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All American
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Shhhh. GW is only worth talking about when it snows or is in the 20s (or if there is a flood or drought).

12/6/2010 10:51:35 AM

All American
43383 Posts
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Snow in Paris. What now, bitches?

12/9/2010 8:46:57 AM

Sup, B
52724 Posts
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Quote :
"Paper: Arctic Temperatures 2-3C higher only 1000 years ago

A paper presented at the American Geophysical Union meeting this week finds that Ellesmere Island in the Canadian High Arctic experienced a "dramatic" Medieval Warming Period from 800-1200 AD with temperatures 2 to 3 degrees C higher than the mean temperature of the past 100 years. Ellesmere Island was also in the news this week due to a discovery of a mummified forest where "no trees now grow" due to its "current frigid state.""

pardon the crazy blog, but the paper itself is the topic of interest.

btw, how was that "wild" hurricane season that was predicted for this year? how did that work out for us? 19 named storms in the Atlantic, tied with 1887 for 3rd highest ever. Think about that. 1887. What did we NOT have in 1887? Satellites, right? So that's 19 storms that we actually saw in 1887. Meaning there were probably far more.

a little more fun stuff. Looks like our buddies over at USHCN have been busy! Check out some of their adjustments...
Huh, funny how they made pre-50s a whole lot cooler and post 80s significantly warmer. And this is just based on 2008-data as compared to data on their site today.
And check out how this affects things...

nothing shady here, right?

oh, it gets even better... The Urban Heat Island effect, according to NASA, can add up to 9 degrees C to measured temperatures. CELSIUS!!! This couldn't possibly affect data, could it? naaaah. it's a good thing we are accounting for that in our data sets, right? Oh, wait, we took that adjustment out. fuck well, at least we don't have too many stations sited in urban environments, right? oh, wait, Watts and his buddies showed that we do... hmmm...
Quote :
"Summer land surface temperature of cities in the Northeast were an average of 7 °C to 9 °C (13°F to 16 °F) warmer than surrounding rural areas over a three year period, the new research shows."

12/19/2010 8:17:18 PM

All American
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aaronburro, stop with the lies! You denier!!!

12/20/2010 9:20:49 AM

Sup, B
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THOSE TORNADOES ARE DUE TO CO2!!! according to Brian Williams

ahhh, fear-mongering at its best.

here's the real story...
Quote :
"It is well known that strong to violent tornado activity in the U.S. has decreased markedly since statistics began in the 1950s, which has also been a period of average warming. So, if anything, global warming causes FEWER tornado outbreaks…not more. In other words, more violent tornadoes would, if anything, be a sign of “global cooling”, not “global warming”.

Anyone who claims more tornadoes are caused by global warming is either misinformed, pandering, or delusional."

4/29/2011 9:09:37 PM

All American
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I am really worried.


The general concern is that when we dick with the climate the climate will dick with us. It's the unusual activity that has people worried

[Edited on April 29, 2011 at 9:19 PM. Reason : .]

4/29/2011 9:16:20 PM

All American
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Or that tornadoes are a very natural part of Spring and that due to accelerated media dissemination, coverage of such events is now faster and more widespread. In short, it isn't necessarily that tornadoes are becoming either more frequent or more powerful (although either of those could be true over time) but rather the hype over their occurrence is more prolific.

The contention I have with Dr. Spencer's analysis is that while his description of tornado cyclogenesis is technically sound, his characterization of "global warming" is a bit misleading. His premise is that there is uniform heating but from actual evidence of real time climate change we find that heating is not universal but rather some areas are cooling but to a lesser degree than other places are warming.

Humans should consider themselves very lucky. Weather on Earth is very tame compared to even the rest of our solar system.

4/29/2011 10:10:27 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Weather on Earth is very tame compared to even the rest of our solar system."

People shouldn't complain about the desert.... they could be living in a volcano!

what fucking rubbish


and yeah, tornadoes are a natural part of Spring

in Kansas


god damn't

4/30/2011 1:19:39 AM

All American
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The fuck? Tornadoes have occurred in every state. Kansas isn't special.

4/30/2011 3:44:27 AM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"The general concern is that when we dick with the climate the climate will dick with us. "

well, first we must show that we are "dicking with the climate." and that hasn't been shown. at best, we are "dicking with the numbers to show that we are dicking with the climate"

4/30/2011 4:34:58 PM

The E Man
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We know for a fact that CO2 traps exiting radiation and we also know for a fact that we are releasing an insanely large number of tons of CO2. We also know that the earth's oceans are getting warmer and some areas of land are getting cooler.

