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 Message Boards » » -----THE ILLEGAL ALIEN INVASION CONTINUES----- Page 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7, Prev Next  
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Quote :
"Mr. Joshua:

"According to you the majority of mexicans are drug dealers""

No, moron. I NEVER said or even implied that.

[Edited on February 24, 2005 at 11:03 AM. Reason : 1]

2/24/2005 11:01:51 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Thats what every one of your post is implying.

Apparently mexicans aren't good enough to live anywhere near you. You're clearly a racist, you just try to hide it behind conspiracy theories.

2/24/2005 11:05:30 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Thats what every one of your post is implying."

EVERY ONE of my posts implies it??! HAHAHAHAHA.


Quote :
"Apparently mexicans aren't good enough to live anywhere near you. You're clearly a racist, you just try to hide it behind conspiracy theories."

Right. I'm opposed to illegal immigration and that makes me a racist. Classic smear and slander tactics of those who favor illegal immgration.

You are an idiot if think any intelligent person is buying your bull$hit.


[Edited on February 24, 2005 at 11:10 AM. Reason : 1]

2/24/2005 11:07:37 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"Right. I'm opposed to illegal immigration and that makes me a racist. Classic smear and slander tactics of those who favor illegal immgration."

Classic response of someone trying to rationalize being a racist.

Yes, I was wrong. Not every one of your post implies that all Mexicans are drug dealers, but the vast majority of them try to paint hispanics as criminals and parasites because it serves your purpose and helps you think that you can hate them without actually being a racist.

Regardless, you see them as a threat to your way of life. Just like the Nazis justified racism by painting the Jews as a threat to the German way of life. Are you really so different from them?

I'm definitely not pro-illegal immigration, I just think that you sound like a moron by slighting everyone who is different than you. Mexicans, Jews, etc. have done nothing to you and are not trying to bring about a New World Order, so why do you go out of your way to piss on them?

Do you ever just take a step back and think what you say on here?

2/24/2005 11:23:07 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm definitely not pro-illegal immigration"


2/24/2005 11:38:24 AM

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Rare diseases imported into America with the illegal alien invasion

2/24/2005 11:48:17 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :

I don't think that I've ever even met anyone who is pro-illegal immigration.

I'm just strongly anti-dumbass. Why do you always respond to the easist point to respond to? Is it because you know that your ridiculous claims won't stand up to an objective evaluation?

2/24/2005 11:54:52 AM

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I'm wasting my time arguing with a moron like you. You try to associate me with the Nazis because I oppose illegal immigration. I shouldn't have to take the time to respond to RIDICULOUS slander and claims such as that. Most intelligent people see a claim such as that for the complete nonsense that it is. It is obvious to any person with any sense that you are playing the 'race card' and using an emotional argument to try to stop rational debate on this issue.

2/24/2005 12:04:36 PM

Mr. Joshua
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I never called you a racist for opposing illegal immigration. I myself am opposed to it. However, instead of simply saying the US should have tighter immigration laws, you slander hispanics. Every post you have made in this thread relates to how Mexican immigrants are "Balkanizing America", "Destroying America's Middle Class", causing a "Mass US Education Meltdown", and generally subverting the American way of life. Not only do you look like a fool, but you also do a lot of damage to your argument by posting whetever you can find badmouthing hispanics.

I never tried to associate you with Nazis. I simply stated that you are trying to use ridiculous propoganda to to create negative sentiment towards a particular group of people, which is exactly what the Nazis did. Whenever someone calls you out for being a racist, you claim that they are using the race card - and this is your defense every time that someone accuses you of being a racist.

[Edited on February 24, 2005 at 12:17 PM. Reason : immigrant subversion]

2/24/2005 12:16:39 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"you slander hispanics"

Give me one example of this supposed 'slander.'

Quote :
"Every post you have made in this thread relates to how Mexican immigrants are "Balkanizing America", "Destroying America's Middle Class", causing a "Mass US Education Meltdown", and generally subverting the American way of life."

