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All American
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Quote :
"Have to wonder if the protesters are going to have the stomach to deal with the next level."

Anecdotally, given the rage I'm seeing, I don't think they care anymore.

Clearly, the catalyst for all of this has been and continues to be about racism and unarmed black people being executed by the police, but it's moved way beyond that.

I'm not at all surprised at what's happening as cities burn across I'm America, but I am surprised it took this long to finally get here...

[Edited on June 1, 2020 at 1:02 PM. Reason : shit is BAD in the Bay Area right now...]

6/1/2020 1:01:41 PM

All American
22932 Posts
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There have been so many pictures taken so far this year that could define 2020 for America, but that one of the White House with the protesters and smoke in the foreground, and the White House completely dark, might be the one to top them.

6/1/2020 1:44:19 PM

All American
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That may be the lasting image of his presidency. Biden should be running with that picture and putting it in TV and FB ads everywhere. If he can convince suburban white women that Trump is weak and ineffective (which shouldn't be hard), he can run away with the election.

With that said, it is 2020 and we still have 5 months until the election. Who knows what's going to happen when aliens attack in August.

On a separate note, can we put to bed the "Trump is a fascist" rhetoric? He has had 2 national emergencies in the past 3 months that could have handed him unprecedented power, but he keeps deferring to the Governors and local governments. I mean, if he was unable to take complete control from this, what makes you think he will do it in the future?

6/1/2020 2:02:00 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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No one ever accused him of being an effective fascist.

6/1/2020 2:04:53 PM

All American
2157 Posts
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I’d say he seeks absolute power, just look at the claims he makes during subpoena requests, suggesting presidents can’t be indicted, or arguments that anything the present does is by definition good for the country and thus not a crime.

What he does not seek is absolute responsibility and in situations where Trump views things could backfire he then directs to the other agencies or authorities to carry out his plans. If it succeeds, great he takes credit. If it fails, they all poorly executed his genius ideas or he never supported that approach in the first place.

6/1/2020 2:08:25 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I’d say he seeks absolute power, just look at the claims he makes during subpoena requests"
Exactly my point. He is a big talker, but he never actually does anything to seek absolute power. For example on the call with the governors today, his tough talk is imploring others to do something.

6/1/2020 2:34:50 PM

All American
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It's confusing to me that people are confident that we are going to have a peaceful transition of power. People who are viewing this through the traditional lens of electoralism baffle me, quite honestly.

Even if we carry out elections per usual, there's zero chance that they can be deemed legitimate when you have a global pandemic with stay-at-home orders and unequal access to mail-in ballots. Then you also have the civil unrest that will be met with increasing levels of brutality by the state (and probably with the assistance of right-wing militias). Rising unemployment will only add to the tensions of the public that demands change and you have a party in power that can only retain their rule by refusing to accept the results of any election. And this party has shown time and time again to defer to the whims of a mad-man who has fascistic power fantasies and only fails to carry them out because he's inept rather than unwilling. And should that party retain control via electoral norms, the vast majority of people currently squaring off with police will never believe it to be legitimate (nor should they). They can only retain that power through the extension of force, which they would probably do.

I just....I don't understand how people think we're going to get off this ride any time soon. I'd love to be wrong, but I mean....

6/1/2020 2:44:24 PM

All American
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Here's an idea. Focus on electing the guy out of power. This is no different than the D's wringing their hands that Trump wouldn't accept the election results after he would inevitably lose to Clinton. Guess you didn't have to worry about that after all.

If you are worried that he would lock himself in the oval office, then work on electing the opposition party to power

6/1/2020 3:29:33 PM

All American
4458 Posts
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Quote :
"This is no different than the D's wringing their hands that Trump wouldn't accept the election results after he would inevitably lose to Clinton"

Three things:

1) You're an idiot.

2) There is a gulf of difference between someone losing an election and crying about it vs a sitting leader refusing to vacate their seat and deliberately undermining the democratic results of an election

3) And most importantly, (and this was the thrust of my position that you glossed over due to point #1): The conditions for holding a free and fair election are currently at risk due to the realities on the ground of major American cities at this point in time.

