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We weren't talking about "Christian privilege" but you brought up that irrelevant victimhood narrative so I brought up immigration.

If you migrate to a Christian nation and you aren't Christian, that doesn't make you a victim or your anchor babies victims. It's okay for a nation to be structured to accommodate the historic majority's religion. If the whining SJWs want to cry about that "privilege", remember it didn't stop other religions from choosing to move here. I'd bet the bleeding hearts will complain about "English" privilege soon enough. The point is, there is nothing wrong with a nation having a majority religion/language/culture/identity... The "everyone is a victim" anti-American pessimism of brain-dead SJWs like ya'll is part of the reason a nationalist message from Trump is so popular.

"Christian privilege" is completely different from "white privilege" because there is a complete difference between choosing to migrate, and being enslaved.

5/22/2016 9:59:28 PM

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5/23/2016 9:12:33 AM

113949 Posts
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it hasn't done me much good in the long run to be white

if that helps anyone feel better

5/23/2016 9:40:27 AM

All American
51894 Posts
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This thread is actually less dumb on balance than GrumpyGOP's rape thread in the Soap Box.

5/23/2016 11:26:38 AM

All American
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The obvious or subversive misdirection to a separate section of TWW is one of the best post styles IMO

5/23/2016 11:37:54 AM

All American
51894 Posts
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I'm very good at the Wolf Web.

5/23/2016 12:39:48 PM

The E Man
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Quote :
"We weren't talking about "Christian privilege" but you brought up that irrelevant victimhood narrative so I brought up immigration. If you migrate to a Christian nation and you aren't Christian, that doesn't make you a victim or your anchor babies victims. It's okay for a nation to be structured to accommodate the historic majority's religion. If the whining SJWs want to cry about that "privilege", remember it didn't stop other religions from choosing to move here."

All of the different privileges are different from one another. White privilege is one of the biggest ones. You asked for specific examples of checking privilege and as a school administrator, I chose to talk about something I was better equipped to talk about. Talking about race is the most difficult thing to talk about (that doesn't mean it shouldn't be done) so the examples are naturally muddy.

I've dispelled the notion that checking privilege is vague or about blaming people.

We're not saying anyone is a victim we are just saying you have to check your privilege before passing judgment on others. When a student misses school for a religious holiday, and thinks they should be excused, christians are going to have to decide from a position of privilege (never having school on their biggest holidays)

Quote :
" I'd bet the bleeding hearts will complain about "English" privilege soon enough. "

Yes. English as a first language is a privilege. English is not the official language of the US.
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" The point is, there is nothing wrong with a nation having a majority religion/language/culture/identity... The "everyone is a victim""

No one said there is something wrong with any of those things. Just because you need to check your privilege, doesn't mean there is something wrong with having the privilege. This isn't about making people feel bad. Its about being inclusive and empathetic.

5/23/2016 8:30:42 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"I've dispelled the notion that checking privilege is vague or about blaming people."

You haven't "dispelled" anything. You've actually demonstrated just how vague the notion is.

I was pressing you to get an actual definition for "checking privilege" and the best you could do was "acknowledge a problem".

When I "acknowledged the problem" that still wasn't good enough for you, so you said people had to "actively acknowledge a problem".

Again, this ever-changing and "open for interpretation" term "check your privilege" is meaningless. People using the term aren't actually trying to make things equal, they are trying to compete in the victimhood olympics and silence anyone that disagrees with them. It's the same thing as "micro aggressions"... in a nutshell it is just a bunch of crying SJWs that are so desperate for victimization they fabricate it by using vague terms that nobody in reality cares about (reality privilege).

Quote :
"Yes. English as a first language is a privilege. English is not the official language of the US."

At this point I don't know why I am still so surprised by the propensity of SJWs to believe anything is "victimhood". I think you should move to Mexico and then complain that nobody speaks English. Moving to a country and not learning the native tongue isn't you being dumb/lazy, it's you being a victim and everyone else is privileged!!!!

5/23/2016 10:16:04 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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Quote :
"Its about being inclusive and empathetic."

It's not. Like, I know I'm weird, and I come out of left field some times, and I'm not always easy to follow.

