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10214 Posts
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i'm not lying.

just because i can look at things objectively doesn't automaticaly imply that i will not participate in them.

5/11/2006 12:04:19 PM


18617 Posts
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Quote :
"he's starting to tread on impeachable territory"

STARTING to? Jesus Christ.

5/11/2006 12:04:27 PM

All American
60354 Posts
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so was that 5 or 6 mentions of al qaeda, and at least two mentions of preventing another attack

and the funny shit was

it sounded like he was still addressing wiretaps, not call gathering

i don't know who is worse

you fuckers that voted for him

5/11/2006 12:05:19 PM

All American
31058 Posts
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Quote :
"STARTING to? Jesus Christ."

yeah, i know

5/11/2006 12:05:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i only vote out of respect to the men and women who sacrificed their lives and fortunes for our (now flagging) republic."


Quote :
"i never said their sacrifice was futile. I merely pointed out that to sacrifice one's fortune/life/day/whatever would now be futile.

Also, i'll add (to demonstrate my consistency) that I don't particularly have any great respect for any contemporaries. anything they do is futile as well."


5/11/2006 12:07:18 PM

Scuba Steve
All American
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the guy is a dangerous psycopath

5/11/2006 12:08:57 PM

All American
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The question is whether the Republicans will turn on him at this point or when the Democrats will start up the process upon taking power in January. The only reason... ooh... I just thought of something.

The Democrats boot Bush and get Cheney for President. They proceed to boot Cheney, and then they get the Speaker of the House, who by that point will be Nancy Pelosi after the Democrats seize the Congress. That's kinda scary when you think about it (though not much more than the current situation as is).

Regardless, Hayden's hopes for becoming CIA director at this point are as good as dead.

5/11/2006 12:14:26 PM

All American
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to be fair, removal of the president is an almost impossible action

they need 66% in the Senate

republicans aren't going to oust him like that, it's too embarrassing

lets just hope that the democrats obtain at least 1 branch of the legislature and we can end this absolute republican control of the government

[Edited on May 11, 2006 at 12:18 PM. Reason : .]

5/11/2006 12:17:31 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Regardless, Hayden's hopes for becoming CIA director at this point are as good as dead.


god I hope so

on so many levels

5/11/2006 12:20:52 PM

10214 Posts
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thx for quoting me nastoute, i'm glad you agree

5/11/2006 1:26:37 PM

All American
31058 Posts
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nice comeback, spineless

people like you are more dangerous than any enemy

5/11/2006 1:30:04 PM

10214 Posts
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you would be the type of person who wouldn't quit screaming and crying in an emergency.... until bruce willis smacked you unconscious

5/11/2006 1:35:59 PM

All American
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thanks for letting us all know again that you can't be taken seriously

5/11/2006 1:37:28 PM

26780 Posts
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democrats to media "we're not thinking about impeachments, but all card are on the table"

translation; he will be impeached.

5/11/2006 1:45:34 PM

All American
19842 Posts
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Quote :
"But today, we're choosing safety over liberty."

Does anyone even feel safe?

5/11/2006 1:45:42 PM

All American
33757 Posts
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^^ I would translate that as

"we're going to say we're doing something, to get votes, but then not do it."

5/11/2006 1:46:27 PM

10214 Posts
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more like, "we know we're gonna botch this election like we always do, so why even act like impeachment is a possibility"

5/11/2006 1:51:54 PM

All American
2793 Posts
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bush will never be impeached.....cheney will never be president....and pelosi sure as heck will never be president....

im not a huge bush fan but you people who think something like that is going to happen in the next two years are insane

5/11/2006 2:04:58 PM

All American
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Domestic to domestic.

Did they not explicitly say that this was not occurring?

P.S.- I'm waiting for a flood of intelligence leaks to come out soon.

5/11/2006 2:13:51 PM

10214 Posts
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they said domestic to domestic WIRE TAPPING never occured

5/11/2006 2:15:14 PM

All American
5550 Posts
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Oh, well. Clearly no dishonesty in that statement.

I just read this:

Quote :
"AT&T provided National Security Agency eavesdroppers with full access to its customers' phone calls, and shunted its customers' internet traffic to data-mining equipment installed in a secret room in its San Francisco switching center, according to a former AT&T worker cooperating in the Electronic Frontier Foundation's lawsuit against the company.

Mark Klein, a retired AT&T communications technician, submitted an affidavit in support of the EFF's lawsuit this week. That class action lawsuit, filed in federal court in San Francisco last January, alleges that AT&T violated federal and state laws by surreptitiously allowing the government to monitor phone and internet communications of AT&T customers without warrants."

