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All American
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4/16/2006 9:45:34 PM

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Here's one MSM article on the subject:

Quote :
"Federal Buildings Could Be In Jeopardy - In Houston and Nationally

Government guards have found so-called students trying to get into secure buildings

By Anna Werner
11 News Investigative Reporter

HOUSTON (KHOU) - Could federal buildings in Houston and other cities be under surveillance by foreign groups? That's what some experts are asking after federal law enforcement and security officials - nationally and in Houston - described for the 11 News Defenders a curious pattern of behavior by a group of people claiming to be Israeli art students.

They've shown up at the Houston headquarters of the Drug Enforcement Administration, at the Leland federal building downtown, and even the federal prosecutor's office.

Who are they? They're described as Middle Eastern men and women who claim to be Israeli art students, carrying portfolios filled with artwork they say they want to sell. But government guards have found those so-called students trying to get into these secure buildings in ways they're not supposed to – through backdoors and parking garages. And that they appear to be monitoring the buildings. Even stranger, sources say, the "students" have even shown up at the homes of federal employees.


No one in the federal government would talk with us on camera, so we asked our own expert, 11 News military and terrorism analyst Ron Hatchett, for his take on the scenario described above. "What comes to my mind right away is that this is an obvious surveillance," says Hatchett. "This is not a bunch of kids selling artwork."

Hatchett says they could be doing what he would be doing if he were a terrorist – sizing up the situation: "We need to know what are the entrances to this particular building. We need to know what are the surveillance cameras that are operating. We need to know how many guards are at this operation, when do they take breaks?"

A former Defense Department analyst, Hatchett believes groups may be gathering intelligence for possible future attacks. "Some organization, thinking in terms of a potential retaliation against the U.S. government [could be] scouting out potential targets and … looking for targets that would be vulnerable."

And a source tells the Defenders of another federal memo, stating that besides Houston and Dallas, the same thing has happened at sites in New York, Florida, and six other states, and even more worrisome, at 36 sensitive Department of Defense sites.

"One defense site you can explain," says Hatchett, "well that was just a serendipitous, they went to that building. Thirty-six? That's a pattern."

That memo also reportedly tells of 25 to 30 arrests, usually made on immigration fraud charges. Why? Because many of these so-called Israelis have phony passports and visas. The memo concludes these students "may have ties" to an "Islamic fundamentalist group.""

If these people were muslims or potential members of "al-CIA-duh", don't you think this would have been all over the national news? The reason this has been hushed up is because these "art students" were ISRAELIS. And since when do muslim terrorists try to impersonate Israelis? Even according to the "official" story on 9/11, this didn't occur.

Israeli spies claiming to be "art students" who look "Middle Eastern" (ie, could be mistaken for being Arabs), many of whom have phony passports (possibly from Arab countries?)...WHO MAY HAVE TIES TO AN ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALIST GROUP (like al-CIA-duh?) gathering surveillance on government buildings?!!

And this is not just one isolated case here. Similar incidents happened all over the country. And why wouldn't anyone in the government talk about it?


[Edited on April 17, 2006 at 8:40 AM. Reason : `````]

4/17/2006 8:16:59 AM

All American
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4/17/2006 8:45:10 AM

All American
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i think the word here is HEEB-TASTIC

4/17/2006 9:31:07 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Sept. 11 riddles remain

Times Herald Staff


A memorandum sent to the 9/11 Commission, and Senate and House intelligence committees in September 2004, suggests that young Israelis who canvassed dozens of U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) offices in 2000 and 2001 trying to sell paintings to federal workers, may have been spying not only on the DEA, but also on Arab extremists in the United States - including the Sept. 11 hijackers who were living in Florida and New Jersey.

The Israeli "art student" story, which first surfaced in 2001 in news reports, has yet to be explained by U.S. authorities. Curiously, the 9/11 Commission did not venture to connect the myriad of dots to solve the mystery.


In 2001, a Fox News report by Carl Cameron laid out the Israeli spy scenario, however, the story was short-lived, and Shea was told by a representative at the news organization that there was outside pressure to kill the story.

Several publications, including The Forward, Insight and the French newspaper, Le Monde, picked up the story in 2002. All indicated there was extreme reluctance by U.S. officials - and practically anyone else - to discuss the matter publicly.

