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All American
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Quote :
"Otherwise, keep my name out your mouth."

Just admit that you were reading the thread and about to reply with the normal excuse bullshit you do every single time a comment like that is made... and then you saw I had already called you out on it.

It's not like what I said is untrue anyways because everytime there's someone placing blame on the poor, uneducated, or criminal... there you are to pick them up.

3/6/2009 10:45:26 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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^No, I'm not going to admit that because it's not true.

I'm not joking when I say that people have PMed to ask that I respond to their threads. People have made threads specifically to bait me. When I neglect to respond because I don't see it or I don't care, they actually PM me all, "What do you think about this? Why haven't you responded?" It's kind of lame.

To be fair, I expect a flurry of posts about me to be scattered about by the unfunny when I've made an especially silly rant, but when it's just compulsively tossing my name around, it's weird.

So, no, I had no intention of responding to this thread before, and you really, really, really don't know me well enough to presume that I was going to respond.

Like I said, dude, I've never mentioned your name before. Do you get that part of it, too? How it's kind of strange for you to be so comfortable talking about me when this is the first time you've actually registered to me? The familiarity levels are unequal. We need to keep some balance going here.

[Edited on March 6, 2009 at 11:09 AM. Reason : ]

3/6/2009 11:07:33 AM

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3/6/2009 1:16:48 PM

Prawn Star
All American
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^ Well, he is married to a woman that looks like Wayne Brady...

3/6/2009 1:34:01 PM

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3/6/2009 3:37:29 PM

All American
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Obama's Radicalism Is Killing the Dow

Quote :
"It's hard not to see the continued sell-off on Wall Street and the growing fear on Main Street as a product, at least in part, of the realization that our new president's policies are designed to radically re-engineer the market-based U.S. economy, not just mitigate the recession and financial crisis.


Hate away, but the article is decent and the man has a lot of good points.

I am beginning to question my volunteering for the campaign. I am not yet questioning my decision to vote for him over Palin.

3/6/2009 8:59:00 PM

All American
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Then you're an idiot.

The market is selling off because they finally realized this wasn't a quick turnaround.

Those with Iron balls and cold hard logic are going to profit immensely from the weak that should be shed from the Dow anyway.

3/6/2009 9:13:07 PM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"Source: Obama to reverse limits on stem cell work

WASHINGTON – Reversing an eight-year-old limit on potentially life-saving science, President Barack Obama plans to lift restrictions Monday on taxpayer-funded research using embryonic stem cells.

The long-promised move will allow a rush of research aimed at one day better treating, if not curing, ailments from diabetes to paralysis — research that crosses partisan lines, backed by such notables as Nancy Reagan and the late Christopher Reeve. But it stirs intense controversy over whether government crosses a moral line with such research.


Yay...even though we're decades behind other countries in stem cell research, this is one good thing he'll do so far

3/6/2009 9:18:47 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Then you're an idiot.

The market is selling off because they finally realized this wasn't a quick turnaround.

Those with Iron balls and cold hard logic are going to profit immensely from the weak that should be shed from the Dow anyway.


SO TUFF!!!1111

Rawr Rawr!!11 I know more about the economy than everyone else. I have Bawlz of steel. RAWR RAWR

Then you're an idiot.

Wow, the soap box is easy when it's full of stupid people.

[Edited on March 6, 2009 at 9:54 PM. Reason : .]

3/6/2009 9:48:36 PM

All American
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I'm not the one panicking and publicly questioning my own choices.

You knew Obama's platform when he ran, if you're shocked by what he's done then...

3/6/2009 10:48:51 PM

All American
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I am so panicky...what should I do?

If only I could believe that I am so much smarter than I really am....maybe if I went to one of the most pedestrian programs in the US like SandSanta then I could comment about the economy.

I can't believe that I am upset because Obama is doubling the money supply and spending money in completely irrational ways. What ever should I do?

It's so stupid to read articles from one of the top schools in the country when I could just listen to complete douches like SandSanta.

Please halp..

It's so hard because I knew from Obama's platform that he was hoping to eliminate the free market and now that he's doing it I am so panicky....oh lawd

[Edited on March 7, 2009 at 10:29 PM. Reason : .]

3/7/2009 10:13:51 PM

All American
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Actually, Obama did not run on that platform. He's actually doing exactly what he said he wouldn't. He ran a rather conservative campaign against Hillary. In all honesty, he ran on a platform of getting things done with republicans, although his one slip up was to say he wanted to redistribute the wealth. I read an awful lot of material on his economic plans, and nowhere did he mention anything of a multi trillion dollar stimulus package.

