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5608 Posts
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Thanks! It helps that I benefit from white 2 parent privilege.

I was able to learn personal responsibility rather than be convinced I was a perpetual victim.

9/2/2016 2:28:22 PM

All American
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You're pretty lucky that you were afforded that privlege. Wonder what you'd be like if you were born to a poor, one-parent home in the ghetto? I'm sure you'd have the same viewpoints.

[Edited on September 2, 2016 at 2:41 PM. Reason : ]

9/2/2016 2:29:52 PM

All American
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People calling me wacist hurts my widdle feewings....


9/2/2016 2:30:59 PM

5608 Posts
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^^ I think what would help my viewpoints, in that case, would be a narrative.

One telling me that:

My actions have no consequence
That cops are out to get me
That everything is racist
That my skin color dictates my future, not my actions
That I'm not an individual, I'm a member of a race
That I'm a perpetual victim

9/2/2016 3:13:21 PM

All American
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I'm a victim of people calling me wacist....those liberal SJW's are stupid!


9/2/2016 3:15:32 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I think what would help my viewpoints, in that case, would be a narrative"

i don't even understand what your bot responses mean half the time.

but i do understand that bots aren't capable of feeling empathy.

9/2/2016 3:20:58 PM

All American
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9/13/2016 12:46:09 AM

All American
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A brief primer on relevant history of the past 150+ years

~1519-1865: Chattel slavery which reduced Black Americans to the status of property is practiced in the Americas. Most European or American corporations founded more than a hundred years ago participated in and profited from it including banks like Wells Fargo and insurance companies like Aetna and New York Life.

1865: After the US Civil War ends, 13th Amendment to the US Constitution is written to read, "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT AS A PUNISHMENT FOR CRIME whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

1866: "The Black Codes" are laws passed by Southern states after the Civil War. "These laws had the intent and the effect of restricting African Americans' freedom, and of compelling them to work in a labor economy based on low wages or debt."

1890s-1930s: Anti-Lynching movement aims to eradicate the practice of lynching

1954-1968: Black Civil Rights Movement seeks to end Jim Crow laws and practices and grant full citizenship to African-Americans. MLK assassinated in 1968 and uprisings break out in cities around the country.

1966-1982: Rise of the Black Power Movement. FBI labels the Black Panther Free Breakfast Program "the greatest threat to the internal security of the country" and launches COINTELPRO to destroy the Black Panther Party.

1971: Nixon launches the "War on Drugs". In April of THIS YEAR, one of his top advisers, John Ehrlichman said in an interview with Harper's Magazine that "The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people... We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities," Ehrlichman said. "We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did." The percentage of Americans behind bars begins to increase steadily for the next 3 decades.

1981: US government begins supporting Nicaraguan Contras. When Congress cuts off funding for the effort, the Reagan administration begins covert fundraising efforts. In 1986, The Kerry Committee releases report acknowledging the government's involvement in trafficking cocaine and marijuana in the United States to raise money for the Contras.

1984-1990s: The crack epidemic devastates mostly poor, black urban communities. Laws are passed making harsher sentences for users of crack cocaine (more likely to be poor and black) than for users of powder cocaine (more likely to be wealthy and white). Strict sentencing guidelines passed during the Clinton administration lead to a further explosion of the prison population. Many are non-violent offenders serving long sentences for drug possession.

2016: The United States is 5% of the world population but holds 25% of the world's prisoners. The US has the highest incarceration rate of any nation on earth including North Korea. The US has locked up a half million more people than China, a nation that has a population 5 times that of the US. Two of the biggest private prison corporations in America, Corrections Corporation and GEO Group made $3.3 billion in revenue in 2012. Corporations in nearly every industry from manufacturing to telecommunications profits off of using prison labor where it is legal to pay only cents per the hour.

Now scroll back to the beginning and read about the point in time where slavery supposedly ended.

9/13/2016 5:19:01 PM

The E Man
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I was doing some epidemiology research at work and JCE's argument popped into my head subconsciously so I thought I would post about it here because it stuck with me

Quote :
"Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes

There are many factors that increase your risk for diabetes. To find out about your risk, note each item on this list that applies to you.