We know that the gulf of mexico is warmer than ever and we also know that our severe weather is fueld by warm moist air from THE GULF riding up over cold air. Warm moist air that is getting warmer and more moist air and cold air that may be slightly cooling.

We also know that the strength of the jet stream is proportional with severe weather outbreaks and the jet stream is generally pretty strong.

More moisture+more heat content in water= more severe weather.

This includes stronger snowstorms, more blizzards, more tornadoes, more significant flooding, more significant heat and more fuel for hurricanes.

The hurricanes have had warmer waters than ever the last few years but we know that that isn't the only thing hurricanes need. Sheer is something that hinders hurricane development and we have seen enormous increases of sheer in recent years. That same type of sheer leads to more severe cases of convective thunderstorms like we are seeing now.

[Edited on April 30, 2011 at 6:54 PM. Reason : k]

[Edited on April 30, 2011 at 6:54 PM. Reason : l]

4/30/2011 6:53:14 PM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"here's the real story...

LOL! The REAL story is that this charlatan is a creationist.

4/30/2011 7:05:56 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"We know for a fact that CO2 traps exiting radiation and we also know for a fact that we are releasing an insanely large number of tons of CO2."

both true statements. what we DON'T know is how much radiation CO2 traps. Some say it is linear, others logarithmic.

Quote :
"LOL! The REAL story is that this charlatan is a creationist."

fantastic ad hominem, my good man!

Quote :
"We also know that the earth's oceans are getting warmer"

Actually, facts beg to differ. nice try.

Quote :
"We know that the gulf of mexico is warmer than ever"

Really? We have thermometers that go back towards the formation of the gulf of mexico? wow!

Quote :
"The hurricanes have had warmer waters than ever the last few years but we know that that isn't the only thing hurricanes need."

Is that why the hurricane seasons are following their historical patterns? You know, if you are going to make outrageous claims, maybe some of your predictions ought to come true. The only thing AGWers have at this point is a trail of failed predictions, from the IPCC to Al Gore, to James Hansen, to the liars in England. Every last one of them has made a shit ton of predictions that have NEVER come true. Not a fucking one of them. But yes, clearly they are right

Quote :
"Sheer is something that hinders hurricane development and we have seen enormous increases of sheer in recent years. That same type of sheer leads to more severe cases of convective thunderstorms like we are seeing now."

So, lemme get this straight... If it's warmer, it's due to global warming. If it's cooler, it's due to global warming. I'll bet you are soon going to tell me that if the temperature stays the same, it's due to global warming, lol

[Edited on April 30, 2011 at 7:22 PM. Reason : ]

4/30/2011 7:21:24 PM

The E Man
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Its global climate change. We know its happening. We know humans are contributing. The only thing we don't know is what % that contribution is.

Global circulations are being knocked off balance. Climate is driven largely by ocean currents which are being disrupted by melting polar ice. These currents make some areas incredibly cooler than they would otherwise be (think san diego) while they also make other areas incredibly warmer than they would otherwise be (think northwest europe).

One thing a lot of people forget about is heat content. Heat and temperature are different and water has a very high heat capacity. Well the heat content of our oceans is increasing and so is evaporation. Clouds reflect incoming radiation. The point is that there are so many variables some of which increase temperature some of which decrease temperature that its impossible to put a direct finger on what exactly will happen. Thats why its called global climate change.

Global climate change is caused by global warming which is caused by increasing concentrations of CO2.

4/30/2011 7:32:22 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"We know its happening."

hahahahaha! this is fuckin rich.

Quote :
"Global circulations are being knocked off balance."

not even shown to be happening.

Quote :
"Climate is driven largely by ocean currents which are being disrupted by melting polar ice."

haha, can't even show that the polar ice is melting, except for seasonally.

Quote :
"One thing a lot of people forget about is heat content. Heat and temperature are different and water has a very high heat capacity. Well the heat content of our oceans is increasing and so is evaporation. Clouds reflect incoming radiation. The point is that there are so many variables some of which increase temperature some of which decrease temperature that its impossible to put a direct finger on what exactly will happen. Thats why its called global climate change. "

No, it's called "global climate change" because their initial fucking prediction never came fucking true, so they wanted t change the god damned name so they could point to any "weird" weather phenomena and say "look! I TOLD YOU SO!!!"

