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All American
11252 Posts
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y u mad tho

10/28/2016 11:48:01 AM

All American
11313 Posts
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the liberal media gives republicans an excuse for not getting their way or losing. in a way, they need this supposed "liberal media".

ermahgerd...if it was a republican doing that _rawr rawr rawr librul media rawr__!

10/28/2016 2:08:44 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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10/28/2016 2:12:27 PM

All American
3494 Posts
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didn't you know? the election is over, so now they are going to try and rescue their reputation as honest, unbiased, and tough on the government...


10/28/2016 3:44:58 PM

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Democrat hack Donna Brazile forced to resign from CNN after email leak shows her colluding with Clinton campaign and giving questions in advance.

Chalk that one up to the list too

10/31/2016 6:55:33 PM

All American
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and you of all people complain about people making a big deal about nothing?

foh mane

11/1/2016 10:41:55 AM

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A leftist hack doesn't care about media collusion?

No way!

11/1/2016 1:01:38 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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she got fired.

lewandowski is still double dipping with his NDA.

biased liberal media sheeple

11/1/2016 1:32:20 PM

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My mistake, she leaked *at least 2* questions to Clinton ahead of time.

But you know, saying anything about the process being "rigged" is "dangerous".

11/1/2016 3:50:14 PM

All American
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Questions should not be getting communicated like that and my next statement should not be taken as any kind of defense, because I don't agree with what happened BUT

Has anyone ever really been surprised by any question at a presidential debate town hall?

11/1/2016 3:53:04 PM

5608 Posts
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That's a long disclaimer to deflect criticism from Clinton. You should try working in the media.

11/1/2016 4:01:39 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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just imagine how close the results of the debates would have been if clinton didn't get those two questions ahead of time

makes u think

11/1/2016 4:16:04 PM

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No you're right, after seeing CNN coach the panelist to repeat Clinton talking points I am #with her!

Because we (the DNC and media) are stronger together!!

11/1/2016 4:21:11 PM

All American
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the point of the disclaimer was to say that I'm not actually defending her in this case, I just find it funny anyone even finds it worth leaking a question ahead of time to begin with.

11/1/2016 4:27:45 PM

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It helps them focus on which talking points to rehearse. At the end of the day it's not technically a debate it's a talking point rant contest.

"Trump did you grab women by the pussy"
"I will defeat Isis"

"Clinton the wikileaks show pay for play, any comment?"
"My question is will Trump denounce Putin?"

11/1/2016 4:38:10 PM

All American
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so your point is that having the questions is meaningless because candidates ignore them and say whatever they want. got it.

[Edited on November 1, 2016 at 4:46 PM. Reason : trippin over ya dick again]

11/1/2016 4:46:22 PM

All American
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11/1/2016 4:48:54 PM

All American
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yes, exactly. so the point then would be that you can't manufacture rage over getting questions if you're going to say questions don't matter because all the candidates do is spout talking points

[Edited on November 1, 2016 at 4:50 PM. Reason : .]

11/1/2016 4:50:26 PM

All American
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The "leaked" question was about the water crisis in Flint, Michigan for a town hall in ...... Michigan. I'm sure Hillary and her debate prep team would have never seen that one coming!

11/1/2016 4:50:57 PM

All American
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I should mention that while I said I wasn't trying to defend Hillary I also am not attempting to create rage. My overall point was indeed that the whole thing is a bit ridiculous. I'm not saying there shouldn't be repercussions for it happening, but it's not quite as big a deal as most other shit going on this election

11/1/2016 5:00:49 PM

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I was agreeing with El Gimpy's point. Which as he said isn't in defense of the problem.

If y'all want to fight over each other to talk about how getting fed questions ahead of time from the media isn't a big deal tho... by all means let the Hack olympics commence.

11/1/2016 7:19:28 PM

All American
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Can we lock this thread now?

11/4/2016 7:21:24 PM

The E Man
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Why? the liberal media are trying to scare people to vote so they can win more congressional seats. Pretty simple concept.

Very few voters like Hillary's policies so talking about them would actually harm turnout. The only thing they are passionate about is their fear of trump winning and the emails are the best way to harness that.

