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A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Quote :
"sadly, show me a politician that doesn't do this. they all play different angles, but it boils down to getting one group of people to hate another one, passionately enough to vote one way. the presidential race is the ultimate con job."

That's a bit pessimistic. Even the most amicable elections are still contests, and the only way to win is to convince voters your plan is better than the other guy's. There's a lot of space between

- The rich and powerful exploit their position to further their own interests at your expense.
- Wall Street has rigged the system in their favor.
- Establishment politicians are more interested in fund raising and re-election than actual governing.


- Mexicans are drug dealers and rapists.
- Muslims are terrorists.

2/27/2016 8:16:19 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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Quote :
"The fact that youre referencing a shitshow in europe confirms that youve been listening to xenophonic stories that have turned out to be false.

Europe is such a shitshow that nationalist movements are gaining serious ground in Austria, Sweden, France, and Germany. These are the same countries where for the last 70 years you couldn't even make a vague nationalist comment without being decried as the next Hitler.

[Edited on February 27, 2016 at 10:34 PM. Reason : .]

2/27/2016 10:33:37 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Sure, you've got nationalists...and then people like this:

The Muslim world for the most part doesn't respect your liberal, western values. No amount of "tolerance" or white guilt is going to change that.

[Edited on February 28, 2016 at 1:41 AM. Reason : ]

2/28/2016 1:40:57 AM

All American
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Latest endorsements come in, from David Duke and Jean-Marie Le Pen


^ That's great, but the irony is that a bulk of Muslims would readily condemn those people and damn them to hell any chance they get!

[Edited on February 28, 2016 at 4:24 AM. Reason : ]

2/28/2016 4:22:17 AM

All American
24527 Posts
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^^why aren't there any Muslims protesting alongside that group?

2/28/2016 9:26:47 AM

All American
9974 Posts
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We would be better off today if someone would have put their foot down and stopped all the Italians from moving here. Sure some pretty amazing movies would have never been made but that's a small price to pay IMO.

2/28/2016 10:20:34 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Quote :
"why aren't there any Muslims protesting alongside that group?"

Because, in poll after poll, even in Western countries, Muslims have more draconian social views than the most fundamentalist Christians.

Progressives live in a fantasy world where every person is just one sensitivity training class away from being one of their own.

2/28/2016 10:30:17 AM

All American
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^ fighting for civil rights is always the right thing to do. Islamophobia doesn't help anyone either. No to mention the whole "they came for the ..." Aspect of it too.

2/28/2016 11:27:29 PM

All American
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So "political correctness" seems to be the new code word/dog whistle for "being racist".

2/28/2016 11:56:07 PM

All American
33757 Posts
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Wow trump is grimy. He's the stereotypical 80s mogul villain.

2/29/2016 2:37:35 AM

All American
42526 Posts
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^^ watch this video and pic:

Looks like more media hypocrisy to me.

2/29/2016 7:14:05 AM

Mr E Nigma
All American
5450 Posts
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John Oliver demolished Donald Trump.

2/29/2016 10:17:41 AM

50084 Posts
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Quote :
"So "political correctness" seems to be the new code word/dog whistle for "being racist"."

Nah, just for straight up lying.

2/29/2016 12:41:24 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
"sadly, show me a politician that doesn't do this. they all play different angles, but it boils down to getting one group of people to hate another one, passionately enough to vote one way. the presidential race is the ultimate con job.


Quote :
"That's a bit pessimistic. Even the most amicable elections are still contests, and the only way to win is to convince voters your plan is better than the other guy's. There's a lot of space between

Fry is pretty spot on. The current framework and power of the Republican party lies in an arranged marriage of corporate/Big-Business interest
and the Christian right. The evangelicals and bible thumpers have accepted and bought the party line of the GOP, supporting policies that are
not in their own economic interest in exchange for Republicans putting their time in to enforcing Christian values on the american populace.

Quote :
"That's great, but the irony is that a bulk of Muslims would readily condemn those people and damn them to hell any chance they ge"

True. I find the feel-good heartfelt liberal crowd really annoying but at least they have good intentions unlike the Christian Right.

Quote :
"Progressives live in a fantasy world where every person is just one sensitivity training class away from being one of their own.


