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All American
9974 Posts
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Don't be an idiot.

Also working class Americans who work at actual companies receive insurance via the employer. Or at least they did "when America was great".

12/8/2016 6:40:22 PM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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^Working class Americans who work 40+hours that include benefits, and too many of them don't

12/8/2016 6:57:51 PM

All American
6571 Posts
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What bothers me is that, from where I'm standing at least, Hillary's policies would have been better for a 24 year old women currently employed as a hairdresser. It seems like she spite voted For trump because Hillary didn't speak directly to her.....or something?

[Edited on December 8, 2016 at 7:05 PM. Reason : Also 24 and a first time voter? I'm guessing she's relatively uninformed ]

12/8/2016 6:59:33 PM

8379 Posts
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Obama promised a lot to people like her, but delivered very little. What does Clinton offer? More of the same.

So I imagine their thought process is fuck it, I guess I'll try something different.

12/8/2016 7:57:43 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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cool. They'll continue to eat shit.

12/8/2016 8:26:12 PM

All American
6571 Posts
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To come to that "fuck it" conclusion you'd have to completely ignore the clusterfuck that congress is and how horrible of a human being Trump is. How?

12/8/2016 8:30:21 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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Id rather someone say "I like trump" than have that pussy response.

12/8/2016 8:50:19 PM

All American
33764 Posts
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Quote :
"What bothers me is that, from where I'm standing at least, Hillary's policies would have been better for a 24 year old women currently employed as a hairdresser. It seems like she spite voted For trump because Hillary didn't speak directly to her.....or something?

[Edited on December 8, 2016 at 7:05 PM. Reason : Also 24 and a first time voter? I'm guessing she's relatively uninformed ]"

From just watching Trump supporters since Trump was elected, especially how silent they are on Trump's awful cabinet picks, his shameless embrace of billionaires and other elitists, his blatant corruption in selecting his top donors for leadership positions, not handling his conflicts of interests, and now attacking the factory workers as lazy and the reason we lost manufacturing, they still are saying "wait and see".

They aren't wonks or ideologues, they don't see a correlation between horrible cabinet picks and trumps personal sliminess, and bad outcomes for the country. They still vaguely will cite lock her up/build a wall/whatever if you ask them why they voted for trump but it really just seems to be a "feeling" that Trump will make the right moves and things will work out, regardless of ideological consistency, best practices, or credible leaders.

They still might be right, but i don't think we'll see this group break away from trump until there are negative outcomes from his actions (like being called out by the union leader for lying to workers, insulting them, and creating false hope).

12/8/2016 9:07:27 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Honestly this could be a terrifying can of worms.

12/9/2016 1:41:53 PM

All American
5523 Posts
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It really was amazing on my Facebook feed how fast it went from cheering on Trump to silence from the same people once the Hillary and fantasy land campaign promises were changed to actual people getting appointed with actual negative policy history that can be shown.

12/9/2016 2:04:28 PM

All American
22933 Posts
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Anybody that posts politics on FB should just lose their account.


12/9/2016 2:06:22 PM

All American
9594 Posts
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^^It's not amazing, those people never cared about Trump or really politics in general. They just hated Hillary Clinton, for whatever reason, and are happy that she/liberals lost. That's where it begins and ends with them, the fallout means nothing.

12/9/2016 3:15:44 PM

All American
6571 Posts
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Quote :
Russia Hacked Republican Committee but Kept Data, U.S. Concludes"

It just keeps getting worse

12/10/2016 7:14:26 AM

All American
22933 Posts
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Eh, maybe there wasn't anything juicy.

12/10/2016 8:13:12 AM

All American
10681 Posts
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the CIA has been fuckin with other countries elections for decades right. so we shouldnt be surprised if it happened to us

12/10/2016 8:32:03 AM

All American
31922 Posts
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But Trump told us that the Russians were harmless little kitty cats who would never do anything malicious to us! Let's hope he was wrong about them not preparing to invade half of Eastern Europe too.

[Edited on December 10, 2016 at 9:05 AM. Reason : ]

12/10/2016 9:05:07 AM

All American
6571 Posts
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I'd agree we shouldn't be surprised, although I'm surprised at how effective some of it was. I also wouldn't credit Russia with "winning" the election for Trump, there's more significant places to lay that blame. It is troubling that Trump and his cohorts refuse to accept that Russian tampering exists though.

Clearly the best move is to release as much intel as possible, it's the best way to stamp out the conspiracy theories and will give us a good opportunity to see if Trump is willing/able to accept facts he doesn't like.