6/1/2020 3:51:52 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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^^^ kinda what I was getting at. For a lot of these "protestors" (which is a loaded term for a variety of reasons), this IS their '2020 election'. They know that jack shit is going to change at the ballot box in November that will have a direct and meaningful impact on their lives, so this is them voicing their rage as loudly as possible.

It's so odd to me that my parents living 3k miles away still have no clue what's going on. They have no idea that cities are actually burning and that coordinated looting is taking place in broad daylight.

Many people are assuming this violence/chaos is just going to die down, but I think in some places, it's just getting started. And if you think for a nanosecond, Trump will do ANYTHING to try and deescalate anything in attempt to reunite and heal the country, you're just as oblivious as my retired Boomer parents.

6/1/2020 5:17:55 PM

50084 Posts
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Come the fuck on. America is so fucking stupid.

6/1/2020 7:14:26 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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the video is even worse

not as bad as the cops teargassing peaceful protestors so that fucking idiot to walk to that stupid fucking photo op, tho

things are gonna get way worse, and it’s all on him

[Edited on June 1, 2020 at 7:38 PM. Reason : .]

6/1/2020 7:37:59 PM

All American
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His dick must be 3.5 inches long. Hiding behind the Bible?

6/1/2020 7:38:57 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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the video. watch all the way with the sound on.

6/1/2020 7:43:33 PM

50084 Posts
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Fucking nailed it!

I’ll wait to pass judgment until Earl tells us what the base thinks.

[Edited on June 1, 2020 at 7:48 PM. Reason : Lol... “it’s a bible.”]

6/1/2020 7:48:24 PM

All American
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Thoughts n' prayers, brown people. The cops are going to really enjoy these next few days...

6/1/2020 7:52:28 PM

2001 Posts
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I don't get the problem with him saying "Its a bible" Maybe because I'm too far removed from being religious. Gonna need some clarification on that.

Trump is taking full advantage of this past 5 days. I'd classify Trump as a political looter taking support from this situation in the same way people are running into stores grabbing merchandise. A lot of these liberals will virtue signal until they are directly affected by something. The moment "shit gets real" in their minds, they will go right back to the other side and show their true colors.

Many of my liberal friends are scared shitless that places they shopped at got looted. They feel like they might be killed by looters (Its absurd to me too). We have been calling their asses out on facebook and they are saying things like "I'm not racist, I vote democrat" like its a sacrifice they've been making. Also things like "I support the movement BUT looting is unacceptable and must end now" or "I no longer feel safety for me and my children"(over looting). Then they are being dragged even more after doubling down. Trump is carrying out a strategy that is designed to loot their support. There is going to be a huge amount of people who never thought they would vote Trump moving to him over this because they were already operating by "lesser of two evils" philosophy. Fresh maga converts who will never admit they are going Trump now.

6/1/2020 8:30:57 PM

50084 Posts
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I say with zero respect. Go fuck your self.

6/1/2020 9:05:55 PM

All American
2050 Posts
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Quote :
"I don't get the problem with him saying "Its a bible" Maybe because I'm too far removed from being religious. Gonna need some clarification on that."

Assuming you're not just playing dense (admittedly, a sketchy assumption, I know), here's some clarification for you:

6/1/2020 9:06:09 PM

All American
14123 Posts
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The president said “it’s a bible” after receiving the question “is that your bible?”

6/1/2020 9:29:25 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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Quote :
" On a separate note, can we put to bed the "Trump is a fascist" rhetoric?"

this sure hasn’t aged well

6/1/2020 9:36:09 PM

Save TWW
37145 Posts
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^^it's like a classic movie trope the way he put the emphasis on the "a" in that sentence, to really punch home that it isn't his

6/1/2020 9:38:55 PM

1331 Posts
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[Edited on June 1, 2020 at 9:41 PM. Reason : .]

6/1/2020 9:41:43 PM

2001 Posts
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Quote :
"Assuming you're not just playing dense (admittedly, a sketchy assumption, I know), here's some clarification for you:"

Quote :
" as a backdrop for a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus and everything our churches stand for"

The important thing to point out is that I am not christian and do not agree with the bishop. I was confused not because I don't know christianity and the bible, I was confused because I do know it and disagree with it just like I disagree with Trump. I honestly thought the reason would be more sophisticated than this quote from the bishop which is so easy to smack down.

