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All American
2847 Posts
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Im sorry pryderi, your wrong. I know in your fantasy world you are right, so keep living in it. How can you honestly say that she has not changed her position? The president has already met with her once when he didnt have to, why should he do it again? The real news story should be the reason why she flip floped and not the fact that she is wanting answers from Bush.

8/13/2005 1:06:41 PM

All American
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Here she is - KISSING THE PRES:

This image has been pulled from the “tribute” site mentioned in the linked article already. If you think Casey Sheehan’s mother pulled the photo from her lawn chair in Crawford’re a sucker. These people are organized. This has absolutely nothing to do with Casey Sheehan’s death anymore.

8/13/2005 1:53:22 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I feel the same way when Bush voters refuse to enlist into the Army or Marines."

Of course explaining the conservative majority in both the Army and Marines.

8/13/2005 1:58:35 PM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"Here she is - KISSING THE PRES:

You are such a moron. He is kissing her.

Quote :
"While you can read the riveting account of Cindy Sheehan's day at the new world headquarters (surprise) at Huffington Post, but what you won't find any mention of is this picture of her June 2004 meeting with President Bush (giving her a kiss on the cheek),"

Besides, how can you tell who's in that picture? Looks like it was taken in someone's living room before a prom.

8/13/2005 2:08:28 PM

26647 Posts
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The right-wing wackos are like Rumplestiltskin....spinning lies out of truth.

8/13/2005 2:10:00 PM

9434 Posts
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Zionist NeoCon Media 'Attack Dogs' Savage Cindy Sheehan

Quote :
""Bill O’Reilly, a 'non-veteran', and Michelle Malkin, chimed in to say that Sheehan’s “story hasn’t checked out”. O’Reilly said Sheehan “is in bed with the radical left”, and, later suggested that “this kind of behavior borders on treasonous.”

O'Reilly feels that Sheehan, by linking her with “people who hate this government, hates her country.”

Milken let us know ~ "Her son would be ashamed of his mother's comments"

Rush Limbaugh said Sheehan was “trying to pull a little bit of a swindle” and that “she had been totally co-opted by the whole Michael Moore leftist mentality.”

...Fred Barnes piled on, saying of Sheehan: “She’s a crackpot”."

You hear that fellas? She's a "crackpot" and a "traitor" who "hates America." Probably another "conspiracy theorist whacko." That's right. Nothing to see here. Everything's fine with the war in Iraq. They didn't lie about the WMDs. Downing Street Memo?! What the hell is that? Oh, so they say that they were planning to go to war in Iraq and just fabricated the WMD threat? That's just more "conspiracy theorist" whacko crap. If you even talk about that, you're not only a "crackpot", you're "anti-American." If you expose government lies, then you hate our American government...and if you "hate the government", you "hate America." This Cindy Sheehan is a borderline traitor. She is with al-Queda and should be put in a camp or thrown in Guantanamo Bay.

[Edited on August 14, 2005 at 3:45 PM. Reason : 2]

8/14/2005 3:43:09 PM

Tom Joad
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Quote :


Anti-war protestor Cindy Sheehan, whose soldier son Casey was killed in Iraq, is calling for Bush's "impeachment," and for Israel to get out of Palestine!

"You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism," Sheehan declares.

Sheehan, who is asking for a second meeting with President Bush, says defiantly: "My son was killed in 2004. I am not paying my taxes for 2004. You killed my son, George Bush, and I don't owe you a give my son back and I'll pay my taxes. Come after me (for back taxes) and we'll put this war on trial."

"And now I'm going to use another 'I' word - impeachment - because we cannot have these people pardoned. They need to be tried on war crimes and go to jail."

The 48-year-old California mom remains tented up in a ditch along the one-lane road that leads to Bush's Texas ranch.

As her protest entered its second week, hundreds of people with conflicting opinions about the war in Iraq descended on the area.