5/11/2006 2:18:49 PM

All American
18332 Posts
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Quote :
"WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush said Thursday the government is "not mining or trolling through the personal lives of millions of innocent Americans" with a reported program to create a massive database of U.S. phone calls."

This is probably technically true, if you interpret it right. What's also probably technically true is that the government is mining or trolling through the personal lives of millions of other innocent Americans.

5/11/2006 3:12:20 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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Obviously people are not more outraged because they're either:
1. too busy paying the bills to pay attention
2. stupid and think this improves security
3. apathetic
4. thoughtless and short-sighted

Here is a quote that illustrates option four:

Quote :
"pwrstrkdf250: but I'm not too worried about someone fucking with me because I say that I want to buy an 1/8 of pot over my cell or over the internet"

This isn't about us and our present. This is about the future, about what the world will be like for our children's children's children's etc...

This is a slippery slope we're on, and too many people seem content to throw their hands up and enjoy the ride because it "doesn't affect them."


[Edited on May 11, 2006 at 3:16 PM. Reason : sss]

5/11/2006 3:15:42 PM

All American
9344 Posts
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while i normally think the slippery slope argument is weak when it comes to pure logic, I actually agree with bridget here. this is scary.

5/11/2006 3:18:01 PM

10214 Posts
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apathy can be a normal and healthy response to events which are unable to be altered.

5/11/2006 3:26:41 PM

All American
9344 Posts
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that's right, because every meaningful revolution started with a group of really pissed off apathetic people.

5/11/2006 3:33:57 PM

60006 Posts
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I'm all about revolution, but that will never happen if those pussy ass liberals take our weapons

[Edited on May 11, 2006 at 3:36 PM. Reason : lefties or anyone else for that matter]

5/11/2006 3:35:42 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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Quote :
"Members of Congress expressed concern Thursday about the report. (Watch angry senator say "Shame on us" -- 3:56)

"It's our government, government of every single American -- Republican, Democrat or independent," said Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee. "...Those entrusted with great power have a duty to answer to Americans what they are doing."

In the House, Majority Leader Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, said, "I'm concerned about what I read with regard to the NSA database of phone calls. ... I'm not sure why it's necessary to us to keep and have that kind of information."

Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pennsylvania, said he would call on representatives from the companies named in the USA Today story, AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth, to testify."

Quote :
"President Bush has argued that the resolution authorizing military action after the 9/11 attacks, along with his authority as commander-in-chief of the military, give him the power to initiate the program without a court order, as a 1978 law requires.

The Justice Department has been denied security clearances for access to information, which prompted it to drop an investigation into the program. (Full story)

The Democrats' No. 2 member of the Senate, Sen. Richard Durbin, called the development "evidence of a coverup."

"The fact ... that the Department of Justice has abandoned their own investigation of this administration's wrongdoing because there's been a refusal to give investigators security clearances is clear evidence of a coverup within the administration."

when several threads involve the same or related topics, and i see something specific about the topic that concerns me, i'm all for pointing it out in all of them. plus i already harvested the sups... it wont be time to plant again for a while now.

[Edited on May 11, 2006 at 3:44 PM. Reason : .]

5/11/2006 3:38:53 PM

60006 Posts
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for a guy that is busy planting sups, you sure have a lot of time to copy and paste things

5/11/2006 3:39:58 PM

All American
60354 Posts
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could we start calling the weather hotline in syria or something to throw the algorythm off?


i've never called anyone who could be a terrorist (in theory) so perhaps the computers aren't pinging my lines

but if i start calling the middle east on a daily basis, for completely innocent reasons, would it cause the system to theoretically begin keeping an eye on me?

5/11/2006 3:41:43 PM

60006 Posts
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haha maybe

you keep all of syria's 5 phone lines busy... I'll call one of the three phone lines in N korea

5/11/2006 3:42:59 PM

All American
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5/11/2006 3:47:35 PM

60006 Posts
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they could narrow it down that way

it's either us or the terrorists

5/11/2006 3:51:35 PM

147487 Posts
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Quote :
"im not a huge bush fan but you people who think something like that is going to happen in the next two years are insane"


Quote :
"lets just hope that the democrats obtain at least 1 branch of the legislature and we can end this absolute republican control of the government"


Quote :
"the guy is a dangerous psycopath"


5/11/2006 5:52:02 PM

11394 Posts
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the nsa now has your bank account number, information about where you keep your marijuana, and your girlfriend's most orgasmic area

gg oppression

5/11/2006 7:23:12 PM

All American
3174 Posts
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^maybe they could help me with that then.