I am 45 years of age or older.
The At-Risk Weight Chart shows my current weight puts me at risk.
I have a parent, brother, or sister with diabetes.
My family background is African American, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian, Asian American or Pacific Islander."

I thought this was due to racism at first but then noticed the same trends worldwide regardless of income.

I see this with so many diseases and want to put it out there as maybe a low hanging fruit for JCE's argument (which a disagree with). Being white is the best way to reduce your risk of getting diabetes. Its less prevalent in Europe than everywhere else, even so in poor european countries with poor diets and high obesity vs a rich asian country like singapore.

I don't know where to go with that but just wanted to throw it out there. Is it a racist correlation? Of course not because it is so consistent and strong but JCE finds similar correlations all the time that we disagree with them.

[Edited on September 13, 2016 at 11:33 PM. Reason :]

[Edited on September 13, 2016 at 11:34 PM. Reason : lifestyle]

9/13/2016 11:33:13 PM

All American
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Dude, the word racist is applied to humans, not to nature.

When nature discriminates via biology/physiology, well shit, tough luck.

Jews and Arabs have a much higher chance of getting sickle cell disease (and a couple of other other genetic diseases) than other groups do; is that anti-Semitic? No, that's nature. And nature is either kind or brutal (or neutral), not racist.

[Edited on September 14, 2016 at 12:58 AM. Reason : And what you posted is well-known, at least by those generally interested in health/nutrition.]

9/14/2016 12:57:02 AM

All American
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it's like saying "black people are darker than white people....OMG...does that make me racist???"

this isn't rocket surgery.

9/14/2016 9:02:34 AM

The E Man
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there are usually reasonable explanations. I believe the sickle cell correlation is due to its link to malaria resistance. places with more mosquitos have more of it but diabetes 2 is largely linked to lifestyle so I was under the impression that the race links to diabetes 2 were largely due to diet patterns.

this is important because there are many lifestyle links to things like child cognitive development and impulsiveness. part of the widely accepted cause for perpetual poverty is that bad parenting leads to bad decision making which leads to more bad parenting . for example, lead in the blood reduces cognitive development and impairs the frontal cortex. if it turns out that genetic factors outweigh environmental factors for things like this, racists could potentially have a strong nature vs nurture argument against historically oppressed populations.

9/14/2016 10:23:58 AM

5608 Posts
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What argument are you referring to?

9/14/2016 12:21:47 PM

All American
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9/17/2016 12:10:49 PM

All American
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Quote :
""We all have them," Gilliam says. "Implicit biases are a natural process by which we take information, and we judge people on the basis of generalizations regarding that information. We all do it."

Even the most well-meaning teacher can harbor deep-seated biases, whether she knows it or not. So Gilliam and his team devised a remarkable — and remarkably deceptive — experiment.

At a big, annual conference for pre-K teachers, Gilliam and his team recruited 135 educators to watch a few short videos. Here's what they told them:

We are interested in learning about how teachers detect challenging
behavior in the classroom. Sometimes this involves seeing behavior before it becomes problematic. The video segments you are about to view are of preschoolers engaging in various activities. Some clips may or may not contain challenging behaviors. Your job is to press the enter key on the external keypad every time you see a behavior that could become a potential challenge.
Each video included four children: a black boy and girl and a white boy and girl.

Here's the deception: There was no challenging behavior.

While the teachers watched, eye-scan technology measured the trajectory of their gaze. Gilliam wanted to know: When teachers expected bad behavior, who did they watch?

"What we found was exactly what we expected based on the rates at which children are expelled from preschool programs," Gilliam says. "Teachers looked more at the black children than the white children, and they looked specifically more at the African-American boy."

9/28/2016 2:03:02 PM

26632 Posts
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JCEbot: yeah, because they are more violent

9/28/2016 2:30:39 PM

All American
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Black high school kid had his car stolen
Calls police, shows them the LoJack gps info. They ignore him, pat him down, detain him, taken to police station, fingerprint him
Later released without charges, goes to find car, car is parked with a busted window

9/28/2016 10:11:41 PM

5608 Posts
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Ah yes, an unconfirmed, anecdotal case with only 1 side told, tweeted by a SJW on twitter in a liberal echo chamber.