This thread is about ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, not mexican immigrants. So your statement is misrepresenting my position. You are trying to shift the focus to mexican nationals, when my focus is broader and includes all illegal aliens. But if you replace "Mexican immigrants" with "illegal immigrants" in your above statement, those statements are true. The massive influx of illegal immigrants IS balkanizing America, destroying the middle class, destroying the U.S. public education system, and destroying the American way of life. Those are facts.

[Edited on February 24, 2005 at 12:26 PM. Reason : `]

2/24/2005 12:23:51 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"This thread is about ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, not mexican immigrants"

First post of the thread. Apparently Mexicans are conspiring to take back America:
Quote :
"A large number of Mexican immigrants believe that large portions of the American Southwest (sometimes referred to as "Aztlan") rightfully belong to Mexico, and they intend to recapture these lands for Mexico. This is being accomplished by massive legal and illegal immigration into these parts of the Sothwest. As the Mexican population of several Southwestern states inscreases, it is likely that these states may one day may succeed from the United States, or at the very least attempt to do so, causing great turmoil in the nation and inflaming racial hostility and unrest."

Well, I'll just ignore most of the first page of this thread, wherein you post numerous articles trying to slander latin immigrants as gang rapists....

This sarcastic quote proves my point completely:
Quote :
"Everyone knows that Hispanics are ALL are "hardworking", "law-abiding" people. Even if they are in the country illegally, they are still "law-abiding" (don't worry if that doesn't make sense....just believe it). No exceptions. Those police must be bigotted, redneck RACISTS!!!!!!"

this article:
Quote :

Apparently you don't like the spanish language either:
Quote :
"Spanish Primary Language On CA Traffic Ticket!"

Free trade with hispanics is also bad, apparently:
Quote :
"U.S.-Mexico Merger Accelerates"

Those dastardly Mexicans again:
Quote :
"Mexico publishes Comic encouraging illegal immigration"

The article titled "The Coming Break Up of America - Part 1" in which you highlighted:
Quote :
"What does La Raza mean? "For the Latino race, everything, everyone outside the race, nothing!""

This article:
Quote :
"Mexican emigrants send $16bn home"

EVen though it doesn't clarify how many of those are LEGAL immigrants.

These articles. You must have forgotten that you posted them yesterday:
Quote :
"Mexican assassins invading Texas"

Quote :
"Mexican schools provide drug songs"

2/24/2005 12:45:07 PM

9434 Posts
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Naturally, most of the articles focus on Mexicans and hispanics because they comprise the vast majority of illegal immigrants. But you used the term "mexican immigrants" to attempt to misrepresent my position (which could refer to mexican immigrants who came to the U.S. legally). As I have made clear in this thread, I am opposed to ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

Quote :
"Well, I'll just ignore most of the first page of this thread, wherein you post numerous articles trying to slander latin immigrants as gang rapists...."

I posted articles of cases where hispanic illegal immigrants gang-raped American women. I did not suggest that ALL "latin immigrants' were gang rapists. You are trying to suggest I did in ANOTHER attempt to misrepresent my position.

[Edited on February 24, 2005 at 1:19 PM. Reason : 1]

2/24/2005 1:16:28 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"But you used the term "mexican immigrants" to attempt to misrepresent my position (which could refer to mexican immigrants who came to the U.S. legally)."

Just to reiterate:
Illegal immigration is a threat because Mexicans are trying to take over and subvert parts of the US. This is the first post of the thread and clearly states why you are worried about illegal immigrants, specifically Mexican immigrants:
Quote :
"A large number of Mexican immigrants believe that large portions of the American Southwest (sometimes referred to as "Aztlan") rightfully belong to Mexico, and they intend to recapture these lands for Mexico. This is being accomplished by massive legal and illegal immigration into these parts of the Sothwest. As the Mexican population of several Southwestern states inscreases, it is likely that these states may one day may succeed from the United States, or at the very least attempt to do so, causing great turmoil in the nation and inflaming racial hostility and unrest."