So what he used a bible to deliver a message about cracking down on protesters. Are we really trying to pretend the bible hasn't been used to justify violence (and all other types of bullshit) for centuries? It wouldn't be difficult at all to pull some quotes out of the bible that could be interpreted in a way that justifies everything Trump has done in his life. Try me.

6/1/2020 10:18:58 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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I would like a biblical quote for raw dogging a porn star after his wife gave birth

6/1/2020 10:21:10 PM

6283 Posts
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What does it say about fucking the porn star while married?

6/1/2020 10:21:48 PM

All American
14123 Posts
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Come on guys, the Bible was written way before porn became a thing. Jesus would totally be for that if she was hot

[Edited on June 1, 2020 at 10:24 PM. Reason : .]

6/1/2020 10:23:42 PM

All American
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^^^^I'm not a Christian, either, but even I can see how his methods are "antithetical to the teachings of Jesus". And OK, I will try you:

Show me teachings of Jesus, specifically, that "justify everything Trump has done in his life". That was the quote from the Bishop, after all.

6/1/2020 10:40:01 PM

All American
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And another thing: Are you seriously ignorant enough to not see how a religious official would be offended by an opportunistic use of their religion (by somebody who is clearly ignorant of their religion) to promote themselves?

Yes, it has been done before. No, that does not make it OK.

Jesus, how much of a fucking moron are you?

6/1/2020 10:45:07 PM

Save TWW
37145 Posts
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If you're Jesus, they let you do it

6/1/2020 10:46:37 PM

2001 Posts
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My point is that a pro-Trump bishop could use the bible to justify the same actions that another bishop may use to criticize Trump. The bible has a lot of things that are applied in a lot of ways. His base will not have a problem with this at all. the people who are turned off by this were already turned off in 2015.

Its not just its been done "before" its been done for thousands of years. Everybody picks and choose which parts they want to apply and which parts they want to ignore. When I said 'everything' it was hyperbole. Some of the things he's done in his personal life will be a bit of a reach to justify (but there are still quotes out there) whereas the things he's done politically and as president will be quite simple to justify.

You're the one pretending to be dense by acting like using the bible to justify horrible shit isn't par for the course.
Quote :
"Are you seriously ignorant enough to not see how a religious official would be offended by an opportunistic use of their religion (by somebody who is clearly ignorant of their religion) to promote themselves?"

'every' mega church

[Edited on June 1, 2020 at 10:54 PM. Reason : no one referenced the bishops quote until now. you only mentioned trumps quote. ]

[Edited on June 1, 2020 at 10:57 PM. Reason : history is a collection of stories about people using the bible to promote themselves]

[Edited on June 1, 2020 at 11:01 PM. Reason : removing hyperbole. where i live we say "literally" when its not and use a lot of hyperbole sorry.]

6/1/2020 10:51:30 PM

All American
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Quote :
"My point is that a pro-Trump bishop could use the bible to justify the same actions that another bishop may use to criticize Trump. The bible has a lot of things that are applied in a lot of ways. His base will not have a problem with this at all and 100% of the people who are turned off by this were already turned off in 2015."

No, that was not your point. What you said was:

Quote :
"I don't get the problem with him saying "Its a bible" Maybe because I'm too far removed from being religious. Gonna need some clarification on that."

You said you "don't get the problem". Now you've walked that back to how the Bible can be twisted, and how it won't change how his base views him. I agree with your walkback. I still think you're a fucking moron if you claim to not even see the problem some (not his base, but some people) will have with it.

Nice attempt at however.

Quote :
"You're the one pretending to be dense by acting like using the bible to justify horrible shit isn't par for the course."

I never said it isn't par for the course. What I said (if you'd pay attention for a change) is that it is obvious why some people would have a problem with that. You don't have to have a problem with it to understand why others would. And it being par for the course does not imply everyone simply decides it is now OK.


6/1/2020 11:01:45 PM

All American
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Quote :
"no one referenced the bishops quote until now. you only mentioned trumps quote."

It was the clarification you specifically asked for, dumbass.

