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All American
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^^ im fully aware of the racism there, I’ve commented here myself.

But under the circumstances it was 1000x better than what trump or probably any republican would say today. The point is it’s a huge regression in what’s expected.

7/18/2019 12:30:20 PM

All American
27982 Posts
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Just saw this quote, thought it was pretty accurate:

Quote :
"Ironically, the people telling Americans that if they don't like their government, they should leave, are the same people telling asylum seekers that if they don't like their government, they should stay and fix it."

7/18/2019 1:25:36 PM

All American
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Trump disavows the chant

The last time trump tried to backtrack on something so quickly was when he said he believed Putin.

It won’t be long though before he backtracks on his backtrack

By admitting the chant was racist he admits he was racist on his Sunday comments, and he can’t say similar things in the future. He won’t be able to handle this.

7/18/2019 1:31:03 PM

balls deep
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Yeah, I don't get how the crowd's chant was any different from what Trump has been saying/tweeting since Sunday?

[Edited on July 18, 2019 at 1:35 PM. Reason : +]

7/18/2019 1:34:38 PM

All American
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he's already 'handled it', and he doesn't need to backtrack.

Quote :
""I was not happy with it. I disagree with it. But again, I didn't say that, they did," Trump said -- though he waited 12 seconds as the chant broke out.

Speaking to reporters at the White House, Trump claimed to have attempted to stop the chant on
"I felt a little bit badly about it. But I will say this -- and I started speak -- it started up rather fast," Trump said.
"It was quite a chant,"
Trump said.

He 'won' this stupid distraction battle rather easily. The only thing that he's beholden to now is : "If you don't like it, LEAVE!"

And as I said before, that's basically the same as MAGA, because what American would disagree with the premise?

He does pretty much the same thing, every time. He's good at it, and people need to stop falling for it.

[Edited on July 18, 2019 at 1:45 PM. Reason : .]

7/18/2019 1:44:42 PM

All American
27982 Posts
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There's entirely too much to keep up with.

...and, of course, this will result in absolutely nothing

7/18/2019 2:04:33 PM

All American
33765 Posts
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There’s reference to the Katie Johnson story (the women that says trump raped her when she was 13) in there too. Seems like trump was paying her off as well.

7/18/2019 3:48:38 PM

26632 Posts
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how do you get around the NYT article block, i want to read this:
Trump Voters Are Not the Only Voters
They are, in fact, in the minority — so why do the media and Democratic leaders seem so obsessed with them?

7/19/2019 8:24:18 AM

All American
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I can get it by opening in private window but hitting stop before the website recognizes I'm in private mode (using Firefox).

7/19/2019 8:30:19 AM

26632 Posts
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thanks that works

it's a really good opinion but i should have posted in the dem credibility thread, or maybe a media credibility thread.

Quote :
"The anti-Trump vote is the single largest coalition in American politics. That was true in 2016, despite Hillary Clinton’s defeat in the Electoral College. It was true in 2017, after Democrats won major victories in Virginia and Alabama. And it was true in 2018, when the anti-Trump coalition gave Democrats a majority in the House of Representatives.

Despite their influence, however, anti-Trump voters are practically invisible in recent mainstream political coverage. Instead, the focus is the president’s most fervent supporters, as it has been since 2015, when Trump came down his escalator and announced his campaign for the White House. This past week is a prime example.

On Sunday, as nearly everyone knows by now, Trump launched a racist attack on four progressive congresswomen — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley — telling them to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came” and casting them as un-American on the basis of their racial backgrounds.

Most Americans rejected the president’s outburst. Fifty-nine percent, according to a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll, said it was “un-American,” and 65 percent said it was “racist.” A total of 68 percent said it was “offensive.”

We’ve seen this dynamic before. When the president plays with bigotry — when he defends racist protesters or disparages immigrants from predominantly nonwhite countries or casts migrants as dangerous criminals — he suffers in the polls. But the story in the press wasn’t about Trump’s decision to alienate a broad majority of voters with explicit racism. It was about the devotion of his voters and his strategy for the 2020 election."

