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All American
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11/29/2004 12:25:08 PM

All American
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11/29/2004 3:05:34 PM

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Quote :
"Two million prisoners inhabit our prisons. However, according to the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, DC, an astounding 30 percent of those prisoners constitute illegal aliens at a cost of $1.6 billion annually. That adds up to 600,000 foreigners ripping off taxpayer dollars as prisoners sit in our cells during their incarceration period.

[Edited on November 30, 2004 at 12:06 PM. Reason : `]

11/30/2004 12:05:45 PM

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Great article on the disintigration and subversion of California due to massive illegal immigration:

[Edited on December 4, 2004 at 1:09 PM. Reason : `]

12/4/2004 1:06:51 PM

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Massive illegal immigration is transforming America into a third world country...

Quote :
"It's time to start riding, stitching, writing, charging, demonstrating and fighting for our country within our country. We must seal our borders against this invasion from a line that never ends.

Since our leaders won't stop this invasion of an 'unarmed army' of legal and illegal immigrants, it's up to you. Our children face a dangerous future if we fail to take action."

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"Future historians will find it interesting that at the same time a supposedly conservative Bush has enmeshed us in foreign wars, he opened the floodgates to importing millions of enemies into America. President Bush's first act upon reelection was to resurrect his proposal for an amnesty for illegal immigrants! "

[Edited on December 9, 2004 at 10:41 AM. Reason : `]

12/9/2004 10:14:16 AM

All American
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12/9/2004 10:54:45 AM

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Quote :
"Immigrant Invasion of America and the West

Compounding these financial ills is the spectacular and unabated phenomenon of the massive illegal immigrant invasion of America's shores. This is a phenomenon of such magnitude (and implication as to the future viability of America as a sovereign nation founded as a constitutional Republic based upon Christian principles) that it could not exist or endure if it were not condoned by the grandest and most powerful in the land. The canard of liberals and others who support this madness that illegal immigrants and other non-white migrants merely contribute to a "sustainable society" by especially taking those jobs indigenous peoples shun is a cruel myth that belies the true nature of the phenomenon. This cover-up by Western governments of the cultural, social and economic costs to Western civilisation of illegal and legal immigration is part of the fraud of Multiculturalism, also known by the Politically Correct term "diversity." That the consequence of uncontrolled, illegal immigration are obvious to all honest, thinking people and that these are deliberately flouted by Western governments against the wishes of the majority of indigenous peoples then one must acknowledge that the force operating to facilitate the destruction of Western culture is very powerful indeed. The wilful blindness of Western governments over the issue of massive legal and illegal immigration is unforgivable for they truly have betrayed their people to the ancient dream of World Empire in which no sovereign nation is intended to exist or endure and which are to this end being deliberately destroyed from within and without. An irresistible force is working to destroy the sense of nationhood and culture in all countries and is working to destroy cultural distinctions as much in Central and South America, Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe as it does in North America and Western Europe. Mealy-mouthed politicians, "Race Relations" professionals, hypocritical liberals and others who know no better proclaim the dubious benefits of the nightmare they have enthusiastically help bring about by emphasising the canard of helping to "bring all members of the human family together in harmony and respect for each other." In this liberal utopia, a global 'culture' must sweep away cultural uniqueness by removing (via persuasion, indoctrination and persecution of the individual, group, race or nation) any sense of nationhood and distinct cultural differences. This must be done sufficiently such that people are far more receptive to the idea of the One World Government that will ipso facto dictate on all levels to all people everywhere. This posited World Government is the social utopia of foolish liberals wherein all people will be united and "diversity" respected and all disadvantaged minorities "socially included" in the greater society, the so-called 'One World' equating to peace, love and harmony.

But reader, understand that this is sophistry meant for sentimentalists and fools. The real agenda behind the thrust of immigration policies, a process which is being rapidly expanded, is the destruction of the West and all its diversities thereby facilitating a World Government dictatorship often called the New World Order. That is, destroying the nations of the West, and especially the United States of America, by not only compromising their economic viability via "Globalisation" but also of their sense of being, of their sense of nationhood, of their ancient attachment to sovereignty, and, especially, of a person's sense of belonging to a family, community, race and nation. And the cornerstone of this Evil Agenda is unbridled immigration of peoples into the West who do not have any love or attachment to the very things that sustain Western civilisation. Immigrants who by their increasing presence and contempt for the civilisation in which they have chosen to live threaten its very existence. In short: immigrants from different cultures who refuse to integrate into Western society but secretly wish to change it according to their own image and who are tacitly supported in this wish by the secret agenda of the Liberal Establishment, of which Multiculturalism is its public expression, who are willing away the cultural identity that is Western civilisation. There are two other main weapons of attack used by the wicked planners of the New World Order to destroy Western society from within by attacking the ancient concept of the family: they are the Homosexual Agenda and Feminism. These together with the external pressure of unbridled immigration reducing the West to Third World status (and the instability and social tensions this entails) are the weapons thought sufficient to destroy the Natural Moral Order that underpins Western civilisation."

