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Pupils DiL8t
All American
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President Trump suggested today that the freshmen congresswomen should leave the country due to their criticism of the United States; however, his criticism of the United States was an essential premise of the Trump 2016 presidential campaign, hence why we needed to make America great again.

7/15/2019 2:33:22 PM

26632 Posts
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lmao, Trump thinks Al Qaeda is spelled "Alcaida”

7/15/2019 4:34:39 PM

All American
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Just got a new acting defense secretary, 3rd this year

Something seriously wrong when 3 years into a presidential administration they can’t find a secretary of defense.

7/15/2019 9:41:13 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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I disagree. I think it could be just about the only thing "right" about the administration. He can't get a fellow lunatic or lapdog into the position that controls the military apparatus, because some vestiges of institutional integrity are stopping him. Not sure if it's the military, or Congress, or what, but thank God he can't get in the kind of person he wants.

7/15/2019 11:50:40 PM

Save TWW
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So you agree

[Edited on July 16, 2019 at 7:00 AM. Reason : E]

7/16/2019 6:59:21 AM

All American
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Trump flailing badly on twitter... i can't imagine too many people are buying his "not a racist bone in my body" line at this point...

7/16/2019 12:37:23 PM

All American
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but but, he hung out with Jesse Jackson!

7/16/2019 2:25:08 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"Trump flailing badly on twitter."

ahh, so his account is still active eh?

this is not news. none of this is news.

7/16/2019 2:51:40 PM

All American
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of course it’s news

7/16/2019 3:19:34 PM

2001 Posts
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Trump pulls this over and over and the fact that its news is what makes it a winning strategy for his campaign. He has the media on his fingers and can manipulate them into calling him racist for things basic Americans don't think are racist. I'm not going to act like I don't understand why everyone keeps letting Trump win the same game, because its a very sophisticated game disguised as a childish one. I've known about it since the 2nd GOP debate and have still fallen for a it a few times myself.

With that said, at some point people are going to have to stop letting Trump have complete control over the narrative. Its not his statements that help him, its everyone elses response to his statements that help him.

Its the same 4 step process everytime.
1. Trump baits opposition with a provocative statement or tweet
2. Opposition responds by scolding trump
3. Trump responds that he is offended by antiamericansim/socialism/pcculture/anti-law enforcement/ antiflag in #2.
4. Basic Americans are more offended by the response than the bait.
This isn't because they agree with #1 but because they relate with the accusations in #3 more than they can relate with the perspective of #2. "colorblind" people who don't intend to be racist and embrace the idea of the post-racial era don't pay attention to racism and won't understand #2.


Squad attack
1. Trump tweets against the squad
2. Everyone calls Trump a racist
3. Trump accuses them of calling everyone they don't agree with racist including nancy pelosi and joe biden.
4. Basic americans feel solidarity with trump knowing he didn't explicitly mention race in #1 relate better with #3 because their greatest fear is being called racist and they are ideologically passtionately opposed to the squad. "Racist" hits them like a racial slur against white people even when its justified.

ICE deportations
1. Trump calls for mass deportations
2. Everyone calls trump a racist
3. Trump accuses them of not wanting borders and supporting the destruction of the USA's law and order and replacement of Americans
4. Basic americans relate more with 3 than 2

Solution: Ignore everything Trump says/tweets. I know its a big ask because he's the president but his words are not his power so only criticize him for the actionable policy decisions he makes. That will destroy a person who seeks attention. Think about it, this whole episode was started because the squad were the only 4 democrats who spend most of their time complaining about problems other than Trump. He needs them to attack him directly. He feeds off of it both personally and politically.

The alternative is to keep helping Trump the same way the media has helped him since day 1 and guarantee his reelection.

[Edited on July 16, 2019 at 6:41 PM. Reason : "obamas election ended racism"]

7/16/2019 6:29:42 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"He has the media on his fingers and can manipulate them into calling him racist for things basic Americans don't think are racist."

This is stupid and wrong and actually quite fucking racist. I understand you get off posting this shit but I'd love for you to define what "basic American" means to you.

[Edited on July 16, 2019 at 7:37 PM. Reason : E]

7/16/2019 7:11:08 PM

2001 Posts
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#4 from the process
Quote :
"4. Basic Americans are more offended by the response than the bait. This isn't because they agree with #1 but because they relate with the accusations in #3 more than they can relate with the perspective of #2. "colorblind" people who don't intend to be racist and embrace the idea of the post-racial era don't pay attention to racism and won't understand #2. "

I don't understand how you think what I said was racist. You say its wrong and stupid with no reasoning.