The DEA did acknowledged the internal reports describing the Israelis activity at the agency's offices to The Times Herald, but refused to elaborate.


One of the memorandum's most fascinating revelations puts the Israelis and would-be 9/11 hijackers in close proximity geographically in the months prior to the terrorist attacks in Florida, Oklahoma and New Jersey.

As the DEA was compiling its report in June 2001, 15 or the 19 plotters of the Sept. 11 attacks were living in the Hollywood, Fla., area, according to Shea's research, and more than 30 of the young Israelis also lived in the same area during this time period.

According to the memorandum, some of the Israelis and hijackers in Florida lived "within hundreds of yards" of each other. Besides Hollywood, the Israelis and hijacker lived within about five miles of one another in other southern Florida towns, including Coral Springs, Plantation, Fort Lauderdale, Miami and Coral Gables.

VERRRRRY INTERESTING. But I'm sure it's just another one of those "bizarre coincidences" that these Israeli spies were living in the same cities (and "within hundreds of yards") of the supposed "hijackers." Now, were the Israelis spying on these "al-CIA-duh" muslim terrorists, as the government may claim? If so, why didn't they reveal the plot to U.S authorities, and why is the government and media covering up the issue of these Israeli spies?

OR...were the Israeli spies the real terrorists themselves? Perhaps they were the "handlers" of a muslim "terrorist" patsy. Or perhaps the Israelis were impersonating muslims (with phony passports, ID, and all), and thus setting the stage to frame muslims for future terrorist attacks.

[Edited on April 17, 2006 at 10:00 AM. Reason : ``````````]

4/17/2006 9:56:59 AM

All American
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4/17/2006 10:01:24 AM

31803 Posts
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"wackjob information"

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ctrl c, ctrl v


4/17/2006 10:01:44 AM

9434 Posts
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you can only hope to distract from this information

you cannot debate these facts and issues substantively

because if you do, you cannot win

4/17/2006 10:02:51 AM

All American
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4/17/2006 10:04:08 AM

9434 Posts
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good, thank you

4/17/2006 10:04:28 AM

All American
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how was your easter

4/17/2006 10:21:23 AM

9434 Posts
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how was yours?

4/17/2006 10:23:04 AM

All American
2793 Posts
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oh back

by the way...i like how salis sounded so dramatic that post above....

"you cannot dispute. these are facts. you will lose." i can just hear like...darth vadar saying that...

anyway....whatever...this thread is so pointless...he keeps posting lies....and then says we cant disprove them...well...yeah...they are lies soo....this is stupid

4/17/2006 11:32:12 AM

168 Posts
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So since you can't disprove them you just blow them off as lies. You go into your denial pattern where you refuse to see the evidence.

4/17/2006 11:34:59 AM

All American
2384 Posts
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would it be inappropriate for me to say the word "pogrum"?

4/17/2006 11:37:44 AM

All American
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i actually slept in, but i did set my alarm

i just kinda snoozed buttoned past the beginning of church

so i went and did some stuff for my motorcycle, and had dinner with my family

i mean, apart from missing church it was pretty good...

4/17/2006 11:38:00 AM

All American
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i actually went to church and sang along with some songs, thats a big step for me

4/17/2006 11:39:27 AM

All American
2793 Posts
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Quote :
"So since you can't disprove them you just blow them off as lies. You go into your denial pattern where you refuse to see the evidence."

4/17/2006 12:00:21 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"you can only hope to distract from this information

you cannot debate these facts and issues substantively

because if you do, you cannot win"

Find that Afghan oil pipeline yet, little buddy? You had all weekend.

While we're debating facts and issues substantively, could you please answer some old questions for me:

Quote :
"You just said that Afghanistan was invaded so that a pipeline could be built. Now you're saying that the zionists wanted to prevent the building of a pipeline - just like how Iraq was invaded to secure the oil supply even though the zionists don't care about the oil supply. How do you reconcile all of the conflicting information that you spout off on here?

By the way, how did the zionists cause the US Civil War and the Revolutionary War?

I would also like to see some proof that Pearl Harbor was caused by the evil edomite zionists.

