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All American
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Desperate recruiters feeding the perpetual war machine.

12/23/2010 10:57:20 PM

All American
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Quote :
"as far as OPEIII is concerned...where did I say that I was ignoring anything? my response was specifically directed at the list of "corruption" that pupils posted. I don't condone raping, killing, or torturing of any innocent civilians. it saddens me every time there is collateral damage and casualties in this asymmetric war we're fighting (oops, sorry, I mean collateral MURDER )"

Where did I say that you said you were ignoring anything? You didn't say, you just ignored. You keep ignoring my multiple posts about the CIA kidnapping an innocent civilian from Europe, flying him to Afghanistan to be tortured and sodomized, then realizing he is not a terrorist just his name is the same as that of a wanted terrorist, then not releasing him because he knows too much, then finally flying him to Europe and dumping him by the side of a desolate road in not the same country as the one he was forcefully abducted from. No compensation was ever given to him, and when he sued the USG, the motherfucking judge overturned his lawsuit ("state secrets" bullshit excuse). Remember, this is one case that we know of, I bet there have been tens more from the past few decade, if not hundreds.

Where did I mention anything about collateral murder? I am talking about targeted murders, kidnapping, rapes, etc. Deaths can happen collaterally, but never kidnappings, rapes, and torture. Oh sorry you got raped, we shot this rape missile here with the wrong coordinates. Yeah, that doesn't happen. And there have been a hell of a lot of kidnappings, rapes, and tortures in these wars. You are against the war? Forget the war, how about condemning your fellow soldiers and government employees who kidnap, rape, and torture men, women, and children?

Yeah, you will ignore this post as well.

Read my posts from page 13... heck, I will repost them here, so that you can re-ignore them while being "vehemently opposed to our incursion into Iraq". Here they are:


Quote :
"goalielax: as i said in the CC thread: if he does something in another country that's considered rape, he doesn't get a free pass just because it's not that bad here. it'd be like an adult from Italy coming over here and having sex with a 14 year old in California, where the legal age is 18. he's not innocent of statutory rape just because in his country it's OK"

That's not the tune you would be singing if it was one of your military buddies accused of 'rape' in Sweden in the same fashion. Or how about if you or your buddies came to an Arab/Muslim country, slept with women, were caught, and then sentenced to be lashed or stoned to death? What song would you be singing then? Certainly not this one: if he does something in another country that's considered a crime, he doesn't get a free pass just because it's not that bad here.

Quote :
"DaBird: serious question - have any arrests been made from the crime and corruption exposed by either round of leaks? (not people leaking the information, but arrests made from the evidence provided in the leaks)"

How is that even possible? The government does horrible stuff and covers it up. Someone leaks the documents showing the horrible actions and the coverups. So? Such a government is determined not to prosecute itself from the very beginning. You think the USG would prosecute CIA agents for abducting some random brown dude from Macedonia who happened to have the same name as a suspected terrorist, holding him in Afghanistan and torturing him for several months, and then just as easily they picked him up, they dump him by the side of a desolate road in Albania without any food, money, or an apology?

Quote :
"In April 2004, CIA Director George Tenet learned that El-Masri was being wrongfully detained. National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice learned of his detention in early May and ordered his release.[7] El-Masri was released on May 28 following a second order from Rice.[7] They flew him out of Afghanistan and released him at night on a desolate road in Albania, without apology, or funds to return home."

Don't you think that if they had any conscience or humanity in them, Tenet or Rice would also have ordered that he be given some kind of compensation? Or at least fucking dropped off at his house or something? They are evil humans.

I pray to God that all humans (incl. the 2 named above) who were involved in his capture, abduction, transport, interrogation, torture, AND RELEASE are either murdered, run over by a bus, or just fall like flies and die. (or brought to justice, but that will never ever happen)

Had I been in charge of this and realized he was the wrong person, I would called an international press conference for his release, apologized profusely, and given him $1,000,000, and perhaps a car and a house as well, all on live TV. Imagine how many friends I would have made and how many people's trust I would have gained that way. But that's not the reason to do it though, the reason is because that would have been the right thing to do... something (any right thing) the USG is incapable of doing (just as much all the other governments, leaders, and terrorist groups it criticizes, condemns, and lords over).

That story is full of barbarism, evil, and terrorism.

