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All American
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No, a seasoned politician would say that anyone who quoted that interview was lying since he didn't really think what he said.

Seriously, this guy is like 5 years behind the others in gaffe denial.

11/18/2011 1:48:33 PM

5357 Posts
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Quote :
"Newt got paid $1,500,000.00 or more lobbying for Freddy Mac."

yet Obama received $884000 from the oil and gas industry in 2008

and why does anybody give a shit anymore?? we get it. it takes cash and backing from major sources for any of these morons to get a shot at candidacy.

11/18/2011 2:50:12 PM

All American
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Question: How do the (non Ron Paul) prez candidates vision differ from the Bush years? That is, what changes have the GOP undergone since 2008 that would compel voters to vote for them who before had voted "against Bush" aka against the GOP's extant platform at that time?

[Edited on November 18, 2011 at 3:40 PM. Reason : .]

11/18/2011 3:39:36 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Question: How do the (non Ron Paul) prez candidates vision differ from the Bush years? That is, what changes have the GOP undergone since 2008 that would compel voters to vote for them who before had voted "against Bush" aka against the GOP's extant platform at that time?"

As a disenfranchised Democrat, I would like to ask the same question about the Big O. How have the Obama years differed from the Bush years? On substantive issues, not much has changed. I'm not naive enough to think that any radical change was going to happen, but I am disappointed that the opportunity to snowball into a "progressive revolution" of sorts was completely wasted.

[Edited on November 18, 2011 at 7:25 PM. Reason : ]

11/18/2011 7:22:21 PM

All American
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So, is the GOP done embarrassing itself with this circus of retards yet?

11/19/2011 1:16:35 AM

Prawn Star
All American
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Of course not.

The GOP has another year of embarassment ahead of it. It's a long way to election day 2012. Plenty more LOLs to be had.

11/19/2011 1:34:50 AM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"yet Obama received $884000 from the oil and gas industry in 2008

and why does anybody give a shit anymore?? we get it. it takes cash and backing from major sources for any of these morons to get a shot at candidacy."

the teabaggers hate Freddy Mac and any whore lobbyist that works for them.

11/19/2011 2:44:16 AM

Prawn Star
All American
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I'm pretty sure that liberals hate the oil and gas industry just as much as the tea baggers hate freddie mac, if not more. Likewise the OWS crowd and the banks, which overwhelmingly supported Obama back in '08.

11/19/2011 3:19:55 AM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
" Newt Gingrich Is ‘A Stupid Man’s Idea Of What A Smart Person Sounds Like’"

11/20/2011 12:54:08 PM

All American
3666 Posts
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Quote :
"How have the Obama years differed from the Bush years? On substantive issues, not much has changed. I'm not naive enough to think that any radical change was going to happen, but I am disappointed that the opportunity to snowball into a "progressive revolution" of sorts was completely wasted."

The President doesn't have the power to create change, only advocate it. He over-promised and under-delivered, but he attempted to do everything he said he would. It was up to Congress and Americans to follow-through.

A Republican will do the same thing - advocate change then fall short. No president has ever delivered fully on their campaign promises.

11/20/2011 1:44:33 PM

All American
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pryderi, dont kid yourself-

gingrich is probably (at least) 9x smarter than you in every conceivable way-

...except for your encyclopedic knowledge of child porn and optimum hot pocket cooking times.

11/20/2011 8:52:48 PM

All American
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^ haha, no kidding. Liberals are always pseudo-intellectuals but when you give them a microwave oven and some leftover chicken bits they always no the target heating times.

11/21/2011 2:27:48 AM


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11/21/2011 9:33:07 AM

All American
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Oh burn! You really got the liberals with that one!

11/21/2011 9:47:11 AM

All American
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Lmao, liberals are simultaneously Ivory Tower Ivy League Elite Academics but also simple-minded Pseudo-Intellectuals knowing little more than heating times for hot pockets

Just like Obama is simultaneously a bumbling, effete fool but also a devious, ruthless tyrannical revolution

The real intellectuals are heartland folks with good ole common sense!

Also: Reminder that super-genius Gingrich believes in human-caused global warming and particularly in pursuing emissions reduction

[Edited on November 21, 2011 at 10:33 AM. Reason : .]

11/21/2011 10:26:47 AM

All American
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Quote :
"As a disenfranchised Democrat, I would like to ask the same question about the Big O. How have the Obama years differed from the Bush years? On substantive issues, not much has changed.

I'm with you entirely, Obama is for all intents and purposes a 90's Republican that got handed the after-effects of 9/11, AKA Bush. You can see it in his biggest ticket item: A healthcare reform law that was literally based on a Republican plan from 1994.

