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All American
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thank God

5/3/2020 12:36:23 PM

All American
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Women who bring up these types of allegations should absolutely be heard, and the accusations she brings forth definitely need to be investigated and treated seriously.

With that said, I find her story to be highly suspect and downright unbelievable. It keeps changing, but in ways that only make her look nuts/crazy. She seems like she suffers from mental health issues and while I feel sorry for her, I have trouble believing anything she says at face value.

Also, she was/is a crazy Bernie Bro, so there's that.

5/4/2020 1:24:47 AM

6275 Posts
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You seem like you suffer from mental health issues too

5/4/2020 2:15:33 AM

All American
846 Posts
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citing mental health issues is a huge mistake in front of frothing republicans*

5/4/2020 8:25:29 AM

All American
33757 Posts
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She comes off as a kook but you could easily argue that’s what made Biden target her for harassment. It’s normally the weak and vulnerable that get preyed on

5/4/2020 4:54:52 PM

All American
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Again, I'm not saying her claims shouldn't be investigated/taken seriously, but the fact that her story keeps changing and there's been no proof of any formal complaint being received, she has little to no credibility. I'm not calling her a liar, but I think whatever version of the event has morphed from unwanted shoulder touching to violent finger banging pretty quickly, so...

Also, I'm not a bad person/liberal/democrat/progressive/whatever for finding her story to hard to believe, either.

As for who's pushing this narrative, it's obviously Trump, and I blame radical online Bernie Bros for falling for it/spreading it, as opposed to Bernie Sanders himself.

[Edited on May 4, 2020 at 5:13 PM. Reason : Trump is terrified of Biden LOL]

5/4/2020 5:10:22 PM

Burn it all down.
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I'm done addressing her story, but I think an absolutely huge issue here is the people who are advocating for her clearly have a vendetta that is guiding them. They want to write about it and be on her side, sure, do that. However, to not put her in front of a lawyer ASAP to guide her through this process is serious breach. These people are just using her.

5/4/2020 5:32:34 PM

Save TWW
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I'm done discussing this too.

Now maybe you need to better define what you mean by "advocating" for her but I've seen plenty of biden supporters speak on her behalf. I think even her neighbor claims to be a Biden supporter. Hell most of the people arguing with you in this thread are gonna likely swallow some bile and vote for the guy.

5/4/2020 6:41:17 PM

All American
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Count me in with the "swallow the bile crowd"

Even if it's true (doesn't appear to be likely, but let's pretend anyway), I wouldn't blink twice voting for Biden over Trump. I'd much rather vote for a creepy old Uncle finger-banging Joe over subhuman, Hitler aspiring Trump who's fucked up our entire country more than any other person, save Herbert Hoover.

I mean, if they're both rapists/sexual abusers, so let's call it a pathetic "wash", and then go from there, yeah? I'd still take Biden's dementia over Trump's complete idiocy and lack of basic intelligence, and I still prefer his shitty public speaking skills over Trump's. And sorry, but I'll take ANY/ALL repurposed/rebranded/watered down Obama style polices (pick 'em, and come fight me) versus anything Trump has done.

It's really sad a much better Dem like Warren won't be the nom, but we're not even comparing Hitler to Stalin at this point. We're comparing survival and extinction.

5/4/2020 7:10:13 PM

Burn it all down.
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advocating for her was meant to be 'advising her and other witnesses'

5/4/2020 7:13:29 PM

All American
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I hate to bring it up, because downplaying ANY rape/assault allegations is a total GOP/slimeball move, but this should be a pretty glaring, recent and local reminder that, no, not all sexual assault allegations are true:

Bottom line is that the chick had all sorts of mental/psychological problems and people went and ran with her story causing serious harm to some innocent, and several not-so-innocent dbags who acted like pigs. And yeah, there's a bunch of gross racism/bs that comes along with that case that doesn't apply here, but my point here is how she kept changing her story left and right, and when the truth came out, people were pissed and lives were ruined, and she essentially got away with it. The woman claimed to be have raped by the entire LAX team, and then it turned into 3 people, and then it was revealed she had several semen samples that were NOT the team, nor her BF.

