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All American
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Lol maybe you should stop winning matches if you don’t like to play so many games. I’d be more than ok with that. Klopp is basically done what he has always done, whine when shit doesn’t go his way. This time it’s just not the winds fault lol.

I understand the players needing a break but Klopp is the manager. It is basically saying you don’t give two shits about the FA cup. Doubly hilarious given you actually have a shot at the treble.

1/27/2020 8:40:52 PM

All American
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Klopp has been "whining" the entire season about fixture congestion and things have definitely been going "his way." I also hate to break this to you but managers don't just show up to a game and do a press conference about how good things used to be and how great past managers are. There's a lot involved in managing a game than just showing up on gameday and Klopp and his entire staff deserve that break as well.

And honestly, Klopp probably doesn't care about the FA Cup. I don't care about the FA Cup. I know plenty of people that have never cared about the FA Cup. If you do care, which it seems like you do, then when United has gone 23 games unbeaten in the league, won the CWC, and made it to the CL knockouts and then Ole decides to field a youth team in a replay during an established PL break, feel free to get mad about it.

1/28/2020 3:43:23 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Ole decides to field a youth team in a replay during an established PL break, feel free to get mad about it."

Guess the point that Klopp should be managing regardless of the squad was completely over your head.

Guess Ferguson should have just not shown up for the replay against arsenal in 99 because his team had already played a shit ton of matches and didn’t really care about an FA Cup when the much more important CL was waiting.

Sour grapes over the fact that you couldn’t beat shrewsbury and then disrespecting the third best trophy a team can win because he didn’t like the menu. If this was some small team they’d be thrown out of the FA cup but that’s something Americans sitting in the US don’t understand about football or the culture in England. Funny, three years ago your sorry team would have jumped at a chance to win the FA cup. Either way hope shrewsbury can do everyone a favor and win, would be hilarious if you didn’t win a treble because Klopp wanted a vacation.

1/28/2020 8:36:01 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Ole decides to field a youth team in a replay during an established PL break, feel free to get mad about it."

Guess the point that Klopp should be managing regardless of the squad was completely over your head.

Guess Ferguson should have just not shown up for the replay against arsenal in 99 because his team had already played a shit ton of matches and didn’t really care about an FA Cup when the much more important CL was waiting.

Sour grapes over the fact that you couldn’t beat shrewsbury and then disrespecting the third best trophy a team can win because he didn’t like the menu. If this was some small team they’d be thrown out of the FA cup but that’s something Americans sitting in the US don’t understand about football or the culture in England. Funny, three years ago your sorry team would have jumped at a chance to win the FA cup. Either way hope shrewsbury can do everyone a favor and win, would be hilarious if you didn’t win a treble because Klopp wanted a vacation.

1/28/2020 8:36:01 AM

Save TWW
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1/28/2020 8:45:27 AM

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Wazza clutching his pearls in this thread is delicious

1/28/2020 8:48:39 AM

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Quote :
"would be hilarious if you didn’t win a treble because Klopp wanted a vacation."

This is hilarious because this isnt the case at all. Hes doing this because the league told him to.

1/28/2020 8:50:19 AM

All American
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cool American burn

I live in Germany though pal

1/28/2020 10:22:15 AM

All American
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Quote :
"This is hilarious because this isnt the case at all. Hes doing this because the league told him to."

The FA also made it clear that 4th round replays would be over this break so its not really a surprise and not really similar to when you were at the CWC which was an unfortunate circumstance for all involved. Its not like you had a tough draw either, it is Shrewsbury.

I am simply pointing out that Klopp is sending the wrong message and disrespecting the competition because he is upset he isn't getting a vacation. You lot are losing your minds over this because how dare I question the integrity of your messiah.

The FA or the League doesn't have any balls or else they would rightly throw you out of the competition. But only poor small clubs like Gray's Athletic get the real consequences.

Quote :
"I live in Germany though pal"

Ironic considering the bundesliga doesn't shit on their cup competitions and fans.

[Edited on January 28, 2020 at 11:11 AM. Reason : a]

1/28/2020 11:07:18 AM

All American
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Doubly ironic that they also have a winter break that nobody is expected to play games in

1/28/2020 11:11:37 AM

All American
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Again, that has been known since day 1. Should not have let Shrewsbury force a replay then innit? Lmao.

