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All American
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Aw, look! He thinks he has made some clever retorts! How adorable.

3/16/2014 2:17:03 AM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"Isn't that kind of a statement about the "convenience" of the baby? yeah, it is..."

So 18 years of raising a child is nothing more than an inconvenience?

But they don't have to, you may protest. Is growing up in the foster care system an inconvenience? That's all it is to you?

3/16/2014 9:10:36 AM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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Quote :
noun \k?n-'ven-y?n(t)s\

: a quality or situation that makes something easy or useful for someone by reducing the amount of work or time required to do something

: a time that is appropriate for doing something or that is suitable for someone

: something (such as a device) that makes you more comfortable or allows you to do things more easily"

It fits the definition perfectly. "I want my life to be like X, but this changes that" is absolutely a statement regarding the inconvenience of having a child.

3/16/2014 3:31:22 PM

All American
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Okay dude, pull out the dictionary again and ignore all of the complexities, difficulties, and subtleties of the reality of being pregnant and raising a child. Let's just sum it all up in one easily digestible word that sounds favorable to your position: inconvenient.

3/16/2014 7:05:48 PM

All American
27956 Posts
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blindness, amputation, morbid obesity, cancer, death, ... all mere inconveniences. they fit the definition too.

3/16/2014 7:53:39 PM

All American
7436 Posts
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A constant cattle prod to your central nervous system and your bank account constantly hemorrhaging thousands of "inconvenience."

3/16/2014 8:40:44 PM

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Here is where republicans stand or abortion.

3/17/2014 3:12:53 PM

All American
1487 Posts
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Quote :
"Somebody wants that baby!"

3/17/2014 6:12:50 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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^^ There's a name for that logical fallacy

3/19/2014 11:38:28 PM

All American
33756 Posts
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^ political cartoon?

It does capture the platform of republicans though. They'll go scorched earth on abortion, call people baby killers and murderers, but when it comes to supporting kids and families in need, they can't muster a barely elevated heart rate.

Sad and disgusting.

The debate on abortion isn't the means to an end, it is the end. Right wing politicians keep their bases solidified by keeping abortion issues in the news.

3/20/2014 1:47:59 AM

All American
17732 Posts
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Silly conservatives.....

Don't forget that they are hard core christians too so any except abstinence-only education is off the table and free contraception is nixed. Conservatives should be all about contraception and sex-ed to keep folks from getting pregnant. Non-pregnant teens and minorities means less abortions and/or less welfare baby. Win-Win!!!

3/20/2014 8:55:35 AM

All American
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and less democrats

win win win

3/20/2014 11:38:43 AM

All American
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Religion impeding reason? That's unpossible.

3/20/2014 12:21:57 PM

All American
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3/20/2014 5:03:59 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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Quote :
"It does capture the platform of republicans though. They'll go scorched earth on abortion, call people baby killers and murderers, but when it comes to supporting kids and families in need, they can't muster a barely elevated heart rate.

Sad and disgusting.

The debate on abortion isn't the means to an end, it is the end. Right wing politicians keep their bases solidified by keeping abortion issues in the news."

Tu quoque and a strawman is always the sign of good discussion

3/20/2014 6:07:16 PM

All American
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what on earth is 'fallacious' about republicans

1. opposing abortion in nearly all forms and working to limit/deny a woman's right to choice?

2. opposing sex education and/or free contraception/bc, as well as the teaching of the theory of evolution while being in favor of abstinence-only education and/or teaching creationism in schools?

3. vehemently opposing welfare/food stamps/gov't handouts to the poor?

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE. I have a match tonight.

[Edited on March 21, 2014 at 1:00 AM. Reason : .]

3/21/2014 12:58:12 AM

All American
8383 Posts
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Quote :
"Tu quoque and a strawman is always the sign of good discussion"

What kind of logical fallacy is it when you keep posting in a place where no one likes or respects you?