It sucks that the vast majority of these types of incidents go unresolved, but all it takes it for one bad apple to remind us that lying about sexual assault for personal gain happens.

Fortunately, I'm neither a judge, nor voting in a jury. But this whole thing seems as desperate as the Hunter Biden thing. Trump is scared and knows he's going to lose, so he might as well try a Hillary's emails 2.0

5/4/2020 7:26:04 PM

6275 Posts
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Quote :
" Hell most of the people arguing with you in this thread are gonna likely swallow some bile and vote for the guy."

5/4/2020 7:26:35 PM

All American
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Have fun voting for "extinction" versus "survival"

I'm sure it'll be even more fun than voting for Trump instead of Hillary because you didn't get your way.

5/4/2020 7:28:18 PM

Forgetful Jones
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there'd be no covid-19 if hiillary had won!!1

5/4/2020 7:43:27 PM

Save TWW
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^^^^you know one of the reasons Duke is still a huge story? Bc that type of thing is vanishingly rare. Sure it's possible, but what do you think she has to gain from this? Maybe she does have mental illness like the Duke woman, but that is what every accused said about every accuser for all of history "she's crazy and a liar". Only recently has that pendulum swing the other direction.

^^^if you want to have a conversation about why you think that statement i's eye roll worth of feel free to elaborate but I'm not interested in guessing games

[Edited on May 4, 2020 at 7:49 PM. Reason : E]

5/4/2020 7:48:36 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Maybe she does have mental illness like the Duke woman,"

You're saying 'maybe', and I think it's well past 'probably' and more in the general vicinity of 'very likely' that Reade isn't emotionally stable/credible/believable/etc.

Again, show me a consistent story (doesn't exist at this point) and clear evidence that a formal complaint was lodged (doesn't exist), and believable testimony from credible witnesses (sorry, but that doesn't exit yet, either) and I'm more than willing to listen. Cancelling scheduled appearances on Fox News isn't a good look to me, but thankfully I'm not a judge/juror.

By all means, if you have something that can be a slam dunk to remove/replace Biden as any ELECTABLE Dem candidate that can beat Trump, I will happily believe it/soak it up so I can vote for a far less unfavorable candidate.

Quote :
"there'd be no covid-19 if hiillary had won!!1"

The virus would still exist and be a problem, but Hillary is infinitely more intelligent and capable than Trump, who draws probability cones with sharpies to defend his lies, along with encouraging people to take fish tank cleaner and inject themselves with disinfectant.

[Edited on May 4, 2020 at 8:08 PM. Reason : .]

5/4/2020 8:02:04 PM

6275 Posts
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^^that smarmy attitude you have when it comes between picking Biden or Trump. I’d swallow all the bile half the users here have if it meant getting rid of that idiot.

5/4/2020 8:05:24 PM

All American
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^OK, but plenty of Bernie Bros would love to watch you drink poison first to see if you live, because they're scared to drink it themselves.

5/4/2020 8:10:34 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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This thread is a microcosm of literally all the arguments that #MeToo tried to tell us were absolute bullshit and women-hating. Democrats, in less than 2 years, have morphed from "Never, ever doubt a sexual assault survivor's story" to "now hold on a minute, not all accusations are true." And the only salient difference is the letter after the accused's name. It's fascinating watching Dems blatantly ignore the things they were saying 18-ish months ago. Even down to the "can't we just pick someone who doesn't have these kinds of allegations hanging over their head?"

It would help if Dems hadn't painted the argument in such stark terms: "accusers should be believed." Had it been "accusers should be heard," that would be different, but #BelieveWomen doesn't allow for that nuance. You MUST believe, no matter what. You can't #BelieveWomen if you are calling them fucking crazy, like UJustWait84 did. You can't #BelieveWomen if you demand that their story be 100% consistent (a point that, btw, is widely, and unscientifically might I add, argued by the #MeToo crowd and in the Title IX Star Chambers going on on college campuses today). You can't #BelieveWomen if you call their stories "coached." You can't #BelieveWomen if you demand that they go to police immediately or else question them 30 years later if they didn't.

