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26632 Posts
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i'm not trying to convince you to vote clinton, i'm trying to get you to realize that your vote was bad so you don't make the mistake again in the future. considering that kamala harris just defended ICE and joe kennedy said marijuana should be illegal so cops can search cars easier, it's a lesson that will probably be important.

i'm also making the point so you can stop pretending like protest votes aren't a thing, or that they are different than voting for a wholly unqualified presidential candidate for some other nebulous reason

[Edited on March 12, 2018 at 3:55 PM. Reason : .]

3/12/2018 3:54:40 PM

All American
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I really hope the Democrats don't run some way left progressive in 2020. I want to vote for someone other than Trump.

But I'm not going to vote for some way left progressive.

3/12/2018 6:04:28 PM

26632 Posts
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which part of the way left progressive platform do you not like?

3/12/2018 6:13:55 PM

2953 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm just in awe of his precognitive skills that allow him to know that all 30k Stein voters would have stayed home on election day if there was no Jill Stein on the ballot. Amazing."

That wasn't the point. The point was that the act of voting for Stein did NOT help Trump. That was the original statement. Had them original statement been contained to "those who voted for stein, who otherwise would have voted for hillary..." it would be different.

30 thousand voted for stein but 1.5 million wisconsiners stayed tell me which is larger

Quote :
"Dude is demanding to know why generic Dems ITT didnt coordinate with 10 million other generic Dems (the population of NC BTW), distributed through all 50 states, to vote for a bible thumping shit stain like John Kasich in order to sink what was thought to be a long-shot candidate.

It’s such an easy lift, hard to imagine why it didn’t happen."

It was simply a translation of the logic they are applying to greens but a lot less of an ask because

-Democrats nominating Kasich would still be able to vote democrat in the general
-nominating kasich would achieve their primary objective (making sure trump doesn't win was not the top priority of greens)
-they would be voting for a candidate with much more similarity to Hillary than the distance between stein and hillary (what they are saying should be a no-brainer for us)

According to what they have been telling us, not voting Kasich helped Trump win. Suddenly, when you're being asked to do the thing you've been telling others to do, it sounds a lot more ridiculous. Funny how that works.

Quote :
"voting for stein was either a protest vote or done by someone who actually thought she was qualified to be president, it's equally dumb either way"

-Trump voters are dumb
-Stein voters are dumb
-Johnson voters are dumb

Everyone who didn't vote for the candidate I wanted was dumb.

Quote :
"how does that cause someone to think that stein is qualified to be president?

You making up the presidential qualification now?

Was she not 35? Was she not natural born? You realize you are in the company of birthers at this point?

[Edited on March 12, 2018 at 10:24 PM. Reason : k]

3/12/2018 10:17:10 PM

All American
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UJustWait84 wrote:

Quote :
"Tangentially related, but I find it amusing that a lot of Bernie bros are getting defensive over this Russian bot/election interference noise. As if voting voting against HRC purely in protest wasn't a petty form of fucking with Democracy in its own right."

3/12/2018 11:09:50 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I want to vote for someone other than Trump."

will he be running unopposed?

3/13/2018 1:06:46 AM

2953 Posts
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"zomg the dow crashed (1% loss) because trump called out amazon which killed tech stocks"

their new game is to talk about point losses i. historic reference to make losses sound worse

being repeated over and over on msm

[Edited on April 3, 2018 at 10:08 PM. Reason : trump triggered black tuesday]

4/3/2018 10:07:19 PM

50084 Posts
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Monday was the largest % point drop to open the 2Q since 1929. Tuesday was up so not sure what you’re talking about. Also, the ONLY reason anyone even talks about it and Trump is because HE BRINGS IT UP every day the market is up. How can you not see that?

Anyway, the stock market is not economy and Presidents have very little control over it. Earnings growth has been strong for one but even with that our domestic indices haven’t even outperformed the broader global developed market the last 18 months-2 years.

4/4/2018 6:28:08 AM

2953 Posts
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not a peep out of MSM about the huuuuge anti-war demonstrations in NYC today. nope. not 1 peep.

[Edited on April 16, 2018 at 2:56 AM. Reason : i saw it happening but have to go to venezuelan or russian news to read about it]

4/16/2018 2:50:00 AM

All American
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Lol Why don’t enlighten us with a link?

Also was it this?

4/16/2018 6:37:54 AM

All American
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heard about it on WNYC this morning. Described it as “hundreds”.

4/16/2018 7:39:25 AM

All American
3111 Posts
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where is it? I've heard nothing about it. Didn't seem to affect my commute or lunch or anything today

4/16/2018 12:32:08 PM

50084 Posts
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In October I remember a few dozen anti-war protestors in Washington Square Park. It was hot and by the time I got back from lunch they were gone.

Didn’t see Sputnik covering it though.

4/16/2018 12:34:02 PM

All American
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It was a normal day in herald square. Just with more signs.