1/28/2020 11:14:55 AM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"You lot are losing your minds"

Bud you've written like 1000 words on this while Liverpool fans are basically shrugging our shoulders. I think Liverpool fans are pissed at the garbage performance, maybe the youth team will actually put up a fight.

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" and fans"

See above

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"The FA or the League doesn't have any balls or else they would rightly throw you out of the competition"

I mean it's not like they're boycotting the competition. If the FA cup cares that much they should make a rule about who can play and who can't. He did the same exact thing for the league cup, I don't remember all this consternation.

1/28/2020 12:31:51 PM

All American
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Quote :
"If the FA cup cares that much they should make a rule about who can play and who can't."

Are you just lot really that daft? I have said three times now it doesn't matter who the squad is because they are all your players and I don't care who he plays. The point is that Klopp thinks he doesn't have the obligation to manage the team because he is the first team manager. That shit is disrespectful and I don't care if Sir Alex Ferguson himself does that.

Which he has, on three occasions and only one was a little disrespectuful because he missed a league cup match against Scunthorpe because he went to Spain to personally scout DDG. Compare that to, oh I am pissed my team didn't play well enough to win and the replay which I had always known from day 1 would be over the newly implemented winter break is inconvenient for me. At least make up some better BS then that. The bonus at the end is costing Liverpool a potential historic treble, which put it down as much as you may is still the greatest honor in Football that only a few teams have achieved.

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"Bud you've written like 1000 words on this while Liverpool fans are basically shrugging our shoulders."

Still responding to it....

1/28/2020 3:02:07 PM

Save TWW
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Yea i think you're up to about 1500 words and Liverpool fans combine to about 500. But also our argument is that we don't care? If other fans want to complain about it go ahead.

And jesus if you don't care who plays why would you care who manages? Seems far more disrespectful to play the youth. The manager could do his job from home with a good satellite connection

1/28/2020 3:21:22 PM

All American
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Just saying it is disrespectful that's all.... Which I mean it really is to not manage a team considering the FA cup is a prestigious trophy and competition to win.

On to other more pressing matters. Wood fuck face finally signed a player he should have signed 3 weeks ago so he can say look we gave you what you wanted while ignoring the fact that we also need a striker and a right winger.

[Edited on January 28, 2020 at 3:57 PM. Reason : a]

1/28/2020 3:56:50 PM

Save TWW
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We can all chip in to send the FA cup to therapy to recover from the disrespect

1/28/2020 4:29:27 PM

All American
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more like the (Nobody gives a) F (uck) A (bout it) Cup imho

1/29/2020 5:52:34 AM

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You guys are the best!

1/29/2020 8:51:04 AM

Save TWW
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Cmon man, most united fans aren't like that. Wazza would never...

Quote :
"Hope Woodward and the Glazers are on a plane over Syria and get shot down,"

1/29/2020 8:58:20 AM

All American
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I don't condemn an attack on him but yes I still stand by the statement that if the Glazers and Woodward were in a plane crash I wouldn't care one bit and they got what they deserved.

Acting as if Liverpool fans are saints. Your fans banned English clubs from Europe, OMG worst fans eva hurr durr....

These guys should have camped outside of his house to protest instead of attacking him.

[Edited on January 29, 2020 at 9:02 AM. Reason : .]

1/29/2020 9:00:39 AM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"I don't condemn an attack on him,"


Quote :
"they got what they deserved."

You've made my favorite sports team bad!! The penalty.....IS DEATH!!!

[Edited on January 29, 2020 at 9:38 AM. Reason : E]

1/29/2020 9:38:07 AM

All American
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Again something Americans will never understand. Clubs like Manchester United, Bayern, Real, Barca, Juve and Liverpool are more than clubs. They are institutional centers and must be managed appropriately. The glazers have leeched United for billions with the debt they have put on us and the fat salaries they pay themselves. Manchester United was a model financial and fiscally responsible asset before the Glazers got their greedy hands on it. So no I wouldn’t care if they ended up dead, they have categorically destroyed a British institution.

1/29/2020 11:27:13 AM

Save TWW
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Classic critique of Americans: not fanatic enough about sports.

