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8379 Posts
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bend the knee

7/12/2018 1:44:00 PM

All American
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It's pretty remarkable that the Democratic Party will extend energy and play around the rules and norms when it comes to resisting opposition from the left, but when it comes to opposing the hard right, they can't be bothered to play hardball. See: DACA, Gorsich, and the new SCOTUS pick.

Rules and procedural norms must be observed when battling the right, but apparently not when trying to trip up momentum from the left.

7/12/2018 2:40:09 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"Turns Out You Can't Count on 'Centrist' Democrats for a Goddamn Thing"

7/13/2018 11:40:09 PM

26632 Posts
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^^ lol, read the comments

7/14/2018 10:22:47 AM

Save TWW
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I'm not sure the premise of that article makes a ton of sense. Manchin and others aren't centrist Dems, they are right Dems whereas Schumer is totally centrist. Second, what do you expect them to say when asked? Don't you want every senator/rep to say they will vote what is right and/or what their constituents want, not what party leadership tells them to do? Now hopefully those are the same thing in this case but still.

7/14/2018 12:55:03 PM

All American
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^it's saying they (Manchin, Murkowski) are "centrist" in the sense that they vote with the R's a lot, which they do. But they aren't talking tough to show how independent they are from party leadership, they are signalling their intent to confirm the new SCOTUS pick. Also, if party leadership can't whip their members to vote on crucial issues, then that party leadership has to go. Schumer and Pelosi are fucking worthless as opposition leadership.

Anyway, I keep saying it, but without significant pressure from the left or without a threat from the outside, these spineless worms will keep working with the Republicans to pass through all this horseshit legislation and confirmations, even as every single right is stripped away from the citizenry. I honestly don't know what to do with these guys, because "entryism" from progressives and socialists is desperately needed in the short term, but without a viable third party that is openly antagonistic toward capitalism, the Democrats will keep bending toward the will of the Republicans.

You can't beat the far right from the center.

7/14/2018 5:01:48 PM

Save TWW
37182 Posts
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Lmao that asshole DINO Lieberman wrote an op Ed supporting Crowley

7/18/2018 7:40:07 AM

All American
3895 Posts
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Below is the long list of 18 D's who voted "yes" on a motion supporting ICE. 34 voted 'no'. 133 refused to vote, and just voted present

This is your daily reminder that D.'s are completely spineless in their convictions.

7/18/2018 4:18:48 PM

26632 Posts
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primary them

[Edited on July 18, 2018 at 4:36 PM. Reason : best strategy would have been for all to vote present, but that requires leadership]

7/18/2018 4:34:56 PM

50084 Posts
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I see the House Democrats have gone over every single way to go after Trump on his summit and settled on the dumbest and least likely one to work - subpoenaing the translator who would absolutely 100% and unequivocally have a justified use of executive privilege.

7/19/2018 9:11:25 AM

26632 Posts
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Liberal Blind Spots Are Hiding the Truth About ‘Trump Country’

7/20/2018 3:34:04 PM

50084 Posts
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Lol the Green Party is going to finish in the margin that the GOP wins Oh-12 by...

Lol, is this real? The Green Party in America is flat out awful.

[Edited on August 7, 2018 at 9:52 PM. Reason : X]

8/7/2018 9:39:20 PM

26632 Posts
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they couldn't hire almost any high school or college student to knock out a quick wordpress theme website for them?

8/7/2018 9:57:57 PM

8379 Posts
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greens are poorly organized and not a viable third party, but they didn't spoil this election. blaming them is a pointless endeavor and distracts from the actual reasons democrats are losing.

well, it's pointless for people like us, but very useful for corporate dems

[Edited on August 8, 2018 at 11:42 AM. Reason : .]

8/8/2018 11:41:45 AM

26632 Posts
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registered democrats who didn't vote >>> people who voted for the green party

8/8/2018 12:40:59 PM

50084 Posts
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I said lol because I knew what was coming.

Green voters vote because they like the Green Party. I get that.

(FWIW this district has literally never gone Dem in my lifetime and I’m not young. More evidence a wave is coming)

[Edited on August 8, 2018 at 1:25 PM. Reason : C]

8/8/2018 1:24:43 PM

50084 Posts
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Boy, the knives are really out for Ocasio-Cortez from the right and the media for some policy gaffes.

I’m sure no other politicians ever bumble around with policy from time to time during appearances or interviews. For instance, this complete grasp of nuance, policy and the English language comes from a party leader who wants to start a Space Force:

Quote :
"”This is infinity here. It could be infinity. We don’t really don’t know. But it could be. It has to be something – but it could be infinity, right?”"

[Edited on August 9, 2018 at 2:28 PM. Reason : X]

8/9/2018 2:27:12 PM

All American
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The right loves a punching bag. What I can't decide is: was she picked as a target because crying "SUCHULISMMMM" is still the easiest grift in right wing circles, or is it because she is a young female with sorta brown skin and a Hispanic sound last name.

Or is it the combo that makes it a slam dunk?