Good call. Though I consider myself progressive and don't buy into this mentality. We need a new term to describe the hippy bleeding heart crowd to separate them from those who support the practical parts of progressive ideology. Practical parts in this instance relating to the belief that people should be given
the tools to better themselves but are ultimately responsible for their own actions and are not concerned about always being "PC."

2/29/2016 1:43:00 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Progressives live in a fantasy world where every person is just one sensitivity training class away from being one of their own."


Quote :
"^ fighting for civil rights is always the right thing to do. Islamophobia doesn't help anyone either."

The year is 2016... "fighting for civil rights" now equates to being an overly sensitive guilible moron spamming hashtags and crying.

Funny to see the media fucking up... no bias to see here

2/29/2016 3:50:15 PM

26632 Posts
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can you simplify that down into the type of narrative that it is

2/29/2016 3:53:29 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
"The year is 2016... "fighting for civil rights" now equates to being an overly sensitive guilible moron spamming hashtags and crying.


This shit gives liberalism a bad name. It is like the Pro-Life crowd of conservatism.

2/29/2016 4:03:01 PM

All American
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Quote :
"being an overly sensitive guilible moron spamming hashtags and crying."

You just described donald trump and his supporters.

2/29/2016 4:55:33 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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just because you don't understand the modern nuances of civil rights, doesn't mean its not important, it just means you are ignorant. You have consistently called things that research supports as mentally harmful to be someone simply being weak or "playing victim"

2/29/2016 5:14:01 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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I hear a lot of blubbering. Amazing how civilization existed all these Millennia when all the sensitive snow flakes in our society were always having hurt feelings!

A few weeks ago we had a BBall coach caused "outrage" being accused of racism because he called out some of the kids on his team for acting racist. #mindblown

2/29/2016 5:44:02 PM

All American
11892 Posts
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^That was pre-internet and 24 hour news networks. All it takes is one person tweeting something and the whole world starts expressing their views.

2/29/2016 6:14:27 PM

All American
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2/29/2016 7:13:13 PM

All American
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Trump tells misinformed people what he knows they already believe, and thus "he speaks the truth".

2/29/2016 7:22:52 PM

All American
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Who Trump disavows: Muslims, Mexicans, immigrants, the Pope.

Who Trump will not disavow: The KKK

3/1/2016 1:17:16 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Quote :
""Progressives live in a fantasy world where every person is just one sensitivity training class away from being one of their own."

Yeah, a lot of them do. But other people, progressive and otherwise, acknowledge that a groups with radical positions can be allowed to function in a liberal democracy because that system of government prevents them from being able to inflict their crazy on society at large.

So even if Muslims in America are even crazier over the subject of gays than Evangelicals, neither of them get to do anything about it because, whoops, there's a Supreme Court so tough shit. There are people who oppose anti-Muslim thought (among other strains of douchebaggery) who get that. That is the kind of progressive I can get behind, not the "deep down everybody is nice except for straight white men with money" kind.

Quote :
" Amazing how civilization existed all these Millennia when all the sensitive snow flakes in our society were always having hurt feelings!"

It existed, yeah, but it was awful. Civilization has improved consistently and in inverse proportion to the percentage of people who feel that, on the whole, maybe people shouldn't treat each other like shit. A person is less likely to die a violent death at the hands of another person today than they would have been at any other point in history. At the dawn of civilization you had about a 15% chance of dying violently at the hands of another person. Today, in America, it's about .08%.

It goes without saying that the world has improved as a result of all this "blubbering" about "hurt feelings" if you happen to be black, because now you don't have to work for free your entire (short) life for some white prick with a whip.

Also, you know, life expectancies. There's a thing to consider.

3/1/2016 1:52:33 AM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
"So even if Muslims in America are even crazier over the subject of gays than Evangelicals, neither of them get to do anything about it because, whoops, there's a Supreme Court so tough shit. There are people who oppose anti-Muslim thought (among other strains of douchebaggery) who get that. That is the kind of progressive I can get behind, not the "deep down everybody is nice except for straight white men with money" kind.

Except the Christian Right is on the cusp on giving the nomination (assuming Trump finally sinks his boat) to Ted Cruz that wants to instill Christian Values across the nation.