Quote :
"Reuters, reporting on its own poll, emphasized Republican support for the president in the wake of his remarks even as the full results show Trump flailing with independents — just “three in ten” say they approve of the president. Others took for granted that Trump’s racism was effective, all actual evidence notwithstanding."

Quote :
"Trump galvanized his supporters at the cost of energizing the opposition. But somehow, this has fallen out of political memory, with many observers focused on the president’s base of non-college-educated whites as the only voters who matter. And that includes some prominent Democrats. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s opposition to serious and aggressive oversight of the president — up to and including impeachment — is arguably tied to a belief in the singular importance of these voters. They must be catered to, even if it angers and disillusions the Democratic base."

Quote :
"The next most potent change is an increase in black turnout and support. African-Americans are the most heavily Democratic group in the country, with a large presence in many of the most competitive states. Small increases in their participation would have an outsize effect on the electoral landscape. The projections bear that out. Given population growth since the last election, if black turnout and support return to 2012 levels, Democrats win handily, with as much as an estimated 338 electoral votes and a five-point margin in the national popular vote.

You could make a strong case that the future success of the Democratic Party depends on its ability to mobilize and win over black Americans, a key group in a broad coalition of voters. We have post-Obama proof that this is true from the 2017 elections — where strong black turnout drove those Democratic victories in Virginia and Alabama — as well as in the 2018 midterms, where greater support and participation from black voters put black candidates within striking distance of statewide victories in Georgia and Florida."

Quote :
" And Democrats in Congress aren’t worried about demobilizing a group that may determine the next election. Just the opposite — some moderates believe the party has spent too much time challenging the president’s racism and showing solidarity with their nonwhite constituents. "

Quote :
"Conventional wisdom on 2020 is that Democrats will lose if they can’t get their progressive wing under control. This overstates the leftward swing of the Democratic Party and understates the distance between the center of American politics and the president’s right-wing policies. It also misses another, crucial dynamic — that by trying to court and convert voters who backed Trump, Democrats may sacrifice an opportunity to deepen support among their existing voters, to powerful electoral consequences.

The press may not have much interest in the broader electorate, but Democratic leaders and strategists, at least, should understand that the anti-Trump coalition is much bigger than the Trump base. If they want to oust the president next November, they should start to take that fact seriously."

7/19/2019 8:42:05 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4922 Posts
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Quote :
"how do you get around the NYT article block"

You may want to continue to use the Firefox method; however, in the past, I've used the following steps in Chrome:

1. Open the blocked article in a new tab
2. Go to More tools > Developer tools in Chrome
3. Select the Performance tab across the top of the Developer tools panel
4. Click the reload button
5. Select the Network tab across the top of the Developer tools panel
6. Two rows below the row that contains the Performance and Network tabs, click the Doc tab
7. Below this row, in the Name panel, click the first option in the list
8. The unblocked article should display to the right of the Name panel in the Preview tab

This method seems to use up a lot of CPU and memory, so I typically just copy the contents to a Word document and read it from there.

7/19/2019 9:32:44 AM

All American
2157 Posts
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For me, this article is pretty scary, to Me

7/19/2019 8:18:42 PM

All American
2051 Posts
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Quote :
"Then I have an Article 2, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president. But I don't even talk about that."

- DJ Trump

7/23/2019 4:20:19 PM

All American
33765 Posts
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Here’s a good thread on how news agencies should cover trump

7/25/2019 12:55:57 AM

All American
52662 Posts
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I can't believe this didn't get more attention:

7/25/2019 2:03:39 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4922 Posts
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Look! Over here!!

7/25/2019 11:16:13 AM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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Trump Administration: These asylum seekers are animals, put them in cages.

Liberals: Concentration camps!

Trump supporters: Stop making everything about Hitler, no one is being exterminated.

Trump Administration: brings back the federal death penalty...

7/25/2019 12:05:49 PM

50084 Posts
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And on the day Fox News is blasting Mueller for senility.

7/25/2019 3:01:12 PM

All American
9609 Posts
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Quote :
"I can't believe this didn't get more attention:"

I can. Lawyers and politicians are not dumb people.

