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All American
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Quote :
""I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. He said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?'" Bachmann said at a campaign event in Sarasota, Florida on Sunday.
"Listen to the American people because the American people are roaring right now. They know government is on a morbid obesity diet and we've got to rein in the spending," she said."

Quote :
""Of course she was saying it in jest," Alice Stewart, spokeswoman for Bachmann's campaign, told Reuters."

8/29/2011 1:55:42 PM

All American
7240 Posts
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She is pretty hilarious.

8/29/2011 2:35:15 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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Quote :
"Rick Perry Sought State Profits From Teacher Life Insurance Scheme"

I don't see the outrage as far as "minimalist government" here. It had literally zero effect on the lives of the people involved. Zero. It's not like the people who were "insured" would then have to follow some draconian rules. Wall Street was just betting on people's lives. It's sick and disgusting, but from the perspective of staying out of people's lives, it really doesn't even register on the radar. You can take out a life insurance policy on pretty much anyone, as long as you pay the premiums and there is some company willing to take your money. As long as the state wasn't handing over people's medical records without their consent, then this is much ado about nothing with regard to small government concerns.

but, it's still pretty disgusting, lol.

8/29/2011 3:35:26 PM

434 Posts
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First, I think that article was extremely poorly written. Its biased and avoids disclosing numerous facts or background.

This is a lot more prevalent than you think. My first job out of college i worked in the corporate finance department of a financial consulting firm. Alot of what we did was asset/liability matching, which many times was funded by Corporate Owned Life Insurance (COLI). Many many, if not most large companies do this. The insurance is priced under "guaranteed issue" where the insurance company gives a rate to provide life insurance across the board regardless of age or health. The company pays the premium, and when the employee dies the death benefit is split amongst the family's beneficiaries and the company. Its honestly a win win (maybe more so for the company). But you have to signed permission to do it.

We actually insured an entire Caribbean island using the same concept where the govt got a portion of the death benefit and the family received a portion.

8/30/2011 1:00:35 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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Quote :
""What I mean is that I'm a middle class white heterosexual male. I make enough money that I won't get any Democrat handouts to buy my vote, but not enough that anyone is likely to raise taxes on me anytime soon. I don't even have any foreseeable plans to marry a chick, much less a dude. Nobody is gonna hook me up with any affirmative action or hate crime legislation. I have strong opinions about the issues, but they either (a) don't directly affect me, or (b) aren't going to be materially changed no matter which party is in power, so I have what is, in a sense, the luxury of making my choice of candidate a purely academic exercise. I don't really feel like I will benefit or suffer in any significant way due to who gets elected...""

exactly how i feel

9/11/2011 1:41:31 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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You're wrong to feel that it's purely an academic exercise, though. If it's Romney versus Obama, yes, your vote doesn't matter, and you shouldn't even bother. However, the economic outcomes of the policies that come out in the next few years will affect your life for a long time. If you are able to fully embrace that reality, then you will realize that there are only a couple of candidates that can possibly lead us out of this crisis - candidates worth supporting with your time and effort.

9/11/2011 10:59:51 AM

All American
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Bachmann to soon lose her conservative credentials? Apparently she's going to rail on Perry because he (correctly) identifies Social Security as a Ponzi scheme.

This is where it starts to get interesting in the race from my point of view. It's issues like this that show where people are willing to let go of the traditional Republican issues and start talking the talk of smaller government. Up until this point, I thought Bachmann did it the most (besides Paul...), but if she is going to sit and back Social Security with only minor changes, perhaps Perry will take over in that spot.

Either way, they both still suck...

9/11/2011 1:26:48 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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^^i believe my time and efforts are better spent looking out for myself instead of trying to look out for this shitstain country. you can't help a bunch of folks who don't wanna help themselves.

9/11/2011 1:47:22 PM

All American
9221 Posts
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^Yup. The country is doomed, there is no turning back now.

9/11/2011 2:21:35 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Why Ron Paul scares Rick Perry

Quote :
"One of the cardinal rules of politics is "never attack down,” meaning a front-runner should never attack or respond to an opponent who is far behind. Yet that is what Rick Perry is doing. He is intimidated by Ron Paul, and responding to Ron Paul. Why? The answer is that Ron Paul is a true libertarian and a true conservative, while the latest version of Rick Perry, the man who once championed Al Gore, is a phony conservative and can't even pretend to be a phony libertarian."

Quote :
"As I have written repeatedly, Rick Perry is the ultimate pay-for-play government man, the exact opposite of a true conservative and a true libertarian. Ron Paul, whether one agrees with him or not, is the true libertarian and a genuine conservative in ways that Rick Perry can never be. That is why Rick Perry fears Ron Paul.

