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50084 Posts
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Can we try and keep the JCEbot posts in Chit Chat?

7/19/2016 9:11:44 AM

5608 Posts
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How else are they supposed to defend their positions though? Be nice to them, Gawker is going bankrupt... It's a tough time for them.

7/19/2016 12:22:48 PM

All American
10675 Posts
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lol at cruz showing bernie what a spine looks like

7/21/2016 10:49:56 AM

26632 Posts
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Interesting, I assume you are also against basic math, logic, etc?

7/21/2016 12:52:29 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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It is ted cruz after all. If theres one person who won't bend, its him.

7/22/2016 1:20:37 AM

All American
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7/22/2016 8:24:24 PM

All American
10675 Posts
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bernie should recant his endorsement and go to convention and try to win. he still could mathematically win if he flips enough super delegates

7/23/2016 7:56:23 AM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
""Wondering if there's a good Bernie narrative for a story which is that Bernie never ever had his act together, that his campaign was a mess", DNC National Secretary Mark Paustenbach wrote"

[Edited on July 25, 2016 at 2:39 PM. Reason : .]

7/25/2016 2:38:44 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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By continuing to endorse Hillary Clinton, Bernie has completely betrayed his supporters.

7/25/2016 4:59:49 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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Bernie has said since day 1 that he'd support the democratic nominee. I'm still not voting for Clinton, but I don't see his endorsement as a betrayal.

7/25/2016 5:08:30 PM

?? ????? ??
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7/25/2016 5:10:33 PM

The E Man
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people should support ideas and policies and not people. bernie worked himself into this trap and i admire his effort but thats the end of his run. He's never going to be president so its time for all progressives to move on and support Stein.

7/25/2016 5:36:55 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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Stein is a whackjob who believes in homeopathic medicine, is an anti-vaxxer, believes Snowden should be in her Cabinet, hates GMOs, against nuclear power, etc. The Green Party is so hilariously anti-science that it's hard to take them seriously.

7/25/2016 5:50:10 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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anti science relative to what? Don't forget we are comparing them to democrats and republicans. Those things you listed pale in comparison to the list of shit those two parties do. I fundamentally disagree with libertarianism but I do have to admit they are the most ideologically consistent party.

7/25/2016 5:55:11 PM

26632 Posts
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Stein isn't anti-vaccine, that's a story pitched by DNC

7/25/2016 5:56:45 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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Quote :
"I don’t know if we have an “official” stance, but I can tell you my personal stance at this point. According to the most recent review of vaccination policies across the globe, mandatory vaccination that doesn’t allow for medical exemptions is practically unheard of. In most countries, people trust their regulatory agencies and have very high rates of vaccination through voluntary programs. In the US, however, regulatory agencies are routinely packed with corporate lobbyists and CEOs. So the foxes are guarding the chicken coop as usual in the US. So who wouldn’t be skeptical? I think dropping vaccinations rates that can and must be fixed in order to get at the vaccination issue: the widespread distrust of the medical-indsutrial (sic) complex.
Vaccines in general have made a huge contribution to public health. Reducing or eliminating devastating diseases like small pox and polio. In Canada, where I happen to have some numbers, hundreds of annual death from measles and whooping cough were eliminated after vaccines were introduced. Still, vaccines should be treated like any medical procedure–each one needs to be tested and regulated by parties that do not have a financial interest in them. In an age when industry lobbyists and CEOs are routinely appointed to key regulatory positions through the notorious revolving door, its no wonder many Americans don’t trust the FDA to be an unbiased source of sound advice. A Monsanto lobbyists and CEO like Michael Taylor, former high-ranking DEA official, should not decide what food is safe for you to eat. Same goes for vaccines and pharmaceuticals. We need to take the corporate influence out of government so people will trust our health authorities, and the rest of the government for that matter. End the revolving door. Appoint qualified professionals without a financial interest in the product being regulated. Create public funding of elections to stop the buying of elections by corporations and the super-rich.
For homeopathy, just because something is untested doesn’t mean it’s safe. By the same token, being “tested” and “reviewed” by agencies tied to big pharma and the chemical industry is also problematic. There’s a lot of snake-oil in this system. We need research and licensing boards that are protected from conflicts of interest. They should not be limited by arbitrary definitions of what is “natural” or not.

7/25/2016 6:00:01 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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That doesn't strike me as anti-vaxxer.

7/25/2016 6:02:47 PM

All American
9594 Posts
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Seriously, shouting over Elijah Cummings, a civil rights hero, was beyond the pale. That was a great speech they ruined, I hope they are proud of themselves.

7/25/2016 6:04:28 PM

26632 Posts
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^^^ not anti vaccine, just doesn't think there should be profit motive which is fine

I don't like her statement, but it's not anti-vaccine

7/25/2016 6:14:43 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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Anybody who actually thinks homeopathy deserves any kind of discussion as medicine is a fucking loon.

7/25/2016 6:31:20 PM

26632 Posts
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The Green party has quite a few bad positions, including their position on homeopathic medicine, but I haven't seen Stein personally support it anywhere which isn't surprising considering her background as a physician

7/25/2016 7:13:59 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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Carson was a neurosurgeon and had some screwed up medical views when it came to homosexuality.