You also state sarcastically that:
Quote :
"Everyone knows that Hispanics are ALL are "hardworking", "law-abiding" people. Even if they are in the country illegally, they are still "law-abiding" (don't worry if that doesn't make sense....just believe it). No exceptions. Those police must be bigotted, redneck RACISTS!!!!!!""

After what you have said on this one thread alone, I don't understand how you can still argue that you aren't a racist.

Quote :
"I posted articles of cases where hispanic illegal immigrants gang-raped American women. I did not suggest that ALL "latin immigrants' were gang rapists. You are trying to suggest I did in ANOTHER attempt to misrepresent my position."

Why would you make numerous references to women being raped by hispanic illegal immigrants? That has nothing to do with immigration policy or the adverse effects of immigration on the US economy. You are simply trying to stir up anti-hispanic sentiment, which has been your goal throughout this entire thread.

[Edited on February 24, 2005 at 1:31 PM. Reason : .]

2/24/2005 1:25:16 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Why would you make numerous references to women being raped by hispanic illegal immigrants? That has nothing to do with immigration policy or the adverse effects of immigration on the US economy"

Oh, right. Illegal immigration can only be legitimately attacked because of its adverse effect on the ECONOMY.

* It has to do with the adverse affect of illegal immigration on American SOCIETY. *

M O R O N !!

Quote :
""Everyone knows that Hispanics are ALL are "hardworking", "law-abiding" people. Even if they are in the country illegally, they are still "law-abiding" (don't worry if that doesn't make sense....just believe it). No exceptions. Those police must be bigotted, redneck RACISTS!!!!!!"""

I made this statement to mock what apologists of illegal immigration say in response to illegal immigrants being arrested for crimes. Many apologists of illegal immigration would have you believe that ALL illegal immigrants are "good law-abiding" people and that anyone who opposes illegal immigration or arrests an illegal alien for a crime they commited is a "racist" (which is exactly what you are doing to me here). This does not prove that I am racist. I'm not saying "all hispanics are bad." But I'm also not saying that "ALL hispanics are good, law-abiding people."

That you would use this statement as 'smoking gun' "evidence" that I am somehow a "racist" is further proof of what a moron you are. Thanks.

[Edited on February 24, 2005 at 1:58 PM. Reason : 1]

2/24/2005 1:46:36 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"* It has to do with the adverse affect of illegal immigration on American SOCIETY. *

M O R O N !!"

Yes, because rapes never occured prior to the "invasion" of illegal hispanic immigrants. Is hispanic culture inferior to American culture in some way? Will more rapes and violent crimes occur as the number of hispanics in the US rises?

Quote :
"Many apologists of illegal immigration would have you believe that ALL illegal immigrants are "good law-abiding" people and that anyone who opposes illegal immigration or arrests an illegal alien for a crime they commited is a "racist" (which is exactly what you are doing to me here). This does not prove that I am racist. I'm not saying "all hispanics are bad.""

You can rationalize as much as you would like to. The fact of the matter is that your campaign is nothing more than thinly-veiled racism. You try to blame many of Americas problems on illegal immigration, this is scapegoating. Would you like me to provide some historical examples of why scapegoating is a bad thing?

I oppose illegal immigration and am certainly not an apologist, but no one calls me a racist. This is because I don't base my argument on the implication that the number of rapes and violent crimes will go up because more hispanics live here and the baseless notion that Mexicans are trying to overthrow the US. Many of your claims are against ALL hispanic immigrants, not just illegal ones. I would have no problem if you had a legitimate problem with US immigration policy, but the vast majority of your posts are attacking the immigrants themselves, both legal and otherwise.

2/24/2005 2:58:04 PM

All American
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just make it legal

that's the easy way to get rid of illegal immigration

2/24/2005 2:59:53 PM

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Mexico Vows to Fight Migrant Patrol Project in U.S.

Quote :
"MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico will pursue legal action against plans by a U.S. citizens' group to patrol the U.S.-Mexican border in search of illegal immigrants, the country's foreign minister said on Monday.