3/1/2016 11:06:02 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Except that Cruz has been losing evangelicals to Trump and Rubio. Cruz isn't a lock if Trump disappears.

3/1/2016 11:30:59 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Can we get this thread title changed to Donald Drumpf plz?

3/1/2016 11:35:51 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
"Who Trump disavows: Muslims, Mexicans, immigrants, the Pope.

Who Trump will not disavow: The KKK"

Why lie when there are so many legitimate areas to criticize trump? You know he "disavowed" David Duke, but you're making a deliberate choice to be deceptive.

3/1/2016 11:57:00 AM

All American
27962 Posts
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Did he? Granted, I am not following it closely, but I hadn't heard that he denounced him.

3/1/2016 12:11:11 PM

All American
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^^ He disavowed david duke, but not the KKK. And this "disavowed" was as lukewarm and forced as you can get.

BUt you can be a sucker for Trump's doubletalk. This is how he's addressed every issue, he'll say the most extreme thing first to get the support of the racists, then make a half-assed attempt to temper it so the apologist can pretend they're not being racist too.

[Edited on March 1, 2016 at 12:19 PM. Reason : ]

3/1/2016 12:18:48 PM

26632 Posts
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can goldilax or one of the r/the_donald people explain the following things:
the use of "cucks" (i assume short for cuckold, but still don't understand)

3/1/2016 12:23:18 PM

50084 Posts
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Calling liberals cucks is a pretty common Reddit thing from what I can tell. Also people who don't like overt racism have been called the same a lot.

I actually don't even have a Reddit account but it's interesting to read sometimes.

3/1/2016 12:53:44 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Quote :
"He disavowed david duke, but not the KKK. And this "disavowed" was as lukewarm and forced as you can get."

He also hasn't disavowed Nazi Germany or Genghis Khan either. Come on dude, these are classic Glenn Back tactics ("I'm just asking questions").

3/1/2016 1:04:15 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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Except that hitler and genghis khan haven't openly endorsed him ....... Yet

3/1/2016 1:06:55 PM

All American
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^^ Have you not been keeping up with the news? This is in reference to direct questions, not a nebulous idea of disavowing people.

It's Trump using the Glenn Beck tactics here. Trump wants to claim 2 positions, like he's done throughout this race, and youre being gullible enough to let him.

3/1/2016 1:10:23 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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I've kept up with all the news - and so have you. That's how I know you're being either intentionally obtuse or lying, I'm not sure which one.

The KKK thing is something the media is harping on because it's super Tuesday, but it's so obvious that this is a fabricated story.

3/1/2016 1:16:37 PM

All American
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3/1/2016 1:26:15 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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* Do you believe Trump was having trouble hearing the question when originally asked about David Duke?
* Do you believe Trump truly did not know anything about David Duke, despite having publicly discussed him before?
* Do you believe this is a strong statement meant to silence all doubt, or perhaps just something you might say when you're getting tired of being asked the question you don't want to be asked? "I didn't even know he endorsed me. David Duke he endorsed me, OK? I disavow. OK?"

3/1/2016 1:27:05 PM

50084 Posts
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It's pretty obvious to me he is intentionally ambiguous to assure he doesn't lose support from the fringes.

If he wanted to crush the story it would have taken seconds on Sunday.

3/1/2016 1:29:00 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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It's the fucking KKK. This is a completely marginal group at this point. Their membership is insignificant, and while they have some historical significance, none of that carries over to the present day.

Asking someone running for office in 2016 if they condemn the KKK is simply poisoning the well. The goal isn't to find out if they support the KKK - you already know they don't. The point is to get a bunch of headlines that have "Donald Trump" and "KKK" side by side.

I'm not a Trump supporter, but I can see right through this bullshit. It's a classic tactic used by folks on both sides.

In any case, it's not going to work - no one will be talking about this in a week, and anyone that supports Trump or was on the fence is going to be convinced by your bullshit.

3/1/2016 1:32:31 PM

All American
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Seriously, even Ron Paul did a better job at distancing himself from white supremacist groups.

*checks username*


[Edited on March 1, 2016 at 1:34 PM. Reason : ^all he had to say was I don't support the KKK but I can't control endorsements]

3/1/2016 1:33:20 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Ron Paul despises Trump and even he doesn't think the David Duke/KKK stuff has any merit.