6/1/2020 11:05:41 PM

2001 Posts
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Quote :
"No, that was not your point. What you said was:"

Yeah I made multiple points.
Quote :
"You said you "don't get the problem". Now you've walked that back to how the Bible can be twisted, and how it won't change how his base views him. I agree with your walkback. I still think you're a fucking moron if you claim to not even see the problem some (not his base, but some people) will have with it."

Its not walking it back. You're talking about me responding to new points being made. I didn't understand because the angle was never put out. this is all that had been said up to that point. I asked for an explanation, got it, and then we were on the same page. At that point, why do you want to go back and argue with the old me? Someone taking in new information and updating their response is not the right use of "moving the goalposts"
Quote :

I’ll wait to pass judgment until Earl tells us what the base thinks.

[Edited on June 1, 2020 at 7:48 PM. Reason : Lol... “it’s a bible.”]

Once again, you are making a time traveling argument by applying one of my old posts to information that was made available after that post was made. Sorry I can't reply to future posts.
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"I never said it isn't par for the course. What I said (if you'd pay attention for a change) is that it is obvious why some people would have a problem with that. You don't have to have a problem with it to understand why others would. And it being par for the course does not imply everyone simply decides it is now OK.


Well yeah. Guess what. Its obvious people will have a problem with what Trump says on August 17th, 2020. I was confused at why his base might have a problem with it based on what had been posted at a time (nothing but the Trump quote.)

6/1/2020 11:14:51 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Its not walking it back. You're talking about me responding to new points being made. I didn't understand because the angle was never put out. this is all that had been said up to that point. I asked for an explanation, got it, and then we were on the same page."

No, we weren't on the same page then, because you rejected the explanation:

Quote :
"The important thing to point out is that I am not christian and do not agree with the bishop. I was confused not because I don't know christianity and the bible, I was confused because I do know it and disagree with it just like I disagree with Trump. I honestly thought the reason would be more sophisticated than this quote from the bishop which is so easy to smack down."

And now I am continuing to point out that you do not have the privilege of deciding whether a person has a problem with it or not.

Quote :
"At that point, why do you want to go back and argue with the old me? Someone taking in new information and updating their response is not the right use of "moving the goalposts""

Because you were continuing to maintain that it wasn't a problem...just like the "old you" was claiming. And it was your misrepresentation of your "old you" that I called out for moving the goaposts. You first claimed you didn't see the problem, then you changed it to, "My point is that a pro-Trump bishop could use the bible to justify the same actions that another bishop may use to criticize Trump. The bible has a lot of things that are applied in a lot of ways. His base will not have a problem with this at all and 100% of the people who are turned off by this were already turned off in 2015" -- A misrepresentation, like I said.

Quote :
"Well yeah. Guess what. Its obvious people will have a problem with what Trump says on August 17th, 2020. I was confused at why his base might have a problem with it based on what had been posted at a time (nothing but the Trump quote.)"

Wow. Another goalpost move. What his base may or may not have a problem with wasn't the topic you were responding to. Again, this is what you said:

Quote :
"I don't get the problem with him saying "Its a bible" Maybe because I'm too far removed from being religious. Gonna need some clarification on that."

Absolutely no reference to what his base thinks. Walkback, Walkback, Walkback. Oh, and this, too:

6/1/2020 11:34:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
" Its obvious people will have a problem with what Trump says on August 17th, 2020."

Let me remind you once more that your issue was over "why" (and "whether") people would have a problem with it. Can you not stay on topic? Or is that just how you approach debates: Bullshit and change the subject and hope that no one notices?

It's not working.

6/1/2020 11:37:25 PM

2001 Posts
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Someone posted a link where it was like 8 seconds Trump said "its a bible" as he held up a bible. That was it. Its not obvious why people would have a problem with a statement of pure fact until they explain it. Once the next link was posted, I understood.

[Edited on June 1, 2020 at 11:42 PM. Reason : kk]

6/1/2020 11:41:43 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Once the next link was posted, I understood."

That's not at all clear when you immediately responded that the explanation was "so easy to smack down". You were still implying that it was bullshit that anyone would have a problem with it. Walk it back now all you like, but that is what you said.