[Edited on December 10, 2004 at 8:35 PM. Reason : `]

12/10/2004 8:30:27 PM

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Quote :
"The indigenous peoples of the West instinctively feel something is amiss with this state sanctioned largesse of taxpayers' money by which illegal immigrants are rewarded for their illegal acts and are given preferential treatment to the detriment of native people. They understand that this moral inversion is wrong and rationalise this deep anxiety by concluding that they now live in world gone mad. A world in which morality and common sense are turned on their heads and that the fool, the sentimentalist and the liar are in government and positions of power and influence and are running Western society into the ground. But to those who understand these things the world is not run by fools or sentimentalists but by very sane, very unsentimental men who know exactly why they do what they do and for what very definite purpose."

12/10/2004 8:44:07 PM

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Quote :
"U.S.-Mexico Merger Accelerates

“There is no other country in the world that I go to where I take five or six cabinet officers with me,” observed outgoing Secretary of State Colin Powell as he opened the 21st U.S.-Mexico Binational Commission (BNC) in Mexico City on November 9.

Among those joining Secretary Powell were Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge, outgoing Secretary of Education Rod Paige, Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta, and EPA administrator Michael Leavitt. The BNC exists to coordinate and harmonize policies between the U.S. executive branch and its Mexican equivalent.

“The last decade of Mexican-U.S. relations has been momentous, marked by visionary initiatives such as the North American Free Trade Agreement,” stated Powell. “Together, we can work … to make North America more globally competitive.” From a globalist perspective, that means treating the two nations as part of the same economic unit. That perspective explains why the Bush administration has worked to subsidize the growth of Mexico’s industrial base.

“Last year, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation committed more than $40 million in financing … that would go to small U.S. businesses operating in Mexico,” boasted Powell, promising that “we anticipate providing hundreds of millions more in the coming months.”

At the same time, Powell promised that the Bush administration would continue working to extend “legal status” to illegal immigrants from Mexico. On the one hand, Washington is subsidizing the flight of manufacturing jobs south to Mexico, while encouraging the northward migration of low-wage workers from Mexico.

In an interview with Reforma, Powell promised that “progress on migration” — that is to say, amnesty for illegal aliens — would be a second-term priority for President Bush, albeit one pursued incrementally. “It’s important for us to go after that which is doable and not go after something that we know is beyond our reach,” he stated.

[Edited on December 11, 2004 at 12:46 PM. Reason : `]

12/11/2004 12:44:54 PM

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Quote :
"Too Many Immigrants, Say 75% Of Britons

By Philip Johnston
Home Affairs Editor
The Telegraph - UK

Nearly three quarters of British people believe there are too many immigrants coming into the country, according to an opinion poll published today.

A YouGov survey for The Economist suggests that record levels of immigration are now the principal concern of voters, ahead of public services, crime and terrorism.

The findings also indicate that groups normally regarded as holding more liberal views, including Londoners and the young, are as ill-disposed to immigrants as the majority."

12/11/2004 2:58:12 PM

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Illegal Immigration - The Balkanization Of America

12/13/2004 2:27:46 PM

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Illegal Immigration's Destruction Of America's Middle Class

12/16/2004 11:09:05 AM

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Illegal Immigration - A Man's Story In Texas

12/19/2004 11:39:32 AM

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Quote :
"Mexico publishes guide to assist border crossers

Chris Hawley
Republic Mexico City Bureau
Jan. 1, 2005 12:00 AM

MEXICO CITY - The Mexican government is giving out a colorful new comic book with advice for migrants, but immigration-control advocates worry that some of the tips may encourage illegal border crossers.

The 32-page book, The Guide for the Mexican Migrant, was published in December by Mexico's Foreign Ministry. Using simple language, the book offers safety information for border crossers, a primer on their legal rights and advice on living unobtrusively in the United States.

1/4/2005 6:22:29 PM

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Poverty Crisis in America exacerbated by Massive Illegal Immigration:

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"Not mentioned by Professor Sum in his report is the devastating impact of this emerging crisis being exacerbated by an average of 4.1 million legal and illegal immigrants added to the U.S. workforce annually. Most arrive in the United States with skills no greater than two hands. They outnumber America's poor. They colonize jobs. They possess Third World desperation for work. They work under the table, which allows their employers to pay no taxes or pay no worker's compensation costs.