4/16/2018 1:00:37 PM

2953 Posts
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these are all examples of WHY media blackouts are used. they supress the movement, and keep the numbers down because most of the people who would show up, don't know it is happening. Facebook and google are also involved for sure because its nearly impossible to find them on the internet even when i know they are happening, and know the organizers. Or maybe, UJUSTWAIT is right and all of my friends are just russian or venezuelan plants that have been manipulating me for 6+ years.

Back to today

wow, rip dana bash. she got absolutely worked.
i almost started to feel sorry for dana by the end of thisndragging because cnn sent her into the ring with kellyanne who is a master of twist, wit, and being petty.

[Edited on April 22, 2018 at 11:56 AM. Reason : k]

4/22/2018 11:52:08 AM

play so hard
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[Edited on April 22, 2018 at 12:33 PM. Reason : ]

4/22/2018 12:32:21 PM

2953 Posts
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She doubled down and said she has no regrets for asking the question. Just goes to show a lot of these liberals use feminism and progressive values as pandering just to beat republicans but they will quickly suspend them anytime it helps them beat republicans.

4/24/2018 9:11:15 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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I didn't realize you were being sarcastic by saying it was huuuuuge, carry on

4/25/2018 9:35:52 AM

26632 Posts
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i'm enjoying the karma court coming after joy reid

4/25/2018 10:00:54 AM

50084 Posts
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I mean I don’t care about her and if she lied she should probably be fired (also, I don’t watch her or MSNBC ever) but holy crap Greenwald is going after her hard. Maybe he’ll talk about it on Tucker tonight?

4/25/2018 10:32:57 AM

26632 Posts
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she has been a real shit when it comes to anything bernie or progressive, she is a firmly planted clinton shill

4/25/2018 10:38:54 AM

50084 Posts
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I have no doubt. Aside from Chris Hayes and Natasha Bertrand they (MSNBC hosts or regular guests) all seem obnoxious on twitter. I watched Maddow the night she said she had Trumps tax return and it was just tedious.

It does a disservice to the very real Trump campaign Russian stories to have a pretty famous TV personality claim something so nonsensical to cover up past opinions. Just admit it, say you changed (or you didn’t) and move on. I’ve just long ago gotten tired of Greenwald attacking and then playing nice with Tucker Carlson of all people.

4/25/2018 10:43:44 AM

8379 Posts
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The reason is pretty simple. Joy Reid and MSNBC are far more destructive to the left than Tucker Carlson could ever aspire to be. There was a great podcast on this the other day featuring an anonymous ex-MSNBC host (my guess is Ed Schultz)

Quote :
"MSNBC is by far the most influential mainstream media outlet on the American Left. It sets the tone and defines the boundary for what is acceptable discourse among American liberals. But major issues the Left is generally thought to care about - imperial war, worker strikes, Palestine, climate change - are almost entirely absent from coverage, as the network increasingly looks like a 24-hour Trump-Russia infomercial."

If you follow a lot of the prominent leftists in the media, you'll find that it's not just Glenn Greenwald zeroing in on her. And tbf, being gay, he has reason to go a little harder than most. There are 100 different pundits rightfully criticizing the right from the center. There are very few criticizing the center from the left.

[Edited on April 25, 2018 at 11:22 AM. Reason : .]

4/25/2018 11:20:33 AM

50084 Posts
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I don’t really care to defend MSNBC or Joy Reid - if she lied let the market take care of her. I don’t watch it enough to intelligently comment on it but I find it very hard to believe that they have had more influence in moving the country right than Tucker Carlson or Fox News.

4/25/2018 11:34:58 AM

8379 Posts
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They (along with NPR) are a central barrier preventing radical change from being possible.

4/25/2018 12:03:27 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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Well that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard today.

4/25/2018 12:07:42 PM

8379 Posts
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It is? What kind of radical change do they support outside of random opinion articles?

Or maybe a better question is what kind of radical change do they even cover fairly?

[Edited on April 25, 2018 at 12:27 PM. Reason : .]

4/25/2018 12:16:31 PM

26632 Posts
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wunc does a pretty good job. other than the democratic primary, what problems does NPR have?

4/25/2018 12:33:35 PM

8379 Posts
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Started to pull out some articles here but there's too much to dig through. There are some decent local stations I'm sure, but the national reporting is generally awful. They constantly bring on "respectable" conservatives like Jonah Goldberg, but fail to give a voice to the progressive left. The biggest problems for me are their heavy interventionist stance (incl. past defense of torture), and their skepticism toward single payer healthcare.

edit: here's a good one actually

[Edited on April 25, 2018 at 1:04 PM. Reason : .]

4/25/2018 12:53:36 PM

All American
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You said NPR and MSNBC are a central barrier preventing radical change. How is this a reality for you? Is their unwillingness to be involved with radical change make them a central barrier to it?

4/25/2018 1:13:29 PM

8379 Posts
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Providing fair coverage to important progressive issues isn't "getting involved". It's reporting the news. And often they're actively opposing these issues.

