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 Message Boards » » OFFICIAL Blame _________ for Hillary's Loss Thread Page 1 [2], Prev  
All American
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The root of all the above is further back:

HRC was the "chosen one", along with maybe Biden, since 2008. Nobody other serious candidates bothered to position themselves and run, and the DNC didn't bother to groom or promote anyone. Why would they, with Clinton and Biden?

Well, when Beau Biden died, and Clinton turned out to be way more fucked-up, crooked, and full of shit than we even realized, the party was caught flat-footed with no plan-C.

11/11/2016 12:40:58 AM

play so hard
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11/11/2016 12:51:20 AM

All American
52661 Posts
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a career independent, self-proclaimed socialist, with a somewhat grating, curmudgeonly personality. right.

11/11/2016 1:06:05 AM

play so hard
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His central income inequality issue would have swayed some of those Trump voters in the Rust Belt. Name call all you want, but he would have performed better than HRC in those crucial states. Not saying it would have been enough, but at least he would have had a chance.

Anecdotally I know a bunch of Trump voters who would have preferred to vote for Bernie.

11/11/2016 1:18:28 AM

All American
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11/11/2016 1:24:48 AM

All American
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Quote :

I'll say it bc no one else is going to:


apologies for missing that

the list was so long I was bound to miss something you were going to blame other than Hillary

again, no email server issues? no FBI investigation (of which there were two)

11/11/2016 9:00:08 AM

All American
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Quote :
"The Democrats won the popular vote but apparently they got crushed and are on the verge of collapse."

Not hard to win the popular vote with low voter turnout.

Republicans have been voting relatively consistently the last 3 elections; everything was within 1M. They are stable.

Democrats lost is 6M votes from 4 years ago and 10M from 8 years ago. If this is not bad, I do not know what is.

11/11/2016 11:17:24 AM

8379 Posts
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And lets not forget who they were running against.

11/11/2016 11:21:36 AM

All American
8383 Posts
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They won by 0.3% against an orange Nazi game show host.

11/11/2016 11:25:42 AM

All American
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and the large portion of that difference came from CA and NY

11/11/2016 11:29:03 AM

8379 Posts
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lol also this, fucking assholes

11/11/2016 11:34:20 AM

All American
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The Clintons seem to have a lot of skeletons in the closet

Obamacare. I think if Obamacare had worked and people actually got to keep their doctors and policies while seeing their premiums lower, any person in the world could have put their name on the ballot as a democrat and coasted to the White House without even trying.

11/11/2016 11:36:07 AM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"Democrats lost is 6M votes from 4 years ago and 10M from 8 years ago. If this is not bad, I do not know what is."

but those were record years, wasn't the turnout similar to kerry and previous years?

11/11/2016 11:36:40 AM

All American
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Ballots are still being counted, they are actually saying now that turnout will exceed 2012 by ~1 million votes. More people voted 3rd party though, or in some states abstained from voting for President at all. In Michigan, 90k people voted down ballot but left President blank.

11/11/2016 11:38:22 AM

50084 Posts
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^^^ to be fair, Mission Accomplished? Trump didn't get a majority and didn't win that popular vote.

Perhaps a stated objective should have been "don't be as hateable as your opponent."

Quote :
"and the large portion of that difference came from CA and NY"


[Edited on November 11, 2016 at 11:40 AM. Reason : X]

11/11/2016 11:40:18 AM

All American
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Clearly the Clinton machine did not tell enough voters in CA and NY to switch state residency to vote for her.

So now you have rioters in those states harming the businesses that probably voted for her because they cannot accep a reality that the media led them to believe would be impossible, and no recount was warranted, which would have given them more time to either organize, or come to grips with the fact that the rest of the country actually listened to the candidates.

Bottom line: she won .2% more of the popular vote than he did, but he won 100% more of the Presidency than she.

Suck it up, be an adult, and follow the lead of POTUS and Clinton. You will marginalize your voice if you whine about it.

11/11/2016 1:07:30 PM

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I agree. I hope the rest of the country gives Trump a chance to govern and doesn't replicate the pathetic, petty and abhorrent lead the GOP took in 2008.

Trump being a good president benefits ALL of us.

11/11/2016 1:27:34 PM

All American
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^I just hope he doesn't let the republicans boss him around and actually works with both sides to get some things done correctly. I think a lot of people would be cool with some gun reform. That might be a good way to get both sides working together. Even my most hardcore gun loving friends and family said they don't understand why someone on a terror watch list/no fly list is allowed to buy guns.