9/12/2011 2:15:07 PM

All American
7863 Posts
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9/12/2011 2:24:08 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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Ask Rick Perry why he executed an innocent man

9/12/2011 3:45:27 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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i don't think Perry knew the facts surrounding that case. it's not like Perry saw the new evidence, said "fuck it, fry him anyway" and then went out for some popcorn. he trusted the kangaroo court of the review panels or whatever they are called and rubber stamped it through. and that'll probably be his response to such a stupid question. granted, it's not a great answer to say "I didn't do my due diligence in this matter," but it's way better than "fuck it, fry him anyway," and that's all he needs.

9/12/2011 5:21:07 PM

All American
14123 Posts
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Definitely the sort of response we should like in a presidential candidate.

9/13/2011 12:01:35 AM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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what would you have him say to a trap question? "fuck it, fry him"?

9/13/2011 12:17:05 AM

All American
7436 Posts
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I think it's disingenuous to declare that Rick Perry executed a clearly innocent person. Am I missing some new evidence that clears Willingham? The presumption of innocence doesn't equal "clearly innocent".

9/13/2011 1:21:36 PM

All American
3030 Posts
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Quote :
"September 12, 2011

Gary Johnson is the anti-establishment Republican Presidential candidate. He is committed to cutting spending, balancing the budget, rooting out special interests, and protecting Liberty for all Americans.

A CNN poll two weeks ago showed him tied with Herman Cain and ahead of Rick Santorum and Jon Huntsman.

It's disappointing, then, that Governor Johnson's established credibility as a presidential candidate has not earned him the opportunity to present his message in the nationally televised debates.

Our campaign has been respectful when questioning the media's decisions to exclude Governor Johnson, but credible observers have speculated that there may in fact be a 'Gary Johnson Rule' to ensure that he doesn't appear on stage. (See here and here.)

While the national media may have devised polling "criteria" to determine who is invited and who is not, those criteria become a lot less objective if the polls they're based on don't include all the candidates.

How can you qualify for the debates when you're not included in the polls?

The irony, of course, is that many of the same media outlets who decide the debate participants are also the same people who devise the national polls. While they may say that their debates are open to anyone, their carefully restricted polls effectively play the role of gatekeeper.

When Governor Johnson was included by CNN in their last nationwide survey, he placed ahead of Jon Huntsman and Rick Santorum, and tied with Herman Cain -- all three of whom have been invited to every debate, including tonight's.

But this morning, despite his previous inclusion -- and despite polling ahead or even with three other candidates -- CNN released their latest poll without Governor Johnson as an option.

We find this truly baffling, and have been left scratching our heads. And so we ask, ‘why?’

What is it that CNN is afraid of? Is a candidate with fresh ideas – and a track record as a successful two-term governor – too much for the establishment to deal with?

Or is it that CNN can't understand how Gary Johnson can poll competitively with other candidates who've spent millions -- possibly 10 or 20 times the amount Governor Johnson has spent?

Why does it seem so infeasible that an authentic message from a former Governor with a true record of fiscal conservatism would resonate with real voters?

We don't know what's going on, but something is.

If you are as bewildered and concerned as we are, ask CNN what the deal is. Here are their email addresses and phone numbers:


(404) 827-1500 or (202) 898-7900
Text: CNN (space) and your news tip to 772937 (don't forget the space after CNN).
Twitter: @CNN or @teamCNN

It's time for the establishment media to admit that Gary Johnson speaks for a lot of Republicans and Independents whose views are simply not being heard on their invitation-only stages.

Thank you for your current and ongoing support:

Live Free,

Ron Nielson
Senior Campaign Advisor
Gary Johnson 2012 "

Thought about creating a new thread... but I guess he is now irrelevant enough not to warrant one.

9/13/2011 2:44:36 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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The Gingrich campaign basically implodes yet they let that buffoon spew his nonsense on stage each time. Gary Johnson doesn't have to coddle the tea baggers. He's a Fair Tax guy and while that used to be a turn off for me, once I heard Clark Howard endorse it I figured it couldn't be all bad and perhaps lex parsimoniae should apply for a change. I respect and admire his environmental policy which goes beyond bumper sticker pipe dream nonsense to pander to morons but rather is backed by his record of leadership. Even though he's a republican I trust him to find an intelligent balance between conservation and meeting society's needs. To me, he embodies the badassery of Teddy Roosevelt. He's climbed Mt. Everest, competes in Iron Man competitions and was politically savvy enough to be a governor of a state.