The republicans again ran a pretty good smear campaign on him to preclude the discussion from going into the territory that may be damaging to the president. At the very least, they made it to where you have to sift through a bunch of irrelevant "stuff" to actually get to the good questions concerning the actual investigation. Most people are not going to put the time and effort into looking through it on their own.

This is what I despise most about the current political situation. Lots of games and scheming involved, and hardly any discussion is actually given to the facts and figures of interest.

7/25/2019 3:27:36 PM

All American
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This was the seal behind the president at Turning Point USA.

7/25/2019 7:06:21 PM

All American
52662 Posts
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haha yeah that was savage.

Quote :
I can. Lawyers and politicians are not dumb people.

The republicans again ran a pretty good smear campaign on him to preclude the discussion from going into the territory that may be damaging to the president. At the very least, they made it to where you have to sift through a bunch of irrelevant "stuff" to actually get to the good questions concerning the actual investigation. Most people are not going to put the time and effort into looking through it on their own.

Right, but I figured that some of the pundits and journalists, or the Dem politicians (at least the half who want impeachment), would have seized upon it.

7/25/2019 7:16:30 PM

All American
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yeah but this more or less sums up the problem that I think we have with the current structure of American politics and the role of the media.

For the Dems, it was all about trying to get Mueller to say that Trump lied or obstructed justice.

For the GOP, it was all about trying to question the credibility of Mueller.

The Dems and The GOP both had their strategies to push and they pushed it hard. There was very little discussion about the actual report because it's the political dogma that drives people in this country and not the actual issues. Once politicians start goin' on about something, ppl more than likely just follow in line without really understanding the ideas or problems at stake.

So, this may sound obvious, but it wasn't even really about the report or the issues pointed out in your link, it was about what they could try to convince people is actually important. That is what the pundits and networks will be talking about.

At the end of the day, the GOP and the Dems are both playing the same game.

[Edited on July 25, 2019 at 11:34 PM. Reason : k]

7/25/2019 11:25:06 PM

50084 Posts
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Not sure it matters but 2018 GDP final numbers was a meh 2.5% revised way down from near 3.0%.

Pretty big hit for a pretty big Trump talking point.

Doubt the media cares though because Mueller seemed old and didn’t tapdance enough.

7/26/2019 8:45:07 AM

All American
6571 Posts
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It really feels like he is starting to unravel to me. The near constant rage tweeting and his recent interactions with the press being the most clear evidence. I’m starting to see flop sweat on some of his biggest backers in congress too.

That being said, it’s gonna keep escalating for a while IMO. As has been predicted by many, there is no way out of this that isn’t incredibly ugly for our nation. SMH.

7/26/2019 7:04:32 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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Yeah, we're pretty much fucked.

I'm ready to deplatform the internet and blame it all on boomers who won't let go.

7/26/2019 7:42:15 PM

All American
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Yet his approval rating has ticked up a point or two, as prominent supporters condemned trump’s racist comment, as trump himself acknowledged his supporters made a racist chant. His 40% stranglehold isn’t insurmountable, but of all those people turnout and democrats can’t manage to generate enough enthusiasm, this is enough to win.

The average voter is not politically engaged and if someone doesn’t watch Fox News or any news, they’re not really aware of the specifics of trump’s craziness or criminality. They’re just going to hear occasional sound bites about the stock Market, and the odd gaffe, and otherwise think everything is fine.

This is one reason I think impeachment is absolutely critical. It will cause some of this negative information about trump to leak into the real world.

It’s staggering that so many democrats still disagree with impeachment.

7/27/2019 12:06:09 AM

50084 Posts
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There was an article recently I’ll try to find that was castigating the media for the over the top obsession with his approval rating. It’s meaningless. It simply doesn’t appreciably move. People seriously need to stop obsessing over it.