[quote] I'm not naive enough to think that any radical change was going to happen, but I am disappointed that the opportunity to snowball into a "progressive revolution" of sorts was completely wasted."

There might be some potential in the OWS crowd after they age and the Democrat flame is passed on to them, but that's a ways down the road. Most of the Democratic leadership today is still the old guard.

But I really wanna hear a conservative perspective on this: I think it's generally agreed on that Obama's election was a repudiation of the Bush years, that's why "change" was such a huge selling point (despite that change not really coming). So what promise is the GOP running on now, besides a return to the Bush years, a repudiation of a repudiation? What's new or different about the GOP plan for America that differs from the one Americans voted to abandon in 2008?

[Edited on November 21, 2011 at 10:31 AM. Reason : .]

11/21/2011 10:30:55 AM

All American
9594 Posts
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Yeah ummmmmm ....... no lol

11/21/2011 3:24:55 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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The Thanksgiving Family Forum was held recently, and it confirmed what most already knew - most of the GOP field is comprised of religious nuts.

Herman Cain:
Quote :
"What we are seeing is a wider gap between people of faith and people of nonfaith. … Those of us that are people of faith and strong faith have allowed the nonfaith element to intimidate us into not fighting back. I believe we’ve been too passive. We have maybe pushed back, but as people of faith, we have not fought back."

Rick Perry:
Quote :
"Somebody’s values are going to decide what the Congress votes on or what the president of the United States is going to deal with. And the question is: Whose values? And let me tell you, it needs to be our values—values and virtues that this country was based upon in Judeo-Christian founding fathers."

Quote :
"I have a biblical worldview. And I think, going back to the Declaration of Independence, the fact that it’s God who created us—if He created us, He created government. And the government is on His shoulders, as the book of Isaiah says."

Quote :
"Santorum concluded, “Our founders understood liberty is not what you want to do, but what you ought to do. That’s what liberty really is about.”"

Quote :
"Unlike Islam, where the higher law and the civil law are the same, in our case, we have civil laws. But our civil laws have to comport with the higher law. … As long as abortion is legal—at least according to the Supreme Court—legal in this country, we will never have rest, because that law does not comport with God’s law."

Quote :
"There was one voice of dissent among the candidates. Ron Paul, the libertarian congressman from Texas, argued that people should be allowed to make bad decisions, that freedom of choice in religious matters should extend to atheists, and that powers not reserved to the federal government should be left to the states. But in a field of candidates bent on legislating Christian morality and purging uncooperative judges, Paul stood alone. Protecting America is too important to let the Constitution get in the way."

[Edited on November 22, 2011 at 10:11 AM. Reason : ]

11/22/2011 10:10:50 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Holy shit, Ron is dominating this debate.

11/22/2011 9:28:40 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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except for when newt got him on the tim mcveigh

11/22/2011 10:30:32 PM

All American
4852 Posts
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Quote :
"Holy shit, Ron is dominating this debate."

In the land of the blind...

11/23/2011 10:21:01 AM

supple anteater
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11/27/2011 2:08:08 AM

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11/29/2011 10:37:48 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Romney bristled when pressed on the topic of the Massachusetts healthcare law.

“Bret, I don’t know how many hundred times I’ve said this, too — this is an unusual interview. All right, let’s do it again,” he began. He then moved on to defend his legacy and concluded, “if it keeps me from winning the primary, so be it.”"

Poor Romney, he underestimated the sheer craziness of the GOP base. If he loses the GOP nomination to Gingrich, I'd put him on suicide watch.

11/30/2011 11:47:56 AM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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Quote :
"While the possibility that Gary Johnson will be the Republican Party’s nominee to run against Barack Obama in 2012 is beyond remote, his announcement tonight places him alongside gay Republican presidential candidate Fred Karger as the only candidates in either party that support full marriage equality"

12/2/2011 12:37:29 AM

26647 Posts
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Anyone know why Gingrich was kicked out of Congress by his own party?

12/2/2011 12:58:30 AM

All American
2298 Posts
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Cain is done.

12/2/2011 3:55:45 AM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"Cain is done."

Time for Sarah Palin to jump into the race!

12/2/2011 7:34:33 AM

All American
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Newt Gingrich today told a crowd in Des Moines, Iowa, that children in poor neighborhoods have “no habits of working and nobody around them who works.”

Those damn poor people, not working on account of being so lazy, and teaching their kids to be lazy and shiftless too! I think it's worth noting that, since we elected a black man to the Presidency in 2007, laziness has shot up to 9% !

Quote :
"Des Moines, Iowa — Responding to controversial comments he made about child labor in late November at Harvard University, Newt Gingrich today told a crowd in Des Moines, Iowa, that children in poor neighborhoods have “no habits of working and nobody around them who works.”