Do you disagree that people in the media, and further on the left understand racism with more nuance than the typical american? That there is a spectrum spanning from people on the far left who think capitalism and law enforcement are inherently racist to people on the far right who only think people who explicitly hate races or commit hate crimes are racist.

Do you disagree with the notion that typical Americans don't intend to be racist? that they are "colorblind" and could hate the squad for reasons other than race?

[Edited on July 16, 2019 at 7:40 PM. Reason : k]

7/16/2019 7:38:29 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"Solution: Ignore everything Trump says/tweets."

but muh twitter

7/16/2019 8:51:22 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Support for U.S. President Donald Trump increased slightly among Republicans after he lashed out on Twitter over the weekend in a racially charged attack on four minority Democratic congresswomen, a Reuters/Ipsos public opinion poll shows."

7/16/2019 9:47:10 PM

All American
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Which is why he pulls this shit. He has to keep the support of his base at all costs. Whenever popular opinion starts to waver say something incendiary to stir them up and rally around him when the appropriate backlash happens.

[Edited on July 16, 2019 at 10:19 PM. Reason : J]

7/16/2019 10:19:12 PM

All American
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I mean, for once I agree with Earl. If the media ignored what Trump said, he'd go away.

It's just like the 2016 campaign. He's getting tons of free air time. Good air, bad air, it doesn't matter.

7/16/2019 10:42:23 PM

All American
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^ how do we ignore what the president says?

That’s not practical advice. It’s not feasible. We can’t bury our heads in the sand about who Americans vote for or our broken electoral system.

Quote :
"Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) said Monday that Trump’s tweets were racist. But she made clear Tuesday was no daylight between her and the president otherwise.

“I’d love for you to make that clear. While I don’t appreciate the tweets, but I still support the president”"

7/16/2019 10:44:18 PM

All American
2051 Posts
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Quote :
"If the media ignored what Trump said, he'd go away."

Sure....if it was still 2015 or 2016. Being the president, he won't just go away now, media attention or not.

7/16/2019 11:13:19 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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Let’s ignore what the president says! Great plan.

7/16/2019 11:28:30 PM

Forgetful Jones
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There is, however, a difference in paying attention to speeches, etc, versus obsessing over every tweet he sends like some people do...

[Edited on July 16, 2019 at 11:42 PM. Reason : People use Twitter too much]

7/16/2019 11:42:04 PM

Save TWW
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I'm not gonna go through all of earls dumb post but

1. When he says average Americans don't find what Trump said racist, he clearly means average older white Americans. It's obvious from the jump but then he reinforces it a couple times by saying "scared to be called racist" and at one point even explicitly identifies this average American as white
2. "don't respond to the racism" is a cowards way out, if saying "racism is bad" loses elections then the country is fucked anyway
3. Lol at the immigration stuff as if the Dems didn't score a massive house victory overcoming gerrymandering bc Trump's made the election about immigration and caravans

And the president doesn't give fucking speeches, or barely anyway, and doesn't really have briefings. His twitter and shit he shouts on the tarmac are about all we have for "official presidential statements"

7/17/2019 12:06:09 AM

All American
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Quote :
"And the president doesn't give fucking speeches, or barely anyway, and doesn't really have briefings. His twitter and shit he shouts on the tarmac are about all we have for "official presidential statements""

ding ding ding

he’s the president, so everything he says has importance, regardless of platform

if he were to tweet, “we are going to bomb (insert country here)”, we can’t all dismiss it by saying, “it’s a tweet and twitter doesn’t matter”.

7/17/2019 1:13:21 AM

All American
42526 Posts
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Quote :
"lmao, Trump thinks Al Qaeda is spelled "Alcaida”"

Actually, he is way smarter than y'all. He is doing what's y'all's ancestors did in the Early Middle ages and Middle Ages to arabic words and names:

- al-Khwarizmi (name) ---> algorithm
- al-ghattas (the diver) ---> alcatraz
- al-jabr (the reunion/restoring) ---> algebra

And now:

- al-Qaida (the base) ---> Alcaida, pronounced aal-kay-daa, or equivalently, el-kay-daa.

