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Everyone's lonely! Especially in covid. But that's what tww is for

5/13/2021 11:11:15 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I bet that therapist was wowed! "How much time have you got. . . ?"

5/13/2021 11:19:06 AM

All American
63307 Posts
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I'm going to try something. Instead of trolling people I'll type what I was GOING to post into a word doc. And then I can try to turn that into a different form of writing.

Note: I write words for money. That's my career and I'm starting to feel burned out from only creating corporate marketing material and shitposts.

5/13/2021 11:21:20 AM

The Coz
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I haven't noticed a lot of trolling or shitposting since your TWW return, but maybe that's just the characteristic of a master troll.

5/13/2021 12:22:06 PM

All American
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nah I'm being good here

I'm a fucking asshole on Facebook though

5/13/2021 12:36:48 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Well, Facebook users deserve that and more.

5/13/2021 12:58:00 PM

113906 Posts
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I don't understand what the point of asking about your internet usage history would be

I can't imagine that being helpful in any way lol

5/13/2021 1:55:30 PM

All American
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good thing you aren't my therapist

5/13/2021 2:24:54 PM

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therapy is a sham

5/13/2021 2:25:29 PM

All American
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that's just a lie plebs who can't afford to improve their lives tell themselves

I've developed a bunch of good coping strategies which is why I'm still breathing today

these posts brought to you by cognitive behavioral therapy

5/13/2021 2:27:55 PM

113906 Posts
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I literally have more money than you, internet shit-talker

5/13/2021 2:29:20 PM

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for real tho quit being a faggot, or I will consider calling you out :3

5/13/2021 2:30:16 PM

All American
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how much you holding, Billy Badass?

5/13/2021 2:43:00 PM

113906 Posts
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I got 4 EBT cards and a scratch-off lottery ticket for 100 big ones baby

5/13/2021 2:44:02 PM

All American
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I got a $15 copay.

5/13/2021 3:08:57 PM

113906 Posts
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I imagine mine wouldn't be very high

I just don't live anywhere close to any therapist who I imagine is worth a shit :3

I'm doing a lot of imagining right now

5/13/2021 3:28:50 PM

The Coz
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Well, I DIDN'T get a stimulus check!


5/13/2021 3:28:56 PM

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5/13/2021 8:17:23 PM

113906 Posts
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the greater-funded bubble lost much of his wealth on bad investments :3

5/13/2021 8:18:18 PM

70170 Posts
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Quote :
"ReceiveDeath: Why do you insist on bringing back a thread and posting in my threads about an issue that has already been resolved?? I mean it doesn't get a rise out of me, maybe it makes your dick your hard, but I don't get it. The rest of Tdub is content with it being over and done with, why not you?"

11/29/2022 7:58:48 PM

The Coz
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Quote :



11/29/2022 8:13:09 PM

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how did I miss that

11/29/2022 8:31:38 PM

The Coz
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IDK, but FroshKiller is historically hyper-critical of the mistakes of others, so I thought that one should be pointed out.

11/29/2022 8:40:13 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i hope you fukken diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie

there are seven and a half billion people on this planet

there isn't room for shitty ideas, fukken dogshit thoughts, fukken slave to authority and the dollar bullshit

i hope you die, and i hope you take about a hundred of your wretched fukken kind with you, you fuck, you waste, you space occupier"

11/30/2022 1:38:34 AM

6280 Posts
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^whoever wrote that seems kinda good that he or she never mentioned race or religion. Seems like someone that has a reasonable distaste for whoever he or she is speaking to. And not for superfluous reasons

11/30/2022 1:58:54 AM

All American
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The Coz said:
Quote :
"IDK, but FroshKiller is historically hyper-critical of the mistakes of others, so I thought that one should be pointed out."

I do not generally point out people's typos. I have, in years past, corrected people's grammar. When you invoke history, do not be ahistorical.

StTexan said:
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"^whoever wrote that seems kinda good that he or she never mentioned race or religion. Seems like someone that has a reasonable distaste for whoever he or she is speaking to. And not for superfluous reasons"

That was in response to wizzkidd's stupid ass having the nerve to say, "Both parties could have handled this better" about that passenger being beaten & removed a United Airlines flight he paid for a few years ago. I stand by it. You got beef with that, you can go to Hell, too.

11/30/2022 7:23:04 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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11/30/2022 7:25:42 AM

play so hard
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Is there any room left in hell?

11/30/2022 11:14:49 AM

All American
27962 Posts
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A whole lot of insecurities in here.