Gingrich was asked by an audience member to clarify the comments he made last month in which he called the current child labor laws ”stupid” and would replace janitors with schoolchildren to work in the community school.

“They have no habit of showing up on Monday and staying all day or the concept of ’I do this and you give me cash,’ unless it’s illegal,” Gingrich said.

Gingrich said that successful people he knows started work early by doing small jobs like babysitting and shoveling snow.

“You have a very poor neighborhood. You have students that are required to go to school. They have no money, no habit of work,” Gingrich said. “What if you paid them in the afternoon to work in the clerical office or as the assistant librarian? And let me get into the janitor thing. What if they became assistant janitors, and their job was to mop the floor and clean the bathroom?”

Gingrich talked about a program around while he was in Congress called “Earning While Learning,” which paid students to read books. He said it was the same concept of students gaining money for doing acedemic work that he would like to see students to invest in.

“They wanted the money. The kids were showing up saying, ‘I demand you let me read. You can’t keep me from this program,” Gingrich said.

Gingrich said there would be a lot of details to work out, but the general principle was “exactly the right direction for America’s future.

“If we are all endowed by our creator with the right to pursue happiness, that has to apply to the poorest neighborhoods in the poorest counties, and I am prepared to find something that works, that breaks us out of the cycles we have now to find a way for poor children to work and earn honest money,” Gingrich said.

Gingrich speaks at the Polk County GOP dinner tonight and campaigns in New York on Saturday.

Because nobody knows how to break a sweat like the children of rich people.

Seriously though, folks, Newt's just being realistic here. Economic mobility is at an all-time low, these kids are all going to end up being janitors anyway. Might as well get them started now so when they turn 18 they'll already know where to get their paychecks. Fuck let's just make this shit official and declare an American caste system.

[Edited on December 2, 2011 at 10:11 AM. Reason : .]

12/2/2011 10:08:59 AM

All American
7863 Posts
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haha, nice edit-

but it's good to final see some sensibility in the soapbox.

welcome to the club!

[Edited on December 2, 2011 at 10:15 AM. Reason : youre in good company]

12/2/2011 10:14:06 AM

All American
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Reminder that 50 years ago most people, even conservatives, thought welfare and social safety nets were vital components of maintaining a stable middle class and a moral nation.

Then black people started getting civil rights and welfare bennies, Reagan started talking about welfare queens, and now Newt Gingrich can uses coded language to basically say "Niglets are lazy like their porchmonkey fathers let's put them to work."

[Edited on December 2, 2011 at 1:16 PM. Reason : .]

12/2/2011 1:14:42 PM

All American
9594 Posts
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Pop this into Google translator for a pretty accurate summary of the GOP race.,1518,800494,00.html

Quote :
"Africa is a country. In Libya, the Taliban rule. Muslims are terrorists,
immigrants are usually criminal, Occupy protesters always dirty. And women
who feel sexually harassed, should please not nice such a fuss.

Welcome to the wonderful world of the U.S. Republicans . Or rather:
the Distortion World in her presidential campaign. For months they hoof
it around the country with their traveling circus, from debate to debate,
from scandal to scandal, to be recommended for the most powerful office
on earth - and rootlessness is not taboo to them."

[Edited on December 2, 2011 at 1:29 PM. Reason : :]

12/2/2011 1:28:01 PM

All American
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12/2/2011 4:58:29 PM

All American
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lets see how funny he thinks it is when he loses the popular vote by over 10%

and the election in general by a landslide

just keep laughing clowns- i cant wait to wave my superior republican cock around this shitty place

12/2/2011 5:03:32 PM

All American
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New Gingrich also wants to execute drug users, just like they do in Singapore.

And by drug users, well, we all know who we're talkin' about.

12/2/2011 5:35:34 PM

All American
7863 Posts
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oh we do, do we?

why is it that liberals are always the first to insult their own constituency?

12/2/2011 5:49:38 PM

All American
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I'd personally have a lot more respect the G-man if he just came out and was open with his bigotry.

Instead, he hides behind coded language like a faggot.

12/2/2011 5:53:21 PM

All American
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the irony in your last two posts, assuming youre not trolling, is absolutely staggering.

12/2/2011 5:55:26 PM

All American
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Newt Gingrich also thinks women shouldn't serve in the military, because they might get infections in their lady parts.

He also thinks queers and atheists are fascists.

12/2/2011 5:59:06 PM

All American
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do you think anyone you just described is going to vote for him?

if not, i dont really see this rant having a point-

well actually, the women who vote for gingrich will be the ones whose husbands tell them to.


12/2/2011 6:09:05 PM

All American
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I'm not ranting. Just pointing out that Newtster is in all likelihood a power-bottom. Capable of generating an enormous amount of power.