Illegal and legal immigrants have grabbed all the cabbie jobs. They've stolen all the landscaping jobs. They've commandeered paving, construction, masonry, lawn mowing, dry wall, roofing and hotel jobs.

They're sweeping all our floors for corporations, eating up our fast food jobs and washing all our dishes. They work all our farm jobs, pick our fruits and drive tractors as they work from dawn to dusk.

And get this, the line from the Third World of willing illegal aliens who will do the jobs that Americans supposedly won't do, grows longer. You have to ask yourself at what point will there be any jobs left that Americans will do?

Are they supposed to immigrate to the Third World countries to find work? What is the point of our Congress outsourcing, insourcing, offshoring and immigrating this country to death? What about our working poor? When will our Congress speak to our country's issues?

[Edited on January 4, 2005 at 6:31 PM. Reason : `]

1/4/2005 6:30:37 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"lawn mowing"

my dad has a business and last time I checked, he aint a 'spic. Most of those jobs listed there aren't all that desirable anyway and while, granted, its not good to take away a job generally, I don't think it is as rampant as that site claims.

1/4/2005 6:35:16 PM

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Mexico publishes Comic encouraging illegal immigration:

English Translation of Comic Book:

1/10/2005 10:48:35 AM

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Illegals Cause Mass US Education Meltdown

1/11/2005 9:55:32 AM

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Quote :

You’ve all read about Mexico receiving $15 billion annually in wire transfers from illegal aliens working in America. It’s the second highest income for President Fox and his cronies. You’ve read about the $25 billion in wire transfers funneling into South America. To add insult to injury, another $16 billion vanishes into Asia.

In the meantime, you’re forced to educate illegal aliens’ children numbering 1.1 million at a cost averaging $7,000.00 per child per year for 18 years. Do the math—it’ll make you sick. You’re also forced to give illegals free health care, food stamps, housing assistance and other welfare benefits—all to the detriment of your own family and standard of living.

Every day, America grows poorer because our senators and congressmen, and corporations--aid, abet and encourage illegal alien migration into our country. When those illegals send back our money to their countries of origin, those corporations make a killing not only from the cheap labor, but from the wire transfers. The latest ploy for banks is lending mortgage money to illegal aliens so they can move into our neighborhoods.

But the real killer arrived in the news this month with a report that the underground of illegal aliens, numbering over 15 to 20 million, cost the IRS $311 to $400 billion annually. Additionally, a recent report by Visa stated wire transfers to Mexico last year reached $40 billion. Who do you think makes up for all that money? You do! In any event, this country suffers unthinkable financial hemorrhaging via our corporations such as Western Union, First Data Corporation and others who eagerly become the transfer panderers for all those money transfers.

As America plunged to an all time $7.4 trillion debt and the dollar is about to be replaced by the Euro as the world’s currency standard, how can this illegal alien factor of the "jobs Americans won’t do" be ignored as a monumental aspect in the return to fiscal responsibility?

Robert Justich, a senior managing director at Bear Stearns Asset Management in New York is quoted in a Barron's January report, "The report also points out the cost of the underground economy of illegal aliens working in the U.S. is costing the federal government hundreds of billions of dollars in unpaid income taxes and could lead to a higher impact on taxpayers if President Bush's amnesty proposal is passed into law."

1/20/2005 11:52:26 AM

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Cost of illegals to California $10.5 billion: Analysis shows burden of native-born residents $1,183 per household

1/23/2005 4:12:49 PM

Mr. Joshua
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I don't think that anyone cares, buddy.

1/23/2005 4:25:59 PM

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Quote :
"I don't think that anyone cares, buddy."

Wrong. And I'm not your "buddy."

1/23/2005 10:17:45 PM

Mr. Joshua
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I own stock in Halliburton.


1/23/2005 10:35:09 PM

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America's Destruction By Design

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"With 80 percent of the American public screaming for our president and Congress to secure our borders and stop illegal migration, why do you think President Bush and this Congress aren’t listening?

Short answer: They promote a different agenda against the wishes of American citizens. Since we voted the SAME Congress and president back into office, they carry out their mission: destruction of our Constitution by arrangement.

In an interview with U.S. citizen James Youngblood, this journalist detected frightening realities manifesting across this nation.