9/13/2011 3:38:02 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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And yet, despite being arguably the best candidate in the field, the gatekeepers have denied him. They've done so precisely because he is electable and does have mass appeal. These are the same gatekeepers that locked in John McCain in 2008.

9/13/2011 3:41:34 PM

All American
3030 Posts
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There really needs to be an overhaul in the media involvement in national affairs collectively. I honestly wish I could somehow fund my own think tank and write a book on how the media absolutely controls the panic button.

Here are the top areas where they send this country into a frenzy at any given moment:

Financial Markets
Weather (Sorry Roman)
Sexual relationships

That pretty much sums up life. About the only thing they can't screw up too bad (but they try awful hard) is sports.

9/13/2011 3:54:43 PM

All American
7436 Posts
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I don't think the "gatekeepers" that destroyer is referring to is the media.

9/13/2011 4:28:00 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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I don't know who the individuals are calling the shots, but I know that they have a lot of influence in the media. There's really no explanation for why Gary Johnson is ignored and Herman Cain or Michelle Bachmann are treated as legitimate candidates.

9/13/2011 4:40:34 PM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"CBS / New York Times National Republican Primary
•Perry – 23%
•Romney – 16%
•Bachmann – 7%
•Gingrich – 7%
•Cain – 5%
•Paul – 5%
•Palin – 3%
•Huntsman – 1%
•Santorum – 1%

When the race ends up coming down to Perry vs Romney, whom do you think Bachmann, Cain, Palin and Santorum voters will go to?

9/17/2011 1:01:22 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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Well, it's not quite as simple as looking at who polls in the top 2 spots and saying "it'll come down to those two." Double that sentiment for this early in the process. This article is a little dated, but it kind of hits on this point:

Dear CNN, via the aforementioned feedback link:

I am curious as to why Gary Johnson is being excluded from your polls and GOP primary debates. I am a GOP-registered voter in an important swing state, but in the current political climate, am presented with only 2 candidates that I would possibly vote for in a Presidential election: Governors Johnson and Huntsman. I vote in the primaries, but have not voted in a general Presidential election since 2000, where I voted for George W. Bush and now regret voting at all. I am not extreme in my politics, and I feel like there are many more like me that are an untapped voter block for the GOP. If people like me get outnumbered by other groups within the big GOP tent, then that's democracy, but to not even allow palatable candidates to present themselves is disenfranchisement.

9/17/2011 1:24:59 PM

All American
3288 Posts
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^^That poll really isn't very useful.

First, they didn't even ask who the person was going to vote for. They asked, "which of these candidates would you like to see the Republican Party nominate?"

That is not the same question.

Secondly, more than 20% are undecided, but give no indication about how they're leaning.

9/17/2011 5:47:48 PM

All American
7863 Posts
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ron paul win CA straw poll.

9/18/2011 10:49:12 AM

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9/21/2011 7:02:15 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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lol @ Gary Johnson last night - "My neighbor's two dogs have created more shovel-ready jobs than Barack Obama"

9/23/2011 2:10:13 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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Can we just not have a President for a few years?

9/23/2011 2:11:15 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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^^ I am increasingly more convinced that Gary Johnson would make a great Monrovian Era president when what we need right now is a Teddy Roosevelt. Instead, we're getting another election of 1824...

9/23/2011 3:17:16 PM

All American
1604 Posts
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Fantastic GQ article on Gary Johnson. Literally sums up everything about him perfectly. As I was reading it I kept laughing to myself because I met him and talked to him for about an hour when he came to Raleigh last year...and the way the journalist talked about his inability to bullshit and his pure candidness was spot on.

He might be the coolest person I have ever actually met.

9/23/2011 11:56:22 PM

All American
3288 Posts
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^The man is adamant about a balanced budget in 2013. He openly acknowledged in the debate that this would require a 40%+ cut in spending. I'm shocked that nobody has picked up on the magnitude of that.

With anyone else, I would blow that off. But he has worn his veto pen out to make things happen. He'll do what he says. He is only the second person in recent presidential candidate history (Ron Paul being the other) who we can take seriously when he says stuff like that.

I applaud him, and I think it's the right thing to do. But when the time actually comes to make such cuts, you better be the best salesman in history in order not to have a million pitchforks overwhelming the secret service at the White House.

Johnson and Paul may be the only ones with a veto pen scary enough to unite the Congress into a veto-proof majority.

