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he didn't change all the rules, he just didn't rehash the same one liners and elements from the original trilogy and gave us something fresh to consume

I don't trust JJ to have a cohesive storytelling anyways, he may be good at creating mysteries but not so great at answering them

4/6/2018 4:30:30 PM

Forgetful Jones
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4/6/2018 5:14:55 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The entire first half of the movie was full of jokes even in serious situations that should not have had comedic relief."

Yeah that really bugged me too actually. That part at the very beginning when Poe was on the comm with Hux and made that joke about being on hold? Why would they be using telephone lingo from our time/galaxy?

And there was even that really random part where it cut to a different scene and it looked like some kind of intimidating spaceship shooting out gas or something. Then it zoomed out and it was just a droid ironing a uniform. That was so random/out of place.

4/6/2018 5:53:42 PM

?? ????? ??
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Quote :
"he didn't change all the rules, he just didn't rehash the same one liners and elements from the original trilogy and gave us something fresh to consume"

Things that were of special significance 5 minutes ago mean absolutely nothing now. I'm a fan of confounding expectations but not for every single piece of the story. And he didn't just do it to Ep7 story lines, he did it to his own.

Getting Luke his saber back? Doesn't matter
Why did Rey see visions when she touched it? Doesn't matter
Who is Snoke? Doesn't matter
Where did Rey come from? Doesn't matter
Where are the other knights of Ren? Doesn't matter

Big lesson about sacrifice for the greater good...nope, a forced love story matters more. Maybe if Holdo had a love interest like Finn did she could have been stopped. Have Rose harp on Finn for not being heroic...then stopped him the one time he actually was.

Show us that Luke's X-Wing is still in one piece (sunk like it was on Degobah) so Luke can raise it up and fly back to the battle...nope, Force projection instead.

Yoda stops Luke from destroying the books...then himself destroys the books...nope Rey took them from the hut so they aren't maybe Yoda knew that and just wanted to make Luke think they were why did he bother stopping Luke...and what did it matter because Luke was dead 10 minutes later

Yes JJ Abrams could have done a better job setting it up if there was just one big mystery to solve and not a dozen., but that doesn't mean not a single one of them should matter. It wasn't a bad film. It was just really annoying having a movie flip the bird to the audience every other scene.

[Edited on April 6, 2018 at 6:51 PM. Reason : -]

4/6/2018 6:50:42 PM

All American
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just watched it for the first time the other day. I enjoyed myself. I don't get into all the mechanics and why this doesn't work and why this shouldn't happen. But when Leia fucking zoomed back into the ship after getting blasted out into space........i fucking omegaluled

4/11/2018 12:05:31 PM

All American
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So for the folks that are really into the Star Wars universe, is Christianity a documented religion? I mean we don't really see any other religion mentioned other than...I guess you can consider those to use the force as practicing a religion.

But Poe uses several expletives in The Last Jedi that refer to Christianity..hell, damned.

Was just curious.

4/13/2018 9:04:22 AM

Forgetful Jones
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4/13/2018 9:17:55 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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4/13/2018 9:40:13 AM

All American
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This movie was worse than Phantom Menace to me.

4/13/2018 1:52:23 PM

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its because poe is from planet hollywood

4/13/2018 3:44:29 PM

All American
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fuckin’ assholes, man

6/5/2018 11:20:23 AM

All American
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rjrumfel said:
Quote :
"But Poe uses several expletives in The Last Jedi that refer to Christianity..hell, damned."

In A New Hope, Uncle Owen warns Aunt Beru that if Luke doesn't complete a chore by midday, "there'll be Hell to pay."

In The Empire Strikes Back, when a Rebel trooper warns Han about the dangers of going out into the lethal cold of night on Hoth, he replies, "Then I'll see you in Hell!"

You should take it as an idiomatic translation of the concept of a punitive afterlife, the experience of great suffering, or particularly bad trouble. More of an analogy to the Christian Hell rather than literally Christian Hell.

6/5/2018 2:12:20 PM

Forgetful Jones
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6/5/2018 7:04:18 PM

?? ????? ??
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Christians aren't the only ones with a concept of Hell, and in fact their version is a much newer philosophy compared to many others.

6/6/2018 12:58:49 PM

All American
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Bdmazur is correct. The Duelist concept of a heaven/hell was probably stitched into the fabric of ancient Israelite religion via interaction with Persian Zoroastrianism sometime in the late Iron Age- perhaps during the period of the Jewish exile in Babylon following the sacking of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar in the mid 6th century BCE.

6/6/2018 6:27:15 PM

All American
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Luke: Train me Yoda
Yoda: No
Written and Directed by George Lucas

6/6/2018 6:56:12 PM

Forgetful Jones
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but he did train him, so that's not a good analogy

6/6/2018 10:04:36 PM

All American
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And Luke did help

6/7/2018 12:44:44 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Just rewatched this. It's so fucking bad the second time through.

12/26/2019 12:58:42 PM

All American
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such a better movie than the Rise of Skywalker

at the very least it has a plot that makes sense/the pace of a movie and not a video game

12/26/2019 2:01:29 PM

All American
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Agree w/ justinh524. I made myself watch it last night so I could be ready for TRS tomorrow.

I hate the whole "anyone can have the force" narrative. But in today's world, it's bad mojo to only allow a few elites be Jedis. Sorta like Jedi privilege.