Luis Ernesto Derbez said he asked lawyers in Los Angeles to draw up a legal strategy to fight the Arizona-based initiative called "the MinuteMan Project" that has signed up hundreds of volunteers for border patrols. "

[Edited on March 1, 2005 at 10:28 PM. Reason : 1]

3/1/2005 10:27:46 PM

All American
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[Edited on March 1, 2005 at 11:46 PM. Reason : ]

3/1/2005 11:46:00 PM

Mr. Joshua
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This is all true. I was at El Rodeo last night and I overheard two of the waitstaff talking about their plans to overthrow the American government as soon as the rest of their army could make it across the border.

3/14/2005 10:57:07 AM

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Illegal aliens threaten U.S. medical system: Docs journal reports hospitals being closed, previously vanquished diseases being spread

Quote :
"This is all true. I was at El Rodeo last night and I overheard two of the waitstaff talking about their plans to overthrow the American government as soon as the rest of their army could make it across the border."

Who said that illegal aliens or immigrants were planning on "overthrowing" the U.S. Government? I haven't said that. But that's how you have to 'argue' when you are on the wrong side of the issue. Smear, slander, and misrepresent. Thanks for illustrating that, Mr. "I love illegal immigration, I love the police state" Joshua.

What I have said is that many immigrants from Mexico believe large portions of the southwestern U.S. rightfully belong to Mexico, and many of these immigrants believe they are "reconquering" this land for Mexico. It is possible that in the future, some of the states in the southwestern U.S. may succeed from the U.S.

[Edited on March 15, 2005 at 11:54 AM. Reason : 3]

3/15/2005 11:40:57 AM

All American
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[Edited on March 15, 2005 at 11:54 AM. Reason : THERE WAS A SECOND PART! Haha]

3/15/2005 11:53:24 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"I haven't said that. But that's how you have to 'argue' when you are on the wrong side of the issue. Smear, slander, and misrepresent."

I wasn't arguing with you at all when I made my last post. Get over yourself.

Quote :
"Thanks for illustrating that, Mr. "I love illegal immigration, I love the police state" Joshua.

1) I don't like illegal immigration.
2) There is no "police state" at the moment.

3/15/2005 12:17:07 PM

All American
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Quote :
""Thanks for illustrating that, Mr. "I love illegal immigration, I love the police state" Joshua."


3/15/2005 5:38:12 PM

309 Posts
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I think the US should make legal immigration much easier. Obviously we are not doing much of a job stopping people from coming here to work and live. I mean, I have a friend who got here illegally all the way from China, after all. If all of these people are going to come here anyway, let's at least tax them like the rest of us. Almost all of us had ancestors who immigrated here at some point.

Of course, in many fields wages should be LOWER than they are now. For example, to hire a local, reputable maid service, it will cost me $100 to have a crew of 3-4 workers for ONE HOUR on a regular basis. I have called around, and this is the going rate. Now, call me crazy, but I don't think vacuuming and scrubbing the tub merits $25-$33 per hour (yes, I understand that the actual workers don't get paid this much, but many independent maids charge nearly as much.) There is a long list of these kinds of jobs (lawn care, factory work, etc.) where legal American workers just expect higher wages than they merit based upon their skill level. I just don't subscribe to the fact that people who are totally unskilled should be rewarded with jobs that allow them to buy luxury items like TV's and jet skis.

In fact, I don't really think that the vast majority of Americans really do want the govt to stop illegal immigration. So, your primary arguement doesn't hold water. As for the Mexicans trying to succeed some of the Southwestern states, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I used to live in one of those states in a heavily Mexican neighborhood, and my neighbors were thankful to be in America.

3/15/2005 10:50:13 PM

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Mexican president tells U.S. to control extremists

Quote :
"MEXICO CITY - Anti-immigrant sentiment appears to be growing in the United States, Mexican President Vicente Fox said Wednesday, and he urged U.S. officials to act quickly to control movements like the 950-member-strong Minuteman Project on the Mexico-Arizona border.