9/28/2016 10:42:03 PM

All American
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The data supports the existence of this practice. This just helps personalize the data.

9/28/2016 10:44:12 PM

5608 Posts
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That isn't "data". It's anecdote designed to go viral and generate outrage. Making a vague reference to "data" isn't "data" either.

9/28/2016 10:48:00 PM

All American
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You really do type like you can be a bot.

9/28/2016 11:34:52 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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emmett till was just an anecdote too

9/29/2016 12:36:43 AM

All American
9974 Posts
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What else does JCE claim is false?

So far I've got:

Widespread Police racism
Wage gap

9/29/2016 7:21:39 AM

balls deep
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9/29/2016 7:37:12 AM

26632 Posts
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racism after 1968

9/29/2016 7:43:27 AM

All American
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but if a police union spokesperson mentions that something is "maybe around 70%", then it's definitely 70%.

(but yeah, kinda silly to site an unsubstantiated story on twitter as truth without verification)

9/29/2016 9:54:55 AM

All American
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Quote :

9/29/2016 10:46:59 AM

All American
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I feel like JCE would be the guy that would ask for occupational satisfaction surveys to be done for slaves to justify freeing them. Only an 85% or above unsatisfied total would allow him to consider advocating for some vacation time for them.

9/29/2016 11:03:47 AM

5608 Posts
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First of all, I think it's really cute when y'all refer to "data" or "logic" in between your non-argument shit posting.

Secondly, an unconfirmed, anecdotal case of alleged racism is not evidence of racism. Spamming it to imply it is representative is typical SJW bullshit. Youre not a victim, you're not oppressed. You're just gullible.

Also Lol @ the Twitter comments "I know how it is. I can't even walk on the street without worrying that it might happen to me". Lmao. Oh the poor victims, oh the "oppression".

9/29/2016 1:11:00 PM

All American
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"data" or "logic" only comes from non-liberal, non-echo-chamber sources. that's the only sources his programming is set to retrieve / analyze from.


9/29/2016 1:19:26 PM

All American
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Wow, you really are delusional. Who are you talking to? Who'sspamming that story? Moron is the only person I see that posted it. Are you just addressing SJWs as a whole? Are you stereeotpyting and lumping basically everyone who doesn't agree with you into one large group (including the commenters on the twitter page) that all has the same thoughts? And everytime you post on here it's addressed at this huge grouop of your SJWs? I mean, half the time you post I can't tell who or what you're talking about. Seems you're just ranting to some group of people that exists in your head.

9/29/2016 1:21:09 PM

5608 Posts
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"What did you do to help fight social injustice today?"

"I retweeted an unconfirmed, anecdotal story of an unrepresentative racist incident to further worsen police/minority distrust and make sure minorities maintain their collective victim mindset.

But atleast some people saw me retweet it and know I care about "social justice". #BLM!!!

9/29/2016 1:27:35 PM

All American
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says the wacko who just posts his #ASJW rants on a college message boards.

"What did you do to help fight the #BLMs and #SJWs Today?"

"I ranted and raved on a college message board like a lunatic and called anybody who didn't completely agree with me a #SJW perpetuating a false narrative. I also threw in some other #ASJW buzz words and talking points. I'm really making a difference on TWW!!! #ALM #ASJW"

[Edited on September 29, 2016 at 1:33 PM. Reason : ]

9/29/2016 1:31:03 PM

5608 Posts
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I think constantly bumping threads to suggest 2016 America is "racist" is lunacy. Then again I'm not a lunatic SJW.

9/29/2016 1:34:05 PM

All American
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No, but you are a lunatic ASJW

9/29/2016 1:36:52 PM

26632 Posts
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Wow, JCE2011 has that white guy serial killer look down perfect:

9/29/2016 2:13:16 PM

All American
10673 Posts
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I got 4 supremes with my 2 supremes kids meal today at bojangles #blessed

9/29/2016 2:31:36 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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Oh this guy is a joke.

Was he in TKE?

