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 Message Boards » » Perpetual Google innovation thread Page 1 ... 33 34 35 36 [37] 38 39 40, Prev Next  
El Nachó
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Wouldn't the $200-$300 premium eventually (and by eventually, I mean 6-8 months from now) go away as such a novelty feature becomes more and more common?

I mean some guy on a message board I read even said he bought "a internet connected / applications TV, just because [he] couldn't get one without it." What makes you think this wouldn't end up being the same deal? Especially given google's history of providing "free" services to the masses in order to gain the biggest marketshare in the long run.

10/27/2010 9:03:24 PM

All American
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^No, I think tv manufacturers are going to stop putting in these shitty embedded experiences. The reason I didn't have a choice is because I wanted a 3Dtv, which I basically paid a double premium for.

This happens all the time in TV land. The whole industry is based largely on volume margins, so any "value add" is quickly commoditized and then either becomes a standard feature (HDMI), or disappears from the market (EDTV).

No one uses this shit, there's zero secondary market for the apps, and the only reason they exist right now is as a differentiator for "top end" sets. Commoditization = Death for all of these embedded experiences right now.

Until/Unless someone comes up with essentially IPTV through an embedded device, and tv manufacturers start shipping rich content remotes standard, this is going to be a very short lived fad. And seeing the reaction of the Cable Companies and Networks to GoogleTV, tells me theres no chance in hell of that happening anytime soon.

10/27/2010 9:21:20 PM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"No one uses this shit, there's zero secondary market for the apps,"

Isn't it like, retardedly early in the game to be saying things like this? Didn't the first google TV devices come out like, last week?

In a year, if they still have the same userbase (none) and the same apps and content (again, pretty much so zero) then I'll be agreeing with you. But Google has a lot more successes than failures. Eventually somebody is going to come out with a must have solution that ties together television with computing in a practically seamless way. I don't see why you're counting google out of the game when there's still 10 minutes to go in the first quarter.

[Edited on October 27, 2010 at 9:32 PM. Reason : And both teams still have their full allotment of times outs. ]

10/27/2010 9:32:16 PM

All American
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Man, trying to reason with noen is about the most hopeless shit ever

His mind is made and he's just gonna throw 20-odd buzzwords in every post until you resign in frustration

10/27/2010 9:35:50 PM

All American
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^^ Embedded App televisions have been out for 2 years now. Google TV is not doing anything new or different. All the shit on Google TV I can already do on my Samsung. Netflix, Facebook, Twitter, Hulu are all there.

And they fucking blow. Everything is slow, laggy, and a giant pain in the ass to use. Browsing the web from your television is just as FAIL. WebTV already taught us this lesson. The web doesn't translate well to a 10ft experience.

And a bunch of the shit GoogleTV promises is smoke and mirrors. You get ZERO cable television integration with it. The DVR/Guide/Tuning aspect only works with DishTV, and who the hell has that?

Quote :
"But Google has a lot more successes than failures."

No they don't. Let's just look at the first page of this thread. Froogle failed, Directory failed, Deskbar failed, Toolbar failed, Desktop failed, Sets failed, Catalogs failed, Voice Search failed.

They have a very well known history of acquiring companies and then destroying their products. 83 acquisitions, only a handful of notable successes.

I'm not saying this is a bad thing. Google's got a real business strategy in trying out things in the marketplace and seeing what sticks. But they fail a LOT, and so far their efforts in consumer hardware have been very lackluster (Anyone notice how we're still waiting on Chrome OS, how they discontinued their own phone hardware, and how unremarkable the settop GoogleTV devices are?)

10/27/2010 10:13:00 PM

All American
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Quote :
"At this point, you can get a xbox360 + PlayOn and have everything a GoogleTV device has, plus games, Zune Pass and media center integration. And a better controller."

Do you realize that you know absolutely shit about the normal consumer? The normal consumer doesn't give a damn about gaming, has never heard of Zune, and doesn't have a clue about what media center integration is. People KNOW Google. People LIKE Google. Period. My family knows shit about tech but both my parents & my sister want GoogleTV and they know nothing about it. I've explained their other options and they aren't interested. They know Google. Their email is Google. Their phones are Google. Google is in the next town over. Familiarity makes a huge difference when it's not coupled to a company like Microsoft that everyone hates because they're told to hate them. And seriously, vaporware? Am I mistaken or can't you actually buy it? How does that qualify for the term vaporware whatsoever?