TIME mag reports in new editions on Monday: Sheehan gets support from her surviving son, Andy, in principle, but he recently sent her a long e-mail imploring her, "to come home because you need to support us at home."

Developing... "

8/14/2005 5:26:14 PM

Sup, B
52723 Posts
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thats awesome. I can't wait for her to go to jail for not paying her taxes. Typical liberal. Everyone must pull their share of the load! except for me...

8/14/2005 6:11:40 PM

Tom Joad
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and i was gonna include a comment like "hey look, conservative talking head goldmine"

gg lady

8/14/2005 7:01:51 PM

All American
9069 Posts
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so what happen's if she goes to DC?

and it took way to long for the Right to dig up dirt and start bashing this lady. whatever you guys do now just makes you seem more heartless and sheepish to those who are watching.

8/14/2005 7:30:56 PM

All American
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She is just another tool used and abused by the bias left-wing media. And you fuck tards are actually shocked when FOx News kicks CNNs ass in the ratings.

How does it feel - Pryderi? No matter what you do, no matter what lies and half-truths you copy/paste on Soap Box - the White house will be run by the republication party for at least the next decade? You should move to Canada. Enjoy the "free" health care with the 2-year waiting lists and 50% income tax. Let us know how you make out.

8/14/2005 8:04:14 PM

All American
5613 Posts
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^ truth

8/14/2005 8:05:46 PM

All American
45549 Posts
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i feel sorry for her

moreso that she's a puppet than that her son got killed

8/14/2005 8:17:07 PM

All American
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What do you expect? These are the same people who turned the late Senator Wellstone's funeral into a political rally (and cost themselves a Senate seat in the process). Those people are feeding off of this woman's grief and it's a sick and sorrowful display, but really you have to consider the kind of people these leftists really are.

8/14/2005 8:24:54 PM

9434 Posts
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Some of you poor souls really are locked into the phony left/right, democrat/republican paradigm, aren't you? Do you really believe that the democrats are against the war? During the election campaign, Kerry was firmly in favor of the war in Iraq. He was proposing sending more troops to Iraq than Bush was. The democrats in Congress have been consistently voting in favor of the war, sometimes in greater numbers than the republicans.

If the democrats are so against the war, where is the outrage over the fact that the Bush administration lied about the WMD threat from Iraq? Why didn't they jump all over the Downing Street Memo revelations? Hello? They should be calling for Bush's impeachment over this. Where are the calls from the democrats to pull our troops out of Iraq and end this insane war? And I'm not talking about a few small voices, or a little meaningless rhetoric here and there. Where is the serious effort by the democrats to end this war?

The truth is that the democrats and republicans are controlled by the same Zionist/international banking cabal, and both are implementing the Zionist agenda. The sooner you realize this reality, the sooner you can start to make some sense about what is going on in the world.

[Edited on August 14, 2005 at 11:16 PM. Reason : 3]

8/14/2005 11:13:10 PM

All American
45549 Posts
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buy into this conspiracy theory so that i can go to other message boards to spread "the truth"

dude if it were really happening everyone who's not an internet weirdo would be out in the streets rioting and taking their country back.

that's not happening, so in the end you look like chicken little.

8/14/2005 11:31:32 PM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"How does it feel - Pryderi? No matter what you do, no matter what lies and half-truths you copy/paste on Soap Box - the White house will be run by the republication party for at least the next decade?"

Once the Democrats re-take the House in '06, Bush et. al. will be impeached and imprisoned. This president is a liar and a disgrace. He has debased both himself and the presidency and is the laughing-stock of the international community. A drooling, soulless gorilla in a blood-spattered 3 piece suit. You fecal tossing, piss drinking followers of Bush will be dismayed when that day of reckoning strikes.

8/15/2005 12:03:52 AM

Sup, B
52723 Posts
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please, keep saying shit like that, democrats. that way the republicans will be guaranteed a victory in 06 and 08

8/15/2005 12:18:29 AM

26647 Posts
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My flames are better than your weak-ass name-calling shit.