Trump's opposition needs to get smarter, and fast. The standard smear campaigns aren't working and will not work - there is going to have to be a change of strategy.

[Edited on March 1, 2016 at 1:36 PM. Reason : wrong video link]

3/1/2016 1:34:13 PM

50084 Posts
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He barely ever says anything true and still gains support. Pretty sure a smear campaign wouldn't do anything anyway.

I can't help stupidity but rather just hope the country isn't as stupid as I think it could be.

3/1/2016 1:43:14 PM

All American
22931 Posts
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What I've been talking about all along has been leaked from a confidential interview with the NYTimes. His position on the wall was so crazy as to be a starting point for negotiations. He was never serious.

3/1/2016 1:57:19 PM

All American
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There are still plenty of smears left in the bag, the problem is that the juicy stuff won't fly with either the base or with financial donors, very important for the primary, but will be effective for independents and swing voters once the general rolls around.

He is legitimately misogynistic and racist - will repulse a lot of independents (but the base loves it)
He is a plutocrat, who inherited his wealth, and won't release his taxes - the GOP has barely attacked him on this, only in the past two weeks, because a majority of their financial backers are exactly like him.
His ideas and policies are totally vapid - won't play well with independents
He's a shitty businessman - GOP has totally refused to go there, I don't understand why.
He has a history of grifting real estate investors - how many people can the DNC line up to claim they lost most of their retirement due to his business deals
He employs foreign workers on visa programs - so much for making America great again

I imagine portfolios of this shit are being compiled as we speak. It boggles the Mind as to why the Other GOP campaigns have been tossing him such soft balls.

3/1/2016 1:57:20 PM

All American
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Quote :
"It's the fucking KKK. This is a completely marginal group at this point. Their membership is insignificant, and while they have some historical significance, none of that carries over to the present day.

Asking someone running for office in 2016 if they condemn the KKK is simply poisoning the well. The goal isn't to find out if they support the KKK - you already know they don't. The point is to get a bunch of headlines that have "Donald Trump" and "KKK" side by side."

You must have your head in the sand. The KKK currently, this present day, has more members than the Black Panther Party had at their peak-- and the BPP was the reason Reagan was so pro gun-control.

White supremacists groups have been growing in number since Obama took office, and I would bet after this trump candidacy, no matter what happens, we see a further acceleration in this growth.

So against this backdrop, David Duke puts out a very genuine, supportive message of Trump, urging supporters to donate and campaign for him, telling people it's a "betrayal of their heritage" to not vote for Trump, and when Trump is asked about this, he can't say "i don't agree with them"? After he called supporters who beat a homeless immigrant "spirited"?

You're the one being obtuse if you are ignoring the broader trend of racism and xenophobia that Trump's campaign depends on (it's certainly not something in Trump's policy, is it?). Trump's initial bump in popularity was when he called Mexicans rapists and gang members.

This isn't politics-as-usual. Trump is an anomaly-- despite having the highest, stagnant, unfavorability, and few endorsements, he's winning in the polls. Trump, as he said, could shoot someone in the street and not lose supporters, because no one is willing to embrace overt racism the way Trump is.

And let's say we do actually ignore the very un-subtle racial messages in Trumps speech, tone, and body language, what do we have left? Does Trump have any policy to discuss? Should we discuss his secret plan to destroy isis, or his secret list of negotiators that will make america great? Trump has no policy to discuss, his entire platform is insinuation that he'll finally shut up the blacks whining about equality, kick all the muslims out, and make sure people never have to hear "para espanol oprima el dos" when they call tech support.

[Edited on March 1, 2016 at 2:08 PM. Reason : ]

3/1/2016 2:07:13 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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I'm not going to engage with your race baiting nonsense.

3/1/2016 2:09:39 PM

All American
27962 Posts
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lol, you're being obtuse

3/1/2016 2:11:50 PM

All American
6788 Posts
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^^^ are you fucking kidding me with that KKK bullshit?

I am amazed people on here buy into that. That is the most pathetic political hit after asking someone if they still beat their wife

[Edited on March 1, 2016 at 2:16 PM. Reason : .]

3/1/2016 2:15:05 PM

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