3/21/2014 6:22:56 AM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"what on earth is 'fallacious' about republicans

1. opposing abortion in nearly all forms and working to limit/deny a woman's right to choice?

2. opposing sex education and/or free contraception/bc, as well as the teaching of the theory of evolution while being in favor of abstinence-only education and/or teaching creationism in schools?

3. vehemently opposing welfare/food stamps/gov't handouts to the poor?"

#1 makes more babies. #2 makes more babies. Abstinence-only education doesn't work as a tested fact.

#3 holds down people who have babies. Now, that doesn't make it fallacious. All it says is that Republicans aren't concerned about economically holding these people (which is basically the poor) down.

On the other hand, you could wage some sort of argument that a contradiction exists via making it illegal to live. One can't help the fact that they're alive, ergo, policies that deny the needs of shelter and food are contradicting reality, which is a form of contradicting itself.

When talking about aborted children, a large number of them, if not the vast majority, would be born to single mothers, if you force them to be born. If you're not in favor of social assistance, this arrangement doesn't make sense. It's contradictory like asserting 2=4. Imagine that a mother gives birth, has no savings, no support, and only works minimum wage. Logistically, there is no way for her to get through the first few months without social programs. Maybe she could work fast food and care for her baby hidden in her car during breaks. That's such a blatant form of child neglect that we should all universally agree that it's creating psychological problems.

It's very pedantic to say this isn't contradictory. You're okay with permanently damaging infants due to the mother's economic situation? No, this is ridiculous. I don't believe that anyone would seriously mean that. If they can't articulate a coherent way to handle the above situation, then they shouldn't be against abortion. Duh.

We can articulate a resolution. Mother looks into assistance programs. Life still sucks, but baby survives its first year without a criminal absence of any of the necessities. Even if you're a supporter of private assistance programs, you must recognize that these aren't absolute. They're subject to the generosity of people and the balance sheet of the program. You can't rule out that above situation.

I really hate to write more than a sentence reply to this thread. But the quoted text above was so egregious, I just can't leave it be. I mean it seriously when I say that kind of political statement saddens me.

3/21/2014 8:18:14 AM

26632 Posts
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i don't think you understood his post

3/21/2014 8:34:24 AM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
"1. opposing abortion in nearly all forms and working to limit/deny a woman's right to choice?

2. opposing sex education and/or free contraception/bc, as well as the teaching of the theory of evolution while being in favor of abstinence-only education and/or teaching creationism in schools?

3. vehemently opposing welfare/food stamps/gov't handouts to the poor?

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE. I have a match tonight."

If everyone was a good Christian and waited until marrying their rich banker husband than there would be no issues.....

3/21/2014 8:54:45 AM

All American
8383 Posts
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Well unless that woman experienced an ectopic pregnancy for example, and then she's back to being a baby murdering slut

3/21/2014 9:01:39 AM


15145 Posts
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^^^ I've been trolled?
Sometimes I do fail to detect the sarcasm...

3/21/2014 10:57:37 AM

26632 Posts
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it wasn't sarcasm, it just wasn't his argument. he was summarizing the republican position and you were replying to it like he was making those arguments.

3/21/2014 11:18:34 AM

All American
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not my argument, and definitely NOT my position

I was asking burro to respond, but conveniently he isn't anywhere to be found

3/21/2014 12:16:10 PM

All American
27956 Posts
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i think it's best to try to not to engage that guy. he truly is insufferable and trying to understand his mental gymnastics is way more trouble than it's worth.

3/21/2014 12:24:09 PM

All American
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i guess you are correct. he probably doesn't even know what a fallacy means anyway

3/21/2014 1:53:14 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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Quote :
"what on earth is 'fallacious' about republicans

1. opposing abortion in nearly all forms and working to limit/deny a woman's right to choice?

2. opposing sex education and/or free contraception/bc, as well as the teaching of the theory of evolution while being in favor of abstinence-only education and/or teaching creationism in schools?

3. vehemently opposing welfare/food stamps/gov't handouts to the poor?"