$300 for a netbook in a different box is retarded because why? A netbook is $300+ so why should it be cheaper here? You're failing to grasp that every thing that you listed is great for geeks but shitty for the average person that just wants something simple. Apple is a great example. Shit "just works" and people happily pay a premium for it. You can have something that is technically superior (*cough* Zune *cough*) and it will sit on a shelf because people don't give a shit about tech specs.

How did Deskbar/Toolbar/Desktop fail? They're still out there. I still have to keep my people from installing the shit. Let's also not forget that there's little point in the tool bar when 90% of browsers have switched to Google Search as default as well. Voice Search? Have you ever used an Android handset? My dad uses the shit every day. What exactly is your definition of a failure?

10/27/2010 10:34:08 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Do you realize that you know absolutely shit about the normal consumer?"

I know a lot more than you do, I can guarantee you that.

Quote :
"The normal consumer doesn't give a damn about gaming, has never heard of Zune, and doesn't have a clue about what media center integration is"

There's 20 million XBOX 360s in the US. That means nearly 1 in 15 people owns one. So yes, the normal consumer cares about gaming.

Quote :
"People KNOW Google. People LIKE Google. Period. My family knows shit about tech but both my parents & my sister want GoogleTV and they know nothing about it."

Know Google, for search yes. Like Google? For search, yes. The average consumer doesn't know anything about google beyond email and search. Your average Joe has no idea that Android is a Google platform, or even what Android is.

And your family are a bunch of idiots. Wanting a product SOLELY because of the Company making it is one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard. A fool and their money are soon parted.

Quote :
"And seriously, vaporware? Am I mistaken or can't you actually buy it? How does that qualify for the term vaporware whatsoever?"

You can, except half of the functionality they advertise doesn't actually work. So yes, vaporware.

Quote :
"$300 for a netbook in a different box is retarded because why? A netbook is $300+ so why should it be cheaper here? You're failing to grasp that every thing that you listed is great for geeks but shitty for the average person that just wants something simple."

AppleTV is $99, and does more, better. Roku is $99, and does more, better. The Boxee Box is $199 and does more, better. The Dell Zino HD is $299 and does more, better.

And netbooks are <$200 for anything anyone actually buys. You are lying to yourself and your family if you actually think ANY of these products (GoogleTV especially) is for the average person, or is in any way simple. Have you seen the damn remote control for it?

Quote :
"Shit "just works" and people happily pay a premium for it. You can have something that is technically superior (*cough* Zune *cough*) and it will sit on a shelf because people don't give a shit about tech specs. "

I don't know what the fuck you keep making references to the Zune device for. The success of the iPod/iPhone against the Zune/Zune HD has nothing to do with complexity or difficulty in use. It all has to do with the marketplace, which Microsoft (and Google) has flubbed on horribly and Apple has been terrific with.

Quote :
"How did Deskbar/Toolbar/Desktop fail? They're still out there. I still have to keep my people from installing the shit. Let's also not forget that there's little point in the tool bar when 90% of browsers have switched to Google Search as default as well. Voice Search? Have you ever used an Android handset? My dad uses the shit every day. What exactly is your definition of a failure?"

The Ford Edsel is still out there too. When a product becomes crapware, it's FAIL. Thanks for proving my point there. Also, Google hasn't ever gotten much over 80% market share in the US. Voice Search on Android != the GOOG-411 voice search that just got cancelled.

And Speaking of shitty experiences, every non-techy person I know has been frustrated as shit with Android phones. My dad almost threw one across the store last spring when we went shopping for a new phone.

10/28/2010 1:07:12 AM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"I know a lot more than you do, I can guarantee you that."

This sums up the sentiment behind every post you've ever made. It's also where I stopped reading. At this point, you've just become a parody of yourself. Why don't you tell us more about how piracy is bad and Microsoft makes the best everything?

Could you at least drag this discussion over to the Google TV thread if you insist on continuing it? This thread used to be informative.

10/28/2010 1:38:31 AM

All American
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^^ Thanks for proving how much of a dumbass you are. I work with customers every day. You sit & design software. Obviously the market data that you get telling you whether people like or dislike an interface really gives you a lot of insight into their buying habits. Shit, your company can't even PAY people to use Bing over Google. You honestly expect me to believe that you've learned a damn thing from them about consumers? Hey guys, let's have a Windows Party!!!!

20 million XBoxes in the US... Hmm... I wonder how many people there are age 25 and below.... You're right, this is obviously a bunch of 30+ year olds gaming when they get home from work. Obviously these weren't bought for kids or buy college students. Retard...