But I've never been so misunderstood or misinterpreted on the Internet than I am by you. I've never had so many assumptions made about my point of view or my personal understanding of the world.

I'm not sure if it's you or your check-your-privilege framework, and I kinda suspect it's you. But it's evident to me that this new lens you're using has not helped you understand the experiences of others--at least not mine.

And I can't imagine that anyone has "hundreds of black friends," but since you do, maybe you should talk to your black friends about this stuff. I know that my friend would be mortified if she thought I viewed her teenage pregnancy differently because she's black, and when we talk about dating, it's just stuff about how it's hard out there...I don't follow up with, "And I feel for you that it's extra hard because, due to racial injustices past and present, so many black males--your preference--are incarcerated, dead, or less likely to have a college degree like you do. They're also more likely to be gay than other men, which is random, and they're more likely to date outside of their race than other men. And did I mention the fact that they have higher rates of HIV from needle sharing? Your second child's father had a drug problem, didn't he? You know what--I bet now that middle class white people have heroin problems, the government's gonna change their stance on clean needle programs, which is so racist! Regardless, I'm impressed by the tenacity with which you manage your business despite the unfair disadvantages that you and your children are having to handle. I admire your strength and determination as a mother and resent the fact that people would shame you or suggest that you are culturally inferior for it."

5/24/2016 1:27:23 AM

All American
11316 Posts
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can you imagine anyone having hundreds of white friends? or are you just having trouble imagining someone having hundreds of friends period?

5/24/2016 1:06:31 PM

All American
33768 Posts
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I think it's been scientifically prove that you can't have hundreds of friends...

5/24/2016 3:14:36 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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[Edited on May 24, 2016 at 3:26 PM. Reason : responding to first page like an idiot.]

5/24/2016 3:25:47 PM

All American
1356 Posts
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Lets talk for a few pages about how we personally define 'friends'

5/24/2016 3:28:39 PM

Forgetful Jones
147768 Posts
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I have over 200 friends on Facebook

And I'm talking about dear, true friends. Like this guy who is a radio host that I've never met. And this guy I've never met but we have the same name. And these folks from middle school who are married with kids and I haven't seen them in a decade and couldn't tell you any of the names of their immediate family members. You know, friends.

5/24/2016 3:42:33 PM

All American
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[Edited on May 24, 2016 at 4:12 PM. Reason : ]

5/24/2016 4:10:39 PM

The E Man
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Quote :
"When I "acknowledged the problem" that still wasn't good enough for you, so you said people had to "actively acknowledge a problem"."

Nothing changed. I just didn't believe you were being genuine because you went on to say something that suggested otherwise immediately afterwards.

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"Moving to a country and not learning the native tongue isn't you being dumb/lazy, it's you being a victim and everyone else is privileged!!!!"

I don't think I should be forced to learn navajo, cherokee or any native tongue because I'm able to live my life just fine speaking English.

Quote :
"But it's evident to me that this new lens you're using has not helped you understand the experiences of others--at least not mine."

Of course it hasn't. This is the internet and I know nothing about you online or offline. You haven't told stories about your life and all I can do is base what I'm saying on the posts I read in this thread. No I don't think one thread defines a person. Even in real life, I still don't judge people, I judge their statements and actions in the context of the current situation. You may have a lot friends on here, but you should also understand that when you comment online, each post you make might be read in isolation without the reader having knowledge of who you really are in real life or other threads.
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"And I can't imagine that anyone has "hundreds of black friends," but since you do, maybe you should talk to your black friends about this stuff"

Friends is a vague term. Obviously I wasn't saying close friends (i probably have less than 50) but I also wasn't thinking facebook friends (i have 2000+). Somewhere between.

Regardless of what the number is, I don't understand where you are going or why someone would suggest black people possess a natural authority on the topic of privilege based solely on their skin color. There are certainly a lot of black people who don't notice or don't acknowledge systemic racism that may or may not directly affect them. A common argument I hear is "my black friends don't have a problem with ____ , therefore its ok".