6/2/2020 12:08:56 AM

2001 Posts
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No I wasn't implying bullshit because, as I've always stated, I know people will honestly have a problem with every thing Trump does. I was genuinely just lost at what the specific reasoning for that problem might have been.

were they mad that he had someone else's bible and not his own?
did they think he didn't own a bible and was just pretending?
was he supposed to say "the" bible instead of "a" bible?

I had nothing to go off of.

[Edited on June 2, 2020 at 12:44 AM. Reason : you're developing a weird pattern of doing this thing you're doing right now and it isn't productive]

6/2/2020 12:43:12 AM

All American
25799 Posts
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Quote :
" I say with zero respect. Go fuck your self."

Or, you could do the right thing and ban his ass already

6/2/2020 1:05:23 AM

All American
2050 Posts
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Quote :
"No I wasn't implying bullshit because, as I've always stated, I know people will honestly have a problem with every thing Trump does. I was genuinely just lost at what the specific reasoning for that problem might have been.

were they mad that he had someone else's bible and not his own?
did they think he didn't own a bible and was just pretending?
was he supposed to say "the" bible instead of "a" bible?

I had nothing to go off of.

[Edited on June 2, 2020 at 12:44 AM. Reason : you're developing a weird pattern of doing this thing you're doing right now and it isn't productive]"

Like I said: Bullshit. After the reason was explained to you, you still persisted in saying the reason provided was bullshit: You specifically said that reason was ""so easy to smack down".

And regarding your final comment: Yes, I know pointing out how you are full of shit isn't productive; nevertheless, it amuses me.

[Edited on June 2, 2020 at 1:45 AM. Reason : ]

6/2/2020 1:45:39 AM

2001 Posts
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I never said it was bullshit. Its just easy to smack down because its a case of people trying to apply christianity to their political view when the bible has been used to justify so many contradicting things simultaneously throughout history.

That doesn't mean I doubt the people making the assertion actually believe that their interpretation is the correct christian way.

There are Trump supporters who think being christian obligate them to vote Trump and there are liberals who think it obligates them to oppose him. Neither side is bullshit even if Trump himself is.

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"Or, you could do the right thing and ban his ass already"

I thought his post was responding to Trump. I'm not even sure what part of the post he followed would piss him off on a personal level like that. I assume he'd be one of the first people to agree with me on the notion that Trump is trying to capitalize off of white anxiety.

Someone should ask UJUSTWAIT how the country will ever go forward if democrats homogenize their experience by banning/ignoring anyone who thinks differently.

[Edited on June 2, 2020 at 2:13 AM. Reason : i]

6/2/2020 2:12:01 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Its just easy to smack down because its a case of people trying to apply christianity to their political view when the bible has been used to justify so many contradicting things simultaneously throughout history."

You're still getting it wrong, son: It's not a case of that at all. It's a case of a politician trying to co-opt religious messaging for their own purposes. Yes, it has been done before. Indeed, yes it is par for the course. That doesn't mean it doesn't offend people, and you're a fucking moron for not seeing that immediately.

And when you said you don't understand why people have a problem, and then say, once the problem has been explained to you, that it's "so easy to smack down", I'm sure if you give it some honest consideration, you can see how that may come across as you continuing to maintain that it's all bullshit.

I've chastised you before for being a piss poor communicator. Maybe this time it will sink in?

[Edited on June 2, 2020 at 3:01 AM. Reason : ]

6/2/2020 2:53:04 AM

50084 Posts
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Here’s the thing, my only reply to Earl saying to go fuck himself is because he is EXACTLY the same as piece of shit media personalities he complains about who can ONLY think about the horse race. Besides literally all empirical evidence being against him, he constantly seeks to justify every and all Trump actions as “good for Trump” and only for the base. It’s pathetic and more times than not, wrong.

And it’s all based on some weird incessant need to point out that Trump is just standard operating procedure as an American president. He’s not. He’s uniquely horrible and by far the most ignorant, narcissistic and emotionally damaged person we’ve ever had in office. He’s ill-tempered, refuses to listen to anyone and full of impotent rage. It’s all so weird, too. You can easily rage against the American system, criticism both the GOP and Dems, criticize Obama and Biden all while acknowledging that the current POTUS is uniquely bad.

[Edited on June 2, 2020 at 5:16 AM. Reason : C]

6/2/2020 5:15:54 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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I really don't understand why you people respond to him.