You have provided absolutely no evidence at all that the Rothschilds are the zionists at the top running world events. They were a prominent family that supported the creation of a jewish state, that is all. Please provide some evidence other than "Here are some rich jews!""

4/17/2006 1:41:13 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"You just said that Afghanistan was invaded so that a pipeline could be built"

Quote :
"FALSE. I never said that. And you cannot find an "explicit" statement where I did say that. You are putting words in my mouth again, even after I have made myself more than clear."

Quote :
"I never said that the elite want the pipeline built right now. I simply stated that Afghanistan was crucial (as a location) for the building of such a pipeline.

Again, this is all about CONTROL of the oil resources, including being able to manipulate the supply levels to control price and profits. Perhaps they don't want the pipeline built for now. And perhaps they would like to build it, but cannot due to the current chaotic situation inside Afghanistan or for other reasons.

4/17/2006 1:47:24 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Wow. You really have no idea how the real world works, do you?

Quote :
"I simply stated that Afghanistan was crucial (as a location) for the building of such a pipeline."

And you were wrong. There is absolutely no reason to build an oil pipeline across Afghanistan. There is nothing crucial about the location.

Quote :
"Again, this is all about CONTROL of the oil resources, including being able to manipulate the supply levels to control price and profits."

The fact that Afghanistan has absolutely nothing to do with the world's oil supply kind of messes up that little theory.

Quote :
"And perhaps they would like to build it, but cannot due to the current chaotic situation inside Afghanistan or for other reasons."

Then why didn't they build it in 1998? Why did they blow up their own african embassies and then launch a missile attack on Afghanistan? They were set to build a natural gas pipeline with the Taliban then. Why mess that up for no reason?

Quote :
"FALSE. I never said that. And you cannot find an "explicit" statement where I did say that. You are putting words in my mouth again, even after I have made myself more than clear."

You don't believe that? Then why are you defending that theory so stubbornly?

Quote :
"You just said that Afghanistan was invaded so that a pipeline could be built. Now you're saying that the zionists wanted to prevent the building of a pipeline - just like how Iraq was invaded to secure the oil supply even though the zionists don't care about the oil supply. How do you reconcile all of the conflicting information that you spout off on here?

By the way, how did the zionists cause the US Civil War and the Revolutionary War?

I would also like to see some proof that Pearl Harbor was caused by the evil edomite zionists.

You have provided absolutely no evidence at all that the Rothschilds are the zionists at the top running world events. They were a prominent family that supported the creation of a jewish state, that is all. Please provide some evidence other than "Here are some rich jews!"

Why would the NWO blow up the two US embassies in Africa in 1998?"

4/17/2006 1:59:27 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"2 found with video of Sears Tower

Special to The Mercury
October 17, 2001

PLYMOUTH -- Two men whom police described as Middle Eastern were detained in the township by federal immigration authorities after being found with detailed video footage of the Sears Tower in Chicago.


The man, who later identified himself as Moshe Elmakias, 30, denied that he did anything and fled the scene, heading west on West Ridge Pike, according to police.

The manager was able to provide township police with the Florida registration number of the tractor-trailer and said that a sign posted on the side of the vehicle read "Moving Systems Incorporated" and included a phone number, police said.


A Middle Eastern man, later identified as Ron Katar, 23, exited the sleeper area of the cab and said that the operator was across the street as he pointed toward the Don Rosen Porsche dealer, reports said.

Elmakias and a white female, Ayelet Reisler, 23, were approaching the vehicle from the dealership, but the female then began walking in a different direction, acting as if she were not with Elmakias, according to reports.


Among the items in the truck was a Sony video camera.

Plymouth Police Officer David McCann reviewed the tape found inside the camera. The tape had video footage of Chicago with zoomed-in shots of the Sears Tower, according to police.

The names of these "Middle Eastern" people are clearly not muslim, but Israeli.

Also, note that these people claimed to be "movers", but were not. And the name of the supposed moving company is "Moving Systems Incorporated", which is similar to the name of the company linked to the 5 Mossad agents arrested after seen filming and celebrating the WTC attack (ie, "Urban Moving Systems").

