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Fuckwads SS '15
20681 Posts
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What birth control do you take?

I'm on the generic Yaz and I pretty much start my period on the same day each month

10/27/2014 3:38:03 PM

11725 Posts
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minastrin FE. i used to not have it at all but lately it's been just all kinds of fucked up. I'm not ok with this

10/27/2014 3:43:39 PM

If it feels good
1189 Posts
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Birth control is a finicky bitch. You have to work with your body's hormone levels. I can't take high-estrogen birth control because my body doesn't like estrogen very much. I get super swollen painful boobs, migraines, ridiculous food cravings, etc.

Talk to your doctor. You dose may have too much or too little estrogen or progesterone. I went through about 4 different kinds before I found the one for me. And of course, over time, I think that you have to reevaluate your meds due to normal hormone fluctuations as you age.

10/27/2014 6:34:05 PM

mainly potato
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I take the mini pill and I fucking hate it. But I hate it less than I hate the idea of popping out another kid right now so I guess I will suck it up. Or switch to condoms.

10/27/2014 7:35:20 PM

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Am I the only one who very strongly prefers being on birth control to off it? On it I get a little mild PMS, and I tend to have to switch types every 3 years because for some reason my body is suddenly like "fuck this shit" after that arbitrary period of time on any given type. But for the short periods of time I have ever been off it since I was 16, I hated my life.

10/27/2014 7:41:01 PM

mainly potato
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I loved my trisprintec. But they don't give anything but the mini pill to breastfeeders.

10/27/2014 7:42:50 PM

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I went from tri-levlen to the ring, back to pills for a month or two, then Mirena. I got my Mirena almost 5 years ago, and it's the only one I kept for much over 3 years. The only fallout I really had on that one with the 3-year body freakout was my periods came back. I can deal with that.

Would they not do Paragard for breastfeeders since it's non-hormonal?

10/27/2014 7:47:01 PM

mainly potato
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I think that is an option as well but I wasnt feeling an IUD this time. Although right now I am reconsidering. Thanks for the idea!

10/27/2014 7:56:49 PM

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I liked the idea of 10-year BC but not the idea of it causing heavier periods, so I can't blame you on not wanting to go that route.

10/27/2014 8:17:21 PM

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I never had any issues with my bc EVER but recently it changed. it's just a brand name change and it's a chewable tablet now, but same exact main ingredient and amount. so wtf.

but yea now i just randomly get these monster periods out of fucking nowhere. or maybe not out of nowhere i'm just not used to keeping track of them b/c i haven't had to since I was 20.

I need to talk to my doctor though b/c i want whatever thing stops periods because I turn into a fucking rage beast

/rage beast

10/27/2014 9:12:53 PM

All American
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went to the endocrinologist on Friday for a range of symptoms. she had 14 vials of blood drawn and I have to do another pee bucket.

but she's leaning towards PCOS. so that's great.

10/27/2014 9:38:59 PM

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Usually my body does this after about a year of being on the same type of bc. Mirena is the only one to not cause a non-stop period after a year. I did recently get my period back after 2 years, but it's regular and very manageable. I did download a calendar two help me keep track of it though. Mirena, ftw. Probably going to have a kid before I get another one jammed in there though. 2017!!

10/27/2014 9:42:02 PM

mainly potato
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I've got PCOS. Totally manageable with the right game plan. I take metformin because I also have insulin resistance that sometimes goes along with it. I am a much healthier weight on the meds and it only took 6 months off BC to get pregnant (and 2 of those months I wasn't allowed to try because I had to have a radioactive test and then a surgery.)

10/27/2014 9:43:35 PM

All American
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^ugh. yeah I've gained 20 lbs in one year (!!!) and the doc said that wasn't right (even considering the muscle gain). she said treatment could slow/stop any further gain but wouldn't help me lose.

10/27/2014 11:07:52 PM

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ugh sorry to hear that slappy.

I just finished my last injection of Lupron (what up menopause) and now I'm back to depot. Hopefully it has helped, but I highly doubt it because my cysts and fibroids keep growing.

That Lupron is no joke tho...I have been a hormonal headcase for the past 7 months. I don't cry, but everything makes me cry these days lol.

10/28/2014 9:00:25 AM

All American Tease
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Quote :
"Am I the only one who very strongly prefers being on birth control to off it? On it I get a little mild PMS, and I tend to have to switch types every 3 years because for some reason my body is suddenly like "fuck this shit" after that arbitrary period of time on any given type. But for the short periods of time I have ever been off it since I was 16, I hated my life."

I'm the same way... I was on Ortho Tri-Cyclen for 10+ years, then my doc suggested IUD since I don't want kids (soon). I got Skyla - it's a 3-year IUD vs. Mirena for 5 years. Skyla is smaller (hence the shorter lifespan), and the doc said it tends to be more comfortable for those who haven't had kids. I've had it since June with no complication and hardly any period after the first month of slight spotting.