Handing out candy to kids on the streets of Afghanistan/Iraq does not change the conclusion:

USG = State Sponsor of Terrorism

And that's just one story... I bet hundreds, if not thousands, of such cases exist from the past few decades.

Quote :
"Discussion over what to do with El-Masri included secretly transporting him back to Macedonia, without informing German authorities, dumping him, and denying any claims he made. In the end they did inform the German government, without apologizing, and were able to persuade the Germans to remain silent.[8]"

I also pray that all Germans involved in the cover up also die or are killed, even if that includes the Fascist Merkel.

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"He has also claimed that he was sodomized."

Who knew American terrorists were gay rapists?

Quote :
"On December 6, 2005, the American Civil Liberties Union helped El-Masri file suit in the USA against former CIA director George Tenet and the owners of the private jets, leased to the US government, that the CIA used to transport him.[14] El-Masri had to participate via a video link because the American authorities again confused him with al-Qaeda terrorist Khalid al-Masri and denied him entry when his plane landed in the United States. Some press reports attributed the Americans barring him entry due to his name remaining on the watch list. But his lawyer, Manfred Gnjidic, was also barred entry."

Only death would be the fitting end for these incompetent animals.

Quote :
"On May 18, 2006, U.S. Federal District Judge T.S. Ellis, III dismissed a lawsuit El-Masri filed against the CIA and three private companies allegedly involved with his transport, explaining that a public trial would "present a grave risk of injury to national security."[23] (This legal doctrine is known as the state secrets privilege.[24]) Ellis also acknowledged that if Masri's allegations were true then he deserved compensation from the US government."

Fuck this Ellis oppressor also.

Quote :
"In June 2007 the ACLU filed a petition for certiorari at the U.S. Supreme Court.
On October 9, 2007, the ACLU petition was denied by the U.S. Supreme Court without comment."

And fuck the Supreme 'Court' too. More like Supreme Oppression.

12/24/2010 2:36:03 AM

All American
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More like Supreme Oppression.

12/24/2010 8:27:14 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Only death would be the fitting end for these incompetent animals."

Well you're in luck. Death is the end for us all, fitting or not.

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"And that's just one story... I bet hundreds, if not thousands, of such cases exist from the past few decades."

Really? You seriously bet this has happened hundreds or thousands of times? This one guy couldn't wait to file a lawsuit, why do you think the rest are so quiet?

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"I also pray that all Germans involved in the cover up also die or are killed, even if that includes the Fascist Merkel."

I would be surprised that you think everyone involved should be executed for a case of wrongful imprisonment. Sure it was wrong, but nobody died.

But then I remembered that you people love to go overboard with your punishments, like cutting off a hand for stealing bread and stoning for adultery.

[Edited on December 24, 2010 at 10:19 AM. Reason : ]

12/24/2010 10:19:04 AM

All American
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Quote :
"But then I remembered that you people love to go overboard with your punishments, like cutting off a hand for stealing bread and stoning for adultery.

Considering we started 2 wars where hundreds of thousands of civilians have either been injured or killed, all because 2000 people were murdered, it seems WE go overboard too.

What the CIA did to this guy is heinous. There’s no way around that. It was absolutely wrong, and the fact that they didn’t compensate him is atrocious. I don’t get why you are trying to defend this.

Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot, imagine if this were German picking up one of our citizens accidentally, holding him secretly, probably torturing him, then when they found out it was the wrong guy, dumping him off somewhere hoping he’ll die and never live to tell his story. You would be flipping out.

Death would be appropriate for the decision makers involved in this, really. I’d at least settle for us giving him some $$ compensation. We have no right to criticize China for human rights violations when we do stuff like this, and things like this are most likely why no one takes us seriously when we talk about that kind of stuff.

12/24/2010 10:56:46 AM

All American
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I'm not defending it. Everyone involved who knew the full extent of what was going on should be prosecuted and those who covered it up without knowing all the details should be fired. But what part of this case makes you think anyone deserves to die for it?

And aren't you against the death penalty anyway?

[Edited on December 24, 2010 at 11:50 AM. Reason : ]

12/24/2010 11:47:52 AM

All American
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Nevermind that the only reason this is a story is because it is an anomaly that most Americans agree is inconsistent with our values. Whereas, if this were to happen in China, it wouldn't just be seen as ordinary; it would probably be held up as a sign of their mellowing out.

But hey, no one accuses today's fringe lefties of not making a living off drawing asinine moral equivalencies.