I mean his shitposts are designed to make you want to do it, but prior to the Rona we were all somehow able to resist.

Quote :
"I've chastised you before for being a piss poor communicator"

No dude he's a bad actor just fucking ignore him.

[Edited on June 2, 2020 at 7:20 AM. Reason : ]

6/2/2020 7:18:10 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4922 Posts
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I don't understand how dtownral received a ban but horosho hasn't.

6/2/2020 8:19:10 AM

Save TWW
37145 Posts
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^^bc if nothing else he is very good at being a grating troll. He is very good at baiting.

^just need to trick horosho into telling q to suck his balls or whatever

6/2/2020 8:22:17 AM

2001 Posts
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Quote :
"That doesn't mean it doesn't offend people, and you're a fucking moron for not seeing that immediately.."

But this lady is a liberal. I still doubt it offends anyone new. I doubt it offends anyone in his base. and maybe I am a moron. I'm here trying to expand my knowledge by interacting with a group of people who think differently and learn about new perspectives almost daily. This all started with me asking a question.
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"I've chastised you before for being a piss poor communicator. Maybe this time it will sink in?"

Maybe I am a poor communicator. I'm here to work on that. Heres the thing though. Chastising someone for not being as knowledgeable or articulate doesn't improve their skills. Everyone is at different levels. Instead of trying to understand, you looked for an opportunity to make insults. You took the puzzle pieces I put out and intentionally assembled them in a way you knew didn't make any sense but ran with that as what I intended it to be. Instead of asking clarifying questions (like I did), you made my poorly communicated points into a strawman just so you could call me a dumbass and then after I clarified, you continued to run with it.

Quote :
"Besides literally all empirical evidence being against him, he constantly seeks to justify every and all Trump actions as “good for Trump” and only for the base. It’s pathetic and more times than not, wrong."

I'm open to accepting the empirical evidence that Trump has lost his base but I haven't seen it. Post it. Not everyone comes in with exactly the same information you have. That is why arguments need supporting evidence instead of namecalling.

Quote :
"And it’s all based on some weird incessant need to point out that Trump is just standard operating procedure as an American president. He’s not. He’s uniquely horrible and by far the most ignorant, narcissistic and emotionally damaged person we’ve ever had in office"

This is all true because of the fact that he only acts based on what is good for him. That is connected to me pointing out how almost all of his actions are good for his base. He's unique in that he has thrown out the unwritten rules of even trying to pretend to appeal to the whole country and not just his base.

Quote :
"It’s all so weird, too. You can easily rage against the American system, criticism both the GOP and Dems, criticize Obama and Biden all while acknowledging that the current POTUS is uniquely bad."

I've ALWAYS acknowledged that his rhetoric was uniquely bad. From day1. I've said that his policies were not anything new and its important to be very careful with what you are doing right now. I'm trying to think in the long term and think you have a blindspot that doesn't see what the significance of conditioning everyone into thinking Trump is "uniquely bad" could actually do. The thing about playing that card is that you only get to do it once. Once it is out, it can never be used again.

Now imagine Biden wins and its 2024. Biden vs Cotton or somebody like that. The next GOP candidate will have the same political agenda as Trump (or worse), be polite, well spoken and much more covert. They will have legislative finesse and be much more likely to advance the same agenda in a more precise, legal way. They will be able to say all the right "presidential" things. No one will be able to say that he is uniquely bad because the card was wasted. No one will be able to sound the alarm. You can't say every new GOP president is uniquely bad. You can't say every election is the "election of our lives". Even if its true. The stakes will only get higher.

6/2/2020 10:29:21 AM

All American
846 Posts
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DTR evolved into more than a troll / thusfar horosho has not.

6/2/2020 10:33:11 AM

50084 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm open to accepting the empirical evidence that Trump has lost his base but I haven't seen it. Post it. Not everyone comes in with exactly the same information you have. That is why arguments need supporting evidence instead of namecalling. "

No one gives a fuck about his base. He has not and will never lose his base. Period. What are we even talking about? His base is like 30% of likely voters. They will always be his voters?

Why are you so obsessed with his base.

[Edited on June 2, 2020 at 10:57 AM. Reason : ]

6/2/2020 10:56:40 AM

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