4/30/2011 8:32:57 PM

All American
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5/1/2011 12:06:00 AM

Sup, B
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Snark, don't bring in actual fucking facts to a discussion about Global Fearmongering

5/1/2011 12:12:30 AM

All American
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[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 9:48 AM. Reason : not worth it]

5/1/2011 9:44:18 AM

All American
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wow, 1974 really was a bad fucking year

5/1/2011 1:16:09 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Snark, don't bring in actual fucking facts to a discussion about Global Fearmongering

That actually has little bearing on climate change.

If the location of tornado occurrences rises in a place that you wouldn't expect it too, that could indicate something's different.

We expect violent, deadly tornadoes across the midwest, but not the east coast or the south. Obviously one month of tornadoes doesn't mean anything, but it's something for climate scientists to keep an eye on, and should be concerning considering it does fit with climate change predictions, and what the implications would be.

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 1:30 PM. Reason : ]

5/1/2011 1:29:46 PM

Sup, B
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NC and alabama have always had tornadoes. or are the myriad number of previous times it's happened just magic?

5/1/2011 2:59:26 PM

The E Man
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Not f4 and f5 tornadoes.

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 3:32 PM. Reason : that live across the state]

5/1/2011 3:32:32 PM

All American
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I just want to say something about all of this shit:

1. Many people don't realize it, but Alabama and the other deep south areas get much more tornadoes than people think. For example, Birmingham has tornado sirens as does every other city in this area. The name "Tornado Alley" really comes from the area of where you see the deadliest tornadoes more often, but not the frequency. If you look at the different states, "tornado season" starts in the south and moves its way up all the way to the Dakotas. The fact that these tornadoes occurred in Alabama, Mississippi, etc, isn't the weird part. It was the fact that this storm system had perfect conditions by having a blast of warm air running into a blast of cold air (and this information is coming from the genius weatherman here, James Spann).

The little towns in Bama and surrounding areas are used to having tornadoes touch down and the cities are used to having tornado warnings (since I've been here I can't even count on one hand how many times I've heard the sirens go off, and NOT for testing purposes). But when you have a EF4 (which might be bumped to an EF5) run through many densely populated cities, you're going to have a lot more deaths and therefore a lot more media attention (duh).

2. I wish people would STFU about all of this right now. Seriously. It's like people are using this whole tragedy to make a political (in some cases religious) point. I can't even read the major news sites on this stuff because the comments make me furious. People saying that this is the Republicans' faults for voting people into office who don't want better energy laws, or that this is the south's fault for having so much pollution. Are you fucking kidding me? Do people really think that it is ONLY Republicans down here??? Even if you speak to someone down here and find out they're a Republican, that doesn't mean they are going to be all against taking care of the planet. I can't even believe that people are making comments like these when there are still people missing, they are still finding bodies, entire towns were wiped off the map (see: Hackleburg and Phil Campbell, AL).... This could end up being the deadliest storm in history seeing as the death toll is rapidly rising and they can't even find everyone yet. Not to mention, they haven't been able to properly survey some of the smaller towns that I mentioned.

People need to grow up and shut up until they have at least found everyone, given a final death toll, completely surveyed the damage, and have started rebuilding. Put the political and religious talk on the back burner and quit kicking these states while they're down. Or, if people REALLY feel the need to talk about - shame on them if they mention this is all the south's fault because these are "red states." A tornado doesn't go through and pick which houses are Republicans or which houses are Democrats, who's religious and who's athiest. EVERYONE is hurting here. Everyone.

I just want to add one more thing:

I know natural disasters really can bring out some of the worst people (i.e., looters) but I have never seen this area so united. When I moved here I made a joke about how segregated this state seemed and yet there's the civil rights museum in town. But yesterday when my classmate and I dropped off those supplies, there was every type of person you could imagine helping out. Black, white, hispanic, asian, rich, poor, man, woman, child, young, old, etc etc etc. It was incredible. And yet... instead of people embracing this fact, there are still morons making comments about how the two white college guys from Tuscaloosa shouldn't have "left their truck with some nigger." Or people trying to blame all of this on the rich, white people of Alabama. Or making comments about how the black people act. It's sad that outside of this little bubble, so many people are being so cruel. I'm just glad there are still people battling those terrible comments on the news sites, and that some are driving from out of state to help or sending packages, making donations, etc.

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 3:43 PM. Reason : .]

5/1/2011 3:34:18 PM

The E Man
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Quote :
" The name "Tornado Alley" really comes from the area of where you see the deadliest tornadoes more often, but not the frequency"

Wrong. You have it completely backwards actually.