The simple fact is that when Kavanaugh was accused, there was no consideration given to Blasey-Ford's statements by Democrats. Zero. They declared her to be 100% truthful, without hearing a god-damned word she or Kavanaugh had to say, because they #BelieveWomen. Now, they want "fairness." Fuck them. Rape and sexual assault are not should not, and never should be fucking political. It shouldn't matter what fucking letter comes after your name. This blatant and obvious double standard is fucking shameful. Either #BelieveWomen, or come up with a logically consistent framework for handling these kinds of allegations, but don't fucking play politics with rape. Fuck you and anyone else who does that. Because fuck you.

^^^ Funny you mention that, because there's little evidence to support the claim that "these kinds of things are vanishingly rare." Yes, there is the notorious MAD ("Making a Difference") data from 2006-2007 that has been widely mis-cited as saying "93% of rape accusations are true," but what it actually found, is that at least 7% of rape accusations are provably false. Dishonest blogs and media outlets took that and morphed it into "93% are true," which, if you have any comprehension of statistics at all, you will immediately recognize as bullshit. Also, for the record, under the criteria used by the wonderful, training-selling company who provided that brilliant analysis (End Violence Against Women), the Duke Lacrosse case would have been classified as "true," because the players were arrested. I shit you not.

5/4/2020 8:19:00 PM

All American
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There's an OCEAN of difference between women like Blasse-Ford and Tara Reade. Well, at least to those who've actually been paying attention. But you, on the other hand, are a total dumbass that doesn't understand nuance, so keep on with your inane posts. None of us have forgotten your gross AF pedophile apologist posts a few years, so you might wanna log out for a few years.

[Edited on May 4, 2020 at 8:33 PM. Reason : Gross. ]

5/4/2020 8:32:41 PM

Sup, B
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And, for the record, "her story has changed"/"her story has inconsistencies" is an argument that is explicitly rejected by the Title IX investigation framework that Joe Biden, himself, helped foist upon colleges and universities. If that standard is good enough for college males accused of sexual assault, it's fucking good enough for Joe Biden, too.

5/4/2020 8:45:16 PM

Sup, B
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^^ Bullshit. #BelieveWomen allows for ZERO nuance. You either belive her or you don't. If a woman said it, she is to be believed. THAT is the standard that was touted. To even listen to her account and weigh its veracity flies in the face of that standard. It's what I was arguing about in other forums then. And it's what I'll hold people to now.

The fact that you ca only drag in a totally unrelated discussion from several years ago proves that you have zero counterargument to what I am saying. Democrats pretended to give a fuck about rape. No we know that's a lie. The only thing that matters is the letter after your name.

5/4/2020 8:47:50 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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Yes, lets ask Senator Franken if the letter next to your name matters.

5/4/2020 8:49:58 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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Quote :
" there'd be no covid-19 if hiillary had won!!1"

care to expand on this?

5/4/2020 9:21:46 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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Pretty sure it was sarcasm.

That said, I think our response would have undoubtedly been better under a Clinton administration

5/4/2020 9:25:24 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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^^^ Yes, Franken is one of the few D's that were actually held accountable. I attribute that to three things: 1) He ran into the buzzsaw of #MeToo at full steam when it first started, 2) The Dem establishment didn't particularly like him too much, 3) He had fucking pictures of him doing it.

I think it's fairer to compare the responses to Biden and Kavanaugh, as they have fairly similar circumstances: unverifiable claims from 3+ decades ago. The treatment of the two accusers by Dems couldn't be any different. Elizabeth Warren was asked on camera why she found Blasey-Ford's claims convincing and she said, full quote, "Because I believe women." Other Dems made similar pronouncements. Hell, she made similar comments on other allegations within the past year against Biden for far less, though she was campaigning against him at the time, which shouldn't be ignored. Now, it's "Biden's denial is credible." His denial is, carbon copy, minus the angry faces, the exact same as Kavanaugh's. I don't recall deep dives into Blasey-Ford's Twitter history. I don't recall Dems questioning why she took so long to come forward. I don't recall them begrudging her inability to pinpoint a time or place for the assault. I don't recall any Democrat scrutinizing her story *at all*. Yet, here we are with Reade and it's somehow different. The reason is obvious: pure partisan hypocrisy. I said it in 2018, but it's glaringly clear now: Dems never gave a fuck about Blasey-Ford's claims, they never gave a fuck about rape or sexual assualt; they just care about ways to attack Republicans.