11/11/2016 1:41:23 PM

Eyes up here ^^
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Quote :
"Suck it up, be an adult, and follow the lead of POTUS and Clinton. You will marginalize your voice if you whine about it."

You're right, but coming from people that whined for 8 years about Obama you have little moral ground to stand on.

11/11/2016 2:46:46 PM

All American
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I think if anyone wants to really figure out the blame for the loss, they need to just look at the liberals on TWW.

We're talking about people who have bought the lie that anyone who doesn't vote for Hillary is a bigoted, sexist, racist, homophobe, islamophobe, misogynist, inbred, uneducated, intolerant piece of crap who doesn't deserve the time of day or the same amount of oxygen as they themselves breathe each day.

They don't care that there are millions of people in the "rust belt" who don't have jobs. They don't realize that this country can't go on consuming everything without working for anything. They don't understand that the government can't provide a real living for everyone without attempting to tax the people who generate the jobs out of business.

But please, go ahead and keep convincing yourself that you, who have probably never held a real job in your life, know what is the right way to run the country, and demand someone who makes more than you pay for your way.

As long as you convince yourself somewhere far far away from everyone else.

Seriously, you should leave the country.

11/14/2016 8:14:58 PM

50084 Posts
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Quote :
"go ahead and keep convincing yourself that you, who have probably never held a real job in your life, know what is the right way to run the country, and demand someone who makes more than you pay for your way.

Is this a joke? You do realize where you are right? We aren't in college anymore right? We all have jobs and some surely have pretty damn good ones.

I can say beyond any doubt no one is paying for shit for my family beyond my wife and I.

This is almost as shocking a take on things as those actual liberal elite college kids who think every hurting rust belt family is a racist.

You have no right to lecture anyone if you don't even understand who you are talking to.

11/14/2016 8:21:26 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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What is a real job anyway?

11/14/2016 8:59:08 PM

All American
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Being a politician's wife/politician for 30 years is not a real job.

How many members of Congress (both sides) are in that category?

94 Congressmen were sworn in before 2000.

22 Senators were sworn in before 2000, and you can bet some of those came from the House.

11/14/2016 9:09:41 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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Oh, okay. I thought that you were talking about liberals on TWW.

11/14/2016 9:14:49 PM

50084 Posts
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He was. Read the post. It literally starts by asking to look at the liberals ON TWW.

11/14/2016 9:27:34 PM

All American
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Quote :
"You know, I won Iowa not because the demographics dictated that I would win Iowa. It was because I spent 87 days going to every small town and fair and fish fry and VFW hall, and there were some counties where I might have lost, but maybe I lost by 20 points instead of 50 points,” Obama said. “There are some counties maybe I won that people didn’t expect because people had a chance to see you and listen to you and get a sense of who you stood for and who you were fighting"


11/15/2016 8:54:48 AM

All American
2253 Posts
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A full scale revolt is needed within the party.

11/15/2016 11:03:32 AM

All American
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^^ are you surprised at his narcissism?

POTUS needs to have a serious come-to-Jesus meeting with himself.

2010: Republicans gained 63 seats in the House (and the majority); 6 seats in the Senate
2012: Republicans gained 8 seats in the House, but lost 2 in the Senate
2014: Republicans gained 9 seats in the House; 13 seats in the Senate (and the majority)
2016: Republicans lost 6 seats in the House; 2 seats in the Senate; and won the Presidency

Not even mentioning state houses and governor's races.

If that isn't a referendum (4 of them, actually) on the President's agenda/legacy, I don't know what is.

11/15/2016 8:37:29 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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Quote :
"But please, go ahead and keep convincing yourself that you, who have probably never held a real job in your life, know what is the right way to run the country, and demand someone who makes more than you pay for your way.

As long as you convince yourself somewhere far far away from everyone else.

Seriously, you should leave the country."

Uh, some of us have advanced degrees in addition to going to college, while never receiving a damn dime from their parents. I came to California with nothing but the bags on my back on a one way plane ticket without a job or car awaiting me. I worked my ass off in college and grad school and waiting tables/bartending to make my way in life. So fuck you for making these ridiculous and baseless assumptions. It's people like you who make people like me so fucking grateful I don't live anywhere close to NC and your ilk anymore. And yeah, I absolutely want nothing to do with your version of America anymore and why I'm am willing to dedicate a bit of my time and energy to see if California could actually gain independence- even if it's nothing but a pipe dream. You fucking suck.

