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All American
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^^what does concrete planning from "the other side" look like? do you really think these rednecks are capable of anything more than embarrassing themselves?

do you just feel like you have catching up to do? compared to rednecks who have wanted a civil war for years?

what happens to all this stuff if republicans simply win 22 and 24 in landslides?

[Edited on December 8, 2021 at 12:43 PM. Reason : sorry, top of page, meant for user "bullet"]

12/8/2021 12:43:06 PM

All American
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Another atlantic article that came up and has a lot of truth, especially for former conservatives.

There is a lot of history and theory at the top, so for a quick read start 3/4s down.

Quote :
"The reasons conservatism devolved into Trumpism are many. First, race. Conservatism makes sense only when it is trying to preserve social conditions that are basically healthy. America’s racial arrangements are fundamentally unjust. To be conservative on racial matters is a moral crime. American conservatives never wrapped their mind around this. "

Quote :
"The Trumpian cause is held together by hatred of the Other. Because Trumpians live in a state of perpetual war, they need to continually invent existential foes—critical race theory, nongendered bathrooms, out-of-control immigration. They need to treat half the country, metropolitan America, as a moral cancer, and view the cultural and demographic changes of the past 50 years as an alien invasion. Yet pluralism is one of America’s oldest traditions; to conserve America, you have to love pluralism. As long as the warrior ethos dominates the GOP, brutality will be admired over benevolence, propaganda over discourse, confrontation over conservatism, dehumanization over dignity."

12/8/2021 1:17:23 PM

Tom Joad
72763 Posts
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Quote :
" do you really think these rednecks are capable of anything more than embarrassing themselves?"

To me, it’s not really about logic and planning as much as it is thousands of people simply breaking things across the board with no real way to fix them, and the more they break, the more they blame an invisible enemy and lash out. And the people who have been trying to keep thing running are real fucking tired and constantly terrorized. And again, no one is ever held accountable.

See: Coronavirus

12/8/2021 1:40:19 PM

Forgetful Jones
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some of y'all are just, and will always be, worrywarts

12/9/2021 12:42:13 AM

All American
27985 Posts
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^^exactly. and corrupt and authoritarian-minded politicians taking advantage of the dumb redneck masses to consolidate their power.

12/9/2021 9:27:40 AM

All American
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Quote :
Alongside students and a prominent right-wing anti-critical race theory activist, DeSantis on Wednesday introduced the Stop the Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees Act. In a pre-released statement, DeSantis referred to the right’s new bogeyman against anti-racism as “state-sanctioned racism.”

During a press conference later, DeSantis took his rhetoric a step further: He referenced the most visible hero of the civil rights movement who worked against actual state-sanctioned racism, including in Florida.

"You think about what MLK stood for,” DeSantis said. “He said he didn't want people judged on the color of their skin but on the content of their character.”

12/16/2021 11:51:18 AM

Save TWW
37182 Posts
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Cruz had to go on Tucker to apologize for going against the company line

1/6/2022 10:02:28 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Remember when he Ted Cruz called Donald Trump a "sniveling coward"?

Well, it looks like three fingers were pointing back at him!

1/6/2022 11:44:01 PM

All American
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Man that is hilarious given that Tucker himselfs takes liberty with definitions when he uses terms like patriot, socialist, nazi, etc all the time.

Hell he even takes liberties with what "Western Culture" is supposed to mean.

1/7/2022 12:44:38 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Tucker Carlson always has the same dumb and puzzled face in the split screen.

1/7/2022 3:03:51 PM

All American
11316 Posts
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so...this whole Jason Mariner shit-show....

1/18/2022 4:48:33 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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A lot of Republican members of Congress hitting the network circuit talking about how we need to get tough with Russia with preemptive sanctions and "defend democracy" abroad while actively undermining democracy at home. . .

1/23/2022 6:57:29 PM

All American
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I hope they’re talking to John Kerry to figure out whatever he did with Iran. A pallet of cash or whatever is far preferable to a military conflict… hope everyone realizes this

1/24/2022 1:31:59 PM

Forgetful Jones
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so are we (the US) backing some kind of literal nazi regime in Ukraine? i never know what to believe anymore.

1/24/2022 2:02:17 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Their president is literally a comedian, so probably not. Nazis weren't known for their humor.

1/24/2022 2:15:47 PM

1331 Posts
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[Edited on January 24, 2022 at 2:52 PM. Reason : .]

1/24/2022 2:51:52 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Maybe they're trying to create a whole new paradigm. The funny Nazi.

1/24/2022 3:04:15 PM

All American
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1/24/2022 3:54:56 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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"Funny haha, not funny queer!"

1/24/2022 4:12:35 PM

1331 Posts
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Quote :
"The Azov militia was established in Ukraine following the Russian invasion of the Crimean peninsula in 2014. The militia’s emblems are well-known national socialist ones. Its members use the Nazi salute and carry swastikas and SS insignias.

Moreover, some of them openly admit they have neo-Nazi sentiments and that they are Holocaust deniers. One militia member said in an interview that he was fighting Russia since Putin was a Jew. An Azov sergeant said that he was a national socialist, although he was not in favor of genocide, and as long as minorities in Ukraine did not demand special rights he would have no problem with them."

