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His troll shtick is played out. I don't give a shit that he wants to troll Chit Chat (most people do). But trolling people in The Lounge regarding someone's parent who's suffering from depression is low and shitty.


He shit on that entire thread. Just pulled his pants down and took a huge shit on it.

He did it in this thread as well, though the subject isn't as sensitive:


And I know there are countless other threads that people would like him suspended for due to his shitting on them, but most of those are in Chit Chat. People put these threads in The Lounge for a reason. If they wanted his lame ass brand of trolling, they would have put it in Chit Chat. I don't know of anyone who even has an ounce of respect for him or appreciates his existence here in any facet.

10/17/2011 1:42:27 AM

15294 Posts
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and while you're at it suspend lafta

I'm Krallum and i approved this message.

10/17/2011 1:50:27 AM

16786 Posts
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Listen, all of my answers are on topic and are in no way a joke.

If you look closely, it is the user above and below each post that is antagonizing me by:

a) saying something off topic
b) pointing out how "fucking stupid I am" for giving a qualified answer with a detailed explanation how my suggestion is relevant.

The reason for edits in all my posts is because I see a word that's missing a letter. It's annoying to see "edit by" in every post I make, but I'm not the one that coded the site. My answers would look more clean without it, but alas, the text must be perfect in order to avoid another petty troll post.

Seems like every thread I'm in, people enjoy to challenge me. I'm a perfectionist and I like when the users see eye-to-eye with me. Instead, the users engage in group trolling tactics. They don't realize it, but they are ruining their own threads. Stop calling me names, open up your minds, and take me seriously. I will return the favor.

10/17/2011 2:53:21 AM

All American
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At least you didn't take the tack my father did with my own depression by calling it "self-pity crap"

He's a pediatrician too and is from well after the last generation of medical professionals to pooh-pooh clinical depression like that.

10/17/2011 6:22:04 AM

17377 Posts
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after reading this guy's latest post on that thread about jp's mom's depression, i'm going to sign this petition also. jesus christ.

10/17/2011 4:53:03 PM

13178 Posts
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So, I guess the admins are just going to stay clear of this because they don't want to "get involved."

10/17/2011 6:18:27 PM

All American
1391 Posts
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I'll sign on too. I'll go ahead and add that a full on lifetime ban of him will get me to upgrade my premie to lifetime premie as well.

10/17/2011 7:30:14 PM

All American
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He has been out of line in JP's thread in the lounge.

10/17/2011 7:45:25 PM

All American
7547 Posts
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I don't care if he's suspended, but a moderator or quantum overlord on high needs to clean up that thread. It's the Lounge, if people aren't going to treat it as such, remove them or remove the thread.

10/17/2011 9:30:00 PM

40407 Posts
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here's my analysis of how the thread turned into what it did

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Have you asked her why she's depressed? What is her response?

seems ok so far

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"In her mind, she thinks no one cares about her and no one wants to help her. But plenty of people have offered help (jobs, church, etc.), even old friends have tried to call her, and she won't call them back. She use to use Facebook a lot to keep up with people, but stopped using it abruptly several months ago. I had moved to Oklahoma for a job in '08, and moved to SC to be closer to family earlier this year. I try to go up to NC to visit when I can, but can only go so often."

I read about a Facebook depression in which people used it to compare their lives to other people. When they see weddings and parties and good times, they feel left out and depressed that they didn't have a wedding, party, or good times to go to.

Although, she is gettng old, and bodies and brains don't function 100% like they used to. I'm sad to say, you can't real help those that don't want to be helped.

still relevant

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Maybe it's just time to let her go. If she wants to be depressed then shouldn't that be her choice?

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Next time you visit, play this in the car:

hmmmm...these don't seem like very constructive contributions. is this the lounge or chit chat??

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I dont think anyone wants to be depressed.

There are two types of depressions.

1) Depressions that can be cured by giving the person what they want (attention, a new love).

2) Depressions that persist even when they get what they want. (chemical imbalance)

Perhaps, you can try to buy her a dog? Dogs will give her the unconditional love she needs.

still seems like sincere effort to help to me. as bbehe later notes, it's not all that unusual for pet ownership to improve peoples' mental states

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"Perhaps, you can try to buy her a dog? Dogs will give her the unconditional love she needs."

Jesus H. Fucking christ. Shut up, shut up, shut up.

Perhaps you need to stick a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger

well that's not very nice

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I like to advocate trying to cure her depression without going straight to medicine.

If it's a true depression and not a chemical imbalance, the medicine is sure to throw a normal body out of proportion.

The reason I suggest to get a puppy is because puppies have smiles on their faces, they bounce up and down, and they make you physically move around. Having a puppy is like having a kid and she'll feel like a parent again. She'll feel like she's needed again, because without her, the puppy can't survive.