Fox said he plans to push for U.S. immigration reform during a meeting with President Bush in Texas next week. He also said the two leaders, along with Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, likely will announce a plan to expand the scope of the North American Free Trade Agreement.


Fox said he will push for action on a "guest worker" program in the United States. He said the United States population is aging and will need Mexican labor in the future, and that turning millions of undocumented Mexicans into legal, tax-paying workers could help keep the Social Security system afloat. "

I see how it is now...

1. Illegal immigrants aren't law-breakers...they're "migrants" who need to be given legal status
2. Patriotic Americans who want to enforce our immigration laws and are working within the law to stop illegal immigration are "extremists" who "need to be controlled by the government"

[Edited on March 20, 2005 at 6:16 PM. Reason : 3]

3/20/2005 6:12:21 PM

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Why the new jobs go to immigrants

Quote :
"In the past four years, the number of immigrants into the US, legal and illegal, has closely matched the number of new jobs. That suggests newcomers have, in effect, snapped up all of the new jobs.

"There has been no net job gain for natives," says Andrew Sum, an economist at Northeastern University."

Third World Momentum in Your Community

3/20/2005 6:50:56 PM

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U.S. Undocumented Immigrant Numbers Surge

Quote :
"Monday March 21, 2005


Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - The nation's undocumented immigrant population surged to 10.3 million last year, spurred largely by the arrivals of unauthorized Mexicans in the United States, according to a report released Monday.

The population of undocumented residents in the United States increased by about 23 percent from 8.4 million in the four-year period ending last March, according to the analysis of government data by the Pew Hispanic Center, a private research group.

That equates to a net increase of roughly 485,000 per year between 2000 and 2004. "

[Edited on March 22, 2005 at 8:24 AM. Reason : 1]

3/22/2005 8:23:22 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Bush decries border project

By James G. Lakely
March 24, 2005

WACO, Texas -- President Bush yesterday said he opposes a civilian project to monitor illegal aliens crossing the border, characterizing them as "vigilantes."

He said he would pressure Congress to further loosen immigration law.

More than 1,000 people -- including 30 pilots and their private planes -- have volunteered for the Minuteman Project, beginning next month along the Arizona-Mexico border. Civilians will monitor the movement of illegal aliens for the month of April and report them to the Border Patrol.

Mr. Bush said after yesterday's continental summit, with Mexican President Vicente Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin at Baylor University, that he finds such actions unacceptable.

"I'm against vigilantes in the United States of America," Mr. Bush said at a joint press conference. "I'm for enforcing the law in a rational way."

The Minuteman Project was born out of a long-held perception among many residents that more Border Patrol agents are needed to handle the flow of illegal immigrants.

Mr. Bush was criticized by both Republicans and Democrats earlier this month for failing to add 2,000 agents to the Border Patrol, as set out in the intelligence overhaul legislation he signed in December. "

Even Bush and the RepubliCONS agenda is coming out now. Bush wants to LOOSEN immigration laws.

3/25/2005 9:48:24 AM

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The Border War

Quote :
""The immigration system is broken, and there is a complete vacuum in federal policy," says former U.S. immigration chief Doris Meissner."

3/28/2005 10:10:32 AM

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Gang will target Minuteman vigil on Mexico border

Quote :
"By Jerry Seper

NACO, Ariz. -- Members of a violent Central America-based gang have been sent to Arizona to target Minuteman Project volunteers, who will begin a monthlong border vigil this weekend to find and report foreigner sneaking into the United States, project officials say."

3/28/2005 12:06:59 PM

309 Posts
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^I see you have to keep your own thread alive because your arguements are so pathetic that no one is even bothering to post anymore.

3/28/2005 3:35:33 PM

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Those who favor massive illegal immigration see the futility of trying to make arguments in favor of the position that is so clearly wrong.