1/27/2022 12:44:24 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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Quote :
"so are we (the US) backing some kind of literal nazi regime in Ukraine? i never know what to believe anymore."

Just ignore daave. I think he means well, but he's already way too brainwashed into thinking that Ukraine/Belarus/former USSR Republics are in cahoots with the very Nazis that decimated their populations, because...America.

1/27/2022 3:18:32 PM

1331 Posts
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I'm assuming you mistyped by including Belarus, otherwise you'd come across as someone who has no idea what they're talking about.

Anyways, the Haaretz article linked is damning enough. Ukraine very clearly has a Nazi problem.

1/27/2022 4:11:32 PM

All American
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No, I actually have relatives (through marriage) currently living in Ukraine/Belarus/Poland, and they have all laughed at the ideas you keep trotting out.

You're the only person on this board who continues to spew this asisine theory, and the garbage links/snippets you provide just make you look foolish.

But keep on keeping on with the astroturfing/conspiracy theory spreading. Thankfully like 11 people read TWW a day on average, so it's not like you're doing any real harm to this community.

[Edited on January 27, 2022 at 4:32 PM. Reason : .]

1/27/2022 4:31:06 PM

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1/27/2022 4:36:22 PM

1331 Posts
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No but for real, confused by the Belarus reference considering Lukashenko is an enemy of the west as opposed to Ukraine, which is allied with the west. What did you mean? Were you trying to talk about the Belarusian opposition? That would make more sense.

1/27/2022 4:40:34 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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I'm just picking up where we left off last time. I blame myself for reengaging, and since nobody agrees with your latest "updates", I'll just disengage again.

1/27/2022 5:01:13 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4922 Posts
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For what it's worth, Richard Stengel was just on MSNBC, commenting about how many Nazi symbols he saw in Ukraine at the start of the protests.

1/27/2022 5:33:15 PM

All American
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^I'm not denying Nazis exist in Ukraine. I'm sure they're there, just like they're here in the US and other parts of the EU, and that's a huge problem and direct threat to democracy and the stability of the US and EU. I just have a real big problem with anyone suggesting that the US is sponsoring Neo-Nazi movements in Eastern Europe.

Maybe some REPUBLICANS are; but it's not on the Biden agenda as far as I can tell. And it literally makes no sense to suggest there's a huge pro-Nazi movement in Belarus when the Nazis wiped out 90% of the Jewish population during WWII. Belarusians overwhelmingly voted to oust Lukashenko (the de-facto dictator since the early 90s) and they want no part of Putin's fantasy of a reunified USSR.

[Edited on January 27, 2022 at 7:31 PM. Reason : .]

1/27/2022 7:29:18 PM

1331 Posts
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Quote :
"I just have a real big problem with anyone suggesting that the US is sponsoring Neo-Nazi movements in Eastern Europe.

Maybe some REPUBLICANS are"

Democrat controlled appropriations committee:

Quote :
"in July of last year, Congressmen John Conyers of Michigan and Ted Yoho of Florida drew up an amendment to the House Defense Appropriations bill (HR 2685) that “limits arms, training, and other assistance to the neo-Nazi Ukrainian militia, the Azov Battalion.” It passed by a unanimous vote in the House.

And yet by the time November came around and the conference debate over the year-end appropriations bill was underway, the Conyers-Yoho measure appeared to be in jeopardy. And indeed it was. An official familiar with the debate told The Nation that the House Defense Appropriations Committee came under pressure from the Pentagon to remove the Conyers-Yoho amendment from the text of the bill. "

Quote :
"And it literally makes no sense to suggest there's a huge pro-Nazi movement in Belarus"

Never said that. We were talking about one guy who was heavily featured in western media and just happened to also be involved with the Azov Battalion

Quote :
"And to be clear, I'm only talking about Protasevich (the arrested journalist) because that's what ujustwait asked about originally. There are legitimate and illegitimate aspects of the Belarusian conflict, as is usually the case when western intelligence is involved."

Feel free to disengage now.

[Edited on January 27, 2022 at 8:14 PM. Reason : .]

1/27/2022 8:11:37 PM

All American
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Seeing all these republicans banning books across the country seems really concerning. It’s not hard to see how the gilead gov could form in hadmaids tale, even if most people don’t support their exact ideology. All you have to do is own the libs and be a little conservative and you can get away with anything.

It is maybe worth understanding why right wingers have so much animosity towards left leaning people that they would harm themselves to see others hurt.

1/28/2022 6:53:43 PM

Ohhh Farts
12436 Posts
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^mostly because years and years of Republican Party and Fox News lies and propaganda have convinced them that the terrible polices the gop have put in place that put them in such a dire position is the democrats fault

1/28/2022 8:31:57 PM

All American
38992 Posts
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this is some evil edgelord shit

2/8/2022 12:13:18 PM

All American
14144 Posts
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The idea that payload matters to epa metrics is rediculous. Measure the metric based on dry weight of the vehicle.