8/15/2005 8:32:19 AM

All American
6462 Posts
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Quote :
"Once the Democrats re-take the House in '06, Bush et. al. will be impeached and imprisoned. This president is a liar and a disgrace. He has debased both himself and the presidency and is the laughing-stock of the international community. A drooling, soulless gorilla in a blood-spattered 3 piece suit. You fecal tossing, piss drinking followers of Bush will be dismayed when that day of reckoning strikes."

Congrats Pryderi - you are now at the exact same level of delusion as salisburyboy.

An impeachment in 2006 - ARE YOU EVEN ON THIS FUCKING PLANET? At least you don't let logic and the truth get in the way of your blind hatred for a man you have never met. A man who is smarter then you, a man who is a great leader.

8/15/2005 9:53:48 AM

All American
32719 Posts
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can you be impeached once you're no longer in office?

and im going to phrase the question as rhetorically satirical

8/15/2005 9:55:46 AM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"The truth is that the democrats and republicans are controlled by the same Zionist/international banking cabal, and both are implementing the Zionist agenda."

Ummmm, prove it?

Quote :
"You fecal tossing, piss drinking followers of Bush..."

Quote :
"My flames are better than your weak-ass name-calling shit."

8/15/2005 10:13:21 AM

Sup, B
52723 Posts
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Quote :
""My flames are better than your weak-ass name-calling shit.""

maybe so but my republican politicians in washington will get a fuckton more done than your flaming.

8/15/2005 10:24:44 AM

All American
5364 Posts
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This particular woman may be deranged or politically motivated, or a tool--but she is symbolic of the war effort as a whole.

In the Iraq War, mothers will give their first sons, but never their second.

I definitely believe the war is right and it should be fought to its conclusion, but I doubt we have the political will to do it. Anyone who believes so at this point, is deluding themselves. Recruiting is dismal, the approval numbers (and therefore public understanding) are down, and--more importantly--President Bush is a lame duck; the man most passionate about the effort, is soon to step down.

Honestly, I think at this point the President would be right to spend his time doing nothing but campaigning for the war effort, even to the detriment of his domestic agenda. It's too important to let the slide of public opinion continue, and the effort should be made durable for 2008 and beyond, if necessary.

8/15/2005 9:26:22 PM

All American
22925 Posts
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i cant add to this what hasnt already been said, but

her son was a grown man, and enlisted for a reason, be it money, tuition, or something to do, but HE did it HIMSELF. The military is trained for war, and thats what they do if needed. They die if needed. You can say that this war isnt needed, and that he died needlessly, but thats beside the point. Death is always a possibility in the soldier's job description, and he knew this.

Good God, what if every mother during wwII did this shit? What if the media reacted to that war the way it reacted to vietnam and this war? The world would be a lot different.

8/15/2005 9:50:53 PM

Tom Joad
72757 Posts
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What if the homefront during this war had to act like ww2?

[Edited on August 15, 2005 at 10:11 PM. Reason : ?]

8/15/2005 10:09:10 PM

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8/15/2005 10:12:27 PM

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Quote :
"U.S. Struggling to Get Soldiers Updated Armor

Correction Appended

For the second time since the Iraq war began, the Pentagon is struggling to replace body armor that is failing to protect American troops from the most lethal attacks by insurgents.

The ceramic plates in vests worn by most personnel cannot withstand certain munitions the insurgents use. But more than a year after military officials initiated an effort to replace the armor with thicker, more resistant plates, tens of thousands of soldiers are still without the stronger protection because of a string of delays in the Pentagon's procurement system.

The effort to replace the armor began in May 2004, just months after the Pentagon finished supplying troops with the original plates - a process also plagued by delays. The officials disclosed the new armor effort Wednesday after questioning by The New York Times, and acknowledged that it would take several more months or longer to complete.

Citing security concerns, the officials declined to say exactly how many more of the stronger plates were needed, or how much armor had already been shipped to Iraq.