[Edited on November 15, 2016 at 8:52 PM. Reason : .]

11/15/2016 8:51:56 PM

All American
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11/15/2016 9:14:42 PM

5608 Posts
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What exactly do you perceive as "the North Carolinian's version of America"?

If you can free your mind from the fabricated ____ism and ____phobia narrative, I'm pretty sure the average Trump voter in NC just wants to be left alone, and not get boned by the ACA and taxes.

Notice how the shock, outrage, riots all comes from the left... The country isn't really that polarized, we just have a bunch of leftists that read too much clickbait.

Everything's going to be okay, go smoke some pot

11/16/2016 1:50:54 PM

All American
27962 Posts
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Quote :
"____ism and ____phobia narrative"

i think you've really overused this particular phrase in the last few weeks, it's probably time to find a new buzz-phrase

11/16/2016 2:22:35 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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He's waiting on Rush to give him one to use.

I notice he's not spamming any Drain the Swamp memes anymore...wonder why that is?

11/16/2016 2:26:26 PM

5608 Posts
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In case you havent noticed, bitching about exaggerated, or even fabricated "____isms and ____phobias" is all you have got left. If you're tired of me pointing out your bullshit, maybe you should just stop bullshitting?

I'm tired of it too. Everyday it's like playing whack-a-mole, but instead of moles it's a brain-dead SJW crying about how bad America is because of a poop swastika or hate crime hoax. Maybe if Trump can finish off the MSM he can free you from your pussified "everything is offense" liberal-la-la land.

Idk tho, must of you are pretty entrenched

11/16/2016 2:41:41 PM

All American
27962 Posts
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lol, he talks about other people being entrenched

11/16/2016 3:10:30 PM

All American
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Seems relevant to bring this one bttt with the IG investigation.

I'm sure this time they will find that Putin was literally Ferris Bueller'ing the votes in WI, MI, FL, PA, OH for Trump, AND convinced Clinton to establish her unauthorized email server in 2009 when she presented the RESET button, AND convinced her not to campaign for an electoral college victory.

Oh, and the FBI.

And aliens (the illegal extraterrestrial ones).

1/14/2017 9:47:22 AM

play so hard
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Yet another Kdogg Clinton thread bump.

Didn't see that coming.

1/14/2017 10:32:38 AM

26632 Posts
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so does anyone think that kdogg(c) isn't unhinged? anyone?

1/14/2017 12:47:31 PM

All American
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He has like what, 3 kids? I have two and am definitely losing my mind, can't really fault him.

1/14/2017 3:28:11 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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He isn't well

1/14/2017 5:35:46 PM

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kdogg putting salt on the sjw wounds ITT

1/15/2017 6:14:15 PM

All American
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1/17/2017 8:06:22 PM

All American
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6/25/2017 4:31:09 PM

2953 Posts
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Can we get a fully updated list please?

6/26/2017 9:45:10 PM

All American
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Things Hillary Clinton has blamed on Losing the Election:
Macedonia content farms
Bad Polling Numbers
The Deplorables
Vladimir Putin
The Democratic Party
Low Information Voters
Anti-American forces
Barack Obama
People wanting change
People who assumed she was a shoe in to win (repeat of NYT, the DNC, the Democratic Party, Barack Obama)
Suburban Women (although contradictory to Misogyny, but we'll give it to her)
Television Executives (again, a repeat of "People who assumed she was a shoe in to win)
Cable News (See ^^ and ^^^^ above)
Fake News (See ^^)
The Republican Party (I mean, really?)
Bernie Sanders
Bill Clinton
Loretta Lynch (for meeting with ^)
Jill Stein (remember her? me either)
Gary "What is Aleppo?" Johnson
The Electoral College (so, the Founding Fathers...again misogyny)
Seth Rich (See Wikileaks)
goalielax (Maybe Seth Rich...nm...he was posting between when Clinton killed Rich and when Trump killed her on election day)

Things Hillary has not blamed on Losing the Election
Hillary Clinton

As of 26 June 2017

6/26/2017 10:03:36 PM

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6/27/2017 12:03:07 AM

 Message Boards » The Soap Box » OFFICIAL Blame _________ for Hillary's Loss Thread Page 1 [2], Prev  
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