What makes you think the hypothetical "lakishas and jamals" from (1) would know their resumes were passed over because of their race and not quality? Its reasonable to believe a lot of them (maybe most?) would be inclined to think " I'm just not qualified enough to deserve a call back". Speaking to these people about white privilege in the job market wouldn't give you any special insight unless you were looking to confirm your false belief that racial discrimination in the job market is not a problem.

I have been speaking with everyone about politics for about a year and spent a lot of time talking about things like the war on drugs and prison reform. Everyone can have some type of privilege and also be willing or unwilling to check it. Since its a new term, most people, especially conservatives see it as a natural part of life and not as something that needs to be changed.

Many southern blacks are extremely conservative and religious. Southern, conservative culture (black and white) often ties what we call privilege to blessings from god and if you don't have these privileges, its simply because God has bigger, better plans for you in the future. This allows a lot of people to cope with bad situations they face without seeking immediate justice. Talking with black people in Raleigh is a lot different than talking with black people in a more liberal place. There are black "SJWs" and black people who talk like JCE. When talking about male privilege with southerners I will often get the classic "God made eve to serve adam, right?" as a basic premise. Finding a large number of women to agree with that premise, would not in any way invalidate the concept of male privilege. I know we weren't talking about male privilege, but it is often useful to use topics that are less complex, such as religion or sex as vehicles to explore the general idea of privilege. Most americans were given heavy doses of american exceptionalism and christian values at a young age.

The point is that many people, especially those with conservative values, disagree with the concept of privilege all together and most people haven't ever been directly introduced to the concept yet. Outside of attending a liberal arts school in recent years, receiving professional training on the topic, or independent research, I'm not sure how anyone would be exposed to the concept of privilege in any context.
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"I know that my friend would be mortified if she thought I viewed her teenage pregnancy differently because she's black,"

because you can't know what someone has been through or what brought them to their current situation. Sure we know that in general, blacks suffer from a lot of things disproportionately, but that doesn't mean it applies to every single black person. You don't know how much of that, if any has directly affected her situation. You can't know about other people but you can certainly know about yourself and your own experiences. This is why we "check our privilege" and not "check someone else's oppression".

Quote :
".I don't follow up with, "And I feel for you that it's extra hard because, due to racial injustices past and present, so many black males--your preference--are incarcerated, dead, or less likely to have a college degree like you do. They're also more likely to be gay than other men, which is random, and they're more likely to date outside of their race than other men. And did I mention the fact that they have higher rates of HIV from needle sharing? Your second child's father had a drug problem, didn't he? You know what--I bet now that middle class white people have heroin problems, the government's gonna change their stance on clean needle programs, which is so racist! Regardless, I'm impressed by the tenacity with which you manage your business despite the unfair disadvantages that you and your children are having to handle. I admire your strength and determination as a mother and resent the fact that people would shame you or suggest that you are culturally inferior for it.""

This is wrong because you would be telling her about her experiences based on a correlation with her skin color. You may know the facts about things that disproportionately affect black people, but by no means does that give you a green light to assume an individual has experienced them just because they are black.

This is why you need to stick to acknowledging the privileges you have without announcing them or judging the actions of others who may or may not have had those same privileges. It also highlights the importance of recognizing all of your privileges and not just thinking about white privilege in isolation.

[Edited on May 24, 2016 at 6:06 PM. Reason : k]

5/24/2016 6:04:36 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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LOL, of course, you try not to assume things about other people's experiences. But we do, and when you say that we can't, you are silencing everybody, except yourself apparently cause you've been trained.

Regardless, if JCE doesn't feel comfortable putting down poor black people for playing the lottery, then you'll never get a chance to enlighten him.

So I'm declaring myself owner of this thread now. JCE, fire away with any thoughts or observations you have. Feel free to check your privilege--or not.

5/24/2016 9:43:14 PM

113949 Posts
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Quote :

5/24/2016 10:47:03 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Nothing changed. I just didn't believe you were being genuine because you went on to say something that suggested otherwise immediately afterwards. "

In other words, whether or not "privilege is checked" is completely subjective... aka meaningless.

It's the equivalent of Mizzou protestors demanding "diversity training" when people don't back up their race hoax.