7/27/2019 10:41:25 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Obama: criminally bad at HVAC design, criminally good at book deals

7/27/2019 10:13:04 PM

50084 Posts
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It’s going to get REAL bad the next year. Real bad.

7/29/2019 8:10:25 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Two weeks before Trump was scheduled to deliver the energy policy speech, Thomas Barrack, a California investment tycoon with extensive contacts in the Middle East and who later helped oversee Trump’s inauguration, provided a former business associate inside the United Arab Emirates with an advance copy of the candidate’s planned remarks. The associate then told Barrack he shared them with UAE and Saudi government officials, after which Barrack arranged for language requested by the UAE officials to be added to the speech with the help of Trump’s campaign manager at the time, Paul Manafort."

7/29/2019 5:48:45 PM

All American
42526 Posts
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You can't make this shit up.

Trump ripping into FOX for showing the poll numbers they got that show him trailing behind Biden and Sanders.

According to Trump, FOX used to be "Proud Warriors", but now they are not because of those poll numbers

7/30/2019 7:18:21 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Pres. Trump on recent North Korea missile launches: "Short-range missiles, we never made an agreement on that. I have no problem. We'll see what happens. But these are short-range missiles, they're very standard.""

So I guess we don’t have a non-proliferation policy anymore? What’s going on with Iran? None of this makes any sense...

8/1/2019 7:33:38 PM

All American
846 Posts
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lol the A$AP Rocky tweet

8/2/2019 5:07:26 PM

All American
9609 Posts
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I'm very curious as to how he's gonna pull off the El Paso visit tomorrow.

Y'all have any thoughts?

8/7/2019 12:03:24 AM

All American
6571 Posts
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Putting a gun to his head and blowing his brains out on stage is the only appropriate response IMO.

8/7/2019 7:23:39 AM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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He's heading to Dayton first where he can blame Democrats for that shooting.

Will give milquetoast speech in El Paso and get out of there ASAP.

8/7/2019 8:28:00 AM

All American
3095 Posts
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Trump gives speech in El Paso: "I can't believe he would show his face in this town! How dare him!"

Trump skips speech in El Paso: "Trump doesnt even care enough about the victims to give a speech! How dare him!"

8/7/2019 9:14:52 AM

All American
9974 Posts
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People think different things. News at 10.

8/7/2019 9:16:11 AM

50084 Posts
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Nice. Backing the shooters manifesto. Uniter-in-Chief.

8/7/2019 9:48:38 AM

All American
846 Posts
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maybe while people are crying at his emotional and touching speech he will throw paper towels to them?

8/7/2019 11:13:52 AM

All American
33765 Posts
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Trump approval rating today: 42.1%
Trump disapproval today: 53.1% (-11.0%)

Trump approval one year ago: 41.5%
Trump disapproval one year ago: 52.7% (-11.2%)

8/7/2019 1:39:07 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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Quote :
"Putting a gun to his head and blowing his brains out on stage is the only appropriate response IMO."

I had a dream last night that I was watching him give the speech and an angry Hispanic sniper shot him in the head and the crowd cheered

8/7/2019 1:42:56 PM

All American
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8/8/2019 12:25:38 PM

All American
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8/8/2019 1:35:48 PM

All American
846 Posts
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one of your better contributions lately.

8/8/2019 2:39:09 PM

Save TWW
37177 Posts
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Jesus you have got to be an alias. Not sure how else you come right out the gate with this high of an arrogance/substance ratio...

8/8/2019 3:10:49 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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holy shit that picture with the orphaned baby

8/9/2019 2:53:59 PM

All American
27982 Posts
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Seriously, what the hell is wrong with him (j/k, i know he's a narcissistic jerk just there for a photo-op andnothing else. I heard an interview yesterday with some journalist who was talking about how they banned reporters/photographers from the entire event, and the WH released it's on propaganda tape about the visit, set to music and everything.)

8/9/2019 3:27:30 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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That picture needs to become gun control campaign material.

8/9/2019 4:01:32 PM

All American
33765 Posts
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Quote :
"Jesus you have got to be an alias. Not sure how else you come right out the gate with this high of an arrogance/substance ratio...

Tone kinda reminds me of synapse on his bad days

8/9/2019 4:36:51 PM

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