As a matter of fact, I distinctly remember an interview with him from the beginning of his campaign in 2007 where he was talking about poverty and people on government support. He said something along the lines of ...we have a significant problem on our hands regarding the poor in this country. Specifically, he mentioned ..and I'm quoting... "you can't throw money at the problem and expect it to get better, you have to change the mentality" ...mentality of those in underserved/underprivledged/poverty stricken areas...basically getting people to better themselves to get out through hard work and education.

So I guess what he meant by that was "throw as much rich people's money at the problem as possible, discourage people from working hard because the government can take care of them, and who gives a shit if the economy is in the tank, we'll just print more money and put the debt on our future generations"

He has been a total goon in the first month and a half. And I voted for him. I guess the joke is on me. Its really upsetting to see the country going in this direction. At least when the corrupt republicans spent a fuckton of money, they didn't take it from the taxpayers.

3/7/2009 11:28:23 PM

All American
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Quote :

He would probably be the second gay president. As bad as the spending is, hopefully he can avoid being quite as bad as the first:

3/8/2009 12:36:15 PM

All American
7551 Posts
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where did they take it from?

one is a spotted pig, the other is a pig with spots. these fucking D.C. bastards have seemingly no concept on how to run a budget.

3/8/2009 12:44:18 PM

All American
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You guys have got to be completely brain dead if you're surprised by Obama's socialist twist.

Hell, even god damn HOOKSAW has threads here dedicated to USSRofA or some crap before he even won the primary.

I sure as hell knew he was going to drive a pretty hardcore social agenda when I voted for him, and the only reason I did that was because I knew McCain would have been an absolute worse choice.

I mean really. To try and claim "I HAD NO IDEA ZOMG" now is a bit silly.

3/8/2009 5:12:21 PM

All American
3989 Posts
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The American Idol crowd, who failed to look beyond anything but his good looks and speaking style are some of the folks we can thank for Obama socialism.

The anti-Iraq war crowd were among the first to support him, but they will learn too that Obama is just as imperialistic as Bush.

3/8/2009 8:19:42 PM

All American
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The beginnings of his foreign policy are causing a lot of concern. He insulted Great Britain in several ways and is wanting to give Gaza 900 million dollars, but we know who will wind up with that.

3/8/2009 8:56:15 PM

All American
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^ i heard about the DVD and gift thing several times already this weekend on various NPR shows. Seems like the Browns would have been better off just keeping their mouth shut and not talking to the press about it. It would have been polite of the Browns to not personally embarrass the Obamas because of a gift.
Or maybe the gifts were exchanged in a public ceremony or something and the press just picked up and went with it wiout the Browns actually complaining....

3/8/2009 9:16:28 PM

All American
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Regardless of how it got out, Obama came out looking like an ass, especially when he returned the bust of Churchill.

3/8/2009 9:18:53 PM

10229 Posts
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Obama really gave Gordon Brown DVDs?

3/8/2009 9:24:58 PM

All American
4562 Posts
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I couldn't believe it myself. We are talking about a symbolic gift from one head of state to another here, not a birthday present to a buddy.

3/8/2009 9:26:57 PM

All American
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The Obama girls get nice dresses and children books by British authors that are about to be released in the USA........Brown's sons got replica copies of Marine One....hmmmmm

[Edited on March 8, 2009 at 9:58 PM. Reason : w]

3/8/2009 9:57:10 PM

All American
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It does seem like a Head of State would be worthy of Blu-ray.

3/8/2009 9:57:23 PM

Fail Boat
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I'm curious, which website are you right wingers frequenting that constantly links to guardian articles?

It is happening way too much for you guys to just be perusing a British paper.

3/8/2009 9:57:52 PM

All American
15213 Posts
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for some reason, I actually read the Guardian alot

I think it started because of their soccer coverage

3/8/2009 10:02:44 PM

All American
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3/8/2009 10:20:32 PM

Fail Boat
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That is what I thought, but I couldn't find anything on the front page about the dvd stuff.

3/8/2009 10:36:30 PM

All American
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If anyone thinks that ANY president right now could keep the dow from crashing, I'd like to know who you think that would have been. Obama may or may not be having an large effect on the market; certainly he's having some effect. We had nowhere to go but where we are now, however, and nothing any president could do right now would make this situation much better.

I personally think he's doing as well as anyone else could in this short a time. Give him some leeway.