NOTE: The middle syllable is increasingly being pronounced as "-say-" instead of "-kay-", and is an acceptable alternative according to the Great American Dictionary, published in 2024 by the #KAGA Foundation, the successor of the #MAGA Foundation.

7/17/2019 1:21:11 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Would @realDonaldTrump ever tell a white immigrant - whether 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th+ generation - to "go back to your country"? No. That's why the comments were racist and unacceptable.

America is a nation of immigrants founded on the ideals of free thought and free speech. ????????????"

- the Mooch

7/17/2019 1:37:06 AM

All American
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This is the height of civilization:

And talking of Trump's tweet:

Crazy 8 rich white (1 brown) Republican women on CNN:

Nice... keep it going y'all... the end is in sight!

P.S. According to the survey, just as many Hispanics as whites (a slim majority) approve of that Trump tweet???

7/17/2019 4:46:22 AM

50084 Posts
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Its hard to ignore what is obviously going to be the message for his re-election campaign. People, especially college educated people, don’t give him credit for the mostly continuance of the Obama economy (polls back this up — though I will say the massive fiscal stimulus and abandonment of any austerity helped and it happened under Trump) and he knows it.

He needs to keep his base whipped into a frenzy and racism is how he does that. It’s sad and if he was a failed businessman still or even just a TV celebrity we could easily ignore it but he is not and sadly his words have real-life consequences.

7/17/2019 7:37:44 AM

All American
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The thing about trump’s white identity politics message morphing into a white nationalist message for 2020 is this is extremely dangerous to everyone.

Racial nationalism destroys countries. It underlies the biggest conflicts in the world presently and in the past. I feel like the average white person dismisses this, because they don’t feel the direct impact of the rhetoric, but they sleep on how the fringe elements and minority groups and institutions all interact until it’s too late.

We already see the attorney general defying his own civil rights law group to refuse to prosecute a murderer of a black man, in furtherance of white supremacy agenda.

The black and brown community and some White people feel this viscerally, where as the average white person doesn’t care at all, they trust the people in power despite them being avowed racists, it’s just politics and why would anyone get so mad over politics?

~70% of the country is white so trump’s plan could easily work to help him retain power but it’s not going to be pretty.

7/17/2019 10:50:04 AM

Tom Joad
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And his polls just went up.

7/17/2019 1:48:04 PM

All American
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You bet he is going to get some mileage out of this in the election:

WTF? Why wouldn't they say they condemn terrorism??? They are shooting themselves in the foot. Almost as if they have orders not to say anything?

Imagine he brings it up during the election and says to the country "If you vote for the Democrats you vote for approval of terrorism against the US government", and then shows the clip. And boom, election over.

7/17/2019 2:21:06 PM

26632 Posts
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why the fuck are you watching ben shapiro?

7/17/2019 2:23:09 PM

All American
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Why the fuck don't you stay on topic?

(Don't you hate Trump? Why do you read his tweets once in a while? )

7/17/2019 4:23:31 PM

Save TWW
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Bc he's the fucking president and bc he doesn't get ad revenue when we read his tweets???

7/17/2019 4:35:51 PM

All American
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Since the media still won't stop talking about this, the words "Go back to your country" have been repeated so often that when Trump later said" I they don't like it, they can leave", they now essentially mean the same thing.

What is more American than saying: "If you don't like America, you can go ahead and LEAVE." ?

It's MAGA 2.0

7/17/2019 5:45:13 PM

26632 Posts
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The crowd is chanting "send her back" right now because the GOP is racist as fuck

7/17/2019 8:01:50 PM

All American
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They’re a cult

7/17/2019 8:05:13 PM

50084 Posts
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Remember when people were taken seriously when they said Trump won because of economic anxiety and not the overt racism?

7/17/2019 8:50:34 PM

All American
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So I guess trump’s hope is his racism brings out white voters who don’t normally vote plus the standard gop base. Trump’s turning racism into a badge of honor for these people.

Dems basically need Obama-era black voters to counter this, and hope their edge with the independent voters hold. Impeachment hearings should hold the line with independent voters, but this still might not be enough.

I guess I’m a gullible fool but as an immigrant I genuinely didn’t expect basically 50% of white people to be happy with a flagrantly racist government.