[Edited on November 4, 2016 at 7:35 PM. Reason : pr]

11/4/2016 7:33:46 PM

All American
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^^No, saying the majority of the press isn't left leaning is like claiming Fox News is neutral and doesn't favor the right.

11/4/2016 8:37:56 PM

5608 Posts
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More debate questions ahead of time, DNC gave questions to hit Trump with... good lord the msm has become a cesspool of biased propaganda.

Thats why they call it eh Clinton News Network, hacks.

11/7/2016 11:16:11 PM

The E Man
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even google is in on it

[Edited on November 7, 2016 at 11:35 PM. Reason : k]

Quote :
"Today, Monday November 7th, Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein filed a complaint at the Federal Election Commission in Washington, DC, against both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton for illegal coordination with their Super PACs.

Under current FEC regulations, Super PACs, known technically as “independent expenditure-only committees” and colloquially as “dark-money groups,” may raise unlimited sums of money from corporations, unions, and individuals, but are not permitted to contribute to or coordinate directly with parties or candidates. Such coordination would be functionally equivalent to an in-kind donation to the campaign from these dark-money groups.

Stein’s complaint outlined a body of evidence indicating that the Clinton campaign has illegally coordinated activities with Super PACs such as Correct the Record, Priorities USA Action, and American Bridge 21st Century, while the Trump campaign has improperly coordinated activities with Super PACs such as Rebuilding America Now, Make America Number 1, and Great America PAC.

In her complaint, Stein referred to several instances, revealed through leaked emails and memos, that appeared to show coordination between Hillary Clinton and several Super PACs, including Correct the Record, a Super PAC headed by longtime Clinton ally and former GOP operative David Brock. One section of a July 2015 campaign memo addressed to Hillary Clinton instructed: “Work with CTR [Correct the Record] and DNC [Democratic National Committee] to publicize specific GOP candidate vulnerabilities.” Leaked emails also reveal meetings between the campaign and Priorities USA Action, and that campaign officials have helped with the group’s fundraising.

Regarding the Trump campaign, two of the candidate’s senior staffers formed the Rebuilding America Now Super PAC—almost immediately after leaving the campaign—in violation of FEC rules requiring a 120-day “cooling off” period, intended to keep former staffers from using their knowledge of a campaign’s strategy and needs to develop ads for an “independent” group. The complaint also detailed the Trump campaign’s dealings with the Mercer family, who has poured millions of dollars into the pro-Trump Super PAC Make America Number 1, and has evidently exerted undue influence in the hiring of senior campaign staffers and the use of data analytics.

[Edited on November 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM. Reason : google determines what comes up when you search. and what doesn't come up based on their politics]

11/7/2016 11:33:06 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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^^ hacks run Republican presidential campaigns i guess?

[Edited on November 8, 2016 at 11:37 AM. Reason : .]

11/8/2016 11:37:12 AM

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11/9/2016 2:05:49 AM

All American
24527 Posts
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The most satisfying part of this whole election so far has been watching John Oliver self destruct on television after Trump got elected. I haven't watched Bill Maher's show yet, so he may exceed the butthurt hilarity that was John Oliver saying "What the fuck!?!?" forty-eleven times. Maher also happens to be an American, so I have a lot more tolerance for his opinion on elections in his own country than some limey asshat.

11/16/2016 8:48:30 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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John Oliver is a permanent resident who is married to a military veteran

[Edited on November 16, 2016 at 10:01 PM. Reason : whoops]

11/16/2016 9:56:53 PM

The E Man
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oliver was part of the hillary campaign

11/16/2016 10:30:59 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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^^Oliver is a Brit on a green card. He's not eligible to vote here, but he's raging against an America that didn't vote in line with his twisted perception of reality.

11/16/2016 10:43:50 PM

All American
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the only perception of reality that's twisted is yours, man

11/17/2016 12:33:45 AM

All American
8383 Posts
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The John Olivers, Samantha Bees, and Trevor Noahs of the world aren't convincing anyone anymore. In fact they are hurting their cause because using neocons for comedy only normalizes them in the minds of their viewers, instead of treating them as war criminals and autocrats that should be resisted.

