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5608 Posts
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The DNC did not pay, train, and plant hobos to start fights at Trump rallies. That unaltered video admission from Scott Foval (who the DNC just fired) was Russia trying to interfere with the election.

10/27/2016 1:55:25 PM

50084 Posts
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Who are you arguing with? Who has denied that it likely happened?

Why do you feel the incessant need to make up an opinion, attribute it to people and then argue against that non-existent opinion? Did you surfer from a lack of attention at home as a child?

10/27/2016 1:58:14 PM

All American
7506 Posts
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Quote :
"Do tell.

There have been plenty of stories about them, but there's just not much meat in them that I've seen. Maybe they're saving the good stuff for last."

I mean, there are allegations stemming from the emails of at minimum FEC violations with busing voters and intervening with PACs. Then there is collusion with mainstream media members in crafting a message, but also some of the emails could indicate the veracity of some of the pay-for-play Clinton Foundation stuff that has always followed Hilary around. And that doesn't include a conversation about what emails they were going to release to the FBI during her private server thing--which she has already been cleared on.

Yes, there has been some coverage of the wikileaks stuff and the okeefe videos from mainstream media, but it has largely been around Russia being the source of the hack rather than the content of the emails. And yes, most of it isn't exactly new shocking revelations about Hilary, but it's every bit as newsworthy as most of the Trump stuff that has been on the news 24/7.

10/27/2016 2:02:09 PM

All American
2049 Posts
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Did everybody just forget this incident in Fayetteville?

Watch how that innocent old man is victimized by the Negro who violently shoves his face into his elbow.

10/27/2016 2:02:44 PM

50084 Posts
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Quote :
"Then there is collusion with mainstream media members in crafting a message"

This is pretty standard stuff. And has always been. Only real gripe I have with your comment.

The other stuff doesn't paint a pretty picture about Clinton but it's pretty much confirmation on what everyone else already knew and thought.

Do you think a pretty major hack of an entire political party's infrastructure should not be given time? I think it should but I'm certainly not one to claim that the information out there shouldn't be disseminated in depth.

Pretty much the nightly ledes on every major news network mention WikiLeaks. It seems to me that people's gripes come from the fact that they don't definitively say that this is corruption or that is illegal.

[Edited on October 27, 2016 at 2:07 PM. Reason : Words]

10/27/2016 2:06:45 PM

All American
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I do agree that the source of the hack should be part of the story, particularly if it is true that Russia was the source and that they are deliberately trying to influence the election with the leak. However, when that is basically the only part of the story that has been covered extensively, it sure seems alot like deliberately covering the less desireable (for someone who sympathizes with Hilary) parts of the story.

The concerning part with regards to media collusion for most who aren't in the tank for Clinton is that there seems to be a much higher level of coordination and cooperation in this election than normal. I think the fear and unknown surrounding a donald trump presidency has caused the media to be less balanced this go 'round.

[Edited on October 27, 2016 at 2:27 PM. Reason : d]

10/27/2016 2:22:01 PM

50084 Posts
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JCE. Comment?

10/27/2016 3:42:20 PM

All American
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10/27/2016 8:03:19 PM

All American
9594 Posts
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Please proceed, pumpkin.

10/30/2016 10:30:10 AM

All American
25822 Posts
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Trump should of invested in ground game...he doesn't have much of one..hillary probably will have too big of lead in early voting in key states..fl and overcome....just ask Bernie about CA primary where all the polls said 50/50 but he got smoked due to early voting.

10/30/2016 12:48:17 PM

All American
11892 Posts
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^^Please God no! I'm just hoping people shut up once the elections are final.

10/30/2016 8:56:01 PM

All American
12790 Posts
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^ People are going to be going insane no matter who wins.

10/31/2016 7:20:58 AM

All American
31922 Posts
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Proving once again that he is the master of projection, it turns out Trump has a long history of destroying or hiding evidence relevant to court cases, often in defiance of court order.