Another MSM article confirms these 3 were Israelis:

Quote :
"In October 2001, the Plymouth Township Police Department detained three Israelis - Moshe Elmakias, Ron Katar and Ayelet Reisler - who were suspected of dumping furniture behind Pizzeria Uno on Ridge Pike, according to an Oct. 17, 2001, article in The Times Herald.

The suspects were riding in a tractor-trailer truck bearing the name "Moving Systems Incorporated." The vehicle was loaded with furniture. The company name is oddly similar to one used by the New Jersey men arrested on Sept. 11. Police also discovered a videotape that had footage of the Sears Tower in Chicago."

[Edited on April 17, 2006 at 2:35 PM. Reason : ``````````]

4/17/2006 2:33:59 PM

All American
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4/17/2006 2:35:17 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :

Yeah, who cares right?

Mossad agents claiming to be "furniture movers" filming the WTC attack and celebrating. Mossad Agents posing as "movers" arrested in Washington state with explosive traces in their truck. Other Israeli spies found in the Midwest with oil pipeline and nuclear power plant plans. Israeli spies in Pennsylvania claiming to be "furniture movers" caught with video of the Sears Tower.

Hundreds of Mossad and Israeli spies all over America plotting and helping to carry out terrorist attacks to blame Arabs. The Israelis have a long history of carrying out these type of "false flag" attacks where they blame muslims, including the Lavon Affair and the attack on the USS Liberty.

It's no big deal. Go back to sleep, and just believe what the MSM spoon feeds you. We've got a lot of muslim countries to invade.

[Edited on April 17, 2006 at 3:15 PM. Reason : ```````]

4/17/2006 2:51:34 PM

All American
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you friend....need to wake up....98% of the evidence supports the MSM choose to be deceived by liars and frauds out to fill thier own pockets with money....

wake up dude

4/17/2006 3:16:48 PM

31803 Posts
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^^ you are a fucking idiot.

4/17/2006 3:26:25 PM

All American
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did you have friday off salisbury?

4/17/2006 3:37:05 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"98% of the evidence supports the MSM story"

That's a COMPLETE JOKE. What evidence? The phony bin Laden tapes? The "hijacker passport" they "found" near the WTC that supposedly survived the plane crash? The fact that they flashed up the pictures of 19 men on television shortly after the attacks (oh, and remember that many of these men were wrongly identified and later turned up alive after 9/11)? The FEMA report which claims that the cause of the collapse of WTC Building 7 is "unkown." The claim that the twin towers "pancaked" (despite the fact that they fell at virtual free-fall speed, and the testimony of dozens of firefighters, emergency personnel, and other witnesses describing the explosives used in the controlled demolition of the towers).

There is no real evidence to support the official story. The official story is a giant fraud. It is supported by scores of lies and manufactured "evidence."

Quote :
" choose to be deceived by liars and frauds out to fill thier own pockets with money...."

No. As almost everyone else who has done more than just blindly trust the "official" story, I can see that the government and MSM's "official" story on 9/11 is riddled with holes. Upon seeing this, I stopped blindly trusting whatever the MSM force-feeds us, and I did a little investigating for myself, which led me to discover that the entire official story is a sham.

Most 9/11 researchers are everyday people who are simply trying to spread the word. They are not motivated by trying to get rich. They only need money to continue to conduct thier research, make videos, and publish material for the purpose of informing others.

Now, the MSM on the other hand, is owned by big corporations. You don't think the MSM is out to make profit? Do you really think the MSM is more interested in telling you the truth, or in trying to make $$$?

Quote :
"you friend....need to wake up"

It is those who have believed the lies of the MSM who need to wake up. I used to be one of them, and I have woken up.

I don't claim to know everything, but I do know that the "official" 9/11 story is a crock of shit. If you can't see that after looking at this evidence, then you need some serious help. And if you can see that the official story is a fraud, yet you continue to support it, then you are living in denial because you are too afraid to accept and deal with the truth.

4/17/2006 3:37:07 PM

All American
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the length of your posts does not make them any more correct....