2/8/2022 6:03:35 PM

All American
2051 Posts
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Quote :
"Did Trump change the Republican Party? Or did he just give the modern Republican Party permission to be what it always has been on some level?

I think it's the latter on some level. This had been building for a while. I say repeatedly, and I mean it, I'm responsible for Trump. Stuart Stevens is responsible. Jonah Goldberg is responsible. Bill Kristol is responsible. Jeb Bush, John McCain, Sean Hannity, every fucking Republican and conservative, I don't give a damn if you're a never-Trumper. We all created the conditions for this guy to come along in 2015.

All of these "principled conservatives" and never-Trumpers and establishment people, their base had been telling them for years what they were scared and pissed off about. But the party did nothing about it. People like Newt Gingrich riled them up. And then the Tea Party people like me, we came along and we riled them up. Trump and this moment were always waiting to happen, because the party ignored their base for years instead of sitting the base down, educating them and teaching them that 1953 is never coming back."

-Former Republican Congressman Joe Walsh

(I wish he'd just stuck to playing guitar for The Eagles in the first place)

[Edited on February 11, 2022 at 10:14 AM. Reason : /]

2/11/2022 10:13:55 AM

All American
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It is unbelievably refreshing to read a conservative politician admitting their past actions may have played a role in the nightmare the GOP currently finds itself in.

2/11/2022 10:54:01 AM

Save TWW
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Yea based on the headline I'm sure there are things in the article that would piss me off, but I'm glad he learned a lesson even if I don't forgive his role.

[Edited on February 11, 2022 at 11:07 AM. Reason : E]

2/11/2022 11:07:05 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I do appreciate that Joe Walsh seems to have made a turn and is speaking out about his party and his own past mistakes. But I can't forget his classic line featured above that "In less than a month -- less than a month -- a first grader can become a first grenader!"

It's jarring to re-watch this and realize that Matt Gaetz had the most sane reaction.

2/11/2022 1:36:58 PM

All American
27985 Posts
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Quote :
"Tina Peters, the top election official in Mesa County, Colorado, has a lot on her plate.

She’s subject to ongoing federal and state criminal investigations—??including from a local grand jury—over her alleged tampering with election machines last year, as well as allegations of wire fraud and campaign finance violations.

And just last week she was arrested on charges of obstructing a government operation after being captured on camera attempting to kick a police officer who was trying to get hold of an iPad Peters had allegedly used to illegally record a court proceeding.

Despite all that, the pro-Trump, election conspiracy-spreading official has decided that now is the perfect time to run for secretary of state in Colorado."

2/16/2022 9:22:53 AM

All American
33768 Posts
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Beyond parody

2/22/2022 10:08:47 PM

Save TWW
37182 Posts
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Quote :
"just... amazing."

Quote :
"Arpaio: "I have the reputation of being the biggest racist in the country."

*huge cheers*

Arpaio: "What are you clapping for? I'm not.""

2/26/2022 10:37:54 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Quote :
"Look, there is no place in either political party for this White nationalism or racism. It's simply wrong … it's evil as well. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar, I don’t know them, but I'm reminded of that old line from the 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid' movie where one character says, 'Morons, I've got morons on my team.' And I have to think anybody that would sit down with White nationalists and speak at their conference was certainly missing a few IQ points."

Romney credibility +1

2/27/2022 9:39:36 PM

Save TWW
37182 Posts
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Maybe he should leave the team then

2/27/2022 10:29:02 PM

All American
52662 Posts
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So he could abandon the party to the vermin, to either:

1. Join the Democrats so they could shit on him? The Dems can’t even abide Joe Manchin, let alone Mitt Romney.
2. Become an independent, and likely irrelevant at best, driven from office at worst. Plus, who would he caucus with?

2/28/2022 12:14:58 AM

All American
6571 Posts
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“Of course I’m disgusted by white nationalists, but what do you expect me to do? Talk to Democrats?”

-the “sober” wing of the modern GOP

2/28/2022 10:07:29 AM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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I could easily see Romney winning as an independent in Utah

2/28/2022 10:13:35 AM

All American
2157 Posts
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I accidentally read his comment as "Mormons, I have mormons on my team." To which, I just thought, well duh.

But I reread.

I'm also confused why I'm not hearing more from the right about the strength Ukraine is showing and how their ability to repel the invasion is a prime example for why strong second amendment rights are needed. Seems like an obvious time to get and expand support there. But, nope, they are just choosing conflicting reasons why to say Biden is at fault and refrain from building out a cohesive policy.

[Edited on February 28, 2022 at 10:28 AM. Reason : thoughts. ]

2/28/2022 10:15:40 AM

All American
38992 Posts
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Quote :
" I have gotten some questions about the painting in Rep. Dan Crenshaw’s campaign office so here it is, including close ups (seated portrait is by NYT photog Annie Mulligan)"

2/28/2022 11:48:37 AM

All American
22933 Posts
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That painting is insane lol.

2/28/2022 12:00:27 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
24793 Posts
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Who's the silver-haired guy in the tuxedo with the sword supposed to be?

2/28/2022 12:19:45 PM

All American
22933 Posts
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It can't be Epstein but that chin...

2/28/2022 12:22:54 PM

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