Your average Joe sees Verizon commercials every fucking day talking about Droid & Google. My family is as much as idiots as normal people are. People buy shit because it's what they KNOW you fucking dumbass. Ask someone what the best car is and you're going to get something that people know, not what is best. Five+ years ago Ford/Chevy made shit cars and they sold a fuck ton of them. There was absolutely nothing whatsoever better about them other than what people THOUGHT. Obviously you really know people well.

AppleTV has a good chance because it's Apple. Who the fuck has heard of Roku? Who the fuck has heard of Boxee? Go in to that best buy and ask people if they'd rather have GoogleTV or Boxee and see what they say. They'll want GoogleTV because they have no fucking clue what Boxee is. Dell Zino HD is a FUCKING COMPUTER. People don't think that computers are easy you twat. That's why people buy Macs even though they're not any easier for most things. People know the name and associate it with easy.

Newegg has 9 Netbooks under $200. They have 70 over $300. Seriously, how the fuck can you be in the tech industry and be that far out of touch with reality. I'd wager that more people buy $500 netbooks than <$200 netbooks. Where is this magical GoogleTV remote? I've never seen it. I've seen the one that Sony made. I've seen the one that comes with the Revue. I'm not aware of an actual GoogleTV remote that's made by anything other than the actual unit manufacturers though. Seriously, that's like saying Windows is shit because a computer came with a trackball instead of a mouse.

I referenced the Zune because it's the perfect example of why a name matters. People don't know Zune and don't like MS. Zune is a technically superior device to the iPods (so are half the other devices out there). People don't buy an iPod for the marketplace. People buy an iPod because it's what they know and THEN they find out about the marketplace. How often do you think people pick up a Zune (or Sandisk or whatever), ask if they can use it with iTunes, and then put it back? It's not like people see iTunes and say "Oh man, I gotta find something so I can use that!". If you meant marketing then I would agree with you because marketing makes sure people are FAMILIAR WITH THE FUCKING NAME.

The Ford Edsel has been out of production for how long? Good job on completely failing at an argument. How exactly do you define a product as crapware? If you're referring to me pulling it off of computers at work, they all use Chrome and it's an irrelevant program that isn't necessary and only slows the computers down. I also switched them over to Gmail and pulled Outlook off of several of their computers. I guess it's crapware too? Don't get your panties in a wad because you didn't specify what the fuck you're talking about. Google Voice Search is alive and well on Android. If you meant Goog411 then you should have said it. It's also an irrelevant product now. They dropped it because of the number of people using smartphones that don't need it. Makes sense to me to quit throwing money at a dying need. If you want to talk about Google failures, there's a lot of them out there but you're apparently not familiar with them.

People don't care about being frustrated as shit with Android phones. I agree completely that people get frustrated. So what? They deal with it every day when they cut their computer on. What the fuck do you think it says that "every non-techy person" that you know gets frustrated by it yet it's gone from nothing to 2nd or 3rd in market share in basically 2 years. People KNOW it so people BUY it.

*edit* Nacho is right. Arguing with you is a lost cause.

[Edited on October 28, 2010 at 7:53 AM. Reason : .]

10/28/2010 7:51:49 AM

All American
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^I don't "sit and design" software. I talk to customers and users constantly. I spent the first 8 months this year talking to a set of customers EVERY OTHER DAY.

Next, seriously almost every rebuttal argument you just made is categorically wrong. You made a half dozen contradictory statements, the worst of which being that somehow Android is a frustrating and complex experience, while saying that people expect GoogleTV will be super simple and easy because that's what Google's brand tells them.

You're completely wrong about the market demographic for the 360. You're completely wrong about the market share for the 200 dollar netbook.

And I love that both you and El Nacho somehow think I'm trying to push some Microsoft agenda, without a single reason. All I'm saying is that GoogleTV is a super shitty product that is IN NO WAY INNOVATIVE, which the last I checked, was the point of this thread.

It's nothing new, hardware or software. This isnt a google brand recognition thread, it's a google innovation thread. And there are OTHER devices on the market that do MORE for 1/3 the cost.

10/28/2010 12:53:45 PM

All American
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But will it blend?

GoogleTV doesn't do a lot? The main innovation here is that it searches all media content available with a single interface, including speech search. No switching from LiveTV over to your Xbox to run a PlayOn app just to watch internet TV. No going on iTunes to pay $0.99 for every episode of TV you want to watch. It's free content and it's all in one place. No other product has that. AppleTV, Roku, nor Boxee have their interface tied into live TV, all require you to switch another device on and change sources. Video chat will be coming as well.