And why should they try to make arguments in favor of illegal immigration? 85-90% of the public is already opposed to illegal immigration, yet it continues because our government is controlled by an elite that are pushing a one-world government agenda. Illegal immigration continues on a massive scale despite massive resistence to it by the public.

[Edited on March 29, 2005 at 10:09 AM. Reason : 5]

3/29/2005 10:03:41 AM

Mr. Joshua
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I have yet to see anyone post who favors massive immigration, the majority of your "opponents" see the ridiculousness of your grand conspiracy behind illegal immigration.

The argument is futile because your grasp of reality is rivaled by that of a small child. You ignore rational discussion and instead believe whatever asinine theory the internet spouts off as truth.

3/29/2005 10:09:43 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"You ...believe whatever asinine theory the internet spouts off as truth."

That could not be further from the truth. I clearly do not believe just anything that is written on the internet. Otherwise, I could be arguing clearly contradictory positions at the same time.

I have come to my beliefs through careful study and examination of evidence, not through arbitrary means such as believing the first thing I read. If I believed the first thing I came across, I would still believe that 9/11 happened as the government and mainstream media says and would be parrotting the view of the world espoused by CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc.

[Edited on March 29, 2005 at 10:16 AM. Reason : 1]

3/29/2005 10:14:23 AM

Mr. Joshua
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You propagate what the internet can back by linking together unrelated and generally circumstantial evidence with little to no factual basis.

3/29/2005 10:22:18 AM

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Illegal Immigration Crime Wave Hits US - Part 1

Quote :
"Few Americans realize that 29 percent of criminals filling jails across this country are illegal and legal immigrants. They cost US taxpayers $1.6 billion annually."

3/29/2005 11:55:59 AM

All American
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Haha, you can't seriously be using that link as support can you?

It says "Few Americans realize that 29 percent of criminals filling jails across this country are illegal and legal immigrants. They cost US taxpayers $1.6 billion annually."

Without any sources cited (which there weren't any), that could easily be construed to mean 1% illegal and 99% legal of that 29%. On top of that, it implies that 71% are home-grown, good ol' Americans.

3/29/2005 12:02:55 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Sources: 500 new agents to patrol Arizona border

Hey buddy! You missed this article. It relates to illegal immigration so I thought that I would post a link here. Please don't be mad at me because I posted a legitimate article that seems to conflict with your notion that the government is letting illegal immigrants into the US as part of a plan to create a global police state.

3/30/2005 12:40:51 PM

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From An Officer's Squad Car - Part 2

From An Officer's Squad Car - Part 3

3/30/2005 10:17:04 PM

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Smearing those who want to enforce our immigration laws...

Quote :
"TOMBSTONE, Ariz. (AP) - Hundreds of volunteers, some of them armed, are expected to take up positions along the Mexican border Friday and begin patrolling for illegal immigrants - an exercise some fear could attract racist crackpots and lead to vigilante violence."

That's amusing. I know some others who love to throw around the term "crackpot" and "racist" liberally in the obvious attempt to slander and smear.

[Edited on March 31, 2005 at 3:31 PM. Reason : 2]

3/31/2005 3:28:36 PM

Mr. Joshua
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So by stating that they oppose the Minuteman Project amounts to smearing? Why wouldn't it attract anti-immigration racists? Its very possible that it could lead to vigilante violence - its armed citizens taking the law into their own hands, doesn't that fit the description of 'vigilante', and isn't it very possible that it could lead to violence?

Quote :
"throw around the term "crackpot" and "racist" liberally in the obvious attempt to slander and smear."

Most people can spot a racist or a crackpot, its not very hard. Its not really an attempt to slander or smear anyone, so you can stop trying to paint yourself as the victim.

3/31/2005 3:43:27 PM

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Quote :
"Senate opens door to alien amnesty

By Stephen Dinan

The Senate is bracing for its first fight over amnesty for illegal immigrants in nearly 10 years after the chamber's parliamentarian ruled that a debate over granting legal status to illegal agriculture workers will be allowed on the pending emergency spending bill. "

4/1/2005 1:09:47 PM

Mr. Joshua
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So once again you cite the mainstream media. Despite your repeated protests that such media outlets are the mouthpiece of the Jews and the elite who clandestinely control the world, you have absolutely no problem citing them when it doesn't contradict you.