9/29/2016 2:49:38 PM

5608 Posts
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Wait, am I that guy, the water fluorine conspiracy guy, the fedora neckbeards guy, or the racist KKK guy?

Or a robot?

[Edited on September 29, 2016 at 3:44 PM. Reason : Lol]

9/29/2016 3:44:10 PM

All American
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I don't care enough to read all of these pages to see if it's already been brought up, but how is the phrase, "White Privilege" not recognized as being racist?

what about white people who move to America from impoverished European shitty countries?

Or white trash?



9/29/2016 11:11:19 PM

All American
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Obama's kids are privileged because he's the president, not because he's black.

Rap isn't a privilege. The fact that you associate rap = black is in itself an indication that you are "out of touch" with "the blacks".

Here's the hierarchy:
American Whites (non-trash) > Immigrated Whites > American Whites (trash) > All other races (non-black) > The Blacks

As successful as a black person may be, without knowing them, they're still just another n-word to some folks.

[Edited on September 30, 2016 at 12:02 AM. Reason : hey, there's a black president...racism is over!]

9/29/2016 11:55:09 PM

Forgetful Jones
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I don't have the black privilege to walk through the PJs without getting mashed the fuck out.

9/30/2016 12:03:06 AM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
they're still just another n-word to some folks. "

Some folks, somewhere, at sometime, are doing something racist. Therefore all black people are not individuals, they are members of a perpetual victim class. Clinton 2016

9/30/2016 1:37:17 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Obama's kids are privileged because he's the president, not because he's black."

So race had nothing to do with their privilege? Hmmmm

9/30/2016 1:41:14 AM

All American
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9/30/2016 1:45:50 AM

All American
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You can't trace the wealth and income progression from the 60s to today and wonder where people are getting an idea there's white privilege.

Then consider that veterans benefits were denied to blacks, education, welfare, social benefits, good jobs, and many other things that build wealth. Consider even still today there's discrimination against blacks just by the name on a resume, black kids get targeted by teachers for discipline more, blacks get charged for drug crimes more despite similar usage rates to white, and a host of other systemic discriminations.

9/30/2016 1:58:13 AM

All American
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Quote :
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races."

I get that many, if not the majority, of white people are at an advantage. But it's comical that somebody could think they are being 'the good guy' and 'standing up to racism' when all they are doing is applying the definition of racism to another race.

9/30/2016 2:02:16 AM

All American
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There is a gap between the privileged and the non. There are problems with race relations. But the White privilege idea is a broad concept applied to a majority. There is data to back it up. But it is still a generalization.

It is the same as saying blacks are criminals. There are statistics to back it up. But does that mean that there aren't exceptions or explanations? The same people who preach on a "white privilege" thread about the injustice for everyone else would certainly not do the same on a "black felons" thread

9/30/2016 2:07:35 AM

All American
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So just think of it as majority systemic bias.

The point of calling out white privlege isn't to marginalize white people, its to identify a problem to find better solutions.

The type of person that tries to use crime stats to brand black people are usually trying to justify some hateful idea-- where the vast majority of blacks aren't criminals.

For example, white juries tend to treat blacks more harshly, but a study has shown that simply telling these juries that biases exist tends to eliminate the disparities. So a policy response might be to tell juries to check their biases.

If you don't even accept this disparity as a problem, or reject the idea it's do to a systemic bias and all the implications of that, you won't even try this possible solution out.

If these biases weren't so pernicious no one would ever talk about white privlege... so If you're sick of hearing it, the easy solution is to try and find and implement solutions to these biases that keep blacks poorer and more oppressed than whites.

9/30/2016 2:31:49 AM

All American
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Quote :
"If these biases weren't so pernicious no one would ever talk about white privlegeinsert same case but with bias for the victim... so If you're sick of hearing it, the easy solution is to try and find and implement solutions to these biases that keep blacks poorer and more oppressed than whites.the status quo? How howls that eliminate the conversation"

I guess my point is, there are and always will be an imbalance of money/power. That doesn't mean we should accept it and not try to make it more equal. But if we are making this about race. And the privileges of a specific race, we've already gone down a rabbit hole.

9/30/2016 2:45:41 AM

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