Content delivery is coming. If any of you watched the Google I/O, you'd know Google is coming out with their own music streaming & music store with the purchase of SimplifyMedia. GoogleTV can update automatically so you can bet they'll be updating the OS constantly to add new features. Buying music online will be easy and convenient and I'm sure that GoogleTV will tap into this.

As far as upcharge, last time I checked I think the Sony internet TV is only $100-$150 more than their non-internet TV, not $200-$300.

Google has OEM partners don't forget what they did with the phone market. If GoogleTV gets any traction, you can bet that nearly every manufacturer will have a GoogleTV version. Also GoogleTV hasn't advertised at ALL. So it's REALLY early to see if people will be drawn to it, it's quite clear most people on here don't know what the hell GoogleTV is or does much less the general public.

Also there's Android. Within 2 years of the original release, nearly 1 out of every 3 handsets sold today has Android on it. With over 10 million Android users alone in the U.S. and with the ability to push your phone apps and content to your TV (note: this is basically the similar to AirPlay on AppleTV) they are banking on brand loyalty and an integrated media solution, just like the AppleTV & iPhone.

The AppleTV doesn't do more, it's just one massive advertisement to pay money to watch TV & movies, it's an archaic method of paying for services based on the a la carte method.

If you want to stream local movies & music to your TV, just buy a DLNA HDTV and use Windows 7 or PlayOn, no need for an Xbox.

The Logitech Revue WILL SERVE CONTENT via DLNA so all you need is a Windows 7 computer to do it, it is unfortunate that it won't use network drives, but who knows, maybe they'll add it later?

[Edited on October 28, 2010 at 2:45 PM. Reason : .]

10/28/2010 2:27:59 PM

All American
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Before Google can sell anything to the common consumer, they're going to need to show that there's a need or create a desire for the product.

But that really doesn't exist for Google TV. Honestly, the whole thing reminds me a lot of the whole Google Wave debacle. Every tech saavy person heard it existed, got super excited about it, and had to get an invite to it. Then when they got their hands on it, no one really knew what it was or what they were supposed to do with it.

As it stands right now, all this seems to really do is get the web on your TV (not sure there's been a huge public clamoring for that) and give you Netflix, which is performed by a million different companies already, many of whom have better name brand recognition when it comes to a entertainment than Google.

It doesn't seem like it's going to go anywhere as a set-top box. As a built-in function of the TV? Maybe, but they're sort of late to the party, as the tech saavy people who would really want something like Google TV already have HDTVs and, even still, it's going to need some sort of "killer app" to really make it matter that Google TV is built in.

10/28/2010 2:37:46 PM

All American
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Ok, before anyone else posts anything more about GoogleTV, GO READ ABOUT IT

There's too much crappy misguided information ITT already.

10/28/2010 2:47:40 PM

All American
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Or better yet, watch the Google I/O videos on it.

10/28/2010 2:52:04 PM

All American
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Quote :
" The main innovation here is that it searches all media content available with a single interface, including speech search. No switching from LiveTV over to your Xbox to run a PlayOn app just to watch internet TV. No going on iTunes to pay $0.99 for every episode of TV you want to watch. It's free content and it's all in one place. No other product has that. AppleTV, Roku, nor Boxee have their interface tied into live TV, all require you to switch another device on and change sources. Video chat will be coming as well."

This is my biggest problem. Search all media content available where? THERE IS BARELY ANY MEDIA CONTENT available to GoogleTV. There is no live TV integration unless you're plugging into Dish Network. None. Zip. The major networks just cut off their content to Google TV. So what is left to search for? You can't buy anything, you can't load anything on to it that isn't already easily searched.

Quote :
"Content delivery is coming. If any of you watched the Google I/O, you'd know Google is coming out with their own music streaming & music store with the purchase of SimplifyMedia. GoogleTV can update automatically so you can bet they'll be updating the OS constantly to add new features. Buying music online will be easy and convenient and I'm sure that GoogleTV will tap into this."

Again, this makes no sense. And it doesn't matter if they get the delivery system. No PUBLISHER wants to give Google rights to anything. And that music store is going to be worthless without every major label dishing content to it. Then there's the problem of lock-in. No one wants to pay for music they can only listen to on their television. And last I checked, Google has no plans to help you get that music out to your iPhone, or any other listening device.

Quote :
"Google has OEM partners don't forget what they did with the phone market. If GoogleTV gets any traction, you can bet that nearly every manufacturer will have a GoogleTV version. Also GoogleTV hasn't advertised at ALL."

