damned farce.

3/15/2007 4:30:39 PM

All American
560 Posts
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Quote :
"Durr, of course he can say whatever he wants. This isn't about free speech or censorship. This about this thread being 55 pages of bullshit and a waste of time. Get it the fuck out of TSB. It's a god damned farce."

It's crap yea, but it's funny crap. Salisburyboy threads never cease to amuse me.

Throw it in chitchat if you really have to, but don't completely block him. Would be a waste of good amusement.

3/15/2007 4:36:07 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"According to the Pentagon transcript, he told the tribunal panel of three military officers and a government-provided representative on Saturday that he admitted responsibility for the attacks on September 11 as well as a string of other outrages, including the bombing of a nightclub in Bali and an attempt to bring two American planes down, using shoe bombs.

"I was responsible for the 9/11 operation, from A to Z. I was the operational director for Sheikh Usama [Osama] bin Laden for the organising, planning, follow-up and execution of the 9/11 operation," he allegedly confesses through his personal representative.

He allegedly also confesses to being a member of the al-Qaida council and the "military operational commander for all foreign operations". These include surveying the assassination of former American presidents, including Jimmy Carter, and planning to bomb suspension bridges in New York. In all, he has allegedly confessed to being responsible for 31 separate attacks or planned attacks, including ones on Heathrow airport, Canary Wharf and Big Ben in London.

It is not clear why Mohammed would have wished to confess to such a wide-ranging number of outrages."

Hmmmm. Yeah...I wonder why he would "confess" to all these plots?
Quote :
"In the document, KSM confesses to almost every nasty thing that's happened in the world over the past twenty years, as well as formulating plots to assassinate Clinton, Carter and the Pope. It's just a shame that the torture masters were not given more time to really put the screws to Khalid, because then we may have found out that he was also responsible for the Challenger disaster and the O.J. Simpson murders."
Quote :
"Among the other terror plots he confessed to during the waterboarding was the shooting of Abraham Lincoln, the downing of the Hindenburg, both space shuttles, the Great Chicago Fire, and the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906."

3/16/2007 6:22:28 AM

19558 Posts
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3/16/2007 7:53:01 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Freedom of speech. Deal with it."

"To attempt to silence a man is to pay him homage, for it is an acknowledgement that his arguments are both impossible to answer and impossible to ignore. The reason men are silenced is not because they speak falsely, but because they speak the truth. This is because if men speak falsehoods, their own words can be used against them; while if they speak truly, there is nothing which can be used against them -- except force."

3/16/2007 8:23:07 AM

1694 Posts
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in case no one has noticed, he is just blatantly reposting stuff now

so im going to repost something too

3/16/2007 9:10:14 AM

19558 Posts
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You silenced yourself ass clown, about 40 pages ago, where you have just reposted the same shit over and over since then.

3/16/2007 9:43:08 AM

All American
920 Posts
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Quote :
""In the document, KSM confesses to almost every nasty thing that's happened in the world over the past twenty years, as well as formulating plots to assassinate Clinton, Carter and the Pope. It's just a shame that the torture masters were not given more time to really put the screws to Khalid, because then we may have found out that he was also responsible for the Challenger disaster and the O.J. Simpson murders.""

What document? None of that is in the transcript, and don't tell me prisonplanet has access to the classified version. And the confession is directly in his statement, none of that crap is.

3/16/2007 10:56:35 AM

9434 Posts
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spamming and attempting to sabotage this thread will not stop people from learning the truth
about 9/11

it will actually accelerate it

thanks guth

3/16/2007 11:16:46 AM

All American
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So are you going to answer my question?

3/16/2007 11:18:56 AM

19558 Posts
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How can anyone learn the truth if you haven't told us what it is?

We asked for you to defend your points.

You didn't.

There is no truth.


3/16/2007 11:26:00 AM

Mr. Joshua
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He's already exposed himself as a coward and a liar.

3/16/2007 11:50:55 AM

Forgetful Jones
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spamming and attempting to promote this thread as truth will not sway people into buying your bullshit stories
about 9/11

3/16/2007 11:55:42 AM

9434 Posts
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Do you believe all of the claims allegedly made by accused 9/11 mastermind
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed?

Yes 24% 23203 votes
No 76% 74683 votes
Total: 97886 votes

3/16/2007 2:47:14 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Once again you've posted a poll that has been skewed by Alex Jones fans.

It's on the front page of prisonplanet.

3/16/2007 2:54:34 PM

Forgetful Jones
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^^wow an internet poll! that is all the proof i need!!!

3/16/2007 3:05:07 PM

9434 Posts
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"wow an internet poll! that is all the proof i need!!!"

Who ever said a poll was proof???

Oh, were using a strawman.

Nice job.

3/16/2007 3:26:31 PM

Forgetful Jones
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hey look heres a random picture of george bush

[Edited on March 16, 2007 at 3:28 PM. Reason : gwb]

[Edited on March 16, 2007 at 3:31 PM. Reason : .]

3/16/2007 3:27:36 PM

Mr. Joshua
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No, he was just responding with sarcasm.

Apparently thats only a valid response when you use it.

I'll be right here waiting for a rational discussion.

3/16/2007 3:29:06 PM

Forgetful Jones
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this whole thread is based on logical fallacies but that doesnt stop saliburyboy

3/16/2007 3:30:32 PM

Mr. Joshua
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I'd like to know how he figured out that Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and both Bushes are luciferians.

3/16/2007 3:31:59 PM

1694 Posts
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[Edited on March 16, 2007 at 5:21 PM. Reason : .]

3/16/2007 5:19:01 PM

All American
2019 Posts
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i feel like if someone wanted to legitimately discuss this premise that tww would be one of the last places to do it. there have got to be better forums with a greater discourse.

here, you're just asking for the thread to go to hell in three replies.

3/19/2007 9:10:13 PM

Mr. Joshua
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salisburyboy has no interest in legitimate discussion.

3/19/2007 9:12:28 PM

All American
9166 Posts
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man i just joined this facebook group "9-11-2001 Always Remember, Never forget" and i swear these people must worship salisburyboy/alex jones as their leader. the ignorance is simply amazing in my opinion.

4/17/2007 8:57:40 PM

1694 Posts
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long cat strikes again

4/17/2007 9:01:52 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"and i swear these people must worship salisburyboy/alex jones as their leader"

The truth has a way of spreading and being accepted. And lies/falsehoods have a way of being exposed and discarded.

The "official" government/establishment story on 9/11 is completely bogus, as can be determined from even just a simple 20-30 minute internet investigation, as opposed to just blindly accepting and believing what the "authority figures" and establishment media told you to believe.

4/18/2007 7:46:21 AM

All American
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the best part of a conspiracy is that any evidence against it is instantly refuted by conspiracy theorists because it must be more cover ups by the conspiring party. so, basically, you cant argue with these people logically, anything against their opinion is just part of the whole conspiracy. they cant lose. the best evidence against the conspiracy is that people like salisbury boy and that loose change guy are still alive

4/18/2007 8:29:17 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"as can be determined from even just a simple 20-30 minute internet investigation"

Maybe you should do more than 20 minutes of reading on prisonplanet before you formulate an opinion.

And maybe you should defend your ideas - if it's the truth then it shouldn't be too hard for you.

4/18/2007 1:30:15 PM

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