Oh, and while it may have been a bad decision as far as the british press was concerned, I can understand why that set of DVDs could be seen as a contribution of great American works of art. Not what I'd give the leader of another Democracy, but it's not some kind of insult. Also, Obama's a geek. What do you want to bet he got the films in the right region and/or without region coding? He's the fucking president. I bet you can get uncoded DVDs if you're the president.

[Edited on March 8, 2009 at 11:07 PM. Reason : .]

3/8/2009 11:00:16 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I personally think he's doing as well as anyone else could in this short a time. Give him some leeway."

Ummm...even Clinton criticized his constant negativity towards the economy. An optimistic leader doesnt do this. Its no wonder the Dow dropped after nearly every speech hes given thus appears hes finally learned not to tell us at every possible moment thats its only going to get worse...get ready for it....yadda yadda yadda. If you tell investors its going to get worse...they'll pull money from teh market to buy another day.....its just that simple.

For me would have been the ideal time to eliminate income taxes for at least a period of time or possibly implement something similar to the fair bring the billions that Americans have overseas back to the US economy.

3/8/2009 11:17:58 PM

Fail Boat
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Quote :
"We had nowhere to go but where we are now, however, and nothing any president could do right now would make this situation much better."

I voted for the guy and have been studying the economy/markets intently trying to make an easy buck, and I can tell you that the policies and strategy put forth so far has been nothing short of abysmal.

I've come to the conclusion that Goldman Sachs is the old boy network and every decision that is being made starts with whatever is in their best interests. Geithner is a part of this old boy network that started with Paulson (former GS CEO). These guys don't give a shit about our tax money, only that GS has their capital base and stock price in tact.

3/8/2009 11:19:54 PM

All American
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^ Well then, if you've studied it, I'm certainly going to ignore everything else I know

Quote :
"Ummm...even Clinton criticized his constant negativity towards the economy"

a.) fuck clinton.
b.) No he didn't. He said obama "should sound more hopeful." Not that he was "constantly negative." If clinton had said that, he'd sound as retarded as you guys do.
c.) "it appears hes finally learned not to tell us at every possible moment thats its only going to get worse...get ready for it....yadda yadda yadda" - again, he's not saying that. He's said that it will get worse before it gets better, and of course, it will, and it has. Are you saying he should lie? You want unrealistic optimism? He's a pragmatist, and I personally think it's a breath of fresh air. It's depressing, but he's not fucking around.

[Edited on March 8, 2009 at 11:20 PM. Reason : .]

3/8/2009 11:20:26 PM

10517 Posts
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Quote :
"The American Idol crowd, who failed to look beyond anything but his good looks and speaking style are some of the folks we can thank for Obama socialism."

If only Americans weren't such dumb plebians and realized that the real path back is to reintroduce the gold standard.

3/9/2009 12:23:50 AM

1139 Posts
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It's in Obama's intrest to keep the economy in the shitter. That way he can continue to fearmonger and get all his socialist programs bought and paid for. Sheesh, this is too easy.

3/9/2009 12:33:50 AM

10517 Posts
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i hear he is a secret stealth islamo-communist.

3/9/2009 12:40:34 AM

1139 Posts
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^ duh, thats obvious

3/9/2009 12:46:38 AM

Mangy Wolf
All American
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Wonderboy continues to amaze.

3/9/2009 12:48:10 AM

Mangy Wolf
All American
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This will end well.

Quote :
"President Barack Obama's auto team will spend Monday at the Detroit home of the Big Three as the administration begins to narrow its options for helping the reeling auto sector.
The weeks ahead are filled with peril for both the White House and the auto makers as administration officials face a March 31 deadline for deciding whether to give the companies nearly $22 billion more in federal assistance.
The last few weeks have served as a crash course for the Obama auto advisers, none of whom have past experience in the car industry.

3/9/2009 2:02:57 AM

All American
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^ Excellent. I totally see having a mixed group of advisers, bringing in fresh minds from other industries and academia. But if that is right, to have no advisers with auto industry experience? Really? Although I am sure there is someone from GE..

Yeah, the Goldman Sachs thing was spot on to. That entire group of people should just be flushed down the drain. Bush put them in power, and Obama kept them there. woot.

And to say Obama has had no effect on the Market is crazy talk. Look at the tax increase on dividends and capital gains. You don't think that has any effect on investors? That is just the tip of a very large iceberg.