I don’t know the lived experience of white people but statistics still show they get preferential treatment in employment, health care, the justice system, and education, they have massively more wealth within their families than anyone else, why are so many white people angry about minorities?

7/17/2019 9:15:40 PM

All American
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Here’s a wikihow on how to talk to people in a cult:

7/17/2019 10:01:03 PM

2001 Posts
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Quote :
"2. "don't respond to the racism" is a cowards way out, if saying "racism is bad" loses elections then the country is fucked anyway

You're missing my point. Nearly everyone agrees racism is bad but its the perception that Trump is being called racist for being pro-America that empowers him. The tweets don't explicitly mention race. Not everyone can detect the same amount of nuances of racism. I've said it before that you guys have the dog whistle metaphor wrong. The dog whistle is only being heard by liberals on the left and everyone else is wondering why we're freaking out over nothing.

We see it as racist because its being directed at women of color but they don't see it as racist because its being directed at the people who have the most leftist views. They don't see it as racist because they know that if these women were ultra conservative Trump supporters, he wouldn't have a problem with them. I don't think we're going to bridge that gap anytime soon so everytime we call things racist that aren't explicitly about race, they become more passionate.

Truth doesn't really matter in politics. He's set the board up to where calling him racist benefits him. . Trump is a verified racist but at the same time, he was called racist for being against athletes until he called out rapinoe so you can see how his followers can dismiss the claims.

Quote :
"Remember when people were taken seriously when they said Trump won because of economic anxiety and not the overt racism?"

This bump isn't from racists. Its from patriots. The white nationalists have always been pro-trump and the anti-racists have always been against him. That won't change. What changes is the amount of people who correlate trump with american exceptionalism, patriotism, the flag, and the anthem AND those are the things they read from his "racist" tweets.

Joe Biden is a racist but most of his supporters would deny that he or they are racist. You think the black Biden supporters identify as racist against blacks? Think about that for a minute and try to see things from the perspective of Trump's voters.

You can call it willful ignorance but its not explicit, conscious racism. These are the types of people that would say the following statements

"I don't care what color you are as long as you respect this country"
"white nationalists are just as bad as antifa and blm"
"socialism is anti-american"
"we're not racist, they are the racists because they hate israel"
"trump dated a black woman and married an immigrant, he can't be racist"
"the race card is what liberals play when they have no valid arguments"
"this is 2019, racism is not a big factor in america"

You guys act like thats the only thing to hang over Trump. His policies are bad enough to just focus on that. Talk about why he's bad for the demographic that elected him. When you try to criticize him over tweets, you spread the criticism so thin that it can be (and has) easily dismissed as derangement syndrome. Now, the base is primed to completely ignore all media except foxnews no matter what going forward. Thats not a good strategic position to be in.

[Edited on July 17, 2019 at 10:33 PM. Reason : not everyone understands the nuances of racism ]

7/17/2019 10:24:56 PM

play so hard
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[Edited on July 17, 2019 at 11:04 PM. Reason : I ]

7/17/2019 11:04:06 PM

Save TWW
37180 Posts
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^^Your shtick is old as fuck. Take it to the NY times opinion page or something, theyll prob give you a high paying job off your last 3 posts alone.

[Edited on July 17, 2019 at 11:25 PM. Reason : E]

And that first post is still racist, condescending and wrong

[Edited on July 17, 2019 at 11:25 PM. Reason : E]

7/17/2019 11:25:00 PM

All American
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Now that it's become 100% obvious that Trump deliberately did this to send the Dems into a tizzy-- while simultaneously allowing him to move his goal posts (again, the message is now "If you don't like it here, LEAVE") to give both types of racists (closeted AND outspoken) cover-- I think there's another, even more disgusting element here:

He's not just attacking immigrants/POC, he's also attacking WOMEN he sees as a threat/annoyance. He's done this before, like during the whole SCOTUS appointment circus, but the Epstein arrest coincides with this quite nicely.

Part of me wants to call this 'clever', since he's actually 'won' this latest distraction go-around, but it's so childish/predictable that I'm really just annoyed that people keep falling for it over and over again.

Also, if anyone else watched Nancy Pelosi's speech earlier, it was fucking embarrassing. She really doesn't know what the fuck she's doing half the time.

[Edited on July 18, 2019 at 12:19 AM. Reason : .]