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"And aren't you against the death penalty anyway?"

Isn't the merging of right wing philosophy with left wing radicalism what this story's all about?

[Edited on December 24, 2010 at 11:59 AM. Reason : ]

12/24/2010 11:51:46 AM

All American
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Quote :
"But what part of this case makes you think anyone deserves to die for it?

And aren't you against the death penalty anyway?"

I didn't say they deserved to die, I'm saying that their crime is serious enough to warrant a punishment of death.

I don't think we, or any civilized group, should put them to death, but if they did die, I couldn't shed a tear.

12/24/2010 1:48:43 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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Quote :
"You keep ignoring my multiple posts "

I'm not ignoring shit - just because I don't respond doesn't mean I'm not reading. I think that's wrong. I agree with you. What the fuck do you want to be said. I jumped back into this thread SPECIFICALLY because some douche thinks that everything is CORRUPTION OF THE GOVENRMENT. I'm sorry you're not getting your shaft stroked enough by the posters on here. I'll be sure to cup your balls and tell you how good a little activist you are in the future when I agree with you so you feel the public agreement and validation you apparently so desperately need.

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"how about condemning your fellow soldiers and government employees who kidnap, rape, and torture men, women, and children?"

where did I ever say I don't condemn them. I haven't heard you condemn the shooting of three teenagers in Baltimore last night. CLEARLY YOU SUPPORT ATTEMPTED MURDER OF TEENS

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"Where did I mention anything about collateral murder"

you didn't - wikileaks did.

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"I bet there have been tens more from the past few decade, if not hundreds"

and I bet that unicorns exist in the mysterious land of sha-na-na. since you can't find it and disprove it, it must be a logical point and any attempt to dispute it is just falling in line with what THEY want you to think. long story short, if there have been cases, those are no more right than this one. Again, LET ME STROKE OFF YOUR COCK SO YOU KNOW HOW SPECIAL AND RIGHT YOU ARE SINCE NO ONE ELSE WILL BLOW YOU FOR YOUR OPINIONS. HEY EVERYONE! I AGREE WITH THIS POINT AND THINK ANYTHING LIKE THIS IS TERRIBLE.

Does that make you happy now? Is the world a better place since I voiced my opinion on the fucking wolf web? Are you more right now that someone agreed aloud? Jesus...

Quote :
"What song would you be singing then? Certainly not this one: if he does something in another country that's considered a crime, he doesn't get a free pass just because it's not that bad here."

You're unbelievable. How many times are you going to thrust words into other people's mouths in this thread. As I said before: you're no better than the fox news', sarah palin's, and dick cheney's of the world. you'd rather put words into someone's mouth and summarily dismiss them than have to engage an opinion that isn't in lock-step with your own. you want to claim such righteous indignation about all of this shit, but you're awful quick to cop out and spray rhetoric.

[Edited on December 24, 2010 at 2:51 PM. Reason : .]

12/24/2010 2:49:21 PM

All American
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Quote :
"How is that even possible? The government does horrible stuff and covers it up. Someone leaks the documents showing the horrible actions and the coverups. So? Such a government is determined not to prosecute itself from the very beginning.

the government polices itself all the time. are you kidding me? you are talking out of your ass.

12/24/2010 9:04:30 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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Quote :
"I jumped back into this thread SPECIFICALLY because some douche thinks that everything is CORRUPTION OF THE GOVENRMENT."

Holy shit, you were serious?

I just assumed you were a troll.

By the way, I looked up the definition of corruption; nearly every example I listed met nearly every definition of the word.

12/26/2010 1:05:15 PM

All American
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oh wait, you are arguing semantics. i got the impression I was the only one here doing that

[Edited on December 26, 2010 at 3:14 PM. Reason : .]

12/26/2010 3:13:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
"oh wait, you are arguing semantics. i got the impression I was the only one here doing that "

No. However, you were the one incorrectly arguing semantics.

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"^you need to look up the definition of corruption"

12/26/2010 3:21:31 PM

All American
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if would wold be so kind to go through and show how each of those things shows how our government is corrupt (and who is corrupt would be a nice addition)

12/26/2010 3:51:06 PM

All American
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Its size alone shows that our government is corrupt and perverse in nature. No further proof is necessary, but much more is available. May it all crumble soon.