If you think about it: She lost her kids when they moved out... she lost her husband in a divorce... and she lost her husband again when he died... she lost the company of her family...

Why don't you take a field trip over to the SPCA and see how she reacts? What's the harm?? You get to spend time with your mom and potentially help her at the same time.

nothing wrong here, even despite the previous personal attack

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Getting a DOG for an unemployed person who is experiencing depression severe enough have them committed is the stupidest fucking advice that I have ever heard. He hasn't described a parent who is a little under the weather, he's describing a chronic and severe mental/emotional problem. A dog is not going to help. It may even make things worse because she doesn't have the financial resources to care for the dog and will likely use the dog as an excuse. I've seen it before "I can't afford my medication because I have to buy dog food." "I can't go to rehab for a week because I have no one to care for the dog." "I can't get a job because no one will let out my dog while I'm at work." "I can't get an apartment because I can't afford the pet fees." A dog is a piss poor decision and a cop out.

Her children are going to have to force her to check into a facility to start her on the road to recovery. (Like I said chronic and severe depression needs more than a fluffy solution.) Then they are going to have to decide to move in close enough proximity to ensure that she makes it to appointments and takes her medication. Then they're going to have to encourage her and push her to get a job and live on her own once they get her stabilized. It's going to require hands on tough love unless they want to write her off not a fucking puppy.

might be right, but the tone here doesn't exactly contribute to a civil discussion of the issue

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I dare you to think out of the box and figure out a solution that doesn't involve popping pills.

Suggesting medication is the easy way out, but once you go into (psychiatric) drugs, you never come out.

still not responding in kind with insults

.......some back and forth

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"I'm not the one that neglected the depression for 15 years, dave"

No, you're the idiot suggesting that he buy her a fucking dog instead of getting real help.

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Goddamn you are the most retarded motherfucker on here. Those are all very good examples of CELEBRITIES with some form of narcotics ADDICTION.

Please just shut up. The professionals that I know, the ones that I've used, and the ones that friends have used all know a lot more than "get a dog, they're fun and make people smile". They also care quite a bit about most of the patients that they see.

Also, a blanket dog recommendation is a poor idea for depression as often it's caused by a feeling of loss and new pets and people can actually cause it to worsen due to feelings of "when is this one going to die/leave/etc". Coupled with no job and the stress of not being able to afford to care for the animal, it's just fucking dumb to suggest it without knowing more and actually sitting down to attempt to find the root issue. PTSD is a different beast altogether and, while there are similarities, the issues are too different to recommend the same solutions every time. Even then, I think you'll find that a dog is not a flat reco for PTSD sufferers, only a common one depending on any other issues that may exist.

no need for name calling

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^^^,^^^^You'd be amazed.

Something so simple curing something so complicated.

I'm unimpressed that you throw her away to be someone else's problem. Professionals have as little clue as you do. They see hundreds of patients and frankly they don't really give a shit.

Professional help hasn't helped people like Lindsay Lohann, Amy Winehouse, or anybody on the show Rehab?
Did it help the man with a golden voice? No, no, no, and no.
These are rich and/or famous people. If professionals can't help them, then you shouldn't give professionals that much credit.

What has worked is people getting addicted on something positive. Like a puppy. or art, music, or dance.

What does your mother like to do? Does she knit? She can knit for the troops or knit for whatever. It'll keep her mind off the depression and it'll make her happy to know she is making other people happy.

You know your mother best. I'm just throwing ideas out there. I'm not claiming to be right, but I'm not claiming to be wrong, either. I would definitely try the FREE and EASY solutions before complete intervention.

That is all.

still giving reasoned responses, has yet to resort to vulgarities

the bottom of page 1 he continues to get piled on for no reason and starts to make snippy responses back
page 2 is almost completely worthless


GeniuSxBoY was mobbed for basically no reason.

People who contributed to the eventual chit-chatish turd of a thread (in order of appearance):

now i'm going to go clean it up a little, but you people need to be the tww you want it to be.

[Edited on October 17, 2011 at 10:58 PM. Reason : .]

10/17/2011 10:47:19 PM

926 Posts
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called the fuck out

10/17/2011 10:57:14 PM

All American
15539 Posts
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I'll admit it was harsh of me to say he didn't seem to know much about what he was talking about, but my contribution in that respect was from personal experience, and I thought pointing out what I did about depression would be relevant to the thread.

The thread could have been handled better by everyone, I suppose, but he definitely did his share of trolling.

10/17/2011 11:06:43 PM

13178 Posts
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Wait, so let me get this straight, the following responses are fair and reasonable in a non-chit chat thread?

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"I dare you to think out of the box and figure out a solution that doesn't involve popping pills."

This is perhaps the most insensitive, heartless, worthless comment in the world:

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"I'm not the one that neglected the depression for 15 years, dave.

15 years, dave, went by without treatment and you're crying about not having time to experiment."