9/24/2011 12:02:05 AM

All American
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In a sense, I'm a fan of Ron Paul, but he scares me a little...has a little bit too much crazy uncle going on. I wouldn't exactly call him part of the tin-foil hat brigade, but he's uncomfortably close.

Gary Johnson is not a perfect candidate for me, but he's pretty damned good. Right now, my vote will be either for him or Huntsman, I think. Maybe--MAYBE--I could tolerate Herman Cain, but I'm not sure...I'd definitely need to research him more.

Basically, if Huntsman has a decent chance over a Perry or Romney or someone, I'll probably vote for him. If not, and it's clear that it won't be a question of a contest between someone I like OK or at least find marginally tolerable versus someone I find to be a political abomination, then I'll feel free to vote for the candidate that I like the best, which is Gary Johnson.

I'll still be shocked if I vote in the general election.

9/24/2011 12:56:09 AM


18617 Posts
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In case you didn't know, Herman Cain thinks it's okay and legal to discriminate against Islam because it's totally different from Christianity and Judaism (as if that would even matter if that were the case, which it isn't).

9/24/2011 1:44:56 AM

All American
1380 Posts
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^Yea, Herman Cain's hard core "Christian" values are what kills that sense he's almost as radical as bachmann

Gary Johnson is the fucking man...he's by far my favorite candidate and, IMO, exactly what this country needs at the moment. I also think, if given the opportunity, republicans would adore him. It really is a shame that even our electoral process has become dominated by the media and big money

9/24/2011 11:41:21 AM

All American
33759 Posts
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Quote :
"Fantastic GQ article on Gary Johnson. Literally sums up everything about him perfectly. As I was reading it I kept laughing to myself because I met him and talked to him for about an hour when he came to Raleigh last year...and the way the journalist talked about his inability to bullshit and his pure candidness was spot on.

He might be the coolest person I have ever actually met.


he seems open and down to earth, but he doesn't seem serious about being president...

9/24/2011 6:03:47 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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Yep. Of course, a lot of it is a chicken/egg issue with not having big money to make it rain.

9/24/2011 9:05:19 PM

All American
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Herman Cain handily wins Florida GOP straw poll

It looks like they are trying to make things as easy on Obama as possible.

9/25/2011 1:49:13 AM

23634 Posts
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The Controversial Willingham Case: What Rick Perry Knew and When

9/27/2011 1:22:57 PM

All American
4265 Posts
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Cain takes big lead in this poll

10/6/2011 4:38:38 PM

All American
9594 Posts
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So it really comes down to this, Obama could pick up 0 states in 2012, lose

North Carolina

and still win by 4 EVs. What other states is he likely to lose?

[Edited on October 6, 2011 at 5:26 PM. Reason : :]

10/6/2011 5:25:32 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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^^ Zogby is not a credible poll

10/6/2011 6:39:45 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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10/6/2011 7:50:49 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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Translation: "I'm running out of money and no one likes me anymore. Base, please please please give me what little money you have so that I can return us to the 1800s."

10/7/2011 6:40:46 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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CNN's top story: "Perry backer: Don't vote for Romney, he's Mormon"

Quote :
"Jeffress, who's endorsed Texas Gov. Rick Perry and introduced him at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, told CNN Political Correspondent Jim Acosta that the Southern Baptist Convention "has officially labeled Mormonism as a cult.""

Quote :
""That's why I'm enthusiastic about Perry," Jeffress said, later adding: "I again believe that as Christian, we have the duty to select Christians as our leaders…Between a Rick Perry and a Mitt Romney, I believe evangelicals need to go with Rick Perry.""

If Romney is the pick, then for some low information voters this election is going to come down to a cultist and a Muslim. Wonder how that will go?

10/8/2011 12:13:46 AM

All American
52661 Posts
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Whatever. Fuck 'em.

That said, call Mormonism a cult. I don't really care. I don't know what the practical difference is between a cult and any other religion, and Mormonism is certainly goddamn weird, so whatever.

I'm more concerned with each candidate's policies.

10/8/2011 1:08:15 AM

5357 Posts
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all the liberals posting nonsense about the republican candidates are all.....

while their own candidate is literally falling apart at the seams. this is perfect.

10/8/2011 1:13:46 AM


18617 Posts
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It's a pretty stupid assumption to make that anybody who finds the Republican candidates despicable is also a supporter of Obama.

10/8/2011 1:22:18 AM

5357 Posts
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It's a pretty stupid assumption to make that anybody who finds white people despicable is also a supporter of muslims.

oops wrong thread

10/8/2011 1:35:54 AM

All American
3494 Posts
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set 'em up

10/8/2011 6:23:27 PM

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