Quote :
"There is no real evidence to support the official story. The official story is a giant fraud. It is supported by scores of lies and manufactured "evidence."

go to any real media site and you will find evidence supporting the official story....the liar alex jones does not count as real media....virtually everyone knows this guy is full of crap and is out only to make money for himself

Quote :
"No. As almost everyone else who has done more than just blindly trust the "official" story, I can see that the government and MSM's "official" story on 9/11 is riddled with holes."

i dont blindly trust the media...yes there are some intersting things about the 9/11 story that dont make perfect sense...but YOUR story is absolutely insane...and there is no real evidence for except that which you have pulled from which is probably fake anyway

by the and me are looking at the exact same evidence...and it is you who need some seriuos are delusional and deceived and you are a pawn of the mastsermind conspiracy thoerists everywhere...stop living in denial and stop drinking the koolaid

[Edited on April 17, 2006 at 3:44 PM. Reason : asdf]

4/17/2006 3:43:26 PM

9434 Posts
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I wonder if the Zionists would create phony muslim "terrorist" groups to further their own agenda?

The Phony (Mossad) Al-Qaeda Cell in Palestine: Palestinians found collaborating with Israel to pose as "al-Qaeda" members

Quote :
"Palestinians arrest al-Qaeda 'poseurs'

December 8 2002

Palestinian security forces have arrested a group of Palestinians for collaborating with Israel and posing as operatives of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist network, a senior official said yesterday.

The arrests come two days after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon charged al-Qaeda militants were operating in Gaza and in Lebanon.

"The Palestinian Authority arrested a group of collaborators who confessed they were working for Israel, posing as al-Qaeda operatives in the Palestinian territories," said the official, on condition of anonymity."

Zionist Israel creating phony "Al-Qaeda" terrorist groups?! Who could ever have imagined such a thing!

Don't tell me they could have done the same with the supposed 9/11 "hijackers"!

4/17/2006 3:50:12 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Once again, salisburyboy is ignoring the many questions that he simply cannot answer.

Quote :
"Why didn't they build a pipeline in 1998? Why did they blow up their own african embassies and then launch a missile attack on Afghanistan? They were set to build a natural gas pipeline with the Taliban then. Why mess that up for no reason?

You don't believe that Afghanistan was invaded for the sake of a pipeline? Then why are you defending that theory so stubbornly?

You just said that Afghanistan was invaded so that a pipeline could be built. Now you're saying that the zionists wanted to prevent the building of a pipeline - just like how Iraq was invaded to secure the oil supply even though the zionists don't care about the oil supply. How do you reconcile all of the conflicting information that you spout off on here?

By the way, how did the zionists cause the US Civil War and the Revolutionary War?

I would also like to see some proof that Pearl Harbor was caused by the evil edomite zionists.

You have provided absolutely no evidence at all that the Rothschilds are the zionists at the top running world events. They were a prominent family that supported the creation of a jewish state, that is all. Please provide some evidence other than "Here are some rich jews!"

Why would the NWO blow up the two US embassies in Africa in 1998?"

So why should anyone believe your rantings, little buddy? You have admitted that you hate jews. As such, you are far from an impartial source when you blame jews for every problem in the world.

4/17/2006 3:56:11 PM

31803 Posts
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4/17/2006 4:01:30 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Once again, salisburyboy is..."

Once again, Mr. Joshua is spamming the thread with trivial questions, snide comments, and issues that have already been order to try to distract and direct the discussion away from the evidence disproving his position on the issue.

4/17/2006 4:03:23 PM

Mr. Joshua
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These are not trivial questions. Every time you try to dismiss me and the serious questions that I pose you lose more and more credibility.

Quote :
"Why didn't they build a pipeline in 1998? Why did they blow up their own african embassies and then launch a missile attack on Afghanistan? They were set to build a natural gas pipeline with the Taliban then. Why mess that up for no reason?

You don't believe that Afghanistan was invaded for the sake of a pipeline? Then why are you defending that theory so stubbornly?

You just said that Afghanistan was invaded so that a pipeline could be built. Now you're saying that the zionists wanted to prevent the building of a pipeline - just like how Iraq was invaded to secure the oil supply even though the zionists don't care about the oil supply. How do you reconcile all of the conflicting information that you spout off on here?

By the way, how did the zionists cause the US Civil War and the Revolutionary War?

I would also like to see some proof that Pearl Harbor was caused by the evil edomite zionists.