11/30/2022 12:25:12 PM

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Quote :



12/4/2022 3:13:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I used to drop mad F-bombs because it made homophobes lose their minds to get called that. Regret that now. I had some gay friends but never really knew that part of them, so I didn't engage my fucking sympathy and think for two seconds about how it might have made them feel to hear it. I have always had a lot of arrows in my quiver, so it was lazy to keep using that one. Just all the gay joke shit in general, really. Wish I could take that all back and just...I dunno, have told people to deepthroat a front fender or something.


I never thought I'd see the day that FroshKiller posted cringe unironically

Out of everyone I met at NCSU, you are on the very short list of people who should be exempt from struggle sessions like this. You're not that guy, nothing like him. If you caught my latest PM, you know just how serious I am about that.

I write this novel because it genuinely pains me to see someone like you disavowing things you said well before these new social mores came to exist.

You may not have stopped to think how this language may impact people that you weren't even talking to, but the converse is that it sounds like your friends clearly never said anything to you about your style of banter, either. I mean you said that shit a lot, so there were tons of opportunities for them to bring it up, and tons of examples to use, amirite?

This is not meant to be personally about you, BTW. I just happen to know you did nothing wrong, so this will be my generic rebuttal to these that is forever online.

That way the internet can judge me accordingly based on my opinion that if an apology wasn't needed years ago, then it sure isn't now.

And now to probably disappear until I think about TWW again... love ya, boo

11/27/2023 9:48:13 AM

All American
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Sure I've said and done plenty that made someone cringe, nothing new there. But I gotta disagree with you about it coming from that struggle session place in this case.

I'll type up another novel here with two little stories to put where I'm coming from in context.

Shortly after I graduated--and it's crazy to me that this didn't come up in school--my college roleplaying buddies invited me to join a game with another guy they knew. Not even sure who specifically knew the guy, but anyway, we wound up friends.

Not long after we met, it just sort of naturally came up that he was gay, just matter-of-fact shit. No big deal, nothing new. But in one game, I was playing this real evil shitheel of a character, and to throw a little chaos into a scene, I said my character would call some people "a bunch of fags" to their faces.

After the game, I realized our group hadn't really talked about how comfortable everyone was with a player saying & doing stuff as an evil character. We were there to have a good time, and you can get the point across about some shit without having to be explicit, right? So I brought it up since the new guy was running the game and I didn't know him that well.

He said it didn't really bother him, because he knew that we were all friends, and that group included one openly gay friend playing as well. And he knew that there was a difference between saying something in character and actually believing it, but I stopped him on that. I think I said something along the lines of how I wouldn't actually drop an N-bomb just because it was in character, so maybe I shouldn't be throwing that word around, either.

He admitted the word bothered him. No matter what my intentions were, hearing it definitely brought to mind bad experiences with other people. So I said fuck it, I don't need to say it at the table to get the point across that my character was a prick, there's a million other ways to do that, so I'd spare us both the trouble. Like he might have been okay with it that day, but who knows how it might hit some other time?

We hung out a lot, even worked together briefly, so I just got in the habit of picking different words. It was pretty easy, and pretty soon, I just sorta phased it out. I think the last time I said it was when a bunch of us were watching a movie at the house, and this dude in the movie was not picking up one this lady's signals at all to the point where he could've kissed her and let the moment pass, and I just couldn't help saying, "Faggot." And this guy said, "Yeah, that's fair," and we all had a laugh. But I thought again about that conversation we'd had about the word and its use, and upon reflection, I didn't think the laugh was worth it.

Anyway. Story two to follow.

11/30/2023 6:54:54 AM

All American
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Story two. I reorganized the garage a while back and found my high school yearbooks. I looked through the signature pages and found a page I had reserved for myself to write some thoughts.

The problem is that I was a mean-spirited little prick when I started high school, and I spent most of that page putting down some vile thoughts about my black schoolmates.

That shit changed with a hurry, but it got me thinking about middle school, when I got bullied severely. And that got me thinking about this kid David.

David was not a bully. He was a nice kid. And he was gay as hell, or at least as gay as you could be in middle school in the rural South in the 1990s. I don't normally have thoughts about most people's sexuality, let alone children, but I was a kid with him, and that kid was gay as hell, and everyone knew it.

I don't think I was friends with David exactly, but we were in the chorus together, and he was in my art class and some other classes. I had nothing against him, liked him well enough. We both liked the Power Rangers and would talk about episodes in class.