When people disagree with you, just claim they are racist (or more discretely claim they need to "check privilege"). It's a useful tool when you can't defend your position in reality. Just fabricate meaningless terms that you can manipulate to meet your need. It's essentially the #1 liberal tactic... "if you don't agree with me, you're racist".

5/25/2016 10:49:05 PM

All American
11316 Posts
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you know...sometimes people actually are racist.

5/26/2016 10:18:40 AM

All American
33768 Posts
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Funny thing is if he didn't get his white friend to try and book, the racists here would have just said "but she said she was going to be using it!".

5/28/2016 12:41:00 PM

All American
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Quote :
""The results of our study indicated that racial composition of the jury has a large effect on conviction rates. In cases with no black members of the jury pool, black defendants were convicted 81 percent of the time, while white defendants were convicted 66 percent of the time. When the jury pool included at least one black person, the conviction rates were instead nearly identical: 71 percent for black defendants, 73 percent for whites. This large shift in conviction rates occurred even though jury selection still led to all-white juries in most of the cases in which there were black members of the jury pool.""

5/31/2016 1:12:52 PM

5608 Posts
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Because factors like "Quality of evidence" have no bearing on a conviction rate, right?

5/31/2016 5:24:33 PM

All American
11316 Posts
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there's also factors like the weather, stock market conditions, current reigning NBA champion, racial makeup of DWTS contestants, etc.

5/31/2016 5:31:31 PM

All American
33768 Posts
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^ i'm starting to think JCE isn't actually racist, he's just really, really, really dumb. I guess on the Internet, the 2 things would look essentially the same.

5/31/2016 5:41:03 PM

26632 Posts
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5/31/2016 5:45:59 PM

5608 Posts
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Right to personal attacks huh? I would have thought you would have at least put up an attempt to defend your pseudoscience "study"...

Then again, it isn't about the truth and actual evidence with you people... it's about virtue signaling.

moron we are all very proud of you for disliking racism. Sure it would help if you knew how to identify it, but at least your heart is in the right place. #IStandWithMoron

5/31/2016 6:28:13 PM

All American
1356 Posts
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Its not JCE's fault that our country intentionally diminishes the quality of education over time. Its not his fault that 'progress' causes education prices to go up :^)

[Edited on May 31, 2016 at 6:53 PM. Reason : ]

5/31/2016 6:52:41 PM

Forgetful Jones
147768 Posts
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y'all watchin that new Roots?

5/31/2016 10:11:56 PM

All American
10682 Posts
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^ naw, snoop dogg told me not to

5/31/2016 11:19:02 PM

All American
33768 Posts
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^^ i've never seen the old roots, might be a good opportunity to see what the hoopla is about.

6/1/2016 1:02:18 AM

All American
10904 Posts
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Quote :
"Lets talk for a few pages about how we personally define 'friends'"

because white privilege is bs

6/1/2016 11:34:27 PM

All American
33768 Posts
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White privelege is bs, unless you're a defendant with an all white jury or an applicant for a job, or trying to book an AirBNB, or Donald trump.

6/1/2016 11:49:55 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Quote :
"When people disagree with you, just claim they are racist (or more discretely claim they need to "check privilege"). It's a useful tool when you can't defend your position in reality. Just fabricate meaningless terms that you can manipulate to meet your need. It's essentially the #1 liberal tactic... "if you don't agree with me, you're racist"."

too bad i've already given a specific example with specific scenarios on people who disagreed AND had their privilege checked. Just because you don't understand the concepts, doesn't mean they aren't specific and fair. I do accept the blame for not explaining it clearly enough for you to understand though.

6/1/2016 11:59:02 PM

5608 Posts
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Too bad you have already helped me establish "checking your privilege" is completely vague and subjective.

Your current definition of "checking privilege" was "acknowledging racism". I've already acknowledged it, then you changed the definition to "actively checking privilege".

The fact is you can't actually provide a definitive way for someone to "check their privilege". Because as I have demonstrated, like all made up SJW nonsense, it is just a term used to silence those who disagree with your HuffintonPost narratives.