8/10/2018 7:21:58 AM

26632 Posts
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i think the right is rightfully afraid of the popularity of the dsa positions, and she is a great target for them to attack those positions because she is not an experienced politician and she is a young hispanic woman

8/10/2018 9:25:52 AM

All American
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They need a new boogeyman, simple as that. Obama and Hillary are gone, and Pelosi has been neutralized by every Democrat saying they won't *wink* "support her nomination for speaker" (which is totally different than actually voting for her to be speaker, but voters are dumb so this works). I don't think it's going to be a terribly effective strategy unless AOC starts making a bunch of public gaffes, she's too likable and they don't have enough time before the election to effectively demonize her.

8/10/2018 10:20:42 AM

8379 Posts
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Politico and WaPo have been putting out hit pieces against her and Bernie as well. It's not right vs. left, it's capitalism vs. socialism.

8/10/2018 11:07:24 AM

All American
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It's important in a functioning democracy to humiliate white supremacists socialists as dumb.

8/10/2018 11:36:34 AM

8379 Posts
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Great job equating white supremacists with socialists, HCH. Quality as always.

8/10/2018 11:44:48 AM

All American
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Stop catcalling me!

8/10/2018 11:51:06 AM

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8/10/2018 12:01:47 PM

All American
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Haha. That's pretty funny.

I actually dont blame her for not debating anyone (Shapiro, or any other conservative) because we live in an environment where the exchange of ideas, while noble, doesn't really change anyone's mind anymore.

Her focus shouldn't be trying to get people to debate, but rather spending that time registering voters. No one gives a shit about ideas. It doesn't matter what you think if you lose congress. Ideas do not matter. Only wielding power and maintaining control of power matter. Who cares what Merrick Garland thinks? Mitch McConnell sure didn't. Talk is fucking cheap, actions are what matters.

8/10/2018 12:14:36 PM

?? ????? ??
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^I disagree. I think after so many people followed Trump because of charisma and entertainment and then when they realized the things he was actually saying were beyond insane, we're going to see a lot more people listening carefully to actual platforms.

I do agree that a debate with anyone is pointless, but only because 90 second sound bites are not enough to either explain your plan to a full extent or to explain why the other person's plan is not the right direction without falling back on cliches, hyperboles, and false logic.

Ben Shapiro is free to say what he thinks she's wrong about things, he doesn't need to be in the same room as her to say it. And she can defend herself and her views just fine the way she's been doing it.

8/10/2018 12:53:19 PM

26632 Posts
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pushing for impeachment now, before the mueller report (and midterms) is short sighted, this is one of the few times i agree with democratic leadership

8/24/2018 11:29:21 AM

All American
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The Mueller report probably won’t drop before the elections and these campaign finance crimes are impeachment worthy on their own, and trump is trying to muddy the waters preemptively already

Considering there’s more than enough material to talk about for impeachment I’d like to see them push for impeachment now to keep trump from gaining any ground.

8/24/2018 11:32:01 AM

All American
22933 Posts
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Pushing for impeachment could have an impact on the midterms. Although I'm not sure what kind of impact it would have. Probably just harden the bases on both camps.

8/24/2018 11:34:15 AM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"The Mueller report probably won’t drop before the elections and these campaign finance crimes are impeachment worthy on their own, and trump is trying to muddy the waters preemptively already

Considering there’s more than enough material to talk about for impeachment I’d like to see them push for impeachment now to keep trump from gaining any ground."

there is not nearly enough material, republicans aren't going to impeach the president over a campaign finance violation and until mueller is finished that's all there is

8/24/2018 11:36:22 AM

All American
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It’s not about getting them to impeach

It’s about sucking all the oxygen out the room with the news talking about impeachment

One of the reasons trump won was because he got billions in free air time with pundits gawking at his ridiculous statements

Talking about impeaching a president whose own lawyer said he committed crimes should be choking the airwaves now

There’s crystal clear video evidence of trump lying about this too:

[Edited on August 24, 2018 at 12:38 PM. Reason : ]

8/24/2018 12:37:28 PM

26632 Posts
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it's not a crime to lie to reporters

if democrats push articles of impeachment they will be quickly defeated (it will only be on the news for 1 or 2 days) so assuming the mueller report is bad for trump they will be in a weaker position when they once again draft articles of impeachment because it plays into trump's witch hunt narrative that they are just out to get them and throwing mud at the wall to see what sticks

if you want the news to talk about possibility of impeachment then democrats not actually drafting anything now is the way to keep that story going, actually trying to impeach will make the story die as quick as it's killed in the house

[Edited on August 24, 2018 at 12:48 PM. Reason : .]

8/24/2018 12:44:12 PM

All American
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I don’t think that’s a correct reading of voters. Voters have short memories and don’t know any details. I don’t think the witch hunt narrative is sticking with swing voters too, the majority of people support the Mueller investigation, and Support has actually grown the past few months. Democrats need to drive turnout for their base and energize swing voters and a passionate message of impeachment would do this. Other than Ocasio-Cortez and Beto O rourke, I cant think of any other Dems that have been recorded saying anything inspirational.

people at trump rallies STILL chant “lock her up”. Democratic voters and swing voters aren’t more complex than trump voters, they just have different values.