[Edited on January 29, 2020 at 11:58 AM. Reason : United is in FIFTH place and people deserve to die for it lmao]

1/29/2020 11:57:29 AM

All American
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Further proving how daft you are when you can’t understand the simple big picture lol. Hope FSG goes the route of the other American idiots who buy sport franchises abroad. Unfortunately they are the only ones with half a brain cell it seems.

1/29/2020 12:00:26 PM

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Quote :
"So no I wouldn’t care if they ended up dead,"

Dude go fuck yourself.

or as you would say "do one"

1/29/2020 2:41:19 PM

Save TWW
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That isn't even the worst thing. Saying you don't care if someone dies when you don't know them or anyone that knows them is a little crass but probably mostly honest.

Wazza straight up said the guy DESERVES to die.

1/29/2020 3:04:42 PM

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Fuck sake. I didn't even read that

1/29/2020 3:36:09 PM

All American
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Lol the Liverpool hive mind at its best. Yea I don’t care if the Glazers and Woodward die. Good riddance. They have killed the soul of a British institution and stolen billions. I wouldn’t expect Americans to understand that because the NFL is a prime example of soulless capitalism.

1/29/2020 9:57:58 PM

Save TWW
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Alisson was huge today. Also Declan Rice might be the most English player I've ever seen

1/29/2020 10:50:47 PM

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How have they stolen billions

1/29/2020 10:58:13 PM

Save TWW
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I didn't see he responded, who even cares how they stole billions though. "they should be in prison for fraud and embezzlement" is vastly different then "they deserve to die." knew Wazza had worm brain but didn't know they had eaten this deep.

[Edited on January 30, 2020 at 12:15 AM. Reason : Didn't mean to be dismissive of your ^ question tho]

1/30/2020 12:14:44 AM

All American
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^^^ what are those numbers? seen them a few times and scrolled back for an explanation but couldn't find one.

1/30/2020 8:03:52 AM

All American
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This dude is stuck in English tabloid #bantz mode and not in reality. He's the type of guy that's aggressively doing the wank motion and flicking off families sitting next to the away fans instead of watching the game.

Meanwhile the best team in the world won another game and extended their lead to 19 points. More importantly, however, Ole showed #proper #respect to a cup competition that Americans could never even begin to understand the importance of by getting mad and yelling from the touchline so he's basically the next SIR Alex Ferguson

1/30/2020 8:04:22 AM

All American
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Constantly insulting me for my opinions and then saying I have a worm brain. Sounds like we have a bunch of GOP Liverpool fans in here.

Since my worm brain can’t process simple math and history that the fans bandwagoning the best team in the world clearly can let me explain why I don’t care if the Glazers and Woodward ended up dead. I love the narrative that it’s deserve to die vs I wouldn’t mind if they died. Worm brain though I suppose.

United by the turn of the century was one of the most efficiently run clubs and one of the first sport franchises listed on the London stock exchange. Our worth was upwards of 750 million and we posted profits of over 30 million every year, usually reinvested into the squad. The Glazers had a hostile takeover by slowly buying up 30% of United listed stock but they had to convince majority holders to sell their stock before they could control 75% of the club and have sole ownership. This is where Sir Alex and his pride fucked us because he was at major loggerheads with one of the major owners of united. I won’t go into this but look up rock of Gibraltar if you’re curious. The owners either due to this ongoing dispute with Sir Alex or for their own reasons sold their shares and it eventually came out that the Glazers borrowed 750 million to buy United. Which was then immediately loaded on to United and our assets used as collateral. Now from making healthy profits that were reinvested into the squad united had a debt burden for the first time and made interest payments per year on the loans upwards of 70 million. Why is united where we are now? 15 years of highway robbery and mismanagement. Upwards of 1 billion has went into paying the Glazers dividends and servicing the debt they loaded onto united.

It's ironic that aimorris thinks I don't watch games when you couldn't even come up with a response to why I believe ole deserves the chance and what his tactics are. You look at the league take and the meme of the day and base your opinion. It's done constantly by the pool fans here. I call it disrespectful for klopp to not manage his team and you're still talking about it and assert you don't care about the FA cup. Which means you don't care about the greatest achievement in this sport which is the treble. Which for some reason isn't one for pool fans because only united have achieved it. Lmao. Come to think of it, the GOP affiliation for pool fans in here makes so much more sense now. Of you don't agree with our delusion you are wrong lmao.