10/31/2016 9:12:02 AM

All American
9974 Posts
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This is fun

10/31/2016 5:30:50 PM

50084 Posts
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Must be Russian connection oppo dump night

10/31/2016 8:24:53 PM

All American
8383 Posts
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Slate's story was about server pings and Mother Jones had an EXCLUSIVE from a "former spy". Lol Hillary is really trying to make this Secret Russian shit stick

10/31/2016 9:26:52 PM

8379 Posts
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can we stop insulting everyone's intelligence now

10/31/2016 10:38:35 PM

50084 Posts
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Yeah it's the 2016 election and a major party candidate is the guy from the apprentice. So, no.

(In all seriousness though, I still fail to see the disctinction the FBI source makes between helping Trump and casting doubt on electoral process. I guess the argument is a delegitimized Clinton is fine too since she would be a lame-duck president basically from the start)

[Edited on November 1, 2016 at 2:05 AM. Reason : X]

11/1/2016 2:02:28 AM

All American
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Hillary's tweeted more about Trump's server pings than she has about climate change lmao

11/1/2016 7:49:55 AM

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Which is sad but par for the course when there was literally not one question about it across all three debates. But the sun will explode and take out earth eventually so fuck it.

(It was MediaMatters so I would not post it but I saw a linked tweet that he three network news 6:30 broadcasts have devoted ten times more coverage each to Trump's sexual comments and Clinton's emails than policy combined. It's the election of no policy.)

[Edited on November 1, 2016 at 8:00 AM. Reason : X]

11/1/2016 7:58:29 AM

41738 Posts
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When is the FBI James Comey going to update the public on Paul Manafort & Donald Trumps dealings with the russians and e-mail hacking american citizens???

11/1/2016 9:03:19 AM

All American
11892 Posts
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^^Yeah that part sucks. You can read their policies on their websites, but it would be nice to hear them speak about those instead of just bashing each other.

11/1/2016 10:08:17 AM

50084 Posts
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They do speak about it.

Trump is giving a healthcare speech today. Good luck seeing anything about it because EMAILSSSSSSS

11/1/2016 10:12:38 AM

All American
9974 Posts
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What happened to the rape case?

11/1/2016 12:45:40 PM

50084 Posts
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It's a most likely bullshit civil case.

11/1/2016 12:56:31 PM

5608 Posts
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Probably because one candidate has a public and private position on EVERYTHING so her policy is meaningless

And another candidate just pays for smarter people to write policies while yelling "wall" and "trade".

[Edited on November 1, 2016 at 1:00 PM. Reason : ^]

11/1/2016 12:59:24 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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if you could figure out to have nuanced public and private stances on issues, you probably wouldn't be the fucking laughingstock of the soap box right now.

#SJW hashtag hack #hashbrown triggered

[Edited on November 1, 2016 at 1:35 PM. Reason : .]

11/1/2016 1:34:53 PM

5608 Posts
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Clinton tells big banks one thing, then tells the unaware and compliant citizenry what they want to hear.

Deal with it hack.

11/1/2016 4:10:58 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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we've seen what she tells banks. so what's the scandal? that she wants free flowing clean energy between western hemisphere countries?

the fucking horror

11/1/2016 4:20:19 PM

5608 Posts
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The open borders comment wasn't about "energy" you indoctrinated hack. Do more homework before you come in here regurgitating your liberal media spin.

"Open borders doesn't mean open borders because she talked about energy 3 lines down".

Clinton is a Soros puppet

11/1/2016 4:30:03 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4921 Posts
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Is there a transcript of Hillary's "open borders" speech?

11/1/2016 4:46:29 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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Quote :
"“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it"

it's literally in the same sentence

also, open trade lead by the US is good. ignoring the TPP is going to cost us when china comes in and fills that void. but whatever

[Edited on November 1, 2016 at 4:57 PM. Reason : .]

11/1/2016 4:55:50 PM

50084 Posts
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Wait, is Trump really claiming that the Podesta email saying to dump emails means delete/get rid of them? He can't... his supporters can't.

[Edited on November 1, 2016 at 9:09 PM. Reason : Spoiler. They do.]

11/1/2016 9:05:04 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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Quote :
"we've seen what she tells banks. so what's the scandal? that she wants free flowing clean energy between western hemisphere countries?