If you find actual evidence of racism, I will agree with you. If you post pseudoscience leftist nonsense, I will explain how it isn't actually proof of racism. You can ignore my valid criticisms of how "studies" omit key factors, and you can call me "dumb" and "racist" as much as you want. it does nothing to change the fact that until actual evidence of real racism is presented, nobody outside of your SJW echo-chamber cares about your virtue signaling.

I would hope you SJWs would understand by now, that calling someone a racist is not a counter argument when someone critiques fundamental flaws in your sources.

6/2/2016 2:11:05 AM

All American
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6/2/2016 4:31:34 AM

All American
11316 Posts
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Racism is a social construct. People don't dislike black people, they dislike the idea of black people.

6/2/2016 9:13:14 AM

5608 Posts
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Moron's responses to the criticism of his pseudoscientific study thus far:

1. You're racist
2. You're dumb
3. Pictures

6/2/2016 1:56:01 PM

All American
33768 Posts
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^yes, and i'm still right, so what's your point?

6/2/2016 2:02:45 PM

All American
11316 Posts
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Quote :
"If you find actual evidence of racism, I will agree with you. "

Found actual evidence of racism in the other thread (admitted that it was racism)...

...still didn't agree. LOL.

6/2/2016 2:16:06 PM

5608 Posts
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^ I will agree it is racism, which I did.

Quote :
"^yes, and i'm still right, so what's your point?"

Right about what? You post a study that points to a racial disparity but ignores factors much more relevant than race. You have shown you have no understanding of controlled variables. This is further displayed when you show you have no ability to defend these leftist pseudoscience "studies" and resort to SJW tactics because you can't actually argue on the facts.

Again, we all appreciate your virtue signaling, moron. I'm assuming you are the traditional SJW, with the profile filter changes, hashtags, shared HuffPost articles, etc. on social media (aka 1% effort 100% visibility). So allow me to thank you on behalf of all victim classes who would never have made it without your brave keyboard activism. #IStandWithMoron

Because after all, who cares if spamming leftist "studies" doesn't do anything, furthermore, who cares if the "studies" are grounded in reality or not... as long as it looks like I care more than other people, I can call them racist and feel good about myself. #SJW

[Edited on June 3, 2016 at 12:15 AM. Reason : .]

6/3/2016 12:14:21 AM

All American
11316 Posts
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If you look hard enough, I'm sure you can find more racism out there. Give it the ol' college try, buddy. #IBelieveInYou

...or does the evidence presented to you indicate that there is currently only 1 racist in America?

6/3/2016 12:27:05 AM

5608 Posts
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Actually there are way more racists out there, I am sure, if you account for the new definition of 'Racist', as established ITT:

Racist (noun):

Anyone who questions, critiques, or counters a belief from a Social Justice Warrior on TWW.


"Rather than discuss the exclusion of non-race factors from a study I posted, I realized I could show everyone how right I was by just calling the other person a racist".

6/3/2016 12:41:35 AM

All American
33768 Posts
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Quote :
"i'm starting to think JCE isn't actually racist, he's just really, really, really dumb. I guess on the Internet, the 2 things would look essentially the same.

6/3/2016 12:56:49 AM

26632 Posts
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JCE2011 like:

6/3/2016 10:53:31 AM

All American
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I think JCE has a secret fetish for gay porn featuring black men, and this repressed passion and guilt manifests itself as denial of racism.

Just be yourself JCE, the world will make a lot more sense.

6/3/2016 12:16:06 PM

5608 Posts
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Moron's responses to the criticism of his pseudoscientific study thus far:

1. You're racist
2. You're dumb
3. Pictures
4. You're a fedora-wearing neck beard
5. You're gay

I see the quality of your SJW "studies" is only surpassed by the quality of your retorts. Thank you sir.

6/3/2016 12:55:54 PM

All American
33768 Posts
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Quote :
"SJW "studies" "


6/3/2016 1:01:11 PM

All American
1588 Posts
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I'm not a good person. But I am not a racist.

Does that make me a racist?

6/3/2016 1:04:41 PM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"I see the quality of your SJW "studies" is only surpassed by the quality of your retorts. Thank you sir."

there is absolutely zero question that this guy is a giant neckbeard, right?

6/3/2016 1:15:10 PM

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