12/2/2011 6:11:39 PM

All American
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Get off your corners and pick up my poop!

[Edited on December 3, 2011 at 2:28 AM. Reason : ]

12/3/2011 2:13:32 AM

All American
52661 Posts
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Quote :
New Gingrich also wants to execute drug users, just like they do in Singapore.

And by drug users, well, we all know who we're talkin' about."

Rush Limbaugh?

12/3/2011 2:27:34 AM

All American
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I wish

12/3/2011 2:28:01 AM

All American
33759 Posts
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I’ve seen Newt on The Daily Show, and he can take a very reasonable centrist tone when he has to.

His problem in the general election, outside of his slobbish look, is going to be his past. It’s more of an uphill battle for Newt than Romney, I think.

I think the least predictable races in the general would be if Paul or Hunstman managed to somehow get the nom.

Huntsman would be interesting because they’re bought young-ish, fit-ish people who can speak intelligently.

[Edited on December 3, 2011 at 2:30 AM. Reason : ]

12/3/2011 2:29:09 AM

All American
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Romney is going to have the same problem Kerry had during 2004.


12/3/2011 8:39:12 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Romney Declines Lincoln-Douglas Debate Against Gingrich

By Erin McPike - December 2, 2011

With the Republican presidential primary appearing to have narrowed into a two-man contest, Human Events and Red State moved quickly to lock down a date for a Lincoln-Douglas-style debate between Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich.

The two organizations went so far this past Monday as to firm up the Annenberg Theater at the Newseum in Washington as the venue on Dec. 19 after another debate originally scheduled that day was canceled. For its part, the Newseum was excited to host the pre-primary forum.

There was just one problem. While Gingrich was ready to take his place on the stage, the Romney campaign politely declined in a series of mostly e-mail exchanges.

As Joe Guerriero, publisher of Human Events and Red State, put it to RCP: “Newt was all over it, and the Romney camp basically said no. It wasn’t a harsh no, but it was a no.”

A Gingrich spokesman confirmed to RCP that the candidate was interested and accepted the invitation, but a Romney spokeswoman didn’t return a request for comment.

Guerriero explained that the impetus for the debate was this: Romney has long been presumed to be the nominee. But with Gingrich surging in the polls, why shouldn’t the Republican base get a chance to see the two top candidates go toe-to-toe?

“No disrespect to any of the other candidates,” Guerriero said, but given the state of the country, the economy, and the race to date, if Romney is to be the nominee, "he needs to go against the best debater with the deepest understanding of policy both domestic and foreign, and that appears to be Newt Gingrich.”

It’s no secret that Gingrich likes debates and has performed well in them, but Romney has had his share of solid performances too, and Guerriero and his colleagues believe Romney would stand to benefit from a two-person format featuring his toughest opponent to prepare him for debates against President Obama if he does win the GOP nomination.

He continued, “It looks like Newt’s made a real run at this, and the Romney camp is trying to run out the clock, and we don’t think that’s necessarily a wise strategy.” Instead, he said, the base should be able to see the top candidates answer the tough questions that these conservative publications don’t believe are being asked.

Going forward, Guerriero said, they have asked the candidates if they would agree to such a debate after the first few primary contests. Gingrich, he said, “is itching to do it,” but the Romney campaign “has been more circumspect.”

They hope to get one on the calendar soon, he said, but for now it won’t be for the date they had planned on prior to the Iowa caucuses. Guerriero said he realized the debate might not be as big as the debates that television networks can produce, but he asserted, “We want them onstage together.” "

So, Romney is basically under the impression that he is the defacto ordained candidate and won't "waste his time" with debating with someone (who would obviously mop the floor with him).

That's why I don't want Romney for President. If a guy isn't willing to answer the tough questions honestly without trying to criticize the interviewer (Bret Baier's Interview with him comes to mind) or evade interviews in general, he should go back to making money and saving companies.

12/3/2011 9:34:16 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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This is not a "de facto two man race." Romney and Gingrich don't have a shred of integrity. Might as well re-elect Obama.

Quote :
"he needs to go against the best debater with the deepest understanding of policy both domestic and foreign, and that appears to be Newt Gingrich."



Fuck you, Newt.

[Edited on December 3, 2011 at 10:32 AM. Reason : ]

12/3/2011 10:31:26 AM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"“The idea that a congressman would be tainted by accepting money from private industry or private sources is essentially a socialist argument."

Quote :
"“I’m not a natural leader. I’m too intellectual; I’m too abstract; I think too much.”"

Quote :
"“She isn’t young enough or pretty enough to be the President’s wife.”
~Newt Gingrich, talking about his first wife after divorcing her."

12/3/2011 2:05:43 PM


18617 Posts
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Cain's out.

12/3/2011 3:04:33 PM

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