5/4/2020 11:59:48 PM

Forgetful Jones
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i'm challenging ujustwait's "survival vs extinction" hyperbole

would roy cooper be handling things any differently if trump or hillary or biden were in office?

[Edited on May 5, 2020 at 12:03 AM. Reason : .]

5/5/2020 12:02:31 AM

All American
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^^The Blasey-Ford and Reade comparisons are a good one to make, but calling the circumstances similar is a total whitewash of how both allegations occurred.

Blasey-Ford sent her allegations to a Senator (Feinstein) on the judicial committee. She was only outed by Ryan Grim (oh look, a recurring character) in an effort to smear Feinstein. After that she came into a legal setting and under oath made the exact claim that she had submitted to Feinstein. She was slut-shamed and her past was picked over by the right, its true that many on the left just saw a convenient way to make hay against Kavanaugh.

The evidence suggests that Reade has been shopping her story around for at least a year, probably longer. Nathan Robinson covered it as "no one will take her story, she's being silenced" but couldn't it also be that journalist looked into the allegations and then weren't willing to print them because they were too shaky? We can't even get a clear answer on the nature of the complaint/legal claim that Reade made shortly after the incident. Now the folks that did take her story are admitting to some level of coaching even as they delete other false claims (the Christine O'donnell Niece claim) from their twitter accounts and acknowledge they got that one wrong.

The way both allegations have gone down isn't even in the same ballpark. The fact that you think Kavanuagh's reaction was the same as Biden's, just minus some angry faces, is really the most obvious evidence that you're misremembering how that all went down, nothing could be further from the truth. You don't remember tears running down his face, blood red, and threatening democrats that "what goes around comes around."

A better comparison is Julia Swetnick and Mike Avenetti where Nathan Robinson is serving as Avenetti

[Edited on May 5, 2020 at 6:37 AM. Reason : .]

5/5/2020 6:14:12 AM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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Nope, I'm sorry burro

Quote :
"No we know that's a lie. The only thing that matters is the letter after your name"

There is no room for nuance there. Perhaps you should have considered that when making your initial claim which we now know is a lie.

[Edited on May 5, 2020 at 7:39 AM. Reason : a]

5/5/2020 7:39:24 AM

50084 Posts
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I’m going to say this as nicely as possible. If you say Trump is going to outflank Biden from the left then fuck you, you are a stupid fucking hack.

[Edited on May 5, 2020 at 3:06 PM. Reason : FWIW, Biden, in 2016, privately proposed taxing ALL cap gains at regular income not just short-term]

5/5/2020 3:03:48 PM

2001 Posts
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^Yeah "outflank from the left" is a mischaracterization of what you are referring to. Its never been used in the context of anything in that tweet. Of course Trump's political identify is the savior of the right-wing agenda so there isn't anything "left" about him. A better version of what you are referring to would be 'Trump is going to outflank Biden from the bottom' with populist messaging. Poopulism is often conflated with "left".

This whole Tara Reade thing is vindication for Collins and Murkowski who got dragged through the mud as spineless traitors for doing what they thought was the right thing, by people who are now making the exact same argument. You won't see any of them apologizing now that they have evolved to believe "innocent until proven guilty". Instead, you will see a ton of gymnastics that pretends the Kavanaugh thing was so long ago that we've all forgotten.

Its also worth repeating that Feinstein could have gone public weeks earlier and prevented Kavanaugh from even being nominated but it was never about that. Just like the democrats don't have to nominate Biden now but they will. Of course they will. They could demand he drops out because they don't want a suspected predator representing them but its not about that. It was never about any of that and its so undeniably clear that democrats denying it are just exposing themselves as the exact caricature rw media has always made them out to be. Sad.

Even on here Aaranburro really hit it out of the park and the very next post was a personal attack because there was no contest in the ongoing debate.

5/5/2020 3:59:30 PM

Burn it all down.
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Quote :
"Its also worth repeating that Feinstein could have gone public weeks earlier and prevented Kavanaugh from even being nominated but it was never about that."