5/12/2006 12:33:16 AM


18617 Posts
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I wanna call up the NSA and be like YO DUN WHAT'S RAY RAY'S NUMBER I FORGOT

5/12/2006 12:55:27 AM

All American
5084 Posts
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Quote :
" President Bush need to start watching his ass

he's starting to tread on impeachable territory "

or assasination territory

Quote :
" I'm all about revolution, but that will never happen if those pussy ass liberals take our weapons

Jesus christ, no one is going to take away our god damn weapons. I got tired of a bunch of ignorant fucks at my high school saying "Im not going to (or would, depending on age) vote for Gore (in 2000) Kerry (in 2004); because he's going to take away our guns!"


5/12/2006 2:11:37 AM

All American
10491 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm definitely going to find some foreign numbers to call though, and start peppering my conversations with 'jihad' 'Allah' 'white devils' and 'Bush' if they turn on the voice recording..."

I thought everyone already did this.

And in all seriousness, is Bush reading 1984 and not picking up on the fact that it's satire?

Quote :
"while i normally think the slippery slope argument is weak when it comes to pure logic"

I remember when it was just supposed to be suspected foreigners. Then it shifted to any foreigner. Then it shifted to any US citizen without a warrant. Now it is shifting to all US citizens. I have full confidence that competent, intelligent people have been put in place to get the job done

[Edited on May 12, 2006 at 4:05 AM. Reason : ad]

5/12/2006 3:55:07 AM

All American
3186 Posts
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Quote :
"Oh, and if you haven't made the connection,

Gen. Michael Hayden, nominated by President Bush to become the director of the CIA, headed the NSA from March 1999 to April 2005. In that post, Hayden would have overseen the agency's domestic phone record collection program.

keep quoting that, scuba steve, but it means nothing now. At this news, there should be riots in the streets. The country should be SHUT DOWN. If this were 100 years ago (and this technology existed then), we would have beheaded the people in charge. I'm anti-violence, so I don't condone that, but I'm pointing out the severe increase in apathy in this country.

what happened to the nation of revolutionaries?

what happened to caring about freedom?

all these fuckers care about is their tv and video games and ipods. we're all guilty. we've fallen right into their trap.

This is an entirely new form of fascism - the type where we actually have the ability to stop them right now, but we simply won't, primarily because we just don't care anymore."

somehow you managed to verbalize my thoughts completely

5/12/2006 4:11:21 AM

All American
11811 Posts
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Given the gobs of information that the government already had on the public, I am surprised that this has caused such an uproar. But then again the attempt to obtain Google searches by the government really pissed me off. This, like that, sounds like fishing. Where is Agent Mulder when we need him? This sounds like some kind of conspiracy mess.

5/12/2006 7:10:43 AM

All American
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66% don't really care

5/12/2006 8:55:35 AM

Scuba Steve
All American
6931 Posts
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I would be interested in what the demographics of the population and the levels of educational attainment are for the "poll respondents". I'm sure that the vast majority of Americans don't even have an idea of what the NSA is and what precedent it sets to have a military agency conducting intelligence operations in the civilian population.

5/12/2006 8:59:53 AM

All American
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the paper admits it has a much higher margin of error than most polls, and that its incredibly difficult to get a good sample in a one-night poll

5/12/2006 9:06:50 AM

All American
10491 Posts
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66% of people are really poor citizens

5/12/2006 9:53:05 AM

60006 Posts
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Quote :
"Jesus christ, no one is going to take away our god damn weapons. I got tired of a bunch of ignorant fucks at my high school saying "Im not going to (or would, depending on age) vote for Gore (in 2000) Kerry (in 2004); because he's going to take away our guns!"


go ahead and think that

but there are plenty of people with power that feel everyday citizens shouldn't own them

5/12/2006 10:19:01 AM

All American
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5/12/2006 10:38:13 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4921 Posts
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Shhh. Verizon is listening.

5/12/2006 10:55:04 AM

All American
13936 Posts
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^^^ please, give me a break. Yeah, fine, maybe there are some people "in power" who think like this. But no one that has the chance to be president, and even if a hardcore anti-NRA liberal ever got elected, there are plenty of other more pressing issues the would take care of before "taking 'ur guns"

5/12/2006 11:20:16 AM

60006 Posts
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ok... yeah, because no one has enacted retarded legislation about guns in the past right?

5/12/2006 11:32:12 AM

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