12/26/2010 10:05:23 PM

All American
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On a tangentally related topic, I just learned about the Smith Mundt Act which provides that

Quote :
"information produced by VOA for audiences outside the United States shall not be disseminated within the United States … but, on request, shall be available in the English language at VOA, at all reasonable times following its release as information abroad, for examination only by representatives of United States press associations, newspapers, magazines, radio systems, and stations, and by research students and scholars, and, on request, shall be made available for examination only to Members of Congress."

I guess it's common, we have a tv station AlHurra that broadcasts in 22 mideastern countries but not in the US. Weird - I'd never heard about it before

12/26/2010 11:14:10 PM

All American
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Notably the BBG (Broadcasting Board of Governors) is diligent in keeping the government's rather bland and factually-based propaganda (a.k.a. the VOA) away from its own citizens, but back in the Bush Administration considerably less care was taken with the prepackaged "news stories" (a.k.a. pro-administration propaganda) sold to news stations with no indication that they had been created by the government:

just in case you needed a reminder of how evil ol' Gee Dubya Bastard was

12/27/2010 12:41:44 AM

All American
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I didn't, but thanks for posting that really old article.

12/27/2010 9:27:17 AM

All American
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i'm sorry, but "it's size alone" doesn't show shit. did you thank that our embassies WEREN'T communicating with Washington? that's like saying THE SIZE OF YOUR G-MAIL INBOX SHOWS THAT YOU ARE A CORRUPT AND PERVERSE INDIVIDUAL

[Edited on December 27, 2010 at 10:29 AM. Reason : .]

12/27/2010 10:21:44 AM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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lulz dude just signed a 1.5 million dollar book deal.

12/27/2010 11:40:43 AM

All American
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Quote :
"WikiLeaks disclosed 390,136 classified documents about the Iraq War and 76,607 about Afghanistan so far, one of which revealed another 15,000 civilian casualties in Iraq which had not been acknowledged or reported before;

Fragmentary orders [FRAGO] 242 and 039 instructed American troops not to investigate torture in Iraq conducted by America’s allies;

The CIA operates a secret army of 3,000 in Afghanistan;

A secret US Task Force 373 is assigned to nighttime hunter-killer raids in Afghanistan;

The US ambassador in Kabul says it is impossible to fix corruption when our ally is the corrupt entity;

One Afghan minister alone carried $52 million out of the country;

US Special Forces operate in Pakistan without public acknowledgement, in violation of that country’s sovereignty;

America’s ally, Pakistan, is the chief protector of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Following secret U.S air strikes against suspected al-Qaeda militants, Yeme's President Ali Abdullah Saleh told General David Petraeus, "We'll continue saying the bombs are ours, not yours."

U.S. government contractor DynCorp threw a party for Afghan security recruits featuring trafficked boys as the entertainment. Bacha bazi is the Afghan tradition of "boy play" where young boys are dressed up in women's clothing, forced to dance for leering men, and then sold for sex to the highest bidder. DynCorp has been previously linked to child sex trafficking charges.

So let me get this straight. You don't see how this stuff is wrong? You don't have any issue with our government sponsoring/condoning things like this? Do you even know the definition of corruption?

12/27/2010 11:40:46 AM

All American
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i don't normally like the three-word quote thing but

Quote :



12/27/2010 11:50:08 AM

Burn it all down.
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You seem to think 'secret' and 'classified' automatically means 'oh holy fuck it must be vile and corrupt'

12/27/2010 11:56:03 AM

All American
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Quote :
"You seem to think 'secret' and 'classified' unethical automatically means 'oh holy fuck it must be vile and corrupt'"

There fixed it for you.
I guess you see nothing wrong with that list?

12/27/2010 12:48:18 PM

Burn it all down.
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I see plenty things wrong with that list.

The Afghan government is corrupt, this is not a new or startling secret. They have been since day 1, this is why we're having such a hard time pulling out in an effective manner.

12/27/2010 2:19:52 PM

All American
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USA #1

12/28/2010 9:26:31 AM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"lulz dude just signed a 1.5 million dollar book deal."

your point?

12/28/2010 9:26:59 AM

Burn it all down.
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He is releasing classified documents for his own personal and monetary gain.

12/28/2010 9:41:00 AM

All American
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Just wait until this summer when the new hit reality show comes out, Freakin' and Leakin': The Julian Assange Show, on E!