12/10/2016 9:47:06 AM

All American
33764 Posts
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Yeah, we can't blame russia for trying to release information to affect our elections, this is pretty much what spy agencies do.

we can blame Comey and the FBI and congress. They either should have released the info along with the clinton announcement, or just not made the bogus clinton announcements anyway.

That's a far bigger scandal-- if there is proof Guilliani called in a favor to make that happen, heads should roll.

12/10/2016 2:24:36 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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Well this is just delightful. Really glad to wake up to this news. Really.

12/10/2016 3:24:34 PM

All American
33764 Posts
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Trump's reaction to this is possibly the strangest part. This doesn't bode well for a Trump admin at all.

12/10/2016 3:27:30 PM

All American
9594 Posts
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No guys, you're missing the point. None of that stuff mattered, she only lost because of the ECONOMIC ANXIETY of white folks making $70k/year with $144k median wealth. She spent too much time talking about minorities who make half as much with 10% of the wealth. ECONOMIC ANXIETY!

12/10/2016 3:41:44 PM

26632 Posts
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would you like a shovel?

12/10/2016 4:35:18 PM

All American
3494 Posts
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12/10/2016 5:05:28 PM

8379 Posts
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dude politics aside, you clearly have no fucking idea what it's like to struggle or how many in this country are struggling.

[Edited on December 10, 2016 at 6:51 PM. Reason : .]

12/10/2016 6:50:42 PM

All American
10681 Posts
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Quote :
"No guys, you're missing the point. None of that stuff mattered, she only lost because of the ECONOMIC ANXIETY of white folks making $70k/year with $144k median wealth. "

huh. its cause of the white folks who USED TO make that much

12/10/2016 6:59:50 PM

8379 Posts
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12/16/2016 12:37:41 PM

50084 Posts
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Quote :
"And of course he [Putin] does all those things. Of course he is a great master.""

Georgian president for Trump's cabinet?

Honestly, investigate it as much as Benghazi and release what you find. But I'm a bit tired of hearing Trump deny and Clinton's team use it as an excuse.

12/16/2016 12:50:50 PM

8379 Posts
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I wonder if the narrative continues after Trump's inauguration? Guess we'll see!

12/16/2016 4:33:39 PM

5608 Posts
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I prefer the "Russian puppet" narrative to the "White nationalist" narrative. Who knows what the liberal media will eventually go with. Gotta give the Orange man credit for one of his tweets... If the shoe were on the other foot it would be called a "conspiracy theory".

12/16/2016 4:48:21 PM

All American
6571 Posts
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Can it really be classified as a conspiracy theory when ALL of the country's intelligence agencies are willing to back it up?

12/16/2016 5:02:13 PM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"ALL of the country's intelligence agencies are willing to back it up"

pretty sure that's not true

12/16/2016 6:04:33 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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I'm digging the "call everything a narrative" narrative.

12/16/2016 6:14:49 PM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"pretty sure that's not true


what agency disagrees?

12/16/2016 7:09:28 PM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"pretty sure that's not true


what agency disagrees?

12/16/2016 7:09:28 PM

Sup, B
52733 Posts
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Quote :
"No guys, you're missing the point. None of that stuff mattered, she only lost because of the ECONOMIC ANXIETY of white folks making $70k/year with $144k median wealth. She spent too much time talking about minorities who make half as much with 10% of the wealth. ECONOMIC ANXIETY!"

Actually, the thoughts going through your head (and consequently the heads of party bosses and the liberal blogosphere, whom you relentlessly parrot because you are incapable of a unique thought) to make you say such a stupid thing are why she lost. The Dems took those voters for granted and didn't give a shit about their concerns. They STILL don't give a shit about the concerns of white voters in the Rust Belt, based on this kind of rhetoric still being spewed. Good luck winning more elections when you continually show your complete disdain for your "base" directly to your "base."

Having said that, I can't help but chuckle at ol' Hilldog as she laments that Putin tried to influence our elections because he holds a grudge against her. I thought one of Hillary's big selling points was the connections and skill in diplomacy she picked up while being Sec of State. Seems to me that if, as the chief diplomat, you piss off a major world power so bad that it actively tries to thwart your election campaign, you can't really rest on your laurels of diplomacy experience. That's my two cents...