This is largely due to the fact that the people in areas that usually get strong tornadoes have underground storm shelters while people in places like NC and Alabama don't because they are so very rare.
Quote :
"The little towns in Bama and surrounding areas are used to having tornadoes touch down and the cities are used to having tornado warnings (since I've been here I can't even count on one hand how many times I've heard the sirens go off, and NOT for testing purposes)"

most tornado warnings don't actually end up corresponding to tornadoes. Usually its just rotation on radar and maybe a funnel cloud spotted.

Quote :
" But when you have a EF4 (which might be bumped to an EF5)"

almost unheard of in places like alabama georgia and north carolina.

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 3:45 PM. Reason : j]

And conservatives do merit blame and "told ya so" type treatment because Boehner and company were JUST trying to cut NWS funding by 40% which would include radar maintenence, NWS employees severely affecting warning times

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 3:48 PM. Reason : if republicans had their way, there woulnd't be the same kind of warning for these type of storms. ]

5/1/2011 3:43:53 PM

All American
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One of those maps you pointed out is supporting my point so I really don't know what you're getting at. And no, the tornado sirens around here are very real (maybe not so much for downtown Bham), but usually if it's a bad storm there will be a spotting.

And I wasn't arguing with you that an EF4/5 is almost unheard of here (and btw, I never mentioned NC so I don't even know why you wrote that). I'm just arguing the fact that people think tornadoes rarely show up here, when that's not true.

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 3:48 PM. Reason : By deadliest, I mean size - should have clarified]

And ya know what, I refuse to argue about this shit. I just want to make a comment that people shouldn't be using this tragedy to prove their point and instead should give the area at least a little time to heal and rebuild. Jesus Christ, it has been 4 f'ing days.

Not everyone living in this area is a conservative. Stop twisting what I'm saying. I am telling you that people do not need to blame the CITIZENS just because they live in a red state. NOT EVERY PERSON IN THE SOUTH IS A REPUBLICAN. NOT EVERY REPUBLICAN IS AN EXTREMIST. And even if someone down here IS a Republican and is very conservative, they do not deserve blame. Have a fucking heart.

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 3:51 PM. Reason : This is why I never go into the soap box]

5/1/2011 3:46:18 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"Not f4 and f5 tornadoes."

A) we didn't have any F4s.
B) Even F4s are not unusual for NC. We've had 12 F4s since 1950.

as for F5s, there have been 52 of them since 1950. 6 of them in, guess where? ALABAMA. and 7 in Kansas, 5 in Oklahoma, 6 in Iowa. jesus, you are a fucking moron

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 3:53 PM. Reason : ]

5/1/2011 3:51:28 PM

The E Man
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The first map shows frequency, which is exactly where the name "tornado alley" speaks of. The second map shows deaths which points to "dixie alley" if you will. That is the opposite of what you said in the quote.

^those stats are useless aaron because a large number of tornadoes in tornado alley don't damage anything because there aren't trees and houses everywhere so theres no way to classify them as an f5.
Quote :
"Not everyone living in this area is a conservative. Stop twisting what I'm saying. I am telling you that people do not need to blame the CITIZENS just because they live in a red state. NOT EVERY PERSON IN THE SOUTH IS A REPUBLICAN. NOT EVERY REPUBLICAN IS AN EXTREMIST. And even if someone down here IS a Republican and is very conservative, they do not deserve blame. Have a fucking heart.

I know this more than anyone. Hell, I was in chitchat the day before the storms arguing that tuscaloosa was a liberal town. I'm not talking about republicans in alabama. Its republicans everywhere that support their party leaders who are to "blame".

I have a heart. Its people that would rather cut vital government programs so that they can have less taxes to buy extra boats and atvs that don't have hearts

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 3:57 PM. Reason : k]

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 3:58 PM. Reason : ^CLEARLY the reason people in alabama don't build storm shelters]

5/1/2011 3:55:42 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"those stats are useless aaron because a large number of tornadoes in tornado alley don't damage anything because there aren't trees and houses everywhere so theres no way to classify them as an f5. "

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! that's fucking rich! I give you actual stats and you say the stats don't matter because the don't. that is fucking hilarious. just shut the fuck up, because you CLEARLY don't know what the fuck you are talking about. If they didn't know how to classify them, THEN WHY DID THEY FUCKING CLASSIFY THEM? basically, a tornado is only a tornado if it levels a mobile home? what the fuck, dumbass

but hey, let's talk about storm cellars when the actual FACTS don't agree with us

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 4:00 PM. Reason : ]

5/1/2011 3:57:43 PM

All American
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I clarified deadliest - I should have said "bigger" or something, whatever.