What about this where he takes a fair and reasonable comment regarding medication and just calls it "laughable." :

Quote :
"[quote]That's a gross generalization. The goal of most doctors is to get the patient to the point that they no longer require medication. The medication is a tool used during a rough period in one's life to get you through and enable you to get help. If you're so depressed that living from moment to moment is a challenge, you may not make it long enough to get help.

If she's being committed, she's a danger to herself and/or others. Even if medication isn't the answer, she is still going to need intense therapy to give her the tools to manage a life that has become unmanageable. Not a fucking dog."

This is laughable. It's true in theory, but not true in practice. Buyer beware.[/quote]

And this, where he uses celebrities with drug addictions to backup his claim against psychiatry!:

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"Professional help hasn't helped people like Lindsay Lohann, Amy Winehouse, or anybody on the show Rehab?
Did it help the man with a golden voice? No, no, no, and no.

These are rich and/or famous people. If professionals can't help them, then you shouldn't give professionals that much credit."

And what about this?:

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"@JP: now is the time to present the list of actions you took to prevent your mother from being committed."

I see you deleted his comment where he said that he didn't ask JP to present proof.

Why the fuck do you mods have a hard on for this shit head? Even EMCE called him out as a troll. How can you GeniuSxBoY just shit in that thread in The Lounge. People have been suspended for less in that section.

And I couldn't help but notice you called me out for contributing to the Chit Chat-like atmosphere in the thread. I contacted Omar hours before I posted anything and before people were piling on. NOTHING was fucking done. No response, no explanation, nothing. The only time I see that section moderated is when Omar sees a comment he doesn't agree with. Go ahead and call me out, but I brought this shit up to the mod's attention before doing anything.

Oh, and it took 2 days to get a response out of you? Really? People were calling him out as a troll, I was trying to get your guy's attention, and there was NOTHING. So how about I call you guys out on your inaction to handle a guy who's going into troll mode and shitting on the thread. At the very least, offer up a bit of explanation.

10/17/2011 11:15:09 PM

All American
1391 Posts
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So trolling another user dealing with a serious family issue is ok but god forbid we call them names? I freely admit that I got heated as I've been through similar but I can't believe it's ok to sit back and condone the behavior of a user that was called out by nearly every other poster. It's hard to be the tww we want to be when users like him are allowed to roam free and shit on any thread they wish with the mods blaming the other users for it.

10/17/2011 11:18:14 PM

13178 Posts
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Oh, you have to understand that EMCE has personally known GeniuSxBoY for 5 years.


Quote :
"I have personally known GeniuSxBoY for approximately 5 years now, have eaten his pizza, have seen his penis stump, and can attest that his pizza is indeed delicious.

However, I can say that he is absolutely no help in programming Visual Basic. I figured it out though...

I like EMCE, but I really feel the reason GeniuSxBoY is still here is because he's friends with EMCE. And to be honest, he's probably the only guy who likes GeniuSxBoY.

I don't care if GeniuSxBoY trolls Chit Chat. Everyone does it. But that shit needs to stay out of The Lounge.

10/17/2011 11:23:55 PM

All American
7547 Posts
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I don't have a dynamite-strapped kitten in this sack race, but I will say:

It was less the presence of vulgarity or a "lack of reasoned posts" for GenuisXBoy that angered people, it was the content of his suggestions, which were insensitive, assumptive, and intentionally undermining known facts about depression, and treatment of depression. The others were angry because it's easily seen as trolling, but without truly knowing if he's just uninformed / unintentionally giving bad advice, or doing so to "bait" members, there's not really anything that can be done.

The others have no excuse. They whined and bitched called names.

But if Quantum Lord Xeno doesn't want to moderate for content (or doesn't care as long as it doesn't seem in-genuine--i.e. he's genuine but is just horribly informed and giving bad advice) then that's his call. I think it's understandable that there can't be a lot of Quality Control Thought Police. At the same time, I definitely understand why people think the posts are inflammatory.

10/17/2011 11:53:57 PM

16786 Posts
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Thank you, Fred, for an unbiased look into the incident. I genuinely had no intention of trolling and had every intention of helping him and his mother.

10/18/2011 12:57:04 AM

All American
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10/18/2011 1:05:07 AM

926 Posts
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lot of butt hurt users after the site owner calls them the fuck out


10/18/2011 6:27:31 AM

balls deep
89698 Posts
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Holy quote taken out of context, batman!

10/18/2011 6:47:37 AM

45908 Posts
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good lord. as much as i don't like failboy and as much as he sucks; holy shit you guys are cry babies. if you want this fool suspended for chitchat like posting in the lounge, then several of you should be gone as well.