Obama campaigned as a economically responsible centrists. Like he pledged he wouldn't raise taxes... I clearly remember him saying this. Now it seems, everyone knew he was talking about income taxes. Silly me, I thought he was talking about taxes in general since he was never specific.

3/9/2009 2:13:19 AM

All American
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Quote :

You guys have got to be completely brain dead if you're surprised by Obama's socialist twist.

Hell, even god damn HOOKSAW has threads here dedicated to USSRofA or some crap before he even won the primary.

I sure as hell knew he was going to drive a pretty hardcore social agenda when I voted for him, and the only reason I did that was because I knew McCain would have been an absolute worse choice.

I mean really. To try and claim "I HAD NO IDEA ZOMG" now is a bit silly."

I'm not claiming to not know he wanted to push the country to the left. I'm claiming that he is going farther left than anyone here can possibly imagine. He said he wanted to do things right, and by right he means as quickly as possible without looking at the possible consequences of not even reading a stimulus bill with a trillion dollars worth of spending in it....a guy who said he wanted to be the one to get things done with everyone involved in congress, who signed the trillion dollar stimulus plan with no input from any republicans.

Moving left IMO does not constitute putting the kind of debt he's talking about on the taxpayers. More government control over the economy? sure. over healthcare? sure. Acting irresponsibly and passing bills with ridiculous amounts of spending in them that nobody in my lifetime could pay for? no. Appointing criminals to his cabinet? no. Obama is smarter than that....or at least I thought he was.

3/9/2009 3:00:12 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The American Idol crowd, who failed to look beyond anything but his good looks and speaking style are some of the folks we can thank for Obama socialism."

there were plenty of uninformed people on both sides. but iirc, mccain voters were overall less well-informed on the issues.

^and the republicans were given PLENTY of opportunities for input. they obviously weren't willing to play ball on anything. if anyone on the dem side was to blame for not involving republicans it would be pelosi.

[Edited on March 9, 2009 at 3:04 PM. Reason : .]

3/9/2009 3:03:08 PM

Art Vandelay
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it will move right again later. the mountains of debt he's piling up cannot be averted, this economic crisis will kill him unless it turns around in a dramatic way.

in the mean time, i plan to get a better job with increased education and hope i stay under his new taxapalooza levels for the next 4 years....

Quote :
"^and the republicans were given PLENTY of opportunities for input. they obviously weren't willing to play ball on anything. if anyone on the dem side was to blame for not involving republicans it would be pelosi."

true on the pelosi part. the idea behind compromise is that each side gives and takes a little, the dem's didn't do that at all and merely wanted to see if the rep. wanted to add anything.

Quote :
"there were plenty of uninformed people on both sides. but iirc, mccain voters were overall less well-informed on the issues."

did you not see the several folks claiming that obama will solve all their problems for them? what you recall was the somewhat unbalanced representation of the respective voters involved.

imho - we need to dramatically cut back on spending, slightly cut back on taxes for everyone, and offer a tax incentive for businesses that keep X % of their work force US citizens or in the US. (rate changes based on %'s). Medicare/medicaid needs to be extremely cut back as that is what is causing medical costs to rise so quickly (again provide tax benefits for employers that offer coverage to help offset some of it). our military presence in iraq needed to be re-evaluated and probably reduced without reverting all of the 'gains'. investment and tax breaks for green production/innovation/practices to encourage efficiency in both the long and short term. more nuclear power with full fuel recycling and disposal (can be done).

but you know, those are just my thoughts

[Edited on March 9, 2009 at 3:12 PM. Reason : s]

3/9/2009 3:04:48 PM

All American
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Quote :
"and hope i stay under his new taxapalooza levels for the next 4 years"

why? you'd be making more money. that's how our tax system works.

3/9/2009 3:06:19 PM

All American
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Quote :
"^and the republicans were given PLENTY of opportunities for input. they obviously weren't willing to play ball on anything. if anyone on the dem side was to blame for not involving republicans it would be pelosi."

Eh, when your party majority leader is basically saying "fuck off" to the republicans, you're not going to have much support for the bill. They need to muzzle her...I do agree though that she is more responsible for not involving the republicans than Barack....but he has the power to shut her up.

If I had it my way, she would have been dead the day after she took over. She's awful.

3/9/2009 3:12:09 PM

Art Vandelay
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Quote :
"why? you'd be making more money. that's how our tax system works."

yes, under the one we have now i would also be paying more taxes, however i think it is unfair to punish by way of taxes those that do succeed in a dramatic fashion (the 250k high tax hike).

it is akin to a class where everyone who gets a A on a test has to give up 5-8 % points to those failing (even if it means you are not getting a A anymore as a result)

there is a very big difference between making more money and actually having more money. no good in making it if Uncle Sam is gonna just take more.