[Edited on December 28, 2010 at 9:50 AM. Reason : ]

12/28/2010 9:49:44 AM

All American
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Quote :
"You don't see how this stuff is wrong? "

Oh some of them are absolutely wrong, I just don't see how the following show the USG as some horrible and corrupt entity:

Quote :
"A secret US Task Force 373 is assigned to nighttime hunter-killer raids in Afghanistan;

The US ambassador in Kabul says it is impossible to fix corruption when our ally is the corrupt entity;

One Afghan minister alone carried $52 million out of the country;

US Special Forces operate in Pakistan without public acknowledgement, in violation of that country’s sovereignty;

America’s ally, Pakistan, is the chief protector of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Following secret U.S air strikes against suspected al-Qaeda militants, Yeme's President Ali Abdullah Saleh told General David Petraeus, "We'll continue saying the bombs are ours, not yours.""

1. So we are fighting a war and have a task force that carries out classified missions. Hardly an illustration of corruption or even a revelation.

2. So our Ambassador penned a cable stating what is blatantly obvious to anyone familiar with Afghanistan, a country with a history of being among the most corrupt in the world.

3. See number 2. An afghan politician is corrupt? Shocking.

4. The US Special Forces operate in lots of countries without public acknowledgment, its kinda the nature of their business. This does not say anything about whether they operate there without the approval of the Pakistani government, tacit or otherwise.

5. Once again, pretty well known fact for even the most casual observer of this region. Still trying to figure out how the US is the great satan based on this.

6. So the leader of a country has agreed to take responsibility for airstrikes carried out by the US on his country's territory against suspected militants? All this presumably because his country is incapable of carrying out these attacks themselves and frankly they dont want them operating in their country either. Again, no great conspiracy here.

The secret army one doesn't inherently cause me any great concern either without evidence that they are doing anything grossly negligent or attrocious. I mean, they had quite a bit of success in bringing down the taliban in 2001/2002.

12/28/2010 9:51:03 AM

All American
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You dumbfucks don't really get it do you? I really don't care about the motives I am more interested in the information. I wish I could say I was surprised that the vast majority of the populace is so distracted by Assange's character. It is amazing how easily you all are distracted. Makes you pretty good pawns patriots I guess.

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"The secret army one doesn't inherently cause me any great concern either without evidence that they are doing anything grossly negligent or attrocious. I mean, they had quite a bit of success in bringing down the taliban in 2001/2002."


No problem with this one?
Quote :
"Fragmentary orders [FRAGO] 242 and 039 instructed American troops not to investigate torture in Iraq conducted by America’s allies"

[Edited on December 28, 2010 at 9:55 AM. Reason : asdf]

[Edited on December 28, 2010 at 9:56 AM. Reason : Whaaaa?]

[Edited on December 28, 2010 at 9:57 AM. Reason : adsf]

12/28/2010 9:54:26 AM

All American
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I thought that it was painfully obvious that the ones that I neglected to address fell under:

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"Oh some of them are absolutely wrong,"

What isn't clear about the secret army part?

12/28/2010 10:00:03 AM

Burn it all down.
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^^ Prior to the main invasion of Afghanistan, the US (using the CIA's SAD (zomg their secret army) and SPECFOR) went in to help the Northern Alliance. They, along with Iranian forces, were responsible for the liberation of Herat.

For someone who is so criticizing, you should be more caught up rather than re-posting the info you've been spoon fed.

[Edited on December 28, 2010 at 10:02 AM. Reason : a]

12/28/2010 10:01:52 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I really don't care about the motives I am more interested in the information."

Oh, you want information? then I've got some way better stuff than this on prisonplanet. Or maybe you want true information, then I guess you can trust this guy for a little longer, but it won't be long before his quest for fame will no longer be paved on the backs of stupid kids in the military, and at that time, he's going to start selling you something with less truth behind it. I don't think it's unreasonable to bring the guy's personal motives into this. As far as the actual information, 99% of it was stuff everyone knew already, just had not been publicly admitted.

12/28/2010 10:15:23 AM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"He is releasing classified documents for his own personal and monetary gain."

Funny that you automatically assume he's doing it for personal gain. He's already told the media that the money will be used to fund Wikileaks and pay for lawsuits.

Here, maybe if it comes from Fox News you'll believe it:

12/28/2010 10:26:32 AM

Burn it all down.
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Aww, pay for his defense of committing crime.

12/28/2010 10:30:18 AM

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You're gonna backpedal to that shit? Really? He has not been convicted.