Just look a George W Bush. The man is perceived as this loveable idiot type that Michelle Obama feels like she can hug. He TORTURED people.

[Edited on November 17, 2016 at 8:38 AM. Reason : .]

11/17/2016 8:36:14 AM

5608 Posts
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After their dear leader lost the election, it looks like the leftist bitches at Twitter and Facebook are trying to censor conservative voices in their echo-chamber by labeling them as "fake news".

Interestingly enough, I don't see leftist propaganda like HuffPo up there, but perfectly legitimate conservative outlets are being thrown in the mix.

Better silence dissenting voices, eh liberals?

11/17/2016 4:56:27 PM

50084 Posts
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Yeah they (at least Obama/Merkel) were talking about legitimate fake news. There was a big article on it with Facebook and Macedonia. No one was criticizing news with slant (Fox/MSNBC/HuffPo/DailyCaller/etc).

Though, I just feel pity for the people who fall for the outrageously false stuff.

11/17/2016 4:59:29 PM

All American
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Perfectly legitimate, eh?

Quote :
"You mentioned Trump, and you’ve probably heard the argument, or the concern, that fake news somehow helped him get elected. What do you make of that?

My sites were picked up by Trump supporters all the time. I think Trump is in the White House because of me. His followers don’t fact-check anything — they’ll post everything, believe anything. His campaign manager posted my story about a protester getting paid $3,500 as fact. Like, I made that up. I posted a fake ad on Craigslist."

Emails though.

11/17/2016 5:00:07 PM

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Right, so that justifies targeting completely legitimate websites because they have conservative opinions?

11/17/2016 5:16:44 PM

All American
43383 Posts
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Quote :
"Just look a George W Bush. The man is perceived as this loveable idiot type that Michelle Obama feels like she can hug. He TORTURED people."

Ah I guess Obama has the moral high ground since he just has people blown up instead?

11/18/2016 9:29:53 AM

All American
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Yeah I'm not going to defend Obama's drone program since that wasn't the point I was making at all.

But to address your wholly separate point that has nothing to do with what I was saying, yes, torturing people is worse.

11/18/2016 9:42:18 AM

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There's nothing wrong with water boarding terrorists, you hippies

11/18/2016 12:34:36 PM

All American
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1. Yes there is 2. We waterboarded non- terrorists too and 3. We did more than waterboarding to both terrorists and non-terrorists 4. You would cry like a bitch if someone waterboarded you.

11/18/2016 12:40:34 PM

All American
43383 Posts
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Quote :
"But to address your wholly separate point that has nothing to do with what I was saying, yes, torturing people is worse."

You can't be serious.

11/18/2016 12:50:00 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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The torturing question was thoroughly settled after world war 2, learn some history.

People being against torture isn't some new magical creation of liberals in the past years, it was the end result of people coming to their senses after the darkest period in modern human history.

11/18/2016 12:55:19 PM

All American
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It's great that Tke teg felt the need to defend Bush because I dared to suggest that torture was bad.

11/18/2016 1:00:23 PM

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You leftist love to talk about privilege...

Virtue-signaling about inevitabilities of war being "wrong" has got to be one of the most privileged things you can do.

This reminds me of the "outrage" of marines pissing on dead Taliban scum. As Allen West said:

Quote :
"unless you have been shot at by the Taliban, shut your mouth, war is hell"

11/18/2016 2:19:30 PM

All American
27962 Posts
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Torturing captured prisoners is not an inevitability of war. Neither is pissing on dead people.

[Edited on November 18, 2016 at 2:29 PM. Reason : V good argument, loon]

11/18/2016 2:22:26 PM

5608 Posts
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Neither is violence. Why can't we all just get along? We should replace marine rifles with hugs

11/18/2016 2:27:28 PM

All American
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You neckbeards love to talk about logic but never make any fucking sense.

11/18/2016 3:04:58 PM

All American
4458 Posts
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Damn liberal media, what with their hard hitting questions and all.

[Edited on November 22, 2016 at 12:58 AM. Reason : ]

11/22/2016 12:56:55 AM

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