But this:

Shows that they are not infrequent here.

And if you're really trying to say the Republicans supporting the leaders against energy changes should be blamed, are you not forgetting that there are democrats and people of all walks of life not using sustainable energy or anything like that?

And for the record, some people who care about weather here actually do build storm shelters and make sure there is a basement. >_> I'm surprised there aren't more basements here after paying attention to how many tornado warnings and spottings there are.

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 4:02 PM. Reason : .]

5/1/2011 4:00:19 PM

The E Man
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I'm sorry you don't know enough about this field to understand what I am saying. After a suspected tornado has occurred, the NWS sends survey teams out to look at the damage and induct if it was a tornado and how fast the winds were blowing based on the damage. What do you think happens when a tornado occurs in an area with no buildings? Do you think every tornado in oklahoma destroys homes and buildings? Do you think the states in tornado alley have the same distribution of trees and population as states like Alabama?
Quote :
"And if you're really trying to say the Republicans supporting the leaders against energy changes should be blamed, are you not forgetting that there are democrats and people of all walks of life not using sustainable energy or anything like that?"

I said nothing about energy. I'm talking about cuts to the weather service that would have prevented them from saving lives in situations like this.

What you are saying about dixie alley is like trying to justify north carloina being hit by 3 cat5 hurricanes in one season. Sure we get hurricanes but we don't get cat 5s.

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 4:04 PM. Reason : Nobody has denied the existance of dixie alley.]

Florida gets tons of tornadoes but people don't have cellars and expect everything to be gone. Also, a tornado warning does not always equate to a tornado on the ground.

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 4:08 PM. Reason : rotation on radar usually doesn't actually reach the ground]

5/1/2011 4:01:37 PM

Sup, B
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that bullshit argument works both ways. Alabama isn't exactly a metropolitan area. shut the fuck you stupid worthless troll. and who doesn't know what the hell they are talking about? You said F4s and F5s don't happen in Ala-fucking-bama, and I've shown they fucking do. besides, we didn't even TRY to classify tornadoes from before 1950, so we have no fucking historical comparison anyway


to bad NC has NEVER been hit by 3 cat5 hurricanes in a season. EVER. worthless fucking troll

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 4:09 PM. Reason : ]

5/1/2011 4:03:09 PM

All American
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No, E Man, this is what I was trying to say to you:

Quote :
"The area I have marked covers the states that have recorded an F5 tornado touchdown, except Colorado and Arkansas. Colorado and Arkansas are still included because they record many smaller tornadoes each year and have had significant tornadoes in their history. So the area marked on this map as tornado alley is based on where dangerous tornadoes and tornadoes in general are most likely going to take place in a given year. This area averages 3 tornadoes or more per year per 10,000 square miles in general."

But if people want to separate the two and call it Dixie Alley, whatever. But that website basically says what I was trying to tell you.

Anyway. I'm done with this.

5/1/2011 4:09:06 PM

Sup, B
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florida doesn't have storm cellars because the water table is so fucking high, THEY FUCKING CAN'T

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 8:43 PM. Reason : no h1 bombing -qfred]

5/1/2011 4:11:20 PM

The E Man
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Quote :
"to bad NC has NEVER been hit by 3 cat5 hurricanes in a season. EVER. worthless fucking troll"

Thats my point. Multiple long lived strong tornadoes was also unprecedented for NC before last month.

It doesn't matter how many f0s or f1s you get, they can't tear your home off of its foundation. Theres no need for a shelter unless you live in a trailer or are getting strong f3+ tornadoes

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 4:22 PM. Reason : you mad?]

5/1/2011 4:15:12 PM

Sup, B
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I mean, I guess 1957 never happened. I mean, I guess 1965 never happened. I mean, I guess 1969 never happened. I mean, I guess 1973 never happened. I mean, I guess 1984 never happened. I mean, I guess 1992 never happened. I mean, I guess 1994 never happened.

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 4:24 PM. Reason : ]

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 8:43 PM. Reason : no h1 bombing -qfred]

5/1/2011 4:20:13 PM

The E Man
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30 strong tornadoes in 60 years in the WHOLE STATE?