"We are working as fast as we can to complete it as soon as we can," Maj. Gen. Jeffrey A. Sorenson, the Army's deputy for acquisition and systems management, said Wednesday in an interview at the Pentagon.

While much of the focus on casualties in Iraq has been on soldiers killed by explosive devices aimed at vehicles, body armor remains critical to the military's goals in Iraq. Gunfire has killed at least 325 troops, about half the number killed by bombs, according to the Pentagon.

Among the problems contributing to the delays in getting the stronger body armor, the Pentagon is relying on a cottage industry of small armor makers with limited production capacity. In addition, each company must independently come up with its own design for the plates, which then undergo military testing. Just four vendors have begun making the enhanced armor, according to military and industry officials. Two more companies are expected to receive contracts by next month, while 20 or more others have plates that are still being tested.

An important material that strengthens the ceramic plates also remains in short supply despite a federal initiative aimed at prodding private industry into meeting the growing demand, military officials said.

"Nobody is happy we haven't been able to do it faster," Maj. Gen. William D. Catto, head of the Marine Corps Systems Command, said Wednesday in the interview.

"If I had the capability, I'd like to see everybody that needs enhanced SAPI to have it and at the rate we have now, we're going to have months before we get the kind of aggregate numbers we want to have," General Catto said, referring to the thicker plates, known as the Enhanced Small Arms Protective Insert. "That's just a fact of life because of the raw materials paucity and the industrial base."

Throughout the war, the military's procurement system has struggled to stay ahead of the insurgency. Most notably, efforts by the Defense Department to add armor to the Humvee - a vehicle never intended for combat - often have been undermined by the insurgents' relentless ability to build more powerful bombs.

Military officials say they have kept the effort to supply troops with the stronger body armor quiet to avoid alerting the insurgency, which they say is adept at mining news media reports for any evidence of weaknesses in the American force. At the request of the Pentagon, The Times has omitted from this article details that would expose vulnerabilities in the original armor and the types of munitions that the original plates cannot repel.

Upgrading the plates for American troops in Iraq will cost at least $160 million, according to industry estimates.

Body armor arose as an issue in Iraq shortly after the invasion in March 2003, when insurgents began attacking American troops who had been given only vests and not bullet-resistant plates. The Army had planned to give the plates only to frontline soldiers. Officials now concede that they underestimated the insurgency's strength and commitment to fighting a war in which there are no back lines.

The ensuing scramble to produce more plates was marred by a series of missteps in which the Pentagon gave one contract to a former Army researcher who had never mass-produced anything. He was allowed to struggle with production for a year before he gave up. An outdated delivery plan slowed the arrival of plates that were made. In all, the war was 10 months old before every soldier in Iraq had plates in late January 2004.

Four months later, the Pentagon quietly issued a solicitation for the enhanced plates that would resist stronger attacks. At the same time, it worked to make improvements to the vests, including adding shoulder and side protection.

Pentagon officials said they had been hampered in their efforts by the need to make the armor as light as possible.

"You can trace this back to the early centuries ago when they started wearing body armor to the point they couldn't get on the horse," General Sorenson said. "We are doing the same sort of thing. You can only put so much armor on a soldier to the point where they can't move."

The new enhanced SAPI plates weigh about one pound more than the original plates, bringing the total body armor system with vest to about 18 pounds, military officials said.

Among the first soldiers to use the stronger armor were the military's special forces, who are known to cut the handles off their toothbrushes to reduce the weight of their packs.

Shortly after the Iraq war began, insurgents began attacking American soldiers engaged in stationary tasks like directing traffic or less arduous combat operations.

Cpl. Nicholas Roberts, 23, a marine from Colorado, was wounded last December in Ramadi, west of Baghdad, when his armor plates failed to deflect an insurgent's attack. He just started walking again this summer after nine operations. In wearing the armor, he said, "you know your risks, that it's not going to stop everything."