Anyway, I was getting picked on one day. This big dude kept calling me a faggot and making all these gay jokes, and people were laughing. I wanted to take the heat off myself, so I said I didn't know why he was calling me a faggot when David was sitting right there and that David was a faggot and that everybody knew it.

David was shook and said he wasn't gay, he liked girls. Then our teacher came in and that was the end of it

But David was never really friendly to me after that. And looking in my high school yearbooks, I couldn't think of a single time he'd even spoken to me in high school.

I'm sure it's more because I was craven and tried to throw him to the wolves than it is that I used that word, but I can't imagine that word helped. It's not like I had personally called him that before.

Anyway, the juice isn't worth the squeeze. I hardly find myself around an idiot anymore that ain't online, and I have tended a garden of terms better suited to the particular dysfunctions & deficiencies of the spectrum of shitheels, waterheads, and mouth-breathers that exist, have always existed, and ever shall exist, world without end. If some rat-dicked scum fuck is polluting the air with ideas he wiped from a diaper, any suggestion he might be gay and that being gay might have something do with the smoothness of his brain diminishes in my opinion the dignity of both sucking a cock, which to me seems inherently virtuous, and fucking other men, which (it should be self-evident) is the manliest possible act.

11/30/2023 7:54:08 AM

All American
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Is gay even used as a pejorative these days in school? My daughter is in the 5th grade, and looking back at my own elder-elementary schools experience, that’s about when that term started being thrown around to kids that typically got bullied. Back then it definitely carried very negative connotations.

My daughter goes to school with several openly-gay kids (it’s mixed with middle school grades, and these openly gay kids are older) and it sounds like that’s just a normal thing now, like no one bats an eye.

That’s definitely progress in the right direction. I realize that has nothing directly to do with what you just said, but it made me think about it.

11/30/2023 10:27:40 AM

Duh, Winning
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Considers yourself officially calling you fagot

You think you're tough? Then come on and say the shit you said about me and my friends at TWW to our faces

Can't wait to see your bitch cry your ass off when you get kicked out

12/1/2023 10:03:05 PM

All American
2376 Posts
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Yeah, but gay people also use straight as an insult

It's basically like how you wouldn't call some mentally ill a retard, but you would call your friend one

[Edited on December 2, 2023 at 1:57 AM. Reason : but I don't really use retard, never really did that much. apparently it is also inappropriate now.]

12/2/2023 1:56:24 AM

113906 Posts
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tl;dr: Froshkiller is a bitch ass (most likely crying)

12/3/2023 12:30:35 AM

113906 Posts
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Consider yourself officially calling yourself a fagot

Do you think you are tough? Then come and say the crap you said about me and my friends on TWW to our faces

Can't wait to cry your cock out of your ass when you get kicked out

12/3/2023 12:31:58 AM

113906 Posts
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that was actually a translation from stinger's post, to PUNJABI, back to English

oh, google

12/3/2023 12:32:42 AM

Forgetful Jones
147733 Posts
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I used google translate to put it through about 8 or 9 different languages in a row

You are officially considered a badass.

Do you think you are difficult? Then tell him to his face what he said about me and my TWW friends.

I can't wait to see you cry mustard when you get fired.

12/3/2023 12:43:07 AM

113906 Posts
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thank you, RattlerRyan, for being the true hero of TWW

12/3/2023 1:01:46 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Quote :
"I can't wait to see you cry mustard when you get fired."

12/3/2023 5:56:15 AM

70170 Posts
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it really would be funny to see his bitch ass crying though

12/3/2023 2:17:55 PM

70170 Posts
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also what's with the "shitheel"

you can certainly do better than that, if you're going to make up your own derogatory terms homeboy

12/3/2023 2:25:23 PM

70170 Posts
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Froshkiller was never any fun

where are the people we can verbally bash on here and have fun with it

everyone's cool except froshkiller and justin

well nvm there are a lot of bitch asses on here

it's lonely at the top

12/3/2023 3:18:35 PM

70170 Posts
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inb4 10 paragraphs littered with "shitheel"

inb4 you aren't even worth the response

jk I'm bored padding my post count don't mind me almost to 70k

12/3/2023 3:19:15 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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From TreeTwista10:

6/3/2024 1:38:49 PM

All American
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Nice to see him giving back to society with that

6/3/2024 1:46:23 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Who? TreeTwista10 or Morgan Freeman?

6/3/2024 2:03:07 PM

All American
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Mr. Freeman himself

6/3/2024 3:40:03 PM

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