So you're telling me that on average, once every two years, a strong tornado hits some place in the state and that tornado may or may not be long lived. (Safe to assume most of them were not)

Then in one day you get three strong tornadoes to track across several counties in the eastern part of the state and thats not unsuaul? 5 total strong tornadoes in one day. Remember there were 30 in the previous 60 years

28 tornadoes in one day.

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 4:28 PM. Reason : you mad?]

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 4:29 PM. Reason : you mad?]

5/1/2011 4:27:02 PM

Sup, B
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i don't know where you are getting your data, but there were NOT 28 F3 and above tornadoes. stupid fucking troll. if, however, you stupid fucking troll, you are saying an F2 is a "strong tornado," then I've already shown that we've had 176 fucking F2s, alone, since 1950. And even THIS, you stupid fucking troll, doesn't count the fact that our reporting from the 1950-1970 was after the fact, you stupid fucking troll.

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 4:36 PM. Reason : ]

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 8:44 PM. Reason : no h1 bombing -qfred]

5/1/2011 4:31:11 PM

The E Man
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Now you are too mad to read

5/1/2011 4:34:46 PM

Sup, B
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that's better than being too fucking stupid to think, you stupid fucking troll

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 8:44 PM. Reason : no h1 bombing -qfred]

5/1/2011 4:36:36 PM

All American
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I see you're keeping up your history of high quality posts and mature debate style focusing on mutual respect,

you stay classy aaronburro

5/1/2011 5:19:46 PM

Sup, B
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when a guy comes in here and says "there's never been F3 tornadoes in NC, let alone days with mutliple F3 tornadoes in NC," I think it's OK to call him a stupid fucking troll, especially when he then denies the actual god damned evidence that there have been multiple F3s on the same day.

5/1/2011 6:57:28 PM

All American
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listen, I don't think anyone is coming in here on the pro-climate change side and saying "THIS IS THE FUCKING SMOKING GUN'

but were you here, in Raleigh, during the storm?

did you really think, during and especially after... yeah, this all makes sense, this is totally normal

now if we go half a decade or a decade and nothing more happens, ok... maybe there's nothing to it

but if this shit happens again later this year... next year, or the next...

then you many want to sit back and rethink things

5/1/2011 7:11:50 PM

Sup, B
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so, every time we have a freak snow-storm, that, too, is evidence that the world is cooling, right?

SHIT LIKE THAT is precisely why the name was changed the "climate change," because then stupid fucks like you can go "look yo, the climate be changin yo!" every time the freak storm happens

[Edited on May 1, 2011 at 7:30 PM. Reason : ]

5/1/2011 7:30:08 PM

All American
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the overall trend is apparently "warming"

but the affect that initial warming will have


i'm not as "invested" as you apparently are in this argument (undertext: you're a fucking crazy idiot)

it's sad that you may be ranting everything's fine when the world may be crumbling around us

5/1/2011 7:43:16 PM

All American
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thank you aaronburro for posting and re-posting the same BS-skepticism. my thread couldn't have broken 40 pages without you.

PS* this is my new favorite climate page.

5/2/2011 1:00:02 AM

All American
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^took me less than 1-2 minutes of looking at that site before I started lol'ing over here. Great resource you got there

It should be noted that the years with the worst outbreaks of tornadoes were during cold spells, not warm ones. Another swing and a miss...

5/2/2011 11:52:40 AM

All American
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[Edited on May 2, 2011 at 12:04 PM. Reason : ?]

5/2/2011 11:55:55 AM

All American
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^ you are tracking the improvement in technology over time, as in 1950 they were only measuring the number of tornadoes reported by people on the ground, almost always because they caused damage, and in 2010 we are measuring the number of tornadoes reported by Doppler radar, regardless of damage. As such, it is better to filter out the category 1 and 2 tornadoes as they were unlikely to cause enough damage to be reported in 1950.

[Edited on May 2, 2011 at 12:28 PM. Reason : ^]

5/2/2011 12:24:57 PM

All American
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^and you are only showing tornados of a certain size on the fujita scale, a notoriously subjective measurement of just how intense the tornado was; not to mention that the original F-scale was replaced in 2007 because it was so shitty. Hell, half the data in your graph is based on retroactive determinations of the tornados damage from accounts, fatalities or photographs (everything pre-1970) Your graph is just tracking the improvement in building standards since the 1950s

[Edited on May 2, 2011 at 12:41 PM. Reason : ,]

5/2/2011 12:26:54 PM

All American
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LOL, nice meaningless graph. What do you have next for us, a graph showing increased frequency of lightning?

5/2/2011 12:52:12 PM

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