The strawman is the "fuck you, you're on your own, I don't want to help out at all". "Gov't shouldn't create a giant welfare state" is not the same as "fuck the poor, no one should ever give them any money or help". I can't believe I have to spell this out. The simple fact is that, save a few nutjobs here and there who won't get elected anyway, there aren't any mainstream Republicans whose stance is "fuck the poor, no one give them any money." Thus, characterizing that as their position is dishonest, incorrect, and disingenuous; ergo, it's a strawman.

3/21/2014 11:55:02 PM

All American
33756 Posts
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The mainstream republicans party is most definitely "fuck the poor". It's why they spent more money drug testing welfare recipients than they remotely came close to saving. It's why they passed laws to make it harder for poor people to vote under the guise of fraud, when no evidence of individual fraud exists. It's why they rejected letting Medicaid expand to cover more poor, despite zero upfront costs, and minuscule ongoing costs. It's why they resist proven policies like progressive taxes or eitc expansion to help grown low end earnings. Cuts to welfare, wics, tanf, unemployment, undercutting women's rights issues, on pretty much every single issue, republicans want poor people to have harder lives, despite the fact that things have gotten worse for the poor compared to the rich, over the past few decades.

The primary reason human beings organize into governed societies is to increase our collective survival, and the poor need more help than the rest of us. Republicans hate the poor, and this oozes from every aspect of conservative policy.

3/22/2014 12:09:59 AM


15145 Posts
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If "a giant welfare state" is defined to be a nation that has a welfare program, then there is no way to help the poor without becoming a welfare state.

3/22/2014 7:48:37 AM

All American
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What burro is conveniently ignoring is the conservative notion that poverty is PREVENTABLE and that it's most poor people's FAULT they are poor. If only they didn't make poor choices: having kids out of wedlock, getting hooked on drugs/alcohol, not getting a higher education, being lazy, etc. If only poor people would work harder and pull themselves up by their bootstraps! Poor people are often born into poverty, which is a PUNISHMENT for the sloth/ignorance of their parents. It's a great thing that wealthy people are so generous, since they are far better sources of charity than the government. Couple that in with the fact that the rich are the best sources of job creation, and there is very little excuse for poverty.

This may sound like a strawman, because it is completely absurd (especially the myth about job creation and charity), but it's the overwhelming sentiment of the GOP.

[Edited on March 22, 2014 at 12:04 PM. Reason : .]

3/22/2014 12:02:17 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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Porn Professor Bullies Peaceful Pro-life Student, Arrested.

3/22/2014 7:56:31 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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Quote :
"The mainstream republicans party is most definitely "fuck the poor"."

If that is the case, then present me the explicit policy statements to this effect. You should be able to find them quite easily, right? You are attributing a rationale to their actions and then declaring that is their aim, which is the very definition of a strawman: putting words into someone else's mouth. So, to prove me wrong, all you've got to do is post the latest minutes of the RNC or CPAC meetings where they say "hey, let's find more ways to fuck over the poor and make sure no one ever helps them!" I'm waiting.

Instead, what you're doing is the classic liberal talking point: Republicans hate [insert group of people] because they don't agree with me, and it's fucking disgusting.

[Edited on March 24, 2014 at 12:21 AM. Reason : ]

3/24/2014 12:19:09 AM

26632 Posts
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From Republican policy statements:
Quote :
"Item 4(b)
Fuck the poor"

3/24/2014 5:54:19 AM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"If that is the case, then present me the explicit policy statements to this effect. You should be able to find them quite easily, right?"

Quote :
"Move more welfare recipients off the welfare rolls. (Sep 2004) "

3/24/2014 8:25:35 AM

All American
33756 Posts
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Voter Id: mike turzai

Poor people: Mitt Romney

There are more, but I'm working and can't be digging up links for you for things you should already know.