Youngblood said, "Aside from all of the obvious problems, what bothers me the most about the immigration question is the huge gap between what the great majority of people in this country appear to think should be done and the almost polar opposite stance that is taken by the government. This gap -- or disconnect -- between popular sentiment and official policy is so large that you have to question what, exactly, is really going on. That is, it's very hard to attribute this huge difference just to institutional ignorance and the normal level of bureaucratic stupidity. There's got to be more to it than that."

1/30/2005 3:45:15 PM

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Former Colorado Governor Richard D. Lamm gave an excellent speech at an immigration-overpopulation conference in Washington, DC on the destruction of America through massive immigration and balkanization.

Eight Steps To Destroy America

Quote :
"Next to last, (Seventh) I would place all subjects off limits ~ make it taboo to talk about anything against the cult of 'diversity.' I would find a word similar to 'heretic' in the 16th century - that stopped discussion and paralyzed thinking. Words like 'racist' or 'xenophobe' halt discussion and debate."

[Edited on January 31, 2005 at 10:36 AM. Reason : `]

1/31/2005 10:35:36 AM

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The Coming Break Up Of America - Part 1

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"Today, America fights a war 10,000 miles away while its own borders suffer an invasion so vast, so powerful, so insidiously destructive, yet so subtle--even our own citizens can't see it. Not yet, that is.


As their numbers grow, they are aided by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund. La Raza, another anti-American Mexican organization, works directly for the overthrow of America. It reaches into the highest levels of our government starting with Alberto Gonzalez.

US House of Representative Joe Baca of California supports La Raza. What does La Raza mean? "For the Latino race, everything, everyone outside the race, nothing!" LULAC is another group that supports the Reconquista of Aztlan,, or, the retaking of the American Southwest back into Mexico. "

Alberto Gonzalez is a member of La Raza.

Quote :
"So why do our politicians sit and twiddle their thumbs? Why do they aid and abet by doing nothing? Can't they see what's happening to California? Texas? Arizona? The answer in a nutshell: No! Why? Because Americans, like the proverbial frog being thrown into the pot of water and the stove being turned up to high, will keep adapting until we boil to death."

2/1/2005 12:14:18 PM

Mr. Joshua
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We get the point! You hate kikes and spics.

Will you stop already?

2/1/2005 12:21:31 PM

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Quote :
"You hate kikes and spics.

Wrong. I hate when people break the laws and enter this country illegally. I hate it that our country is literally being run over with millions of illegal aliens. Many of these illegals want to reclaim large portions of the Southwestern U.S. for Mexico, and belong to racist organizations such as La Raza. I hate seeing the U.S. destroyed right before my eyes (unlike some people).

It is clear you hate me, though. And, interestingly, you are the one introducing the terms "kike" and "spic" to this thread (not me). Seems someone is wanting to play the race card to get their point accross.

thanks for illustrating this point:

Quote :
"Next to last, (Seventh) I would place all subjects off limits ~ make it taboo to talk about anything against the cult of 'diversity.' I would find a word similar to 'heretic' in the 16th century - that stopped discussion and paralyzed thinking. Words like 'racist' or 'xenophobe' halt discussion and debate.

Quote :
"Will you stop already?"

No. I will push even harder now thanks to your latest post. Thanks.

[Edited on February 1, 2005 at 12:33 PM. Reason : `]

2/1/2005 12:24:34 PM

Mr. Joshua
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According to salisburyboy, every race is much more unified than it appears.

Every race has its own secret organization bent on world domination through whatever means necessary. Although much of Latin America lives below the poverty level, crime and drug use is rampant in such areas, and Latinos face discrimination everywhere, groups who claim to combat these problems are really fronts for evil organizations that aim to destroy our way of life.

It sounds awfully far fetched to me, like something from some stupid website....

2/1/2005 12:32:23 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"Seems someone is wanting to play the race card to get their point accross."

Seems to me that you get your info from hate sites. Almost every claim that you make paints the Jews/Hispanics/etc. as a threat to our way of life. When combined with your strong anti-government views, you become one of those run of the mill nut-jobs who stockpiles weapons and builds a bomb shelter in preparation for the day that the government comes to get you.

You are living in a fantasy world.

2/1/2005 12:35:48 PM

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Quote :
"Mexican emigrants send $16bn home

Mexican labourers living in the US sent a record $16.6bn (£8.82bn) home last year.
The Bank of Mexico said that remittances grew 24% last year and now represent the country's second-biggest source of income after oil

2/1/2005 3:30:02 PM

Mr. Joshua
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^Just for the sake of relevance, how many of those people are illegal immigrants?