Great example here, NPR muddying the waters with regard to single payer in the early stages of the 2016 primaries.

[Edited on April 25, 2018 at 1:21 PM. Reason : .]

4/25/2018 1:18:34 PM

50084 Posts
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I had the misfortune of reading a Hugh Hewitt tweet. You know what? Burn down MSNBC for allowing that idiot to get a paycheck.

4/26/2018 10:00:16 AM

All American
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Would you mind quoting said tweet here?

4/26/2018 10:20:32 AM

50084 Posts
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Quote :
"Listening to @realDonaldTrump having fun and swinging from the hips on @foxandfriends and wondering why he hasn't been doing this more. This works. He's the best promoter of his own record and people."

He was basically yelling the entire time, Fox News has to cut him off to save him from more damage and he under cut his own lawyers arguments in a big way with regards to both Cohen and Stormy Daniels.

4/26/2018 10:32:49 AM

All American
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How is he any worse than some of the things Maddow says? I take them all as seriously as I take Hannity.

4/26/2018 10:44:12 AM

50084 Posts
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Oh, I see we are both sidesing the shit out of this too.

4/26/2018 10:45:43 AM

All American
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I'm just saying you can't take seriously anything that comes from either MSNBC or Fox. And when they both get into an argument, just enjoy the fireworks.

4/26/2018 10:47:54 AM

All American
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Quote :
"How is he any worse than some of the things Maddow says? I take them all as seriously as I take Hannity."

you can’t be serious

other than the tax returns deal, do you have any examples of crazy things that Maddow says?

and lumping them in with Hannity? what?

4/26/2018 11:04:39 AM

All American
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I don't recall implying that she said crazy things on a regular basis. You're implying that Hannity is crazy - and here of late it seems he is.

But they're both live , on-air opinion pieces, each a cheerleader for their respective "sides."

And I never really had any respect for Hannity, but I lost complete interest in him when he put his full weight behind Trump.

[Edited on April 26, 2018 at 11:31 AM. Reason : asdfa]

4/26/2018 11:30:44 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4922 Posts
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"Here of late," you say...

4/26/2018 11:41:01 AM

8379 Posts
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MSNBC employs sycophants, Fox employs psychopaths.

4/26/2018 11:45:44 AM

All American
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^^By here of late, I mean the whole lawyer thing, the murder accusations from that bogus Fox news article, etc. I mean, he's always been off the rails, but lately, he's gone off the trestle and is sitting at the bottom of the river.

And his fan base loves him for it.

4/26/2018 11:54:28 AM

2953 Posts
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Don Lemon took Kanye out of context just to make a strawman.

Slavery was definitely mental. Slaves were brainwashed. That doesn't diminish it though (which is what i think the media is afraid of). That actually makes it more egregious.
Slaves lived most of their lives unchained and roamed freely and worked under the intimidation and fear of punishment for not working. That punishment could come from the master but even worse, that punishment could come from what they thought was god. Religion was used as a weapon to enslave people. if you work hard and impress your master, you will be rewarded in heaven.

I can't figure out if Don Lemon is ignorant to these things or intentionally taking Kanye out of context. The idea of chains he's talking about comes from the slave trade but once on a plantation, there werne't a lot of chains.

5/2/2018 2:17:22 AM

All American
9974 Posts
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I see you’re also the resident slave expert.

5/2/2018 6:51:53 AM

50084 Posts
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Earl and the president both religiously hate-watch CNN. So bizarre.

5/2/2018 7:10:42 AM

All American
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I know Kanye hasn’t killed anyone yet, but he’s clearly cray cray. If/when he finally goes postal, do white people get to label him a terrorist or just a run of the mill mental illness case (he’s sure actinglike a nutty white male with idiotic/racist rants). Since Michelle Wolf already made an epic Uncle Tom joke this past week, let’s not make another for a while. K?

[Edited on May 2, 2018 at 9:05 AM. Reason : Welcome to the good life!]

5/2/2018 8:59:58 AM

All American
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Everybody defends his craziness - reference the "Kanye is not a douchebag" thread in CC. They defend his craziness until he compliments Trump. Then he's really crazy.

5/2/2018 9:25:29 AM

Save TWW
37145 Posts
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That thread us full of people saying he is crazy what are you talking about

I lovvve Kanye's music but I've have freely admitted for years that, at minimum, he seems like a pretty big douche as a person

5/2/2018 9:58:31 AM

50084 Posts
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Ronan Farrow is a damn machine. Broke Weinstein, Black Cube literally yesterday and now this.

Schneiderman is a fucking two-faced disgrace if any of this is verified and I have no reason to think it’s not.

5/7/2018 7:29:58 PM

8379 Posts
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NPR calling waterboarding “harsh interrogation” this morning

[Edited on May 9, 2018 at 10:20 AM. Reason : .]

5/9/2018 10:11:14 AM

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