They fractured the shit out of it and have made a complete mess of content and platform delivery? Most Android devices cant even access their own marketplace. And I'm pretty sure they've spent a few hundred million already advertising Google TV. Nationwide Best Buy kiosks aren't cheap.

Quote :
"Also there's Android. Within 2 years of the original release, nearly 1 out of every 3 handsets sold today has Android on it. "

You can replace Android with Motorola's P2k platform 10 years ago. They used the same platform for every phone from the original StarTAC all the way throught the RAZR. Nearly 1/2 of all the phones on the planet were running the same Motorola platform. Was that a good thing? Hell no, because they fractured their ecosystem and it ultimately made it virtually impossible to innovate as a result. So they picked up Android. Seems like the cycle has just started over again.

^ I know what they ANNOUNCED. I also know what they're actually doing, and theres a HUGE delta between the two.

10/28/2010 3:02:07 PM

All American
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well i think your comments are pure speculation, it's been out what a couple weeks? you can't really expect GoogleTV to come out and work with every single content provider immediately can you? i do agree this is the biggest challenge.

Android being fragmented is getting kinda old. Yes most people are on either 2.1 or 2.2, but it's not as much of a mess for consumers as it is for developers. The biggest issue is the lack of uniformness in the UI because each manufacturer slaps on their own version, which will probably happen with GoogleTV, just look at the UI differences between Sony & Logitech. I don't see fragmentation being an issue so much as OE's being able to customize it differently. The issue with fragmentation lies more in the hardware is so different. Hell even Apple iOS4 couldn't run on all the old hardware...(read:fragmentation) it's not that they don't want people to run the later versions, but more so that all the early hardware doesn't have the capabilities to run the newer versions.

I wouldn't call kiosks at Best Buy advertising. Just because it costs money doesn't mean it's valuable advertising. That only advertises to people who go to the store. That doesn't include TV, radio, web, print, etc., that's pretty much zero... ok ok... maybe 1 percent.

And your argument about content delivery is absolute hogwash. It's 100% speculation and based on NOTHING historically. Apple, Napster, Microsoft, Amazon, Walmart, Rhapsody all have made content deals to distribute from pretty much every major record label, no reason Google wouldn't be able to as well.

Quote :
"No one wants to pay for music they can only listen to on their television. And last I checked, Google has no plans to help you get that music out to your iPhone, or any other listening device."

that's about as dumbass as anyone can be, again speculation, and expecting Google to be absolutely retarded if they did this. about the ONLY thing we know is that Google will have a music store that will allow you to BUY and STREAM music to any Android or Chrome device.

Quote :
"But Google's plans go beyond Android, say music sector insiders. CNET has learned that Google first stoked excitement among executives at some of the top four major labels during the Consumer Electronics Show in January. That's where they revealed some of the features that a Google music store might include, such as tying digital downloads and streaming music to Google's search results."

I think out of ANY digital download provider, Google would be able to negotiate the best rates because they can essentially ADVERTISE the music in search results. (which they are already doing)

Quote :
"Citing anonymous sources, Billboard magazine reported fresh details on Google's long-awaited music store, which will offer a la carte digital downloads and an online-only storage system -- a music locker consumers can rent for $25 per year."

now tell me where you read that music was going to be tied to the TV? this is EXACTLY like what they described at Google I/O...
Quote :
""Finally here's an entity with the reach, resources and wherewithal to take on iTunes as a formidable competitor by tying it into search and Android mobile platform," a label executive who asked not to be identified told Reuters. "What you'll have is a very powerful player in the market that's good for the music business.""

Quote :
"^ I know what they ANNOUNCED. I also know what they're actually doing, and theres a HUGE delta between the two."

should I dig into Windows Phone 7 for things THEY announced but aren't doing? no of course not, just because something isn't released yet doesn't mean they aren't working on it.

[Edited on October 28, 2010 at 4:40 PM. Reason : .]

10/28/2010 4:19:59 PM

Universal Magnetic!
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Quote :
"Anyone notice how we're still waiting on Chrome OS"

10/28/2010 5:17:10 PM

All American
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Quote :
"There's 20 million XBOX 360s in the US. That means nearly 1 in 15 people owns one. So yes, the normal consumer cares about gaming."

except, you assume the purchaser is the one that gives a crap about the gaming system. I can tell you right now my parents didnt give shit about my game systems, and what i wanted in a tv.