You have provided absolutely no evidence at all that the Rothschilds are the zionists at the top running world events. They were a prominent family that supported the creation of a jewish state, that is all. Please provide some evidence other than "Here are some rich jews!"

Why would the NWO blow up the two US embassies in Africa in 1998?"

When have you addressed any of these issues? I would like to have a rational discussion without you ignoring issues, dismissing others, and slandering those who disagree with you.

4/17/2006 4:08:53 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"You just said that Afghanistan was invaded so that a pipeline could be built.


I would also like to see some proof that Pearl Harbor was caused by the evil edomite zionists."

Quote :
"Once again, Mr. Joshua is spamming the thread with trivial questions, snide comments, and issues that have already been order to try to distract and direct the discussion away from the evidence disproving his position on the issue."

4/17/2006 4:14:03 PM

Mr. Joshua
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You ignored the rest of the question:

Quote :
"You just said that Afghanistan was invaded so that a pipeline could be built. Now you're saying that the zionists wanted to prevent the building of a pipeline - just like how Iraq was invaded to secure the oil supply even though the zionists don't care about the oil supply. How do you reconcile all of the conflicting information that you spout off on here?"

Quote :
"I would also like to see some proof that Pearl Harbor was caused by the evil edomite zionists"

I saw what you provided regarding Pearl Harbor, there was absolutely nothing that linked the attack with Zionists.

You haven't addressed any of the other questions at all.

Keep swingin, little fella.

4/17/2006 4:29:30 PM

31803 Posts
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how many strikes does this motherfucker get before he's out?

4/17/2006 4:32:12 PM

9434 Posts
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how long before some of you acknowledge the truth about 9/11: that the "official" conspiracy theory is completely bogus, and that an element within or controlling the government was involved?

4/17/2006 4:48:07 PM

31803 Posts
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how long before you acknowledge the truth that you're a fucking dingbat?

4/17/2006 5:01:22 PM

Mr. Joshua
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How long until you begin answering questions and actually defending your ideas?

4/17/2006 5:25:10 PM

168 Posts
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Sigma Alpha Mu had an event scheduled in the city on 9/11 that got canceled

4/17/2006 5:39:30 PM

All American
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seriously...who is the mod in here again??

4/17/2006 5:39:46 PM

All American
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4/17/2006 5:40:06 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I don't claim to know everything, but I do know that the "official" 9/11 story is a crock of shit. "

when i first starting posting here on TWW, salis was like, hardcore christian (he will probably dispute that). now look at him, cussing and stuff.

what has happened to you dude? i know you think you have woken up and been enlightened and stuff, but you have completely gone off the deep end and you have sold out what you used to believe in. its pretty pathetic

4/17/2006 5:55:51 PM

All American
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christianity is a plot by the zionists to convince us to love our edomite neighbors.

4/17/2006 6:23:27 PM

All American
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i have to admit i have been convinced. i have read all of salisburyboy's links he has provided and watched all the videos, i've looked at pictures and even jerked off thinkin about Alex Jones a few times and honestly the story he presents is absolutely 100% proven and true. i mean with all the evidence that has been presented i dont see how no one else has been convinced like me. i think that just goes to show who the real pawns are in this massive zionist plot.

4/17/2006 6:28:07 PM

All American
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Quote :
"christianity is a plot by the zionists to convince us to love our edomite neighbors.

....says salisburyboy....

4/17/2006 6:42:14 PM

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Quote :
"when i first starting posting here on TWW, salis was like, hardcore christian (he will probably dispute that). now look at him, cussing and stuff.

Would you prefer I said "load of crap" or "pile of dung"?

I fail to see how describing something in this way or mentioning excrement is against Christian beliefs.

4/18/2006 7:57:13 AM

All American
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^case in point

4/18/2006 7:58:47 AM

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Quote :
"how long before you acknowledge the truth that you're a fucking dingbat?"

How long before some of you recognize that a strategy of repeated denial and disparagement isn't going to work?

Such pathetic juvenile tactics cannot stop people from discovering the truth, because the facts and evidence are on our side. At best, such a strategy can only prevent a few people from actually examining the evidence (for a while). But once they look at the evidence, it's over.

4/18/2006 9:52:35 AM

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