3/9/2009 3:15:52 PM

Fail Boat
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Quote :
"did you not see the several folks claiming that obama will solve all their problems for them? what you recall was the somewhat unbalanced representation of the respective voters involved."


3/9/2009 3:20:34 PM

All American
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Quote :
"He's said that it will get worse before it gets better, and of course, it will, and it has. Are you saying he should lie? You want unrealistic optimism? He's a pragmatist, and I personally think it's a breath of fresh air. It's depressing, but he's not fucking around."

Wall street is based on have the leader of the free world telling investors that its going to get what do investors do...they pull money from the markets and economy. HE MUST SALE CONFIDENCE TO INVESTORS!!!! The ground level of this recession could be tomorrow, but its not going to be if he keeps telling us how much worse it will get. A leader does not do this....hes been acting like the congressman who voted present 1,000,000 times. He has been better recently...more optimistic, and its about time.

3/9/2009 3:32:59 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I'm not claiming to not know he wanted to push the country to the left. I'm claiming that he is going farther left than anyone here can possibly imagine."

You people need to decide what you mean by "left," because I'm confused. Does it mean spending tons of government money to try to save the economy, even if the way you're doing it doesn't look right to your republican rivals, or does it mean being against big business? Because I can't remember.

I, personally, have felt confidence after listening to his speeches, partially because he's being so realistic about it. It is impossible for the ground of this problem to be tomorrow. If you really think that, you're obviously not paying enough attention.

He's 100% right that it's going to get worse, but he has NEVER said that it won't get better. He's said it's going to get worse BEFORE it gets better. He's correct, and I think it's a breath of fresh air to get confident but pragmatic facts.

In fact, I find it funny and not too surprising (though it is disappointing) that republicans, who while in power liked to hide facts, are now upset that facts are being distributed. Figures.

[Edited on March 9, 2009 at 3:50 PM. Reason : .]

3/9/2009 3:48:35 PM

All American
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Its been looking more and more like he is both. Thats the problem I have. He was the guy who said during the election that he wanted to compromise to get things done. That doesn't involve turning this country socialist, which, from the outside, looks like what he wants to do now. Anti-big business, pro-government spending, pro-welfare, make everyone earn the same amount of money no matter how much one person worked to get theirs over another.

For example, if I had it my way, there would be government incentives to build businesses, not tax hikes for people who try and succeed. There's the fundamental difference between parties ...but if I had it my way, you would have more government oversight making sure shit like what caused the current collapse didn't happen. Of course, the government is more corrupt than any big business, so why the hell would anyone want them telling you what you can and can't do?

The logical choice would be to have big oversight and make everything public, but that would involve compromise between the two sides. Maybe some more paperwork for the businesses, more government jobs required to manage it all (which would require more spending) but in the long run, it lets the free market operate and hopefully stabilizes it from future collapses as a result of shady operations. It ain't happening, so we're stuck with this bickering back and forth.

But thats just my dumbass thinking out loud. Its not like I should expect the people we vote for to come up with that on their own. cause on the other side of the have the healthcare debate....iI don't know one doctor who wants a bunch of lawyers looking over their records making sure they did things the right way. They have enough problems with lawyers as it is with malpractice, insurance companies, and congress deciding how much money they should make. Do they have medical training? Oh but I'm sure they will hire people who do to take care of it...right? wrong. nobody knows the answer, I just don't want the gov. spending fucktons of my money screwing everything up even more.

[Edited on March 9, 2009 at 4:41 PM. Reason : ]

3/9/2009 4:38:00 PM

All American
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Quote :
"it is akin to a class where everyone who gets a A on a test has to give up 5-8 % points to those failing (even if it means you are not getting a A anymore as a result)"

except it's not really like that at all.

in your analogy, you'd only give up a portion of the points you make over the 90% let's say.

this is almost as stupid as those idiots who decided that they'd go out of their way to make less than $250,000 so that their taxes wouldn't be increased. of course they didn't realize that only the amount over $250,000 would be in the increased tax bracket.

3/9/2009 4:42:47 PM

All American
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to be fair, that number has dropped. I don't know the exact figure but I've heard anywhere between 150,000 and 190,000 is the new cutoff for top tax bracket, which is absurd.

3/9/2009 4:51:21 PM

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