7/25/2016 7:23:40 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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When support for homeopathy is in your official platform you can just fuck right off. That's every bit as stupid as the Republican position on porn being a public health issue.

[Edited on July 25, 2016 at 7:28 PM. Reason : sdf]

7/25/2016 7:26:28 PM

8379 Posts
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The proposal in your link is them taking it out of their platform...and it passed

[Edited on July 25, 2016 at 7:35 PM. Reason : .]

7/25/2016 7:35:12 PM

All American
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Hmm, so it is, but it's still in the official platform here:

Yeah, looks like they haven't officially updated the platform for 2016. I thought they had already had their convention but it looks like they haven't.

Quote :
"Greens support a wide range of health care services, not just traditional medicine, which too often emphasizes "a medical arms race" that relies upon high-tech intervention, surgical techniques and costly pharmaceuticals. Chronic conditions are often best cured by alternative medicine. We support the teaching, funding and practice of holistic health approaches and, as appropriate, the use of complementary and alternative therapies such as herbal medicines, homeopathy, naturopathy, traditional Chinese medicine and other healing approaches."

They also have fucktarded anti-science stances on GMOs and a few other profoundly stupid things.

[Edited on July 25, 2016 at 7:44 PM. Reason : sdfsf]

[Edited on July 25, 2016 at 7:45 PM. Reason : sdfsfsd]

7/25/2016 7:39:49 PM

8379 Posts
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Their GMO stance is that they want to see more independent, non-corporate-funded research.

What else do you have problems with?

There are valid concerns about voting for Stein (lack of qualifications, poor party leadership) but right now you're just repeating debunked CTR talking points.

[Edited on July 25, 2016 at 7:47 PM. Reason : .]

7/25/2016 7:47:18 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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They want to ban all GMOs until they're satisfied by the research which no telling when that would be. They also would like to see the ban of all animal testing.

[Edited on July 25, 2016 at 7:55 PM. Reason : a]

7/25/2016 7:54:35 PM

All American
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They also want mandatory labeling, which is asinine and a hugely unnecessary and burdensome requirement.

I don't like their stance on Israel, I don't support the minimum wage at all let alone an increased one, I don't like single payer health care, I'm not in favor of public sector unions, and a lot more.

There are portions of their platform that I agree with, but broadly speaking they're far more socialist than I could ever support.

7/25/2016 8:00:52 PM

8379 Posts
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Well that's understandable since you're more of a libertarian.

But for me, the pros of their platform far outweigh the cons, when compared to any other party.

Unfortunately can't vote for them bc of the reasons in my previous post.

7/25/2016 8:05:09 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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heckle warren. that'll show everyone how progressive you are.

Bernie Bros are fucking narcissists

7/25/2016 10:46:53 PM

All American
42526 Posts
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^^^ what's their stand on israel?

7/25/2016 11:25:41 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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I don't think Israel is a model state by any means, but a BDS stance is not the way to go.

7/25/2016 11:47:13 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Fuck Bernie he'said really ducking us over now. Squeezed all of the money out of progressives and now is giving it to the enemy. It's OK though. We learned a lesson. We will never give another dime, vote, or support to a candidate in the parttop of corruption.

7/26/2016 12:14:26 AM

All American
31922 Posts
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Quote :
"Supporters Aggravated Bernie Sanders Didn’t Use DNC Speech To Get Voters To Act Against Their Own Self-Interest

PHILADELPHIA—In response to the Vermont senator calling upon all Democrats to come together to assure the party’s victory in the presidential election this November, thousands of Bernie Sanders supporters were reportedly left deeply aggravated Monday after he didn’t use his Democratic National Convention speech to encourage voters to act against their own self-interest. “I just don’t understand why he didn’t go up there, be honest about everything that’s wrong with this election, and tell us all to take an action that would inflict deep and lasting harm on ourselves by reversing the policies and values we’ve been pushing so hard to expand,” said Kyle Jorgenson, echoing the sentiment of numerous angry supporters who hoped, especially after the recent leak of emails revealing the Democratic National Committee’s bias against Sanders, that the candidate would urge them to approach this year’s election in a way that would result in the immediate erosion of so much of what they believe in and hold dear. “He really should have taken a stand and declared that if the Democrats aren’t willing to nominate a true progressive, then we should all engage in behavior that ultimately serves to benefit a candidate diametrically opposed to those ideals. I can’t believe he would drop the ball on encouraging us to completely disregard the kind of world we’ll be forced to live in for the next four to eight years and instead act out in shortsighted petulance.” Irritated supporters then called upon those who still believed in progressivism to take the necessary measures to set back society for decades to come."

7/26/2016 12:16:51 AM

The E Man
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Were not Democrats though and Democrats are a reversal of progressives values. The writer of that article doesn't get it because they are probably a democrat themselfor who buys into what the party has done in the last 8 years as being progressive. It's really hard for us because we have a party posing under our adjective. A lot of the country then ends up looking at the failed policies of the Democratic party as a failure of progressives values. We are at what seems like an impossible disadvantage. Trump makes it almost like absolute rule for them now theyes don't have to be accountable for anything anymore because trump is probably worse is their new slogan.