[Edited on December 28, 2010 at 10:35 AM. Reason : typo]

12/28/2010 10:35:01 AM

Burn it all down.
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He's using funds raised from his book to defend himself from that alleged crime. (happy?)

12/28/2010 10:38:30 AM

8379 Posts
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What is wrong with that?

12/28/2010 10:39:31 AM

All American
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My question about his reasoning for penning the book deal is this: Why hasn't he been suitcasing money away for his legal fund since he got his hands on the leaks and decided to go public? It would be incredibly naive (or stupid) to think that he wouldn't find himself in legal trouble, whether justified or otherwise, as a result of being the whistleblower.

12/28/2010 10:41:51 AM

Burn it all down.
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It's hilarious, he's benefiting from the release of classified documents to defend himself for sex crimes.

12/28/2010 10:42:06 AM

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Unsubstantiated sex crimes which are likely being blown up as an attempt to discredit him and his organization. Give me a break. If it were Bill O'Reilly, you wouldn't be laughing. In fact, a couple years ago, it WAS Bill O'Reilly, and he ACTUALLY sexually harassed a woman. He still has a TV show and is well-loved by conservatives.

12/28/2010 10:48:59 AM

Burn it all down.
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Oh noes not my lord and savior Papa Bear O'Reillyl!!!!

Oh wait, I hate fox news too.

How do you know they're unsubstantiated btw?

12/28/2010 11:38:40 AM

All American
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Well given the fact that the girl he supposedly attacked decided to throw a party in his honor the day after the supposed attack certainly makes it a little suspect. Just a little though...

12/28/2010 11:51:34 AM

All American
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Thread is dead.

12/28/2010 12:01:46 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The Guardian also details the failure of the US military to investigate torture and murder by the Iraqi forces recruited as part of the buildup of a puppet regime in Baghdad. The newspaper states: “Numerous reports of detainee abuse, often supported by medical evidence, describe prisoners shackled, blindfolded and hung by wrists or ankles and subjected to whipping, punching, kicking or electric shocks. Six reports end with a detainee’s apparent death.”"

Quote :
Another article in the Guardian draws attention to the role of the Wolf Brigade, an Iraqi special forces unit created by the US military and directed by Colonel James Steele, whose experience in counterinsurgency, torture and murder includes his role as an adviser to US-backed death squads in El Salvador during the 1980s.
According to the newspaper: “The Wolf Brigade was created and supported by the US in an attempt to re-employ elements of Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard, this time to terrorise insurgents. Members typically wore red berets, sunglasses and balaclavas, and drove out on raids in convoys of Toyota Landcruisers. They were accused by Iraqis of beating prisoners, torturing them with electric drills and sometimes executing suspects.”"

Quote :
"This particular human rights violation is ongoing under the Obama administration, the documents confirm, with a report that the US military this past December received a video showing Iraqi army officers executing a prisoner in Tal Afar, in northern Iraq. According to the US army log, “The footage shows approximately 12 Iraqi army soldiers. Ten IA [Iraqi army] soldiers were talking to one another while two soldiers held the detainee. The detainee had his hands bound… The footage shows the IA soldiers moving the detainee into the street, pushing him to the ground, punching him and shooting him.”"

Quote :
"The logs conclude that “no investigation is necessary,” because no US soldiers were involved in the torture and killing. This is a policy formally adopted by the US army in 2004 in a military order known as FRAG0 242."

Also very interesting:

[Edited on December 28, 2010 at 12:37 PM. Reason : asdf]

12/28/2010 12:34:07 PM

Burn it all down.
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Out of curiosity, lets assume you're 100% right. The Iraqi army condones and routinely practices harsh imprisonment and torture.

What would you like the US to do? Iraqi is now a sovereign nation again, should we re-invade them? Just stay in Iraq forever and take over their government? Punish them? Bring them all back to the US for a nice cozy trial?

Seriously adder, you are now President of the US, what do you do?

12/28/2010 1:03:25 PM

All American
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For starters get rid of FRAGO 242...

12/28/2010 1:24:24 PM

All American
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Quote :
"What isn't clear about the secret army part?

12/28/2010 2:25:32 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Out of curiosity, lets assume you're 100% right. The Iraqi army condones and routinely practices harsh imprisonment and torture.

Sounds like an Iraqi problem...

12/28/2010 3:30:05 PM

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