I'm going to need a source on that one...

Quote :
"Even on here Aaranburro really hit it out of the park"

rofl. You mean providing a statement which provided for zero nuance and then being proven wrong? Yeah, okay

5/5/2020 4:07:16 PM

Burn it all down.
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He was nominated June 27, the letter to Feinstein was dated July 30.

Come on Earl, do better.

5/5/2020 4:15:43 PM

All American
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Blasey-Ford literally requested Feinstein sit on the allegation until she was sure she wanted to make it public, until Ryan Grim got wind of it and used Feinstein honoring Blakey-Ford’s request as a smear (“Feinstein is trying to silence her!!!”, “Feinstein is throwing other Dems on the judiciary cmte under the bus!!!” Etc etc etc)

So yea, I guess the Kavanaugh thing WAS so long ago that you’ve forgotten.

Quote :
" Poopulism is often conflated with "left"."

The ”GG Allin left,” maybe, but leave the rest of us out of it!!!!

5/5/2020 4:16:01 PM

All American
846 Posts
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poop, lol

5/5/2020 4:31:34 PM

2001 Posts
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Yeah there was a long nomination process. Trump first named Kavanaugh in July, the same month Feinstein received the letter. His initial hearing was in early September. Several days after the hearing, the latter was released. It wasn't until late September when Blasey Ford had her testimony. The senate voted in October and the election was in November.
Quote :
"Feinstein did not refer the allegation to the FBI until September 14, 2018,[59] after the Senate Judiciary Committee had completed its hearings on Kavanaugh's nomination and "after leaks to the media about [the Ford allegation] had reached a "fever pitch""

The timing is important when you think about why it had to wait until September. Feinstein could have kept Blasey Ford confidential, AND referred the report to the FBI, her committee, and Trump, weeks prior (lets just say August).

The result of bringing this up in August could have been Trump nominating someone else. Someone who wasn't accused of rape, possibly a woman. That is what would have been done if they cared about sexual assault but that is not the result Feinstein or anyone wanted.

This was always about stealing back the Gorsuch seat and that is the only reason it had to wait until late September which was AFTER Kavanaugh made it through the vetting process. This had to be done to stall time and put the Kavanaugh nomination up against the clock running out on the election. The goal was to get the circus that resulted solely to score political points and possibly even keep Trump from appointing anyone.

it all backfired and is coming back to bite them in the ass as the Tara Reade situation is forcing all the political points they scored against people like Collins and Murkowski into their own goal

[Edited on May 5, 2020 at 5:50 PM. Reason : the high ground of integrity no longer exists. they're in the mud with the pigs now.]

[Edited on May 5, 2020 at 5:52 PM. Reason : should have just admitted you didn't want a young conservative and wanted revenge for gorsuch]

5/5/2020 5:47:02 PM

All American
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Blasey-Ford explicitly asked Feinstein to keep her letter confidential.

5/5/2020 6:22:45 PM

Burn it all down.
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Quote :
" Trump first named Kavanaugh in July"

Nope, try again Earl.

5/5/2020 7:07:11 PM

50084 Posts
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Quote :
" This was always about stealing back the Gorsuch seat and that is the only reason it had to wait until late September which was AFTER Kavanaugh made it through the vetting process."

This is just brainworm level nonsense. Nobody, and I mean nobody thought that if Kavanaugh had to withdraw Trump was going to see the light and nominate a moderate or progressive. Everyone with a single firing synapse knew he was going to just name another Federalist Society prick.

Though there were people on this here website who thought Trump wasn’t going to stick to his pledge and nominate Federalist Society ghouls. Amazingly some even in this thread.

[Edited on May 5, 2020 at 7:31 PM. Reason : Typo]

5/5/2020 7:30:56 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Quote :
"Don't even bother. horosho's stupidity is a feature designed to waste your time. It's incurable."

5/5/2020 8:17:00 PM

2001 Posts
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Quote :
"July 9: Trump taps Kavanaugh "
The timeline is so revealing especially the part where Feinstein met with Kavanaugh and didn't mention the letter. then two days later lobbied to have the Kavanaugh hearings delayed over Stormy Daniels.
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"Nobody, and I mean nobody thought that if Kavanaugh had to withdraw Trump was going to see the light and nominate a moderate or progressive. Everyone with a single firing synapse knew he was going to just name another Federalist Society prick."