Basically, anything is true as long as it doesn't infringe on your skewed little monological world view. Isn't that a ridiculously subjective way of interpreting the world?

[Edited on April 1, 2005 at 1:17 PM. Reason : jew conspiracy]

4/1/2005 1:16:53 PM

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Quote :
"Passengers Cheer When Illegal Immigrants Are Taken Off Plane At RDU

Morrisville, NC -- Nearly a dozen passengers were escorted off a Southwest airlines flight Tuesday night and taken into custody, suspected of being illegal immigrants.

Eleven people were taken off Southwest flight 2340 from Chicago at RDU International at 6:40pm Tuesday.

Authorities said an air marshal who was on the flight overheard some people talking about being smuggled into the US The air marshal then contacted INS and customs officials who met the plane.

The 11 Mexican nationals were taken to the Johnston County jail where they were held overnight and are still being interviewed.

Authorities said they believe each person spent about $1,000 to get on the flight and that one of the 11 planned the incident.

The other 136 passengers on board were delayed by 15 to 20 minutes after the flight landed. They reportedly cheered when authorities removed the suspected illegal immigrants.

I wouldn't be that surprised if they aren't deported and are allowed to stay in the country.

[Edited on April 1, 2005 at 7:47 PM. Reason : 4]

4/1/2005 7:42:04 PM

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Quote :
"The New American Slavery

The average American in the year 2005 lives a fragile existence, in a struggle for survival that can be ended by missing a few paychecks. The carrot at the end of the stick which was formerly known as "the American dream" has been replaced by a whip that can best be described as the American nightmare of homelessness, and slow, early death. You no longer work to achieve a better life for yourselves and your children. You work to keep a roof over your head, and you pray that you don't lose it. You became a slave when fear replaced incentive as your motivation to work, but I still suggest that you work while you can, because if the company you work for can't send your job overseas, the U.S. government is allowing 2000 people per day to enter this country illegally, because they're willing to do your job for less.

It doesn't matter if you're a "white collar" or "blue collar" employee. If you're an American, you're too highly paid. There are billions of people who want your job, and your government is doing all they can to see that you lose it to them. You see, we're not really Americans anymore. Now we're just anonymous faces in the "global village," because our government has sold our nation to foreigners and international bankers, and the new bankruptcy law has doomed the American citizen to a life of debt slavery. They'll insist that illegal immigrants are only doing jobs that Americans refuse to do, and you'll probably believe it, because if you're watching the TV that shovels that crap, you probably still have your job. The illegal immigrants are doing jobs that Americans always did, and every unemployed American I talk to can't find a job anywhere.

4/2/2005 3:13:07 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Wow, sounds a lot like Mein Kampf.

Did you notice that the author was named "Jolly Roger" and his email address was "". Does that strike you as a reputable social commentator or as a skinhead?

4/2/2005 7:29:16 PM

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^{'Hey, let's smear someone else who opposes illegal immigration and insinuate that they're "racist". That will substitute for a rational argument when I don't have logic or the facts on my side'}

You know, for someone that supposedly "opposes" illegal immigration, you sure take a lot of time to oppose me in a thread that I started to express opposition to illegal immigration.

Carry on with your madness, mr joshua.

[Edited on April 2, 2005 at 8:06 PM. Reason : 3]

4/2/2005 8:03:42 PM

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i'm confused

4/2/2005 8:05:15 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :

Care to offer any evidence that I'm a "racist"? I'll be waiting.

4/2/2005 8:05:55 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"You know, for someone that supposedly "opposes" illegal immigration, you sure take a lot of time to oppose me in a thread that I started to express opposition to illegal immigration."

This thread is aimed more at stirring anti-immigrant sentiment than simply "opposing" illegal immigration.

4/2/2005 8:15:26 PM

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