Ignoring the stupidity of claiming Hillary's comment was in regard to energy and not people, we don't even have energy flowing interconnected between different regions of the US. The Tres Amigas superstation project appears to have stalled out for the foreseeable future. While the transmission networks of Canada and the US are well integrated, our interconnections with Mexico are limited to a handful of transmission ties in the San Diego / Tijuana area.

11/1/2016 11:31:48 PM

All American
26447 Posts
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Do republicans not like free trade now??

11/1/2016 11:53:41 PM

All American
33756 Posts
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Open trade and open borders are an ideal we should strive for. It requires a lot of other pieces to be in play, probably not possible for a few decades at the earliest, but there's nothing wrong on striving for this.

11/2/2016 12:44:12 AM

5608 Posts
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Go live in the EU then, you and George Soros can have a blast.

11/2/2016 3:05:30 AM

50084 Posts
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Oh good, Trump is singling out Katy Tur again in front of 10,000 people.

He's such a baby boy. He acts like a ten year old with a crush.

11/2/2016 1:00:33 PM

All American
2253 Posts
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Police are treating the burning of a black church in Mississippi -- during which vandals spray-painted "Vote Trump" on a wall -- as a hate crime, saying it amounts to an act of voter intimidation.

A 911 call reporting the fire at Hopewell Baptist Church in Greenville came in at about 9:15 p.m. Tuesday, police said. Firefighters quickly extinguished the blaze.
Most of the damage to the 111-year-old church was to the sanctuary, pastor Carolyn Hudson said at a news conference.
"We do believe that God will allow us to build another sanctuary in that same place," she said, though the extent of the damage was unclear.

11/2/2016 1:47:55 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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Quote :
"we don't even have energy flowing interconnected between different regions of the US."

so fucking what? since we don't have it here, she can't have an end goal of having it everywhere?

everyone remembers JFK's famous "Go to the Exosphere" speech, where he realistically wanted man to go about 400 kilometers above the earth. he was going to try and put a man on the moon, but since we hadn't been to the outer limits of the exosphere he couldn't dream of the moon yet


[Edited on November 2, 2016 at 3:26 PM. Reason : .]

11/2/2016 3:24:36 PM

50084 Posts
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Oh, FFS that Trump rape accuser who has been anonymous until now is having a press conference at 6... surely at the behest of either the Clinton campaign or supporters. It was dumb when Breitbart paid the Bill-accusers and it's dumb now.

Enough of this shit.

11/2/2016 3:50:21 PM

All American
27962 Posts
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Quote :
"The open borders comment wasn't about "energy" you indoctrinated hack. Do more homework before you come in here regurgitating your liberal media spin. -JCE"

Quote :
""“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it""

Is this the quote that JCE is referring to? If so, how come JCE hasn't responded? Or is there quote that JCE was referring to?

11/2/2016 5:14:02 PM

All American
22929 Posts
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^^Clinton camp is showing some desperation maybe? She sure blew up when someone mentioned her husband being a rapist.

11/2/2016 7:21:43 PM

All American
38979 Posts
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any proof of a connection?

11/2/2016 8:32:50 PM

All American
597 Posts
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Apparently the press conference never happened because she received too many death threats

11/3/2016 8:49:13 AM

5608 Posts
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^^^^ She said her dream is open trade and open borders with clean energy.

Not open borders for clean energy.

There's a reason she wouldn't release the transcripts. But hey, what a speech! I'm sure the $millions she gets payed won't result in any favors being owed. No way

[Edited on November 3, 2016 at 12:01 PM. Reason : .]

11/3/2016 11:59:49 AM

All American
14984 Posts
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I wish there was some way to bet on the church burning thing. That story reeks of bullshit. My money is on the pastor.

11/3/2016 9:58:33 PM

5608 Posts
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I already put down money, 90% DNC false flag. 10% middle school kid

11/3/2016 10:50:09 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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did somebody say false flag?

11/3/2016 10:54:03 PM

All American
17452 Posts
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This guy seriously is the worst

11/5/2016 12:47:02 PM

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