[Edited on October 18, 2011 at 7:35 AM. Reason : ,']

10/18/2011 7:34:54 AM

All American
12710 Posts
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Quote :
"Oh, and it took 2 days to get a response out of you? Really? People were calling him out as a troll, I was trying to get your guy's attention, and there was NOTHING. "

Yeah, really! Ken doesn't have a job, or life, or family... WHAT THE HELL WAS HE DOING?! The nerve.

10/18/2011 7:53:01 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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10/18/2011 8:58:30 AM

37776 Posts
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99.9% of the time Exboy is a dumbass. But.


called the fuck out

10/18/2011 9:05:22 AM

13178 Posts
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^^^ he's not the only moderator last time checked.

[Edited on October 18, 2011 at 9:17 AM. Reason : .]

10/18/2011 9:13:38 AM

15294 Posts
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This is a very serious issue

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

10/18/2011 11:00:22 AM

All American
12710 Posts
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Forgive me, I'm sure the other mods don't have other crap to do either. Besides play TWW babysitter, that is.

10/18/2011 1:15:28 PM

13178 Posts
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If 3 mods can't find the time to respond in 2 days, then perhaps others should be considered for their position.

10/18/2011 2:14:44 PM

68205 Posts
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Quote :
""Oh, and it took 2 days to get a response out of you? Really? People were calling him out as a troll, I was trying to get your guy's attention, and there was NOTHING. ""

what is the SLA agreement these days for this type of situation?

10/18/2011 3:54:32 PM

balls deep
89698 Posts
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Quote :
"Oh, and it took 2 days to get a response out of you? Really? People were calling him out as a troll, I was trying to get your guy's attention, and there was NOTHING. So how about I call you guys out on your inaction to handle a guy who's going into troll mode and shitting on the thread. At the very least, offer up a bit of explanation."

This task was identified mid-cycle for this particular sprint, which isn't scheduled to be delivered until later this week. It had been added to the scrum backlog, to be worked on the next sprint. One of our admins finished his assigned task a bit early, and had time to work this into the schedule. So actually, we resolved this issue early.

10/18/2011 5:22:54 PM

37776 Posts
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what is the Service Level Agreement agreement these days for this type of situation?

10/18/2011 5:41:03 PM

All American
7863 Posts
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i dont really remember, since it got deleted, but i dont really think me saying something about pizza toppings is "called the fuck out" material.

[Edited on October 18, 2011 at 6:51 PM. Reason : -]

10/18/2011 6:48:55 PM

All American
7547 Posts
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^It's Chit Chat in Lounge, which is kind of the whole point.

10/18/2011 7:38:12 PM

13178 Posts
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But apparently geniusxboy wasn't shit chatting it up. you know. Because he said so.

10/18/2011 8:31:56 PM

16786 Posts
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Felt like the Salem Troll Massacre.

Executing innocent posters by claiming they're trolls.

10/19/2011 3:49:29 AM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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I don't know which is funnier in this thread merbig being so butt hurt or GeniuSxBoY's passive aggressiveness in this thread.

10/19/2011 5:57:04 AM

All American
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10/19/2011 11:44:41 AM

New Recruit
13824 Posts
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This thread is full of lols.

10/19/2011 3:16:42 PM

13178 Posts
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I'm glad that it's been made clear that it is ok to troll the lounge.

10/19/2011 7:40:47 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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I wholeheartedly support qntmfred's analysis

10/19/2011 9:57:37 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14974 Posts
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You forgot to ysis, lewis.

10/20/2011 10:11:49 AM

All American
5021 Posts
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10/21/2011 3:38:14 PM

10229 Posts
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seriously fred i think you are usuallyalmost always evenhanded and all

but you're judging just that one thread, and there's a reason everyone gangs up on GeniusBoy. Just saying. I guess we could ignore him but HOLY LORD MAKE IT STOP

10/21/2011 4:21:36 PM

37776 Posts
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Have you people not realized that YOU have the power to stop trolls?

QUIT FUCKING RESOONDING TO THEM. All they want is attention. And you assholes keep giving them attention by responding to them. STOP IT. Don't feed the trolls. They will die without attention.

10/21/2011 5:57:43 PM

13178 Posts
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10/21/2011 8:58:12 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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can't suspend someone for simply being stupid

10/23/2011 7:36:56 AM

All American
9012 Posts
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Quote :
"can't suspend someone for simply being stupid"

problem found

10/23/2011 3:08:15 PM

16786 Posts
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Are you all babies?

All I hear is crying.

10/23/2011 5:42:38 PM

13178 Posts
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Its funny how you never posted in JP's thread again after this thread was made.

Yeah, I'm sure you weren't trolling.

10/23/2011 5:51:22 PM

16786 Posts
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Did JP respond to my question?

The last time I checked, he left me hanging.

After 72 hours later, I've moved on.

I realize he doesn't want help. He just wanted reassurance for a decision that was already made in his mind, regardless of its logistical state of true or false.

10/23/2011 5:54:28 PM

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