Where did this come from? What was it in response to? No one suggested otherwise?

I suggested that they were trying to run out the clock on Trump being able to fill the seat at all. That means the seat would've been vacant until it was filled by a democrat. Even that seems crazy now that we can look back on how bad it failed.

5/6/2020 2:54:11 AM

All American
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I guess you are just going to keep ignoring my posts that completely explain why Feinstein did what she did?

5/6/2020 5:44:04 AM

50084 Posts
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^^ nobody, anywhere thought that. They knew Trump would nominate and McConnell usher in someone else. Period. End of story.

I’m fine with you saying a lot of people are hypocritical now but the fact is NO ONE believed Kavanaugh not being confirmed would lead to ANYTHING but another Fed Society pick. It’s a compete re-write of history and untethered to the reality of who Mitch McConnell is to say otherwise.

[Edited on May 6, 2020 at 7:32 AM. Reason : X]

5/6/2020 7:29:20 AM

Burn it all down.
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Maybe Earls logic was the Dems could have retaken the senate? Which is still revisionist as hell since the Dems had virtually little chance and another Federalist pick would have been rammed through before January.

Either way, dumb as hell.

5/6/2020 7:52:11 AM

Burn it all down.
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So let's talk VP picks...

After doing more research, I don't like Cortez anymore (2014 gay marriage stance would kill her).

Tammy Baldwin would be interesting.
Harris seems predictable
Warren is popular, but that's a super old ticket

5/6/2020 7:54:39 AM

All American
846 Posts
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harris is certainly the lame / boring choice. probably a bad idea?

what about whitmer?

5/6/2020 9:54:23 AM

All American
7611 Posts
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Hunter Biden is probably one of the worse American princelings

5/6/2020 10:05:09 AM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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Whitmer would be a good, but I don't see a guarantee that the Dems hold the governorship of MI. I can also see her being a rallying cry for people who protest for reopening states. She has good approval rating in MI and would reiterate the focus of the the election is a referendum on CoVid.

She has given the standard response of 'I just want to serve the people of Michigan' so unless this thing dies down soonish, I wonder if she would even taken the slot

5/6/2020 10:51:22 AM

2001 Posts
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The dems hoped they could convince the country that a president under investigation was ineligible for supreme court nominations. They hoped they could retake the senate especially if they waited to do this whole Blasey Ford thing as a last minute bombshell exposing GOP senators as not believing women.
Quote :
""It is unseemly for the president of the United States to be picking a Supreme Court who could soon be effectively a juror in a case involving the president himself,” "

-Chuck Schumer August 22nd

Quote :
"Bottom line: This president should not select another nominee to the Supreme Court until the Russia investigation is completed. We went more than a year with only eight justices on the court. We can certainly wait until there is a resolution to the current investigation.

It is of course possible that Brett Kavanaugh, the president’s nominee, may continue to be the nominee however the investigation is resolved. He may even be the choice of some future Republican president. That is fine, but in the meantime, it should not be tolerated for this president to have a hand in determining the individual who may decide his fate. That in no way represents appropriate American jurisprudence."

-Pat Perriello July 16th

Quote :
"Democrats and some Republican figures – though no Republican senators – are saying that the investigation was not at all thorough. They say the FBI failed to speak with dozens of potential witnesses. Here’s a breakdown:"

They were hoping for a long strung-out investigation that ultimately led to kavanaugh stepping down/losing confirmation but also stalled enough time to run out the clock on the senate.

Quote :
"I guess you are just going to keep ignoring my posts that completely explain why Feinstein did what she did?


It was confidential. She still could have told someone that there was a serious, credible allegation without giving out the name of the victim.

[Edited on May 6, 2020 at 1:07 PM. Reason : i guess i'm a remote history teacher now]

5/6/2020 12:39:23 PM

All American
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why do you need another reason besides garland? impeachment, russia... none of that shit matters.

RGB is in the hospital and he absolutely shouldnt get another pick.

5/6/2020 4:24:06 PM

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