[Edited on February 1, 2005 at 3:34 PM. Reason : La Raza conspiracy]

2/1/2005 3:33:52 PM

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28 Point Plan To Save America

[Edited on February 1, 2005 at 10:21 PM. Reason : `]

2/1/2005 10:21:12 PM

All American
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hey tom tancredo

sit the fuck down

2/1/2005 10:22:05 PM

All American
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labor should be able to move freely

2/1/2005 10:35:21 PM

All American
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Let's just stop them ourselves...

2/2/2005 11:36:42 PM

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The Coming Break Up Of America - Part II

Quote :
"When you look at the massive $120 billion annual drug trade infecting this country, it's evident. "These urban gangs are evolving into serious armies, armies hostile to the established government." It's why 800,000 Californians fled their state last year. In Miami, American citizens fled north. Detroit is fast becoming Arabic exclusively. Fremont, California known as Little Kabul, tips toward an exclusive Middle Eastern in population. Los Angeles is no longer an American city.

As their numbers grow, police can't touch them because of "Special Order 40" which gives them immunity from arrest and deportation. Such Governors as Baldacci in Maine and Arizona's Governor Napolitano directly break immigration laws by passing ordinances encouraging more illegal aliens and giving them sanctuary. The governor of Minnesota openly encourages massive illegal alien importation. He's pushed by meatpacking plant owners who openly hire illegal aliens. Austin, Minnesota suffers from over 3,000 illegal aliens working in the meatpacking plants. Citizens are left without jobs while a few people make millions at the top.

2/7/2005 10:58:51 PM

All American
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salisburyboy is on a roll....

2/8/2005 12:55:07 AM

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Ten Reasons For Enforcing American Immigration Laws

2/9/2005 12:42:16 PM

Mr. Joshua
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^Thats a link to a story about Fallujah.

2/9/2005 1:19:21 PM

9434 Posts
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correct link to article...

Ten Reasons For Enforcing American Immigration Laws

2/9/2005 3:18:27 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Correct link to a real article:

Quote :
"President Bush plans to ask Congress to spend more to crack down on undocumented workers and arrest and deport illegal immigrants. "

2/9/2005 3:48:44 PM

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California being transformed into Third World status as result of massive illegal immigration

2/14/2005 8:34:28 AM

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How to be an illegal: Mexico government publishes guide to assist border crossers

Bush snuggles illegal aliens: Feds equip agents with blankets, 'heat packs' to help crossers in cold weather

Study: Illegals cost U.S. $10 billion a year: If Bush amnesty program were implemented, figure would triple

[Edited on February 23, 2005 at 12:10 PM. Reason : 1]

2/23/2005 12:08:50 PM

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Mexican assassins invading Texas

Quote :
"Associated Press

DALLAS -- At least three drug-related slayings in North Texas are being blamed on a team of rogue Mexican commandos accused of orchestrating dozens of murders along the U.S.-Mexico border, raising fears that the drug war is moving north.

2/23/2005 12:20:55 PM

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Snipers target border agents

Quote :
"By Jerry Seper

Snipers working as "lookouts" for drug traffickers and illegal-alien smugglers are targeting U.S. Border Patrol agents from vantage points across the U.S.-Mexico border.

America's Trojan Horse Of Immigration

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"Unrestricted illegal and unending legal immigration at 4.1 million annually inundates America with a betrayal that will prove more horrific than 9/11 and equally as devastating as the vandals that overran Rome.

2/23/2005 12:51:29 PM

Mr. Joshua
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So all mexicans are drug dealers? Thats pretty harsh.

2/23/2005 2:54:23 PM

All American
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Unemployment is very low in San Diego, Orange and Los Angeles counties. In fact, Orange County has the lowest unemployment rate of any major metropolitan area in the country.

So much for the Mexicans stealing all our jobs

2/23/2005 3:33:09 PM

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Quote :
"So all mexicans are drug dealers? Thats pretty harsh"

I never said that. Did you really think you could get away with that misrepresentation?

Related to your point...

Mexican schools provide drug songs

Quote :
"MEXICO CITY (AP) -- Mexico's school libraries are stocking a book that includes the lyrics of "narcocorridos" -- folk songs that glorify drug traffickers -- causing a storm of criticism in a country where the drug market and its violence have become part of life in thousands of communities."

2/23/2005 10:20:31 PM

Mr. Joshua
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^Proving my point.

According to you the majority of mexicans are drug dealers. Is this thread going anywhere or are you just posting everything that has anything to do with mexican immigration in the hopes that it somehow forms a coherent argument?

2/24/2005 9:30:39 AM

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