[Edited on March 24, 2014 at 11:06 AM. Reason : G]

3/24/2014 11:04:15 AM

All American
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it's perplexing that burro doesn't seem to recognize the hypocritical mental gymnastics he performs: complaining about strawmen, putting words in people's mouths, talking about liberal "talking points", requesting "explicit policy statements"..... it's comical.

3/24/2014 11:10:21 AM

All American
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Quote :
"What burro is conveniently ignoring is the conservative notion that poverty is PREVENTABLE and that it's most poor people's FAULT they are poor. If only they didn't make poor choices: having kids out of wedlock, getting hooked on drugs/alcohol, not getting a higher education, being lazy, etc. If only poor people would work harder and pull themselves up by their bootstraps! Poor people are often born into poverty, which is a PUNISHMENT for the sloth/ignorance of their parents. It's a great thing that wealthy people are so generous, since they are far better sources of charity than the government. Couple that in with the fact that the rich are the best sources of job creation, and there is very little excuse for poverty."

conveniently ignore. AGAIN.

3/24/2014 11:17:53 AM

26632 Posts
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all i needed to know about aaronburro is that he once drove to texas and slept on some chick's porch; after hearing that story everything else made sense

3/24/2014 12:08:02 PM

All American
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did he really?

3/24/2014 12:55:01 PM

All American
7863 Posts
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the brits use burning dead babies as a source of heat in hospitals

3/24/2014 5:08:37 PM

All American
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I've always admired the Brits for their sensibility and practicality. A stiff upper lip and burning babes makes Jack a dull boy. Or something like that.

3/24/2014 5:19:17 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
"That financial and constitutional dynamic is now before the U.S. Supreme Court, in a high-stakes encore to the health care reform law known as Obamacare. The justices will hear oral arguments Tuesday in a dispute involving contraception coverage and religious liberty.

The court will review provisions in the Affordable Care Act requiring for-profit employers of a certain size to offer insurance benefits for birth control "

Silly Christians at it again.....

Can someone please logically explain how birth control is violating god's plan? I don't think our lord and savior intended humans to breed like rabbits. Plus birth control puts downward pressure on abortions which is worst of the
worst sins for your good christian.

In summary this company is turning a non-religious issue into a religious one. If obamacare mandated abortions coverage
from companies than they may have an argument.

[Edited on March 25, 2014 at 9:35 AM. Reason : a]

3/25/2014 9:34:48 AM

All American
7436 Posts
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Quote :
"Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD:
and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man;
so are children of the youth.
Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them:
they shall not be ashamed,
but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate."

For the less crazy (but still crazy) Christians that eschew birth control, they view it as a license for pleasure fucking, which is what they truly oppose. Moral (in their own mind) busybodies.

3/25/2014 9:42:26 AM

All American
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^ Even for married folks?

Is general christian dogma still that married couples should only be mating for reproduction?

[Edited on March 25, 2014 at 9:59 AM. Reason : sd]

3/25/2014 9:59:02 AM

All American
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I wasn't saying all Christians, just the ones that are against birth control. I don't know what percentage of American Christians feel this way but it must be a lot of them (essentially most that vote Republican apparently).

3/25/2014 10:10:27 AM

All American
1657 Posts
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Is this what you people (ohmy and his ilk) want? Someone does a little cocaine, has a miscarriage, and is charged with murder? Where does it stop? Drinking Redbulls all the time could do the same.

3/25/2014 10:19:41 PM

All American
8383 Posts
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Mississippi throwing the book at a black woman? Shocked.

3/25/2014 10:37:03 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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^^read the article... doesn't sound like there is evidence that the crack killed the baby, but there has to be (or should be) something she can be charged with.

[Edited on March 26, 2014 at 8:55 AM. Reason : ]

3/26/2014 8:51:07 AM

All American
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Yeah, she hasn't suffered enough.

3/26/2014 9:07:09 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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Murder. There's no way anyone other than Gibbs wrapped the umbilical cord around the fetus's neck.

3/26/2014 9:10:27 AM

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