12/16/2016 7:32:45 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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Everyone made way too much of her qualifications. The notion that she was the most qualified candidate ever was objectively horseshit. George Bush Sr., Nixon, Ford, and a huge chunk of our presidents up until Kennedy were all more qualified.

On top of that, she wasn't even very good at the jobs she did have. Her tenure as Sec. of State was awful and she was a very ineffective and ineffectual senator. Sure, she had qualifications but the portrait painted of her didn't match with her actual accomplishments.

I'm not happy with the potential damage that Trump could do but I'm also glad she's not in office. As usual the best we can hope fore is for the president to not actually do any real harm. I'm hoping the media figures out the appropriate level of scrutiny that will help keep Trump in check, because the over the top doom saying is having the exact opposite of the desired effect.

12/16/2016 9:02:37 PM

All American
33764 Posts
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He's choosing a guy too racist for 80s era racist republicans to head the DOJ. For people involved in civil rights cases, this is a doomsday scenario.

He's putting multiple climate deniers and oil men in charge of the environment. He's literally picking the people that would represent the worst-case-scneario for the environment.

He's skipping CIA briefings at the same time he's tweeting conspiracies from Alex Jones (millions of illegal votes). Conway defends this as saying he gets his news from other sources including general Flynn, another guy who swims in baseless conspiracy theories.

Do we actually have to wait for an Iraq-war-esque blunder (where the executive branch curated information from a known bad informant to push the biggest boondoggle in American history to date) to criticize?

We see the iceberg, the question now is how do we get the other ships to realize our SOS isn't a drill?

Fake news eclipsed real news on Facebook towards the election time, so facts don't matter, what next?

[Edited on December 16, 2016 at 11:49 PM. Reason : ]

12/16/2016 11:49:03 PM

All American
33764 Posts
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The first sentence there should read "too racist for 80s era Reagan republicans".

12/17/2016 12:24:54 AM

All American
38991 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm not happy with the potential damage that Trump could do but I'm also glad she's not in office"

12/17/2016 2:31:02 AM

All American
9974 Posts
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Are fiscal conservatives having a panic attack right now?

12/17/2016 12:16:54 PM

50084 Posts
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Nah as long as it's not the black guy defecit spending it's all cool.

Infrastructure spending at the wrong end of a business cycle. Fuck it. Yolo.

[Edited on December 17, 2016 at 12:26 PM. Reason : X]

12/17/2016 12:25:39 PM

23634 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm hoping the media figures out the appropriate level of scrutiny that will help keep Trump in check, because the over the top doom saying is having the exact opposite of the desired effect."

Yea good luck with that. The people that can tell the diffefence between real and fake news pay attention and aren't buying his shit. The ones you have to worry about are the ones that trump has already convinced that "main stream media" consists of a bunch of liars out to get him

12/17/2016 11:36:41 PM

All American
4458 Posts
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Yeah, guys. We're fucked. Proper fucked.

The "media" is not going to save us. It will take mass mobilization and demonstrations from citizens who are willing to be on the receiving end of a police-man's baton, while taking rubber bullets and copious amounts of pepper spray to change the hearts and minds of your fellow Americans.

The traditional institutions of check's and balances have been so thoroughly corroded that we now have a mad-man who is willing to tweet to his legion of jackbooted thugs to silence dissent.

We are headed down a very dark chapter in American history and it is downright foolish to think that the system is capable of correcting itself.

God fucking dammit, man.

12/18/2016 1:33:14 PM

26632 Posts
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we are in the late stages of our nation

12/18/2016 4:24:36 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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[ron paul it's happening gif]

12/18/2016 6:43:29 PM

All American
10681 Posts
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^^ wish i shared your optimism

12/18/2016 7:33:17 PM

All American
3494 Posts
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Anyone know what tomorrow is?!

Electoral College vote day!!!

The only election that matters!!!!

I wonder if the MSM is going to cover/freak out over it?

How many "faithless" electors will there be?

My guess is more will ditch Hillary than the Donald.

12/19/2016 12:00:47 AM

play so hard
60912 Posts
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Quote :
"My guess is more will ditch Hillary than the Donald."

What's the bet?

[Edited on December 19, 2016 at 12:23 AM. Reason : It's fine to be a hack but try not to completely neglect common sense while you're at it]

12/19/2016 12:23:00 AM

26632 Posts
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How many states are even able to?

12/19/2016 7:06:20 AM

50084 Posts
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I guess for those who buy into most all Clinton stories this is like Christmas?

Wonder if that Bernie person in WA flips?

12/19/2016 8:52:12 AM

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