10/28/2010 9:58:31 PM

El Nachó
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You guys just refuse to get it. Your parents would be better off buying an xbox than they would buying a google tv. And if you don't see why you're just a fucking dumbass.

[Edited on October 28, 2010 at 11:21 PM. Reason : Microsoft #1! Woo! Fuck yeah!]

10/28/2010 11:21:34 PM

All American
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that was beyond the point... the point was that numbers of xboxs sold dont translate quite as neatly as 1:15 to what the consumer wants in other areas

10/28/2010 11:41:36 PM

All American
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Quote :
"There's 20 million XBOX 360s in the US. That means nearly 1 in 15 people owns one. So yes, the normal consumer cares about gaming."

6% = the normal consumer ITT

10/28/2010 11:41:56 PM

All American
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11/4/2010 11:33:04 AM

Forgetful Jones
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Anybody messed with Google Earth v6.0 yet?

11/29/2010 5:16:32 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Now with 3D trees!

11/29/2010 5:51:24 PM

All American
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That's the best they could do? Looks like 15 years ago:

Ah, the memories.

11/29/2010 6:22:16 PM

All American
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^is that the white house custom map we used to play over 28.8k modems? lol.

11/29/2010 6:53:39 PM

All American
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Google beatbox

11/30/2010 3:27:14 PM

All American
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Cloud Printing. Done.

12/7/2010 11:01:10 AM

All American
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So the latest Chrome beta has Google Instant built right into the omnibox. You have to go to "about:flags" to enable it, but it's literally the best thing to happen to a web browser ever. You can start typing "" into the bar and by the time you're finished typing the site is loaded. If it's already in your history, it's even faster.

12/8/2010 8:56:10 AM

All American
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Anyone here sign up for the Cr-48 Chrome OS laptop pilot program and actually receive one? People are saying they just get them unannounced, no confirmation or shipping email or anything.

12/9/2010 6:10:52 PM

All American
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Any way to make reminders off by default when using Google calendar?

12/14/2010 3:25:05 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Anyone here sign up for the Cr-48 Chrome OS laptop pilot program and actually receive one? People are saying they just get them unannounced, no confirmation or shipping email or anything."

That is exactly what happened to me this evening. I signed up for the beta and can't believe they actually sent me one. My quick first impressions are it runs pretty quick, but sites like engadget bog it down pretty good (just like with Chrome on my desktop). The hardware design is more impressive than the OS at this point for me. The matte simplistic design of the notebook is great.

12/14/2010 7:07:14 PM

40407 Posts
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oh dag, Eric Schmidt is stepping down as CEO

1/21/2011 10:27:56 AM

32337 Posts
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cloud print is niceeeeeeeeeee

1/21/2011 1:01:56 PM

El Nachó
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The gmail webapp is now supporting cloudprint.

1/24/2011 2:21:15 PM

Forgetful Jones
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3/13/2011 11:37:12 PM

Universal Magnetic!
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3/13/2011 11:53:31 PM

All American
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Gmail Motion, this is pretty incredible!!

Quote :
"A new way to communicate.

The mouse and keyboard were invented before the Internet even existed. Since then, countless technological advancements have allowed for much more efficient human computer interaction. Why then do we continue to use outdated technology? Introducing Gmail Motion -- now you can control Gmail with your body."

Happy April Fools, everybody.

4/1/2011 9:41:00 AM

All American
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Do a search for helvetica or comic sans...

There's also this job opening:

And Youtube has gone back to 1911:

Chrome's new website:

Google body browser adds browsing of cow:

4/1/2011 12:18:37 PM

All American
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5/20/2011 11:36:37 AM

All American
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^thats pretty awesome. Won't really use it often, but may get some competition on rates as a result.

5/20/2011 12:08:07 PM

11687 Posts
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just saw the advisor....mang what doesnt google do?

5/20/2011 12:41:56 PM

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6/10/2011 10:25:27 PM

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search by image (tinyeye wut wut)

6/14/2011 2:02:40 PM

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what the hell is this?

6/28/2011 11:34:56 PM

All American
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a google news search will answer your question more fully. but the short of it is: It's their new social networking crap.

6/29/2011 12:08:49 AM

All American
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Who has Google+ invites?

6/29/2011 12:11:06 AM

All American
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I'd like one if someone has any.

6/29/2011 12:27:44 AM

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I'd like one first if someone has any.

6/29/2011 12:38:09 AM

All American
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Rumor is that google employees aren't allowed to give facebook employees invites, so I'm afraid I won't be of much help this time. Pretty petty, if you ask me.

6/29/2011 3:14:00 AM

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