10/28/2014 9:41:21 AM

11725 Posts
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^ I am so going to look into that.

ps b/c you all want an update on my vagina, my monster period out of no where, yea it's over. just one day of "HAHAHA FUCK YOU YOU" from my body

(that's not something I should be worried about is it)

10/28/2014 10:02:25 AM

mainly potato
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At least it will stop the gain, slappy1. That's something. I don't know about your numbers or anything but metformin most definitely helped me lose. We are talking 75 pounds in a year and a half. My endocrinologist also told me there is a better treatment now but as long as metformin works he won't switch me because it is more expensive.

10/28/2014 10:22:32 AM

19447 Posts
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I have never heard of Skyla. Is that newish? I don't recall seeing anything about it when I decided on my Mirena. And yeah, it hurt pretty bad going in, but after it was in I felt fine.

10/28/2014 11:58:51 AM

All American Tease
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Skyla came out in early 2013.

10/28/2014 12:28:32 PM

All American
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^^^that is really encouraging. the weight gain has been very hard on me for obvious reasons, but also because I bust my ass at the gym (literally and figuratively), and am pretty careful about what I consume. so it's kind of demoralizing to keep seeing the scale going up, up, feeling completely out of control of it.

10/28/2014 2:39:24 PM

mainly potato
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So exercise wont get you very far because your body doesn't know how to burn carbs. What I've read is that slow burn exercises help a little. And you can try low carb. Cinnamon helps some as well. I lost health insurance for a while and I kept the last 30 pounds from coming back on by doing low carb and taking cinnamon.

Metformin is rough on your tummy though. Stick with it if they give it to you. It takes a while to get used to it but it is sooo very worth it. If you already eat relatively healthy it shouldn't be too bad. Go for the extended release pills even though they cost more.

10/28/2014 2:54:27 PM

If it feels good
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slappy1, PCOS and thyroid issues are often linked, which can contribute to the weight gain. I'm glad you are going to an endocrinologist, but make sure they are checking all their bases!

When it comes to birth controls I've tried these:
Ortho-Tri-cyclen: was ok, but when I got below 140 pounds, it was too much estrogen
Nuva Ring: I turned into a crying ball of emotion
Tri-Sprintec: Same as Tri-cyclen
Progesteron only pills: were ok, but hard to remember to take at the same time. I also had some random bleeding sometimes.

Natasia:the only birth control I could stand for years. It has different form of estrogen than other forms of BC, and my body didn't hate it. The only reason that I stopped taking it was because of complications with another medicine.

Also, this was sent to me when I was having trouble finding a solution to my stupid estrogen problems:

Too much estrogen: Nausea, breast tenderness, increased blood pressure, melasma, headache.
Too little estrogen: Early or mid-cycle breakthrough bleeding, increased spotting, hypomenorrhea.
Too much progestin: Breast tenderness, headache, fatigue, changes in mood.
Too little progestin: Late breakthrough bleeding.
Too much androgen: Increased appetite, weight gain, acne, oily skin, hirsutism, increased LDL cholesterol, decreased HDL cholesterol.

10/28/2014 3:47:04 PM

1575 Posts
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this thread should be required reading for boyfriends.

10/28/2014 3:55:22 PM

mainly potato
13090 Posts
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To validate what 2^ she said. I have post partum thyroiditis, which you get after babies if you already have underlying (often undiagnosed) thyroid problems.

10/28/2014 4:04:30 PM

11725 Posts
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probably been brought up before but.... my eyebrows need professional help

who should I go to tww (I am in morrisville/cary area)

10/30/2014 3:17:45 PM

113903 Posts
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you are all dorks :3

10/30/2014 3:31:58 PM

45208 Posts
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There's a lady here in the building I'm in (CARY) that does a pretty great job!

Her name is Lisa

10/30/2014 3:55:30 PM

warning: not serious
19578 Posts
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^I go there! LOVE. HER.

I've been to a lot of different waxing places in the area. Lisa is by far my favorite.

11/1/2014 11:13:24 AM

All American
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I'm late to the party with this, but I've had Skyla since April and now that my periods have settled down (and gotten a lot lighter), I am super happy with it. The insertion and first few crampy days sucked, but it was worth it to not have to take a pill every day.

[Edited on November 1, 2014 at 6:20 PM. Reason : ,]

11/1/2014 6:20:02 PM

All American
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Speaking of lady issues, have any of you had the novasure procedure? Not having periods sounds great.