[Edited on January 30, 2020 at 8:36 AM. Reason : E]

1/30/2020 8:32:28 AM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"I love the narrative that it’s deserve to die vs I wouldn’t mind if they died. Worm brain though I suppose."

Yep, big ones too.

Quote :
"the Glazers and Woodward were in a plane crash I wouldn't care one bit and they got what they deserved."

1/30/2020 9:14:56 AM

All American
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Yea if they died they got what they deserved. I am not going to go out of my way hoping it happened but if it happened it would be deserved. I hate capitalist pigs.

1/30/2020 9:20:59 AM

Save TWW
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Yes so the narrative that you think they deserve to die is false, in fact you just think that, if they died, it would be deserved

1/30/2020 9:32:12 AM

All American
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you got some issues man and are just talking pure shit now

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"ironic that aimorris thinks I don't watch games "

when did I say this?

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"You look at the league take and the meme of the day and base your opinion"

yep, you caught me. I never watch any games

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"the GOP affiliation for pool fans in here makes so much more sense now"

no fucking clue what this is in reference to??!

1/30/2020 9:46:13 AM

Save TWW
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I think he thinks myself and maybe dynasty, at least, are far right hardcore capitalists bc we don't think Uniteds owners deserve to die. You are maybe roped in just by association

1/30/2020 10:02:00 AM

All American
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Quote :
"doing the wank motion and flicking off families sitting next to the away fans instead of watching the game."

My worm brain filled with issues is clearly wrong.

It's funny how all of these "discussions" started with me calling out your Messiah for being disrespectful. Man if pool continue winning I don't think their fans will be able to handle the conspiracy theories of how Klopp bought the refs just like United fans had to for two decades.

1/30/2020 10:06:38 AM

Save TWW
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Klopp DOES pay the refs, it's a great strategy

But regardless of why this conversation started, it's continued bc you said your owners deserve to die, tried to deny it, and then doubled down. I literally won't be able to focus on any other point you ever try to make on this board after this.

[Edited on January 30, 2020 at 10:11 AM. Reason : "you'll hate your team being good, or at least I desperately hope you will" ]

1/30/2020 10:10:07 AM

All American
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^^ ok you know I meant you were the type of guy that's more invested in the "proper fan" bullshit English people love to jack themselves off over than just being a normal fucking person

United fans have to talk bad about Klopp and how he's disrespectful and whiny because they don't want to admit how jealous and sad they are that he didn't go there and went to Liverpool instead.

1/30/2020 10:22:23 AM

All American
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Yea the Glazers and Woodward death would hopefully rid the club of their cancerous mismanagement so I'd welcome it if were to happen. They are basically dictators. You just can't comprehend it because you think it's just a sport. This attitude is why the US will never be competitive in world football and why American fans are ok paying thousands of dollars for a game and $10 on beers. The attitude is different.

Football is a way of life. It doesn't mean to incite violence or racism before you put words into my mouth. But it also means the rampant commercialism and capitalism in football is wrong. I would love it if we used the German model of fan based ownership. Owners are not supposed to use clubs as their personal piggy bank. In case you didn't realize these clubs have middle class hardworking roots and owners are meant to be stewards of this history Not money grabbing whores. But yes that means I have issues and I resort to flicking off families right? Because I believe the deaths of capitalist pigs like the Glazers, Kronke and Gillet would make football a slightly better place is now wrong. What's worse, not minding that criminals died or resorting to judging and calling the character of someone you don't even know into question because he thinks some individuals if they were to die would leave the institution of football in a better place hopefully.

Boo hoo you won't take me seriously. Not one pool fan is actually interested in a discussion here and we have been meming each other as a collective.

1/30/2020 10:32:31 AM

All American
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lol wow

1/30/2020 10:33:43 AM

All American
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Definitely wouldn't pay $1000 to attend damn near anything (I can't think of a single event that I'd pay that for), but I have probably downed over $1000 worth of $10 beers at sporting events tbh.

1/30/2020 10:38:00 AM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"you think it's just a sport."

Yea it is just a sport.