7/18/2019 12:17:06 AM

All American
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I don’t think this was calculated. He just said something openly racist then leaned into it while coming up with other rationalizations (which were calculated). Trump has a long history of attacking things he wants to empower though.

Even thought 50% of white people liked trump’s racist comments, most Americans disliked it still and thought it was racist.

I’m reminded of this video of McCain from 2008 election though. These crazies were always out there and the GOP leadership tried to keep them out of the spotlight.

7/18/2019 12:38:51 AM

All American
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Epstein timing makes it super obvious. At least to me, anyway.

TBH, when I first read the Tweets and the comments, I thought: "typical Trump hateful BS", but not much else, people must be bored.

7/18/2019 12:41:36 AM

All American
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If there’s proof trump indulged in Epstein’s sex trafficking, there’s nothing that could distract from that.

7/18/2019 2:18:32 AM

50084 Posts
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The problem with the “just focus on his policies” nonsense is that with the bully pulpit he, as every incumbent does, controls the narrative. That, and his overt racism bleeds over to all his policy goals. They are one and the same. Continue and strengthen white America — through economic or social means. Thats it.

(Just referring to that take in general, not to the obvious trolling in this thread).

7/18/2019 7:32:07 AM

26632 Posts
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the media can stop acting like trump or his surrogates are being honest or acting in good faith, they can start calling things lies and calling racism what it is and stop inviting white people to talk about if something is racist or inviting conway or other surrogates when they know they are lying

7/18/2019 8:37:15 AM

26632 Posts
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this guy on twitter did a better job making my point:
Quote :
"What I mean when I say a bigger issue than the lie-vs.-other-word debate is whether Trump's extreme dishonesty gets covered at all: try to find a story on that rally that notes he said more than a dozen things that weren't true, or just notes he was mostly detached from reality."

Quote :
"His lies and other false claims get called out on Twitter a bit. And then the actual stories just quote him saying untrue things without correcting them, or pick out a newsworthy argument or attack without noting that the speech was dominated by unprecedented dishonesty."

Quote :
"Trump's unprecedentedly dishonest, unprecedentedly unfocused speeches are crammed into a normal-political-speech-article template, with any semblance of fact-checking relegated to a sidebar later in the week or not done at all. It Is Bad. Good night!"

its possible to cover trump without making it just the attention and coverage that he wants, it just requires the media doing their job

7/18/2019 9:53:36 AM

2001 Posts
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Quote :
"I’m reminded of this video of McCain from 2008 election though. These crazies were always out there and the GOP leadership tried to keep them out of the spotlight."

Your use of this specific clip is telling because you yourself are blind to the racism in Mccain's statement simply because he wasn't using it against Obama. She said she can't trust him because he's an arab and mccains response is that he's a decent family man. The statement implies that Arabs are not decent family men because the woman never brought that up. I would never call you a racist for feeling good about that video because I know your intention was to use that as an anti-racist example. I just wanted to use this to point out that different people have different blindspots to racism. The statement isn't entirely different from Trump's recent statements yet you praise it. I hope this can help you see how a lot of Republicans feel about Trump.

Quote :
"The problem with the “just focus on his policies” nonsense is that with the bully pulpit he, as every incumbent does, controls the narrative. That, and his overt racism bleeds over to all his policy goals. They are one and the same. Continue and strengthen white America — through economic or social means. Thats it."

Its more than "just focus on his policies" but focus on how his policies are bad for the people who support him. Anyone who was going to be alienated by racist statements was alienated soon after he came down the escalater. The notion that if you just call him a racist louder and louder, his supporters will suddenly be disgusted fits the definition of insanity. He covers his trail too. Every speech he talks about how black and hispanic unemployment are at all-time lows which, to republicans, is the most non-racist thing someone could "do".

All I'm saying is Maybe its time to try a different angle against trump than "OMG HES A RACIST WHO SAYS MEAN THINGS AND SHITTWEETS" because its been 4 years and still hasn't done anything but helped him.

[Edited on July 18, 2019 at 10:53 AM. Reason : even the presidents twitter doesn't do anything. a tweet isn't an executive order]

[Edited on July 18, 2019 at 10:54 AM. Reason : a rally isn't a presidential address]

7/18/2019 10:51:53 AM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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^This. If the answer to "He's an Arab" is "No, he's a good man," then it's an acceptance that there's something wrong with being Arab.

7/18/2019 11:26:42 AM

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