"Unfortunately," he added, when told about the enhanced plates, "they didn't have that when I was in."

Among the first companies to begin making enhanced SAPI for the military was Simula, a safety technology company based in Phoenix, military contracting records show. It was awarded a contract in August 2004, and received a new $12 million order this month.

Armor Holdings, a company based in Jacksonville, Fla., that owns Simula, has an exclusive contract to armor the military's Humvees. The company stirred some concern in the Pentagon in January when it balked at selling its legal rights to the Humvee armor, which the military wanted so it could involve additional manufacturers.

Col. Bruce D. Jette, who directed a special unit at the Pentagon known as the Rapid Equipping Force until he retired last fall, said the military's reliance on small companies to make body armor succeeded in spurring innovation. But in failing to acquire the rights to those designs, the military may be passing up an opportunity to increase production, he added.

Pentagon officials said the pending addition of two more vendors to the four that are now producing enhanced SAPI would increase production to 25,000 sets of the plates a month from 20,000. Each vest requires two plates. Worldwide, the Army would need nearly 2 million plates to supply all 996,000 troops using body armor with the enhanced plates.

Industry officials say they are charging the military roughly $600 each for enhanced SAPI plates, compared with $400 for the original plate.

Cercom, an advanced materials company based in Vista, Calif., began making enhanced plates for the Pentagon this summer and said it was working round the clock to fill its part of the military order. To go even faster, Richard J. Palicka, Cercom's president, said it would "need additional furnace capacity and that's expensive."

But industry and military officials say production is also constrained by a lingering shortage of an advanced fiber used to make the plates.

But in interviews this spring, the Medical Examiner's Office said it was receiving only about 10 percent of the vests worn by slain soldiers, too few to get a complete picture of the armor's performance.

Meanwhile, a burst of research is under way to develop even stronger body armor, though some earlier efforts appear to have slipped through the cracks. At the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Stephen D. Nunn said his group formulated a polymer that can be added to the ceramic plates to increase their strength. "Our material and assembly seems to perform better than anything else I've read about," he said.

But the group's contract was limited to fortifying helicopters. When that project ended in 2001, there was no money to extend the work to body armor, Mr. Nunn said.

At the behest of the military, researchers are also studying how to make body armor more resistant to explosive devices. In a recent technical paper, one scientist, Thomas Friend, said that more work needed to be done on analyzing the shock waves produced by these blasts and how they interact with the body and the armor.

Some armor, he warned, could aggravate the damage from blasts by twisting the waves as they pass through the body.

Correction Monday, Aug. 15, 2005
An article yesterday about the Pentagon's problems in trying to provide American troops in Iraq with improved body armor that protects against the most lethal attacks by insurgents omitted a zero in some copies from the number of troops worldwide using that armor. It is 996,000.

Too bad this administration doesn't care about properly equipping our troops.

8/15/2005 10:16:51 PM

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8/15/2005 10:28:20 PM

All American
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8/15/2005 10:32:56 PM

Tom Joad
72757 Posts
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8/15/2005 10:37:35 PM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"Tillman's Family: Army Lied To Us

WASHINGTON, May 23, 2005

Pat Tillman Death Coverup

Specialist Pat Tillman during graduation ceremonies at Fort Benning, Ga., Oct. 25, 2002. (Photo: AP/Columbus Ledger Enquirer)

"The military let him down. The administration let him down. It was a sign of disrespect."
Mary Tillman

(AP) The family of former professional football player Pat Tillman says the Army disrespected his memory by lying in its investigation of his death in Afghanistan last year.

In interviews with The Washington Post, the Army Ranger's mother and father said they believe the military and the government created a heroic tale about how their son died to foster a patriotic response across the country."

Lying about a soldier's death to help you get re-elected is despicable.

8/15/2005 10:50:14 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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The headline says "Army Lied To Us" not "President Bush Lied To Us"

I'm just curious as to how you figured out that this was all orchestrated by GWB to aid his re-election campaign.