7/26/2016 12:24:06 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Earl obviously needs help.

Good luck troll.

7/26/2016 12:40:04 AM

Sup, B
52730 Posts
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Quote :
"JesusHChrist: Anyone who follows politics saw this coming as soon as he entered the race on (D) ticket rather than his independent ticket he had. He was never a serious candidate. He wasn't robbed or cheated, either. He was ostracized by party officials, yes. But he lost the race by the rules established within the Democratic party. That's not really shocking."

Ready to walk that one back?

7/26/2016 1:14:52 AM

All American
4458 Posts
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Not really, no. My very next sentence said that he was ostracized by party officials, which is EXACTLY what these leaks reveal. This was plainly obvious to me, which is why I never took Bernie seriously as a progressive candidate in the first place. I knew that he'd never have a fair chance at winning within the party. But more importantly, I knew that he'd roll over in the end. And, an even more cynical analysis (that I still hold) is that the Bernie momentum will successfully roll a new generation of enthusiastic (and mostly young) progressives firmly into the grips of the Democratic Party. Perhaps some day some of these voters will realize that their party talks a big game, but never actually delivers on their message.

We may be splitting cunt hairs, here, but the point of my post was to demonstrate just how crooked the Democratic machine is when it wants to push through its establishment candidate, which is what happened. These revelations don't shock me, but that's mostly because I'm a liberal who has been disillusioned with the Democratic party for a while, now.

7/26/2016 2:18:16 AM

26632 Posts
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lol, at this rolling people into the democratic party

off to a really great start

7/26/2016 8:23:12 AM

50084 Posts
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To the normal Bernie Sanders supporters. I'm sorry that your guy didn't win. I'm sure it's awful to have to see the Bernie endorse a person who we know is corrupt. I'm sure it's even harder to accept that she is probably the only hope at allowing any potential real progressive change going forward even though we know she isn't a progressive (though I certainly respect if your vote doesn't go to her as long as you don't sell out and vote Trump).

To Earl. It makes me happy to think that you had the same look as the crying girls in the convention crowd.

[Edited on July 26, 2016 at 8:26 AM. Reason : X]

7/26/2016 8:25:39 AM

All American
18474 Posts
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Quote :
"When support for homeopathy is in your official platform you can just fuck right off. That's every bit as stupid as the Republican position on porn being a public health issue."

The same could be said for religion but people dont seem to have a problem with that. If you aren't religious you pretty much have no chance because this country is in fact full of looney toons people. This is no longer debatable by the fact Hillary or Trump made it this far much less both of them...

7/26/2016 8:26:25 AM

All American
14984 Posts
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Yup, but in this election at least it seems to be a non issue. I don't think either Trump or Hillary are actually religious. Hell, they might both be atheist, but as long as you don't talk about it nobody seems to make that much of an issue

If you openly said you were an atheist it would be a different story of course. It's taking a long time, but the importance of a candidate's faith or lack of seems to be waning.

7/26/2016 8:42:00 AM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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The importance of anything besides the letter next to a recognizable name is waning.

7/26/2016 8:50:17 AM

The E Man
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You are a sick person if seeing people get ripped off by a politician makes you happy. Only a democrat would say a sick thing like that. I hope it wasn't intended but all Bernie did is take all of the money and new voters from the revolution and hand them over to its biggest enemy. He stabbed us in the back. He set us back so many years.

7/26/2016 8:52:40 AM

26632 Posts
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7/26/2016 8:53:23 AM

50084 Posts
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^^ I'm not a democrat. And I do feel for some Bernie supporters as I said. Just not you

[Edited on July 26, 2016 at 9:01 AM. Reason : And in what world did Sanders "set back" the progressive agenda. Absolute utter shit.]

7/26/2016 9:01:08 AM

The E Man
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He funneled our resources straight to hillary. More than half of the politically active progressives I know poured massive amounts of money and resources into his campaign. A lot of us knocked on hundreds of doors and registered a lot of people as Democrats since it was mandatory. I'm not saying he did it on purpose but he used a few of the biggest progressive proposals to capture our energy. A lot of people who didn't know anything registered because of Healthcare and college and the anday break up the banks. All of that money and all of those new voters go to Hillary now and she is against all of it.

Let's pretend he didn't run. This would've been the perfect opportunity for a progressive to gain momentum. All of that effort would have us at over 15% by now. We lost about 14 months, all of our money and countless new voters. Now we are tired, broke, and out of time. All of our effort went to help hillary.

7/26/2016 9:22:14 AM

26632 Posts
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i can't tell if you are being serious, but running as a candidate was a much better chance of making it to the white house than as a 3rd party even if the chance was small. more importantly though, it was a much better chance of influencing the democratic party.

7/26/2016 9:25:41 AM

All American
2254 Posts
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Watch Bernie's platform contributions go up in smoke as soon as Hillary takes the oath:

7/26/2016 9:31:25 AM

26632 Posts
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i'm under no illusion that they will stick, but any small influence he may make was more than he would have as a 3rd party candidate (none influence)

7/26/2016 9:34:46 AM

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