Democrats should be chanting “impeach trump” then figure out what this means if/when they actually win an election again and gain power. I get the feeling they’re trying to coast to victory on an unpopular trump reputation, but they have no wiggle room for a comey surprise.

Right now, a 1% swing on the polls let’s the GOP keep a majority.

A recent poll showed 80% of people would support a public option/Medicare for all, but democrats can’t even agree to run on this. I think it would help if as an organization they spent less time worrying how opponents will react and just do the right thing in the moment.

I get that Democrats are trying to project stability, since trump’s instability is why he’s the most unpopular president in history. But I question whether these people are motivated enough to vote in a midterm.

8/24/2018 2:04:38 PM

26632 Posts
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read on voters? it has nothing to do with voters, if you put this in front of the house now it's dead in 2 seconds.

the impeachment question is currently getting press, making the answer "no, it's dead, it got killed because not nearly enough support in the house" ends that press

shout impeach trump all you want, but the democratic leadership is correct to not actually do anything right now

if you want the witch hunt narrative to grow legs then 2 attempts to impeach a president in a short period of time is a great way to do it.

trying to impeach now would be an absolutely terrible plan, and the party leadership is right to ignore it

[Edited on August 24, 2018 at 2:11 PM. Reason : .]

8/24/2018 2:08:59 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
11608 Posts
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Is there any point to impeachment if you can't swing 67 votes in the Senate? Given how things have progressed to date, there's no way enough Republicans vote to oust Trump. They'll sell the country to Putin for a flower before they had the Democrats a win.

8/24/2018 5:50:02 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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8/24/2018 6:11:30 PM

All American
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8/24/2018 6:12:32 PM

All American
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Quote :
"pushing for impeachment now, before the mueller report (and midterms) is short sighted, this is one of the few times i agree with democratic leadership"

exactly. just feed the rope out, for right now. jerk it tight once you have the right opportunity.

8/26/2018 12:39:06 AM

50084 Posts
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Lol at AOC’s mentions right now. Holy shit.

It’s fine to have opinions on McCain, even right after he passed away, but what the hell did people expect her to say? If you really like her and her policies what good does it do for her to shit all over a person a lot of the country respects for different reasons?

She’d essentially be lighting her yet started congressional career on fire and then all of those policies wouldn’t have a young charismatic voice.

[Edited on August 26, 2018 at 8:26 AM. Reason : X]

8/26/2018 8:25:19 AM

8379 Posts
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could have just given a form of "thoughts and prayers" without whitewashing him like everyone else

8/26/2018 11:44:18 AM

26632 Posts
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8/26/2018 12:00:34 PM

All American
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yes, let’s have our exciting young hope start using the exact phrase we rightly crucify other politicians for using

twitter isn’t real life. it’s perfectly ok to send out an honest statement about the death of someone without giving exact reasons why you didn’t agree with them. I think it’s pretty safe to assume that she disagreed with nearly all of his policies, but there’s no need for that now.

8/26/2018 1:07:26 PM

play so hard
60916 Posts
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Quote :
"Is there any point to impeachment if you can't swing 67 votes in the Senate? "

That's speed bumping over the fact that the House would laugh it off the floor before the sponser even finished speaking. You might be able to bring this up after the election, but it's a stupid conversation today.

And I thought OAC's tweet on McCain was fine. Perhaps the rabid left should at least wait until he's buried before shitting on his grave. While you don't have to agree with his policies, you do have to respect the fact that he was willing to work acorss the aisle and had decency while so many of his peers did not, even if you want to ignore, or even vilify, his sacrifice to this country.

8/26/2018 1:43:39 PM

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He was a warmongering thief who didn’t give a shit about the average American, but goddamnit, at least he was decent to all the other warmongering thieves.

8/26/2018 3:14:13 PM

All American
33768 Posts
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I don’t get all the concern trolling about Trump not heaping praise onto McCain. They didn’t like each other, obviously very different personalities, and McCain supposedly banned trump from his funeral.

It is what it is...

8/26/2018 4:27:13 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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Eh, it's just another data point supporting the idea that Trump is wholly incapable of behaving like a normal human being.

8/26/2018 5:02:45 PM

play so hard
60916 Posts
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^^^ What did he steal?

And that's a grossly ignorant summation of the man's legacy.

[Edited on August 26, 2018 at 5:22 PM. Reason : So I assume Obama is one of those "warmongering thieves" in your world view?]

8/26/2018 5:13:53 PM

8379 Posts
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What is his legacy? He served in an unjust war, never admitting it was wrong, continuing to call the Vietnamese “gooks” long after the war ended. Then, he seved the interests of the rich for the rest of his life and supported nearly every military conflict along the way. Great work, John!

8/26/2018 5:39:01 PM

play so hard
60916 Posts
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Quote :
"He served in an unjust war"

Awesome. Fuck every soldier who served in any military action which you consider unjust. Hell, fuck me, and many other TWW'ers by that metric.

Quote :
"he seved the interests of the rich for the rest of his life"

Quote :
"grossly ignorant"

Quote :
"and supported nearly every military conflict along the way."

I myself dabbled in pacifism once, but some military conflicts are just, and necessary.

8/26/2018 6:40:13 PM

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