8/15/2005 11:03:42 PM

1337 b4k4
All American
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Quote :
"Too bad this administration doesn't care about properly equipping our troops."

Such is the bidding process for government contracts. I seem to recall you being rather up in arms about the (false) fact that Haliburton got their contracts without bidding. Shall we do the same for our armor?

8/15/2005 11:21:32 PM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
""As much as Pat Tillman loved competing on the football field, he loved America even more," Bush said. "...Courageous and humble, a loving husband and son, a devoted brother and a fierce defender of liberty. Pat Tillman will always be remembered and honored in our country.""

8/15/2005 11:27:19 PM

Mr. Joshua
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How does Bush delivering a eulogy prove anything?

Quote :
"I'm just curious as to how you figured out that this was all orchestrated by GWB to aid his re-election campaign."

8/15/2005 11:42:44 PM

All American
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It doesn't. The Pres was speaking from the heart - nothing more.

11+ years Pryderi. Having fun?

8/16/2005 7:40:50 AM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"White crosses at site of anti-war demonstration run down by pickup

CRAWFORD, Texas (AP) - A pickup truck tore through rows of white crosses last night near President Bush's ranch, where a woman has been protesting the Iraq war.

The crosses stretched along the road at the Crawford, Texas, camp, bore the names of fallen U-S soldiers. No one was hurt.

Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq last year, vows to remain in Texas through Bush's August vacation unless he meets with her.


Also, this "patriot" ran over 6 American flags.

[Edited on August 16, 2005 at 8:28 AM. Reason : k]

8/16/2005 8:28:27 AM

Mr. Joshua
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8/16/2005 9:39:58 AM

26647 Posts
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^That you're either with Cindy, or you're with the terrorists.

8/16/2005 10:01:17 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Was President Bush driving that pickup truck?

8/16/2005 10:02:53 AM

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8/16/2005 10:08:22 AM

Mr. Joshua
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In other news, Cindy Sheehan's husband filed for divorce:

Quote :
"Protest mom's husband files for divorce

FAIRFIELD, California (AP) -- The husband of Cindy Sheehan, the mother camped outside President Bush's Texas ranch to protest the death of a son in the Iraq war, has filed for divorce, according to court documents.

Patrick Sheehan filed the divorce petition Friday in Solano County court, northeast of San Francisco. His lawyer did not immediately return a call seeking comment Monday.

The couple's eldest child, Casey, 24, was an Army soldier killed in April 2004.

Cindy Sheehan has said the stress of the death led to the separation of the couple, who were high school sweethearts."

8/16/2005 10:10:52 AM

26647 Posts
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The right-wing media still attempting to tarnish a grieving mother.

8/16/2005 10:37:12 AM

Mr. Joshua
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by reporting that her husband filed for divorce?

8/16/2005 10:38:39 AM

26647 Posts
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Why is her divorce of any interest? Do you infer anything from this information? Why did you mention it?

8/16/2005 10:52:38 AM

Mr. Joshua
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I guess that they're not supposed to report things that relate to headlines. My mistake.

The right-wing media must really hate Brad & Jen. They won't shut up about them getting a divorce.

8/16/2005 10:55:09 AM

All American
32719 Posts
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since when was cnn the right wing media

8/16/2005 10:56:20 AM

All American
31058 Posts
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since they started to compete with fox news

ahh, the free market

8/16/2005 10:58:06 AM

Sup, B
52723 Posts
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Quote :
"Too bad this administration doesn't care about properly equipping our troops."

so what was dubya supposed to do? Invade the business world too in order to make sure that they all did his bidding? If he did that then you would accuse him of being a fascist dictator and call him hitler.

i mean, is it at all possible that maybe, JUST MAYBE, there is a shortage of material needed to make the plates? IS IT? Nope. dubya should just wave his magical right hand and speak the material into existence

8/16/2005 11:03:35 AM

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