11/4/2014 2:33:10 PM

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had the mirena put in yesterday

um... all the cramping. as in i haven't wanted to get out of fetal position since I got it.


though not having to remember to take a pill is already awesome. hopefully this ends soon and I can be all "YAY"

but yea. if you get one I suggest taking the entire day off. I was pretty much in bed all of yesterday.

11/13/2014 12:08:30 PM

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ever had a biopsy of your edometrium?

if so, does it compare to that cramping....that was THE WORST!

11/13/2014 12:12:13 PM

11725 Posts
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I don't believe I have so I can't help you there sorry

11/13/2014 12:29:18 PM

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man...I've thought about seeing if one of them mirena things would work for me, but I can't handle that kind of cramping again.

11/13/2014 12:37:57 PM

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I mean, I cramp WORSE when I'm not on bc. but it's definitely enough that I have not a single fuck to give about anything right now

i'm just sitting here hunched over like "NOPE NOPE NOPE"

but if it's a few days of this vs not having to think about birth control for 5 years...... yea fair trade

plus it's fucking free. my health insurance covered all of it. i was paying 45 a month for the pills.

11/13/2014 12:59:24 PM

All American
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worst experience with Mirena...I still just...can't.

first of all, the pain during insertion was indescribable. A lot of dr's won't even put them in women who've never had kids. She told me I turned green and had to get out the smelling salts. I was shaking and sweaty for about half hour after, had to sit in my car for about 20 minutes before I could drive.

About a month after I had it put in (and 30 days straight of the worst period cramps of my life) I kept collapsing at work every 10 min or so with what I thought was either appendicitis or kidney stones. It felt like someone stabbing me in my pelvis with a rusty knife. My dad was ready to drive me to the hospital when I realized...I was having uterus was actually pushing this thing out of me. I went to the bathroom, reached up in my hoo-ha, and lo and behold, there it was, almost completely out of my cervix.

Somehow I let my dr. convince me to let her re-insert it. A week later, same thing happened. I yanked it out myself and realized that my body just did NOT want that in there.

[Edited on November 13, 2014 at 1:04 PM. Reason : DO NOT WANT]

11/13/2014 1:00:42 PM

All American
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My sister cramped for 2.5 months with Mirena. To the extent that she was telling her doctor it needed to come out, and she couldn't handle it. Doctor told her three months is generally when all cramping goes away. First two weeks were the worst. No issues for the rest of the five years she had it in.

11/13/2014 1:03:40 PM

All American
9257 Posts
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oh god I cringed ready that ^^

11/13/2014 1:09:00 PM

45208 Posts
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ok that sounds like biopsy pain...I couldn't drive for a while after.



11/13/2014 1:17:11 PM

11725 Posts
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damn slappy. i am sorry you went through that. that's not what I'm going through though. insertion wasn't that bad. wasn't pleasant but wasn't bad. the cramping does suck don't get me wrong, but I can function. I can't function with the cramps I get when I am not on birth control.

different people have different reactions to stuff I guess.

11/13/2014 1:22:04 PM

19447 Posts
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Horror stories do happen, but to anyone considering it, please don't let them scare you away from considering an IUD. If you're terribly worried, sounds like you might want to consider Skyla over Mirena. I was back to normal the morning after getting my Mirena. I'm pretty sure I had pain-free sex before it had even been in 24 hours.

11/13/2014 1:22:49 PM

All American
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A girl I went to work with had a bad experience with an iud. She had to rush to the hospital because it was coming out ALONG WITH HER UTERUS. sounded like the worse pain ever.

11/13/2014 9:47:18 PM

warning: not serious
19578 Posts
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$420 workout leggings:

11/21/2014 3:33:56 PM

All American
9257 Posts
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this topic inspired me to google vaginal mesh erosion

11/21/2014 4:15:37 PM

All American
23447 Posts
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This page is horrifying. So glad I'm not a woman.

11/21/2014 4:44:16 PM

All American
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11/21/2014 4:44:33 PM

11149 Posts
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I've had a biopsy before and I have mirena now. I would say the pain is pretty similar. Mirena probably hurt me more because the medicine they gave me didn't dilate my cervix, so they had to forced it in. I almost threw up and came close to passing out from the pain. I bled for a about a week and a half and had cramps for probably 2 days. I had my boyfriend drive me to get it and drive me home and had the next 2 days off just in case I had cramping. My periods are 1000 times better and some months it's nonexistent. I have no regrets and will probably get another one. Not taking birth control is awesome. I did have to download a period tracker though to help keep track. I still get some irritability and food cravings and like to know when it's coming. I would say the couple days of cramping worth 5 years of no babies.

11/21/2014 5:35:57 PM

All American
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1/11/2015 6:43:34 PM

All American
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FML, I have a biopsy scheduled next week. It's required before you can get an ablation. :/

1/12/2015 8:47:53 AM

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