12/26/2019 2:05:28 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Quote :
"at the very least it has a plot that makes sense"

LOL. TLJ is a terribly written movie.

12/26/2019 2:28:08 PM

All American
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explain your position, plz

12/26/2019 2:39:17 PM

All American
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Well for one, no where in this universe do we see that electricity works any differently than ours. So the whole "plugging one hole only to have 3 more pop up" gag with BB-8 was really, really dumb. Like assaulting our intelligence dumb.

12/26/2019 4:13:36 PM

All American
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just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it does

12/26/2019 4:25:15 PM

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the biggest question lingering on my mind is about the "lightspeed skipping" scene where they somehow evaded the first order and landed on the rebel base. How did the first order not just track the resistance to the new base? How did they manage to escape the lightspeed tracking that seemed to be inescapable? Was this explained and I just missed it or are we to assume they just light jump until all the ships chasing them either crash or get 2 jumps behind and lose them.

I guess that would explain how low fuel levels made evasion impossible for the rebel fleet. How do they refuel? Instead of going to a casino, why couldn't they just go get extra fuel and bring it back to the fleet during the 2nd movie?

12/26/2019 5:44:43 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Quote :
"the biggest question lingering on my mind is about the "lightspeed skipping" scene where they somehow evaded the first order and landed on the rebel base"

Did you miss the second best part of the entire movie (next to the milking) where Laura Dern light speed jumped through Snoke's ship + some more star destroyers to allow the lifeboat dealies time to make it to the base. That was the only jump after they figured out the first order could track them.

Quote :
"explain your position, plz"

The jokes - WACK
The entire Finn/Rose subplot and weird "romance" - WACK
The ways they killed off the two interesting bad guys introduced in TFA - WACK
The stupid ending trying to say bloodlines don't matter when all these giant wars are because of the Skywalkers - WACK

12/26/2019 7:19:04 PM

Forgetful Jones
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tgl3 probably thought it was great writing when Luke tossed his lightsaber away at the beginning, to really set the tone of the film and completely ruin the cliffhanger from the end of TFA

I don't think TLJ is as bad as some people do but it's easily the worst movie of the sequel "trilogy". But I guess when Rian Johnson started writing the script before TFA even came out, that probably should've been a red flag.

[Edited on December 26, 2019 at 10:01 PM. Reason : .]

12/26/2019 9:59:01 PM

All American
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I don’t think that one specific example is enough to point out that the writing in TLJ was better than whatever the hell was going on in the new one

the one that you have such an issue with had a director who is a much better director than who directed TFA and the new one, tho

12/27/2019 12:43:44 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Maybe he's a better director, but he's a much worse writer.

12/27/2019 12:44:54 AM

All American
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I completely disagree, which is fine

Disney deserves flack for not having a clear vision/plan like Marvel did

I happen to prefer Rian Johnson’s vision of not rehashing the past and doing his own thing and get why the fanboys didn’t like it


Quote :
" The entire Finn/Rose subplot and weird "romance" - WACK"

wasn’t really a romance at all. one character fell for the other without the other reciprocating. I do think one of the few things Disney had their say in was to make sure Finn lived to be in the 3rd movie. Rose falling for him and saving him was a pretty convenient way of doing that.

[Edited on December 27, 2019 at 1:03 AM. Reason : .]

12/27/2019 12:54:37 AM

All American
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lol.. the "broadcast" mentioned at the beginning.. was only viewable in fortnite?

how far this stupid shit has fallen.

12/27/2019 8:49:09 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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I don't play fortnite and I saw that shit the day it came out.

12/27/2019 10:05:44 AM

All American
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oops meant to post^ in episode 9 thread.

12/27/2019 11:44:43 AM

All American
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Da fuck? I didn't even know that there was actually an announcement. The fact that you had to be playing fortnite to hear it is one of the stupidest decisions I've ever heard of in my life. Why would they not at least make it on Battlefront or Fallen Order since those are at least Star Wars games. wtf were they thinking!?

12/27/2019 11:05:54 PM

All American
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^That the people playing those games were already going to see SW9 a dozen times each and Fortnite was a better place to sink advertising dollars?

12/27/2019 11:42:33 PM

All American
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So I watched this again after seeing Rise of Skywalker. Found more issues in the first 20 minutes that I didn't think about before. Kinda nitpicky, but I thought this universe had its own alphabet. It's those weird characters we see in their viewfinders and whatnot. Well, he said "Commander Hux, with an "H"" in that opening "on hold" sequence.

Also, I don't recall Poe taking out the Dreadnought's deflector shield, so why didn't it have one? Those bombs shouldn't have been able to penetrate a shield.

1/6/2020 2:37:21 PM

Drunk yet Orderly
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All the language in the movies is "translated" from Star Wars Galactic Basic to English as we watch, so the "H" ("Herf" in Galactic Basic) would also be translated to what we understand - it works out okay in my opinion.

The bombs and shield.... not sure, but not worth reading into There is at least 4 dozen much more confusing choices, contradictions, and items that defy SW logic in this series.

1/6/2020 3:19:21 PM

All American
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Deflector shields generally only deflect energy weapons and high-velocity projectiles like micrometeoroids.

1/6/2020 3:40:30 PM

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1/6/2020 4:29:49 PM

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