Quote :
"Yea the Glazers and Woodward death would hopefully rid the club of their cancerous mismanagement so I'd welcome it if were to happen."

Just got to quote this insanity for the record.

Tbh I thought you were turning a corner and we were starting to have the occasional normal rational discussion, but this is just too far out there. I hate that tww is slowly dieing and this thread is turning into nothing but Liverpool, but I would honestly be happy if you quit this board today. "brain worms" is a joke but honestly welcoming death for mismanagement of a soccer team is just makes me think you need real help, get a hobby.

NC state sports has long been an obsession of mine, I think about it far more then is prob healthy and games have a real impact on my emotions (although less so as I age) and nc state have dealt with far FAR more adversity over the last 30 years then United, but I can't imagine wishing death on someone bc of that. It's gross.

1/30/2020 10:45:11 AM

All American
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Quote :
"United fans have to talk bad about Klopp and how he's disrespectful and whiny because"

LMAO. I have said way more complimentary shit about Liverpool and Klopp than I have heard any pool fan mention even remotely when United was winning. Oh my how the narrative shifts when you are on top. Just because he is a brilliant manager and tactician also doesn't excuse him from his flaws. This is basically what Liverpool fans used to do about Sir Alex and what United fans used to ignore while defending Sir Alex. When you're on top you control the narrative....

To quote:

Quote :
"Ole is not Klopp, he is no where close"

Quote :
"Um where have I hated on Klopp? I would take Klopp over Mourinho still. I enjoy his style of football more."

Quote :
"I know Pep won manager of the year but I think its a bit criminal to not give it to Klopp. Liverpool finished 4th on 75 points the year before while Pep maintained the status quo. Thought Klopp definitely deserved it for keeping pace."

Quote :
"Liverpool is a sleeper but I think if Klopp had been able to add VVD or another competent center half they would have been better placed."

Quote :
"I still think the biggest issue with pool and Klopp is that Klopp doesn't know when to stop pushing and play for the win/draw. The players get absolutely battered towards the end and they tend to fall off. Great manager but you need a plan B in England because the fixtures are unforgiving. Until Klopp gets a top calibre CB or learns to temper some matches and shore up defensively when they have the lead I can't see them winning it. That said I think next year (jokes aside) they will be set up really well to truly push for the title with Keita and for them a defensive rock (remains to be seen who this may be)."

1/30/2020 10:53:05 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I hate that tww is slowly dieing and this thread is turning into nothing but Liverpool, but I would honestly be happy if you quit this board today. "brain worms" is a joke but honestly welcoming death for mismanagement of a soccer team is just makes me think you need real help, get a hobby."

Again I have given an opinion and you think its wrong and resort to judging character. Your post continues to make my point about how the attitude is different. Have you actually learned the history of Liverpool and its working class roots? I honestly don't think you realize how culturally ingrained clubs are into society in Europe and South America. You continue to think its because United isn't winning but winning isn't the only part of it. The rampant commercialism and money grabbing is a much bigger issue regardless of how clubs are managed. Do you realize working class fans in Merseyside can't afford to go to matches because of the prawn sandwhich brigade? Do you have any idea of the thousands of poor people that have died in Qatar at the hands of these owners who I don't mind if they ended up dead?

You think its insane because you continue equating it to the attitude of sports in the US and not the attitude that makes a billion people tune in to watch the greatest sporting spectacle in the world every four years. I have been saying for years United is mismanaged, I am not obsessing over the deaths of the people in charge of it like you seem to assert but I'd certainly not mind if they did die. Its like not minding if Trump were to die, he deserves it for how he is managing the institution that is the United States. So go ahead judge me for it, you already have but I don't hide behind bullshit notions of decorum when the individuals in charge of world football are categorically destroying the art and the sport at the expense of the people who made it what it is today. Yes I believe the deaths of Sepp Blatter and Infantino will probably make football a better place too and I would not mind.

1/30/2020 11:06:02 AM

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1/30/2020 12:05:48 PM

All American
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really surprised Chelsea didn’t sign anyone in the window.

could just be me but if I supported Chelsea, I literally and sincerely would hope all 7 of Roman Abramovich’s children are raped and murdered and that he gets stabbed in the chest 40 times, his head gets chopped off and he gets burned alive

1/31/2020 11:57:09 AM

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